[go: nahoru, domu]



  • Creates a story for the component created in @fwrlines/generator-react-component

    published 1.6.1 4 years ago
  • FWR (Fewer) SCSS Library, compatible CSS4

    published 0.3.2 5 years ago
  • Creates a component for react 16.8 with a custom name and a scss file. To be used with @fwrlines/scss

    published 2.8.0 4 years ago
  • fwrlines Design System SCSS Base

    published 1.3.3 4 years ago
  • published 3.0.0 4 years ago
  • fwrlines Utils

    published 2.1.1 4 years ago
  • Generates a type and the surrounding folders for graphql server

    published 2.9.3 4 years ago
  • **A modern, lightweight, framework-agnostic, extensible theming library based on css4 variables and the setter/getter pattern.**

    published 1.0.0-beta.5 4 years ago
  • Creates a dataMap for the control panel

    published 1.3.0 4 years ago
  • Runs fine without `sass` and `sass-loader`, but including them, hoping that to harmonize runtimes. Remember that dart-sass is the only impl that has the new scss modules `@use`

    published 2.0.1 3 years ago
  • Runs fine without `sass` and `sass-loader`, but including them, hoping that to harmonize runtimes. Remember that dart-sass is the only impl that has the new scss modules `@use`

    published 2.0.0-alpha.22 3 years ago
  • Runs fine without `sass` and `sass-loader`, but including them, hoping that to harmonize runtimes. Remember that dart-sass is the only impl that has the new scss modules `@use`

    published 2.0.2 3 years ago
  • ![adrianv.sh](https://i.imgur.com/JosdwTe.gif)

    published 0.1.7 4 years ago
  • published 1.0.6-alpha.0 4 years ago
  • published 1.0.1 3 years ago
  • Activos digitales compartidos para las apps de redlibre.mx

    published 1.1.7 3 years ago
  • Shared digital assets for @fwrlines

    published 1.0.1 4 years ago
  • Activos digitales compartidos para las apps de pasaportecultural.mx

    published 1.0.1 3 years ago
  • + This is meant to be deployed on Vercel + 95/100 pagespeed, SSR + modular scss library + modular component library + includes apollo gql client lib + optimizations : terser minification, postcss reduction, css minification, es6 tree shaking,

    published 2.3.2 3 years ago
  • + None of the `modules` have a default export. + The `modules` contain the core abstract styling logic. + The `modules` need to be called either/and + By calling their `main` export, for instance `@include em-sizes.main` + By calling their root variable

    published 0.1.0 3 years ago
  • published 0.10.0 a month ago
  • published 0.1.0 3 years ago
  • Activos digitales compartidos para las apps de pasaportecultural.mx

    published 1.0.2 3 years ago
  • published 0.1.1 3 years ago
  • published 0.0.6 3 years ago
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