[go: nahoru, domu]

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* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.ui.test.partialgesturescope
import android.os.SystemClock.sleep
import androidx.test.filters.MediumTest
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.ui.test.InputDispatcher.InputDispatcherTestRule
import androidx.ui.test.createComposeRule
import androidx.ui.test.movePointerTo
import androidx.ui.test.partialgesturescope.Common.partialGesture
import androidx.ui.test.runOnIdle
import androidx.ui.test.cancel
import androidx.ui.test.down
import androidx.ui.test.move
import androidx.ui.test.moveTo
import androidx.ui.test.up
import androidx.ui.test.util.ClickableTestBox
import androidx.ui.test.util.MultiPointerInputRecorder
import androidx.ui.test.util.assertTimestampsAreIncreasing
import androidx.ui.test.util.expectError
import androidx.ui.test.util.verify
import androidx.ui.unit.milliseconds
import com.google.common.truth.Truth.assertThat
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Rule
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.rules.TestRule
* Tests if [moveTo] and [movePointerTo] work
class SendMoveToTest() {
companion object {
private val downPosition1 = Offset(10f, 10f)
private val downPosition2 = Offset(20f, 20f)
private val moveToPosition1 = Offset(11f, 11f)
private val moveToPosition2 = Offset(21f, 21f)
val composeTestRule = createComposeRule()
val inputDispatcherRule: TestRule = InputDispatcherTestRule(disableDispatchInRealTime = true)
private val recorder = MultiPointerInputRecorder()
fun setUp() {
// Given some content
composeTestRule.setContent {
fun onePointer() {
// When we inject a down event followed by a move event
partialGesture { down(downPosition1) }
sleep(20) // (with some time in between)
partialGesture { moveTo(moveToPosition1) }
runOnIdle {
recorder.run {
// Then we have recorded 1 down event and 1 move event
var t = events[0].getPointer(0).timestamp
val pointerId = events[0].getPointer(0).id
t += 10.milliseconds
events[1].getPointer(0).verify(t, pointerId, true, moveToPosition1)
fun twoPointers_separateMoveEvents() {
// When we inject two down events followed by two move events
partialGesture { down(1, downPosition1) }
partialGesture { down(2, downPosition2) }
partialGesture { moveTo(1, moveToPosition1) }
partialGesture { moveTo(2, moveToPosition2) }
runOnIdle {
recorder.run {
// Then we have recorded two down events and two move events
var t = events[0].getPointer(0).timestamp
val pointerId1 = events[0].getPointer(0).id
val pointerId2 = events[1].getPointer(1).id
t += 10.milliseconds
events[2].getPointer(0).verify(t, pointerId1, true, moveToPosition1)
events[2].getPointer(1).verify(t, pointerId2, true, downPosition2)
t += 10.milliseconds
events[3].getPointer(0).verify(t, pointerId1, true, moveToPosition1)
events[3].getPointer(1).verify(t, pointerId2, true, moveToPosition2)
fun twoPointers_oneMoveEvent() {
// When we inject two down events followed by one move events
partialGesture { down(1, downPosition1) }
partialGesture { down(2, downPosition2) }
sleep(20) // (with some time in between)
partialGesture { movePointerTo(1, moveToPosition1) }
partialGesture { movePointerTo(2, moveToPosition2) }
partialGesture { move() }
runOnIdle {
recorder.run {
// Then we have recorded two down events and one move events
var t = events[0].getPointer(0).timestamp
val pointerId1 = events[0].getPointer(0).id
val pointerId2 = events[1].getPointer(1).id
t += 10.milliseconds
events[2].getPointer(0).verify(t, pointerId1, true, moveToPosition1)
events[2].getPointer(1).verify(t, pointerId2, true, moveToPosition2)
fun moveToWithoutDown() {
expectError<IllegalStateException> {
partialGesture { moveTo(moveToPosition1) }
fun moveToWrongPointerId() {
partialGesture { down(1, downPosition1) }
expectError<IllegalArgumentException> {
partialGesture { moveTo(2, moveToPosition1) }
fun moveToAfterUp() {
partialGesture { down(downPosition1) }
partialGesture { up() }
expectError<IllegalStateException> {
partialGesture { moveTo(moveToPosition1) }
fun moveToAfterCancel() {
partialGesture { down(downPosition1) }
partialGesture { cancel() }
expectError<IllegalStateException> {
partialGesture { moveTo(moveToPosition1) }
fun movePointerToWithoutDown() {
expectError<IllegalStateException> {
partialGesture { movePointerTo(1, moveToPosition1) }
fun movePointerToWrongPointerId() {
partialGesture { down(1, downPosition1) }
expectError<IllegalArgumentException> {
partialGesture { movePointerTo(2, moveToPosition1) }
fun movePointerToAfterUp() {
partialGesture { down(1, downPosition1) }
partialGesture { up(1) }
expectError<IllegalStateException> {
partialGesture { movePointerTo(1, moveToPosition1) }
fun movePointerToAfterCancel() {
partialGesture { down(1, downPosition1) }
partialGesture { cancel() }
expectError<IllegalStateException> {
partialGesture { movePointerTo(1, moveToPosition1) }