[go: nahoru, domu]

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* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.ui.geometry
import androidx.ui.util.lerp
import androidx.ui.util.toStringAsFixed
import kotlin.math.absoluteValue
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
* An immutable rounded rectangle with custom radii for all four corners.
data class RRect(
/** The offset of the left edge of this rectangle from the x axis */
val left: Float,
/** The offset of the top edge of this rectangle from the y axis */
val top: Float,
/** The offset of the right edge of this rectangle from the x axis */
val right: Float,
/** The offset of the bottom edge of this rectangle from the y axis */
val bottom: Float,
/** The top-left horizontal radius */
val topLeftRadiusX: Float,
/** The top-left vertical radius */
val topLeftRadiusY: Float,
/** The top-right horizontal radius */
val topRightRadiusX: Float,
/** The top-right vertical radius */
val topRightRadiusY: Float,
/** The bottom-right horizontal radius */
val bottomRightRadiusX: Float,
/** The bottom-right vertical radius */
val bottomRightRadiusY: Float,
/** The bottom-left horizontal radius */
val bottomLeftRadiusX: Float,
/** The bottom-left vertical radius */
val bottomLeftRadiusY: Float
) {
/** The distance between the left and right edges of this rectangle. */
val width = right - left
/** The distance between the top and bottom edges of this rectangle. */
val height = bottom - top
* Same RRect with scaled radii per side. If you need this call [scaledRadiiRect] instead.
* Not @Volatile since the computed result will always be the same even if we race
* and duplicate creation/computation in [scaledRadiiRect].
private var _scaledRadiiRect: RRect? = null
* Scales all radii so that on each side their sum will not pass the size of
* the width/height.
* Inspired from: https://github.com/google/skia/blob/master/src/core/SkRRect.cpp#L164
private fun scaledRadiiRect(): RRect = _scaledRadiiRect ?: run {
var scale = 1.0f
scale = minRadius(scale, bottomLeftRadiusY, topLeftRadiusY, height)
scale = minRadius(scale, topLeftRadiusX, topRightRadiusX, width)
scale = minRadius(scale, topRightRadiusY, bottomRightRadiusY, height)
scale = minRadius(scale, bottomRightRadiusX, bottomLeftRadiusX, width)
left = left * scale,
top = top * scale,
right = right * scale,
bottom = bottom * scale,
topLeftRadiusX = topLeftRadiusX * scale,
topLeftRadiusY = topLeftRadiusY * scale,
topRightRadiusX = topRightRadiusX * scale,
topRightRadiusY = topRightRadiusY * scale,
bottomRightRadiusX = bottomRightRadiusX * scale,
bottomRightRadiusY = bottomRightRadiusY * scale,
bottomLeftRadiusX = bottomLeftRadiusX * scale,
bottomLeftRadiusY = bottomLeftRadiusY * scale
}.also {
// This might happen racey on different threads, we don't care, it'll be the same results.
_scaledRadiiRect = it
* Returns the minimum between min and scale to which radius1 and radius2
* should be scaled with in order not to exceed the limit.
private fun minRadius(min: Float, radius1: Float, radius2: Float, limit: Float): Float {
val sum = radius1 + radius2
return if (sum > limit && sum != 0.0f) {
min(min, limit / sum)
} else {
* Whether the point specified by the given offset (which is assumed to be
* relative to the origin) lies inside the rounded rectangle.
* This method may allocate (and cache) a copy of the object with normalized
* radii the first time it is called on a particular [RRect] instance. When
* using this method, prefer to reuse existing [RRect]s rather than
* recreating the object each time.
fun contains(point: Offset): Boolean {
if (point.x < left || point.x >= right || point.y < top || point.y >= bottom) {
return false; // outside bounding box
val scaled = scaledRadiiRect()
val x: Float
val y: Float
val radiusX: Float
val radiusY: Float
// check whether point is in one of the rounded corner areas
// x, y -> translate to ellipse center
if (point.x < left + scaled.topLeftRadiusX &&
point.y < top + scaled.topLeftRadiusY
) {
x = point.x - left - scaled.topLeftRadiusX
y = point.y - top - scaled.topLeftRadiusY
radiusX = scaled.topLeftRadiusX
radiusY = scaled.topLeftRadiusY
} else if (point.x > right - scaled.topRightRadiusX &&
point.y < top + scaled.topRightRadiusY
) {
x = point.x - right + scaled.topRightRadiusX
y = point.y - top - scaled.topRightRadiusY
radiusX = scaled.topRightRadiusX
radiusY = scaled.topRightRadiusY
} else if (point.x > right - scaled.bottomRightRadiusX &&
point.y > bottom - scaled.bottomRightRadiusY
) {
x = point.x - right + scaled.bottomRightRadiusX
y = point.y - bottom + scaled.bottomRightRadiusY
radiusX = scaled.bottomRightRadiusX
radiusY = scaled.bottomRightRadiusY
} else if (point.x < left + scaled.bottomLeftRadiusX &&
point.y > bottom - scaled.bottomLeftRadiusY
) {
x = point.x - left - scaled.bottomLeftRadiusX
y = point.y - bottom + scaled.bottomLeftRadiusY
radiusX = scaled.bottomLeftRadiusX
radiusY = scaled.bottomLeftRadiusY
} else {
return true; // inside and not within the rounded corner area
val newX = x / radiusX
val newY = y / radiusY
// check if the point is inside the unit circle
return newX * newX + newY * newY <= 1.0f
override fun toString(): String {
val tlRadius = topLeftRadius()
val trRadius = topRightRadius()
val brRadius = bottomRightRadius()
val blRadius = bottomLeftRadius()
val rect =
"${left.toStringAsFixed(1)}, " +
"${top.toStringAsFixed(1)}, " +
"${right.toStringAsFixed(1)}, " +
if (tlRadius == trRadius &&
trRadius == brRadius &&
brRadius == blRadius
) {
if (tlRadius.x == tlRadius.y) {
return "RRect(rect=$rect, radius=${tlRadius.x.toStringAsFixed(1)})"
return "RRect(rect=$rect, x=${tlRadius.x.toStringAsFixed(1)}, " +
return "RRect(" +
"rect=$rect, " +
"topLeft=$tlRadius, " +
"topRight=$trRadius, " +
"bottomRight=$brRadius, " +
companion object {
/** A rounded rectangle with all the values set to zero. */
val Zero = RRect(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
* Construct a rounded rectangle from its left, top, right, and bottom edges,
* and the same radii along its horizontal axis and its vertical axis.
fun RRect(
left: Float,
top: Float,
right: Float,
bottom: Float,
radiusX: Float,
radiusY: Float
) = RRect(
left = left,
top = top,
right = right,
bottom = bottom,
topLeftRadiusX = radiusX,
topLeftRadiusY = radiusY,
topRightRadiusX = radiusX,
topRightRadiusY = radiusY,
bottomRightRadiusX = radiusX,
bottomRightRadiusY = radiusY,
bottomLeftRadiusX = radiusX,
bottomLeftRadiusY = radiusY
* Construct a rounded rectangle from its left, top, right, and bottom edges,
* and the same radius in each corner.
fun RRect(
left: Float,
top: Float,
right: Float,
bottom: Float,
radius: Radius
) = RRect(
* Construct a rounded rectangle from its bounding box and the same radii
* along its horizontal axis and its vertical axis.
fun RRect(
rect: Rect,
radiusX: Float,
radiusY: Float
): RRect = RRect(
left = rect.left,
top = rect.top,
right = rect.right,
bottom = rect.bottom,
radiusX = radiusX,
radiusY = radiusY
* Construct a rounded rectangle from its bounding box and a radius that is
* the same in each corner.
fun RRect(
rect: Rect,
radius: Radius
): RRect = RRect(
rect = rect,
radiusX = radius.x,
radiusY = radius.y
* Construct a rounded rectangle from its left, top, right, and bottom edges,
* and topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, and bottomLeft radii.
* The corner radii default to [Radius.Zero], i.e. right-angled corners.
fun RRect(
left: Float,
top: Float,
right: Float,
bottom: Float,
topLeft: Radius = Radius.Zero,
topRight: Radius = Radius.Zero,
bottomRight: Radius = Radius.Zero,
bottomLeft: Radius = Radius.Zero
): RRect = RRect(
left = left,
top = top,
right = right,
bottom = bottom,
topLeftRadiusX = topLeft.x,
topLeftRadiusY = topLeft.y,
topRightRadiusX = topRight.x,
topRightRadiusY = topRight.y,
bottomRightRadiusX = bottomRight.x,
bottomRightRadiusY = bottomRight.y,
bottomLeftRadiusX = bottomLeft.x,
bottomLeftRadiusY = bottomLeft.y
* Construct a rounded rectangle from its bounding box and and topLeft,
* topRight, bottomRight, and bottomLeft radii.
* The corner radii default to [Radius.Zero], i.e. right-angled corners
fun RRect(
rect: Rect,
topLeft: Radius = Radius.Zero,
topRight: Radius = Radius.Zero,
bottomRight: Radius = Radius.Zero,
bottomLeft: Radius = Radius.Zero
): RRect = RRect(
left = rect.left,
top = rect.top,
right = rect.right,
bottom = rect.bottom,
topLeftRadiusX = topLeft.x,
topLeftRadiusY = topLeft.y,
topRightRadiusX = topRight.x,
topRightRadiusY = topRight.y,
bottomRightRadiusX = bottomRight.x,
bottomRightRadiusY = bottomRight.y,
bottomLeftRadiusX = bottomLeft.x,
bottomLeftRadiusY = bottomLeft.y
/** The top-left [Radius]. */
fun RRect.topLeftRadius(): Radius = Radius(topLeftRadiusX, topLeftRadiusY)
/** The top-right [Radius]. */
fun RRect.topRightRadius(): Radius = Radius(topRightRadiusX, topRightRadiusY)
/** The bottom-right [Radius]. */
fun RRect.bottomRightRadius(): Radius = Radius(bottomRightRadiusX, bottomRightRadiusY)
/** The bottom-left [Radius]. */
fun RRect.bottomLeftRadius(): Radius = Radius(bottomLeftRadiusX, bottomLeftRadiusY)
/** Returns a new [RRect] translated by the given offset. */
fun RRect.shift(offset: Offset): RRect = RRect(
left = left + offset.x,
top = top + offset.y,
right = right + offset.x,
bottom = bottom + offset.y,
topLeft = Radius(topLeftRadiusX, topLeftRadiusY),
topRight = Radius(topRightRadiusX, topRightRadiusY),
bottomRight = Radius(bottomRightRadiusX, bottomRightRadiusY),
bottomLeft = Radius(bottomLeftRadiusX, bottomLeftRadiusY)
* Returns a new [RRect] with edges and radii moved outwards by the given
* delta.
fun RRect.grow(delta: Float): RRect = RRect(
left = left - delta,
top = top - delta,
right = right + delta,
bottom = bottom + delta,
topLeft = Radius(topLeftRadiusX + delta, topLeftRadiusY + delta),
topRight = Radius(topRightRadiusX + delta, topRightRadiusY + delta),
bottomRight = Radius(bottomRightRadiusX + delta, bottomRightRadiusY + delta),
bottomLeft = Radius(bottomLeftRadiusX + delta, bottomLeftRadiusY + delta)
fun RRect.withRadius(radius: Radius): RRect = RRect(
left = left,
top = top,
right = right,
bottom = bottom,
topLeft = radius,
topRight = radius,
bottomLeft = radius,
bottomRight = radius
/** Returns a new [RRect] with edges and radii moved inwards by the given delta. */
fun RRect.shrink(delta: Float): RRect = grow(-delta)
/** The bounding box of this rounded rectangle (the rectangle with no rounded corners). */
fun RRect.outerRect(): Rect = Rect.fromLTRB(left, top, right, bottom)
* The non-rounded rectangle that is constrained by the smaller of the two
* diagonals, with each diagonal traveling through the middle of the curve
* corners. The middle of a corner is the intersection of the curve with its
* respective quadrant bisector.
fun RRect.safeInnerRect(): Rect {
val insetFactor = 0.29289321881f // 1-cos(pi/4)
val leftRadius = max(bottomLeftRadiusX, topLeftRadiusX)
val topRadius = max(topLeftRadiusY, topRightRadiusY)
val rightRadius = max(topRightRadiusX, bottomRightRadiusX)
val bottomRadius = max(bottomRightRadiusY, bottomLeftRadiusY)
return Rect.fromLTRB(
left + leftRadius * insetFactor,
top + topRadius * insetFactor,
right - rightRadius * insetFactor,
bottom - bottomRadius * insetFactor
* The rectangle that would be formed using the axis-aligned intersection of
* the sides of the rectangle, i.e., the rectangle formed from the
* inner-most centers of the ellipses that form the corners. This is the
* intersection of the [wideMiddleRect] and the [tallMiddleRect]. If any of
* the intersections are void, the resulting [Rect] will have negative width
* or height.
fun RRect.middleRect(): Rect {
val leftRadius = max(bottomLeftRadiusX, topLeftRadiusX)
val topRadius = max(topLeftRadiusY, topRightRadiusY)
val rightRadius = max(topRightRadiusX, bottomRightRadiusX)
val bottomRadius = max(bottomRightRadiusY, bottomLeftRadiusY)
return Rect.fromLTRB(
left + leftRadius,
top + topRadius,
right - rightRadius,
bottom - bottomRadius
* The biggest rectangle that is entirely inside the rounded rectangle and
* has the full width of the rounded rectangle. If the rounded rectangle does
* not have an axis-aligned intersection of its left and right side, the
* resulting [Rect] will have negative width or height.
fun RRect.wideMiddleRect(): Rect {
val topRadius = max(topLeftRadiusY, topRightRadiusY)
val bottomRadius = max(bottomRightRadiusY, bottomLeftRadiusY)
return Rect.fromLTRB(
top + topRadius,
bottom - bottomRadius
* The biggest rectangle that is entirely inside the rounded rectangle and
* has the full height of the rounded rectangle. If the rounded rectangle
* does not have an axis-aligned intersection of its top and bottom side, the
* resulting [Rect] will have negative width or height.
fun RRect.tallMiddleRect(): Rect {
val leftRadius = max(bottomLeftRadiusX, topLeftRadiusX)
val rightRadius = max(topRightRadiusX, bottomRightRadiusX)
return Rect.fromLTRB(
left + leftRadius,
right - rightRadius,
* Whether this rounded rectangle encloses a non-zero area.
* Negative areas are considered empty.
val RRect.isEmpty get() = left >= right || top >= bottom
/** Whether all coordinates of this rounded rectangle are finite. */
val RRect.isFinite get() =
left.isFinite() && top.isFinite() && right.isFinite() && bottom.isFinite()
* Whether this rounded rectangle is a simple rectangle with zero
* corner radii.
val RRect.isRect get(): Boolean = (topLeftRadiusX == 0.0f || topLeftRadiusY == 0.0f) &&
(topRightRadiusX == 0.0f || topRightRadiusY == 0.0f) &&
(bottomLeftRadiusX == 0.0f || bottomLeftRadiusY == 0.0f) &&
(bottomRightRadiusX == 0.0f || bottomRightRadiusY == 0.0f)
/** Whether this rounded rectangle has a side with no straight section. */
val RRect.isStadium get(): Boolean =
topLeftRadiusX == topRightRadiusX && topLeftRadiusY == topRightRadiusY &&
topRightRadiusX == bottomRightRadiusX && topRightRadiusY == bottomRightRadiusY &&
bottomRightRadiusX == bottomLeftRadiusX && bottomRightRadiusY == bottomLeftRadiusY &&
(width <= 2.0 * topLeftRadiusX || height <= 2.0 * topLeftRadiusY)
/** Whether this rounded rectangle has no side with a straight section. */
val RRect.isEllipse get(): Boolean =
topLeftRadiusX == topRightRadiusX && topLeftRadiusY == topRightRadiusY &&
topRightRadiusX == bottomRightRadiusX && topRightRadiusY == bottomRightRadiusY &&
bottomRightRadiusX == bottomLeftRadiusX && bottomRightRadiusY == bottomLeftRadiusY &&
width <= 2.0 * topLeftRadiusX &&
height <= 2.0 * topLeftRadiusY
/** Whether this rounded rectangle would draw as a circle. */
val RRect.isCircle get() = width == height && isEllipse
* The lesser of the magnitudes of the [RRect.width] and the [RRect.height] of this
* rounded rectangle.
val RRect.shortestSide get(): Float = min(width.absoluteValue, height.absoluteValue)
* The greater of the magnitudes of the [RRect.width] and the [RRect.height] of this
* rounded rectangle.
val RRect.longestSide get(): Float = max(width.absoluteValue, height.absoluteValue)
* The offset to the point halfway between the left and right and the top and
* bottom edges of this rectangle.
fun RRect.center(): Offset = Offset((left + width / 2.0f), (top + height / 2.0f))
* Returns `true` if the rounded rectangle have the same radii in both the horizontal and vertical
* direction for all corners.
val RRect.isSimple: Boolean
get() = topLeftRadiusX == topLeftRadiusY &&
topLeftRadiusX == topRightRadiusX &&
topLeftRadiusX == topRightRadiusY &&
topLeftRadiusX == bottomRightRadiusX &&
topLeftRadiusX == bottomRightRadiusY &&
topLeftRadiusX == bottomLeftRadiusX &&
topLeftRadiusX == bottomLeftRadiusY
* Linearly interpolate between two rounded rectangles.
* The [fraction] argument represents position on the timeline, with 0.0 meaning
* that the interpolation has not started, returning [start] (or something
* equivalent to [start]), 1.0 meaning that the interpolation has finished,
* returning [stop] (or something equivalent to [stop]), and values in between
* meaning that the interpolation is at the relevant point on the timeline
* between [start] and [stop]. The interpolation can be extrapolated beyond 0.0 and
* 1.0, so negative values and values greater than 1.0 are valid (and can
* easily be generated by curves).
* Values for [fraction] are usually obtained from an [Animation<Float>], such as
* an `AnimationController`.
fun lerp(start: RRect, stop: RRect, fraction: Float): RRect =
left = lerp(start.left, stop.left, fraction),
top = lerp(start.top, stop.top, fraction),
right = lerp(start.right, stop.right, fraction),
bottom = lerp(start.bottom, stop.bottom, fraction),
topLeftRadiusX = lerp(
topLeftRadiusY = lerp(
topRightRadiusX = lerp(
topRightRadiusY = lerp(
bottomRightRadiusX = lerp(
bottomRightRadiusY = lerp(
bottomLeftRadiusX = lerp(
bottomLeftRadiusY = lerp(