Constraint report

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This special page performs constraint checks on any entity you want. The entities are fetched from the live system, so every constraint violation you fix there will be instantly removed from this list.

The constraints are parsed from statements on properties each time those statements are edited, usually within a few minutes.

Check constraints for entity

Result for Burchard of Worms (Q62668)

: 1, : 5, : 11, : 1912, : 133

Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon ID/^(?:[A-Z]\\/[a-zA-Zô()_\-]+[1-9]*.html?)$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
consecratorWilligis should have a statement given name.value-requires-statement constraint
consecratorWilligis should have a statement for occupation with one of the following values:value-requires-statement constraint
country of citizenshipThe entities Burchard of Worms and Germany should be contemporary to be linked through country of citizenship, but the latest end value of Burchard of Worms is 20 August 1025 and the earliest start value of Germany is 1 July 1867Gregorian.contemporary constraint
BVMC person IDThis property should only have a single value with the same subject named as qualifier.single-value constraint
BVMC person IDThis property should only have a single value with the same subject named as qualifier.single-value constraint
Catholic Hierarchy person IDAn entity with Catholic Hierarchy person ID should also have a statement place of birth.item-requires-statement constraint
Parsifal cluster IDThis property is generally expected to contain only a single value.single-value constraint
Parsifal cluster IDThis property is generally expected to contain only a single value.single-value constraint
position heldThis position held statement is missing a qualifier start time.required qualifier constraint
position heldThis position held statement is missing a qualifier start time.required qualifier constraint
SHARE Catalogue author IDThis property should only have a single value with the same subject named as qualifier.single-value constraint
SHARE Catalogue author IDThis property should only have a single value with the same subject named as qualifier.single-value constraint
SHARE Catalogue author IDThis property should only have a single value with the same subject named as qualifier.single-value constraint
canonization statusAn entity with canonization status should also have a statement place of birth.item-requires-statement constraint
date of deathThis property should contain a single “best” value. Of the current multiple values, one should be marked with “preferred” rank.single-best-value constraint
date of deathThis property should contain a single “best” value. Of the current multiple values, one should be marked with “preferred” rank.single-best-value constraint