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* Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.foundation.demos.collection
import androidx.collection.LongList
import androidx.collection.MutableLongList
import androidx.collection.emptyLongList
import androidx.collection.mutableLongListOf
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color
import kotlin.contracts.ExperimentalContracts
import kotlin.contracts.contract
import kotlin.jvm.JvmInline
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// DO NOT MAKE CHANGES to this kotlin source file.
// This file was generated from a template:
// collection/collection/template/ValueClassList.kt.template
// Make a change to the original template and run the generateValueClassCollections.sh script
// to ensure the change is available on all versions of the list.
// -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
* [ColorList] is a [List]-like collection for [Color] values. It allows retrieving
* the elements without boxing. [ColorList] is always backed by a [MutableColorList],
* its [MutableList]-like subclass.
* This implementation is not thread-safe: if multiple threads access this
* container concurrently, and one or more threads modify the structure of
* the list (insertion or removal for instance), the calling code must provide
* the appropriate synchronization. It is also not safe to mutate during reentrancy --
* in the middle of a [forEach], for example. However, concurrent reads are safe.
internal value class ColorList(val list: LongList) {
* The number of elements in the [ColorList].
@get:androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 0)
public inline val size: Int get() = list.size
* Returns the last valid index in the [ColorList]. This can be `-1` when the list is empty.
@get:androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = -1)
public inline val lastIndex: Int get() = list.lastIndex
* Returns an [IntRange] of the valid indices for this [ColorList].
public inline val indices: IntRange get() = list.indices
* Returns `true` if the collection has no elements in it.
public inline fun none(): Boolean = list.none()
* Returns `true` if there's at least one element in the collection.
public inline fun any(): Boolean = list.any()
* Returns `true` if any of the elements give a `true` return value for [predicate].
public inline fun any(predicate: (element: Color) -> Boolean): Boolean {
contract { callsInPlace(predicate) }
return list.any { predicate(Color(it.toULong())) }
* Returns `true` if any of the elements give a `true` return value for [predicate] while
* iterating in the reverse order.
public inline fun reversedAny(predicate: (element: Color) -> Boolean): Boolean {
contract { callsInPlace(predicate) }
return list.reversedAny { predicate(Color(it.toULong())) }
* Returns `true` if the [ColorList] contains [element] or `false` otherwise.
public inline operator fun contains(element: Color): Boolean =
* Returns `true` if the [ColorList] contains all elements in [elements] or `false` if
* one or more are missing.
public inline fun containsAll(elements: ColorList): Boolean =
* Returns `true` if the [ColorList] contains all elements in [elements] or `false` if
* one or more are missing.
public inline fun containsAll(elements: MutableColorList): Boolean =
* Returns the number of elements in this list.
public inline fun count(): Int = list.count()
* Counts the number of elements matching [predicate].
* @return The number of elements in this list for which [predicate] returns true.
public inline fun count(predicate: (element: Color) -> Boolean): Int {
contract { callsInPlace(predicate) }
return list.count { predicate(Color(it.toULong())) }
* Returns the first element in the [ColorList] or throws a [NoSuchElementException] if
* it [isEmpty].
public inline fun first(): Color = Color(list.first().toULong())
* Returns the first element in the [ColorList] for which [predicate] returns `true` or
* throws [NoSuchElementException] if nothing matches.
* @see indexOfFirst
public inline fun first(predicate: (element: Color) -> Boolean): Color {
contract { callsInPlace(predicate) }
return Color(list.first { predicate(Color(it.toULong())) }.toULong())
* Accumulates values, starting with [initial], and applying [operation] to each element
* in the [ColorList] in order.
* @param initial The value of `acc` for the first call to [operation] or return value if
* there are no elements in this list.
* @param operation function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and
* calculates the next accumulator value.
public inline fun <R> fold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, element: Color) -> R): R {
contract { callsInPlace(operation) }
return list.fold(initial) { acc, element ->
operation(acc, Color(element.toULong()))
* Accumulates values, starting with [initial], and applying [operation] to each element
* in the [ColorList] in order.
public inline fun <R> foldIndexed(
initial: R,
operation: (index: Int, acc: R, element: Color) -> R
): R {
contract { callsInPlace(operation) }
return list.foldIndexed(initial) { index, acc, element ->
operation(index, acc, Color(element.toULong()))
* Accumulates values, starting with [initial], and applying [operation] to each element
* in the [ColorList] in reverse order.
* @param initial The value of `acc` for the first call to [operation] or return value if
* there are no elements in this list.
* @param operation function that takes an element and the current accumulator value, and
* calculates the next accumulator value.
public inline fun <R> foldRight(initial: R, operation: (element: Color, acc: R) -> R): R {
contract { callsInPlace(operation) }
return list.foldRight(initial) { element, acc ->
operation(Color(element.toULong()), acc)
* Accumulates values, starting with [initial], and applying [operation] to each element
* in the [ColorList] in reverse order.
public inline fun <R> foldRightIndexed(
initial: R,
operation: (index: Int, element: Color, acc: R) -> R
): R {
contract { callsInPlace(operation) }
return list.foldRightIndexed(initial) { index, element, acc ->
operation(index, Color(element.toULong()), acc)
* Calls [block] for each element in the [ColorList], in order.
* @param block will be executed for every element in the list, accepting an element from
* the list
public inline fun forEach(block: (element: Color) -> Unit) {
contract { callsInPlace(block) }
list.forEach { block(Color(it.toULong())) }
* Calls [block] for each element in the [ColorList] along with its index, in order.
* @param block will be executed for every element in the list, accepting the index and
* the element at that index.
public inline fun forEachIndexed(block: (index: Int, element: Color) -> Unit) {
contract { callsInPlace(block) }
list.forEachIndexed { index, element ->
block(index, Color(element.toULong()))
* Calls [block] for each element in the [ColorList] in reverse order.
* @param block will be executed for every element in the list, accepting an element from
* the list
public inline fun forEachReversed(block: (element: Color) -> Unit) {
contract { callsInPlace(block) }
list.forEachReversed { block(Color(it.toULong())) }
* Calls [block] for each element in the [ColorList] along with its index, in reverse
* order.
* @param block will be executed for every element in the list, accepting the index and
* the element at that index.
public inline fun forEachReversedIndexed(block: (index: Int, element: Color) -> Unit) {
contract { callsInPlace(block) }
list.forEachReversedIndexed { index, element ->
block(index, Color(element.toULong()))
* Returns the element at the given [index] or throws [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if
* the [index] is out of bounds of this collection.
public inline operator fun get(
@androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 0) index: Int
): Color = Color(list[index].toULong())
* Returns the element at the given [index] or throws [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if
* the [index] is out of bounds of this collection.
public inline fun elementAt(@androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 0) index: Int): Color =
* Returns the element at the given [index] or [defaultValue] if [index] is out of bounds
* of the collection.
* @param index The index of the element whose value should be returned
* @param defaultValue A lambda to call with [index] as a parameter to return a value at
* an index not in the list.
public inline fun elementAtOrElse(
@androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 0) index: Int,
defaultValue: (index: Int) -> Color
): Color =
Color(list.elementAtOrElse(index) { defaultValue(it).value.toLong() }.toULong())
* Returns the index of [element] in the [ColorList] or `-1` if [element] is not there.
public inline fun indexOf(element: Color): Int =
* Returns the index if the first element in the [ColorList] for which [predicate]
* returns `true`.
public inline fun indexOfFirst(predicate: (element: Color) -> Boolean): Int {
contract { callsInPlace(predicate) }
return list.indexOfFirst { predicate(Color(it.toULong())) }
* Returns the index if the last element in the [ColorList] for which [predicate]
* returns `true`.
public inline fun indexOfLast(predicate: (element: Color) -> Boolean): Int {
contract { callsInPlace(predicate) }
return list.indexOfLast { predicate(Color(it.toULong())) }
* Returns `true` if the [ColorList] has no elements in it or `false` otherwise.
public inline fun isEmpty(): Boolean = list.isEmpty()
* Returns `true` if there are elements in the [ColorList] or `false` if it is empty.
public inline fun isNotEmpty(): Boolean = list.isNotEmpty()
* Returns the last element in the [ColorList] or throws a [NoSuchElementException] if
* it [isEmpty].
public inline fun last(): Color = Color(list.last().toULong())
* Returns the last element in the [ColorList] for which [predicate] returns `true` or
* throws [NoSuchElementException] if nothing matches.
* @see indexOfLast
public inline fun last(predicate: (element: Color) -> Boolean): Color {
contract { callsInPlace(predicate) }
return Color(list.last { predicate(Color(it.toULong())) }.toULong())
* Returns the index of the last element in the [ColorList] that is the same as
* [element] or `-1` if no elements match.
public inline fun lastIndexOf(element: Color): Int =
* Returns a String representation of the list, surrounded by "[]" and each element
* separated by ", ".
override fun toString(): String {
if (isEmpty()) {
return "[]"
return buildString {
forEachIndexed { index: Int, element: Color ->
if (index != 0) {
append(',').append(' ')
* [MutableColorList] is a [MutableList]-like collection for [Color] values.
* It allows storing and retrieving the elements without boxing. Immutable
* access is available through its base class [ColorList], which has a [List]-like
* interface.
* This implementation is not thread-safe: if multiple threads access this
* container concurrently, and one or more threads modify the structure of
* the list (insertion or removal for instance), the calling code must provide
* the appropriate synchronization. It is also not safe to mutate during reentrancy --
* in the middle of a [forEach], for example. However, concurrent reads are safe.
* @constructor Creates a [MutableColorList] with a [capacity] of `initialCapacity`.
internal value class MutableColorList(val list: MutableLongList) {
public constructor(initialCapacity: Int = 16) : this(MutableLongList(initialCapacity))
* The number of elements in the [ColorList].
@get:androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 0)
public inline val size: Int get() = list.size
* Returns the last valid index in the [ColorList]. This can be `-1` when the list is empty.
@get:androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = -1)
public inline val lastIndex: Int get() = list.lastIndex
* Returns an [IntRange] of the valid indices for this [ColorList].
public inline val indices: IntRange get() = list.indices
* Returns `true` if the collection has no elements in it.
public inline fun none(): Boolean = list.none()
* Returns `true` if there's at least one element in the collection.
public inline fun any(): Boolean = list.any()
* Returns `true` if any of the elements give a `true` return value for [predicate].
public inline fun any(predicate: (element: Color) -> Boolean): Boolean {
contract { callsInPlace(predicate) }
return list.any { predicate(Color(it.toULong())) }
* Returns `true` if any of the elements give a `true` return value for [predicate] while
* iterating in the reverse order.
public inline fun reversedAny(predicate: (element: Color) -> Boolean): Boolean {
contract { callsInPlace(predicate) }
return list.reversedAny { predicate(Color(it.toULong())) }
* Returns `true` if the [ColorList] contains [element] or `false` otherwise.
public inline operator fun contains(element: Color): Boolean =
* Returns `true` if the [ColorList] contains all elements in [elements] or `false` if
* one or more are missing.
public inline fun containsAll(elements: ColorList): Boolean =
* Returns `true` if the [ColorList] contains all elements in [elements] or `false` if
* one or more are missing.
public inline fun containsAll(elements: MutableColorList): Boolean =
* Returns the number of elements in this list.
public inline fun count(): Int = list.count()
* Counts the number of elements matching [predicate].
* @return The number of elements in this list for which [predicate] returns true.
public inline fun count(predicate: (element: Color) -> Boolean): Int {
contract { callsInPlace(predicate) }
return list.count { predicate(Color(it.toULong())) }
* Returns the first element in the [ColorList] or throws a [NoSuchElementException] if
* it [isEmpty].
public inline fun first(): Color = Color(list.first().toULong())
* Returns the first element in the [ColorList] for which [predicate] returns `true` or
* throws [NoSuchElementException] if nothing matches.
* @see indexOfFirst
public inline fun first(predicate: (element: Color) -> Boolean): Color {
contract { callsInPlace(predicate) }
return Color(list.first { predicate(Color(it.toULong())) }.toULong())
* Accumulates values, starting with [initial], and applying [operation] to each element
* in the [ColorList] in order.
* @param initial The value of `acc` for the first call to [operation] or return value if
* there are no elements in this list.
* @param operation function that takes current accumulator value and an element, and
* calculates the next accumulator value.
public inline fun <R> fold(initial: R, operation: (acc: R, element: Color) -> R): R {
contract { callsInPlace(operation) }
return list.fold(initial) { acc, element ->
operation(acc, Color(element.toULong()))
* Accumulates values, starting with [initial], and applying [operation] to each element
* in the [ColorList] in order.
public inline fun <R> foldIndexed(
initial: R,
operation: (index: Int, acc: R, element: Color) -> R
): R {
contract { callsInPlace(operation) }
return list.foldIndexed(initial) { index, acc, element ->
operation(index, acc, Color(element.toULong()))
* Accumulates values, starting with [initial], and applying [operation] to each element
* in the [ColorList] in reverse order.
* @param initial The value of `acc` for the first call to [operation] or return value if
* there are no elements in this list.
* @param operation function that takes an element and the current accumulator value, and
* calculates the next accumulator value.
public inline fun <R> foldRight(initial: R, operation: (element: Color, acc: R) -> R): R {
contract { callsInPlace(operation) }
return list.foldRight(initial) { element, acc ->
operation(Color(element.toULong()), acc)
* Accumulates values, starting with [initial], and applying [operation] to each element
* in the [ColorList] in reverse order.
public inline fun <R> foldRightIndexed(
initial: R,
operation: (index: Int, element: Color, acc: R) -> R
): R {
contract { callsInPlace(operation) }
return list.foldRightIndexed(initial) { index, element, acc ->
operation(index, Color(element.toULong()), acc)
* Calls [block] for each element in the [ColorList], in order.
* @param block will be executed for every element in the list, accepting an element from
* the list
public inline fun forEach(block: (element: Color) -> Unit) {
contract { callsInPlace(block) }
list.forEach { block(Color(it.toULong())) }
* Calls [block] for each element in the [ColorList] along with its index, in order.
* @param block will be executed for every element in the list, accepting the index and
* the element at that index.
public inline fun forEachIndexed(block: (index: Int, element: Color) -> Unit) {
contract { callsInPlace(block) }
list.forEachIndexed { index, element ->
block(index, Color(element.toULong()))
* Calls [block] for each element in the [ColorList] in reverse order.
* @param block will be executed for every element in the list, accepting an element from
* the list
public inline fun forEachReversed(block: (element: Color) -> Unit) {
contract { callsInPlace(block) }
list.forEachReversed { block(Color(it.toULong())) }
* Calls [block] for each element in the [ColorList] along with its index, in reverse
* order.
* @param block will be executed for every element in the list, accepting the index and
* the element at that index.
public inline fun forEachReversedIndexed(block: (index: Int, element: Color) -> Unit) {
contract { callsInPlace(block) }
list.forEachReversedIndexed { index, element ->
block(index, Color(element.toULong()))
* Returns the element at the given [index] or throws [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if
* the [index] is out of bounds of this collection.
public inline operator fun get(
@androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 0) index: Int
): Color = Color(list[index].toULong())
* Returns the element at the given [index] or throws [IndexOutOfBoundsException] if
* the [index] is out of bounds of this collection.
public inline fun elementAt(@androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 0) index: Int): Color =
* Returns the element at the given [index] or [defaultValue] if [index] is out of bounds
* of the collection.
* @param index The index of the element whose value should be returned
* @param defaultValue A lambda to call with [index] as a parameter to return a value at
* an index not in the list.
public inline fun elementAtOrElse(
@androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 0) index: Int,
defaultValue: (index: Int) -> Color
): Color =
Color(list.elementAtOrElse(index) { defaultValue(it).value.toLong() }.toULong())
* Returns the index of [element] in the [ColorList] or `-1` if [element] is not there.
public inline fun indexOf(element: Color): Int =
* Returns the index if the first element in the [ColorList] for which [predicate]
* returns `true`.
public inline fun indexOfFirst(predicate: (element: Color) -> Boolean): Int {
contract { callsInPlace(predicate) }
return list.indexOfFirst { predicate(Color(it.toULong())) }
* Returns the index if the last element in the [ColorList] for which [predicate]
* returns `true`.
public inline fun indexOfLast(predicate: (element: Color) -> Boolean): Int {
contract { callsInPlace(predicate) }
return list.indexOfLast { predicate(Color(it.toULong())) }
* Returns `true` if the [ColorList] has no elements in it or `false` otherwise.
public inline fun isEmpty(): Boolean = list.isEmpty()
* Returns `true` if there are elements in the [ColorList] or `false` if it is empty.
public inline fun isNotEmpty(): Boolean = list.isNotEmpty()
* Returns the last element in the [ColorList] or throws a [NoSuchElementException] if
* it [isEmpty].
public inline fun last(): Color = Color(list.last().toULong())
* Returns the last element in the [ColorList] for which [predicate] returns `true` or
* throws [NoSuchElementException] if nothing matches.
* @see indexOfLast
public inline fun last(predicate: (element: Color) -> Boolean): Color {
contract { callsInPlace(predicate) }
return Color(list.last { predicate(Color(it.toULong())) }.toULong())
* Returns the index of the last element in the [ColorList] that is the same as
* [element] or `-1` if no elements match.
public inline fun lastIndexOf(element: Color): Int =
* Returns a String representation of the list, surrounded by "[]" and each element
* separated by ", ".
override fun toString(): String = asColorList().toString()
* Returns a read-only interface to the list.
public inline fun asColorList(): ColorList = ColorList(list)
* Returns the total number of elements that can be held before the [MutableColorList] must
* grow.
* @see ensureCapacity
public inline val capacity: Int
get() = list.capacity
* Adds [element] to the [MutableColorList] and returns `true`.
public inline fun add(element: Color): Boolean =
* Adds [element] to the [MutableColorList] at the given [index], shifting over any
* elements at [index] and after, if any.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [index] isn't between 0 and [size], inclusive
public inline fun add(
@androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 0) index: Int,
element: Color
) = list.add(index, element.value.toLong())
* Adds all [elements] to the [MutableColorList] at the given [index], shifting over any
* elements at [index] and after, if any.
* @return `true` if the [MutableColorList] was changed or `false` if [elements] was empty
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [index] isn't between 0 and [size], inclusive
public inline fun addAll(
@androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 0) index: Int,
elements: ColorList
): Boolean = list.addAll(index, elements.list)
* Adds all [elements] to the [MutableColorList] at the given [index], shifting over any
* elements at [index] and after, if any.
* @return `true` if the [MutableColorList] was changed or `false` if [elements] was empty
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [index] isn't between 0 and [size], inclusive
public inline fun addAll(
@androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 0) index: Int,
elements: MutableColorList
): Boolean = list.addAll(index, elements.list)
* Adds all [elements] to the end of the [MutableColorList] and returns `true` if the
* [MutableColorList] was changed or `false` if [elements] was empty.
public inline fun addAll(elements: ColorList): Boolean = list.addAll(elements.list)
* Adds all [elements] to the end of the [MutableColorList].
public inline operator fun plusAssign(elements: ColorList) =
* Adds all [elements] to the end of the [MutableColorList] and returns `true` if the
* [MutableColorList] was changed or `false` if [elements] was empty.
public inline fun addAll(elements: MutableColorList): Boolean = list.addAll(elements.list)
* Adds all [elements] to the end of the [MutableColorList].
public inline operator fun plusAssign(elements: MutableColorList) =
* Removes all elements in the [MutableColorList]. The storage isn't released.
* @see trim
public inline fun clear() = list.clear()
* Reduces the internal storage. If [capacity] is greater than [minCapacity] and [size], the
* internal storage is reduced to the maximum of [size] and [minCapacity].
* @see ensureCapacity
public inline fun trim(minCapacity: Int = size) = list.trim(minCapacity)
* Ensures that there is enough space to store [capacity] elements in the [MutableColorList].
* @see trim
public inline fun ensureCapacity(capacity: Int) = list.ensureCapacity(capacity)
* [add] [element] to the [MutableColorList].
public inline operator fun plusAssign(element: Color) =
* [remove] [element] from the [MutableColorList]
public inline operator fun minusAssign(element: Color) =
* Removes [element] from the [MutableColorList]. If [element] was in the [MutableColorList]
* and was removed, `true` will be returned, or `false` will be returned if the element
* was not found.
public inline fun remove(element: Color): Boolean =
* Removes all [elements] from the [MutableColorList] and returns `true` if anything was removed.
public inline fun removeAll(elements: ColorList): Boolean =
* Removes all [elements] from the [MutableColorList].
public inline operator fun minusAssign(elements: ColorList) =
* Removes all [elements] from the [MutableColorList] and returns `true` if anything was removed.
public inline fun removeAll(elements: MutableColorList): Boolean =
* Removes all [elements] from the [MutableColorList].
public inline operator fun minusAssign(elements: MutableColorList) =
* Removes the element at the given [index] and returns it.
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [index] isn't between 0 and [lastIndex], inclusive
public inline fun removeAt(@androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 0) index: Int): Color =
* Removes items from index [start] (inclusive) to [end] (exclusive).
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [start] or [end] isn't between 0 and [size], inclusive
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if [start] is greater than [end]
public inline fun removeRange(
@androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 0) start: Int,
@androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 0) end: Int
) = list.removeRange(start, end)
* Keeps only [elements] in the [MutableColorList] and removes all other values.
* @return `true` if the [MutableColorList] has changed.
public inline fun retainAll(elements: ColorList): Boolean =
* Keeps only [elements] in the [MutableColorList] and removes all other values.
* @return `true` if the [MutableColorList] has changed.
public inline fun retainAll(elements: MutableColorList): Boolean =
* Sets the value at [index] to [element].
* @return the previous value set at [index]
* @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if [index] isn't between 0 and [lastIndex], inclusive
public inline operator fun set(
@androidx.annotation.IntRange(from = 0) index: Int,
element: Color
): Color = Color(list.set(index, element.value.toLong()).toULong())
* @return a read-only [ColorList] with nothing in it.
internal inline fun emptyColorList(): ColorList = ColorList(emptyLongList())
* @return a read-only [ColorList] with nothing in it.
internal inline fun colorListOf(): ColorList = ColorList(emptyLongList())
* @return a new read-only [ColorList] with [element1] as the only item in the list.
internal inline fun colorListOf(element1: Color): ColorList =
* @return a new read-only [ColorList] with 2 elements, [element1] and [element2], in order.
internal inline fun colorListOf(element1: Color, element2: Color): ColorList =
* @return a new read-only [ColorList] with 3 elements, [element1], [element2], and [element3],
* in order.
internal inline fun colorListOf(
element1: Color,
element2: Color,
element3: Color
): ColorList = ColorList(
* @return a new empty [MutableColorList] with the default capacity.
internal inline fun mutableColorListOf(): MutableColorList =
* @return a new [MutableColorList] with [element1] as the only item in the list.
internal inline fun mutableColorListOf(element1: Color): MutableColorList =
* @return a new [MutableColorList] with 2 elements, [element1] and [element2], in order.
internal inline fun mutableColorListOf(
element1: Color,
element2: Color
): MutableColorList = MutableColorList(
* @return a new [MutableColorList] with 3 elements, [element1], [element2], and [element3],
* in order.
internal inline fun mutableColorListOf(
element1: Color,
element2: Color,
element3: Color
): MutableColorList = MutableColorList(