[go: nahoru, domu]

alluxio storage data orchestration open source big data presto cloud distributed computing hybrid cloud spark machine learning file system data management summit cloud computing memory tachyon project analytics caching aws data architecture alluxio day performance hadoop cloud storage data platform hdfs hive model training separation of compute and storage multi cloud s3 distributed systems apache spark ai deep learning data loading data analytics kubernetes sql compute aws s3 data engineering infrastructure distributed storage artificial intelligence alluxio engineering gpu llm emr data data lake data locality object store meetup gpu utilization tachyon object stores tech talk release pytorch architecture intel fuse rocksdb tensorflow trino cloud migration cache data lakes facebook local cache cloud bursting google dataproc distributed data caching query engine unified namespace uber posix orchestration software development database ml gpu analytics use case apache hudi apache ozone raft office hour object storage scale hybrid cloud bursting overview compute storage separation computer metadata community tencent ceph memory centric ray software engineering product school zookeeper apache iceberg presto caching microsoft fluid alibaba datasapiens under file system zero copy bursting on-prem analytics zoo amazon emr nfs structured data management rakuten data stores conference baidu data warehouse grpc data stack demo amazon web services data ecosystem jd nvidia kyligence olap memory-centric software framework python computing generative ai cv api model traiing devops transparent uri product release analytics and ai cloud architecture twitter virtual file system apache ranger hybrid big data netapp bilibili data tagging open data platform metadata management shadow cache tiktok cache layer prometheus metrics grafana optane persistent memory raptorx disaggregated storage rapids accelerator data lake analytics dask aspect analytics webinar terraform eks t3go walkme unisound atlas starburst robinhood data catalog paypal gimel sql workloads jd.com distributed applications ing tech dataproc google cloud hybrid data lake helixa comcast china unicom aunalytics hub hybrid shannondb storagequery s3 api analytic workloads public cloud deep learning applications high performance high-performance scalable metadata services structured data services catalog service spark workloads remote data software testing unified data zero copy hybrid bursting mapr cloud workloads dc/os object store analytics on-premise compute e-commerce datasets pipeline api usability concurrency iceberg netflix alibaba cloud gene computing structured data search queries ryte zero-copy burst distributed query walmartlabs global namespace multi-tiering 2.0 preview unified bigdata tutorial storage system security parquet amazon amplab pingo tachyon nexus elastic mapreduce developers developer datawarehouse etl financial services decoupling compute and storage data unification virtualization distributed system in-memory storage qiniu sogou business intelligence ctrip momo talking data mesosphere qunar strata
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