[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: b52a94933cbe739ef1987983a989e489c69d18b3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, re, sys
from urllib.request import urlopen
#### ####
# This script attempts to scrape the Android Studio release archive to find the matching version of
# Studio for a given version of the Android Gradle Plugin, and then update
# studio_versions.properties accordingly.
# Example usage: './development/update_studio_versions.py 3.4.0-beta03' where 3.4.0-beta03
# is the AGP version.
#### ####
def usage():
def get_studio_version_string(agp_version):
"""Returns the named Android Studio version for a given AGP version"""
split = agp_version.split("-")
# No stability suffix, i.e agp_version is similar to '3.4.0', not '3.4.0-beta03'
if len(split) == 1:
return agp_version
# Split up the version into two parts, prefix being similar to '3.4.0', and suffix 'beta03'
prefix, suffix = split
# Remove the patch number as this is not used by Studio outside of stable releases
major_version = prefix[:-2]
# Studio uses canary instead of alpha
suffix = suffix.replace("alpha", "Canary")
suffix = suffix.replace("beta", "Beta")
suffix = suffix.replace("rc", "RC")
release_type = suffix[:-2]
minor_version = suffix[-2:]
if minor_version[:1] == "0":
minor_version = minor_version[-1:]
studio_version_string = "Android Studio %s %s %s" % (major_version, release_type, minor_version)
return studio_version_string
def parse_studio_information(studio_version_string):
"""Finds the download link and corresponding information for a given Android Studio version"""
with urlopen('https://developer.android.com/studio/archive.html') as response:
html = response.read().decode("utf8")
inner_frame_url = 'https://developer.android.com' + re.findall(r'iframe src="(.*?)"', html, re.MULTILINE)[0]
with urlopen(inner_frame_url) as response:
html = response.read().decode("utf8")
version_information = re.findall(studio_version_string + REGEX, html, re.MULTILINE)[0]
return {
"version": version_information[0],
"idea_major_version": version_information[1],
"build_number": version_information[2]
def update_studio_versions(agp_version, studio_information):
"""Updates studio_versions.properties with the given AGP version and Studio information"""
script_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
if script_path != "":
version = studio_information["version"]
idea_major_version = studio_information["idea_major_version"]
build_number = studio_information["build_number"]
studio_versions_file = open("../buildSrc/studio_versions.properties", "w")
STUDIO_VERSIONS_TEMPLATE % (agp_version, version, idea_major_version, build_number))
REGEX = r"[\s\S]+?https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/ide-zips/" \
USAGE_MESSAGE = """Usage: ./development/update_studio_versions.py <agp_version>
Example usage: ./development/update_studio_versions.py 3.4.0-beta03
This script attempts to scrape the Android Studio release archive to find the matching version of
Studio for a given version of the Android Gradle Plugin, and then update studio_versions.properties
Successfully updated studio_versions.properties.
Run \033[92m./studiow\033[0m and \033[92m./gradlew assembleDebug\033[0m to verify nothing broke!
Note: you may get warnings about gradle being unable to find artifacts: this is fine; run
\033[92m./development/importMaven/import_maven_artifacts.py --name=<missing_artifact>\033[0m
to add them to the prebuilts directory - you will need to commit these as well. If this command
fails, appending \033[92m:linux\033[0m to the end of the artifact name sometimes works.
STUDIO_VERSIONS_TEMPLATE = """# WARNING: This file is automatically generated.
# To update, use './development/update_studio_versions.py <agp_version>'
# This file specifies the version of the Android Gradle Plugin and Android Studio to use.
# Android Gradle Plugin version
# Version properties for ./studiow, which correspond to the version of AGP
def main(args):
if len(args) != 2:
agp_version = args[1]
studio_version_string = get_studio_version_string(agp_version)
studio_information = parse_studio_information(studio_version_string)
update_studio_versions(agp_version, studio_information)