Constraint report

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This special page performs constraint checks on any entity you want. The entities are fetched from the live system, so every constraint violation you fix there will be instantly removed from this list.

The constraints are parsed from statements on properties each time those statements are edited, usually within a few minutes.

Check constraints for entity

Result for Gabriel (Q81989)

: 2, : 7, : 14, : 1, : 1545, : 13, : 49

StatusPropertyMessageConstraint ID/^(?:\d{2}\\/\d{2}\\/\d{2}-\d{2}-\d{4}(-\w+)+)$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
Ökumenisches Heiligenlexikon ID/^(?:[A-Z]\\/[a-zA-Zô()_\-]+[1-9]*.html?)$/u is not a valid regular expression.format constraint
Encyclopaedia of the Qur'ān IDThis property is generally expected to contain only a single value.single-value constraint
Encyclopaedia of the Qur'ān IDThis property's value should not be present on any other item, but is also present on Jibril.distinct-values constraint
Encyclopaedia of the Qur'ān IDThis property is generally expected to contain only a single value.single-value constraint
Encyclopaedia of the Qur'ān IDThis property's value should not be present on any other item, but is also present on Jibril.distinct-values constraint
Oxford Reference overview IDThis property's value should not be present on any other item, but is also present on Jibril.distinct-values constraint
museum-digital person IDEntities using the museum-digital person ID property should be instances of one of the following classes (or of one of their subclasses), but Gabriel currently isn't: subject type constraint
ISNIThis property's value should not be present on any other item, but is also present on Jibril.distinct-values constraint
Trismegistos god IDEntities using the Trismegistos god ID property should be instances or subclasses of deity (or of a subclass of it), but Gabriel currently isn't.subject type constraint
DDB person (GND) IDThis property's value should not be present on any other item, but is also present on Jibril.distinct-values constraint
VIAF IDThis property's value should not be present on any other item, but is also present on Jibril.distinct-values constraint
GND IDThis property's value should not be present on any other item, but is also present on Jibril.distinct-values constraint
Library of Congress authority IDThis property's value should not be present on any other item, but is also present on Jibril.distinct-values constraint
stated inValues of stated in statements should be instances or subclasses of one of the following classes (or of one of their subclasses), but Islam currently isn't: value-type constraint
stated inValues of stated in statements should be instances or subclasses of one of the following classes (or of one of their subclasses), but Christianity currently isn't: value-type constraint
stated inValues of stated in statements should be instances or subclasses of one of the following classes (or of one of their subclasses), but Judaism currently isn't: value-type constraint
canonization statusAn entity with canonization status should also have a statement date of birth.item-requires-statement constraint
said to be the same astogether with is not a valid qualifier for said to be the same as – the only valid qualifiers are:allowed qualifiers constraint
Freebase IDThis property's value should not be present on any other item, but is also present on Jibril.distinct-values constraint
Encyclopaedia of Islam (second edition) IDThis property's value should not be present on any other item, but is also present on Jibril and Holy Spirit in Islam.distinct-values constraint
Encyclopaedia of Islam (first edition) IDThis property's value should not be present on any other item, but is also present on Jibril and Holy Spirit in Islam.distinct-values constraint
Encyclopaedia of Islam (third edition) IDThis property's value should not be present on any other item, but is also present on Jibril and Holy Spirit in Islam.distinct-values constraint
canonization statusAn entity with canonization status should also have a statement place of birth.item-requires-statement constraint