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134 packages found
An universal JavaScript ripemd160 message digest function.
68000 ASM source code cycle counter
Library for interacting with the Wasmer Experimental IO Devices in AssemblyScript
Decompiler for Signum smart contracts. Output is SmartC Assembly
Converts SmartC assembly source code into html with syntax highlighting
x86 emulator for running simple binaries in your browser
Generate RISC-V assembly code for playing music in RARS from MIDI files.
Command-line utility for DefAssembler
Create or change .NET assembly attributes in C# and JScript source code
Command-line interface for all things Khulnasoft Workers
- triangle
- cloudflare
- workers
- cloudflare workers
- edge
- compute
- serverless
- serverless application
- serverless module
- wasm
- web
- assembly
- webassembly
- rust
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WebAssembly port of Oniguruma regex library
Port of deplinenoise/m68kdecode to Typescript
An emscripten-compiled version of the dasm macro assembler
CLI to increment and git-tag the version of .NET, C(++) and npm projects
Efficient way to combine an array of bytes
gulp-component-assembler is a gulp plug-in that assembles JavaScript components. The components are a combination of JavaScript files, HTML Templates and Localization strings.
GroupDocs.Assembly Cloud SDK for Node.js
grunt plugin for editing .NET assembly info files