[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 9f7fdb1c28cc7184d224c3b214f33e18904c9f66 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin.lower
import androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin.ComposeFqNames
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.extensions.IrPluginContext
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.ir.addChild
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.ir.copyTo
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.ir.createParameterDeclarations
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.backend.common.lower.DeclarationIrBuilder
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.ClassKind
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.descriptors.Visibilities
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.IrStatement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.UNDEFINED_OFFSET
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.declarations.addConstructor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.declarations.addFunction
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.declarations.addGetter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.declarations.addProperty
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.declarations.addSetter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.declarations.addValueParameter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.declarations.buildClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.declarations.buildField
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.irBlock
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.irBlockBody
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.irCall
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.irDelegatingConstructorCall
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.irGet
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.irGetField
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.irIfNull
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.irReturn
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.irSet
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.irSetField
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.irString
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.builders.irTemporary
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.IrAnnotationContainer
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.IrClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.IrDeclarationOrigin
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.IrEnumEntry
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.IrFile
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.IrModuleFragment
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.IrProperty
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.IrSimpleFunction
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.IrValueParameter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.declarations.IrVariable
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrBlock
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrBlockBody
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrBody
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrBranch
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrCall
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrComposite
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrConst
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrConstKind
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrConstructorCall
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrDelegatingConstructorCall
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrElseBranch
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrEnumConstructorCall
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrExpression
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrLoop
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrSetField
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrSetVariable
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrStatementOrigin
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrStringConcatenation
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrTry
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrVararg
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrVarargElement
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.IrWhen
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.impl.IrBranchImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.impl.IrCallImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.impl.IrConstructorCallImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.impl.IrElseBranchImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.impl.IrExpressionBodyImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.impl.IrGetObjectValueImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.impl.IrStringConcatenationImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.expressions.impl.IrVarargImpl
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.types.IrType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.types.defaultType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.types.makeNullable
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.types.typeWith
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.util.DeepCopySymbolRemapper
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.util.constructors
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.util.defaultType
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.util.getPropertyGetter
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.util.isAnnotationClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.util.parentAsClass
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.util.primaryConstructor
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.ir.visitors.transformChildrenVoid
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.load.kotlin.PackagePartClassUtils
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.name.Name
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.resolve.BindingTrace
* This transformer transforms constant literal expressions into expressions which read a
* MutableState instance so that changes to the source code of the constant literal can be
* communicated to the runtime without a recompile. This transformation is intended to improve
* developer experience and should never be enabled in a release build as it will significantly
* slow down performance-conscious code.
* The nontrivial piece of this transform is to create a stable "durable" unique key for every
* single constant in the module. It does this by creating a path-based key which roughly maps to
* the semantic structure of the code, and uses an incrementing index on sibling constants as a
* last resort. The constant expressions in the IR will be transformed into property getter calls
* to a synthetic "Live Literals" class that is generated per file. The class is an object
* singleton where each property is lazily backed by a MutableState instance which is accessed
* using the runtime's `liveLiteral(String,T)` top level API.
* Roughly speaking, the transform will turn the following:
* // file: Foo.kt
* fun Foo() {
* print("Hello World")
* }
* into the following equivalent representation:
* // file: Foo.kt
* fun Foo() {
* print(LiveLiterals$FooKt.`getString$arg-0$call-print$fun-Foo`())
* }
* object LiveLiterals$FooKt {
* var `String$arg-0$call-print$fun-Foo`: String = "Hello World"
* var `State$String$arg-0$call-print$fun-Foo`: MutableState<String>? = null
* fun `getString$arg-0$call-print$fun-Foo`(): String {
* val field = this.`String$arg-0$call-print$fun-Foo`
* val state = if (field == null) {
* val tmp = liveLiteral(
* "String$arg-0$call-print$fun-Foo",
* this.`String$arg-0$call-print$fun-Foo`
* )
* this.`String$arg-0$call-print$fun-Foo` = tmp
* tmp
* } else field
* return field.value
* }
* }
* @see DurableKeyVisitor
open class LiveLiteralTransformer(
private val liveLiteralsEnabled: Boolean,
private val keyVisitor: DurableKeyVisitor,
context: IrPluginContext,
symbolRemapper: DeepCopySymbolRemapper,
bindingTrace: BindingTrace
) :
AbstractComposeLowering(context, symbolRemapper, bindingTrace),
ModuleLoweringPass {
override fun lower(module: IrModuleFragment) {
private val liveLiteral =
private val liveLiteralInfoAnnotation =
private val liveLiteralFileInfoAnnotation =
private val stateInterface =
private val NoLiveLiteralsAnnotation =
private fun IrAnnotationContainer.hasNoLiveLiteralsAnnotation(): Boolean = annotations.any {
it.symbol.bindIfNecessary().owner == NoLiveLiteralsAnnotation.owner.primaryConstructor
private fun <T> enter(key: String, block: () -> T) = keyVisitor.enter(key, block)
private fun <T> siblings(key: String, block: () -> T) = keyVisitor.siblings(key, block)
private fun <T> siblings(block: () -> T) = keyVisitor.siblings(block)
private var liveLiteralsClass: IrClass? = null
private var currentFile: IrFile? = null
private fun irGetLiveLiteralsClass(): IrExpression {
return IrGetObjectValueImpl(
type = liveLiteralsClass!!.defaultType,
symbol = liveLiteralsClass!!.symbol
private fun Name.asJvmFriendlyString(): String {
return if (!isSpecial) identifier
else asString().replace('<', '$').replace('>', '$')
private fun irLiveLiteralInfoAnnotation(
key: String,
offset: Int
): IrConstructorCall = IrConstructorCallImpl(
).apply {
putValueArgument(0, irConst(key))
putValueArgument(1, irConst(offset))
private fun irLiveLiteralFileInfoAnnotation(
file: String
): IrConstructorCall = IrConstructorCallImpl(
).apply {
putValueArgument(0, irConst(file))
private fun irLiveLiteralGetter(
key: String,
literalValue: IrExpression,
literalType: IrType
): IrSimpleFunction {
val clazz = liveLiteralsClass!!
val stateType = stateInterface.owner.typeWith(literalType).makeNullable()
val stateGetValue = stateInterface.getPropertyGetter("value")!!
val defaultProp = clazz.addProperty {
name = Name.identifier(key)
visibility = Visibilities.PRIVATE
}.also { p ->
p.backingField = buildField {
name = Name.identifier(key)
isStatic = true
type = literalType
visibility = Visibilities.PRIVATE
}.also { f ->
f.correspondingPropertySymbol = p.symbol
f.parent = clazz
f.initializer = IrExpressionBodyImpl(
p.addGetter {
returnType = literalType
visibility = Visibilities.PRIVATE
origin = IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR
}.also { fn ->
val thisParam = clazz.thisReceiver!!.copyTo(fn)
fn.dispatchReceiverParameter = thisParam
fn.body = DeclarationIrBuilder(context, fn.symbol).irBlockBody {
+irReturn(irGetField(irGet(thisParam), p.backingField!!))
val stateProp = clazz.addProperty {
name = Name.identifier("State\$$key")
visibility = Visibilities.PRIVATE
isVar = true
}.also { p ->
p.backingField = buildField {
name = Name.identifier("State\$$key")
type = stateType
visibility = Visibilities.PRIVATE
isStatic = true
}.also { f ->
f.correspondingPropertySymbol = p.symbol
f.parent = clazz
p.addGetter {
returnType = stateType
visibility = Visibilities.PRIVATE
origin = IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR
}.also { fn ->
val thisParam = clazz.thisReceiver!!.copyTo(fn)
fn.dispatchReceiverParameter = thisParam
fn.body = DeclarationIrBuilder(context, fn.symbol).irBlockBody {
+irReturn(irGetField(irGet(thisParam), p.backingField!!))
p.addSetter {
returnType = context.irBuiltIns.unitType
visibility = Visibilities.PRIVATE
origin = IrDeclarationOrigin.DEFAULT_PROPERTY_ACCESSOR
}.also { fn ->
val thisParam = clazz.thisReceiver!!.copyTo(fn)
fn.dispatchReceiverParameter = thisParam
val valueParam = fn.addValueParameter("value", stateType)
fn.body = DeclarationIrBuilder(context, fn.symbol).irBlockBody {
+irSetField(irGet(thisParam), p.backingField!!, irGet(valueParam))
return clazz.addFunction(
name = key,
returnType = literalType
).also { fn ->
val thisParam = fn.dispatchReceiverParameter!!
fn.annotations += irLiveLiteralInfoAnnotation(key, literalValue.startOffset)
fn.body = DeclarationIrBuilder(context, fn.symbol).irBlockBody {
// val a = stateField
// val b = if (a == null) {
// val c = liveLiteralState("key", defaultValueField)
// stateField = c
// c
// } else a
// return b.value
val a = irTemporary(irGet(stateType, irGet(thisParam), stateProp.getter!!.symbol))
val b = irIfNull(
type = stateType,
subject = irGet(a),
thenPart = irBlock(resultType = stateType) {
val liveLiteralCall = irCall(liveLiteral).apply {
putValueArgument(0, irString(key))
putValueArgument(1, irGet(
putTypeArgument(0, literalType)
val c = irTemporary(liveLiteralCall)
elsePart = irGet(a)
val call = IrCallImpl(
).apply {
dispatchReceiver = b
override fun <T> visitConst(expression: IrConst<T>): IrExpression {
when (expression.kind) {
IrConstKind.Null -> return expression
val (key, success) = keyVisitor.buildPath(
prefix = expression.kind.asString,
pathSeparator = "\$",
siblingSeparator = "-"
// NOTE: Even if `liveLiteralsEnabled` is false, we are still going to throw an exception
// here because the presence of a duplicate key represents a bug in this transform since
// it should be impossible. By checking this always, we are making it so that bugs in
// this transform will get caught _early_ and that there will be implicitly high coverage
// of the key generation algorithm despite this transform only being used by tooling.
// Developers have the ability to "silence" this exception by marking the surrounding
// class/file/function with the `@NoLiveLiterals` annotation.
if (!success) {
val file = currentFile ?: return expression
val src = file.fileEntry.getSourceRangeInfo(
"Duplicate live literal key found: $key\n" +
"Caused by element at: " +
"${src.filePath}:${src.startLineNumber}:${src.startColumnNumber}\n" +
"If you encounter this error, please file a bug at " +
"https://issuetracker.google.com/issues?q=componentid:610764\n" +
"Try adding the `@NoLiveLiterals` annotation around the surrounding code to " +
"avoid this exception."
// If live literals are enabled, don't do anything
if (!liveLiteralsEnabled) return expression
// create the getter function on the live literals class
val getter = irLiveLiteralGetter(
key = key,
literalValue = expression.copy(),
literalType = expression.type
// return a call to the getter in place of the constant
return IrCallImpl(
).apply {
dispatchReceiver = irGetLiveLiteralsClass()
override fun visitClass(declaration: IrClass): IrStatement {
if (declaration.hasNoLiveLiteralsAnnotation()) return declaration
// constants in annotations need to be compile-time values, so we can never transform them
if (declaration.isAnnotationClass) return declaration
return siblings("class-${declaration.name.asJvmFriendlyString()}") {
open fun makeKeySet(): MutableSet<String> {
return mutableSetOf()
override fun visitFile(declaration: IrFile): IrFile {
if (declaration.hasNoLiveLiteralsAnnotation()) return declaration
val filePath = declaration.fileEntry.name
val fileName = filePath.split('/').last()
val keys = makeKeySet()
return keyVisitor.root(keys) {
val prevClass = liveLiteralsClass
val nextClass = buildClass {
kind = ClassKind.OBJECT
visibility = Visibilities.INTERNAL
val shortName = PackagePartClassUtils.getFilePartShortName(fileName)
// the name of the LiveLiterals class is per-file, so we use the same name that
// the kotlin file class lowering produces, prefixed with `LiveLiterals$`.
name = Name.identifier("LiveLiterals${"$"}$shortName")
}.also {
// store the full file path to the file that this class is associated with in an
// annotation on the class. This will be used by tooling to associate the keys
// inside of this class with actual PSI in the editor.
it.annotations += irLiveLiteralFileInfoAnnotation(declaration.fileEntry.name)
it.addConstructor {
isPrimary = true
}.also { ctor ->
ctor.body = DeclarationIrBuilder(context, it.symbol).irBlockBody {
try {
liveLiteralsClass = nextClass
currentFile = declaration
val file = super.visitFile(declaration)
// if there were no constants found in the entire file, then we don't need to
// create this class at all
if (liveLiteralsEnabled && keys.isNotEmpty()) {
} finally {
liveLiteralsClass = prevClass
override fun visitTry(aTry: IrTry): IrExpression {
aTry.tryResult = enter("try") {
aTry.tryResult.transform(this, null)
siblings {
aTry.catches.forEach {
it.result = enter("catch") { it.result.transform(this, null) }
aTry.finallyExpression = enter("finally") {
aTry.finallyExpression?.transform(this, null)
return aTry
override fun visitDelegatingConstructorCall(
expression: IrDelegatingConstructorCall
): IrExpression {
val owner = expression.symbol.bindIfNecessary().owner
// annotations are represented as constructor calls in IR, but the parameters need to be
// compile-time values only, so we can't transform them at all.
if (owner.parentAsClass.isAnnotationClass) return expression
val name = owner.name.asJvmFriendlyString()
return enter("call-$name") {
expression.dispatchReceiver = enter("\$this") {
expression.dispatchReceiver?.transform(this, null)
expression.extensionReceiver = enter("\$\$this") {
expression.extensionReceiver?.transform(this, null)
for (i in 0 until expression.valueArgumentsCount) {
val arg = expression.getValueArgument(i)
if (arg != null) {
enter("arg-$i") {
expression.putValueArgument(i, arg.transform(this, null))
override fun visitEnumConstructorCall(expression: IrEnumConstructorCall): IrExpression {
val owner = expression.symbol.bindIfNecessary().owner
val name = owner.name.asJvmFriendlyString()
return enter("call-$name") {
expression.dispatchReceiver = enter("\$this") {
expression.dispatchReceiver?.transform(this, null)
expression.extensionReceiver = enter("\$\$this") {
expression.extensionReceiver?.transform(this, null)
for (i in 0 until expression.valueArgumentsCount) {
val arg = expression.getValueArgument(i)
if (arg != null) {
enter("arg-$i") {
expression.putValueArgument(i, arg.transform(this, null))
override fun visitConstructorCall(expression: IrConstructorCall): IrExpression {
val owner = expression.symbol.bindIfNecessary().owner
// annotations are represented as constructor calls in IR, but the parameters need to be
// compile-time values only, so we can't transform them at all.
if (owner.parentAsClass.isAnnotationClass) return expression
val name = owner.name.asJvmFriendlyString()
return enter("call-$name") {
expression.dispatchReceiver = enter("\$this") {
expression.dispatchReceiver?.transform(this, null)
expression.extensionReceiver = enter("\$\$this") {
expression.extensionReceiver?.transform(this, null)
for (i in 0 until expression.valueArgumentsCount) {
val arg = expression.getValueArgument(i)
if (arg != null) {
enter("arg-$i") {
expression.putValueArgument(i, arg.transform(this, null))
override fun visitCall(expression: IrCall): IrExpression {
val owner = expression.symbol.bindIfNecessary().owner
val name = owner.name.asJvmFriendlyString()
return enter("call-$name") {
expression.dispatchReceiver = enter("\$this") {
expression.dispatchReceiver?.transform(this, null)
expression.extensionReceiver = enter("\$\$this") {
expression.extensionReceiver?.transform(this, null)
for (i in 0 until expression.valueArgumentsCount) {
val arg = expression.getValueArgument(i)
if (arg != null) {
enter("arg-$i") {
expression.putValueArgument(i, arg.transform(this, null))
override fun visitEnumEntry(declaration: IrEnumEntry): IrStatement {
return enter("entry-${declaration.name.asJvmFriendlyString()}") {
override fun visitVararg(expression: IrVararg): IrExpression {
if (expression !is IrVarargImpl) return expression
return enter("vararg") {
expression.elements.forEachIndexed { i, arg ->
expression.elements[i] = enter("$i") {
arg.transform(this, null) as IrVarargElement
override fun visitSimpleFunction(declaration: IrSimpleFunction): IrStatement {
if (declaration.hasNoLiveLiteralsAnnotation()) return declaration
val name = declaration.name.asJvmFriendlyString()
val path = if (name == "<anonymous>") "lambda" else "fun-$name"
return enter(path) { super.visitSimpleFunction(declaration) }
override fun visitLoop(loop: IrLoop): IrExpression {
return when (loop.origin) {
// in these cases, the compiler relies on a certain structure for the condition
// expression, so we only touch the body
IrStatementOrigin.FOR_LOOP_INNER_WHILE -> enter("loop") {
loop.body = enter("body") { loop.body?.transform(this, null) }
else -> enter("loop") {
loop.condition = enter("cond") { loop.condition.transform(this, null) }
loop.body = enter("body") { loop.body?.transform(this, null) }
override fun visitStringConcatenation(expression: IrStringConcatenation): IrExpression {
if (expression !is IrStringConcatenationImpl) return expression
return enter("str") {
siblings {
expression.arguments.forEachIndexed { index, expr ->
expression.arguments[index] = enter("$index") {
expr.transform(this, null)
override fun visitWhen(expression: IrWhen): IrExpression {
return when (expression.origin) {
// ANDAND needs to have an 'if true then false' body on its second branch, so only
// transform the first branch
IrStatementOrigin.ANDAND -> {
expression.branches[0] = expression.branches[0].transform(this, null)
// OROR condition should have an 'if a then true' body on its first branch, so only
// transform the second branch
IrStatementOrigin.OROR -> {
expression.branches[1] = expression.branches[1].transform(this, null)
IrStatementOrigin.IF -> siblings("if") {
else -> siblings("when") {
override fun visitValueParameter(declaration: IrValueParameter): IrStatement {
return enter("param-${declaration.name.asJvmFriendlyString()}") {
override fun visitElseBranch(branch: IrElseBranch): IrElseBranch {
return IrElseBranchImpl(
startOffset = branch.startOffset,
endOffset = branch.endOffset,
// the condition of an else branch is a constant boolean but we don't want
// to convert it into a live literal, so we don't transform it
condition = branch.condition,
result = enter("else") {
branch.result.transform(this, null)
override fun visitBranch(branch: IrBranch): IrBranch {
return IrBranchImpl(
startOffset = branch.startOffset,
endOffset = branch.endOffset,
condition = enter("cond") {
branch.condition.transform(this, null)
// only translate the result, as the branch is a constant boolean but we don't want
// to convert it into a live literal
result = enter("branch") {
branch.result.transform(this, null)
override fun visitComposite(expression: IrComposite): IrExpression {
return siblings {
override fun visitBlock(expression: IrBlock): IrExpression {
return when (expression.origin) {
// The compiler relies on a certain structure for the "iterator" instantiation in For
// loops, so we avoid transforming the first statement in this case
IrStatementOrigin.FOR_LOOP_INNER_WHILE -> {
expression.statements[1] = expression.statements[1].transform(this, null)
// IrStatementOrigin.SAFE_CALL
// IrStatementOrigin.WHEN
// IrStatementOrigin.IF
// IrStatementOrigin.ELVIS
else -> siblings {
override fun visitSetVariable(expression: IrSetVariable): IrExpression {
val owner = expression.symbol.bindIfNecessary().owner
val name = owner.name
return when (owner.origin) {
// for these synthetic variable declarations we want to avoid transforming them since
// the compiler will rely on their compile time value in some cases.
IrDeclarationOrigin.FOR_LOOP_IMPLICIT_VARIABLE -> expression
IrDeclarationOrigin.IR_TEMPORARY_VARIABLE -> expression
IrDeclarationOrigin.FOR_LOOP_VARIABLE -> expression
else -> enter("set-$name") { super.visitSetVariable(expression) }
override fun visitSetField(expression: IrSetField): IrExpression {
val name = expression.symbol.bindIfNecessary().owner.name
return enter("set-$name") { super.visitSetField(expression) }
override fun visitBlockBody(body: IrBlockBody): IrBody {
return siblings {
override fun visitVariable(declaration: IrVariable): IrStatement {
return enter("val-${declaration.name.asJvmFriendlyString()}") {
override fun visitProperty(declaration: IrProperty): IrStatement {
if (declaration.hasNoLiveLiteralsAnnotation()) return declaration
val backingField = declaration.backingField
val getter = declaration.getter
val setter = declaration.setter
val name = declaration.name.asJvmFriendlyString()
return enter("val-$name") {
// turn them into live literals. We should consider transforming some simple cases like
// `val foo = 123`, but in general turning this initializer into a getter is not a
// safe operation. We should figure out a way to do this for "static" expressions
// though such as `val foo = 16.dp`.
declaration.backingField = backingField
declaration.getter = enter("get") {
getter?.transform(this, null) as? IrSimpleFunction
declaration.setter = enter("set") {
setter?.transform(this, null) as? IrSimpleFunction