[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: d44fea9042bd378fb151d4799080f34a56d69b84 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
@file:OptIn(InternalComposeApi::class, ExperimentalComposeApi::class)
package androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots
import androidx.compose.runtime.ExperimentalComposeApi
import androidx.compose.runtime.InternalComposeApi
import androidx.compose.runtime.derivedStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.Snapshot.Companion.openSnapshotCount
import kotlin.test.AfterTest
import kotlin.test.BeforeTest
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
class DerivedSnapshotStateTests {
fun aStateFreeCalculationCanBeUsed() {
val a = derivedStateOf { 10 }
assertEquals(10, a.value)
fun theCalculationIsCached() {
var runs = 0
var i = 0
val a = derivedStateOf { runs++; i }
assertEquals(0, runs, "The calculation is run only when the value is first requested")
assertEquals(1, a.value, "The calculation is run only when the value is first requested")
assertEquals(1, a.value, "The calculation is run only once")
fun statesCanBeUsedInGlobalSnapshot() {
val a = mutableStateOf(1)
val b = mutableStateOf(10)
val c = derivedStateOf { a.value + b.value }
assertEquals(11, c.value)
a.value += 1
assertEquals(12, c.value)
b.value += 10
assertEquals(22, c.value)
fun statesCanBeUsedInSnapshot() {
val a = mutableStateOf(1)
val b = mutableStateOf(10)
val c = derivedStateOf { a.value + b.value }
val snapshot = takeMutableSnapshot()
try {
assertEquals(11, c.value)
a.value += 1
assertEquals(12, c.value)
b.value += 10
assertEquals(22, c.value)
} finally {
fun snapshotsAreIsolatedFromGlobalChanges() {
var state by mutableStateOf(0)
val derived by derivedStateOf { state }
val snapshot = takeSnapshot()
try {
state = 1
assertEquals(1, state)
assertEquals(1, derived)
assertEquals(0, snapshot.enter { state })
assertEquals(0, snapshot.enter { derived })
} finally {
fun mutableSnapshotsCanBeApplied() {
var state by mutableStateOf(0)
val derived by derivedStateOf { state }
val snapshot = takeMutableSnapshot()
try {
snapshot.enter {
assertEquals(0, state)
assertEquals(0, derived)
state = 1
assertEquals(1, state)
assertEquals(1, derived)
assertEquals(0, state)
assertEquals(0, derived)
assertEquals(1, state)
assertEquals(1, derived)
} finally {
// The same thing can be done with an atomic block
atomic {
assertEquals(1, state)
assertEquals(1, derived)
state = 2
assertEquals(2, state)
assertEquals(2, derived)
assertEquals(2, state)
assertEquals(2, derived)
fun multipleSnapshotsAreIsolatedAndCanBeApplied() {
val count = 2
val state = MutableList(count) { mutableStateOf(0) }
val derived = state.map { derivedStateOf { it.value } }
// Create count snapshots
val snapshots = MutableList(count) { takeMutableSnapshot() }
try {
repeat(count) {
assertEquals(0, state[it].value)
assertEquals(0, derived[it].value)
snapshots.forEachIndexed() { index, snapshot ->
snapshot.enter { state[index].value = index }
// Ensure the modifications in snapshots are not visible to global
repeat(count) {
assertEquals(0, state[it].value)
assertEquals(0, derived[it].value)
// Ensure snapshots can see their own value but no other changes
repeat(count) { index ->
snapshots[index].enter {
repeat(count) {
if (it != index) assertEquals(0, state[it].value)
else assertEquals(it, state[it].value)
if (it != index) assertEquals(0, derived[it].value)
else assertEquals(it, derived[it].value)
// Apply all the snapshots
repeat(count) {
// Global should now be able to see all changes
repeat(count) {
assertEquals(it, state[it].value)
assertEquals(it, derived[it].value)
} finally {
// Dispose the snapshots
snapshots.forEach { it.dispose() }
fun stateReadsCanBeObserved() {
val state = mutableStateOf(0)
val derived = derivedStateOf { state.value }
var readCount = 0
val readStates = mutableSetOf<Any>()
val snapshot = takeSnapshot {
try {
val result = snapshot.enter { derived.value }
assertEquals(0, result)
// 1 for derived, 1 for state
assertEquals(2, readStates.size)
// NOTE: the first calculation will cause two reads of all dependencies: one for the
// calculation, and one for the hash calculation, 3 reads total
assertEquals(3, readCount)
assertEquals(true, readStates.contains(state))
assertEquals(true, readStates.contains(derived))
} finally {
fun stateReadsCanBeObservedEvenIfCached() {
val state = mutableStateOf(0)
val derived = derivedStateOf { state.value }
assertEquals(0, derived.value)
val readStates = mutableListOf<Any>()
val snapshot = takeSnapshot {
try {
val result = snapshot.enter { derived.value }
assertEquals(0, result)
// 1 for derived, 1 for state
assertEquals(2, readStates.size)
assertEquals(derived, readStates[0])
assertEquals(state, readStates[1])
} finally {
private var count = 0
fun recordOpenSnapshots() {
count = openSnapshotCount()
// Validate that the tests do not change the number of open snapshots
fun validateOpenSnapshots() {
assertEquals(count, openSnapshotCount())