Search results
245 packages found
Slice GeoJSON data into vector tiles efficiently
API for various map tile backends
Request tiles from WMS servers that support EPSG:3857
A client library for reading VersaTiles containers
Tiled Utils for Pixi.js - usable with node.js with pixi-shim
This package allows a simple connection between MessageChannel-based channels such as WebWorker
Slice GeoJSON data into vector tiles efficiently
Slice GeoJSON data into vector tiles efficiently
Splitea is a utility to split images in different sizes
A server for VersaTiles
An OGC 3DTiles viewer for Three.js
Plugin that load tile for fcanvas
Vector tile index for osm-p2p-db
Plugin allow use fcanvas in NodeJS
The plugin provides support for using fCanvas in WebWorker
Create hexagon grids easily
Generate worlds with simple sets of tiles and rules.
geo-three is library for tile based geographic map layers in with three.js supporting selective loading/unloading of real-time generated 3D tiles
Plugin for creating a centralized dashboard in Piral.
React Native Leaflet with Typescript support
- react-native
- leaflet
- react-native-leaflet
- RN-leaflet
- map
- tiles
- react
- maps
- openstreetmap
- typescript
- react-native-indoor-map
- weapp
- rn leaflet
- we app