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* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.ui.test
import androidx.annotation.FloatRange
import androidx.ui.core.ExperimentalLayoutNodeApi
import androidx.ui.core.gesture.DoubleTapTimeout
import androidx.ui.core.gesture.LongPressTimeout
import androidx.ui.core.semantics.SemanticsNode
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.lerp
import androidx.ui.test.InputDispatcher.Companion.eventPeriod
import androidx.ui.unit.Duration
import androidx.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.ui.unit.inMilliseconds
import androidx.ui.unit.milliseconds
import androidx.ui.util.lerp
import kotlin.math.atan2
import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.cos
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
import kotlin.math.sign
import kotlin.math.sin
* The distance of a swipe's start position from the node's edge, in terms of the node's length.
* We do not start the swipe exactly on the node's edge, but somewhat more inward, since swiping
* from the exact edge may behave in an unexpected way (e.g. may open a navigation drawer).
private const val edgeFuzzFactor = 0.083f
* The time between the last event of the first click and the first event of the second click in
* a double click gesture. 145 milliseconds: both median and average of empirical data (33 samples)
private val doubleClickDelay = 145.milliseconds
sealed class BaseGestureScope(node: SemanticsNode) {
// TODO(b/133217292): Better error: explain which gesture couldn't be performed
private var _semanticsNode: SemanticsNode? = node
internal val semanticsNode
get() = checkNotNull(_semanticsNode) {
"Can't query SemanticsNode, (Partial)GestureScope has already been disposed"
// Convenience property
private val owner get() = semanticsNode.componentNode.owner
// TODO(b/133217292): Better error: explain which gesture couldn't be performed
private var _inputDispatcher: InputDispatcher? =
internal val inputDispatcher
get() = checkNotNull(_inputDispatcher) {
"Can't send gesture, (Partial)GestureScope has already been disposed"
internal fun dispose() {
_semanticsNode = null
_inputDispatcher = null
* Returns the size of the node we're interacting with
val BaseGestureScope.size: IntSize
get() = semanticsNode.size
* Shorthand for `size.width`
inline val BaseGestureScope.width: Int
get() = size.width
* Shorthand for `size.height`
inline val BaseGestureScope.height: Int
get() = size.height
* Returns the x-coordinate for the left edge of the node we're interacting with, in the
* node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.
inline val BaseGestureScope.left: Float
get() = 0f
* Returns the y-coordinate for the bottom of the node we're interacting with, in the
* node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.
inline val BaseGestureScope.top: Float
get() = 0f
* Returns the x-coordinate for the center of the node we're interacting with, in the
* node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.
inline val BaseGestureScope.centerX: Float
get() = width / 2f
* Returns the y-coordinate for the center of the node we're interacting with, in the
* node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.
inline val BaseGestureScope.centerY: Float
get() = height / 2f
* Returns the x-coordinate for the right edge of the node we're interacting with, in the
* node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.
* Note that, unless `width == 0`, `right != width`. In particular, `right == width - 1f`, because
* pixels are 0-based. If `width == 0`, `right == 0` too.
inline val BaseGestureScope.right: Float
get() = width.let { if (it == 0) 0f else it - 1f }
* Returns the y-coordinate for the bottom of the node we're interacting with, in the
* node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.
* Note that, unless `height == 0`, `bottom != height`. In particular, `bottom == height - 1f`,
* because pixels are 0-based. If `height == 0`, `bottom == 0` too.
inline val BaseGestureScope.bottom: Float
get() = height.let { if (it == 0) 0f else it - 1f }
* Returns the top left corner of the node we're interacting with, in the node's
* local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.
val BaseGestureScope.topLeft: Offset
get() = Offset(left, top)
* Returns the center of the top edge of the node we're interacting with, in the node's
* local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.
val BaseGestureScope.topCenter: Offset
get() = Offset(centerX, top)
* Returns the top right corner of the node we're interacting with, in the node's
* local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node. Note that
* `topRight.x != width`, see [right].
val BaseGestureScope.topRight: Offset
get() = Offset(right, top)
* Returns the center of the left edge of the node we're interacting with, in the
* node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.
val BaseGestureScope.centerLeft: Offset
get() = Offset(left, centerY)
* Returns the center of the node we're interacting with, in the node's
* local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.
val BaseGestureScope.center: Offset
get() = Offset(centerX, centerY)
* Returns the center of the right edge of the node we're interacting with, in the
* node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.
* Note that `centerRight.x != width`, see [right].
val BaseGestureScope.centerRight: Offset
get() = Offset(right, centerY)
* Returns the bottom left corner of the node we're interacting with, in the node's
* local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node. Note that
* `bottomLeft.y != height`, see [bottom].
val BaseGestureScope.bottomLeft: Offset
get() = Offset(left, bottom)
* Returns the center of the bottom edge of the node we're interacting with, in the node's
* local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node. Note that
* `bottomCenter.y != height`, see [bottom].
val BaseGestureScope.bottomCenter: Offset
get() = Offset(centerX, bottom)
* Returns the bottom right corner of the node we're interacting with, in the node's
* local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node. Note that
* `bottomRight.x != width` and `bottomRight.y != height`, see [right] and [bottom].
val BaseGestureScope.bottomRight: Offset
get() = Offset(right, bottom)
* Creates an [Offset] relative to the size of the node we're interacting with. [x] and [y]
* are fractions of the [width] and [height]. Note that `percentOffset(1f, 1f) != bottomRight`,
* see [right] and [bottom].
* For example: `percentOffset(.5f, .5f)` is the same as the [center]; `centerLeft +
* percentOffset(.1f, 0f)` is a point 10% inward from the middle of the left edge; and
* `bottomRight - percentOffset(.2f, .1f)` is a point 20% to the left and 10% to the top of the
* bottom right corner.
fun BaseGestureScope.percentOffset(
@FloatRange(from = -1.0, to = 1.0) x: Float = 0f,
@FloatRange(from = -1.0, to = 1.0) y: Float = 0f
): Offset {
return Offset(x * width, y * height)
* Transforms the [position] to global coordinates, as defined by
* [LayoutCoordinates.localToGlobal][androidx.ui.core.LayoutCoordinates.localToGlobal]
* @param position A position in local coordinates
fun BaseGestureScope.localToGlobal(position: Offset): Offset {
return semanticsNode.componentNode.coordinates.localToGlobal(position)
* The receiver scope for injecting gestures on the [semanticsNode] identified by the
* corresponding [SemanticsNodeInteraction]. Gestures can be injected by calling methods defined
* on [GestureScope], such as [swipeUp]. The [SemanticsNodeInteraction] can be found by one
* of the finder methods such as [onNodeWithTag].
* Example usage:
* ```
* onNodeWithTag("myWidget")
* .performGesture {
* sendSwipeUp()
* }
* ```
class GestureScope internal constructor(
semanticsNode: SemanticsNode
) : BaseGestureScope(semanticsNode)
* Performs a click gesture at the given [position] on the associated node, or in the center
* if the [position] is omitted. The [position] is in the node's local coordinate system,
* where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node. The default [position] is the
* center of the node.
* @param position The position where to click, in the node's local coordinate system. If
* omitted, the center position will be used.
fun GestureScope.click(position: Offset = center) {
* Performs a long click gesture at the given [position] on the associated node, or in the
* center if the [position] is omitted. By default, the [duration] of the press is
* [LongPressTimeout] + 100 milliseconds. The [position] is in the node's local coordinate
* system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.
* @param position The position of the long click, in the node's local coordinate system. If
* omitted, the center position will be used.
* @param duration The time between the down and the up event
fun GestureScope.longClick(
position: Offset = center,
duration: Duration = LongPressTimeout + 100.milliseconds
) {
require(duration >= LongPressTimeout) {
"Long click must have a duration of at least ${LongPressTimeout.inMilliseconds()}ms"
swipe(position, position, duration)
* Performs a double click gesture at the given [position] on the associated node, or in the
* center if the [position] is omitted. By default, the [delay] between the first and the second
* click is 145 milliseconds (empirically established). The [position] is in the node's
* local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.
* @param position The position of the double click, in the node's local coordinate system.
* If omitted, the center position will be used.
* @param delay The time between the up event of the first click and the down event of the second
* click
fun GestureScope.doubleClick(
position: Offset = center,
delay: Duration = doubleClickDelay
) {
require(delay <= DoubleTapTimeout - 10.milliseconds) {
"Time between clicks in double click can be at most ${DoubleTapTimeout - 10.milliseconds}ms"
val globalPosition = localToGlobal(position)
* Performs the swipe gesture on the associated node. The motion events are linearly
* interpolated between [start] and [end]. The coordinates are in the node's local
* coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node. The default
* duration is 200 milliseconds.
* @param start The start position of the gesture, in the node's local coordinate system
* @param end The end position of the gesture, in the node's local coordinate system
* @param duration The duration of the gesture
fun GestureScope.swipe(
start: Offset,
end: Offset,
duration: Duration = 200.milliseconds
) {
val globalStart = localToGlobal(start)
val globalEnd = localToGlobal(end)
inputDispatcher.sendSwipe(globalStart, globalEnd, duration)
* Performs a pinch gesture on the associated node.
* For each pair of start and end [Offset]s, the motion events are linearly interpolated. The
* coordinates are in the node's local coordinate system where (0, 0) is the top left
* corner of the node. The default duration is 400 milliseconds.
* @param start0 The start position of the first gesture in the node's local coordinate system
* @param end0 The end position of the first gesture in the node's local coordinate system
* @param start1 The start position of the second gesture in the node's local coordinate system
* @param end1 The end position of the second gesture in the node's local coordinate system
* @param duration the duration of the gesture
fun GestureScope.pinch(
start0: Offset,
end0: Offset,
start1: Offset,
end1: Offset,
duration: Duration = 400.milliseconds
) {
val globalStart0 = localToGlobal(start0)
val globalEnd0 = localToGlobal(end0)
val globalStart1 = localToGlobal(start1)
val globalEnd1 = localToGlobal(end1)
val durationFloat = duration.inMilliseconds().toFloat()
listOf<(Long) -> Offset>(
{ lerp(globalStart0, globalEnd0, it / durationFloat) },
{ lerp(globalStart1, globalEnd1, it / durationFloat) }
* Performs the swipe gesture on the associated node, such that the velocity when the
* gesture is finished is roughly equal to [endVelocity]. The MotionEvents are linearly
* interpolated between [start] and [end]. The coordinates are in the node's
* local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node. The
* default duration is 200 milliseconds.
* Note that due to imprecisions, no guarantees can be made on the precision of the actual
* velocity at the end of the gesture, but generally it is within 0.1% of the desired velocity.
* @param start The start position of the gesture, in the node's local coordinate system
* @param end The end position of the gesture, in the node's local coordinate system
* @param endVelocity The velocity of the gesture at the moment it ends. Must be positive.
* @param duration The duration of the gesture. Must be long enough that at least 3 input events
* are generated, which happens with a duration of 25ms or more.
fun GestureScope.swipeWithVelocity(
start: Offset,
end: Offset,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0) endVelocity: Float,
duration: Duration = 200.milliseconds
) {
require(endVelocity >= 0f) {
"Velocity cannot be $endVelocity, it must be positive"
require(eventPeriod < 40.milliseconds.inMilliseconds()) {
"InputDispatcher.eventPeriod must be smaller than 40ms in order to generate velocities"
val minimumDuration = ceil(2.5f * eventPeriod).roundToInt()
require(duration >= minimumDuration.milliseconds) {
"Duration must be at least ${minimumDuration}ms because " +
"velocity requires at least 3 input events"
val globalStart = localToGlobal(start)
val globalEnd = localToGlobal(end)
// Decompose v into it's x and y components
val delta = end - start
val theta = atan2(delta.y, delta.x)
// VelocityTracker internally calculates px/s, not px/ms
val vx = cos(theta) * endVelocity / 1000
val vy = sin(theta) * endVelocity / 1000
// Note: it would be more precise to do `theta = atan2(-y, x)`, because atan2 expects a
// coordinate system where positive y goes up and in our coordinate system positive y goes
// down. However, in that case we would also have to inverse `vy` to convert the velocity
// back to our own coordinate system. But then it's just a double negation, so we can skip
// both conversions entirely.
// To get the desired velocity, generate fx and fy such that VelocityTracker calculates
// the right velocity. VelocityTracker makes a polynomial fit through the points
// (-age, x) and (-age, y) for vx and vy respectively, which is accounted for in
// f(Long, Long, Float, Float, Float).
val durationMs = duration.inMilliseconds()
val fx = createFunctionForVelocity(durationMs, globalStart.x, globalEnd.x, vx)
val fy = createFunctionForVelocity(durationMs, globalStart.y, globalEnd.y, vy)
inputDispatcher.sendSwipe({ t -> Offset(fx(t), fy(t)) }, duration)
* Performs a swipe up gesture on the associated node. The gesture starts slightly above the
* bottom of the node and ends at the top.
fun GestureScope.swipeUp() {
val x = center.x
val y0 = (size.height * (1 - edgeFuzzFactor)).roundToInt().toFloat()
val y1 = 0.0f
val start = Offset(x, y0)
val end = Offset(x, y1)
swipe(start, end, 200.milliseconds)
* Performs a swipe down gesture on the associated node. The gesture starts slightly below the
* top of the node and ends at the bottom.
fun GestureScope.swipeDown() {
val x = center.x
val y0 = (size.height * edgeFuzzFactor).roundToInt().toFloat()
val y1 = size.height.toFloat()
val start = Offset(x, y0)
val end = Offset(x, y1)
swipe(start, end, 200.milliseconds)
* Performs a swipe left gesture on the associated node. The gesture starts slightly left of
* the right side of the node and ends at the left side.
fun GestureScope.swipeLeft() {
val x0 = (size.width * (1 - edgeFuzzFactor)).roundToInt().toFloat()
val x1 = 0.0f
val y = center.y
val start = Offset(x0, y)
val end = Offset(x1, y)
swipe(start, end, 200.milliseconds)
* Performs a swipe right gesture on the associated node. The gesture starts slightly right of
* the left side of the node and ends at the right side.
fun GestureScope.swipeRight() {
val x0 = (size.width * edgeFuzzFactor).roundToInt().toFloat()
val x1 = size.width.toFloat()
val y = center.y
val start = Offset(x0, y)
val end = Offset(x1, y)
swipe(start, end, 200.milliseconds)
* Generate a function of the form `f(t) = a*(t-T)^2 + b*(t-T) + c` that satisfies
* `f(0) = [start]`, `f([duration]) = [end]`, `T = [duration]` and `b = [velocity]`.
* Filling in `f([duration]) = [end]`, `T = [duration]` and `b = [velocity]` gives:
* * `a * (duration - duration)^2 + velocity * (duration - duration) + c = end`
* * `c = end`
* Filling in `f(0) = [start]`, `T = [duration]` and `b = [velocity]` gives:
* * `a * (0 - duration)^2 + velocity * (0 - duration) + c = start`
* * `a * duration^2 - velocity * duration + end = start`
* * `a * duration^2 = start - end + velocity * duration`
* * `a = (start - end + velocity * duration) / duration^2`
* @param duration The duration of the fling
* @param start The start x or y position
* @param end The end x or y position
* @param velocity The desired velocity in the x or y direction at the [end] position
private fun createFunctionForVelocity(
duration: Long,
start: Float,
end: Float,
velocity: Float
): (Long) -> Float {
val a = (start - end + velocity * duration) / (duration * duration)
val function = { t: Long ->
val tMinusDuration = t - duration
// `f(t) = a*(t-T)^2 + b*(t-T) + c`
a * tMinusDuration * tMinusDuration + velocity * tMinusDuration + end
// High velocities often result in curves that start off in the wrong direction, like a bow
// being strung to reach a high velocity at the end coordinate. For a gesture, that is not
// desirable, and can be mitigated by using the fact that VelocityTracker only uses the last
// 100 ms of the gesture. Anything before that doesn't need to follow the curve.
// Does the function go in the correct direction at the start?
if (sign(function(1) - start) == sign(end - start)) {
return function
} else {
// If not, lerp between 0 and `duration - 100` in an attempt to prevent the function from
// going in the wrong direction. This does not affect the velocity at f(duration), as
// VelocityTracker only uses the last 100ms. This only works if f(duration - 100) is
// between from and to, log a warning if this is not the case.
val cutOffTime = duration - 100
val cutOffValue = function(cutOffTime)
require(sign(cutOffValue - start) == sign(end - start)) {
"Creating a gesture between $start and $end with a duration of $duration and a " +
"resulting velocity of $velocity results in a movement that goes outside " +
"of the range [$start..$end]"
return { t ->
if (t < cutOffTime) {
lerp(start, cutOffValue, t / cutOffTime.toFloat())
} else {
* The receiver scope for injecting partial gestures on the [semanticsNode] identified by the
* corresponding [SemanticsNodeInteraction]. Gestures can be injected by calling methods defined
* on [PartialGestureScope], such as [down]. The [SemanticsNodeInteraction] can be found by
* one of the finder methods such as [onNodeWithTag].
* Example usage:
* ```
* val position = Offset(10.px, 10.px)
* onNodeWithTag("myWidget")
* .performPartialGesture { sendDown(position) }
* .assertIsDisplayed()
* .performPartialGesture { sendUp(position) }
* ```
class PartialGestureScope internal constructor(
semanticsNode: SemanticsNode
) : BaseGestureScope(semanticsNode)
* Sends a down event for the pointer with the given [pointerId] at [position] on the associated
* node. The [position] is in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is
* the top left corner of the node.
* If no pointers are down yet, this will start a new partial gesture. If a partial gesture is
* already in progress, this event is sent with at the same timestamp as the last event. If the
* given pointer is already down, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* This gesture is considered _partial_, because the entire gesture can be spread over several
* invocations of [performPartialGesture]. An entire gesture starts with a [down][down] event,
* followed by several down, move or up events, and ends with an [up][up] or a
* [cancel][cancel] event. Movement can be expressed with [moveTo] and [moveBy] to
* move a single pointer at a time, or [movePointerTo] and [movePointerBy] to move multiple
* pointers at a time. The `movePointer[To|By]` methods do not send the move event directly, use
* [move] to send the move event. Some other methods can send a move event as well. All
* events, regardless the method used, will always contain the current position of _all_ pointers.
* Down and up events are sent at the same time as the previous event, but will send an extra
* move event just before the down or up event if [movePointerTo] or [movePointerBy] has been
* called and no move event has been sent yet. This does not happen for cancel events, but the
* cancel event will contain the up to date position of all pointers. Move and cancel events will
* advance the event time by 10 milliseconds.
* Because partial gestures don't have to be defined all in the same [performPartialGesture] block,
* keep in mind that while the gesture is not complete, all code you execute in between
* blocks that progress the gesture, will be executed while imaginary fingers are actively
* touching the screen.
* In the context of testing, it is not necessary to complete a gesture with an up or cancel
* event, if the test ends before it expects the finger to be lifted from the screen.
* @param pointerId The id of the pointer, can be any number not yet in use by another pointer
* @param position The position of the down event, in the node's local coordinate system
fun PartialGestureScope.down(pointerId: Int, position: Offset) {
val globalPosition = localToGlobal(position)
inputDispatcher.sendDown(pointerId, globalPosition)
* Sends a down event for the default pointer at [position] on the associated node. The
* [position] is in the node's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left
* corner of the node. The default pointer has `pointerId = 0`.
* If no pointers are down yet, this will start a new partial gesture. If a partial gesture is
* already in progress, this event is sent with at the same timestamp as the last event. If the
* default pointer is already down, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param position The position of the down event, in the node's local coordinate system
fun PartialGestureScope.down(position: Offset) {
down(0, position)
* Sends a move event on the associated node, with the position of the pointer with the
* given [pointerId] updated to [position]. The [position] is in the node's local coordinate
* system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node.
* If the pointer is not yet down, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param pointerId The id of the pointer to move, as supplied in [down]
* @param position The new position of the pointer, in the node's local coordinate system
fun PartialGestureScope.moveTo(pointerId: Int, position: Offset) {
movePointerTo(pointerId, position)
* Sends a move event on the associated node, with the position of the default pointer
* updated to [position]. The [position] is in the node's local coordinate system, where
* (0, 0) is the top left corner of the node. The default pointer has `pointerId = 0`.
* If the default pointer is not yet down, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param position The new position of the pointer, in the node's local coordinate system
fun PartialGestureScope.moveTo(position: Offset) {
moveTo(0, position)
* Updates the position of the pointer with the given [pointerId] to the given [position], but
* does not send a move event. The move event can be sent with [move]. The [position] is in
* the node's local coordinate system, where (0.px, 0.px) is the top left corner of the
* node.
* If the pointer is not yet down, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param pointerId The id of the pointer to move, as supplied in [down]
* @param position The new position of the pointer, in the node's local coordinate system
fun PartialGestureScope.movePointerTo(pointerId: Int, position: Offset) {
val globalPosition = localToGlobal(position)
inputDispatcher.movePointer(pointerId, globalPosition)
* Sends a move event on the associated node, with the position of the pointer with the
* given [pointerId] moved by the given [delta].
* If the pointer is not yet down, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param pointerId The id of the pointer to move, as supplied in [down]
* @param delta The position for this move event, relative to the last sent position of the
* pointer. For example, `delta = Offset(10.px, -10.px) will add 10.px to the pointer's last
* x-position, and subtract 10.px from the pointer's last y-position.
fun PartialGestureScope.moveBy(pointerId: Int, delta: Offset) {
movePointerBy(pointerId, delta)
* Sends a move event on the associated node, with the position of the default pointer
* moved by the given [delta]. The default pointer has `pointerId = 0`.
* If the pointer is not yet down, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param delta The position for this move event, relative to the last sent position of the
* pointer. For example, `delta = Offset(10.px, -10.px) will add 10.px to the pointer's last
* x-position, and subtract 10.px from the pointer's last y-position.
fun PartialGestureScope.moveBy(delta: Offset) {
moveBy(0, delta)
* Moves the position of the pointer with the given [pointerId] by the given [delta], but does
* not send a move event. The move event can be sent with [move].
* If the pointer is not yet down, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param pointerId The id of the pointer to move, as supplied in [down]
* @param delta The position for this move event, relative to the last sent position of the
* pointer. For example, `delta = Offset(10.px, -10.px) will add 10.px to the pointer's last
* x-position, and subtract 10.px from the pointer's last y-position.
fun PartialGestureScope.movePointerBy(pointerId: Int, delta: Offset) {
// Ignore currentPosition of null here, let movePointer generate the error
val globalPosition =
(inputDispatcher.getCurrentPosition(pointerId) ?: Offset.Zero) + delta
inputDispatcher.movePointer(pointerId, globalPosition)
* Sends a move event without updating any of the pointer positions. This can be useful when
* batching movement of multiple pointers together, which can be done with [movePointerTo] and
* [movePointerBy].
fun PartialGestureScope.move() {
* Sends an up event for the pointer with the given [pointerId], or the default pointer if
* [pointerId] is omitted, on the associated node. If any pointers have been moved with
* [movePointerTo] or [movePointerBy] and no move event has been sent yet, a move event will be
* sent right before the up event.
* @param pointerId The id of the pointer to lift up, as supplied in [down]
fun PartialGestureScope.up(pointerId: Int = 0) {
* Sends a cancel event to cancel the current partial gesture. The cancel event contains the
* current position of all active pointers.
fun PartialGestureScope.cancel() {
* Performs a click gesture at the given [position] on the associated component, or in the center
* if the [position] is omitted. The [position] is in the component's local coordinate system,
* where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the component. The default [position] is the
* center of the component.
* @param position The position where to click, in the component's local coordinate system. If
* omitted, the center position will be used.
@Deprecated("Renamed to click",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("click(position)"))
fun GestureScope.sendClick(position: Offset = center) = click(position)
* Performs a long click gesture at the given [position] on the associated component, or in the
* center if the [position] is omitted. By default, the [duration] of the press is
* [LongPressTimeout] + 100 milliseconds. The [position] is in the component's local coordinate
* system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the component.
* @param position The position of the long click, in the component's local coordinate system. If
* omitted, the center position will be used.
* @param duration The time between the down and the up event
@Deprecated("Renamed to longClick",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("longClick(position, duration)"))
fun GestureScope.sendLongClick(
position: Offset = center,
duration: Duration = LongPressTimeout + 100.milliseconds
) = longClick(position, duration)
* Performs a double click gesture at the given [position] on the associated component, or in the
* center if the [position] is omitted. By default, the [delay] between the first and the second
* click is 145 milliseconds (empirically established). The [position] is in the component's
* local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the component.
* @param position The position of the double click, in the component's local coordinate system.
* If omitted, the center position will be used.
* @param delay The time between the up event of the first click and the down event of the second
* click
@Deprecated("Renamed to doubleClick",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("doubleClick(position, delay)"))
fun GestureScope.sendDoubleClick(
position: Offset = center,
delay: Duration = doubleClickDelay
) = doubleClick(position, delay)
* Performs the swipe gesture on the associated component. The motion events are linearly
* interpolated between [start] and [end]. The coordinates are in the component's local
* coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the component. The default
* duration is 200 milliseconds.
* @param start The start position of the gesture, in the component's local coordinate system
* @param end The end position of the gesture, in the component's local coordinate system
* @param duration The duration of the gesture
@Deprecated("Renamed to swipe",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("swipe(start, end, duration)"))
fun GestureScope.sendSwipe(
start: Offset,
end: Offset,
duration: Duration = 200.milliseconds
) = swipe(start, end, duration)
* Performs a pinch gesture on the associated component.
* For each pair of start and end [Offset]s, the motion events are linearly interpolated. The
* coordinates are in the component's local coordinate system where (0, 0) is the top left
* corner of the component. The default duration is 400 milliseconds.
* @param start0 The start position of the first gesture in the component's local coordinate system
* @param end0 The end position of the first gesture in the component's local coordinate system
* @param start1 The start position of the second gesture in the component's local coordinate system
* @param end1 The end position of the second gesture in the component's local coordinate system
* @param duration the duration of the gesture
@Deprecated("Renamed to pinch",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("pinch(start0, end0, start1, end0, duration)"))
fun GestureScope.sendPinch(
start0: Offset,
end0: Offset,
start1: Offset,
end1: Offset,
duration: Duration = 400.milliseconds
) = pinch(start0, end0, start1, end1, duration)
* Performs the swipe gesture on the associated component, such that the velocity when the
* gesture is finished is roughly equal to [endVelocity]. The MotionEvents are linearly
* interpolated between [start] and [end]. The coordinates are in the component's
* local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the component. The
* default duration is 200 milliseconds.
* Note that due to imprecisions, no guarantees can be made on the precision of the actual
* velocity at the end of the gesture, but generally it is within 0.1% of the desired velocity.
* @param start The start position of the gesture, in the component's local coordinate system
* @param end The end position of the gesture, in the component's local coordinate system
* @param endVelocity The velocity of the gesture at the moment it ends. Must be positive.
* @param duration The duration of the gesture. Must be long enough that at least 3 input events
* are generated, which happens with a duration of 25ms or more.
@Deprecated("Renamed to swipeWithVelocity",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("swipeWithVelocity(start, end, endVelocity, duration)"))
fun GestureScope.sendSwipeWithVelocity(
start: Offset,
end: Offset,
@FloatRange(from = 0.0) endVelocity: Float,
duration: Duration = 200.milliseconds
) = swipeWithVelocity(start, end, endVelocity, duration)
* Performs a swipe up gesture on the associated component. The gesture starts slightly above the
* bottom of the component and ends at the top.
@Deprecated("Renamed to swipeUp",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("swipeUp()"))
fun GestureScope.sendSwipeUp() = swipeUp()
* Performs a swipe down gesture on the associated component. The gesture starts slightly below the
* top of the component and ends at the bottom.
@Deprecated("Renamed to swipeDown",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("swipeDown()"))
fun GestureScope.sendSwipeDown() = swipeDown()
* Performs a swipe left gesture on the associated component. The gesture starts slightly left of
* the right side of the component and ends at the left side.
@Deprecated("Renamed to swipeLeft",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("swipeLeft()"))
fun GestureScope.sendSwipeLeft() = swipeLeft()
* Performs a swipe right gesture on the associated component. The gesture starts slightly right of
* the left side of the component and ends at the right side.
@Deprecated("Renamed to swipeRight",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("swipeRight()"))
fun GestureScope.sendSwipeRight() = swipeRight()
* Sends a down event for the pointer with the given [pointerId] at [position] on the associated
* component. The [position] is in the component's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is
* the top left corner of the component.
* If no pointers are down yet, this will start a new partial gesture. If a partial gesture is
* already in progress, this event is sent with at the same timestamp as the last event. If the
* given pointer is already down, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* This gesture is considered _partial_, because the entire gesture can be spread over several
* invocations of [performPartialGesture]. An entire gesture starts with a [down][sendDown] event,
* followed by several down, move or up events, and ends with an [up][sendUp] or a
* [cancel][sendCancel] event. Movement can be expressed with [sendMoveTo] and [sendMoveBy] to
* move a single pointer at a time, or [movePointerTo] and [movePointerBy] to move multiple
* pointers at a time. The `movePointer[To|By]` methods do not send the move event directly, use
* [sendMove] to send the move event. Some other methods can send a move event as well. All
* events, regardless the method used, will always contain the current position of _all_ pointers.
* Down and up events are sent at the same time as the previous event, but will send an extra
* move event just before the down or up event if [movePointerTo] or [movePointerBy] has been
* called and no move event has been sent yet. This does not happen for cancel events, but the
* cancel event will contain the up to date position of all pointers. Move and cancel events will
* advance the event time by 10 milliseconds.
* Because partial gestures don't have to be defined all in the same [performPartialGesture] block,
* keep in mind that while the gesture is not complete, all code you execute in between
* blocks that progress the gesture, will be executed while imaginary fingers are actively
* touching the screen.
* In the context of testing, it is not necessary to complete a gesture with an up or cancel
* event, if the test ends before it expects the finger to be lifted from the screen.
* @param pointerId The id of the pointer, can be any number not yet in use by another pointer
* @param position The position of the down event, in the component's local coordinate system
@Deprecated("Renamed to down",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("down(pointerId, position)"))
fun PartialGestureScope.sendDown(pointerId: Int, position: Offset) = down(pointerId, position)
* Sends a down event for the default pointer at [position] on the associated component. The
* [position] is in the component's local coordinate system, where (0, 0) is the top left
* corner of the component. The default pointer has `pointerId = 0`.
* If no pointers are down yet, this will start a new partial gesture. If a partial gesture is
* already in progress, this event is sent with at the same timestamp as the last event. If the
* default pointer is already down, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param position The position of the down event, in the component's local coordinate system
@Deprecated("Renamed to down",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("down(position)"))
fun PartialGestureScope.sendDown(position: Offset) = down(position)
* Sends a move event on the associated component, with the position of the pointer with the
* given [pointerId] updated to [position]. The [position] is in the component's local coordinate
* system, where (0, 0) is the top left corner of the component.
* If the pointer is not yet down, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param pointerId The id of the pointer to move, as supplied in [sendDown]
* @param position The new position of the pointer, in the component's local coordinate system
@Deprecated("Renamed to moveTo",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("moveTo(pointerId, position)"))
fun PartialGestureScope.sendMoveTo(pointerId: Int, position: Offset) = moveTo(pointerId, position)
* Sends a move event on the associated component, with the position of the default pointer
* updated to [position]. The [position] is in the component's local coordinate system, where
* (0, 0) is the top left corner of the component. The default pointer has `pointerId = 0`.
* If the default pointer is not yet down, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param position The new position of the pointer, in the component's local coordinate system
@Deprecated("Renamed to moveTo",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("moveTo(position)"))
fun PartialGestureScope.sendMoveTo(position: Offset) = moveTo(position)
* Sends a move event on the associated component, with the position of the pointer with the
* given [pointerId] moved by the given [delta].
* If the pointer is not yet down, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param pointerId The id of the pointer to move, as supplied in [sendDown]
* @param delta The position for this move event, relative to the last sent position of the
* pointer. For example, `delta = Offset(10.px, -10.px) will add 10.px to the pointer's last
* x-position, and subtract 10.px from the pointer's last y-position.
@Deprecated("Renamed to moveBy",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("moveBy(pointerId, delta)"))
fun PartialGestureScope.sendMoveBy(pointerId: Int, delta: Offset) = moveBy(pointerId, delta)
* Sends a move event on the associated component, with the position of the default pointer
* moved by the given [delta]. The default pointer has `pointerId = 0`.
* If the pointer is not yet down, an [IllegalArgumentException] will be thrown.
* @param delta The position for this move event, relative to the last sent position of the
* pointer. For example, `delta = Offset(10.px, -10.px) will add 10.px to the pointer's last
* x-position, and subtract 10.px from the pointer's last y-position.
@Deprecated("Renamed to moveBy",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("moveBy(delta)"))
fun PartialGestureScope.sendMoveBy(delta: Offset) = moveBy(delta)
* Sends a move event without updating any of the pointer positions. This can be useful when
* batching movement of multiple pointers together, which can be done with [movePointerTo] and
* [movePointerBy].
@Deprecated("Renamed to move",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("move()"))
fun PartialGestureScope.sendMove() = move()
* Sends an up event for the pointer with the given [pointerId], or the default pointer if
* [pointerId] is omitted, on the associated component. If any pointers have been moved with
* [movePointerTo] or [movePointerBy] and no move event has been sent yet, a move event will be
* sent right before the up event.
* @param pointerId The id of the pointer to lift up, as supplied in [sendDown]
@Deprecated("Renamed to up",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("up(pointerId)"))
fun PartialGestureScope.sendUp(pointerId: Int = 0) = up(pointerId)
* Sends a cancel event to cancel the current partial gesture. The cancel event contains the
* current position of all active pointers.
@Deprecated("Renamed to cancel",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith("cancel()"))
fun PartialGestureScope.sendCancel() = cancel()