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JSON Container Module for Geins CMS for PWA Storefront Ralph

This module enables you to add your own components and Geins modules from Geins CMS.



Add this module to your storefront and you can add your own components and Geins modules from Geins CMS from the Merchant Center.


1. Install the module

npm i @geins/ralph-module-cms-json-container

2. Add the module to your Geins PWA Storefront Ralph

Add the module to your Geins PWA Storefront Ralph by adding the following line to your nuxt.config.json file:

  modules: [

3. Add the component from the module as the JSON widget type

Set the widgetRenderTypesComponents in your nuxt.config.json file to use the GeinsWidgetJsonContainer component for the JSON widget type.

  publicRuntimeConfig: {
      widgetRenderTypesComponents: {
        JSON: 'GeinsWidgetJsonContainer'

Module Options

Add extra options to module configuration in nuxt.config.json file.

Parameter Default Example
enabled true Enables the module
debug false Enables debug info to console


Add to desired page of your storefront. Either by cms or as a component. You can add id to the component to show a specific stream. If no id is added the component will show the next upcoming or live stream.


This module has one job. To render the JSON widget type. The component is called GeinsWidgetJsonContainer and renders the component specified in the JSON supplied to the widget.


This component is used to show the streamify player. It is used by the GeinsWidgetStreamify component. You can use it directly in your page if you want to add the player directly to your page. If


The properties of the component are one to one with the Streamify Floating Player API. You can add any property to the component and it will be passed to the API.

Property Type Default Value Required Description
configuration Object - No Configuration object to set properties for the widget.

JSON format Geins CMS

Add a JSON Widget to your page in the Geins CMS. Add the following JSON to your widget. Replace YOUR-RENDER-WIDGET-NAME with the component you wish to render. The component must be registered in your storefront, this is done automatically for Geins Ralph modules.

// nuxt.config.js

  "renderWidget": "YOUR-RENDER-WIDGET-NAME",
  "data": {
    // data object is passed to the component



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npm i @geins/ralph-module-cms-json-container

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  • olivia-geins
  • geins-io