[go: nahoru, domu]

Get instant answers to your questions about WellaHealth

Our basic plan includes malaria tests and drugs at the closest pharmacy to you, health checks, telemedicine, diet plans, and weekly health tips.

If you also wish to be covered for typhoid tests and drugs, hospitalization, and accidental death, take a look at our HospiCash plan, which includes everything in the Basic plan PLUS typhoid tests and drugs,hospitalization cover of N100, 000 per year, N80, 000 payout to your next of kin in case of accidental death, and more.

You can choose to pay quarterly, bi-annually or annually for either of our plans.

Still, need help with this? You can speak directly to a customer care agent who will advise you further.

Call +2349087482264 or send a message on WhatsApp

The basic plan includes malaria tests and drugs at your preferred pharmacy, but you also have access to several other benefitssuch as blood pressure and diabetes check, telemedicine, and weekly health tips

You can get malaria tests and treatment once a month with the basic plan.

Your other benefits such as BP check and diabetes check are unlimited. You can access those as many times as you wish,however you really don’t need a BP check or diabetes check every month, you only need them once every 3 - 6 months.

Get the HospiCash plan. The HospiCash plan covers you for any illness that keeps you in a hospital for 2 nights or more.

You are covered for N100,000 per year for admission expenses, N80,000 for funeral assistance paid to your next of kin,malaria and typhoid tests and drugs at your preferred pharmacy,blood pressure and diabetes check, telemedicine, weekly health tips.

We only currently cover blood and stool culture for typhoid (not Widal tests).

Once you have decided on which plan is right for you the next step is to choose how you want to sign up.

You can sign up on our website with your bank card (ATM Card). It’s fast and secure. Just follow this link:here


You can also sign up by contacting our customer service agents on WhatsApp and they’ll help you.

Health care in Nigeria is expensive and unreliable, so a health care cover helps provide some solutions to these issues.

For instance, it costs about N3,500 to get quality malaria drugs and tests and most Nigerians get malaria 3 times a year, that means a lot of Nigerians spend atleast N10, 000 treating malaria every year! With a health cover, the cost reduces by at least 50 % !

This savings also applies to all other health care needs you may have. Hospitalization in a general hospital cost at least N2,000 per night! A health cover will reducethat cost for you and make it easier for you to get the help you need

And all of this gets even more expensive when it’s a child that falls ill.

That is why you need a health cover.

Watch this video to get a bit more information on how health cover can help you and your family to save money.

Yes, you can pay with a bank transfer.

Send the transfer to:

3360003747 Wellahealth TechnologiesEcobank

And call or send us a message on WhatsApp right away with your proof of payment and the following information:

  • Your name and surname:
  • Your phone number:
  • Your email address:
  • Your address:
  • Your date of birth:

Remember to add your phone number in your transaction narration/description so we can identify your payment easily.

To find a pharmacy, you can either use the pharmacy search on our website here or contact customer service directly if you can’t find a pharmacy you want.

We always recommend that you find a pharmacy close to your house so you can experience a faster service

To make a claim with your malaria plan:

  • Log into your dashboard, go to plan benefits
  • Select “Make a claim” and choose whichever claim you want “BP Check”, “Malaria”, “Diabetes”
  • Someone from customer care will call you to confirm your claim and send you to a pharmacy close to you
  • OR
  • Call customer care at +2349087482264 or send a message on WhatsApp requesting for a claim
  • Customer care will then send you to a pharmacy close to you
  • The pharmacist will be expecting you and attend to you when you get there

We always encourage our subscribers to use their benefits as often as possible, which iswhy we have benefits that are necessary for good health and very easy to access.

For example, all our plans come with health checks, such as a BP check and diabetes test that you can avail at your preferred pharmacy to accessevery month before your plan expires.

Not having to use your plan means you've been in great health, which is good news! And for staying healthy, we have a reward program that gives back 20% of your subscription amount.But the purpose of the plan is to have coverage for when unexpected illnesses happen

However, as part of general health practices, we encourage you to get your blood pressure and sugar levels tested regularly.That's why you can access both of these tests as part of your plan.

No, family members cannot make a claim by using your account.

But we make it easy to add any family members to your plan. Just give us a call and we'll let you know the cost to add them to your plan, or they can subscribe for an individual plan for themselves.

We have a dedicated team who are waiting to speak to you as well.

Call/SMS +2349087482264 or send a message on WhatsApp Hours: Monday to Friday 9 AM to 5 PM

For the Basic plan:You can access malaria tests and treatment once a month.For the other benefits under the malaria plan such as diabetes and BP check, you can access as often as you need.

For HospiCash:You can access hospitalization cover five times a year.However, keep in mind that your yearly cover is capped at N100, 000.For the other benefits under HospiCash, you can access malaria and typhoid tests and treatment once a month, and everything else as often as you need.Accidental death cash cover is paid out to your next of kin in the event of death.

Cancelling your health cover means you will lose access to all the great benefits you have such as malaria and typhoid tests and treatment, cashback on hospitalization,BP check, diabetes check, etc, so we really wish you wouldn't cancel.

If you must cancel, you can log into your account and cancel from your dashboard OR call customer service at 2349027009421, you can also send a message on WhatsApp

No, we do not currently have an app.

However, all our subscribers have a dedicated account page that can be accessed via desktop or mobile.

Renewing your policy is easy! You can renew from your dashboard by logging into your account and renewing from there. .

You can also contact customer care and they will renew it for you easily.

Upgrading to a different plan or to a longer duration can be done by contacting customer care and making your request known.They will provide you with everything you need, you make payment, and you get upgraded right away.

There is no wait time for upgrades.

If the pharmacy you are sent to does not attend to you, please contact customer care right away and we will either speak to thepharmacy to understand what the issue is, resolve it, and get them to attend to you, or we will send you to another pharmacy close by.

After you have been discharged from the hospital, pay your hospital bills, make sure you collect all your receipts. When you get home,send all your receipts to us at claims@wellahealth.com with details of your hospitalisation.

We will contact you right away to confirm your submission and begin processing your reimbursement.

The entire claim process takes about 3 days, so you will get your money back within 3 days.

For typhoid tests and treatment, kindly send us your test results at claims@wellahealth.com or via WhatsApp on 2348179045442 and we’d make payments immediately and provide your drugs at the nearest pharmacy.

If you don’t fall sick, you cannot get a refund because your benefits do not only cover you for when you are sick, they also cover you for regularhealth checks such as diabetes check and blood pressure check.

You, however, now have 20% of the price of your expired plan credited to your WellaHealth wallet.You may use this as part of your next subscription or get discounts at any of our pharmacies nationwide.

We always encourage subscribers to use the benefits available to them whether they are sick or not.

No, you cannot add your family members to the group health cover.The group health cover is for businesses and organizations that want to buy health cover for their staff.

However, you can buy a family plan for your family and add as many people as you wish to that plan.

No, when a staff leaves your company they cease to be a staff therefore they cease to be covered by the group health cover.

At the end of every month, you will receive monthly claims report that will give you a breakdown of claims made by your staff.That way you can see who made a claim and how many people made a claim.

We also encourage you to remind your staff that they have a health coverage plan that they should take advantage of.

For discounts, contact group@wellahealth.com

And someone will be happy to assist you, who knows? They may have an irresistible discount for your business.

Yes, we do. Plans for associations are similar to our group health cover.

Kindly send an email to group@wellahealth.com and someone will assist you further.

Yes, we do.

We partner with associations or organizations that will like to resell any of our plans to their members.

Kindly send an email to group@wellahealth.com with details and someone will assist you further.

Proximity is the major factor we consider. We send the patient to the closest pharmacy for convenience.

In addition, we consider competitive pricing of medications, test kits, and service quality.

It is free of charge. Instead, Wellahealth pays you when you attend to our patients as a service provider.

That’s great. To sign up, just fill out this form and someone will contact you shortly.

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Reach out to our support team about anything and they will be ready to assist you

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