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๐ŸงŠ Spatial Partitioning

Spatial partitioning is a technique for dividing a space into multiple sub-spaces, or partitions, to aid in the processing and management of data. It is used in a variety of applications, from collision detection to ray tracing. Here is a nice visualization of how it works (opens in a new tab).

A simple use case could be checking the distance between the player and nearby enemies in a game. If there are 100 enemies, you would have to check the distance between the player and all 100 enemies. If you divide the game world into 4 quadrants, you would only have to check the distance between the player and the enemies in the quadrant the player is in, resulting in a significant performance boost.

Here are some libraries to help you implement spatial partitioning in your projects.

Quadtrees (2D)

Wikipedia (opens in a new tab)

Octrees (3D)

Wikipedia (opens in a new tab)


Bounding Volume Hierarchy: Wikipedia (opens in a new tab)