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Sjabloon:Inligtingskas Taalfamilie/dok

in Wikipedia, die vrye ensiklopedie
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The language family template is for use in articles about language families and groupings. It provides a common standard for displaying data about the family, and for navigating to larger or smaller groups.


[wysig bron]
{{Infobox Language family
| name        = name of language family#REQUIRED
| altname     = alternative name(s) of the language family
| region      = geographic region in which its languages are mainly spoken
| familycolor = appropriate language family #REQUIRED
| fam1        = the broadest possible widely accepted [[language family]] of which this language family is a part
| fam2        = a more specific sub-family of which this family is a part
| ...
| fam15       = most specific sub-group of which this family is a part
| family      = whatever you want to say
| child1      = a language or group of languages belonging to this family
| child2      = another language or group of languages belonging to this family
| ...
| child20     = another language or group of languages belonging to this family
| children    = whatever you want to say
| map         = a map of the region where the language family is spoken
| map_caption = caption underneath the map. See {{tl|legend}} as a helpful tool.