[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: af92cf4a437b904b46aa05b0388cf469730413f1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.camera.core;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.IMAGE_INFO_PROCESSOR;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_BACKGROUND_EXECUTOR;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_CAMERA_ID_FILTER;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_CAPTURE_CONFIG_UNPACKER;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_DEFAULT_CAPTURE_CONFIG;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_DEFAULT_RESOLUTION;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_DEFAULT_SESSION_CONFIG;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_LENS_FACING;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_MAX_RESOLUTION;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_PREVIEW_CAPTURE_PROCESSOR;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_SESSION_CONFIG_UNPACKER;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_SUPPORTED_RESOLUTIONS;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_SURFACE_OCCUPANCY_PRIORITY;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_TARGET_ASPECT_RATIO;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_TARGET_ASPECT_RATIO_CUSTOM;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_TARGET_CLASS;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_TARGET_NAME;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_TARGET_RESOLUTION;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_TARGET_ROTATION;
import static androidx.camera.core.PreviewConfig.OPTION_USE_CASE_EVENT_CALLBACK;
import android.graphics.ImageFormat;
import android.graphics.SurfaceTexture;
import android.media.ImageReader;
import android.media.MediaCodec;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.HandlerThread;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.util.Rational;
import android.util.Size;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.view.SurfaceView;
import android.view.TextureView;
import androidx.annotation.MainThread;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope;
import androidx.annotation.UiThread;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.CameraCaptureCallback;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.CameraCaptureResult;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.CameraDeviceConfig;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.CameraIdFilter;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.CameraInternal;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.CaptureConfig;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.CaptureProcessor;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.CaptureStage;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.MutableConfig;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.MutableOptionsBundle;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.OptionsBundle;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.utils.Threads;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.utils.executor.CameraXExecutors;
import androidx.camera.core.internal.TargetConfig;
import androidx.core.util.Preconditions;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
* A use case that provides a camera preview stream for displaying on-screen.
* <p>The preview stream is connected to the {@link Surface} provided via
* {@link PreviewSurfaceProvider}. The application decides how the {@link Surface} is shown,
* and is responsible for managing the {@link Surface} lifecycle after providing it.
* <p> To display the preview with the correct orientation, app needs to take different actions
* based on the source of the Surface. If the {@link Surface} is backed by a {@link SurfaceView},
* it will always be in the device's display orientation. If the {@link Surface} is backed by
* {@link ImageReader}, {@link MediaCodec} or other objects, it's the application's
* responsibility to calculate the rotation. If the {@link Surface} is backed by a
* {@link SurfaceTexture}, {@link SurfaceTexture#getTransformMatrix(float[])} can be used to
* transform the preview to natural orientation. The value is available after a frame is pushed
* to the {@link SurfaceTexture} and its
* {@link SurfaceTexture.OnFrameAvailableListener#onFrameAvailable(SurfaceTexture)} has been called.
* {@link TextureView} handles this automatically and always puts the preview in the
* natural orientation. To further transform the {@link TextureView} to display orientation,
* the app needs to apply the current display rotation. Example:
* <pre>
* <code>
* switch (getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getRotation()) {
* case Surface.ROTATION_0:
* displayRotation = 0;
* break;
* case Surface.ROTATION_90:
* displayRotation = 90;
* break;
* case Surface.ROTATION_180:
* displayRotation = 180;
* break;
* case Surface.ROTATION_270:
* displayRotation = 270;
* break;
* default:
* throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
* "Unsupported display rotation: " + displayRotation);
* }
* matrix.postRotate(-displayRotation, centerX, centerY);
* textureView.setTransform(matrix);
* </code>
* </pre>
public class Preview extends UseCase {
* Provides a static configuration with implementation-agnostic options.
* @hide
public static final Defaults DEFAULT_CONFIG = new Defaults();
private static final String TAG = "Preview";
private HandlerThread mProcessingPreviewThread;
private Handler mProcessingPreviewHandler;
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
PreviewSurfaceProvider mPreviewSurfaceProvider;
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* Synthetic Accessor */
Executor mPreviewSurfaceProviderExecutor;
// Cached latest resolution for creating the pipeline as soon as it's ready.
private Size mLatestResolution;
// Synthetic Accessor
SurfaceHolder mSurfaceHolder;
* Creates a new preview use case from the given configuration.
* @param config for this use case instance
Preview(@NonNull PreviewConfig config) {
@SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic accessor */
SessionConfig.Builder createPipeline(@NonNull String cameraId, @NonNull PreviewConfig config,
@NonNull Size resolution) {
SessionConfig.Builder sessionConfigBuilder = SessionConfig.Builder.createFrom(config);
final CaptureProcessor captureProcessor = config.getCaptureProcessor(null);
final CallbackDeferrableSurface callbackDeferrableSurface = new CallbackDeferrableSurface(
resolution, mPreviewSurfaceProviderExecutor,
if (captureProcessor != null) {
CaptureStage captureStage = new CaptureStage.DefaultCaptureStage();
// TODO: To allow user to use an Executor for the processing.
if (mProcessingPreviewHandler == null) {
mProcessingPreviewThread = new HandlerThread("ProcessingSurfaceTexture");
mProcessingPreviewHandler = new Handler(mProcessingPreviewThread.getLooper());
ProcessingSurface processingSurface =
new ProcessingSurface(
mSurfaceHolder = processingSurface;
} else {
final ImageInfoProcessor processor = config.getImageInfoProcessor(null);
if (processor != null) {
sessionConfigBuilder.addCameraCaptureCallback(new CameraCaptureCallback() {
public void onCaptureCompleted(
@NonNull CameraCaptureResult cameraCaptureResult) {
if (processor.process(
new CameraCaptureResultImageInfo(cameraCaptureResult))) {
mSurfaceHolder = callbackDeferrableSurface;
sessionConfigBuilder.addErrorListener(new SessionConfig.ErrorListener() {
public void onError(@NonNull SessionConfig sessionConfig,
@NonNull SessionConfig.SessionError error) {
// Ensure the bound camera has not changed before resetting.
// TODO(b/143915543): Ensure this never gets called by a camera that is not bound
// to this use case so we don't need to do this check.
if (isCurrentlyBoundCamera(cameraId)) {
// Only reset the pipeline when the bound camera is the same.
SessionConfig.Builder sessionConfigBuilder = createPipeline(cameraId, config,
attachToCamera(cameraId, sessionConfigBuilder.build());
return sessionConfigBuilder;
* Gets {@link PreviewSurfaceProvider}
* <p> Setting the callback will signal to the camera that the use case is ready to receive
* data.
* @return the last set callback or {@code null} if no listener is set
public PreviewSurfaceProvider getPreviewSurfaceProvider() {
return mPreviewSurfaceProvider;
* Sets a {@link PreviewSurfaceProvider} to provide Surface for Preview.
* <p> Setting the provider will signal to the camera that the use case is ready to receive
* data.
* @param executor on which the previewSurfaceProvider will be triggered.
* @param previewSurfaceProvider PreviewSurfaceProvider that provides a Preview.
public void setPreviewSurfaceProvider(@NonNull Executor executor,
@Nullable PreviewSurfaceProvider previewSurfaceProvider) {
if (previewSurfaceProvider == null) {
mPreviewSurfaceProvider = null;
} else {
mPreviewSurfaceProvider = previewSurfaceProvider;
mPreviewSurfaceProviderExecutor = executor;
if (mLatestResolution != null) {
updateConfigAndOutput(getBoundCameraId(), (PreviewConfig) getUseCaseConfig(),
* Sets a {@link PreviewSurfaceProvider} to provide Surface for Preview.
* <p> Setting the provider will signal to the camera that the use case is ready to receive
* data. The provider will be triggered on main thread.
* @param previewSurfaceProvider PreviewSurfaceProvider that provides a Preview.
public void setPreviewSurfaceProvider(@Nullable PreviewSurfaceProvider previewSurfaceProvider) {
setPreviewSurfaceProvider(CameraXExecutors.mainThreadExecutor(), previewSurfaceProvider);
* Checks if {@link PreviewSurfaceProvider} is set by the user.
boolean isPreviewSurfaceProviderSet() {
return mPreviewSurfaceProvider != null && mPreviewSurfaceProviderExecutor != null;
private void updateConfigAndOutput(@NonNull String cameraId, @NonNull PreviewConfig config,
@NonNull Size resolution) {
attachToCamera(cameraId, createPipeline(cameraId, config, resolution).build());
public String toString() {
return TAG + ":" + getName();
* {@inheritDoc}
* @hide
protected UseCaseConfig.Builder<?, ?, ?> getDefaultBuilder(@Nullable Integer lensFacing) {
PreviewConfig defaults = CameraX.getDefaultUseCaseConfig(PreviewConfig.class, lensFacing);
if (defaults != null) {
return Builder.fromConfig(defaults);
return null;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @hide
protected UseCaseConfig<?> applyDefaults(
@NonNull UseCaseConfig<?> userConfig,
@Nullable UseCaseConfig.Builder<?, ?, ?> defaultConfigBuilder) {
PreviewConfig previewConfig = (PreviewConfig) super.applyDefaults(userConfig,
CameraInternal boundCamera = getBoundCamera();
// Checks the device constraints and get the corrected aspect ratio.
if (boundCamera != null && CameraX.getSurfaceManager().requiresCorrectedAspectRatio(
boundCamera.getCameraInfoInternal().getCameraId())) {
ImageOutputConfig imageConfig = previewConfig;
Rational resultRatio =
if (resultRatio != null) {
Builder configBuilder = Builder.fromConfig(previewConfig);
previewConfig = configBuilder.getUseCaseConfig();
return previewConfig;
* {@inheritDoc}
* @hide
public void clear() {
if (mSurfaceHolder != null) {
* {@inheritDoc}
* @hide
protected Map<String, Size> onSuggestedResolutionUpdated(
@NonNull Map<String, Size> suggestedResolutionMap) {
String cameraId = getBoundCameraId();
Size resolution = suggestedResolutionMap.get(cameraId);
if (resolution == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Suggested resolution map missing resolution for camera " + cameraId);
mLatestResolution = resolution;
if (isPreviewSurfaceProviderSet()) {
updateConfigAndOutput(cameraId, (PreviewConfig) getUseCaseConfig(), resolution);
return suggestedResolutionMap;
* A interface implemented by the application to provide a {@link Surface} for {@link Preview}.
* <p> This interface is implemented by the application to provide a {@link Surface}. This
* will be called by CameraX when it needs a Surface for Preview. It also signals when the
* Surface is no longer in use by CameraX.
* @see Preview#setPreviewSurfaceProvider(Executor, PreviewSurfaceProvider)
public interface PreviewSurfaceProvider {
* Provides preview output Surface with the given resolution.
* <p> This is called when {@link Preview} needs a valid {@link Surface}. e.g. when the
* Preview is bound to lifecycle. The Surface should either be backed by a
* {@link SurfaceTexture} or a {@link android.view.SurfaceHolder}.
* <p>If the {@link Surface} is backed by a {@link SurfaceTexture}, both the
* {@link Surface} and the {@link ListenableFuture} need to be recreated each time this
* is invoked. The implementer is also responsible to hold a reference to the
* {@link SurfaceTexture} since the weak reference from {@link Surface} does not prevent
* it from being garbage collected.
* <p>If the {@link Surface} is backed by a {@link SurfaceView}, the
* {@link android.graphics.PixelFormat} should always be the default
* {@link android.graphics.PixelFormat#OPAQUE}.
* <p>The application will need to crop and rotate the Surface to fit the UI.
* <p>The resolution that is requested by CameraX will be the sensor resolution, based on
* the capabilities of the camera Preview is attached to. The approximate resolution used
* for the sensor can be controlled via
* {@link Preview.Builder#setTargetResolution(Size)}}. However, the final
* resolution that is used might need to be cropped in order to fit the view.
* <p> Undefined behavior may occur if the Surface does not have the requested resolution
* or is released before surfaceReleaseFuture completes. So care must be taken when to
* using a {@link SurfaceView} or a {@link TextureView} to handle rotation to display
* orientation, since they automatically resize and release the Surface.
* Example:
* <pre>
* class MyPreviewSurfaceProvider implements PreviewSurfaceProvider {
* SurfaceTexture mSurfaceTexture;
* {@literal @}Override
* public ListenableFuture{@literal <}Surface{@literal >} provideSurface(
* {@literal @}NonNull Size resolution,
* {@literal @}NonNull ListenableFuture{@literal <}Void{@literal >}
* surfaceReleaseFuture) {
* // Create the ListenableFuture for the Surface
* mSurfaceTexture = new SurfaceTexture(0);
* mSurfaceTexture.detachFromGLContext();
* ListenableFuture<Surface> surfaceFuture = CallbackToFutureAdapter.getFuture(
* completer -> completer.set(new Surface(mSurfaceTexture));
* Futures.addCallback(surfaceReleaseFuture,
* new FutureCallback{@literal <}Void{@literal >}() {
* {@literal @}Override
* public void onSuccess(Void result) {
* // mSurfaceTexture is no longer used by the camera so it is safe to
* // release
* mSurfaceTexture.release();
* }
* {@literal @}Override
* public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
* // Should never fail
* }
* }, Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor());
* return surfaceFuture;
* }
* }
* </pre>
* @param resolution the resolution required by CameraX, which is in image sensor
* coordinate system.
* @param surfaceReleaseFuture it's safe to release the returned Surface return by the
* method, after this {@link ListenableFuture} finishes.
* @return A ListenableFuture that contains the implementer created Surface.
ListenableFuture<Surface> provideSurface(@NonNull Size resolution,
@NonNull ListenableFuture<Void> surfaceReleaseFuture);
* Provides a base static default configuration for the Preview
* <p>These values may be overridden by the implementation. They only provide a minimum set of
* defaults that are implementation independent.
* @hide
public static final class Defaults implements ConfigProvider<PreviewConfig> {
private static final Size DEFAULT_MAX_RESOLUTION =
private static final int DEFAULT_SURFACE_OCCUPANCY_PRIORITY = 2;
private static final PreviewConfig DEFAULT_CONFIG;
static {
Builder builder =
new Builder()
DEFAULT_CONFIG = builder.getUseCaseConfig();
public PreviewConfig getConfig(@Nullable Integer lensFacing) {
/** Builder for a {@link Preview}. */
public static final class Builder
implements UseCaseConfig.Builder<Preview, PreviewConfig, Builder>,
ThreadConfig.Builder<Builder> {
private final MutableOptionsBundle mMutableConfig;
/** Creates a new Builder object. */
public Builder() {
private Builder(MutableOptionsBundle mutableConfig) {
mMutableConfig = mutableConfig;
Class<?> oldConfigClass =
mutableConfig.retrieveOption(TargetConfig.OPTION_TARGET_CLASS, null);
if (oldConfigClass != null && !oldConfigClass.equals(Preview.class)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid target class configuration for "
+ Builder.this
+ ": "
+ oldConfigClass);
* Generates a Builder from another Config object
* @param configuration An immutable configuration to pre-populate this builder.
* @return The new Builder.
* @hide
public static Builder fromConfig(@NonNull PreviewConfig configuration) {
return new Builder(MutableOptionsBundle.from(configuration));
* {@inheritDoc}
* @hide
public MutableConfig getMutableConfig() {
return mMutableConfig;
/** @hide */
public PreviewConfig getUseCaseConfig() {
return new PreviewConfig(OptionsBundle.from(mMutableConfig));
* Builds an immutable {@link Preview} from the current state.
* @return A {@link Preview} populated with the current state.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if attempting to set both target aspect ratio and
* target resolution.
public Preview build() {
// Error at runtime for using both setTargetResolution and setTargetAspectRatio on
// the same config.
if (getMutableConfig().retrieveOption(OPTION_TARGET_ASPECT_RATIO, null) != null
&& getMutableConfig().retrieveOption(OPTION_TARGET_RESOLUTION, null) != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot use both setTargetResolution and setTargetAspectRatio on the same "
+ "config.");
return new Preview(getUseCaseConfig());
// Implementations of TargetConfig.Builder default methods
/** @hide */
public Builder setTargetClass(@NonNull Class<Preview> targetClass) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_TARGET_CLASS, targetClass);
// If no name is set yet, then generate a unique name
if (null == getMutableConfig().retrieveOption(OPTION_TARGET_NAME, null)) {
String targetName = targetClass.getCanonicalName() + "-" + UUID.randomUUID();
return this;
* Sets the name of the target object being configured, used only for debug logging.
* <p>The name should be a value that can uniquely identify an instance of the object being
* configured.
* <p>If not set, the target name will default to an unique name automatically generated
* with the class canonical name and random UUID.
* @param targetName A unique string identifier for the instance of the class being
* configured.
* @return the current Builder.
public Builder setTargetName(@NonNull String targetName) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_TARGET_NAME, targetName);
return this;
// Implementations of CameraDeviceConfig.Builder default methods
* Sets the primary camera to be configured based on the direction the lens is facing.
* <p>If multiple cameras exist with equivalent lens facing direction, the first ("primary")
* camera for that direction will be chosen.
* @param lensFacing The direction of the camera's lens.
* @return the current Builder.
* @hide
public Builder setLensFacing(@CameraSelector.LensFacing int lensFacing) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_LENS_FACING, lensFacing);
return this;
* Sets a {@link CameraIdFilter} that filter out the unavailable camera id.
* <p>The camera id filter will be used to filter those cameras with lens facing
* specified in the config.
* @param cameraIdFilter The {@link CameraIdFilter}.
* @return the current Builder.
* @hide
public Builder setCameraIdFilter(@NonNull CameraIdFilter cameraIdFilter) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_CAMERA_ID_FILTER, cameraIdFilter);
return this;
// Implementations of ImageOutputConfig.Builder default methods
* Sets the aspect ratio of the intended target for images from this configuration.
* <p>This is the ratio of the target's width to the image's height, where the numerator of
* the provided {@link Rational} corresponds to the width, and the denominator corresponds
* to the height.
* <p>The target aspect ratio is used as a hint when determining the resulting output aspect
* ratio which may differ from the request, possibly due to device constraints.
* Application code should check the resulting output's resolution.
* <p>This method can be used to request an aspect ratio that is not from the standard set
* of aspect ratios defined in the {@link AspectRatio}.
* <p>This method will remove any value set by setTargetAspectRatio().
* <p>For Preview, the value will be used to calculate the suggested resolution size in
* {@link Preview.PreviewSurfaceProvider#provideSurface(Size, ListenableFuture)}.
* @param aspectRatio A {@link Rational} representing the ratio of the target's width and
* height.
* @return The current Builder.
* @hide
public Builder setTargetAspectRatioCustom(@NonNull Rational aspectRatio) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_TARGET_ASPECT_RATIO_CUSTOM, aspectRatio);
return this;
* Sets the aspect ratio of the intended target for images from this configuration.
* <p>The aspect ratio is the ratio of width to height in the sensor orientation.
* <p>It is not allowed to set both target aspect ratio and target resolution on the same
* use case. Attempting so will throw an IllegalArgumentException when building the
* Config.
* <p>The target aspect ratio is used as a hint when determining the resulting output aspect
* ratio which may differ from the request, possibly due to device constraints.
* Application code should check the resulting output's resolution.
* <p>For Preview, the value will be used to calculate the suggested resolution size in
* {@link Preview.PreviewSurfaceProvider#provideSurface(Size, ListenableFuture)}.
* <p>If not set, resolutions with aspect ratio 4:3 will be considered in higher
* priority.
* @param aspectRatio The desired Preview {@link AspectRatio}
* @return The current Builder.
public Builder setTargetAspectRatio(@AspectRatio.Ratio int aspectRatio) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_TARGET_ASPECT_RATIO, aspectRatio);
return this;
* Sets the rotation that the intended target resolution is expressed in.
* <p>This sets the rotation that is used when specifying a target resolution using
* {@link #setTargetResolution(Size)}, which accepts a resolution at the target orientation.
* <p>rotation is one of four valid values: {@link Surface#ROTATION_0}, {@link
* Surface#ROTATION_90}, {@link Surface#ROTATION_180}, {@link Surface#ROTATION_270}.
* Rotation values are relative to the "natural" rotation, {@link Surface#ROTATION_0}.
* <p>For example a portrait natural device may specify a portrait image target resolution
* as 480x640, and the same device rotated to and displaying in landscape (i.e. as
* returned by {@link Display#getRotation()}) may set the target rotation to
* {@link Surface#ROTATION_90} and resolution to 640x480.
* <p>If not set, the target rotation will default to the value of
* {@link Display#getRotation()} of the default display at the time the use case is created.
* @param rotation The rotation of the intended target.
* @return The current Builder.
* @see #setTargetResolution(Size)
public Builder setTargetRotation(@ImageOutputConfig.RotationValue int rotation) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_TARGET_ROTATION, rotation);
return this;
* Sets the resolution of the intended target from this configuration.
* <p>The target resolution attempts to establish a minimum bound for the preview
* resolution. The actual preview resolution will be the closest available resolution in
* size that is not smaller than the target resolution, as determined by the Camera
* implementation. However, if no resolution exists that is equal to or larger than the
* target resolution, the nearest available resolution smaller than the target resolution
* will be chosen. Resolutions with the same aspect ratio of the provided {@link Size} will
* be considered in higher priority before resolutions of different aspect ratios.
* <p>It is not allowed to set both target aspect ratio and target resolution on the same
* use case. Attempting so will throw an IllegalArgumentException when building the
* Config.
* <p>The resolution {@link Size} should be expressed at the use cases's target rotation.
* For example, a device with portrait natural orientation in natural target rotation
* requesting a portrait image may specify 480x640, and the same device, rotated 90 degrees
* and targeting landscape orientation may specify 640x480.
* <p>The maximum available resolution that could be selected for a {@link Preview} is
* limited to be under 1080p. The limitation of 1080p for {@link Preview} has considered
* both performance and quality factors that users can obtain reasonable quality and smooth
* output stream under 1080p.
* <p>If not set, the default selected resolution will be the best size match to the
* device's screen resolution, or to 1080p (1920x1080), whichever is smaller.
* @param resolution The target resolution to choose from supported output sizes list.
* @return The current Builder.
public Builder setTargetResolution(@NonNull Size resolution) {
.insertOption(ImageOutputConfig.OPTION_TARGET_RESOLUTION, resolution);
if (resolution != null) {
new Rational(resolution.getWidth(), resolution.getHeight()));
return this;
* Sets the default resolution of the intended target from this configuration.
* @param resolution The default resolution to choose from supported output sizes list.
* @return The current Builder.
* @hide
public Builder setDefaultResolution(@NonNull Size resolution) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_DEFAULT_RESOLUTION, resolution);
return this;
/** @hide */
public Builder setMaxResolution(@NonNull Size resolution) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_MAX_RESOLUTION, resolution);
return this;
/** @hide */
public Builder setSupportedResolutions(@NonNull List<Pair<Integer, Size[]>> resolutions) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_SUPPORTED_RESOLUTIONS, resolutions);
return this;
// Implementations of ThreadConfig.Builder default methods
* Sets the default executor that will be used for background tasks.
* <p>If not set, the background executor will default to an automatically generated
* {@link Executor}.
* @param executor The executor which will be used for background tasks.
* @return the current Builder.
* @hide Background executor not used in {@link Preview}.
public Builder setBackgroundExecutor(@NonNull Executor executor) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_BACKGROUND_EXECUTOR, executor);
return this;
// Implementations of UseCaseConfig.Builder default methods
/** @hide */
public Builder setDefaultSessionConfig(@NonNull SessionConfig sessionConfig) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_DEFAULT_SESSION_CONFIG, sessionConfig);
return this;
/** @hide */
public Builder setDefaultCaptureConfig(@NonNull CaptureConfig captureConfig) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_DEFAULT_CAPTURE_CONFIG, captureConfig);
return this;
/** @hide */
public Builder setSessionOptionUnpacker(
@NonNull SessionConfig.OptionUnpacker optionUnpacker) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_SESSION_CONFIG_UNPACKER, optionUnpacker);
return this;
/** @hide */
public Builder setCaptureOptionUnpacker(
@NonNull CaptureConfig.OptionUnpacker optionUnpacker) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_CAPTURE_CONFIG_UNPACKER, optionUnpacker);
return this;
/** @hide */
public Builder setSurfaceOccupancyPriority(int priority) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_SURFACE_OCCUPANCY_PRIORITY, priority);
return this;
/** @hide */
public Builder setUseCaseEventCallback(
@NonNull UseCase.EventCallback useCaseEventCallback) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_USE_CASE_EVENT_CALLBACK, useCaseEventCallback);
return this;
/** @hide */
public Builder setImageInfoProcessor(@NonNull ImageInfoProcessor processor) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(IMAGE_INFO_PROCESSOR, processor);
return this;
* Sets the {@link CaptureProcessor}.
* @param captureProcessor The requested capture processor for extension.
* @return The current Builder.
* @hide
public Builder setCaptureProcessor(@NonNull CaptureProcessor captureProcessor) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_PREVIEW_CAPTURE_PROCESSOR, captureProcessor);
return this;