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Examinations in Food Science and Biotechnology, B.Sc.

Your studies are governed by the provisions of the examination regulations, the module catalog, and the curriculum. Here we have summarized the most important provisions for you.

Exam Organization: Information for first-semester students


Portal for exam registration, transcripts of records, certificates, and for changing your contact data. more

Contact Examinations Office

Personal office hours on-site

Mon, Wed, and Fri |  10 - 11 a.m.
Tues and Thurs | 2:30 - 3:30 p.m.

Contact details and contact persons

Dates and periods for examinations more

(Foto: Astrid Untermann)

Registering and de-registering for exams more

Information on withdrawing, e.g. in case of illness, important reasons, or pregnancy more

Find out about the use of AI in exams and theses. more

Each module concludes with an examination.

An examination can take place

  • in writing (e.g. written exam, minutes, seminar paper, final thesis),
  • orally (e.g. oral examination or presentation) or
  • with the aid of a computer.

A module is passed if a score of at least a "pass" (D; 4.0) is achieved.

Passed examinations may not be retaken.

You may retake failed module exams once. In three modules, students may retake the exam a second time.

You lose your right of admission to an examination if, for your last retake exam in a module, you

  • fail or
  • miss it without a valid excuse.

If you have lost your right of admission to an examination, the Registrar's Office must exmatriculate you.

For students who were enrolled in the summer semester 2020, winter semester 2020/2021, summer semester 2021, or winter semester 2021/22, the deadlines in their studies (preliminary examination, intermediate examination, completion of studies) are extended by one semester each, but by a total of maximum three semesters.

Preliminary examinations (Orientierungsprüfung)

The preliminary examination is designed to determine whether the first assessments are promising for a continuation of the degree program.

The preliminary examination is considered to have been passed once you have passed 42 credits (6 modules) during the first year of studies at the latest at the second attempt.

The preliminary examination should be passed by the end of the second semester. If you have not passed the preliminary examination by the end of the second examination period of the third semester, you will lose your right of admission to an assessment.

If you cannot meet the deadline for important reasons, you can make a request for an extension of the deadline.

Note: If you exmatriculate at the start of your third semester without having passed the preliminary examination, your right of admission to an assessment is revoked. When you are exmatriculated, it is no longer possible for you to pass the preliminary examination.


The Bachelor’s examination (all modules and the Bachelor’s thesis) should be completed by the end of the sixth semester.

You must have completed all modules by the end second examination period of the ninth semester. If you do not meet this deadline, your right of admission to an assessment is lost.

If you cannot meet the deadline for important reasons, you can make a request for an extension of the deadline.

Note: If you exmatriculate at the start of your ninth semester (with Flexible Learning Semesters the 10th or 11th, depending on how many you took) without having completed your degree program, your right of admission to an assessment is revoked. When you are exmatriculated, it is no longer possible for you to complete your degree program on time.

 You can see the compulsory and elective modules in the module catalog or curriculum.

Elective modules

You can also choose elective modules not listed in the curriculum from the natural science Bachelor’s programs, including Agricultural Biology, after consulting with the person responsible for the degree program.

By applying to the examination committee, you can also

  • select modules from the choices of the other Bachelor’s study programs at the University of Hohenheim or
  • or another German or foreign university

In the application you need to justify your choice. You can send the application by email or drop it in the mailbox of the Examinations Office.

You must ask at the other universities about the conditions under which you may take part in their modules.
After you have completed these requirements, you must submit an application for recognition of the credits.

Additional modules

Additional modules are not included in the average grade. However, they are shown on the transcript of records.

Additional modules must also be completed with an assessment. It is not possible to count individual courses as additional modules.

You may only take part in additional modules until you have completed your studies.

When registering for an assessment, the students note whether it is a semi-elective, elective, or additional module.

You may request these assignments to be changed once during your studies before your degree certificate has been issued.

You can send the application by email or drop it in the mailbox of the Examinations Office.

The Bachelor’s examination is made up of a written part (Bachelor's thesis).

You can find all details on the Bachelor’s examination regulations here:

You will only be admitted to the Bachelor’s thesis if you have completed at least 150 ECTS credits. In exceptional cases, an application can be submitted to the person responsible for the degree program to be admitted to the thesis if 144 ECTS credits have been passed.

The Bachelor’s thesis may be selected and supervised by

  • professors,
  • university lecturers or privatdozents,
  • junior professors, and
  • academic staff with the right to examine

of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

The examination committee may agree to the Bachelor's thesis being selected by a person who is not a member of the Faculty of Natural Sciences. This person must also meet the above criteria.

One supervisor from the Faculty of Natural Sciences must agree to the topic.

If you are interested in writing a thesis in collaboration with a company, please refer to the guidelines for external work.

You must register the thesis immediately once the supervisor has assigned the topic. You must then begin work.

You must register the Bachelor’s thesis with the Examinations Office.

You can hand in the completed form for registering the Bachelor’s thesis (for natural science Bachelor’s programs) by email or drop it in the mailbox of the Examinations Office.

You may not change the topic.

However, title changes are possible.

To do so, submit the request to change the title of the thesis to the Examinations Office.

You have a maximum of three months to complete the thesis.

In exceptional cases, the time may be extended by a maximum of six weeks. For this, an application to the examination committee is required.

The request must be received by the Examinations Office no later than two weeks before the deadline.

If you have had problems with your work, this must be confirmed by the supervisor. The supervisor must confirm that

  • the delay is not your fault and
  • the requested duration of the extension corresponds to the delay.

You can send the application by email or drop it in the postbox of the Examinations Office. The Examinations Office will forward your request to the examination committee for a decision.

If the application for an extension is for personal reasons, you must attach proof of the reason to the application. If you cannot submit your Bachelor's thesis on time for health reasons, your doctor must fill out the form “Extension of Deadline for Final Thesis” using the University of Hohenheim’s template. Submit the certificate together with the informal application to the Examinations Office.

The application for the extension of the deadline for health reasons should be submitted immediately (that is, when you are sick) to the Examinations Office.

The Bachelor’s thesis can be registered as a group work.

Group work is only allowed if the individual contribution is clearly identifiable and assessable because the information on who is responsible for which sections, pages, or other objective criteria enables the work of the individuals to be distinguished and evaluated.

The regulations for the delivery shall apply individually to all group members of the Bachelor’s thesis. This means that everyone must submit at least one digital text document (unencrypted PDF file) by email.

The Bachelor’s thesis may be completed in German or English.

If you write your Bachelor's thesis in another language, the supervisor must approve. The signature on the registration form is considered sufficient approval.

You must include a declaration in your Bachelor’s thesis.

With this, you declare that you

  • have followed the principles of good scientific practice,
  • have written the work independently and have used no sources or aids other than those given,
  • have marked the passages taken from other works word-for-word or paraphrased,
  • that the digital version of the Bachelor's thesis is identical in terms of contents and wording without exception to the printed version (if you are also submitting a printed version),
  • and that you agree to the electronic version being evaluated with an anti-plagiarism software.

You must sign this declaration by hand.

If you submit an untrue declaration, the Bachelor’s thesis is evaluated with “unsatisfactory” (5.0).

Information on submitting your thesis can be found on the final theses page.

If the Bachelor’s thesis is evaluated by a reviewer with “unsatisfactory” (5.0), it will be evaluated by another examiner from the Faculty of Natural Science. The second examiner is appointed by the examination committee.

If the evaluations of the two reviewers are different, the examination committee will set a grade within the framework of the two grades.

If the Bachelor's thesis is evaluated with “unsatisfactory” (5.0), it may be repeated once with a new topic.

It is possible to withdraw from the Bachelor’s thesis if you cannot work on the thesis for more than six weeks for health or other personal reasons.

You must make your request to withdraw informally in writing. You can submit the request by email or put it in the postbox at the Examinations Office.

The Faculty appoints the examination committee.

Members of the examination committee are

  • three professors
  • two research associates primarily employed by the University and
  • one student member.

The student member has an advising vote.

The examination committee shall ensure that assessment regulations are complied with. It also decides on applications when assessment regulations provide for this (for example, when deadlines are missed).

Requests to the examination committees must be made immediately after the reason for the request is known. This means: You must respond immediately if you find that you cannot, for example, meet a deadline.

Requests to the examination committee are to be made informally. You do not need to meet any formal minimum requirements, but they must be signed by hand. Your application must explain the reasons for your request in detail (and include documentation if necessary).

Applications to the examination committee can be submitted by email or dropped in the postbox of the Examinations Office.

You may have assessments which you completed at another university recognized.

To do so, you must submit a request. The examination committee will decide on the request. For the recognition of compulsory modules, the module supervisor must first check whether the module can be recognized.


If you would like to request recognition after changing degree programs or universities, then you must submit the request within the first three months of the semester in which you started your studies in Hohenheim (31 December or 30 June).

For recognition of coursework and assessments that you completed during your Hohenheim studies at another university, e.g. in a semester abroad, there is no deadline for submitting a request.

Recognition of compulsory modules

You can get credit for a compulsory module. For this, the module supervisor must confirm that there is no significant difference in the competencies obtained between the module you would like replaced and the one you took. 

There is no significant difference if the competencies obtained are in line with at least 75% of the learning and qualification goals for the compulsory module listed in the Hohenheim module catalog. 

For this, please use the form for Recognition of compulsory modules. The module supervisor should confirm that a recognition of the compulsory module is recommended.

Please attach an overview of the coursework and assessment with your application.

Please send us your documents by email. You may also put the documents in the postbox at the Examinations Office.

If the module is recognized, the ECTS credits and the name of the Hohenheim module will be put on your transcript.

Recognition of semi-elective and elective modules

You can have a semi-elective or elective module recognized. For this, the examination committee must decide that there is no significant difference in the competencies obtained between the module you would like replaced and the one you took.

There is no significant difference when recognizing

  • a semi-elective module if the competencies obtained are suitable for the selected subject area.
  • an elective module has no significant difference if the competencies obtained correspond to the level of those in the respective Bachelor’s program.

You must make your application for recognition of semi-elective and elective modules informally.

Please attach an overview of the coursework and assessments, a description of the module, and a Learning Agreement if there is one with your application.

Please send us your documents by email. You may also put the documents in the postbox at the Examinations Office.

The module will be recognized with the original name.

All examination regulations to download 


All information on submitting a final thesis more

Information on your final documents and certificates more

You can find more information in the Lecturers’ Portal.