[go: nahoru, domu]


Information for publishing at *ACL conferences


Serving as publication chair is one of the most feared jobs in the ACL community. To a large degree, this is because the workload of a publication chair is considerable, but the work itself is largely invisible from the outside. While most people who are asked to be program chair for the first time have at least a rough idea of what this means because they have been reviewers before, first-time publication chairs tend to be confused and overwhelmed because they have no idea what they signed up for.

This site is meant to alleviate this situation by collecting information that is helpful or relevant to publication chairs. It was set up by Alexander Koller and Yusuke Miyao, the publication chairs for ACL 2014. This site is based on the fantastic groundwork laid by earlier publication chairs, in particular Joakim Nivre and Noah Smith (2008) and Jing-Shin Chang, Stefano Faralli, and Roberto Navigli (2013), who documented the responsibilities and workflow for their years. We are moving the information to this editable place, in the hope that future publication chairs will edit this website to keep it up-to-date forever.