Hybrid cloud application delivery use cases

Some workloads require the flexibility and scalability of public cloud, while others require the security and control of an on-premises environment. Companies that choose hybrid cloud application delivery have specific business needs that typically align with one or more of the following use cases:

Application migration to cloud

When moving existing applications from on-premises infrastructure to cloud-based infrastructure, application delivery solutions simplify the migration process and ensure that your ADCs and applications are configured correctly for the new environment.

Cloud services on-premises

When you want to use cloud services and capabilities on-premises, hybrid cloud application delivery solutions help by providing tools and services that enable organizations to easily deploy and manage cloud services on their own infrastructure.

Data center expansion 

Application delivery solutions help by providing load balancing and auto-scaling capabilities so that you can seamlessly extend your on-premises infrastructure to the cloud and increase ADC throughput during times of peak application demand.

Backup and disaster recovery

When backing up critical data and applications to the cloud to protect against data loss and ensure business continuity in the event of an outage or disaster, application delivery solutions provide automated failover and replicate application data and configurations across different servers to enable quick recovery.

Distributed data processing

When you need to process large amounts of data across multiple locations and types of infrastructure, application delivery solutions use global server load balancing (GSLB) to efficiently distribute traffic across your hybrid cloud environment.

Geographic expansion

To better serve customers or take advantage of a new market opportunity, you may be evaluating whether to deliver applications closer to your end users from a public cloud or CDN. For better application performance, global server load balancing (GSLB) services quickly and reliably deliver applications to users regardless of their locations.

Did you know?

Native load balancing solutions from cloud providers don’t account for internet latency or work as well for hybrid cloud deployments as NetScaler. And with NetScaler, you avoid lock-in to the cloud provider’s load balancing services.

Hybrid cloud application delivery with NetScaler

NetScaler provides the lowest latency to ensure an optimal application end-user experience. Independent benchmarking confirms that NetScaler outperforms its competitors in every test for latency, throughput, and CPU utilization.

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Only NetScaler eliminates the internet blind spot to give you visibility into the state of the internet. NetScaler automatically routes traffic to the optimal server for each application end user so you can deliver real-time information.

NetScaler works the same on cloud as it does on-premises: You use the same management plane and configuration commands for your ADCs no matter where you host your application. From a single dashboard, you can streamline the management, monitoring, and troubleshooting of your hybrid cloud application delivery.

All NetScaler form factors, including a containerized ADC, run on a common operating system. With NetScaler’s single management plane, you manage ADCs the same across hybrid cloud environments: Configure once and quickly deploy everywhere. Other solutions lack feature parity across environments and force you to use multiple management consoles, resulting in more management overhead.

NetScaler provides map visualization, or service graphs, that make it easy to identify application performance issues and troubleshoot faster. Quickly determine if an issue originates from the client, the ADC, or your application.

NetScaler protects internet-facing and internal applications against known and unknown vulnerabilities, including zero-day attacks. And NetScaler WAF, unlike next-generation firewalls, protects applications against the OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities, mitigates bots, and protects APIs.

With zero trust network (ZTNA) access, you can employ granular security controls to grant and restrict access to internal-facing applications based on role hierarchies — without compromising application end-user experience. NetScaler MFA tokens are compatible with the MS Authenticator and Google Authenticator mobile apps.

Connection multiplexing is a method of reusing connections to avoid the overhead on a server when establishing new connections for each request. NetScaler connection multiplexing ensures that server connections are efficiently reused, resulting in dramatically reduced SSL/TLS load on backend servers.

Deploy your NetScaler ADCs in the cloud and on-premises via AWS
NetScaler ADC with Google Anthos: Modern app delivery and security for hybrid multi-cloud
Reduce cloud infrastructure costs using NetScaler with connection multiplexing
Get started with NetScaler 

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