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* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.animation.core
import androidx.annotation.FloatRange
import androidx.annotation.IntRange
import androidx.collection.MutableIntList
import androidx.collection.MutableIntObjectMap
import androidx.collection.emptyIntObjectMap
import androidx.collection.intListOf
import androidx.collection.mutableIntObjectMapOf
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationConstants.DefaultDurationMillis
import androidx.compose.animation.core.ArcMode.Companion.ArcBelow
import androidx.compose.animation.core.ArcMode.Companion.ArcLinear
import androidx.compose.animation.core.KeyframesSpec.KeyframesSpecConfig
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastRoundToInt
import kotlin.math.abs
object AnimationConstants {
* The default duration used in [VectorizedAnimationSpec]s and [AnimationSpec].
const val DefaultDurationMillis: Int = 300
* The value that is used when the animation time is not yet set.
const val UnspecifiedTime: Long = Long.MIN_VALUE
* [AnimationSpec] stores the specification of an animation, including 1) the data type to be
* animated, and 2) the animation configuration (i.e. [VectorizedAnimationSpec]) that will be used
* once the data (of type [T]) has been converted to [AnimationVector].
* Any type [T] can be animated by the system as long as a [TwoWayConverter] is supplied to convert
* the data type [T] from and to an [AnimationVector]. There are a number of converters
* available out of the box. For example, to animate [androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset] the system
* uses [IntOffset.VectorConverter][IntOffset.Companion.VectorConverter] to convert the object to
* [AnimationVector2D], so that both x and y dimensions are animated independently with separate
* velocity tracking. This enables multidimensional objects to be animated in a true
* multi-dimensional way. It is particularly useful for smoothly handling animation interruptions
* (such as when the target changes during the animation).
interface AnimationSpec<T> {
* Creates a [VectorizedAnimationSpec] with the given [TwoWayConverter].
* The underlying animation system operates on [AnimationVector]s. [T] will be converted to
* [AnimationVector] to animate. [VectorizedAnimationSpec] describes how the
* converted [AnimationVector] should be animated. E.g. The animation could simply
* interpolate between the start and end values (i.e.[TweenSpec]), or apply spring physics
* to produce the motion (i.e. [SpringSpec]), etc)
* @param converter converts the type [T] from and to [AnimationVector] type
fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(
converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>
): VectorizedAnimationSpec<V>
* [FiniteAnimationSpec] is the interface that all non-infinite [AnimationSpec]s implement,
* including: [TweenSpec], [SpringSpec], [KeyframesSpec], [RepeatableSpec], [SnapSpec], etc. By
* definition, [InfiniteRepeatableSpec] __does not__ implement this interface.
* @see [InfiniteRepeatableSpec]
interface FiniteAnimationSpec<T> : AnimationSpec<T> {
override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(
converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>
): VectorizedFiniteAnimationSpec<V>
* Creates a TweenSpec configured with the given duration, delay, and easing curve.
* @param durationMillis duration of the [VectorizedTweenSpec] animation.
* @param delay the number of milliseconds the animation waits before starting, 0 by default.
* @param easing the easing curve used by the animation. [FastOutSlowInEasing] by default.
class TweenSpec<T>(
val durationMillis: Int = DefaultDurationMillis,
val delay: Int = 0,
val easing: Easing = FastOutSlowInEasing
) : DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T> {
override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>) =
VectorizedTweenSpec<V>(durationMillis, delay, easing)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
if (other is TweenSpec<*>) {
other.durationMillis == this.durationMillis &&
other.delay == this.delay &&
other.easing == this.easing
} else {
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return (durationMillis * 31 + easing.hashCode()) * 31 + delay
* This describes [AnimationSpec]s that are based on a fixed duration, such as [KeyframesSpec],
* [TweenSpec], and [SnapSpec]. These duration based specs can repeated when put into a
* [RepeatableSpec].
interface DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T> : FiniteAnimationSpec<T> {
override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>):
* Creates a [SpringSpec] that uses the given spring constants (i.e. [dampingRatio] and
* [stiffness]. The optional [visibilityThreshold] defines when the animation
* should be considered to be visually close enough to round off to its target.
* @param dampingRatio damping ratio of the spring. [Spring.DampingRatioNoBouncy] by default.
* @param stiffness stiffness of the spring. [Spring.StiffnessMedium] by default.
* @param visibilityThreshold specifies the visibility threshold
// TODO: annotate damping/stiffness with FloatRange
class SpringSpec<T>(
val dampingRatio: Float = Spring.DampingRatioNoBouncy,
val stiffness: Float = Spring.StiffnessMedium,
val visibilityThreshold: T? = null
) : FiniteAnimationSpec<T> {
override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>) =
VectorizedSpringSpec(dampingRatio, stiffness, converter.convert(visibilityThreshold))
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
if (other is SpringSpec<*>) {
other.dampingRatio == this.dampingRatio &&
other.stiffness == this.stiffness &&
other.visibilityThreshold == this.visibilityThreshold
} else {
override fun hashCode(): Int =
(visibilityThreshold.hashCode() * 31 + dampingRatio.hashCode()) * 31 + stiffness.hashCode()
private fun <T, V : AnimationVector> TwoWayConverter<T, V>.convert(data: T?): V? {
if (data == null) {
return null
} else {
return convertToVector(data)
* [DurationBasedAnimationSpec] that interpolates 2-dimensional values using arcs of quarter of an
* Ellipse.
* To interpolate with [keyframes] use [KeyframesSpecConfig.using] with an [ArcMode].
* &nbsp;
* As such, it's recommended that [ArcAnimationSpec] is only used for positional values such as:
* [Offset], [IntOffset] or [androidx.compose.ui.unit.DpOffset].
* &nbsp;
* The orientation of the arc is indicated by the given [mode].
* Do note, that if the target value being animated only changes in one dimension, you'll only be
* able to get a linear curve.
* Similarly, one-dimensional values will always only interpolate on a linear curve.
* @param mode Orientation of the arc.
* @param durationMillis Duration of the animation. [DefaultDurationMillis] by default.
* @param delayMillis Time the animation waits before starting. 0 by default.
* @param easing [Easing] applied on the animation curve. [FastOutSlowInEasing] by default.
* @see ArcMode
* @see keyframes
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.OffsetArcAnimationSpec
class ArcAnimationSpec<T>(
val mode: ArcMode = ArcBelow,
val durationMillis: Int = DefaultDurationMillis,
val delayMillis: Int = 0,
val easing: Easing = FastOutSlowInEasing // Same default as tween()
) : DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T> {
override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(
converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>
): VectorizedDurationBasedAnimationSpec<V> =
timestamps = intListOf(0, durationMillis),
keyframes = emptyIntObjectMap(),
durationMillis = durationMillis,
delayMillis = delayMillis,
defaultEasing = easing,
initialArcMode = mode
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is ArcAnimationSpec<*>) return false
if (mode != other.mode) return false
if (durationMillis != other.durationMillis) return false
if (delayMillis != other.delayMillis) return false
return easing == other.easing
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = mode.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + durationMillis
result = 31 * result + delayMillis
result = 31 * result + easing.hashCode()
return result
* This class defines the two types of [StartOffset]: [StartOffsetType.Delay] and
* [StartOffsetType.FastForward].
* [StartOffsetType.Delay] delays the start of the animation, whereas [StartOffsetType.FastForward]
* starts the animation right away from a given play time in the animation.
* @see repeatable
* @see infiniteRepeatable
* @see StartOffset
value class StartOffsetType private constructor(internal val value: Int) {
companion object {
* Delays the start of the animation.
val Delay = StartOffsetType(-1)
* Fast forwards the animation to a given play time, and starts it immediately.
val FastForward = StartOffsetType(1)
* This class defines a start offset for [repeatable] and [infiniteRepeatable]. There are two types
* of start offsets: [StartOffsetType.Delay] and [StartOffsetType.FastForward].
* [StartOffsetType.Delay] delays the start of the animation, whereas [StartOffsetType.FastForward]
* fast forwards the animation to a given play time and starts it right away.
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.InfiniteProgressIndicator
// This is an inline of Long so that when adding a StartOffset param to the end of constructor
// param list, it won't be confused with/clash with the mask param generated by constructors.
value class StartOffset private constructor(internal val value: Long) {
* This creates a start offset for [repeatable] and [infiniteRepeatable]. [offsetType] can be
* either of the following: [StartOffsetType.Delay] and [StartOffsetType.FastForward].
* [offsetType] defaults to [StartOffsetType.Delay].
* [StartOffsetType.Delay] delays the start of the animation by [offsetMillis], whereas
* [StartOffsetType.FastForward] starts the animation right away from [offsetMillis] in the
* animation.
constructor(offsetMillis: Int, offsetType: StartOffsetType = StartOffsetType.Delay) : this(
(offsetMillis * offsetType.value).toLong()
* Returns the number of milliseconds to offset the start of the animation.
val offsetMillis: Int
get() = abs(this.value.toInt())
* Returns the offset type of the provided [StartOffset].
val offsetType: StartOffsetType
get() = when (this.value > 0) {
true -> StartOffsetType.FastForward
false -> StartOffsetType.Delay
* [RepeatableSpec] takes another [DurationBasedAnimationSpec] and plays it [iterations] times. For
* creating infinitely repeating animation spec, consider using [InfiniteRepeatableSpec].
* __Note__: When repeating in the [RepeatMode.Reverse] mode, it's highly recommended to have an
* __odd__ number of iterations. Otherwise, the animation may jump to the end value when it finishes
* the last iteration.
* [initialStartOffset] can be used to either delay the start of the animation or to fast forward
* the animation to a given play time. This start offset will **not** be repeated, whereas the delay
* in the [animation] (if any) will be repeated. By default, the amount of offset is 0.
* @see repeatable
* @see InfiniteRepeatableSpec
* @see infiniteRepeatable
* @param iterations the count of iterations. Should be at least 1.
* @param animation the [AnimationSpec] to be repeated
* @param repeatMode whether animation should repeat by starting from the beginning (i.e.
* [RepeatMode.Restart]) or from the end (i.e. [RepeatMode.Reverse])
* @param initialStartOffset offsets the start of the animation
class RepeatableSpec<T>(
val iterations: Int,
val animation: DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T>,
val repeatMode: RepeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart,
val initialStartOffset: StartOffset = StartOffset(0)
) : FiniteAnimationSpec<T> {
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "This constructor has been deprecated"
iterations: Int,
animation: DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T>,
repeatMode: RepeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart
) : this(iterations, animation, repeatMode, StartOffset(0))
override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(
converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>
): VectorizedFiniteAnimationSpec<V> {
return VectorizedRepeatableSpec(
iterations, animation.vectorize(converter), repeatMode, initialStartOffset
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
if (other is RepeatableSpec<*>) {
other.iterations == this.iterations &&
other.animation == this.animation &&
other.repeatMode == this.repeatMode &&
other.initialStartOffset == this.initialStartOffset
} else {
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return ((iterations * 31 + animation.hashCode()) * 31 + repeatMode.hashCode()) * 31 +
* [InfiniteRepeatableSpec] repeats the provided [animation] infinite amount of times. It will
* never naturally finish. This means the animation will only be stopped via some form of manual
* cancellation. When used with transition or other animation composables, the infinite animations
* will stop when the composable is removed from the compose tree.
* For non-infinite repeating animations, consider [RepeatableSpec].
* [initialStartOffset] can be used to either delay the start of the animation or to fast forward
* the animation to a given play time. This start offset will **not** be repeated, whereas the delay
* in the [animation] (if any) will be repeated. By default, the amount of offset is 0.
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.InfiniteProgressIndicator
* @param animation the [AnimationSpec] to be repeated
* @param repeatMode whether animation should repeat by starting from the beginning (i.e.
* [RepeatMode.Restart]) or from the end (i.e. [RepeatMode.Reverse])
* @param initialStartOffset offsets the start of the animation
* @see infiniteRepeatable
// TODO: Consider supporting repeating spring specs
class InfiniteRepeatableSpec<T>(
val animation: DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T>,
val repeatMode: RepeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart,
val initialStartOffset: StartOffset = StartOffset(0)
) : AnimationSpec<T> {
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "This constructor has been deprecated"
animation: DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T>,
repeatMode: RepeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart
) : this(animation, repeatMode, StartOffset(0))
override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(
converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>
): VectorizedAnimationSpec<V> {
return VectorizedInfiniteRepeatableSpec(
animation.vectorize(converter), repeatMode, initialStartOffset
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
if (other is InfiniteRepeatableSpec<*>) {
other.animation == this.animation && other.repeatMode == this.repeatMode &&
other.initialStartOffset == this.initialStartOffset
} else {
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return (animation.hashCode() * 31 + repeatMode.hashCode()) * 31 +
* Repeat mode for [RepeatableSpec] and [VectorizedRepeatableSpec].
enum class RepeatMode {
* [Restart] will restart the animation and animate from the start value to the end value.
* [Reverse] will reverse the last iteration as the animation repeats.
* [SnapSpec] describes a jump-cut type of animation. It immediately snaps the animating value to
* the end value.
* @param delay the amount of time (in milliseconds) that the animation should wait before it
* starts. Defaults to 0.
class SnapSpec<T>(val delay: Int = 0) : DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T> {
override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(
converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>
): VectorizedDurationBasedAnimationSpec<V> = VectorizedSnapSpec(delay)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean =
if (other is SnapSpec<*>) {
other.delay == this.delay
} else {
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return delay
* Shared configuration class used as DSL for keyframe based animations.
sealed class KeyframesSpecBaseConfig<T, E : KeyframeBaseEntity<T>> {
* Duration of the animation in milliseconds. The minimum is `0` and defaults to
* [DefaultDurationMillis]
@get:IntRange(from = 0L)
@setparam:IntRange(from = 0L)
var durationMillis: Int = DefaultDurationMillis
* The amount of time that the animation should be delayed. The minimum is `0` and defaults
* to 0.
@get:IntRange(from = 0L)
@setparam:IntRange(from = 0L)
var delayMillis: Int = 0
internal val keyframes = mutableIntObjectMapOf<E>()
* Method used to delegate instantiation of [E] to implementing classes.
internal abstract fun createEntityFor(value: T): E
* Adds a keyframe so that animation value will be [this] at time: [timeStamp]. For example:
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.floatAtSample
* @param timeStamp The time in the during when animation should reach value: [this], with
* a minimum value of `0`.
* @return an instance of [E] so a custom [Easing] can be added by the [using] method.
// needed as `open` to guarantee binary compatibility in KeyframesSpecConfig
open infix fun T.at(@IntRange(from = 0) timeStamp: Int): E {
val entity = createEntityFor(this)
keyframes[timeStamp] = entity
return entity
* Adds a keyframe so that the animation value will be the value specified at a fraction of the
* total [durationMillis] set. It's recommended that you always set [durationMillis] before
* calling [atFraction]. For example:
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.floatAtFractionSample
* @param fraction The fraction when the animation should reach specified value.
* @return an instance of [E] so a custom [Easing] can be added by the [using] method
// needed as `open` to guarantee binary compatibility in KeyframesSpecConfig
open infix fun T.atFraction(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) fraction: Float): E {
return at((durationMillis * fraction).fastRoundToInt())
* Adds an [Easing] for the interval started with the just provided timestamp. For example:
* 0f at 50 using LinearEasing
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.KeyframesBuilderWithEasing
* @param easing [Easing] to be used for the next interval.
* @return the same [E] instance so that other implementations can expand on the builder pattern
infix fun E.using(easing: Easing): E {
this.easing = easing
return this
* Base holder class for building a keyframes animation.
sealed class KeyframeBaseEntity<T>(
internal val value: T,
internal var easing: Easing
) {
internal fun <V : AnimationVector> toPair(convertToVector: (T) -> V) =
convertToVector.invoke(value) to easing
* [KeyframesSpec] creates a [VectorizedKeyframesSpec] animation.
* [VectorizedKeyframesSpec] animates based on the values defined at different timestamps in
* the duration of the animation (i.e. different keyframes). Each keyframe can be defined using
* [KeyframesSpecConfig.at]. [VectorizedKeyframesSpec] allows very specific animation definitions
* with a precision to millisecond.
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.FloatKeyframesBuilder
* You can also provide a custom [Easing] for the interval with use of [with] function applied
* for the interval starting keyframe.
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.KeyframesBuilderWithEasing
* Values can be animated using arcs of quarter of an Ellipse with [KeyframesSpecConfig.using] and
* [ArcMode]:
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.OffsetKeyframesWithArcsBuilder
class KeyframesSpec<T>(val config: KeyframesSpecConfig<T>) : DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T> {
* [KeyframesSpecConfig] stores a mutable configuration of the key frames, including [durationMillis],
* [delayMillis], and all the key frames. Each key frame defines what the animation value should be
* at a particular time. Once the key frames are fully configured, the [KeyframesSpecConfig]
* can be used to create a [KeyframesSpec].
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.KeyframesBuilderForPosition
* @see keyframes
class KeyframesSpecConfig<T> : KeyframesSpecBaseConfig<T, KeyframeEntity<T>>() {
override fun createEntityFor(value: T): KeyframeEntity<T> = KeyframeEntity(value)
* Adds a keyframe so that animation value will be [this] at time: [timeStamp]. For example:
* 0.8f at 150 // ms
* @param timeStamp The time in the during when animation should reach value: [this], with
* a minimum value of `0`.
* @return an [KeyframeEntity] so a custom [Easing] can be added by [with] method.
// TODO: Need a IntRange equivalent annotation
// overrides `at` for binary compatibility. It should explicitly return KeyframeEntity.
override infix fun T.at(@IntRange(from = 0) timeStamp: Int): KeyframeEntity<T> {
return KeyframeEntity(this).also {
keyframes[timeStamp] = it
* Adds a keyframe so that the animation value will be the value specified at a fraction of the total
* [durationMillis] set. For example:
* 0.8f atFraction 0.50f // half of the overall duration set
* @param fraction The fraction when the animation should reach specified value.
* @return an [KeyframeEntity] so a custom [Easing] can be added by [with] method
// overrides `atFraction` for binary compatibility. It should explicitly return KeyframeEntity.
override infix fun T.atFraction(
@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) fraction: Float
): KeyframeEntity<T> {
return at((durationMillis * fraction).fastRoundToInt())
* Adds an [Easing] for the interval started with the just provided timestamp. For example:
* 0f at 50 with LinearEasing
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.KeyframesBuilderWithEasing
* @param easing [Easing] to be used for the next interval.
* @return the same [KeyframeEntity] instance so that other implementations can expand on
* the builder pattern
message = "Use version that returns an instance of the entity so it can be re-used" +
" in other keyframe builders.",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("this using easing") // Expected usage pattern
infix fun KeyframeEntity<T>.with(easing: Easing) {
this.easing = easing
* [ArcMode] applied from this keyframe to the next.
* Note that arc modes are meant for objects with even dimensions (such as [Offset] and its
* variants). Where each value pair is animated as an arc. So, if the object has odd
* dimensions the last value will always animate linearly.
* &nbsp;
* The order of each value in an object with multiple dimensions is given by the applied
* vector converter in [KeyframesSpec.vectorize].
* E.g.: [RectToVector] assigns its values as `[left, top, right, bottom]` so the pairs of
* dimensions animated as arcs are: `[left, top]` and `[right, bottom]`.
infix fun KeyframeEntity<T>.using(arcMode: ArcMode): KeyframeEntity<T> {
this.arcMode = arcMode
return this
override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(
converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>
): VectorizedKeyframesSpec<V> {
// Max capacity is +2 to account for when the start/end timestamps are not included
val timestamps = MutableIntList(config.keyframes.size + 2)
val timeToInfoMap =
config.keyframes.forEach { key, value ->
timeToInfoMap[key] = VectorizedKeyframeSpecElementInfo(
vectorValue = converter.convertToVector(value.value),
easing = value.easing,
arcMode = value.arcMode
if (!config.keyframes.contains(0)) {
timestamps.add(0, 0)
if (!config.keyframes.contains(config.durationMillis)) {
return VectorizedKeyframesSpec(
timestamps = timestamps,
keyframes = timeToInfoMap,
durationMillis = config.durationMillis,
delayMillis = config.delayMillis,
defaultEasing = LinearEasing,
initialArcMode = ArcLinear
* Holder class for building a keyframes animation.
class KeyframeEntity<T> internal constructor(
value: T,
easing: Easing = LinearEasing,
internal var arcMode: ArcMode = ArcMode.Companion.ArcLinear
) : KeyframeBaseEntity<T>(value = value, easing = easing) {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (other === this) return true
if (other !is KeyframeEntity<*>) return false
return other.value == value && other.easing == easing && other.arcMode == arcMode
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = value?.hashCode() ?: 0
result = 31 * result + arcMode.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + easing.hashCode()
return result
* [KeyframesWithSplineSpec] creates a keyframe based [DurationBasedAnimationSpec] using the
* Monotone cubic Hermite spline to interpolate between the values in [config].
* [KeyframesWithSplineSpec] is best used with 2D values such as [Offset]. For example:
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.KeyframesBuilderForOffsetWithSplines
* @see keyframesWithSpline
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.KeyframesBuilderForIntOffsetWithSplines
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.KeyframesBuilderForDpOffsetWithSplines
class KeyframesWithSplineSpec<T>(val config: KeyframesWithSplineSpecConfig<T>) :
DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T> {
class KeyframesWithSplineSpecConfig<T> :
KeyframesSpecBaseConfig<T, KeyframesSpec.KeyframeEntity<T>>() {
override fun createEntityFor(value: T): KeyframesSpec.KeyframeEntity<T> =
override fun <V : AnimationVector> vectorize(converter: TwoWayConverter<T, V>):
VectorizedDurationBasedAnimationSpec<V> {
// Allocate so that we don't resize the list even if the initial/last timestamps are missing
val timestamps = MutableIntList(config.keyframes.size + 2)
val timeToVectorMap = MutableIntObjectMap<Pair<V, Easing>>(config.keyframes.size)
config.keyframes.forEach { key, value ->
timeToVectorMap[key] =
Pair(converter.convertToVector(value.value), value.easing)
if (!config.keyframes.contains(0)) {
timestamps.add(0, 0)
if (!config.keyframes.contains(config.durationMillis)) {
return VectorizedMonoSplineKeyframesSpec(
timestamps = timestamps,
keyframes = timeToVectorMap,
durationMillis = config.durationMillis,
delayMillis = config.delayMillis
* Creates a [TweenSpec] configured with the given duration, delay and easing curve.
* @param durationMillis duration of the animation spec
* @param delayMillis the amount of time in milliseconds that animation waits before starting
* @param easing the easing curve that will be used to interpolate between start and end
fun <T> tween(
durationMillis: Int = DefaultDurationMillis,
delayMillis: Int = 0,
easing: Easing = FastOutSlowInEasing
): TweenSpec<T> = TweenSpec(durationMillis, delayMillis, easing)
* Creates a [SpringSpec] that uses the given spring constants (i.e. [dampingRatio] and
* [stiffness]. The optional [visibilityThreshold] defines when the animation
* should be considered to be visually close enough to round off to its target.
* @param dampingRatio damping ratio of the spring. [Spring.DampingRatioNoBouncy] by default.
* @param stiffness stiffness of the spring. [Spring.StiffnessMedium] by default.
* @param visibilityThreshold optionally specifies the visibility threshold.
fun <T> spring(
dampingRatio: Float = Spring.DampingRatioNoBouncy,
stiffness: Float = Spring.StiffnessMedium,
visibilityThreshold: T? = null
): SpringSpec<T> =
SpringSpec(dampingRatio, stiffness, visibilityThreshold)
* Creates a [KeyframesSpec] animation, initialized with [init]. For example:
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.FloatKeyframesBuilderInline
* Keyframes can also be associated with a particular [Easing] function:
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.KeyframesBuilderWithEasing
* Values can be animated using arcs of quarter of an Ellipse with [KeyframesSpecConfig.using] and
* [ArcMode]:
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.OffsetKeyframesWithArcsBuilder
* @param init Initialization function for the [KeyframesSpec] animation
* @see KeyframesSpec.KeyframesSpecConfig
fun <T> keyframes(
init: KeyframesSpec.KeyframesSpecConfig<T>.() -> Unit
): KeyframesSpec<T> {
return KeyframesSpec(KeyframesSpec.KeyframesSpecConfig<T>().apply(init))
* Creates a [KeyframesWithSplineSpec] animation, initialized with [init]. For example:
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.KeyframesBuilderForOffsetWithSplines
* @param init Initialization function for the [KeyframesWithSplineSpec] animation
* @see KeyframesWithSplineSpec.KeyframesWithSplineSpecConfig
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.KeyframesBuilderForIntOffsetWithSplines
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.KeyframesBuilderForDpOffsetWithSplines
fun <T> keyframesWithSpline(
init: KeyframesWithSplineSpec.KeyframesWithSplineSpecConfig<T>.() -> Unit
): KeyframesWithSplineSpec<T> =
config = KeyframesWithSplineSpec.KeyframesWithSplineSpecConfig<T>().apply(init)
* Creates a [RepeatableSpec] that plays a [DurationBasedAnimationSpec] (e.g.
* [TweenSpec], [KeyframesSpec]) the amount of iterations specified by [iterations].
* The iteration count describes the amount of times the animation will run.
* 1 means no repeat. Recommend [infiniteRepeatable] for creating an infinity repeating animation.
* __Note__: When repeating in the [RepeatMode.Reverse] mode, it's highly recommended to have an
* __odd__ number of iterations. Otherwise, the animation may jump to the end value when it finishes
* the last iteration.
* [initialStartOffset] can be used to either delay the start of the animation or to fast forward
* the animation to a given play time. This start offset will **not** be repeated, whereas the delay
* in the [animation] (if any) will be repeated. By default, the amount of offset is 0.
* @param iterations the total count of iterations, should be greater than 1 to repeat.
* @param animation animation that will be repeated
* @param repeatMode whether animation should repeat by starting from the beginning (i.e.
* [RepeatMode.Restart]) or from the end (i.e. [RepeatMode.Reverse])
* @param initialStartOffset offsets the start of the animation
fun <T> repeatable(
iterations: Int,
animation: DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T>,
repeatMode: RepeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart,
initialStartOffset: StartOffset = StartOffset(0)
): RepeatableSpec<T> =
RepeatableSpec(iterations, animation, repeatMode, initialStartOffset)
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "This method has been deprecated in favor of the repeatable function that accepts" +
" start offset."
fun <T> repeatable(
iterations: Int,
animation: DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T>,
repeatMode: RepeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart
) = RepeatableSpec(iterations, animation, repeatMode, StartOffset(0))
* Creates a [InfiniteRepeatableSpec] that plays a [DurationBasedAnimationSpec] (e.g.
* [TweenSpec], [KeyframesSpec]) infinite amount of iterations.
* For non-infinitely repeating animations, consider [repeatable].
* [initialStartOffset] can be used to either delay the start of the animation or to fast forward
* the animation to a given play time. This start offset will **not** be repeated, whereas the delay
* in the [animation] (if any) will be repeated. By default, the amount of offset is 0.
* @sample androidx.compose.animation.core.samples.InfiniteProgressIndicator
* @param animation animation that will be repeated
* @param repeatMode whether animation should repeat by starting from the beginning (i.e.
* [RepeatMode.Restart]) or from the end (i.e. [RepeatMode.Reverse])
* @param initialStartOffset offsets the start of the animation
fun <T> infiniteRepeatable(
animation: DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T>,
repeatMode: RepeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart,
initialStartOffset: StartOffset = StartOffset(0)
): InfiniteRepeatableSpec<T> =
InfiniteRepeatableSpec(animation, repeatMode, initialStartOffset)
level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN,
message = "This method has been deprecated in favor of the infinite repeatable function that" +
" accepts start offset."
fun <T> infiniteRepeatable(
animation: DurationBasedAnimationSpec<T>,
repeatMode: RepeatMode = RepeatMode.Restart
) = InfiniteRepeatableSpec(animation, repeatMode, StartOffset(0))
* Creates a Snap animation for immediately switching the animating value to the end value.
* @param delayMillis the number of milliseconds to wait before the animation runs. 0 by default.
fun <T> snap(delayMillis: Int = 0) = SnapSpec<T>(delayMillis)