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* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.media2.session;
import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP;
import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP_PREFIX;
import static androidx.media2.common.SessionPlayer.BUFFERING_STATE_UNKNOWN;
import static androidx.media2.common.SessionPlayer.PLAYER_STATE_IDLE;
import static androidx.media2.common.SessionPlayer.REPEAT_MODE_NONE;
import static androidx.media2.common.SessionPlayer.SHUFFLE_MODE_NONE;
import static androidx.media2.common.SessionPlayer.UNKNOWN_TIME;
import android.app.PendingIntent;
import android.content.Context;
import android.media.AudioManager;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.ResultReceiver;
import android.support.v4.media.MediaBrowserCompat;
import android.support.v4.media.session.MediaSessionCompat;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Surface;
import androidx.annotation.GuardedBy;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.concurrent.ListenableFuture;
import androidx.core.util.ObjectsCompat;
import androidx.core.util.Pair;
import androidx.media.AudioAttributesCompat;
import androidx.media.VolumeProviderCompat;
import androidx.media2.common.MediaItem;
import androidx.media2.common.MediaMetadata;
import androidx.media2.common.Rating;
import androidx.media2.common.SessionPlayer;
import androidx.media2.common.SessionPlayer.RepeatMode;
import androidx.media2.common.SessionPlayer.ShuffleMode;
import androidx.media2.common.SessionPlayer.TrackInfo;
import androidx.media2.common.SubtitleData;
import androidx.media2.common.VideoSize;
import androidx.media2.session.MediaSession.CommandButton;
import androidx.versionedparcelable.ParcelField;
import androidx.versionedparcelable.VersionedParcelable;
import androidx.versionedparcelable.VersionedParcelize;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
* Allows an app to interact with an active {@link MediaSession} or a
* {@link MediaSessionService} which would provide {@link MediaSession}. Media buttons and other
* commands can be sent to the session.
* <p>
* MediaController objects are thread-safe.
* <p>
* Topic covered here:
* <ol>
* <li><a href="#ControllerLifeCycle">Controller Lifecycle</a>
* </ol>
* <a name="ControllerLifeCycle"></a>
* <h3>Controller Lifecycle</h3>
* <p>
* When a controller is created with the {@link SessionToken} for a {@link MediaSession} (i.e.
* session token type is {@link SessionToken#TYPE_SESSION}), the controller will connect to the
* specific session.
* <p>
* When a controller is created with the {@link SessionToken} for a {@link MediaSessionService}
* (i.e. session token type is {@link SessionToken#TYPE_SESSION_SERVICE} or
* {@link SessionToken#TYPE_LIBRARY_SERVICE}), the controller binds to the service for connecting
* to a {@link MediaSession} in it. {@link MediaSessionService} will provide a session to connect.
* <p>
* When a controller connects to a session,
* {@link MediaSession.SessionCallback#onConnect(MediaSession, MediaSession.ControllerInfo)}
* will be called to either accept or reject the connection. Wait
* {@link ControllerCallback#onConnected(MediaController, SessionCommandGroup)} or
* {@link ControllerCallback#onDisconnected(MediaController)} for the result.
* <p>
* When the connected session is closed, the controller will receive
* {@link ControllerCallback#onDisconnected(MediaController)}.
* <p>
* When you're done, use {@link #close()} to clean up resources. This also helps session service
* to be destroyed when there's no controller associated with it.
* @see MediaSession
* @see MediaSessionService
public class MediaController implements AutoCloseable {
private static final String TAG = "MediaController";
* @hide
@IntDef({AudioManager.ADJUST_LOWER, AudioManager.ADJUST_RAISE, AudioManager.ADJUST_SAME,
public @interface VolumeDirection {}
* @hide
@IntDef(value = {AudioManager.FLAG_SHOW_UI, AudioManager.FLAG_ALLOW_RINGER_MODES,
AudioManager.FLAG_VIBRATE}, flag = true)
public @interface VolumeFlags {}
final Object mLock = new Object();
MediaControllerImpl mImpl;
boolean mClosed;
final ControllerCallback mCallback;
final Executor mCallbackExecutor;
private final List<Pair<ControllerCallback, Executor>> mExtraCallbacks = new ArrayList<>();
// For testing.
Long mTimeDiff;
* Create a {@link MediaController} from the {@link SessionToken}.
* @param context Context
* @param token token to connect to
* @param executor executor to run callbacks on.
* @param callback controller callback to receive changes in
MediaController(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final SessionToken token,
@Nullable Bundle connectionHints, @Nullable Executor executor,
@Nullable ControllerCallback callback) {
if (context == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("context shouldn't be null");
if (token == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("token shouldn't be null");
mCallback = callback;
mCallbackExecutor = executor;
synchronized (mLock) {
mImpl = createImpl(context, token, connectionHints);
* Create a {@link MediaController} from the {@link MediaSessionCompat.Token}.
* @param context Context
* @param token token to connect to
* @param executor executor to run callbacks on.
* @param callback controller callback to receive changes in
MediaController(@NonNull final Context context, @NonNull final MediaSessionCompat.Token token,
@Nullable final Bundle connectionHints, @Nullable final Executor executor,
@Nullable final ControllerCallback callback) {
if (context == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("context shouldn't be null");
if (token == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("token shouldn't be null");
mCallback = callback;
mCallbackExecutor = executor;
SessionToken.createSessionToken(context, token, executor,
new SessionToken.OnSessionTokenCreatedListener() {
public void onSessionTokenCreated(MediaSessionCompat.Token token,
SessionToken token2) {
synchronized (mLock) {
if (!mClosed) {
mImpl = createImpl(context, token2, connectionHints);
} else {
notifyControllerCallback(new ControllerCallbackRunnable() {
public void run(@NonNull ControllerCallback callback) {
MediaControllerImpl createImpl(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull SessionToken token,
@Nullable Bundle connectionHints) {
if (token.isLegacySession()) {
return new MediaControllerImplLegacy(context, this, token);
} else {
return new MediaControllerImplBase(context, this, token, connectionHints);
MediaControllerImpl getImpl() {
synchronized (mLock) {
return mImpl;
* Release this object, and disconnect from the session. After this, callbacks wouldn't be
* received.
public void close() {
try {
MediaControllerImpl impl;
synchronized (mLock) {
if (mClosed) {
mClosed = true;
impl = mImpl;
if (impl != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
// Should not be here.
* Returns {@link SessionToken} of the connected session.
* If it is not connected yet, it returns {@code null}.
* <p>
* This may differ with the {@link SessionToken} from the constructor. For example, if the
* controller is created with the token for {@link MediaSessionService}, this would return
* token for the {@link MediaSession} in the service.
* @return SessionToken of the connected session, or {@code null} if not connected
public SessionToken getConnectedToken() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getConnectedToken() : null;
* Returns whether this class is connected to active {@link MediaSession} or not.
public boolean isConnected() {
MediaControllerImpl impl = getImpl();
return impl != null && impl.isConnected();
* Requests that the player starts or resumes playback.
* <p>
* If the player state is {@link SessionPlayer#PLAYER_STATE_IDLE}, the session would also call
* {@link SessionPlayer#prepare} and then {@link SessionPlayer#play} to start playback. If you
* want to have finer grained control of the playback start call {@link #prepare} manually
* before this. Calling {@link #prepare} in advance would help this method to start playback
* faster and also help to take audio focus at the last moment.
* @see #prepare
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> play() {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().play();
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Requests that the player pauses playback.
* <p>
* This would transfer the player state from {@link SessionPlayer#PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING} to
* {@link SessionPlayer#PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED}.
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> pause() {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().pause();
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Requests that the player prepares the media items for playback.
* <p>
* This would transfer the player state from {@link SessionPlayer#PLAYER_STATE_IDLE} to
* {@link SessionPlayer#PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED}.
* <p>
* Playback can be started without this. But this provides finer grained control of playback
* start. See {@link #play} for details.
* @see #play
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> prepare() {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().prepare();
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Requests session to increase the playback speed.
* @see MediaSession.SessionCallback#onFastForward(MediaSession, MediaSession.ControllerInfo)
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> fastForward() {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().fastForward();
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Requests session to decrease the playback speed.
* @see MediaSession.SessionCallback#onRewind(MediaSession, MediaSession.ControllerInfo)
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> rewind() {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().rewind();
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Requests session to skip backward within the current media item.
* @see MediaSession.SessionCallback#onSkipForward(MediaSession, MediaSession.ControllerInfo)
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> skipForward() {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().skipForward();
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Requests session to skip forward within the current media item.
* @see MediaSession.SessionCallback#onSkipBackward(MediaSession, MediaSession.ControllerInfo)
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> skipBackward() {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().skipBackward();
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Move to a new location in the media stream.
* @param pos Position to move to, in milliseconds.
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> seekTo(long pos) {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().seekTo(pos);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Requests that the player start playback for a specific media id.
* @param mediaId The non-empty media id
* @param extras Optional extras that can include extra information about the media item
* to be played.
* @hide
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> playFromMediaId(@NonNull String mediaId,
@Nullable Bundle extras) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mediaId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mediaId shouldn't be empty");
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().playFromMediaId(mediaId, extras);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Requests that the player start playback for a specific search query.
* @param query The non-empty search query
* @param extras Optional extras that can include extra information about the query.
* @hide
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> playFromSearch(@NonNull String query,
@Nullable Bundle extras) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(query)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("query shouldn't be empty");
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().playFromSearch(query, extras);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Requests that the player start playback for a specific {@link Uri}.
* @param uri The URI of the requested media.
* @param extras Optional extras that can include extra information about the media item
* to be played.
* @hide
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> playFromUri(@NonNull Uri uri,
@Nullable Bundle extras) {
if (uri == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("uri shouldn't be null");
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().playFromUri(uri, extras);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Requests that the player prepare a media item with the media id for playback.
* In other words, other sessions can continue to play during the preparation of this session.
* This method can be used to speed up the start of the playback.
* Once the prepare is done, the session will change its playback state to
* {@link SessionPlayer#PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED}. Afterwards, {@link #play} can be called to start
* playback. If the prepare is not needed, {@link #playFromMediaId} can be directly called
* without this method.
* @param mediaId The non-empty media id
* @param extras Optional extras that can include extra information about the media item
* to be prepared.
* @hide
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> prepareFromMediaId(@NonNull String mediaId,
@Nullable Bundle extras) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mediaId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mediaId shouldn't be empty");
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().prepareFromMediaId(mediaId, extras);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Requests that the player prepare a media item with the specific search query for playback.
* In other words, other sessions can continue to play during the preparation of this session.
* This method can be used to speed up the start of the playback.
* Once the prepare is done, the session will change its playback state to
* {@link SessionPlayer#PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED}. Afterwards, {@link #play} can be called to start
* playback. If the prepare is not needed, {@link #playFromSearch} can be directly called
* without this method.
* @param query The non-empty search query
* @param extras Optional extras that can include extra information about the query.
* @hide
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> prepareFromSearch(@NonNull String query,
@Nullable Bundle extras) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(query)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("query shouldn't be empty");
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().prepareFromSearch(query, extras);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Requests that the player prepare a media item with the specific {@link Uri} for playback.
* In other words, other sessions can continue to play during the preparation of this session.
* This method can be used to speed up the start of the playback.
* Once the prepare is done, the session will change its playback state to
* {@link SessionPlayer#PLAYER_STATE_PAUSED}. Afterwards, {@link #play} can be called to start
* playback. If the prepare is not needed, {@link #playFromUri} can be directly called
* without this method.
* @param uri The URI of the requested media.
* @param extras Optional extras that can include extra information about the media item
* to be prepared.
* @hide
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> prepareFromUri(@NonNull Uri uri,
@Nullable Bundle extras) {
if (uri == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("uri shouldn't be null");
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().prepareFromUri(uri, extras);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Set the volume of the output this session is playing on. The command will be ignored if it
* does not support {@link VolumeProviderCompat#VOLUME_CONTROL_ABSOLUTE}.
* <p>
* If the session is local playback, this changes the device's volume with the stream that
* session's player is using. Flags will be specified for the {@link AudioManager}.
* <p>
* If the session is remote player (i.e. session has set volume provider), its volume provider
* will receive this request instead.
* @see #getPlaybackInfo()
* @param value The value to set it to, between 0 and the reported max.
* @param flags flags from {@link AudioManager} to include with the volume request for local
* playback
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setVolumeTo(int value, @VolumeFlags int flags) {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().setVolumeTo(value, flags);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Adjust the volume of the output this session is playing on. The direction
* must be one of {@link AudioManager#ADJUST_LOWER},
* {@link AudioManager#ADJUST_RAISE}, or {@link AudioManager#ADJUST_SAME}.
* <p>
* The command will be ignored if the session does not support
* {@link VolumeProviderCompat#VOLUME_CONTROL_RELATIVE} or
* {@link VolumeProviderCompat#VOLUME_CONTROL_ABSOLUTE}.
* <p>
* If the session is local playback, this changes the device's volume with the stream that
* session's player is using. Flags will be specified for the {@link AudioManager}.
* <p>
* If the session is remote player (i.e. session has set volume provider), its volume provider
* will receive this request instead.
* @see #getPlaybackInfo()
* @param direction The direction to adjust the volume in.
* @param flags flags from {@link AudioManager} to include with the volume request for local
* playback
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> adjustVolume(@VolumeDirection int direction,
@VolumeFlags int flags) {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().adjustVolume(direction, flags);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Get an intent for launching UI associated with this session if one exists.
* If it is not connected yet, it returns {@code null}.
* @return A {@link PendingIntent} to launch UI or null
public PendingIntent getSessionActivity() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getSessionActivity() : null;
* Get the lastly cached player state from
* {@link ControllerCallback#onPlayerStateChanged(MediaController, int)}.
* If it is not connected yet, it returns {@link SessionPlayer#PLAYER_STATE_IDLE}.
* @return player state
public int getPlayerState() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getPlayerState() : PLAYER_STATE_IDLE;
* Gets the duration of the current media item, or {@link SessionPlayer#UNKNOWN_TIME} if
* unknown or not connected.
* @return the duration in ms, or {@link SessionPlayer#UNKNOWN_TIME}
public long getDuration() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getDuration() : UNKNOWN_TIME;
* Gets the current playback position.
* <p>
* This returns the calculated value of the position, based on the difference between the
* update time and current time.
* @return the current playback position in ms, or {@link SessionPlayer#UNKNOWN_TIME}
* if unknown or not connected
public long getCurrentPosition() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getCurrentPosition() : UNKNOWN_TIME;
* Get the lastly cached playback speed from
* {@link ControllerCallback#onPlaybackSpeedChanged(MediaController, float)}.
* @return speed the lastly cached playback speed, or 0f if unknown or not connected
public float getPlaybackSpeed() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getPlaybackSpeed() : 0f;
* Sets the playback speed. A value of {@code 1.0f} is the default playback value,
* and a negative value indicates reverse playback. {@code 0.0f} is not allowed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@code speed} is equal to zero.
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setPlaybackSpeed(float speed) {
if (speed == 0.0f) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("speed must not be zero");
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().setPlaybackSpeed(speed);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Gets the current buffering state of the player.
* During buffering, see {@link #getBufferedPosition()} for the quantifying the amount already
* buffered.
* @return the buffering state, or {@link SessionPlayer#BUFFERING_STATE_UNKNOWN}
* if unknown or not connected
public int getBufferingState() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getBufferingState() : BUFFERING_STATE_UNKNOWN;
* Gets the lastly cached buffered position from the session when
* {@link ControllerCallback#onBufferingStateChanged(MediaController, MediaItem, int)} is
* called.
* @return buffering position in millis, or {@link SessionPlayer#UNKNOWN_TIME} if
* unknown or not connected
public long getBufferedPosition() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getBufferedPosition() : UNKNOWN_TIME;
* Get the current playback info for this session.
* If it is not connected yet, it returns {@code null}.
* @return The current playback info or null
public PlaybackInfo getPlaybackInfo() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getPlaybackInfo() : null;
* Rate the media. This will cause the rating to be set for the current user.
* The rating style must follow the user rating style from the session.
* You can get the rating style from the session through the
* {@link MediaMetadata#getRating(String)} with the key
* {@link MediaMetadata#METADATA_KEY_USER_RATING}.
* <p>
* If the user rating was {@code null}, the media item does not accept setting user rating.
* @param mediaId The non-empty media id
* @param rating The rating to set
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setRating(@NonNull String mediaId,
@NonNull Rating rating) {
if (mediaId == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("mediaId shouldn't be null");
} else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mediaId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mediaId shouldn't be empty");
if (rating == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("rating shouldn't be null");
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().setRating(mediaId, rating);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Send custom command to the session
* <p>
* Interoperability: When connected to
* {@link android.support.v4.media.session.MediaSessionCompat},
* {@link SessionResult#getResultCode()} will return the custom result code from the
* {@link ResultReceiver#onReceiveResult(int, Bundle)} instead of the standard result codes
* defined in the {@link SessionResult}.
* <p>
* A command is not accepted if it is not a custom command.
* @param command custom command
* @param args optional argument
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> sendCustomCommand(@NonNull SessionCommand command,
@Nullable Bundle args) {
if (command == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("command shouldn't be null");
if (command.getCommandCode() != SessionCommand.COMMAND_CODE_CUSTOM) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("command should be a custom command");
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().sendCustomCommand(command, args);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Returns the cached playlist from {@link ControllerCallback#onPlaylistChanged}. Can be
* {@code null} if the playlist hasn't been set or it's reset by {@link #setMediaItem}.
* <p>
* This list may differ with the list that was specified with
* {@link #setPlaylist(List, MediaMetadata)} depending on the {@link SessionPlayer}
* implementation. Use media items returned here for other playlist agent APIs such as
* {@link SessionPlayer#skipToPlaylistItem}.
* @return playlist, or {@code null} if the playlist hasn't been set, controller isn't
* connected, or it doesn't have enough permission.
public List<MediaItem> getPlaylist() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getPlaylist() : null;
* Sets the playlist with the list of media IDs. Use this or {@link #setMediaItem} to specify
* which items to play.
* <p>
* All media IDs in the list shouldn't be an empty string.
* <p>
* The {@link ControllerCallback#onPlaylistChanged} and
* {@link ControllerCallback#onCurrentMediaItemChanged} would be called when it's completed.
* The current item would be the first item in the playlist.
* @param list list of media id. Shouldn't contain an empty id.
* @param metadata metadata of the playlist
* @see #setMediaItem
* @see ControllerCallback#onCurrentMediaItemChanged
* @see ControllerCallback#onPlaylistChanged
* @see MediaMetadata#METADATA_KEY_MEDIA_ID
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the list is {@code null} or contains any empty string.
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setPlaylist(@NonNull List<String> list,
@Nullable MediaMetadata metadata) {
if (list == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("list shouldn't be null");
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(list.get(i))) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("list shouldn't contain empty id, index=" + i);
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().setPlaylist(list, metadata);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Sets a {@link MediaItem} for playback with the media ID. Use this or {@link #setPlaylist}
* to specify which items to play. If you want to change current item in the playlist, use one
* of {@link #skipToPlaylistItem}, {@link #skipToNextPlaylistItem}, or
* {@link #skipToPreviousPlaylistItem} instead of this method.
* <p>
* The {@link ControllerCallback#onPlaylistChanged} and
* {@link ControllerCallback#onCurrentMediaItemChanged} would be called when it's completed.
* The current item would be the item given here.
* @param mediaId The non-empty media id of the item to play
* @see #setPlaylist
* @see ControllerCallback#onCurrentMediaItemChanged
* @see ControllerCallback#onPlaylistChanged
* @see MediaMetadata#METADATA_KEY_MEDIA_ID
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setMediaItem(@NonNull String mediaId) {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mediaId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mediaId shouldn't be empty");
if (isConnected()) {
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Updates the playlist metadata
* @param metadata metadata of the playlist
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> updatePlaylistMetadata(
@Nullable MediaMetadata metadata) {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().updatePlaylistMetadata(metadata);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Gets the lastly cached playlist metadata either from
* {@link ControllerCallback#onPlaylistMetadataChanged} or
* {@link ControllerCallback#onPlaylistChanged}.
* @return metadata metadata of the playlist, or null if none is set or the controller is not
* connected
public MediaMetadata getPlaylistMetadata() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getPlaylistMetadata() : null;
* Adds the media item to the playlist at the index with the media ID. Index equals or greater
* than the current playlist size (e.g. {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}) will add the item at the end
* of the playlist.
* <p>
* This will not change the currently playing media item.
* If index is less than or equal to the current index of the playlist,
* the current index of the playlist will be incremented correspondingly.
* @param index the index you want to add
* @param mediaId The non-empty media id of the new item
* @see MediaMetadata#METADATA_KEY_MEDIA_ID
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> addPlaylistItem(@IntRange(from = 0) int index,
@NonNull String mediaId) {
if (index < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("index shouldn't be negative");
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mediaId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mediaId shouldn't be empty");
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().addPlaylistItem(index, mediaId);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Removes the media item at index in the playlist.
* <p>
* If the item is the currently playing item of the playlist, current playback
* will be stopped and playback moves to next source in the list.
* @param index the media item you want to add
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> removePlaylistItem(@IntRange(from = 0) int index) {
if (index < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("index shouldn't be negative");
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().removePlaylistItem(index);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Replaces the media item at index in the playlist with the media ID.
* @param index the index of the item to replace
* @param mediaId The non-empty media id of the new item
* @see MediaMetadata#METADATA_KEY_MEDIA_ID
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> replacePlaylistItem(@IntRange(from = 0) int index,
@NonNull String mediaId) {
if (index < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("index shouldn't be negative");
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mediaId)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mediaId shouldn't be empty");
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().replacePlaylistItem(index, mediaId);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Gets the lastly cached current item from
* {@link ControllerCallback#onCurrentMediaItemChanged(MediaController, MediaItem)}.
* @return the currently playing item, or null if unknown or not connected
* @see #setMediaItem
* @see #setPlaylist
public MediaItem getCurrentMediaItem() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getCurrentMediaItem() : null;
* Gets the current item index in the playlist. The returned value can be outdated after
* {@link ControllerCallback#onCurrentMediaItemChanged(MediaController, MediaItem)} or
* {@link ControllerCallback#onPlaylistChanged(MediaController, List, MediaMetadata)} is called.
* @return the index of current item in playlist, or -1 if current media item does not exist or
* playlist hasn't been set.
public int getCurrentMediaItemIndex() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getCurrentMediaItemIndex() : -1;
* Gets the previous item index in the playlist. The returned value can be outdated after
* {@link ControllerCallback#onCurrentMediaItemChanged(MediaController, MediaItem)} or
* {@link ControllerCallback#onPlaylistChanged(MediaController, List, MediaMetadata)} is called.
* <p>
* Interoperability: When connected to
* {@link android.support.v4.media.session.MediaSessionCompat}, this will always return
* {@code -1}.
* @return the index of previous item in playlist, or -1 if previous media item does not exist
* or playlist hasn't been set.
public int getPreviousMediaItemIndex() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getPreviousMediaItemIndex() : -1;
* Gets the next item index in the playlist. The returned value can be outdated after
* {@link ControllerCallback#onCurrentMediaItemChanged(MediaController, MediaItem)} or
* {@link ControllerCallback#onPlaylistChanged(MediaController, List, MediaMetadata)} is called.
* <p>
* Interoperability: When connected to
* {@link android.support.v4.media.session.MediaSessionCompat}, this will always return
* {@code -1}.
* @return the index of next item in playlist, or -1 if next media item does not exist or
* playlist hasn't been set.
public int getNextMediaItemIndex() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getNextMediaItemIndex() : -1;
* Skips to the previous item in the playlist.
* <p>
* This calls {@link SessionPlayer#skipToPreviousPlaylistItem()}.
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> skipToPreviousPlaylistItem() {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().skipToPreviousItem();
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Skips to the next item in the playlist.
* <p>
* This calls {@link SessionPlayer#skipToNextPlaylistItem()}.
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> skipToNextPlaylistItem() {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().skipToNextItem();
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Skips to the item in the playlist at the index.
* <p>
* This calls {@link SessionPlayer#skipToPlaylistItem(int)}.
* @param index The item in the playlist you want to play
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> skipToPlaylistItem(@IntRange(from = 0) int index) {
if (index < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("index shouldn't be negative");
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().skipToPlaylistItem(index);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Gets the cached repeat mode from the {@link ControllerCallback#onRepeatModeChanged}.
* If it is not connected yet, it returns {@link SessionPlayer#REPEAT_MODE_NONE}.
* @return repeat mode
* @see SessionPlayer#REPEAT_MODE_NONE
* @see SessionPlayer#REPEAT_MODE_ONE
* @see SessionPlayer#REPEAT_MODE_ALL
* @see SessionPlayer#REPEAT_MODE_GROUP
public int getRepeatMode() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getRepeatMode() : REPEAT_MODE_NONE;
* Sets the repeat mode.
* @param repeatMode repeat mode
* @see SessionPlayer#REPEAT_MODE_NONE
* @see SessionPlayer#REPEAT_MODE_ONE
* @see SessionPlayer#REPEAT_MODE_ALL
* @see SessionPlayer#REPEAT_MODE_GROUP
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setRepeatMode(@RepeatMode int repeatMode) {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().setRepeatMode(repeatMode);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Gets the cached shuffle mode from the {@link ControllerCallback#onShuffleModeChanged}.
* If it is not connected yet, it returns {@link SessionPlayer#SHUFFLE_MODE_NONE}.
* @return The shuffle mode
* @see SessionPlayer#SHUFFLE_MODE_NONE
* @see SessionPlayer#SHUFFLE_MODE_ALL
* @see SessionPlayer#SHUFFLE_MODE_GROUP
public int getShuffleMode() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getShuffleMode() : SHUFFLE_MODE_NONE;
* Sets the shuffle mode.
* @param shuffleMode The shuffle mode
* @see SessionPlayer#SHUFFLE_MODE_NONE
* @see SessionPlayer#SHUFFLE_MODE_ALL
* @see SessionPlayer#SHUFFLE_MODE_GROUP
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setShuffleMode(@ShuffleMode int shuffleMode) {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().setShuffleMode(shuffleMode);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Gets the cached video size from the {@link ControllerCallback#onVideoSizeChanged}.
* If it is not connected yet, it returns {@code new VideoSize(0, 0)}.
* @return The video size
* @hide
public VideoSize getVideoSize() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getVideoSize() : new VideoSize(0, 0);
* Sets the {@link Surface} to be used as the sink for the video portion of the media.
* <p>
* This calls {@link SessionPlayer#setSurfaceInternal(Surface)}.
* @param surface The {@link Surface} to be used for the video portion of the media.
* @return a {@link ListenableFuture} which represents the pending completion of the command.
* @hide
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setSurface(@Nullable Surface surface) {
if (isConnected()) {
return getImpl().setSurface(surface);
return createDisconnectedFuture();
* Gets the cached track info list from the
* {@link ControllerCallback#onTrackInfoChanged(MediaController, List)}.
* The types of tracks supported may vary based on player implementation.
* If it is not connected yet, it returns null.
* @return List of tracks. The total number of tracks is the size of the list.
* @hide
public List<TrackInfo> getTrackInfo() {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getTrackInfo() : null;
* Selects the {@link TrackInfo} for the current media item.
* The types of tracks supported may vary based on player implementation.
* @param trackInfo track to be selected.
* @hide
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> selectTrack(@NonNull TrackInfo trackInfo) {
if (trackInfo == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("TrackInfo shouldn't be null");
return isConnected() ? getImpl().selectTrack(trackInfo) : createDisconnectedFuture();
* Deselects the {@link TrackInfo} for the current media item.
* The types of tracks supported may vary based on player implementation.
* @param trackInfo track to be deselected.
* @hide
public ListenableFuture<SessionResult> deselectTrack(@NonNull TrackInfo trackInfo) {
if (trackInfo == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("TrackInfo shouldn't be null");
return isConnected() ? getImpl().deselectTrack(trackInfo) : createDisconnectedFuture();
* Gets the currently selected track for the given {@link TrackInfo.MediaTrackType}. The return
* value is an element in the list returned by {@link #getTrackInfo()} and supported track types
* may vary based on the player implementation.
* The returned value can be outdated after
* {@link ControllerCallback#onTrackInfoChanged(MediaController, List)},
* {@link ControllerCallback#onTrackSelected(MediaController, TrackInfo)},
* or {@link ControllerCallback#onTrackDeselected(MediaController, TrackInfo)} is called.
* If it is not connected yet, it returns null.
* @param trackType type of selected track
* @return selected track info
* @hide
// TODO: revise the method document once subtitle track support is re-enabled. (b/130312596)
public TrackInfo getSelectedTrack(@TrackInfo.MediaTrackType int trackType) {
return isConnected() ? getImpl().getSelectedTrack(trackType) : null;
* Sets the time diff forcefully when calculating current position.
* @param timeDiff {@code null} for reset.
* @hide
public void setTimeDiff(Long timeDiff) {
mTimeDiff = timeDiff;
* Registers an extra {@link ControllerCallback}.
* @param executor a callback executor
* @param callback a ControllerCallback
* @see #unregisterExtraCallback(ControllerCallback)
* @hide
public void registerExtraCallback(@NonNull /*@CallbackExecutor*/ Executor executor,
@NonNull ControllerCallback callback) {
if (executor == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("executor shouldn't be null");
if (callback == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("callback shouldn't be null");
boolean found = false;
synchronized (mLock) {
for (Pair<ControllerCallback, Executor> pair : mExtraCallbacks) {
if (pair.first == callback) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
mExtraCallbacks.add(new Pair<>(callback, executor));
if (found) {
Log.w(TAG, "registerExtraCallback: the callback already exists");
* Unregisters an {@link ControllerCallback} that has been registered by
* {@link #registerExtraCallback(Executor, ControllerCallback)}.
* The callback passed to {@link Builder#setControllerCallback(Executor, ControllerCallback)}
* can not be unregistered by this method.
* @param callback a ControllerCallback
* @see #registerExtraCallback(Executor, ControllerCallback)
* @hide
public void unregisterExtraCallback(@NonNull ControllerCallback callback) {
if (callback == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("callback shouldn't be null");
boolean found = false;
synchronized (mLock) {
for (int i = mExtraCallbacks.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (mExtraCallbacks.get(i).first == callback) {
found = true;
if (!found) {
Log.w(TAG, "unregisterExtraCallback: no such callback found");
/** @hide */
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE)
@RestrictTo(LIBRARY_GROUP) // TODO: LIBRARY_GROUP -> LIBRARY (b/131782509)
public List<Pair<ControllerCallback, Executor>> getExtraCallbacks() {
List<Pair<ControllerCallback, Executor>> extraCallbacks;
synchronized (mLock) {
extraCallbacks = new ArrayList<>(mExtraCallbacks);
return extraCallbacks;
* Gets the cached allowed commands from {@link ControllerCallback#onAllowedCommandsChanged}.
* If it is not connected yet, it returns {@code null}.
* @return the allowed commands
* @hide
public SessionCommandGroup getAllowedCommands() {
if (!isConnected()) {
return null;
return getImpl().getAllowedCommands();
private static ListenableFuture<SessionResult> createDisconnectedFuture() {
return SessionResult.createFutureWithResult(
/** @hide */
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE)
@RestrictTo(LIBRARY_GROUP) // TODO: LIBRARY_GROUP -> LIBRARY (b/131782509)
public void notifyControllerCallback(final ControllerCallbackRunnable callbackRunnable) {
if (mCallback != null && mCallbackExecutor != null) {
mCallbackExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
for (Pair<ControllerCallback, Executor> pair : getExtraCallbacks()) {
final ControllerCallback callback = pair.first;
final Executor executor = pair.second;
if (callback == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "notifyControllerCallback: mExtraCallbacks contains a null "
+ "ControllerCallback! Ignoring...");
if (executor == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "notifyControllerCallback: mExtraCallbacks contains a null "
+ "Executor! Ignoring...");
executor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
/** @hide */
@VisibleForTesting(otherwise = VisibleForTesting.PACKAGE_PRIVATE)
@RestrictTo(LIBRARY_GROUP) // TODO: LIBRARY_GROUP -> LIBRARY (b/131782509)
public interface ControllerCallbackRunnable {
void run(@NonNull ControllerCallback callback);
interface MediaControllerImpl extends AutoCloseable {
@Nullable SessionToken getConnectedToken();
boolean isConnected();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> play();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> pause();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> prepare();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> fastForward();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> rewind();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> seekTo(long pos);
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> skipForward();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> skipBackward();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> playFromMediaId(@NonNull String mediaId,
@Nullable Bundle extras);
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> playFromSearch(@NonNull String query,
@Nullable Bundle extras);
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> playFromUri(@NonNull Uri uri, @Nullable Bundle extras);
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> prepareFromMediaId(@NonNull String mediaId,
@Nullable Bundle extras);
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> prepareFromSearch(@NonNull String query,
@Nullable Bundle extras);
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> prepareFromUri(@NonNull Uri uri,
@Nullable Bundle extras);
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setVolumeTo(int value, @VolumeFlags int flags);
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> adjustVolume(@VolumeDirection int direction,
@VolumeFlags int flags);
@Nullable PendingIntent getSessionActivity();
int getPlayerState();
long getDuration();
long getCurrentPosition();
float getPlaybackSpeed();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setPlaybackSpeed(float speed);
@SessionPlayer.BuffState int getBufferingState();
long getBufferedPosition();
@Nullable PlaybackInfo getPlaybackInfo();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setRating(@NonNull String mediaId,
@NonNull Rating rating);
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> sendCustomCommand(@NonNull SessionCommand command,
@Nullable Bundle args);
@Nullable List<MediaItem> getPlaylist();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setPlaylist(@NonNull List<String> list,
@Nullable MediaMetadata metadata);
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setMediaItem(@NonNull String mediaId);
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> updatePlaylistMetadata(
@Nullable MediaMetadata metadata);
@Nullable MediaMetadata getPlaylistMetadata();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> addPlaylistItem(int index, @NonNull String mediaId);
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> removePlaylistItem(@NonNull int index);
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> replacePlaylistItem(int index,
@NonNull String mediaId);
MediaItem getCurrentMediaItem();
int getCurrentMediaItemIndex();
int getPreviousMediaItemIndex();
int getNextMediaItemIndex();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> skipToPreviousItem();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> skipToNextItem();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> skipToPlaylistItem(@NonNull int index);
@RepeatMode int getRepeatMode();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setRepeatMode(@RepeatMode int repeatMode);
@ShuffleMode int getShuffleMode();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setShuffleMode(@ShuffleMode int shuffleMode);
@NonNull VideoSize getVideoSize();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> setSurface(@Nullable Surface surface);
@NonNull List<TrackInfo> getTrackInfo();
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> selectTrack(TrackInfo trackInfo);
ListenableFuture<SessionResult> deselectTrack(TrackInfo trackInfo);
@Nullable TrackInfo getSelectedTrack(@TrackInfo.MediaTrackType int trackType);
@Nullable SessionCommandGroup getAllowedCommands();
// Internally used methods
@NonNull Context getContext();
@Nullable MediaBrowserCompat getBrowserCompat();
* Builder for {@link MediaController}.
* <p>
* To set the token of the session for the controller to connect to, one of the
* {@link #setSessionToken(SessionToken)} or
* {@link #setSessionCompatToken(MediaSessionCompat.Token)} should be called.
* Otherwise, the {@link #build()} will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException}.
* <p>
* Any incoming event from the {@link MediaSession} will be handled on the callback
* executor.
public static final class Builder extends BuilderBase<MediaController, Builder,
ControllerCallback> {
public Builder(@NonNull Context context) {
public Builder setSessionToken(@NonNull SessionToken token) {
return super.setSessionToken(token);
public Builder setSessionCompatToken(@NonNull MediaSessionCompat.Token compatToken) {
return super.setSessionCompatToken(compatToken);
public Builder setControllerCallback(@NonNull Executor executor,
@NonNull ControllerCallback callback) {
return super.setControllerCallback(executor, callback);
* Build {@link MediaController}.
* <p>
* It will throw an {@link IllegalArgumentException} if both {@link SessionToken} and
* {@link MediaSessionCompat.Token} are not set.
* @return a new controller
public MediaController build() {
if (mToken == null && mCompatToken == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("token and compat token shouldn't be both null");
if (mToken != null) {
return new MediaController(mContext, mToken, mConnectionHints,
mCallbackExecutor, mCallback);
} else {
return new MediaController(mContext, mCompatToken, mConnectionHints,
mCallbackExecutor, mCallback);
* Base builder class for MediaController and its subclass. Any change in this class should be
* also applied to the subclasses {@link MediaController.Builder} and
* {@link MediaBrowser.Builder}.
* <p>
* APIs here should be package private, but should have documentations for developers.
* Otherwise, javadoc will generate documentation with the generic types such as follows.
* <pre>U extends BuilderBase<T, U, C> setControllerCallback(Executor executor,
* C callback)</pre>
* <p>
* This class is hidden to prevent from generating test stub, which fails with
* 'unexpected bound' because it tries to auto generate stub class as follows.
* <pre>abstract static class BuilderBase<
* T extends androidx.media2.MediaController,
* U extends androidx.media2.MediaController.BuilderBase<
* T, U, C extends androidx.media2.MediaController.ControllerCallback>, C></pre>
* @hide
abstract static class BuilderBase<T extends MediaController, U extends BuilderBase<T, U, C>,
C extends ControllerCallback> {
final Context mContext;
SessionToken mToken;
MediaSessionCompat.Token mCompatToken;
Bundle mConnectionHints;
Executor mCallbackExecutor;
ControllerCallback mCallback;
* Creates a builder for {@link MediaController}.
* @param context context
BuilderBase(@NonNull Context context) {
if (context == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("context shouldn't be null");
mContext = context;
* Set the {@link SessionToken} for the controller to connect to.
* <p>
* When this method is called, the {@link MediaSessionCompat.Token} which was set by calling
* {@link #setSessionCompatToken} is removed.
* <p>
* Detailed behavior of the {@link MediaController} differs according to the type of the
* token as follows.
* <p>
* <ol>
* <li>Connected to a {@link SessionToken#TYPE_SESSION} token
* <p>
* The controller connects to the specified session directly. It's recommended when you're
* sure which session to control, or a you've got token directly from the session app.
* <p>
* This can be used only when the session for the token is running. Once the session is
* closed, the token becomes unusable.
* </li>
* <li>Connected to a {@link SessionToken#TYPE_SESSION_SERVICE} or
* {@link SessionToken#TYPE_LIBRARY_SERVICE}
* <p>
* The controller connects to the session provided by the
* {@link MediaSessionService#onGetSession(ControllerInfo)}.
* It's up to the service's decision which session would be returned for the connection.
* Use the {@link #getConnectedSessionToken()} to know the connected session.
* <p>
* This can be used regardless of the session app is running or not. The controller would
* bind to the service while connected to wake up and keep the service process running.
* </li>
* </ol>
* @param token token to connect to
* @return The Builder to allow chaining
* @see MediaSessionService#onGetSession(ControllerInfo)
* @see #getConnectedSessionToken()
* @see #setConnectionHints(Bundle)
public U setSessionToken(@NonNull SessionToken token) {
if (token == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("token shouldn't be null");
mToken = token;
mCompatToken = null;
return (U) this;
* Set the {@link MediaSessionCompat.Token} for the controller to connect to.
* <p>
* When this method is called, the {@link SessionToken} which was set by calling
* {@link #setSessionToken(SessionToken)} is removed.
* @param compatToken token to connect to
* @return The Builder to allow chaining
public U setSessionCompatToken(@NonNull MediaSessionCompat.Token compatToken) {
if (compatToken == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("compatToken shouldn't be null");
mCompatToken = compatToken;
mToken = null;
return (U) this;
* Set the connection hints for the controller.
* <p>
* {@code connectionHints} is a session-specific argument to send to the session when
* connecting. The contents of this bundle may affect the connection result.
* <p>
* The hints specified here are only used when when connecting to the {@link MediaSession}.
* They will be ignored when connecting to {@link MediaSessionCompat}.
* @param connectionHints a bundle which contains the connection hints
* @return The Builder to allow chaining
public U setConnectionHints(@NonNull Bundle connectionHints) {
if (connectionHints == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("connectionHints shouldn't be null");
mConnectionHints = new Bundle(connectionHints);
return (U) this;
* Set callback for the controller and its executor.
* @param executor callback executor
* @param callback controller callback.
* @return The Builder to allow chaining
public U setControllerCallback(@NonNull Executor executor, @NonNull C callback) {
if (executor == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("executor shouldn't be null");
if (callback == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("callback shouldn't be null");
mCallbackExecutor = executor;
mCallback = callback;
return (U) this;
abstract T build();
* Interface for listening to change in activeness of the {@link MediaSession}. It's
* active if and only if it has set a player.
public abstract static class ControllerCallback {
* Called when the controller is successfully connected to the session. The controller
* becomes available afterwards.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param allowedCommands commands that's allowed by the session.
public void onConnected(@NonNull MediaController controller,
@NonNull SessionCommandGroup allowedCommands) {}
* Called when the session refuses the controller or the controller is disconnected from
* the session. The controller becomes unavailable afterwards and the callback wouldn't
* be called.
* <p>
* It will be also called after the {@link #close()}, so you can put clean up code here.
* You don't need to call {@link #close()} after this.
* @param controller the controller for this event
public void onDisconnected(@NonNull MediaController controller) {}
* Called when the session set the custom layout through the
* {@link MediaSession#setCustomLayout(MediaSession.ControllerInfo, List)}.
* <p>
* Can be called before {@link #onConnected(MediaController, SessionCommandGroup)}
* is called.
* <p>
* Default implementation returns {@link SessionResult#RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED}.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param layout
public int onSetCustomLayout(
@NonNull MediaController controller, @NonNull List<CommandButton> layout) {
* Called when the session has changed anything related with the {@link PlaybackInfo}.
* <p>
* Interoperability: When connected to
* {@link android.support.v4.media.session.MediaSessionCompat}, this may be called when the
* session changes playback info by calling
* {@link android.support.v4.media.session.MediaSessionCompat#setPlaybackToLocal(int)} or
* {@link android.support.v4.media.session.MediaSessionCompat#setPlaybackToRemote(
* VolumeProviderCompat)}}. Specifically:
* <ul>
* <li> Prior to API 21, this will always be called whenever any of those two methods is
* called.
* <li> From API 21 to 22, this is called only when the playback type is changed from local
* to remote (i.e. not from remote to local).
* <li> From API 23, this is called only when the playback type is changed.
* </ul>
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param info new playback info
public void onPlaybackInfoChanged(@NonNull MediaController controller,
@NonNull PlaybackInfo info) {}
* Called when the allowed commands are changed by session.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param commands newly allowed commands
public void onAllowedCommandsChanged(@NonNull MediaController controller,
@NonNull SessionCommandGroup commands) {}
* Called when the session sent a custom command. Returns a {@link SessionResult} for
* session to get notification back. If the {@code null} is returned,
* {@link SessionResult#RESULT_ERROR_UNKNOWN} will be returned.
* <p>
* Default implementation returns {@link SessionResult#RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED}.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param command
* @param args
* @return result of handling custom command
public SessionResult onCustomCommand(@NonNull MediaController controller,
@NonNull SessionCommand command, @Nullable Bundle args) {
return new SessionResult(SessionResult.RESULT_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED);
* Called when the player state is changed.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param state the new player state
public void onPlayerStateChanged(@NonNull MediaController controller,
@SessionPlayer.PlayerState int state) {}
* Called when playback speed is changed.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param speed speed
public void onPlaybackSpeedChanged(@NonNull MediaController controller,
float speed) {}
* Called to report buffering events for a media item.
* <p>
* Use {@link #getBufferedPosition()} for current buffering position.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param item the media item for which buffering is happening.
* @param state the new buffering state.
public void onBufferingStateChanged(@NonNull MediaController controller,
@NonNull MediaItem item, @SessionPlayer.BuffState int state) {}
* Called to indicate that seeking is completed.
* @param controller the controller for this event.
* @param position the previous seeking request.
public void onSeekCompleted(@NonNull MediaController controller, long position) {}
* Called when the player's current item is changed. It's also called after
* {@link #setPlaylist} or {@link #setMediaItem}.
* Also called when {@link MediaItem#setMetadata(MediaMetadata)} is called on the current
* media item.
* <p>
* When it's called, you should invalidate previous playback information and wait for later
* callbacks. Also, current, previous, and next media item indices may need to be updated.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param item new current media item
* @see #getPlaylist()
* @see #getPlaylistMetadata()
public void onCurrentMediaItemChanged(@NonNull MediaController controller,
@Nullable MediaItem item) {}
* Called when a playlist is changed. It's also called after {@link #setPlaylist} or
* {@link #setMediaItem}.
* Also called when {@link MediaItem#setMetadata(MediaMetadata)} is called on a media item
* that is contained in the current playlist.
* <p>
* When it's called, current, previous, and next media item indices may need to be updated.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param list new playlist
* @param metadata new metadata
* @see #getPlaylist()
* @see #getPlaylistMetadata()
public void onPlaylistChanged(@NonNull MediaController controller,
@Nullable List<MediaItem> list, @Nullable MediaMetadata metadata) {}
* Called when a playlist metadata is changed.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param metadata new metadata
public void onPlaylistMetadataChanged(@NonNull MediaController controller,
@Nullable MediaMetadata metadata) {}
* Called when the shuffle mode is changed.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param shuffleMode repeat mode
* @see SessionPlayer#SHUFFLE_MODE_NONE
* @see SessionPlayer#SHUFFLE_MODE_ALL
* @see SessionPlayer#SHUFFLE_MODE_GROUP
public void onShuffleModeChanged(@NonNull MediaController controller,
@SessionPlayer.ShuffleMode int shuffleMode) {}
* Called when the repeat mode is changed.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param repeatMode repeat mode
* @see SessionPlayer#REPEAT_MODE_NONE
* @see SessionPlayer#REPEAT_MODE_ONE
* @see SessionPlayer#REPEAT_MODE_ALL
* @see SessionPlayer#REPEAT_MODE_GROUP
public void onRepeatModeChanged(@NonNull MediaController controller,
@SessionPlayer.RepeatMode int repeatMode) {}
* Called when the playback is completed.
* @param controller the controller for this event
public void onPlaybackCompleted(@NonNull MediaController controller) {}
* Called when video size is changed.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param item the media item for which the video size changed
* @param videoSize the size of video
* @hide
public void onVideoSizeChanged(@NonNull MediaController controller, @NonNull MediaItem item,
@NonNull VideoSize videoSize) {}
* Called when the tracks are first retrieved after media is prepared or when new tracks are
* found during playback.
* <p>
* When it's called, you should invalidate previous track information and use the new
* tracks to call {@link #selectTrack(TrackInfo)} or
* {@link #deselectTrack(TrackInfo)}.
* <p>
* The types of tracks supported may vary based on player implementation.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param trackInfos the list of track infos
* @hide
public void onTrackInfoChanged(@NonNull MediaController controller,
@NonNull List<TrackInfo> trackInfos) {}
* Called when a track is selected.
* <p>
* The types of tracks supported may vary based on player implementation, but generally
* one track will be selected for each track type.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param trackInfo the selected track
* @hide
public void onTrackSelected(@NonNull MediaController controller,
@NonNull TrackInfo trackInfo) {}
* Called when a track is deselected.
* <p>
* The types of tracks supported may vary based on player implementation, but generally
* a track should already be selected in order to be deselected and audio and video tracks
* should not be deselected.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param trackInfo the deselected track
* @hide
public void onTrackDeselected(@NonNull MediaController controller,
@NonNull TrackInfo trackInfo) {}
* Called when the subtitle track has new subtitle data available.
* @param controller the controller for this event
* @param item the MediaItem of this media item
* @param track the track that has the subtitle data
* @param data the subtitle data
* @hide
public void onSubtitleData(@NonNull MediaController controller, @NonNull MediaItem item,
@NonNull TrackInfo track, @NonNull SubtitleData data) {}
* Holds information about the the way volume is handled for this session.
// The same as MediaController.PlaybackInfo
public static final class PlaybackInfo implements VersionedParcelable {
int mPlaybackType;
int mControlType;
int mMaxVolume;
int mCurrentVolume;
AudioAttributesCompat mAudioAttrsCompat;
* The session uses local playback.
public static final int PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL = 1;
* The session uses remote playback.
public static final int PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE = 2;
* Used for VersionedParcelable
PlaybackInfo() {
PlaybackInfo(int playbackType, AudioAttributesCompat attrs, int controlType, int max,
int current) {
mPlaybackType = playbackType;
mAudioAttrsCompat = attrs;
mControlType = controlType;
mMaxVolume = max;
mCurrentVolume = current;
* Get the type of playback which affects volume handling. One of:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link #PLAYBACK_TYPE_LOCAL}</li>
* <li>{@link #PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE}</li>
* </ul>
* @return The type of playback this session is using
public int getPlaybackType() {
return mPlaybackType;
* Get the audio attributes for this session. The attributes will affect
* volume handling for the session. When the volume type is
* {@link #PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE} these may be ignored by the
* remote volume handler.
* @return The attributes for this session
public AudioAttributesCompat getAudioAttributes() {
return mAudioAttrsCompat;
* Get the type of volume control that can be used. One of:
* <ul>
* <li>{@link VolumeProviderCompat#VOLUME_CONTROL_ABSOLUTE}</li>
* <li>{@link VolumeProviderCompat#VOLUME_CONTROL_RELATIVE}</li>
* <li>{@link VolumeProviderCompat#VOLUME_CONTROL_FIXED}</li>
* </ul>
* @return The type of volume control that may be used with this session
public int getControlType() {
return mControlType;
* Get the maximum volume that may be set for this session.
* <p>
* This is only meaningful when the playback type is {@link #PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE}.
* @return The maximum allowed volume where this session is playing
public int getMaxVolume() {
return mMaxVolume;
* Get the current volume for this session.
* <p>
* This is only meaningful when the playback type is {@link #PLAYBACK_TYPE_REMOTE}.
* @return The current volume where this session is playing
public int getCurrentVolume() {
return mCurrentVolume;
public int hashCode() {
return ObjectsCompat.hash(
mPlaybackType, mControlType, mMaxVolume, mCurrentVolume, mAudioAttrsCompat);
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof PlaybackInfo)) {
return false;
PlaybackInfo other = (PlaybackInfo) obj;
return mPlaybackType == other.mPlaybackType
&& mControlType == other.mControlType
&& mMaxVolume == other.mMaxVolume
&& mCurrentVolume == other.mCurrentVolume
&& ObjectsCompat.equals(mAudioAttrsCompat, other.mAudioAttrsCompat);
static PlaybackInfo createPlaybackInfo(int playbackType, AudioAttributesCompat attrs,
int controlType, int max, int current) {
return new PlaybackInfo(playbackType, attrs, controlType, max, current);