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Wikidata:Persoas vivas

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This page is a translated version of the page Wikidata:Living people and the translation is 41% complete.

De igual modo que valoramos a dignidade das persoas vivas, a informacion que gardamos sobre elas merece un tratamento especial. En lugar de esforzarnos en dar toda a información posible, esforzámonos en dar unicamente a información da que temos a máis alta confianza sobre a súa veracidade e aquela que non viola as expectativas razonables que poida ter unha persoa sobre a súa privacidade. As afirmacións que se espera de maneira razonable que poidan ser controvertidas deben ser apoiadas por unha fonte fiable. Cando exerzamos o noso xuízo editorial deberemos sempre considerar a posibilidade de danar a persoas vivas. Para máis información sobre como podes incluír datos sobre ti mesmo/a en Wikidata, diríxete por favor a Wikidata:Authobiography

Resolvendo problemas

Tomamos as violacións desta política moi seriamente. Incidentes repetidos ou ofensivos realizados por un usuario poden levar a bloqueos da conta.A páxina de protección

Solicitudes para suprimir información privada

Se o suxeito dun elemento non está conforme cunha información específica sobre el ou ela mesma, pode solicitar a retirada desta información específica a través do Administrators' noticeboard|taboleiro de administración ou enviando un correo electrónico a'. Cando a información non é de interese público, un administrador podería retirala unha vez revisada. A información que e revisada e retirada non está visible para os usuarios habituais a través do historial, tan só é visible para os nosos administradores. En casos especiais onde a información é particularmente sensible un oversighter podería ser contactado para revisala, de modo que ata os nos persoal de administración non poderían acceder dende o historial.

Cando un usuario envíe un correo electrónico a, este será reenviado a, que é un buzón manexado polo equipo legal e de privacidade da Fundación Wikimedia.

Definición de persoa viva

Esta política aplícaselle a todos os elementos sobre persoas vivas. Ademais, esta política tamén se lle aplica a afirmacións, non en elementos ,sobre persoas vivas pero que concernen a persoas vivas.


Calquera persoa nada dentro dos últimos 115 ans está amparada por esta política agás que unha fonte fiables confirmara a súa morte. En xeral esta política non se aplica ós materiais relacionados con persoas que foron confirmadas como finadas por fontes fiables. A única excepción que se establecerúa sería para a xente que finase recentemente. Neste caso a polític apoderíase estender por un período indeterminado logo da data de pasamento-seis meses, un ano, dous anos*** Estas ampliacións apliacaríanselle en particular os materiais cuestionables ou polémicos sobre a morte que teñene implicacións nas familias e amigos, como nos casos dun posible suicidio ou un asasinato especialmente terrible. Mesmo se non existe a confirmación da morte, para os propósitos desta política, calquera persoa nacida hai máis de 115 anos asúmese como finada agás que fontes fiables confirmen que a persoa estivo viva durante os pasados dous anos.

Aplicación a persoas xurídicas e grupos

Esta política non é de aplicación habitual ó material sobre corporacións, compañías ou outras entidades consideradas como legal person (Q3778211), malia que

Etiquetas, aliases e descricións

Labels, descriptions and aliases need to be neutral and well-sourced (ideally based on referenced statements on the item) and particular care should be taken in editing these for items about living people. Derogatory names, even when used in reliable public sources, should not be added as aliases. Descriptions should focus on facts, not opinions.

Statements likely to be challenged

Almost any piece of data about a living person might be controversial; anything that's individually challenged or might be challenged should be supported by a reliable public source or may be subject to removal. In particular properties that are living people protection class (P8274) property likely to be challenged (Q44597997) should be supported by suitable references when applied to living people. In the case of a dispute, the burden of evidence rests with the editor who adds or restores material.

The automatically updated list of properties likely to be challenged can be found at WikiProject Properties. In individual cases, information that's likely to be challenged might also be added to other properties and users who add information to the items of living people should always think about the privacy implications of the data that they are adding.

Statements that may violate privacy

Living individuals with records in Wikidata are for the most part not famous or celebrities; their privacy should be respected. Values for living individuals should generally not be supplied unless they can be considered widespread public knowledge or are openly supplied by the individual themselves (otherwise hidden supporting references are not sufficient). As an example, the fact that someone's address is accessible by looking at a domain name registration doesn't imply that it's considered widespread public knowledge for the sake of this policy.

There is also a list of properties that may violate privacy at WikiProject Properties; as above in individual cases it's also valuable to be mindful when using other properties.

Adding and removing Q44597997 and Q44601380 from properties

While it's okay to add the living people protection class (P8274) property likely to be challenged (Q44597997) or property that may violate privacy (Q44601380) statements to additional Wikidata properties without seeking consensus beforehand, such statements must not be removed from existing properties without consensus.

If a Wikidata property had it for fewer than 7 days, the statement can be preemptively removed but the person who removes it should open a new discussion on the talk page of the property and include the {{Ping project|Properties}}-template to discuss whether the property should have the statement.

To request the removal of the class from a Wikidata property that had it longer than one week, you must open a new discussion on the talk page that includes the {{Ping project|Properties}}-template. The removal of the class must only be done by an admin or property creator and only if least 7 days have passed since the request for removing the class was started and there is a consensus for removing the class.

It's also possible to request replacing property likely to be challenged (Q44597997) with property that may violate privacy (Q44601380) or vice-versa on a property through the same process.

Given that bots will rely on the data it's recommended to semi-protect the properties that subclass property likely to be challenged (Q44597997) or property that may violate privacy (Q44601380).

Bot interaction with items for living people

Bots that create or add statements about living people or that edit their descriptions or aliases should be particularly carefully scrutinized. The Wikidata:Bots policy already requests sourcing for bot-entered information. For bots that will be editing items about living people, it's recommended to explicitly address the following concerns during the bot approval process:

  1. If the bot will add information to items about living people that contains statements that use properties that subclass property likely to be challenged (Q44597997) and property that may violate privacy (Q44601380) the bot approval discussion must explicitly address the issue of why it's in this case okay to add the information. Such bots should not copy data from closed databases or books of limited circulation for this purpose.
  2. If the bot is importing from a Wikimedia project, does that Wikimedia project have an adequate policy for biographies of living people? If not, further steps to verify the data before import are warranted.
  3. If the bot is pulling information from another source, is that source a reliable source for this data? Note that this is also important when adding statements with properties that don't subclass property likely to be challenged (Q44597997) or property that may violate privacy (Q44601380).

See also


The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.