[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: a3f01d1f8dfb3c096230dbbd25bf43bc33a37be2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.ui.test
import androidx.ui.core.ExperimentalLayoutNodeApi
import androidx.ui.core.semantics.findClosestParentNode
import androidx.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.ui.semantics.AccessibilityAction
import androidx.ui.semantics.SemanticsActions
import androidx.ui.semantics.SemanticsPropertyKey
* Performs a click action on the element represented by the given semantics node.
fun SemanticsNodeInteraction.performClick(): SemanticsNodeInteraction {
// TODO(jellefresen): Replace with semantics action when semantics merging is done
// The problem we currently have is that the click action might be defined on a different
// semantics node than we're interacting with now, even though it is "semantically" the same.
// E.g., findByText(buttonText) finds the Text's semantics node, but the click action is
// defined on the wrapping Button's semantics node.
// Since in general the intended click action can be on a wrapping node or a child node, we
// can't just forward to the correct node, as we don't know if we should search up or down the
// tree.
return performGesture {
* Scrolls to a node using SemanticsActions. It first identifies a parent semantics node with a
* Semantics ScrollBy action, then it retrieves the location of the current element and computes
* the relative coordinates that will be used by the scroller.
* Throws [AssertionError] if there is no parent node with ScrollBy SemanticsAction, the
* current semantics node doesn't have a bounding rectangle set or if a layout node used to
* compute the relative coordinates to be fed to the ScrollBy action can't be found.
fun SemanticsNodeInteraction.performScrollTo(): SemanticsNodeInteraction {
// find containing node with scroll action
val errorMessageOnFail = "Failed to perform doScrollTo."
val node = fetchSemanticsNode(errorMessageOnFail)
val scrollableSemanticsNode = node.findClosestParentNode {
?: throw AssertionError(
"Semantic Node has no parent layout with a Scroll SemanticsAction"
val globalPosition = node.globalPosition
val layoutNode = scrollableSemanticsNode.componentNode
val position = layoutNode.coordinates.localToGlobal(Offset(0.0f, 0.0f))
runOnUiThread {
(globalPosition.x - position.x),
(globalPosition.y - position.y)
return this
* Executes the gestures specified in the given block.
* Example usage:
* ```
* onNodeWithTag("myWidget")
* .doGesture {
* sendSwipeUp()
* }
* ```
fun SemanticsNodeInteraction.performGesture(
block: GestureScope.() -> Unit
): SemanticsNodeInteraction {
val node = fetchSemanticsNode("Failed to perform a gesture.")
with(GestureScope(node)) {
try {
} finally {
return this
* Executes the (partial) gesture specified in the given block. The gesture doesn't need to be
* complete and can be resumed later. It is the responsibility of the caller to make sure partial
* gestures don't leave the test in an inconsistent state.
* When [sending the down event][down], a token is returned which needs to be used in all
* subsequent events of this gesture.
* Example usage:
* ```
* val position = Offset(10f, 10f)
* onNodeWithTag("myWidget")
* .performPartialGesture { sendDown(position) }
* .assertHasClickAction()
* .performPartialGesture { sendUp(position) }
* ```
fun SemanticsNodeInteraction.performPartialGesture(
block: PartialGestureScope.() -> Unit
): SemanticsNodeInteraction {
val node = fetchSemanticsNode("Failed to perform a partial gesture.")
with(PartialGestureScope(node)) {
try {
} finally {
return this
* Provides support to call custom semantics actions on this node.
* This method is supposed to be used for actions with parameters.
* This will properly verify that the actions exists and provide clear error message in case it
* does not. It also handle synchronization and performing the action on the UI thread. This call
* is blocking until the action is performed
* @param key Key of the action to be performed.
* @param invocation Place where you call your action. In the argument is provided the underlying
* action from the given Semantics action.
* @throws AssertionError If the semantics action is not defined on this node.
fun <T : Function<Boolean>> SemanticsNodeInteraction.performSemanticsAction(
key: SemanticsPropertyKey<AccessibilityAction<T>>,
invocation: (T) -> Unit
) {
val node = fetchSemanticsNode("Failed to perform ${key.name} action.")
if (key !in node.config) {
throw AssertionError(
"Failed to perform ${key.name} action as it is not defined on the node.",
selector, node)
runOnUiThread {
* Provides support to call custom semantics actions on this node.
* This method is for calling actions that have no parameters.
* This will properly verify that the actions exists and provide clear error message in case it
* does not. It also handle synchronization and performing the action on the UI thread. This call
* is blocking until the action is performed
* @param key Key of the action to be performed.
* @throws AssertionError If the semantics action is not defined on this node.
fun SemanticsNodeInteraction.performSemanticsAction(
key: SemanticsPropertyKey<AccessibilityAction<() -> Boolean>>
) {
performSemanticsAction(key) { it.invoke() }
* Performs a click action on the given component.
@Deprecated("Renamed to performClick",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("performClick()"))
fun SemanticsNodeInteraction.doClick(): SemanticsNodeInteraction = performClick()
* Scrolls to a component using SemanticsActions. It first identifies a parent component with a
* Semantics ScrollTo action, then it retrieves the location of the current element and computes
* the relative coordinates that will be used by the scroller.
* Throws [AssertionError] if there is no parent component with ScrollTo SemanticsAction, the
* current semantics component doesn't have a bounding rectangle set or if a layout node used to
* compute the relative coordinates to be fed to the ScrollTo action can't be found.
@Deprecated("Renamed to performScrollTo",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("performScrollTo()"))
fun SemanticsNodeInteraction.doScrollTo(): SemanticsNodeInteraction = performScrollTo()
* Executes the gestures specified in the given block.
* Example usage:
* ```
* onNodeWithTag("myWidget")
* .doGesture {
* sendSwipeUp()
* }
* ```
@Deprecated("Renamed to performGesture",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("performGesture(block)"))
fun SemanticsNodeInteraction.doGesture(
block: GestureScope.() -> Unit
): SemanticsNodeInteraction = performGesture(block)
* Executes the (partial) gesture specified in the given block. The gesture doesn't need to be
* complete and can be resumed later. It is the responsibility of the caller to make sure partial
* gestures don't leave the test in an inconsistent state.
* When [sending the down event][down], a token is returned which needs to be used in all
* subsequent events of this gesture.
* Example usage:
* ```
* val position = Offset(10f, 10f)
* onNodeWithTag("myWidget")
* .doPartialGesture { sendDown(position) }
* .assertHasClickAction()
* .doPartialGesture { sendUp(position) }
* ```
@Deprecated("Renamed to performPartialGesture",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("performPartialGesture(block)"))
fun SemanticsNodeInteraction.doPartialGesture(
block: PartialGestureScope.() -> Unit
): SemanticsNodeInteraction = performPartialGesture(block)
* Provides support to call custom semantics actions on this node.
* This method is supposed to be used for actions with parameters.
* This will properly verify that the actions exists and provide clear error message in case it
* does not. It also handle synchronization and performing the action on the UI thread. This call
* is blocking until the action is performed
* @param key Key of the action to be performed.
* @param invocation Place where you call your action. In the argument is provided the underlying
* action from the given Semantics action.
* @throws AssertionError If the semantics action is not defined on this node.
@Deprecated("Renamed to performSemanticsAction",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("performSemanticsAction(key, invocation)"))
fun <T : Function<Boolean>> SemanticsNodeInteraction.callSemanticsAction(
key: SemanticsPropertyKey<AccessibilityAction<T>>,
invocation: (T) -> Unit
) = performSemanticsAction(key, invocation)
* Provides support to call custom semantics actions on this node.
* This method is for calling actions that have no parameters.
* This will properly verify that the actions exists and provide clear error message in case it
* does not. It also handle synchronization and performing the action on the UI thread. This call
* is blocking until the action is performed
* @param key Key of the action to be performed.
* @throws AssertionError If the semantics action is not defined on this node.
@Deprecated("Renamed to performSemanticsAction",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("performSemanticsAction(key)"))
fun SemanticsNodeInteraction.callSemanticsAction(
key: SemanticsPropertyKey<AccessibilityAction<() -> Boolean>>
) = performSemanticsAction(key)