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* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.arch.paging
import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals
import org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull
import org.junit.Assert.assertTrue
import org.junit.Assert.fail
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor
import org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.anyInt
import org.mockito.Mockito.mock
import org.mockito.Mockito.verify
import org.mockito.Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions
class ItemKeyedDataSourceTest {
// ----- STANDARD -----
private fun loadInitial(dataSource: ItemDataSource, key: Key?, initialLoadSize: Int,
enablePlaceholders: Boolean): PageResult<Item> {
val receiver = mock(PageResult.Receiver::class.java) as PageResult.Receiver<Item>
val captor = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(PageResult::class.java)
as ArgumentCaptor<PageResult<Item>>
dataSource.dispatchLoadInitial(key, initialLoadSize,
/* ignored pageSize */ 10, enablePlaceholders, FailExecutor(), receiver)
verify(receiver).onPageResult(anyInt(), captor.capture())
return captor.value
fun loadInitial() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource()
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, dataSource.getKey(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID[49]), 10, true)
assertEquals(45, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(45, 55), result.page)
assertEquals(45, result.trailingNulls)
fun loadInitial_keyMatchesSingleItem() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource(items = ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(0, 1))
// this is tricky, since load after and load before with the passed key will fail
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, dataSource.getKey(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID[0]), 20, true)
assertEquals(0, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(0, 1), result.page)
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
fun loadInitial_keyMatchesLastItem() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource()
// tricky, because load after key is empty, so another load before and load after required
val key = dataSource.getKey(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.last())
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, key, 20, true)
assertEquals(90, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(90, 100), result.page)
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
fun loadInitial_nullKey() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource()
// dispatchLoadInitial(null, count) == dispatchLoadInitial(count)
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, null, 10, true)
assertEquals(0, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(0, 10), result.page)
assertEquals(90, result.trailingNulls)
fun loadInitial_keyPastEndOfList() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource()
// if key is past entire data set, should return last items in data set
val key = Key("fz", 0)
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, key, 10, true)
// NOTE: ideally we'd load 10 items here, but it adds complexity and unpredictability to
// do: load after was empty, so pass full size to load before, since this can incur larger
// loads than requested (see keyMatchesLastItem test)
assertEquals(95, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(95, 100), result.page)
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
// ----- UNCOUNTED -----
fun loadInitial_disablePlaceholders() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource()
// dispatchLoadInitial(key, count) == null padding, loadAfter(key, count), null padding
val key = dataSource.getKey(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID[49])
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, key, 10, false)
assertEquals(0, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(45, 55), result.page)
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
fun loadInitial_uncounted() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource(counted = false)
// dispatchLoadInitial(key, count) == null padding, loadAfter(key, count), null padding
val key = dataSource.getKey(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID[49])
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, key, 10, true)
assertEquals(0, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(45, 55), result.page)
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
fun loadInitial_nullKey_uncounted() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource(counted = false)
// dispatchLoadInitial(null, count) == dispatchLoadInitial(count)
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, null, 10, true)
assertEquals(0, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(0, 10), result.page)
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
// ----- EMPTY -----
fun loadInitial_empty() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource(items = ArrayList())
// dispatchLoadInitial(key, count) == null padding, loadAfter(key, count), null padding
val key = dataSource.getKey(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID[49])
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, key, 10, true)
assertEquals(0, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
fun loadInitial_nullKey_empty() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource(items = ArrayList())
val result = loadInitial(dataSource, null, 10, true)
assertEquals(0, result.leadingNulls)
assertEquals(0, result.trailingNulls)
// ----- Other behavior -----
fun loadBefore() {
val dataSource = ItemDataSource()
val callback = mock(ItemKeyedDataSource.LoadCallback::class.java)
as ItemKeyedDataSource.LoadCallback<Item>
ItemKeyedDataSource.LoadParams(dataSource.getKey(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID[5]), 5), callback)
val argument = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(List::class.java) as ArgumentCaptor<List<Item>>
val observed = argument.value
assertEquals(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(0, 5), observed)
internal data class Key(val name: String, val id: Int)
internal data class Item(
val name: String, val id: Int, val balance: Double, val address: String)
internal class ItemDataSource(private val counted: Boolean = true,
private val items: List<Item> = ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID)
: ItemKeyedDataSource<Key, Item>() {
override fun loadInitial(
params: LoadInitialParams<Key>,
callback: LoadInitialCallback<Item>) {
val key = params.requestedInitialKey ?: Key("", Integer.MAX_VALUE)
val start = Math.max(0, findFirstIndexAfter(key) - params.requestedLoadSize / 2)
val endExclusive = Math.min(start + params.requestedLoadSize, items.size)
if (params.placeholdersEnabled && counted) {
callback.onResult(items.subList(start, endExclusive), start, items.size)
} else {
callback.onResult(items.subList(start, endExclusive))
override fun loadAfter(params: LoadParams<Key>, callback: LoadCallback<Item>) {
val start = findFirstIndexAfter(params.key)
val endExclusive = Math.min(start + params.requestedLoadSize, items.size)
callback.onResult(items.subList(start, endExclusive))
override fun loadBefore(params: LoadParams<Key>, callback: LoadCallback<Item>) {
val firstIndexBefore = findFirstIndexBefore(params.key)
val endExclusive = Math.max(0, firstIndexBefore + 1)
val start = Math.max(0, firstIndexBefore - params.requestedLoadSize + 1)
callback.onResult(items.subList(start, endExclusive))
override fun getKey(item: Item): Key {
return Key(item.name, item.id)
private fun findFirstIndexAfter(key: Key): Int {
return items.indices.firstOrNull {
KEY_COMPARATOR.compare(key, getKey(items[it])) < 0
} ?: items.size
private fun findFirstIndexBefore(key: Key): Int {
return items.indices.reversed().firstOrNull {
KEY_COMPARATOR.compare(key, getKey(items[it])) > 0
} ?: -1
private fun performLoadInitial(
invalidateDataSource: Boolean = false,
callbackInvoker: (callback: ItemKeyedDataSource.LoadInitialCallback<String>) -> Unit) {
val dataSource = object : ItemKeyedDataSource<String, String>() {
override fun getKey(item: String): String {
return ""
override fun loadInitial(
params: LoadInitialParams<String>,
callback: LoadInitialCallback<String>) {
if (invalidateDataSource) {
// invalidate data source so it's invalid when onResult() called
override fun loadAfter(params: LoadParams<String>, callback: LoadCallback<String>) {
fail("loadAfter not expected")
override fun loadBefore(params: LoadParams<String>, callback: LoadCallback<String>) {
fail("loadBefore not expected")
ContiguousPagedList<String, String>(
dataSource, FailExecutor(), FailExecutor(), null,
fun loadInitialCallbackSuccess() = performLoadInitial {
// LoadInitialCallback correct usage
it.onResult(listOf("a", "b"), 0, 2)
fun loadInitialCallbackNotPageSizeMultiple() = performLoadInitial {
// Keyed LoadInitialCallback *can* accept result that's not a multiple of page size
val elevenLetterList = List(11) { "" + 'a' + it }
it.onResult(elevenLetterList, 0, 12)
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException::class)
fun loadInitialCallbackListTooBig() = performLoadInitial {
// LoadInitialCallback can't accept pos + list > totalCount
it.onResult(listOf("a", "b", "c"), 0, 2)
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException::class)
fun loadInitialCallbackPositionTooLarge() = performLoadInitial {
// LoadInitialCallback can't accept pos + list > totalCount
it.onResult(listOf("a", "b"), 1, 2)
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException::class)
fun loadInitialCallbackPositionNegative() = performLoadInitial {
// LoadInitialCallback can't accept negative position
it.onResult(listOf("a", "b", "c"), -1, 2)
@Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException::class)
fun loadInitialCallbackEmptyCannotHavePlaceholders() = performLoadInitial {
// LoadInitialCallback can't accept empty result unless data set is empty
it.onResult(emptyList(), 0, 2)
fun initialLoadCallbackInvalidThreeArg() = performLoadInitial(invalidateDataSource = true) {
// LoadInitialCallback doesn't throw on invalid args if DataSource is invalid
it.onResult(emptyList(), 0, 1)
private abstract class WrapperDataSource<K, A, B>(private val source: ItemKeyedDataSource<K, A>)
: ItemKeyedDataSource<K, B>() {
private val invalidatedCallback = DataSource.InvalidatedCallback {
init {
private fun removeCallback() {
override fun loadInitial(params: LoadInitialParams<K>, callback: LoadInitialCallback<B>) {
source.loadInitial(params, object : LoadInitialCallback<A>() {
override fun onResult(data: List<A>, position: Int, totalCount: Int) {
callback.onResult(convert(data), position, totalCount)
override fun onResult(data: MutableList<A>) {
override fun loadAfter(params: LoadParams<K>, callback: LoadCallback<B>) {
source.loadAfter(params, object : LoadCallback<A>() {
override fun onResult(data: MutableList<A>) {
override fun loadBefore(params: LoadParams<K>, callback: LoadCallback<B>) {
source.loadBefore(params, object : LoadCallback<A>() {
override fun onResult(data: MutableList<A>) {
protected abstract fun convert(source: List<A>): List<B>
private data class DecoratedItem(val item: Item)
private class DecoratedWrapperDataSource(private val source: ItemKeyedDataSource<Key, Item>)
: WrapperDataSource<Key, Item, DecoratedItem>(source) {
override fun convert(source: List<Item>): List<DecoratedItem> {
return source.map { DecoratedItem(it) }
override fun getKey(item: DecoratedItem): Key {
return source.getKey(item.item)
fun simpleWrappedDataSource() {
// verify that it's possible to wrap an ItemKeyedDataSource, and add info to its data
val orig = ItemDataSource(items = ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID)
val wrapper = DecoratedWrapperDataSource(orig)
// load initial
val loadInitialCallback = mock(ItemKeyedDataSource.LoadInitialCallback::class.java)
as ItemKeyedDataSource.LoadInitialCallback<DecoratedItem>
val initKey = orig.getKey(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.first())
wrapper.loadInitial(ItemKeyedDataSource.LoadInitialParams(initKey, 10, false),
ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(0, 10).map { DecoratedItem(it) })
val loadCallback = mock(ItemKeyedDataSource.LoadCallback::class.java)
as ItemKeyedDataSource.LoadCallback<DecoratedItem>
val key = orig.getKey(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID[20])
// load after
wrapper.loadAfter(ItemKeyedDataSource.LoadParams(key, 10), loadCallback)
verify(loadCallback).onResult(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(21, 31).map { DecoratedItem(it) })
// load before
wrapper.loadBefore(ItemKeyedDataSource.LoadParams(key, 10), loadCallback)
verify(loadCallback).onResult(ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID.subList(10, 20).map { DecoratedItem(it) })
companion object {
private val ITEM_COMPARATOR = compareBy<Item>({ it.name }).thenByDescending({ it.id })
private val KEY_COMPARATOR = compareBy<Key>({ it.name }).thenByDescending({ it.id })
private val ITEMS_BY_NAME_ID = List(100) {
val names = Array(10) { "f" + ('a' + it) }
Item(names[it % 10],
Math.random() * 1000,
(Math.random() * 200).toInt().toString() + " fake st.")