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My 3rd death threat from Trump supporters over my 2 Joe Biden signs in my front yard.

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u/Wyrdeone avatar

For real, Cameras. Get the dumb fucks on video and then hand it to the FBI.

The more of these violent cretins get locked up before November the fewer are voting Trump.

Everytime I see another demented youth pastor rapist or violent racist idiot arrested I think, that's one less voter for the crazies.

Don’t forget 3000-5000 boomers die every day. That’s over half a mil before the election

u/Wyrdeone avatar

They say demographics are destiny, right?

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This was posted somewhere else too and OP said he has lots of cameras that recorded the whole thing but the Sheriff loves Trump too, so they won’t help him.

u/Wolfgangsta702 avatar

State’s attorney hates cops that don’t do their jobs. So do the Feds

u/powpowpowpowpow avatar

And file a lawsuit. Chances are good he blows up in court and gets hit with contempt

Record every interaction with everyone. Papers, emails, etc.

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u/Jealous_Priority_228 avatar

And hey, if everything else fails - social media and your local news. Kicking up a storm will definitely grease the glacial wheels of justice.

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u/Smokey_tha_bear9000 avatar

Florida states attorney is a MAGA fuck too. Fuck Ashley Moody

u/OkAmbassador1293 avatar

My condolences. Thankfully, this is in AR

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u/oneWeek2024 avatar

hell if it's florida just replace the signs, and shoot the next person who comes to take it. stand your ground and whatnot.

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Doesn't matter if the Sheriff won't help, the feds don't fuck around about this type of stuff. OP needs to report this mentally challenged hateful neighbor asap.

u/Shimmitar avatar

report the sherrif too

u/PortlyWarhorse avatar

Even better, get a phone call with the sheriff and record that as well. Won't be so easy to give any benefit of doubt at that point.

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It's quite literally terrorism.

u/Osric250 avatar

And voter intimidation.

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u/panlakes avatar

Judging from their comments OP seems to have their shit together so I have hope this is exactly what they'll do

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u/theDarkDescent avatar

That’s why you go to the feds 

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And then swift legal action.

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What the hell does some of this even say?

"you bether Have your baSS 7uckel"


Comment removed by moderator

The amount of autocorrect that you would have had to manually re-edit is mind-boggling

u/tinywords avatar

You're so right. Despite my best efforts I'm sure I missed some typos and other nonsense because autocorrect was so aggressive. Turns out it's actually quite difficult to be this stupid. 

What do you think "have your bass 7acked" means?

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u/robmobtrobbob avatar

They make it look so easy

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That had to have hurt your brain to transcribe.

Have a cookie:


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I laughed harder than I expected at trump will give you 9 chance.

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This was actually insanely helpful because it made me realize that 7’s are P’s and capital S’s are sometimes G’s and that it’s supposed to say “bags packed” not “bass 7ackd” so thank you for this transcription.

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Better have your bass jacked! Maybe OP has a sweet stereo system.

Or a really buff fish.

Meeting this moron on the lawn and slapping him soundly with a very jacked fish does sound like the alpha move here.

And afterwards, hand him a spelling primer.

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Oh that just means they have to covfefe their gaspacho

LOL! I had completely forgotten about the "Gaspacho Police"

u/donkismandy avatar

Marge is an affront to all of humanity but gazpacho police is the gift that keeps on giving 

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"you better have your bags packed"

I thought it said "bass jacked" and was wondering how a booming bottom end was going to help.

u/Ok-Function1920 avatar

I thought it said Bass Jacket, like apparel for fishing

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His s is the exact same as his g.

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u/TheCelestial08 avatar

I think it is "packed". So he's saying that OP needs to empty out the bass pond behind his house before leaving. /s

u/Nevadadrifter avatar

Because if there's one thing the MAGA crowd hates, it's an overpopulated bass pond.

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u/starrpamph avatar

baSS 7uckelberg

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Honestly this is the path. The note contains a direct threat

u/fingerscrumble avatar

I like to meme on crazy people (I probably would’ve posted this on Reddit had it been my porch for shits and giggles) but realistically I’m going straight to my local police headquarters immediately. Never know if the wrong person gets access to social media and can’t handle the pressure of a different opinion so they take it out on someone undeserving. Crazy times nowadays. Stay safe ❤️


I’m part of another sub that OP posted in. r/boomersbeingfools Another person asked the same question, and OP said they went to the police, but they literally said “no laws” were broken and just cuz they’re a Biden supporter doesn’t mean you can take away other peoples “freedom of expression.” So yeah, they were useless, to the FEDS

Very important to mention this in the FBI report.

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u/theSchmoopy avatar

That’s because police are unless. Take it to the FBI directly.

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Not American, so maybe someone can fill me in.

The theft of the signs, trespass for the purpose of said theft, and the written threats of violence are not crimes? And they won't take away the alleged thief's "freedom of expression" which they exercised by stealing campaign signs, as though that's not infringing upon OPs own freedom of expression?

Man y'all are fucked over there

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The vast majority of police simp for Trump. I’d go federal level immediately.

u/gsfgf avatar

Yea. The FBI has its obvious issues, but your typical FBI agent is a professional. Definitely a better bet than some local cop in Trumpistan.

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u/Usual_Teacher_5596 avatar

Yup. Based on the handwriting, it’s entirely possible a cop wrote it.

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If they mentioned your race, religion, or sexual orientation, even if they got that wrong, make sure to highlight that prominently.

u/CatsAreGods avatar

Well, they did try to spell pedophile, but...

To be fair, their 8 yr old lover helped write this.

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u/alphabeticdisorder avatar

Yeah, this ones no longer fun and games, this person could really be dangerous.

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"We will take more than just the signs next time"

They will just argue that they meant they would also take the garden gnomes.

So, what did “we will run you over” mean?

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I'm going first thing Monday. The local sheriff is telling me it is protected speech and refused to watch the video of him tearing my mailbox off my house, shoving that letter inside it, and then throwing it at my front door. It's a boomer that literally lives up the street from me

Then the note, the video, and the police report and your testimony of the sheriff’s response all go to the FBI.

Yeah looks like the sheriff is acting in a political fashion. Not cool at all.

Is it not a crime to take political signs? If he stole them like the note implies that’s breaking the law. It is not free speech to threaten someone. Go over this officer’s head.

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u/goes_up_comes_down avatar

this is by design

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Attorney here, I would highly advise you do this, op.

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Media too. Get the sheriff on camera defending his lack of doing his job.

u/Prestigious-Owl165 avatar

Honestly there's no solution to this that ends well imo besides moving. Piss off the sheriff in some podunk town in fucking Arkansas? Cops have carte blanche to make your life miserable with no accountability, so why dare them to?

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I would be very careful with that as I can see OP's information "accidentally" getting leaked if OP did that.

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u/Lopsided_Panic_1148 avatar

Destruction of mailboxes is also a federal offense. You don't fuck with the mail or mail receptacles.


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Go to the postal inspector about the mail box. They take that shit seriously

u/firemogle avatar

When the local hick cop gets usurped by the postal inspector he's gonna have his feelings hurt too

Fuck em, they had their chance to be the hero responding to a federal crime. They can kiss the Postmaster Inspector's ass and lick that stamp.

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Postal inspectors have way more power than most people realize.

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u/operez1990 avatar

Postal Inspectors are to be feared more than local PD and sheriffs.

Steve Bannon was arrested by a postal inspector on a yacht. They get the job done.

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If a postal inspector or a game warden shows up, you are pretty fucked.

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u/CynthiasPomeranian avatar

When you control the mail you control information.

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Agree. Messing with mail is a federal offense.

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Your local sheriff should be reported too then.

Always record your interactions with the police. Always always always.

Yup some of the most fucked up stuff I've read in the news was done by law enforcement, laws for thee but not for me, that's the new motto beside to go home saft to my family. What ever happened to protect and serve, oh they only protect each other.

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u/senorbozz avatar

Some of those that work forces

Are the same that burn crosses

"I loved RATM till I found out they were libruls"

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Destruction of your property is not free speech. Threats are not free speech. Do you live in a one party state? If so, get a recording of the sheriff telling you this.

u/soggit avatar

destruction of federal property***

the postal inspector will not take kindly to that

"What Constitutes Mailbox Vandalism? The federal law that covers mailbox vandalism is 18 U.S.C. § 1705. This law makes it a federal crime to vandalize or destroy any mailbox or other receptacle intended for the receipt or delivery of mail."

You don’t mess with USPIS

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u/sparrownetwork avatar

Isn't destroying a mailbox also a federal crime? Maybe the postal inspector would be interested.

u/Markor1an avatar

It is, yes.

u/soggit avatar

What Constitutes Mailbox Vandalism? The federal law that covers mailbox vandalism is 18 U.S.C. § 1705. This law makes it a federal crime to vandalize or destroy any mailbox or other receptacle intended for the receipt or delivery of mail.

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u/bamahoon avatar

If anyone will help you, it will be the postal inspector. Report the threat to both the FBI and postal. Destroying a mail box is a federal crime.

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Except it isn't. The sheriff 100% is a maga supporter and wants to protect his own. Report the sheriff as well.

u/DanTheMan1_ avatar

Yeah. I mean we obviously can only take people at their word on the internet. But if there is video to someone tearing out a mailbox and tossing it on the front step and the police refuse to do anything... I am no lawyer but pretty sure that is illegal.

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Make copies and keep the original safe. Don't let the cops make it disappear. Anticipate more letters/threats and keep everything. Document everything.

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Yeah if you've got video of that, boomer is going to jail. As he should. Postal inspector. Seriously.

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u/finalattack123 avatar

Death threats are illegal.

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Holding up a sign is protected speech. Death threats are not.

u/matt_minderbinder avatar

Sheriff's are the most openly politically willing fascist arms of right wing politics. Sheriff groups are deeply blind trump supporters. I'm not blaming g on trusting police but sheriffs are the least trustworthy, especially when it comes to something like this. Threats aren't protected speech and I'm sure that sheriff knows that. Definitely go the FBI route or at the very least the state police.

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Report your sheriff when you report your boomer. That shit's serious.

Mail box destruction is a Federal Offense and a felony. Talk to a postal inspector.

typically trump supporting cop bullshit. fuck those bastards.

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OP we need you to take up this side quest

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Put it on Nextdoor with a preface. We are all Americans with every right to our own opinions but to threaten is beyond the pale. Have the sleuths look At it. Watch the thread go To pieces.

Absolutely. Need to get this identified and all your neighbors need to know if someone that unhinged is living next to them.

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u/PerceptionShift avatar

Bold choice to criminally threaten somebody's homestead in Arkansas:


OP is probably a reasonable fellow that knows you can't shoot away your problems. But the note writer isn't bright enough to know this card could be a license to kill. 

OP has a Federal Firearms License and is an hobbyist gunsmith...

u/natedogg624 avatar

That can’t be true! Libs don’t own guns it’s only the republicans that have guns. Protect my 2A! /s

They’d all go bankrupt buying more guns if they knew how many of us are armed. We just don’t make it our entire personality.

u/goofy183 avatar

That last bit is so key.

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u/MetaJonez avatar

Nor do we advertise the fact at every opportunity like bloody morons.

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The right wing militias are loot drops at this point. They can't carry more than 10 lbs or walk a km

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u/alphabeticdisorder avatar

Biden voter, not necessarily liberal. Just a fan of democracy and America.

u/ih8memes avatar

I think this is most Biden voters. Would love to avoid civil and world wars.

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u/Sargash avatar

When you go far enough left you get your guns back.

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Thank you for putting up Joe Biden signs. Most of us are too scared but we will still be voting in November. I’ve never seen so many scared to post signs as there are this year.

u/iPinch89 avatar

I'm a liberal in a deep red state, no signs. Not worth it to me to deal with threats. 

u/MonteBurns avatar

Purple state here, neighbor has a “veterans for Trump” sign up. Not putting ANYTHING up knowing someone that delusional lives near by

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Accurate. I was awake in the living room at 3am two years ago when a group of people came to our house and ripped the progress (gay pride + racial justice) flag off the front of our porch, 10 feet from me. They had to jump off the porch holding the flagpole to break it, but they got it. Shattered the mechanism because I had it drilled into the cedar posts.

I live in Washington state. Not Mississippi.

Not every republican is a fucked up lunatic. But when 99% of the fucked up lunatics are republicans, it's time to change something, for fuck's sake. Something is WRONG.

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Cheers neighbor, I’m also an enthusiast. leftists should absolutely be armed

I'm not even going to call us "leftists" or "liberals", but every smart, decent human being that I know that's a gun owner is 100% more responsible with their firearms than any openly MAGA dipship.

  • Put NRA stickers all over my car, leave a loaded gun in it while it's parked in my driveway, and then act surprised when it gets stolen?

  • Muzzle sweep the entire family when showing of the newest purchase at Christmas "It's unloaded!".

  • Hey, need help sighting in your new AR? "Nah, It's just for home protection.". (So accuracy doesn't matter...under pressure...in your home...where you live with your wife and kids?)

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Just go around the neighborhood and ask everyone to spell the word “Pedophile.” The most confidently wrong person is the culprit

u/Biomirth avatar

OP already knows who it is. See above.

u/runhomejack1399 avatar

Above what

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u/09232022 avatar

I actually caught someone stealing from me this way once back when I lived with several roommates. Someone stole a check from my checkbook and wrote a check out for "four hundred fiftey two dollars" out to someone I didn't know. I had a copy of the deposited check. 

I took all of them for a house meeting and asked them all to write the word "fifty". The person who spelled it wrong got the boot (they didn't have an official lease anyway whereas I did). Handwriting spot on too. 

Told them they had 24 hours to gtfo or I'm calling the police. They were gone the next day lol 

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Pack your bass and take your pods with you, you podofile!

u/starrpamph avatar

Charges AirPods and thaws farm raised frozen bass

u/Biomirth avatar

Sounds like a 1/2 decent evening planned. I'll bring the camping gear.

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Im concerned about them mentioning “camps”

Do these people really hear themselves. Is Nazism really that appealing?

I know that’s a rhetorical question but yes. The prospect of being the ones doing the oppressing/torturing is greatly appealing to these people. 

And funny enough, they are the same ones that said that after the vaccines and mask mandates would come the camps. It is ALWAYS projection.

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u/CamelQuiet300 avatar

I had the most unhinged conversation w my dad last night. It was short because I cut off his stupidity/conspiracies very quickly but the glimpse I got of what is going on inside his head is downright terrifying. I miss my dad.

I’m so sorry. 

I know it doesn’t make it better but there are lots of communities built around this phenomenon of losing parents to Fox News or now weird right wing conspiracies.  If you need community or analysis it’s out there. 

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u/rbrgr83 avatar

They owned the libs once in the 2016 election, and they've been chasing that high at any cost ever since. True addict behavior.

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u/Beautiful-Tale5505 avatar

Say it with me folks. Conservatism is caused by actual brain damage to certain areas that involve acceptance, empathy and compassion.

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u/Polkawillneverdie81 avatar

They think they're the good guys.

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With a 24 hour propaganda machine telling them non stop that liberals are monsters that are going to eat your children for literally fucking 20 years honestly it’s a wonder it hadn’t gotten this bad sooner.

Once they figured out how to weaponized the internet it was game over. These people will be fed lies until they gleefully tear the world apart. Whole bunch of fucking idiots too stupid and lazy to face reality.

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u/jhicks79 avatar

blow this note card up into sign size and put it in your yard and mock the writer.

Mark it with grammar and spelling corrections, too, like it’s a middle school essay.

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u/Desirsar avatar

Change the signature to "Coward who wouldn't sign their name to back up their statement."

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u/gaberax avatar

Fuck the local sheriff, contact the FBI.

...in that exact order, or...?


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u/techm00 avatar

ah another "concerned citizen" who threatens yet is too cowardly to sign their name to it. Weaksauce.

You should add another biden sign every time you get one of these, and as others have wisely recommended - contact the authorities

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Writes like a 3rd grader.. check

A concerned chicken

Acts like one. Writes like one

u/vergro avatar

*concerd chicken

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The MAGA cult have got to be the most mentally unstable and insane bunch of terrorists and lunatics in America these days.

u/DigNitty avatar

I’m am literally afraid to put anything remotely democratic on my car. And I don’t even live in a super conservative area.

I feel like someone would key my car or cops would target me.

u/thomport avatar

Don’t. They will.

Just VOTE. Nothing else matters.

Ironically this supports their “stolen election” claims because they “never see any Biden voters”.

No, we just don’t advertise because it’s not our entire personality…

And he is just the nominee for our party, we wouldn’t even think about him if he wasn’t.

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u/bossmcsauce avatar

Vote hard, but prepare for the worst. Big dog in the house is the best deterrent to break-ins… but as a last resort, the 2nd amendment serves to allow us to protect ourselves from crazy right-wing authoritarian terrorists just as much as it does to protect us against a tyrannical gov.

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u/Rad-Ham avatar

I'm old and broken down, and this still makes me want to beat the shit out of this "concerned citizen" I can't be the only one.

u/Robot0verlord avatar

I think you mean concerd citizen.

u/Superbead avatar

I read "a coward citizen"

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Please report this terrorist so he doesn’t harm someone. 

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u/antimeme avatar

what state?


u/Efficient_Fish2436 avatar

This is considered domestic terrorism and should be reported to the FBI. It's not a joke and should be taken seriously.

They literally talk about putting OP in a camp 😭

u/starrpamph avatar

As if the dude who wrote it wouldn’t be in that same camp for the common poor people haha..

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With the recent shooting in the state I bet the feds would look into this one. Especially if it was left in your mailbox

u/AdditionalMeeting467 avatar

OP said they ripped their mailbox out of the ground, which is a felony.

u/MatrixVirus avatar

Postal inspection service will eat them alive. They have some serious teeth most people don't realize.

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Of course it had to be Arkansas. I haven't seen as much Trump stuff out here as I did in 2020, but what I do see looks to be from deranged people. One house has a Trump flag, an upside down US flag, and a confederate flag all together. Pick a lane there guy.

u/starrpamph avatar

Fox News logo burned into the bottom corner of the chinese made tv screen

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u/victor_wynne avatar

“I love the poorly educated.”

  • Donald Trump

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u/Krimsonrain avatar
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u/avanross avatar

So are the maga’s pro pedophilia or anti-pedophilia?

Like trump has openly bragged about “liking them young” and visiting epstiens island, and had verifiable rape allegations made against him by underage girls…. Yet they still worship him and defend those very actions…

So is it that pedophilia is only okay when a repub does it?

It doesnt make any sense to me…

u/hyde04 avatar

MAGA associate people that vote against them with pedos, because somehow they believe LGBTQ+ = pedo.

u/poutinegalvaude avatar

That, and projection. Trump couldn’t stop talking about wanting to date his pubescent daughter, Gaetz is a documented pederast, Santos did drag, that senator wants to inspect kids genitalia to make sure trans girls aren’t doing girls sports, and so on. Gotta deflect the attention away from the actual problem with a good scapegoat

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u/hookisacrankycrook avatar

Taking cues from their gods Trump and Elon Musk. Remember Musk called the cave rescuer a pedo for the simply saying there wasn't time for Musk to build a submarine that wouldn't work anyway

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u/o_MrBombastic_o avatar

Trumps chosen pastor and another guy on the GOPs Education First board got exposed just the this week and I bet money another will be exposed before the end of the month https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/24/2242636/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-52

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u/I_Hunt_Wolves avatar

How did Law Enforcement respond?

The sheriff said it was protected speech and refused to take a report. He is also a magat...

Take it up with the FBI. That is not protected speech. It is a threat. The FBI will recognize the difference.

u/Grundens avatar

Also go to your local news station about the sheriff not doing anything

I feel like this is a great way for the local Sheriffs office to get you on whatever trumped up bullshit charges they want.

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Even more reason to contact the FBI then.

u/damontoo avatar

Also report the sheriff to the FBI as part of this report.

u/Icy_Extreme8590 avatar

I was going to suggest consulting an attorney about the Sheriff, and then maybe they'll have a nice lawsuit.

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u/Kialand avatar

Protected speech my ass.

That's a direct, overt and word-for-word clear threat.

He told you what he thinks. He told you what not to do. And he told you what he'll do if you do it anyways.

Do X, and I'll do Y.

That's a fucking threat if I've ever seen one. That Sheriff is a complete fucking dumbass.

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Is that illegal? Isn’t it his job?

u/hookisacrankycrook avatar

SCOTUS had been clear that police have no duty to protect you

I fucking hate this corruption and lack of humanity in our government 🙃

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u/Soma86ed avatar

Please please please report this to the FBI and then update us. I think it’d be therapeutic for a lot of people.

u/Fjdenigris avatar

Threats are protected speech? Am I taking crazy pills??!!?!!?

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u/starrpamph avatar

Call from a different phone and be like. This deranged Biden supporter sent me something threatening, can you help me?

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you should buy security cameras. and contact your local fbi office.

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u/lmac187 avatar

Get cameras and put more signs.

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“When Trump is put back in office”.
Not elected, put back.

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u/Nannyphone7 avatar

As a cult shrinks,  the average member gets crazier because the saner ones leave sooner. By the end of Trumpism, it will be very small, but they will all be zealots willing to die or kill for Dear Leader.

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Go straight to the local FBI field office with that.

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u/bagel-bites avatar

Fuck it, put out 5 times the signs.

... and don't forget the cam with tested cloud storage

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u/DunkinEgg avatar

One of the houses in my neighborhood has a “Fuck Joe Biden” flag in their front yard. Real classy. Thought about putting up a sign in support of Biden in my yard, but I’m sure I’d get shit like the OP got. These people are fucking nuts.

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u/DarwinGhoti avatar

Correct the spelling and grammar, blow it up to yard sign size and put it next to the Biden signs.

I wouldn’t even correct the spelling and grammar. Just how it is is how it would go up next to the Biden signs.

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u/iiitme avatar

Report to the police and email the local news

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