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* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.foundation.gestures
import androidx.compose.foundation.Interaction
import androidx.compose.foundation.InteractionState
import androidx.compose.foundation.MutatePriority
import androidx.compose.foundation.MutatorMutex
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.DisposableEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.State
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.rememberUpdatedState
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.composed
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerInputChange
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.PointerInputScope
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.consumePositionChange
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.pointerInput
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.positionChange
import androidx.compose.ui.input.pointer.util.VelocityTracker
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.debugInspectorInfo
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope
import kotlin.coroutines.cancellation.CancellationException
import kotlin.math.sign
* State of [draggable]. Allows for a granular control of how deltas are consumed by the user as
* well as to write custom drag methods using [drag] suspend function.
interface DraggableState {
* Call this function to take control of drag logic.
* All actions that change the logical drag position must be performed within a [drag]
* block (even if they don't call any other methods on this object) in order to guarantee
* that mutual exclusion is enforced.
* If [drag] is called from elsewhere with the [dragPriority] higher or equal to ongoing
* drag, ongoing drag will be canceled.
* @param dragPriority of the drag operation
* @param block to perform drag in
suspend fun drag(
dragPriority: MutatePriority = MutatePriority.Default,
block: suspend DragScope.() -> Unit
* Dispatch drag delta in pixels avoiding all drag related priority mechanisms.
* **NOTE:** unlike [drag], dispatching any delta with this method will bypass scrolling of
* any priority. This method will also ignore `reverseDirection` and other parameters set in
* [draggable].
* This method is used internally for low level operations, allowing implementers of
* [DraggableState] influence the consumption as suits them, e.g introduce nested scrolling.
* Manually dispatching delta via this method will likely result in a bad user experience,
* you must prefer [drag] method over this one.
* @param delta amount of scroll dispatched in the nested drag process
fun dispatchRawDelta(delta: Float)
* Scope used for suspending drag blocks
interface DragScope {
* Attempts to drag by [pixels] px.
fun dragBy(pixels: Float)
* Default implementation of [DraggableState] interface that allows to pass a simple action that
* will be invoked when the drag occurs.
* This is the simplest way to set up a [draggable] modifier. When constructing this
* [DraggableState], you must provide a [onDelta] lambda, which will be invoked whenever
* drag happens (by gesture input or a custom [DraggableState.drag] call) with the delta in
* pixels.
* If you are creating [DraggableState] in composition, consider using [rememberDraggableState].
* @param onDelta callback invoked when drag occurs. The callback receives the delta in pixels.
fun DraggableState(onDelta: (Float) -> Unit): DraggableState =
* Create and remember default implementation of [DraggableState] interface that allows to pass a
* simple action that will be invoked when the drag occurs.
* This is the simplest way to set up a [draggable] modifier. When constructing this
* [DraggableState], you must provide a [onDelta] lambda, which will be invoked whenever
* drag happens (by gesture input or a custom [DraggableState.drag] call) with the delta in
* pixels.
* @param onDelta callback invoked when drag occurs. The callback receives the delta in pixels.
fun rememberDraggableState(onDelta: (Float) -> Unit): DraggableState {
val onDeltaState = rememberUpdatedState(onDelta)
return remember { DraggableState { onDeltaState.value.invoke(it) } }
* Configure touch dragging for the UI element in a single [Orientation]. The drag distance
* reported to [DraggableState], allowing users to react on the drag delta and update their state.
* The common usecase for this component is when you need to be able to drag something
* inside the component on the screen and represent this state via one float value
* If you need to control the whole dragging flow, consider using [pointerInput] instead with the
* helper functions like [detectDragGestures].
* If you are implementing scroll/fling behavior, consider using [scrollable].
* @sample androidx.compose.foundation.samples.DraggableSample
* @param state [DraggableState] state of the draggable. Defines how drag events will be
* interpreted by the user land logic.
* @param orientation orientation of the drag
* @param enabled whether or not drag is enabled
* @param interactionState [InteractionState] that will be updated when this draggable is
* being dragged, using [Interaction.Dragged].
* @param startDragImmediately when set to true, draggable will start dragging immediately and
* prevent other gesture detectors from reacting to "down" events (in order to block composed
* press-based gestures). This is intended to allow end users to "catch" an animating widget by
* pressing on it. It's useful to set it when value you're dragging is settling / animating.
* @param onDragStarted callback that will be invoked when drag is about to start at the starting
* position, allowing user to suspend and perform preparation for drag, if desired. This suspend
* function is invoked with the draggable scope, allowing for async processing, if desired
* @param onDragStopped callback that will be invoked when drag is finished, allowing the
* user to react on velocity and process it. This suspend function is invoked with the draggable
* scope, allowing for async processing, if desired
* @param reverseDirection reverse the direction of the scroll, so top to bottom scroll will
* behave like bottom to top and left to right will behave like right to left.
fun Modifier.draggable(
state: DraggableState,
orientation: Orientation,
enabled: Boolean = true,
interactionState: InteractionState? = null,
startDragImmediately: Boolean = false,
onDragStarted: suspend CoroutineScope.(startedPosition: Offset) -> Unit = {},
onDragStopped: suspend CoroutineScope.(velocity: Float) -> Unit = {},
reverseDirection: Boolean = false
): Modifier = composed(
inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {
name = "draggable"
properties["orientation"] = orientation
properties["enabled"] = enabled
properties["reverseDirection"] = reverseDirection
properties["interactionState"] = interactionState
properties["startDragImmediately"] = startDragImmediately
properties["onDragStarted"] = onDragStarted
properties["onDragStopped"] = onDragStopped
properties["state"] = state
) {
DisposableEffect(interactionState) {
onDispose {
val orientationState = rememberUpdatedState(orientation)
val enabledState = rememberUpdatedState(enabled)
val reverseDirectionState = rememberUpdatedState(reverseDirection)
val startImmediatelyState = rememberUpdatedState(startDragImmediately)
val interactionStateState = rememberUpdatedState(interactionState)
val onDragStartedState = rememberUpdatedState(onDragStarted)
val updatedDraggableState = rememberUpdatedState(state)
val onDragStoppedState = rememberUpdatedState(onDragStopped)
val dragBlock: suspend PointerInputScope.() -> Unit = remember {
orientation = orientationState,
enabled = enabledState,
interactionState = interactionStateState,
reverseDirection = reverseDirectionState,
startDragImmediately = startImmediatelyState,
onDragStarted = onDragStartedState,
onDragStopped = onDragStoppedState,
dragState = updatedDraggableState
Modifier.pointerInput(Unit, dragBlock)
private suspend fun PointerInputScope.dragForEachGesture(
orientation: State<Orientation>,
enabled: State<Boolean>,
reverseDirection: State<Boolean>,
interactionState: State<InteractionState?>,
startDragImmediately: State<Boolean>,
onDragStarted: State<suspend CoroutineScope.(startedPosition: Offset) -> Unit>,
onDragStopped: State<suspend CoroutineScope.(velocity: Float) -> Unit>,
dragState: State<DraggableState>
) {
coroutineScope {
forEachGesture {
fun isVertical() = orientation.value == Orientation.Vertical
fun PointerInputChange.consume(amount: Float) = this.consumePositionChange(
consumedDx = if (isVertical()) 0f else amount,
consumedDy = if (isVertical()) amount else 0f
suspend fun DragScope.performDrag(
initialDelta: Float,
dragStart: PointerInputChange,
velocityTracker: VelocityTracker
): Boolean {
return awaitPointerEventScope {
dragBy(if (reverseDirection.value) initialDelta * -1 else initialDelta)
velocityTracker.addPosition(dragStart.uptimeMillis, dragStart.position)
val dragTick = { event: PointerInputChange ->
velocityTracker.addPosition(event.uptimeMillis, event.position)
val delta =
event.positionChange().run { if (isVertical()) y else x }
if (enabled.value) {
dragBy(if (reverseDirection.value) delta * -1 else delta)
if (isVertical()) {
verticalDrag(dragStart.id, dragTick)
} else {
horizontalDrag(dragStart.id, dragTick)
var initialDelta = 0f
val startEvent = awaitPointerEventScope {
val down = awaitFirstDown(requireUnconsumed = false)
if (!enabled.value) {
} else if (startDragImmediately.value) {
// since we start immediately we don't wait for slop and set initial delta to 0
initialDelta = 0f
} else {
val postTouchSlop = { event: PointerInputChange, offset: Float ->
event.consume(event.position.run { if (isVertical()) y else x })
initialDelta = offset
val afterSlopResult = if (isVertical()) {
awaitVerticalTouchSlopOrCancellation(down.id, postTouchSlop)
} else {
awaitHorizontalTouchSlopOrCancellation(down.id, postTouchSlop)
if (enabled.value) afterSlopResult else null
startEvent?.let { drag ->
var isDragSuccessful = false
val velocityTracker = VelocityTracker()
var enabledWhenInteractionAdded = false
try {
// remember enabled state when we add interaction to remove later if needed
enabledWhenInteractionAdded = enabled.value
val overSlopOffset =
if (isVertical()) Offset(0f, initialDelta)
else Offset(initialDelta, 0f)
val adjustedStart = drag.position -
overSlopOffset * sign(drag.position.run { if (isVertical()) y else x })
if (enabledWhenInteractionAdded) {
onDragStarted.value.invoke(this@coroutineScope, adjustedStart)
dragState.value.drag(dragPriority = MutatePriority.UserInput) {
isDragSuccessful = performDrag(initialDelta, drag, velocityTracker)
} catch (cancellation: CancellationException) {
isDragSuccessful = false
} finally {
if (enabledWhenInteractionAdded) {
val velocity =
if (isDragSuccessful) {
velocityTracker.calculateVelocity().run { if (isVertical()) y else x }
} else {
if (reverseDirection.value) velocity * -1 else velocity
private class DefaultDraggableState(val onDelta: (Float) -> Unit) : DraggableState {
private val dragScope: DragScope = object : DragScope {
override fun dragBy(pixels: Float): Unit = onDelta(pixels)
private val scrollMutex = MutatorMutex()
override suspend fun drag(
dragPriority: MutatePriority,
block: suspend DragScope.() -> Unit
): Unit = coroutineScope {
scrollMutex.mutateWith(dragScope, dragPriority, block)
override fun dispatchRawDelta(delta: Float) {
return onDelta(delta)