[go: nahoru, domu]

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* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.constraintlayout.compose
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.os.Handler
import android.os.Looper
import android.util.Log
import androidx.collection.PairIntInt
import androidx.compose.animation.core.Animatable
import androidx.compose.animation.core.AnimationSpec
import androidx.compose.animation.core.tween
import androidx.compose.foundation.Canvas
import androidx.compose.foundation.Image
import androidx.compose.foundation.background
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.Box
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.BoxScope
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.LayoutScopeMarker
import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.padding
import androidx.compose.foundation.shape.RoundedCornerShape
import androidx.compose.foundation.text.BasicText
import androidx.compose.foundation.text.BasicTextField
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.LaunchedEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.MutableState
import androidx.compose.runtime.RememberObserver
import androidx.compose.runtime.SideEffect
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableIntStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableLongStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.neverEqualPolicy
import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots.SnapshotStateObserver
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.clip
import androidx.compose.ui.draw.scale
import androidx.compose.ui.geometry.Offset
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.GraphicsLayerScope
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.TransformOrigin
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.drawscope.DrawScope
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.AlignmentLine
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.FirstBaseline
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.LayoutIdParentData
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Measurable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MeasurePolicy
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.MultiMeasureLayout
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.ParentDataModifier
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.Placeable
import androidx.compose.ui.layout.layoutId
import androidx.compose.ui.node.Ref
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.InspectorValueInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.LocalDensity
import androidx.compose.ui.platform.debugInspectorInfo
import androidx.compose.ui.res.painterResource
import androidx.compose.ui.semantics.semantics
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Constraints
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Density
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntOffset
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.IntSize
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.LayoutDirection
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.TextUnit
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.sp
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastForEach
import androidx.compose.ui.util.fastForEachIndexed
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.parser.CLElement
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.parser.CLNumber
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.parser.CLObject
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.parser.CLParser
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.parser.CLParsingException
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.parser.CLString
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.state.ConstraintSetParser
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.state.Dimension.WRAP_DIMENSION
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.state.Registry
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.state.RegistryCallback
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.state.WidgetFrame
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidget
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidget.DimensionBehaviour.FIXED
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidget.DimensionBehaviour.MATCH_CONSTRAINT
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidget.DimensionBehaviour.MATCH_PARENT
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidget.DimensionBehaviour.WRAP_CONTENT
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidget.MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidget.MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidgetContainer
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.Guideline
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.HelperWidget
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.Optimizer
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.VirtualLayout
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.analyzer.BasicMeasure
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.analyzer.BasicMeasure.Measure.TRY_GIVEN_DIMENSIONS
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.analyzer.BasicMeasure.Measure.USE_GIVEN_DIMENSIONS
import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel
import org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language
* Layout that positions its children according to the constraints between them.
* Constraints are defined within the content of this ConstraintLayout [Composable].
* Items in the layout that are to be constrained are initialized with
* [ConstraintLayoutScope.createRef]:
* ```
* val textRef = createRef()
* val imageRef = createRef()
* ```
* You may also use [ConstraintLayoutScope.createRefs] to declare up to 16 items using the
* destructuring declaration pattern:
* ```
* val (textRef, imageRef) = createRefs()
* ```
* Individual constraints are defined with [Modifier.constrainAs][ConstraintLayoutScope.constrainAs],
* this will also bind the Composable to the given [ConstrainedLayoutReference].
* So, a simple layout with a text in the middle and an image next to it may be declared like this
* (keep in mind, when using `center...`, `start` or `end` the layout direction will automatically
* change in RTL locales):
* ```
* ConstraintLayout(Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
* val (textRef, imageRef) = createRefs()
* Text(
* modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(textRef) {
* centerTo(parent)
* },
* text = "Hello, World!"
* )
* Image(
* modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(imageRef) {
* centerVerticallyTo(textRef)
* start.linkTo(textRef.end, margin = 8.dp)
* },
* imageVector = Icons.Default.Android,
* contentDescription = null
* )
* }
* ```
* See [ConstrainScope] to learn more about how to constrain elements together.
* ## Helpers
* You may also use helpers, a set of virtual (not shown on screen) components that provide special
* layout behaviors, you may find these in the [ConstraintLayoutScope] with the '`create...`' prefix,
* a few of these are **Guidelines**, **Chains** and **Barriers**.
* ### Guidelines
* Lines to which other [ConstrainedLayoutReference]s may be constrained to, these are defined at
* either a fixed or percent position from an anchor of the ConstraintLayout parent (top, bottom,
* start, end, absoluteLeft, absoluteRight).
* Example:
* ```
* val (textRef) = createRefs()
* val vG = createGuidelineFromStart(fraction = 0.3f)
* Text(
* modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(textRef) {
* centerVerticallyTo(parent)
* centerAround(vG)
* },
* text = "Hello, World!"
* )
* ```
* See
* - [ConstraintLayoutScope.createGuidelineFromTop]
* - [ConstraintLayoutScope.createGuidelineFromBottom]
* - [ConstraintLayoutScope.createGuidelineFromStart]
* - [ConstraintLayoutScope.createGuidelineFromEnd]
* - [ConstraintLayoutScope.createGuidelineFromAbsoluteLeft]
* - [ConstraintLayoutScope.createGuidelineFromAbsoluteRight]
* ### Chains
* Chains may be either horizontal or vertical, these, take a set of [ConstrainedLayoutReference]s
* and create bi-directional constraints on each of them at the same orientation of the chain in the
* given order, meaning that an horizontal chain will create constraints between the start and end anchors.
* The result, a layout that evenly distributes the space within its elements.
* For example, to make a layout with three text elements distributed so that the spacing between
* them (and around them) is equal:
* ```
* val (textRef0, textRef1, textRef2) = createRefs()
* createHorizontalChain(textRef0, textRef1, textRef2, chainStyle = ChainStyle.Spread)
* Text(modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(textRef0) {}, text = "Hello")
* Text(modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(textRef1) {}, text = "Foo")
* Text(modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(textRef2) {}, text = "Bar")
* ```
* You may set margins within elements in a chain with [ConstraintLayoutScope.withChainParams]:
* ```
* val (textRef0, textRef1, textRef2) = createRefs()
* createHorizontalChain(
* textRef0,
* textRef1.withChainParams(startMargin = 100.dp, endMargin = 100.dp),
* textRef2,
* chainStyle = ChainStyle.Spread
* )
* Text(modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(textRef0) {}, text = "Hello")
* Text(modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(textRef1) {}, text = "Foo")
* Text(modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(textRef2) {}, text = "Bar")
* ```
* You can also change the way space is distributed, as chains have three different styles:
* - [ChainStyle.Spread] Layouts are evenly distributed after margins are accounted for (the space
* around and between each item is even). This is the **default** style for chains.
* - [ChainStyle.SpreadInside] The first and last layouts are affixed to each end of the chain,
* and the rest of the items are evenly distributed (after margins are accounted for).
* I.e.: Items are spread from the inside, distributing the space between them with no space around
* the first and last items.
* - [ChainStyle.Packed] The layouts are packed together after margins are accounted for, by
* default, they're packed together at the middle, you can change this behavior with the **bias**
* parameter of [ChainStyle.Packed].
* - Alternatively, you can make every Layout in the chain to be [Dimension.fillToConstraints] and
* then set a particular weight to each of them to create a **weighted chain**.
* #### Weighted Chain
* Weighted chains are useful when you want the size of the elements to depend on the remaining size
* of the chain. As opposed to just distributing the space around and/or in-between the items.
* For example, to create a layout with three text elements in a row where each element takes the
* exact same size regardless of content, you can use a simple weighted chain where each item has the
* same weight:
* ```
* val (textRef0, textRef1, textRef2) = createRefs()
* createHorizontalChain(
* textRef0.withChainParams(weight = 1f),
* textRef1.withChainParams(weight = 1f),
* textRef2.withChainParams(weight = 1f),
* chainStyle = ChainStyle.Spread
* )
* Text(modifier = Modifier.background(Color.Cyan).constrainAs(textRef0) {
* width = Dimension.fillToConstraints
* }, text = "Hello, World!")
* Text(modifier = Modifier.background(Color.Red).constrainAs(textRef1) {
* width = Dimension.fillToConstraints
* }, text = "Foo")
* Text(modifier = Modifier.background(Color.Cyan).constrainAs(textRef2) {
* width = Dimension.fillToConstraints
* }, text = "This text is six words long")
* ```
* This way, the texts will horizontally occupy the same space even if one of them is significantly
* larger than the others.
* Keep in mind that chains have a relatively high performance cost. For example, if you plan on
* having multiple chains one below the other, consider instead, applying just one chain and using
* it as a reference to constrain all other elements to the ones that match their position in that
* one chain. It may provide increased performance with no significant changes in the layout output.
* Alternatively, consider if other helpers such as [ConstraintLayoutScope.createGrid] can
* accomplish the same layout.
* See
* - [ConstraintLayoutScope.createHorizontalChain]
* - [ConstraintLayoutScope.createVerticalChain]
* - [ConstraintLayoutScope.withChainParams]
* ### Barriers
* Barriers take a set of [ConstrainedLayoutReference]s and creates the most further point in a
* given direction where other [ConstrainedLayoutReference] can constrain to.
* This is useful in situations where elements in a layout may have different sizes but you want to
* always constrain to the largest item, for example, if you have a text element on top of another
* and want an image to always be constrained to the end of them:
* ```
* val (textRef0, textRef1, imageRef) = createRefs()
* // Creates a point at the furthest end anchor from the elements in the barrier
* val endTextsBarrier = createEndBarrier(textRef0, textRef1)
* Text(
* modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(textRef0) {
* centerTo(parent)
* },
* text = "Hello, World!"
* )
* Text(
* modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(textRef1) {
* top.linkTo(textRef0.bottom)
* start.linkTo(textRef0.start)
* },
* text = "Foo Bar"
* )
* Image(
* modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(imageRef) {
* top.linkTo(textRef0.top)
* bottom.linkTo(textRef1.bottom)
* // Image will always be at the end of both texts, regardless of their size
* start.linkTo(endTextsBarrier, margin = 8.dp)
* },
* imageVector = Icons.Default.Android,
* contentDescription = null
* )
* ```
* Be careful not to constrain a [ConstrainedLayoutReference] to a barrier that references it or
* that depends on it indirectly. This creates a cyclic dependency that results in unsupported
* layout behavior.
* See
* - [ConstraintLayoutScope.createTopBarrier]
* - [ConstraintLayoutScope.createBottomBarrier]
* - [ConstraintLayoutScope.createStartBarrier]
* - [ConstraintLayoutScope.createEndBarrier]
* - [ConstraintLayoutScope.createAbsoluteLeftBarrier]
* - [ConstraintLayoutScope.createAbsoluteRightBarrier]
* **Tip**: If you notice that you are creating many different constraints based on [State][androidx.compose.runtime.State]
* variables or configuration changes, consider using the [ConstraintSet] pattern instead, makes it
* clearer to distinguish different layouts and allows you to automatically animate the layout when
* the provided [ConstraintSet] is different.
* @param modifier Modifier to apply to this layout node.
* @param optimizationLevel Optimization flags for ConstraintLayout. The default is
* @param animateChanges When enabled, ConstraintLayout will animate the layout if there were any
* changes on the constraints during recomposition. If there's a change while the layout is still
* animating the current animation will always complete before animating to the latest changes.
* @param animationSpec The [AnimationSpec] used for [animateChanges]. [tween] by default.
* @param finishedAnimationListener Lambda called whenever an animation due to [animateChanges]
* finishes.
* @param content Content of this layout node.
inline fun ConstraintLayout(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
optimizationLevel: Int = Optimizer.OPTIMIZATION_STANDARD,
animateChanges: Boolean = false,
animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = tween<Float>(),
noinline finishedAnimationListener: (() -> Unit)? = null,
crossinline content: @Composable ConstraintLayoutScope.() -> Unit
) {
if (animateChanges) {
val start: MutableState<ConstraintSet?> = remember { mutableStateOf(null) }
val end: MutableState<ConstraintSet?> = remember { mutableStateOf(null) }
val scope = remember { ConstraintLayoutScope().apply { isAnimateChanges = true } }
val contentTracker = remember { mutableStateOf(Unit, neverEqualPolicy()) }
val compositionSource =
remember { Ref<CompositionSource>().apply { value = CompositionSource.Unknown } }
val channel = remember { Channel<ConstraintSet>(Channel.CONFLATED) }
val contentDelegate: @Composable () -> Unit = {
// Perform a reassignment to the State tracker, this will force readers to recompose at
// the same pass as the content. The only expected reader is our MeasurePolicy.
contentTracker.value = Unit
if (compositionSource.value == CompositionSource.Unknown) {
// Set the content as the original composition source if the MotionLayout was not
// recomposed by the caller or by itself
compositionSource.value = CompositionSource.Content
// Resetting the scope also resets the underlying ConstraintSet
content(scope) // The ConstraintSet is built at this step
SideEffect {
// Extract a copy of the underlying ConstraintSet and send it through the channel
// We do it within a SideEffect to avoid a recomposition loop from reading and
// writing the State variables for `end` and `start`
val cSet = RawConstraintSet(scope.containerObject.clone())
if (start.value == null || end.value == null) {
// guarantee first constraintSet here
start.value = cSet
end.value = start.value
} else {
// send to channel
start = start,
end = end,
animationSpec = animationSpec,
channel = channel,
contentTracker = contentTracker,
compositionSource = compositionSource,
optimizationLevel = optimizationLevel,
finishedAnimationListener = finishedAnimationListener,
modifier = modifier,
content = contentDelegate
val density = LocalDensity.current
val measurer = remember { Measurer(density) }
val scope = remember { ConstraintLayoutScope() }
val remeasureRequesterState = remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val constraintSet = remember { ConstraintSetForInlineDsl(scope) }
val contentTracker = remember { mutableStateOf(Unit, neverEqualPolicy()) }
val measurePolicy = MeasurePolicy { measurables, constraints ->
val layoutSize = measurer.performMeasure(
// We read the remeasurement requester state, to request remeasure when the value
// changes. This will happen when the scope helpers are changing at recomposition.
layout(layoutSize.width, layoutSize.height) {
with(measurer) { performLayout(measurables) }
val onHelpersChanged = {
// If the helpers have changed, we need to request remeasurement. To achieve this,
// we are changing this boolean state that is read during measurement.
remeasureRequesterState.value = !remeasureRequesterState.value
constraintSet.knownDirty = true
modifier = modifier.semantics { designInfoProvider = measurer },
measurePolicy = measurePolicy,
content = {
// Perform a reassignment to the State tracker, this will force readers to recompose at
// the same pass as the content. The only expected reader is our MeasurePolicy.
contentTracker.value = Unit
val previousHelpersHashCode = scope.helpersHashCode
if (scope.helpersHashCode != previousHelpersHashCode) {
// onHelpersChanged writes non-snapshot state so it can't be called directly from
// composition. It also reads snapshot state, so calling it from composition causes
// an extra recomposition.
internal class ConstraintSetForInlineDsl(
val scope: ConstraintLayoutScope
) : ConstraintSet, RememberObserver {
private var handler: Handler? = null
private val observer = SnapshotStateObserver {
if (Looper.myLooper() == Looper.getMainLooper()) {
} else {
val h = handler ?: Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).also { h -> handler = h }
override fun applyTo(state: State, measurables: List<Measurable>) {
observer.observeReads(Unit, onCommitAffectingConstrainLambdas) {
measurables.fastForEach { measurable ->
val parentData = measurable.parentData as? ConstraintLayoutParentData
// Run the constrainAs block of the child, to obtain its constraints.
if (parentData != null) {
val ref = parentData.ref
val container = with(scope) { ref.asCLContainer() }
val constrainScope = ConstrainScope(ref.id, container)
knownDirty = false
var knownDirty = true
private val onCommitAffectingConstrainLambdas = { _: Unit -> knownDirty = true }
override fun isDirty(measurables: List<Measurable>): Boolean {
if (knownDirty || measurables.size != previousDatas.size) return true
measurables.fastForEachIndexed { index, measurable ->
if (measurable.parentData as? ConstraintLayoutParentData != previousDatas[index]) {
return true
return false
private val previousDatas = mutableListOf<ConstraintLayoutParentData?>()
override fun onRemembered() {
override fun onForgotten() {
override fun onAbandoned() {}
* Layout that positions its children according to the constraints between them.
* This [Composable] of [ConstraintLayout] takes a [ConstraintSet] where the layout is defined using
* references and constraints.
* Layouts referenced in the given [constraintSet] can be bound to immediate child Composables
* using [Modifier.layoutId], where the given layoutIds match each named reference.
* &nbsp;
* So, a simple layout with a text in the middle and an image next to it may be declared like this:
* ```
* // IDs
* val textId = "text"
* val imageId = "image"
* // Layout definition with references and constraints
* val constraintSet = remember {
* ConstraintSet {
* val (textRef, imageRef) = createRefsFor(textId, imageId)
* constrain(textRef) {
* centerTo(parent)
* }
* constrain(imageRef) {
* centerVerticallyTo(textRef)
* start.linkTo(textRef.end, margin = 8.dp)
* }
* }
* }
* // ConstraintLayout uses our given ConstraintSet
* ConstraintLayout(
* constraintSet = constraintSet,
* modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
* ) {
* // References are bound to Composables using Modifier.layoutId(Any)
* Text(
* modifier = Modifier.layoutId(textId),
* text = "Hello, World!"
* )
* Image(
* modifier = Modifier.layoutId(imageId),
* imageVector = Icons.Default.Android,
* contentDescription = null
* )
* }
* ```
* See [ConstraintSet] to learn more on how to declare layouts using constraints.
* &nbsp;
* ### Handling of ConstraintSet objects
* You typically want to *`remember`* declared [ConstraintSet]s, to avoid unnecessary allocations on
* recomposition, if the [ConstraintSetScope] block consumes any [State][androidx.compose.runtime.State]
* variables, then something like *`remember { derivedStateOf { ConstraintSet { ... } } }`* would be
* more appropriate.
* &nbsp;
* However, note in the example above that our ConstraintSet is constant, so we can declare it at a
* top level, improving overall Composition performance:
* ```
* private const val TEXT_ID = "text"
* private const val IMAGE_ID = "image"
* private val mConstraintSet by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) {
* ConstraintSet {
* val (textRef, imageRef) = createRefsFor(TEXT_ID, IMAGE_ID)
* constrain(textRef) {
* centerTo(parent)
* }
* constrain(imageRef) {
* centerVerticallyTo(textRef)
* start.linkTo(textRef.end, margin = 8.dp)
* }
* }
* }
* @Preview
* @Composable
* fun ConstraintSetExample() {
* ConstraintLayout(
* constraintSet = mConstraintSet,
* modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
* ) {
* Text(
* modifier = Modifier.layoutId(TEXT_ID),
* text = "Hello, World!"
* )
* Image(
* modifier = Modifier.layoutId(IMAGE_ID),
* imageVector = Icons.Default.Android,
* contentDescription = null
* )
* }
* }
* ```
* This pattern (as opposed to defining constraints with [ConstraintLayoutScope.constrainAs]) is
* preferred when you want different layouts to be produced on different [State][androidx.compose.runtime.State]
* variables or configuration changes. As it makes it easier to create distinguishable layouts, for
* example when building adaptive layouts based on Window size class:
* ```
* private const val NAV_BAR_ID = "navBar"
* private const val CONTENT_ID = "content"
* private val compactConstraintSet by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) {
* ConstraintSet {
* val (navBarRef, contentRef) = createRefsFor(NAV_BAR_ID, CONTENT_ID)
* // Navigation bar at the bottom for Compact devices
* constrain(navBarRef) {
* width = Dimension.percent(1f)
* height = 40.dp.asDimension()
* bottom.linkTo(parent.bottom)
* }
* constrain(contentRef) {
* width = Dimension.percent(1f)
* height = Dimension.fillToConstraints
* top.linkTo(parent.top)
* bottom.linkTo(navBarRef.top)
* }
* }
* }
* private val mediumConstraintSet by lazy(LazyThreadSafetyMode.NONE) {
* ConstraintSet {
* val (navBarRef, contentRef) = createRefsFor(NAV_BAR_ID, CONTENT_ID)
* // Navigation bar at the start on Medium class devices
* constrain(navBarRef) {
* width = 40.dp.asDimension()
* height = Dimension.percent(1f)
* start.linkTo(parent.start)
* }
* constrain(contentRef) {
* width = Dimension.fillToConstraints
* height = Dimension.percent(1f)
* start.linkTo(navBarRef.end)
* end.linkTo(parent.end)
* }
* }
* }
* @Composable
* fun MyAdaptiveLayout(
* windowWidthSizeClass: WindowWidthSizeClass
* ) {
* val constraintSet = if (windowWidthSizeClass == WindowWidthSizeClass.Compact) {
* compactConstraintSet
* }
* else {
* mediumConstraintSet
* }
* ConstraintLayout(
* constraintSet = constraintSet,
* modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
* ) {
* Box(Modifier.background(Color.Blue).layoutId(NAV_BAR_ID))
* Box(Modifier.background(Color.Red).layoutId(CONTENT_ID))
* }
* }
* ```
* ### Animate Changes
* At this point, you may also use the [animateChanges] flag to animate the layout changes. This is
* triggered whenever a different (by equality) [constraintSet] is provided on recomposition. And,
* is driven by [animationSpec], [finishedAnimationListener] is called whenever a layout animation
* ends.
* On the example above, using [animateChanges] would result on the layout being animated when the
* device changes to non-compact window class, typical behavior in some Foldable devices.
* &nbsp;
* If more control is needed, we recommend using [MotionLayout] instead, which has a very similar
* pattern through the [MotionScene] object.
* @param constraintSet The [ConstraintSet] that describes the expected layout, defined references
* should be bound to Composables with [Modifier.layoutId][androidx.compose.ui.layout.layoutId].
* @param modifier Modifier to apply to this layout node.
* @param optimizationLevel Optimization flags for ConstraintLayout. The default is
* @param animateChanges When enabled, ConstraintLayout will animate the layout if there were any
* changes on the constraints during recomposition. If there's a change while the layout is still
* animating the current animation will always complete before animating to the latest changes.
* @param animationSpec The [AnimationSpec] used for [animateChanges]. [tween] by default.
* @param finishedAnimationListener Lambda called whenever an animation due to [animateChanges]
* finishes.
* @param content Content of this layout node.
inline fun ConstraintLayout(
constraintSet: ConstraintSet,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
optimizationLevel: Int = Optimizer.OPTIMIZATION_STANDARD,
animateChanges: Boolean = false,
animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = tween<Float>(),
noinline finishedAnimationListener: (() -> Unit)? = null,
crossinline content: @Composable () -> Unit
) {
if (animateChanges) {
var startConstraint by remember { mutableStateOf(constraintSet) }
var endConstraint by remember { mutableStateOf(constraintSet) }
val progress = remember { Animatable(0.0f) }
val channel = remember { Channel<ConstraintSet>(Channel.CONFLATED) }
val direction = remember { mutableIntStateOf(1) }
SideEffect {
LaunchedEffect(channel) {
for (constraints in channel) {
val newConstraints = channel.tryReceive().getOrNull() ?: constraints
val currentConstraints =
if (direction.intValue == 1) startConstraint else endConstraint
if (newConstraints != currentConstraints) {
if (direction.intValue == 1) {
endConstraint = newConstraints
} else {
startConstraint = newConstraints
progress.animateTo(direction.intValue.toFloat(), animationSpec)
direction.intValue = if (direction.intValue == 1) 0 else 1
start = startConstraint,
end = endConstraint,
progress = progress.value,
modifier = modifier,
content = { content() })
} else {
val needsUpdate = remember {
val contentTracker = remember { mutableStateOf(Unit, neverEqualPolicy()) }
val density = LocalDensity.current
val measurer = remember { Measurer(density) }
remember(constraintSet) {
val measurePolicy = MeasurePolicy { measurables, constraints ->
val layoutSize = measurer.performMeasure(
layout(layoutSize.width, layoutSize.height) {
with(measurer) { performLayout(measurables) }
if (constraintSet is EditableJSONLayout) {
measurer.addLayoutInformationReceiver(constraintSet as? LayoutInformationReceiver)
val forcedScaleFactor = measurer.forcedScaleFactor
if (!forcedScaleFactor.isNaN()) {
var mod = modifier.scale(measurer.forcedScaleFactor)
Box {
modifier = mod.semantics { designInfoProvider = measurer },
measurePolicy = measurePolicy,
content = {
with(measurer) {
} else {
modifier = modifier.semantics { designInfoProvider = measurer },
measurePolicy = measurePolicy,
content = {
// Perform a reassignment to the State tracker, this will force readers to
// recompose at the same pass as the content. The only expected reader is our
// MeasurePolicy.
contentTracker.value = Unit
* Scope used by the inline DSL of [ConstraintLayout].
class ConstraintLayoutScope @PublishedApi internal constructor() : ConstraintLayoutBaseScope(null) {
* Creates one [ConstrainedLayoutReference], which needs to be assigned to a layout within the
* [ConstraintLayout] as part of [Modifier.constrainAs]. To create more references at the
* same time, see [createRefs].
fun createRef(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = childrenRefs.getOrNull(childId++)
?: ConstrainedLayoutReference(childId).also { childrenRefs.add(it) }
* Convenient way to create multiple [ConstrainedLayoutReference]s, which need to be assigned
* to layouts within the [ConstraintLayout] as part of [Modifier.constrainAs]. To create just
* one reference, see [createRef].
fun createRefs(): ConstraintLayoutScope.ConstrainedLayoutReferences =
referencesObject ?: ConstrainedLayoutReferences().also { referencesObject = it }
* Indicates whether we expect to animate changes. This is important since normally
* ConstraintLayout evaluates constraints at the measure step, but MotionLayout needs to know
* the constraints to enter the measure step.
internal var isAnimateChanges = false
private var referencesObject: ConstrainedLayoutReferences? = null
private val ChildrenStartIndex = 0
private var childId = ChildrenStartIndex
private val childrenRefs = ArrayList<ConstrainedLayoutReference>()
override fun reset() {
childId = ChildrenStartIndex
* Convenience API for creating multiple [ConstrainedLayoutReference] via [createRefs].
inner class ConstrainedLayoutReferences internal constructor() {
operator fun component1(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
operator fun component2(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
operator fun component3(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
operator fun component4(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
operator fun component5(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
operator fun component6(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
operator fun component7(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
operator fun component8(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
operator fun component9(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
operator fun component10(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
operator fun component11(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
operator fun component12(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
operator fun component13(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
operator fun component14(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
operator fun component15(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
operator fun component16(): ConstrainedLayoutReference = createRef()
* [Modifier] that defines the constraints, as part of a [ConstraintLayout], of the layout
* element.
fun Modifier.constrainAs(
ref: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
constrainBlock: ConstrainScope.() -> Unit
): Modifier {
if (isAnimateChanges) {
// When we are expecting to animate changes, we need to preemptively obtain the
// constraints from the DSL since MotionLayout is not designed to evaluate the DSL
val container = ref.asCLContainer()
ConstrainScope(ref.id, container).constrainBlock()
return this.then(ConstrainAsModifier(ref, constrainBlock))
private class ConstrainAsModifier(
private val ref: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
private val constrainBlock: ConstrainScope.() -> Unit
) : ParentDataModifier, InspectorValueInfo(
debugInspectorInfo {
name = "constrainAs"
properties["ref"] = ref
properties["constrainBlock"] = constrainBlock
) {
override fun Density.modifyParentData(parentData: Any?) =
ConstraintLayoutParentData(ref, constrainBlock)
override fun hashCode() = constrainBlock.hashCode()
override fun equals(other: Any?) =
constrainBlock == (other as? ConstrainAsModifier)?.constrainBlock
* Scope used by the [ConstraintSet] DSL.
class ConstraintSetScope internal constructor(extendFrom: CLObject?) :
ConstraintLayoutBaseScope(extendFrom) {
private var generatedCount = 0
* Generate an ID to be used as fallback if the user didn't provide enough parameters to
* [createRefsFor].
* Not intended to be used, but helps prevent runtime issues.
private fun nextId() = "androidx.constraintlayout.id" + generatedCount++
* Creates one [ConstrainedLayoutReference] corresponding to the [ConstraintLayout] element
* with [id].
fun createRefFor(id: Any): ConstrainedLayoutReference = ConstrainedLayoutReference(id)
* Convenient way to create multiple [ConstrainedLayoutReference] with one statement, the [ids]
* provided should match Composables within ConstraintLayout using [Modifier.layoutId].
* Example:
* ```
* val (box, text, button) = createRefsFor("box", "text", "button")
* ```
* Note that the number of ids should match the number of variables assigned.
* &nbsp;
* To create a singular [ConstrainedLayoutReference] see [createRefFor].
fun createRefsFor(vararg ids: Any): ConstrainedLayoutReferences =
inner class ConstrainedLayoutReferences internal constructor(
private val ids: Array<Any>
) {
operator fun component1(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
ConstrainedLayoutReference(ids.getOrElse(0) { nextId() })
operator fun component2(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
createRefFor(ids.getOrElse(1) { nextId() })
operator fun component3(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
createRefFor(ids.getOrElse(2) { nextId() })
operator fun component4(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
createRefFor(ids.getOrElse(3) { nextId() })
operator fun component5(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
createRefFor(ids.getOrElse(4) { nextId() })
operator fun component6(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
createRefFor(ids.getOrElse(5) { nextId() })
operator fun component7(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
createRefFor(ids.getOrElse(6) { nextId() })
operator fun component8(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
createRefFor(ids.getOrElse(7) { nextId() })
operator fun component9(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
createRefFor(ids.getOrElse(8) { nextId() })
operator fun component10(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
createRefFor(ids.getOrElse(9) { nextId() })
operator fun component11(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
createRefFor(ids.getOrElse(10) { nextId() })
operator fun component12(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
createRefFor(ids.getOrElse(11) { nextId() })
operator fun component13(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
createRefFor(ids.getOrElse(12) { nextId() })
operator fun component14(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
createRefFor(ids.getOrElse(13) { nextId() })
operator fun component15(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
createRefFor(ids.getOrElse(14) { nextId() })
operator fun component16(): ConstrainedLayoutReference =
createRefFor(ids.getOrElse(15) { nextId() })
* Parent data provided by `Modifier.constrainAs`.
private class ConstraintLayoutParentData(
val ref: ConstrainedLayoutReference,
val constrain: ConstrainScope.() -> Unit
) : LayoutIdParentData {
override val layoutId: Any = ref.id
override fun equals(other: Any?) = other is ConstraintLayoutParentData &&
ref.id == other.ref.id && constrain == other.constrain
override fun hashCode() = ref.id.hashCode() * 31 + constrain.hashCode()
* Convenience for creating ids corresponding to layout references that cannot be referred
* to from the outside of the scope (e.g. barriers, layout references in the modifier-based API,
* etc.).
internal fun createId() = object : Any() {}
* Represents a dimension that can be assigned to the width or height of a [ConstraintLayout]
* [child][ConstrainedLayoutReference].
// TODO(popam, b/157781841): It is unfortunate that this interface is top level in
// `foundation-layout`. This will be ok if we move constraint layout to its own module or at
// least subpackage.
interface Dimension {
* A [Dimension] that can be assigned both min and max bounds.
interface Coercible : Dimension
* A [Dimension] that can be assigned a min bound.
interface MinCoercible : Dimension
* A [Dimension] that can be assigned a max bound.
interface MaxCoercible : Dimension
companion object {
* Links should be specified from both sides corresponding to this dimension, in order for
* this to work.
* Creates a [Dimension] such that if the constraints allow it, will have the size given by
* [dp], otherwise will take the size remaining within the constraints.
* This is effectively a shorthand for [fillToConstraints] with a max value.
* To make the value fixed (respected regardless the [ConstraintSet]), [value] should
* be used instead.
fun preferredValue(dp: Dp): Dimension.MinCoercible =
DimensionDescription("spread").apply {
* Creates a [Dimension] representing a fixed dp size. The size will not change
* according to the constraints in the [ConstraintSet].
fun value(dp: Dp): Dimension =
* Sets the dimensions to be defined as a ratio of the width and height. The assigned
* dimension will be considered to also be [fillToConstraints].
* The string to define a ratio is defined by the format: 'W:H'.
* Where H is the height as a proportion of W (the width).
* Eg: width = Dimension.ratio('1:2') sets the width to be half as large as the height.
* Note that only one dimension should be defined as a ratio.
fun ratio(ratio: String): Dimension =
* Links should be specified from both sides corresponding to this dimension, in order for
* this to work.
* A [Dimension] with suggested wrap content behavior. The wrap content size
* will be respected unless the constraints in the [ConstraintSet] do not allow it.
* To make the value fixed (respected regardless the [ConstraintSet]), [wrapContent]
* should be used instead.
val preferredWrapContent: Dimension.Coercible
get() = DimensionDescription("preferWrap")
* A fixed [Dimension] with wrap content behavior. The size will not change
* according to the constraints in the [ConstraintSet].
val wrapContent: Dimension
get() = DimensionDescription("wrap")
* A fixed [Dimension] that matches the dimensions of the root ConstraintLayout. The size
* will not change accoring to the constraints in the [ConstraintSet].
val matchParent: Dimension
get() = DimensionDescription("parent")
* Links should be specified from both sides corresponding to this dimension, in order for
* this to work.
* A [Dimension] that spreads to match constraints.
val fillToConstraints: Dimension.Coercible
get() = DimensionDescription("spread")
* A [Dimension] that is a percent of the parent in the corresponding direction.
* Where 1f is 100% and 0f is 0%.
fun percent(percent: Float): Dimension =
DimensionDescription("${percent * 100f}%")
* Sets the lower bound of the current [Dimension] to be the wrap content size of the child.
val Dimension.Coercible.atLeastWrapContent: Dimension.MaxCoercible
get() = (this as DimensionDescription).also { it.min.update("wrap") }
* Sets the lower bound of the current [Dimension] to a fixed [dp] value.
fun Dimension.Coercible.atLeast(dp: Dp): Dimension.MaxCoercible =
(this as DimensionDescription).also { it.min.update(dp) }
* Sets the upper bound of the current [Dimension] to a fixed [dp] value.
fun Dimension.Coercible.atMost(dp: Dp): Dimension.MinCoercible =
(this as DimensionDescription).also { it.max.update(dp) }
* Sets the upper bound of the current [Dimension] to be the wrap content size of the child.
val Dimension.Coercible.atMostWrapContent: Dimension.MinCoercible
get() = (this as DimensionDescription).also { it.max.update("wrap") }
* Sets the lower bound of the current [Dimension] to a fixed [dp] value.
message = "Unintended method name, use atLeast(dp) instead",
replaceWith = ReplaceWith(
fun Dimension.MinCoercible.atLeastWrapContent(dp: Dp): Dimension =
(this as DimensionDescription).also { it.min.update(dp) }
* Sets the lower bound of the current [Dimension] to a fixed [dp] value.
fun Dimension.MinCoercible.atLeast(dp: Dp): Dimension =
(this as DimensionDescription).also { it.min.update(dp) }
* Sets the lower bound of the current [Dimension] to be the wrap content size of the child.
val Dimension.MinCoercible.atLeastWrapContent: Dimension
get() = (this as DimensionDescription).also { it.min.update("wrap") }
* Sets the upper bound of the current [Dimension] to a fixed [dp] value.
fun Dimension.MaxCoercible.atMost(dp: Dp): Dimension =
(this as DimensionDescription).also { it.max.update(dp) }
* Sets the upper bound of the current [Dimension] to be the [WRAP_DIMENSION] size of the child.
val Dimension.MaxCoercible.atMostWrapContent: Dimension
get() = (this as DimensionDescription).also { it.max.update("wrap") }
* Describes a sizing behavior that can be applied to the width or height of a
* [ConstraintLayout] child. The content of this class should not be instantiated
* directly; helpers available in the [Dimension]'s companion object should be used.
internal class DimensionDescription private constructor(
value: Dp?,
valueSymbol: String?
) : Dimension.Coercible, Dimension.MinCoercible, Dimension.MaxCoercible, Dimension {
constructor(value: Dp) : this(value, null)
constructor(valueSymbol: String) : this(null, valueSymbol)
private val valueSymbol = DimensionSymbol(value, valueSymbol, "base")
internal val min = DimensionSymbol(null, null, "min")
internal val max = DimensionSymbol(null, null, "max")
* Returns the [DimensionDescription] as a [CLElement].
* The specific implementation of the element depends on the properties. If only the base value
* is provided, the resulting element will be either [CLString] or [CLNumber], but, if either
* the [max] or [min] were defined, it'll return a [CLObject] with the defined properties.
internal fun asCLElement(): CLElement =
if (min.isUndefined() && max.isUndefined()) {
} else {
CLObject(charArrayOf()).apply {
if (!min.isUndefined()) {
put("min", min.asCLElement())
if (!max.isUndefined()) {
put("max", max.asCLElement())
put("value", valueSymbol.asCLElement())
* Dimension that may be represented by either a fixed [Dp] value or a symbol of a specific
* behavior (such as "wrap", "spread", "parent", etc).
* [asCLElement] may be used to parse the symbol into it's corresponding [CLElement], depending if
* the dimension is represented by a value ([CLNumber]) or a symbol ([CLString]).
internal class DimensionSymbol(
private var value: Dp?,
private var symbol: String?,
private val debugName: String
) {
fun update(dp: Dp) {
value = dp
symbol = null
fun update(symbol: String) {
value = null
this.symbol = symbol
fun isUndefined() = value == null && symbol == null
fun asCLElement(): CLElement {
value?.let {
return CLNumber(it.value)
symbol?.let {
return CLString.from(it)
// No valid element to return, default to wrapContent
Log.e("CCL", "DimensionDescription: Null value & symbol for $debugName. Using WrapContent.")
return CLString.from("wrap")
* Parses [content] into a [ConstraintSet] and sets the variables defined in the `Variables` block
* with the values of [overrideVariables].
* Eg:
* For `Variables: { margin: { from: 'initialMargin', step: 10 } }`
* overrideVariables = `"{ 'initialMargin' = 50 }"`
* Will create a ConstraintSet where `initialMargin` is 50.
fun ConstraintSet(
@Language("json5") content: String,
@Language("json5") overrideVariables: String? = null
): ConstraintSet {
val constraintset = remember(content, overrideVariables) {
JSONConstraintSet(content, overrideVariables)
return constraintset
* Handles update back to the composable
internal abstract class EditableJSONLayout(@Language("json5") content: String) :
LayoutInformationReceiver {
private var forcedWidth: Int = Int.MIN_VALUE
private var forcedHeight: Int = Int.MIN_VALUE
private var forcedDrawDebug: MotionLayoutDebugFlags =
private var updateFlag: MutableState<Long>? = null
private var layoutInformationMode: LayoutInfoFlags = LayoutInfoFlags.NONE
private var layoutInformation = ""
private var last = System.nanoTime()
private var debugName: String? = null
private var currentContent = content
protected fun initialization() {
try {
if (debugName != null) {
val callback = object : RegistryCallback {
override fun onNewMotionScene(content: String?) {
if (content == null) {
override fun onProgress(progress: Float) {
override fun onDimensions(width: Int, height: Int) {
onNewDimensions(width, height)
override fun currentMotionScene(): String {
return currentContent
override fun currentLayoutInformation(): String {
return layoutInformation
override fun setLayoutInformationMode(mode: Int) {
override fun getLastModified(): Long {
return last
override fun setDrawDebug(debugMode: Int) {
val registry = Registry.getInstance()
registry.register(debugName, callback)
} catch (_: CLParsingException) {
// region Accessors
override fun setUpdateFlag(needsUpdate: MutableState<Long>) {
updateFlag = needsUpdate
protected fun signalUpdate() {
if (updateFlag != null) {
updateFlag!!.value = updateFlag!!.value + 1
fun setCurrentContent(content: String) {
fun getCurrentContent(): String {
return currentContent
fun setDebugName(name: String?) {
debugName = name
fun getDebugName(): String? {
return debugName
override fun getForcedDrawDebug(): MotionLayoutDebugFlags {
return forcedDrawDebug
override fun getForcedWidth(): Int {
return forcedWidth
override fun getForcedHeight(): Int {
return forcedHeight
override fun setLayoutInformation(information: String) {
last = System.nanoTime()
layoutInformation = information
fun getLayoutInformation(): String {
return layoutInformation
override fun getLayoutInformationMode(): LayoutInfoFlags {
return layoutInformationMode
// endregion
// region on update methods
protected open fun onNewContent(content: String) {
currentContent = content
try {
val json = CLParser.parse(currentContent)
if (json is CLObject) {
val firstTime = debugName == null
if (firstTime) {
val debug = json.getObjectOrNull("Header")
if (debug != null) {
debugName = debug.getStringOrNull("exportAs")
layoutInformationMode = LayoutInfoFlags.BOUNDS
if (!firstTime) {
} catch (e: CLParsingException) {
// nothing (content might be invalid, sent by live edit)
} catch (e: Exception) {
// nothing (content might be invalid, sent by live edit)
fun onNewDimensions(width: Int, height: Int) {
forcedWidth = width
forcedHeight = height
protected fun onLayoutInformation(mode: Int) {
when (mode) {
LayoutInfoFlags.NONE.ordinal -> layoutInformationMode = LayoutInfoFlags.NONE
LayoutInfoFlags.BOUNDS.ordinal -> layoutInformationMode = LayoutInfoFlags.BOUNDS
protected fun onDrawDebug(debugMode: Int) {
forcedDrawDebug = when (debugMode) {
MotionLayoutDebugFlags.UNKNOWN.ordinal -> MotionLayoutDebugFlags.UNKNOWN
MotionLayoutDebugFlags.NONE.ordinal -> MotionLayoutDebugFlags.NONE
MotionLayoutDebugFlags.SHOW_ALL.ordinal -> MotionLayoutDebugFlags.SHOW_ALL
-1 -> MotionLayoutDebugFlags.UNKNOWN
else -> MotionLayoutDebugFlags.UNKNOWN
// endregion
internal data class DesignElement(
var id: String,
var type: String,
var params: HashMap<String, String>
* Parses the given JSON5 into a [ConstraintSet].
* See the official [Github Wiki](https://github.com/androidx/constraintlayout/wiki/ConstraintSet-JSON5-syntax) to learn the syntax.
fun ConstraintSet(@Language(value = "json5") jsonContent: String): ConstraintSet =
JSONConstraintSet(content = jsonContent)
* Creates a [ConstraintSet] from a [jsonContent] string that extends the changes applied by
* [extendConstraintSet].
fun ConstraintSet(
extendConstraintSet: ConstraintSet,
@Language(value = "json5") jsonContent: String
): ConstraintSet =
JSONConstraintSet(content = jsonContent, extendFrom = extendConstraintSet)
* Creates a [ConstraintSet] with the constraints defined in the [description] block.
* See [ConstraintSet] to learn how to define constraints.
fun ConstraintSet(description: ConstraintSetScope.() -> Unit): ConstraintSet =
* Creates a [ConstraintSet] that extends the changes applied by [extendConstraintSet].
* See [ConstraintSet] to learn how to define constraints.
fun ConstraintSet(
extendConstraintSet: ConstraintSet,
description: ConstraintSetScope.() -> Unit
): ConstraintSet =
DslConstraintSet(description, extendConstraintSet)
* The state of the [ConstraintLayout] solver.
class State(val density: Density) : SolverState() {
var rootIncomingConstraints: Constraints = Constraints()
@Deprecated("Use #isLtr instead")
var layoutDirection: LayoutDirection = LayoutDirection.Ltr
init {
setDpToPixel { dp -> density.density * dp }
override fun convertDimension(value: Any?): Int {
return if (value is Dp) {
with(density) { value.roundToPx() }
} else {
internal fun getKeyId(helperWidget: HelperWidget): Any? {
return mHelperReferences.entries.firstOrNull { it.value.helperWidget == helperWidget }?.key
interface LayoutInformationReceiver {
fun setLayoutInformation(information: String)
fun getLayoutInformationMode(): LayoutInfoFlags
fun getForcedWidth(): Int
fun getForcedHeight(): Int
fun setUpdateFlag(needsUpdate: MutableState<Long>)
fun getForcedDrawDebug(): MotionLayoutDebugFlags
* reset the force progress flag
fun resetForcedProgress()
* Get the progress of the force progress
fun getForcedProgress(): Float
fun onNewProgress(progress: Float)
internal open class Measurer(
density: Density // TODO: Change to a variable since density may change
) : BasicMeasure.Measurer, DesignInfoProvider {
private var computedLayoutResult: String = ""
protected var layoutInformationReceiver: LayoutInformationReceiver? = null
protected val root = ConstraintWidgetContainer(0, 0).also { it.measurer = this }
protected val placeables = mutableMapOf<Measurable, Placeable>()
private val lastMeasures = mutableMapOf<String, Array<Int>>()
protected val frameCache = mutableMapOf<Measurable, WidgetFrame>()
protected val state = State(density)
private val widthConstraintsHolder = IntArray(2)
private val heightConstraintsHolder = IntArray(2)
var forcedScaleFactor = Float.NaN
val layoutCurrentWidth: Int
get() = root.width
val layoutCurrentHeight: Int
get() = root.height
* Method called by Compose tooling. Returns a JSON string that represents the Constraints
* defined for this ConstraintLayout Composable.
override fun getDesignInfo(startX: Int, startY: Int, args: String) =
parseConstraintsToJson(root, state, startX, startY, args)
* Measure the given [constraintWidget] with the specs defined by [measure].
override fun measure(constraintWidget: ConstraintWidget, measure: BasicMeasure.Measure) {
val widgetId = constraintWidget.stringId
if (DEBUG) {
"Measuring $widgetId with: " +
constraintWidget.toDebugString() + "\n"
val measurableLastMeasures = lastMeasures[widgetId]
(measurableLastMeasures?.get(1) ?: 0) == constraintWidget.height,
(measurableLastMeasures?.get(0) ?: 0) == constraintWidget.width,
var constraints = Constraints(
if ((measure.measureStrategy == TRY_GIVEN_DIMENSIONS ||
measure.measureStrategy == USE_GIVEN_DIMENSIONS) ||
!(measure.horizontalBehavior == MATCH_CONSTRAINT &&
constraintWidget.mMatchConstraintDefaultWidth == MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD &&
measure.verticalBehavior == MATCH_CONSTRAINT &&
constraintWidget.mMatchConstraintDefaultHeight == MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD)
) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d("CCL", "Measuring $widgetId with $constraints")
val result = measureWidget(constraintWidget, constraints)
constraintWidget.isMeasureRequested = false
if (DEBUG) {
"$widgetId is size ${result.first} ${result.second}"
val coercedWidth = result.first.coerceIn(
constraintWidget.mMatchConstraintMinWidth.takeIf { it > 0 },
constraintWidget.mMatchConstraintMaxWidth.takeIf { it > 0 }
val coercedHeight = result.second.coerceIn(
constraintWidget.mMatchConstraintMinHeight.takeIf { it > 0 },
constraintWidget.mMatchConstraintMaxHeight.takeIf { it > 0 }
var remeasure = false
if (coercedWidth != result.first) {
constraints = Constraints(
minWidth = coercedWidth,
minHeight = constraints.minHeight,
maxWidth = coercedWidth,
maxHeight = constraints.maxHeight
remeasure = true
if (coercedHeight != result.second) {
constraints = Constraints(
minWidth = constraints.minWidth,
minHeight = coercedHeight,
maxWidth = constraints.maxWidth,
maxHeight = coercedHeight
remeasure = true
if (remeasure) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d("CCL", "Remeasuring coerced $widgetId with $constraints")
measureWidget(constraintWidget, constraints)
constraintWidget.isMeasureRequested = false
val currentPlaceable = placeables[constraintWidget.companionWidget]
measure.measuredWidth = currentPlaceable?.width ?: constraintWidget.width
measure.measuredHeight = currentPlaceable?.height ?: constraintWidget.height
val baseline =
if (currentPlaceable != null && state.isBaselineNeeded(constraintWidget)) {
} else {
measure.measuredHasBaseline = baseline != AlignmentLine.Unspecified
measure.measuredBaseline = baseline
lastMeasures.getOrPut(widgetId) { arrayOf(0, 0, AlignmentLine.Unspecified) }
measure.measuredNeedsSolverPass = measure.measuredWidth != measure.horizontalDimension ||
measure.measuredHeight != measure.verticalDimension
fun addLayoutInformationReceiver(layoutReceiver: LayoutInformationReceiver?) {
layoutInformationReceiver = layoutReceiver
open fun computeLayoutResult() {
val json = StringBuilder()
json.append("{ ")
json.append(" root: {")
json.append("interpolated: { left: 0,")
json.append(" top: 0,")
json.append(" right: ${root.width} ,")
json.append(" bottom: ${root.height} ,")
json.append(" } }")
for (child in root.children) {
val measurable = child.companionWidget
if (measurable !is Measurable) {
if (child is Guideline) {
json.append(" ${child.stringId}: {")
if (child.orientation == ConstraintWidget.HORIZONTAL) {
json.append(" type: 'hGuideline', ")
} else {
json.append(" type: 'vGuideline', ")
json.append(" interpolated: ")
" { left: ${child.x}, top: ${child.y}, " +
"right: ${child.x + child.width}, " +
"bottom: ${child.y + child.height} }"
json.append("}, ")
if (child.stringId == null) {
val id = measurable.layoutId ?: measurable.constraintLayoutId
child.stringId = id?.toString()
val frame = frameCache[measurable]?.widget?.frame
if (frame == null) {
json.append(" ${child.stringId}: {")
json.append(" interpolated : ")
frame.serialize(json, true)
json.append("}, ")
json.append(" }")
computedLayoutResult = json.toString()
* Calculates the [Constraints] in one direction that should be used to measure a child,
* based on the solver measure request. Returns `true` if the constraints correspond to a
* wrap content measurement.
private fun obtainConstraints(
dimensionBehaviour: ConstraintWidget.DimensionBehaviour,
dimension: Int,
matchConstraintDefaultDimension: Int,
measureStrategy: Int,
otherDimensionResolved: Boolean,
currentDimensionResolved: Boolean,
rootMaxConstraint: Int,
outConstraints: IntArray
): Boolean = when (dimensionBehaviour) {
FIXED -> {
outConstraints[0] = dimension
outConstraints[1] = dimension
outConstraints[0] = 0
outConstraints[1] = rootMaxConstraint
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d("CCL", "Measure strategy $measureStrategy")
Log.d("CCL", "DW $matchConstraintDefaultDimension")
Log.d("CCL", "ODR $otherDimensionResolved")
Log.d("CCL", "IRH $currentDimensionResolved")
val useDimension = currentDimensionResolved ||
(measureStrategy == TRY_GIVEN_DIMENSIONS ||
measureStrategy == USE_GIVEN_DIMENSIONS) &&
(measureStrategy == USE_GIVEN_DIMENSIONS ||
matchConstraintDefaultDimension != MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP ||
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d("CCL", "UD $useDimension")
outConstraints[0] = if (useDimension) dimension else 0
outConstraints[1] = if (useDimension) dimension else rootMaxConstraint
outConstraints[0] = rootMaxConstraint
outConstraints[1] = rootMaxConstraint
else -> {
error("$dimensionBehaviour is not supported")
private fun Array<Int>.copyFrom(measure: BasicMeasure.Measure) {
this[0] = measure.measuredWidth
this[1] = measure.measuredHeight
this[2] = measure.measuredBaseline
fun performMeasure(
constraints: Constraints,
layoutDirection: LayoutDirection,
constraintSet: ConstraintSet,
measurables: List<Measurable>,
optimizationLevel: Int
): IntSize {
// Define the size of the ConstraintLayout.
if (constraints.hasFixedWidth) {
} else {
if (constraints.hasFixedHeight) {
} else {
state.mParent.width.apply(state, root, ConstraintWidget.HORIZONTAL)
state.mParent.height.apply(state, root, ConstraintWidget.VERTICAL)
// Build constraint set and apply it to the state.
state.rootIncomingConstraints = constraints
state.isRtl = layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.Rtl
if (constraintSet.isDirty(measurables)) {
constraintSet.applyTo(state, measurables)
buildMapping(state, measurables)
} else {
buildMapping(state, measurables)
if (DEBUG) {
root.debugName = "ConstraintLayout"
root.children.forEach { child ->
child.debugName =
(child.companionWidget as? Measurable)?.layoutId?.toString() ?: "NOTAG"
Log.d("CCL", "ConstraintLayout is asked to measure with $constraints")
Log.d("CCL", root.toDebugString())
for (child in root.children) {
Log.d("CCL", child.toDebugString())
// No need to set sizes and size modes as we passed them to the state above.
root.optimizationLevel = optimizationLevel
root.measure(root.optimizationLevel, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d("CCL", "ConstraintLayout is at the end ${root.width} ${root.height}")
return IntSize(root.width, root.height)
internal fun resetMeasureState() {
protected fun applyRootSize(constraints: Constraints) {
root.width = constraints.maxWidth
root.height = constraints.maxHeight
forcedScaleFactor = Float.NaN
if (layoutInformationReceiver != null &&
layoutInformationReceiver?.getForcedWidth() != Int.MIN_VALUE
) {
val forcedWidth = layoutInformationReceiver!!.getForcedWidth()
if (forcedWidth > root.width) {
val scale = root.width / forcedWidth.toFloat()
forcedScaleFactor = scale
} else {
forcedScaleFactor = 1f
root.width = forcedWidth
if (layoutInformationReceiver != null &&
layoutInformationReceiver?.getForcedHeight() != Int.MIN_VALUE
) {
val forcedHeight = layoutInformationReceiver!!.getForcedHeight()
var scaleFactor = 1f
if (forcedScaleFactor.isNaN()) {
forcedScaleFactor = 1f
if (forcedHeight > root.height) {
scaleFactor = root.height / forcedHeight.toFloat()
if (scaleFactor < forcedScaleFactor) {
forcedScaleFactor = scaleFactor
root.height = forcedHeight
fun Placeable.PlacementScope.performLayout(measurables: List<Measurable>) {
if (frameCache.isEmpty()) {
for (child in root.children) {
val measurable = child.companionWidget
if (measurable !is Measurable) continue
val frame = WidgetFrame(child.frame.update())
frameCache[measurable] = frame
measurables.fastForEach { measurable ->
val matchedMeasurable: Measurable = if (!frameCache.containsKey(measurable)) {
// TODO: Workaround for lookaheadLayout, the measurable is a different instance
frameCache.keys.firstOrNull {
it.layoutId != null && it.layoutId == measurable.layoutId
} ?: return@fastForEach
} else {
val frame = frameCache[matchedMeasurable] ?: return
val placeable = placeables[matchedMeasurable] ?: return
if (!frameCache.containsKey(measurable)) {
// TODO: Workaround for lookaheadLayout, the measurable is a different instance and
// the placeable should be a result of the given measurable
measurable.measure(Constraints.fixed(placeable.width, placeable.height)),
} else {
placeWithFrameTransform(placeable, frame)
if (layoutInformationReceiver?.getLayoutInformationMode() == LayoutInfoFlags.BOUNDS) {
override fun didMeasures() {}
* Measure a [ConstraintWidget] with the given [constraints].
* Note that the [constraintWidget] could correspond to either a Composable or a Helper, which
* need to be measured differently.
* Returns a [Pair] with the result of the measurement, the first and second values are the
* measured width and height respectively.
private fun measureWidget(
constraintWidget: ConstraintWidget,
constraints: Constraints
): PairIntInt {
val measurable = constraintWidget.companionWidget
val widgetId = constraintWidget.stringId
return when {
constraintWidget is VirtualLayout -> {
// TODO: This step should really be performed within ConstraintWidgetContainer,
// compose-ConstraintLayout should only have to measure Composables/Measurables
val widthMode = when {
constraints.hasFixedWidth -> BasicMeasure.EXACTLY
constraints.hasBoundedWidth -> BasicMeasure.AT_MOST
else -> BasicMeasure.UNSPECIFIED
val heightMode = when {
constraints.hasFixedHeight -> BasicMeasure.EXACTLY
constraints.hasBoundedHeight -> BasicMeasure.AT_MOST
else -> BasicMeasure.UNSPECIFIED
PairIntInt(constraintWidget.measuredWidth, constraintWidget.measuredHeight)
measurable is Measurable -> {
val result = measurable.measure(constraints).also { placeables[measurable] = it }
PairIntInt(result.width, result.height)
else -> {
Log.w("CCL", "Nothing to measure for widget: $widgetId")
PairIntInt(0, 0)
fun BoxScope.drawDebugBounds(forcedScaleFactor: Float) {
Canvas(modifier = Modifier.matchParentSize()) {
fun DrawScope.drawDebugBounds(forcedScaleFactor: Float) {
val w = layoutCurrentWidth * forcedScaleFactor
val h = layoutCurrentHeight * forcedScaleFactor
var dx = (size.width - w) / 2f
var dy = (size.height - h) / 2f
var color = Color.White
drawLine(color, Offset(dx, dy), Offset(dx + w, dy))
drawLine(color, Offset(dx + w, dy), Offset(dx + w, dy + h))
drawLine(color, Offset(dx + w, dy + h), Offset(dx, dy + h))
drawLine(color, Offset(dx, dy + h), Offset(dx, dy))
dx += 1
dy += 1
color = Color.Black
drawLine(color, Offset(dx, dy), Offset(dx + w, dy))
drawLine(color, Offset(dx + w, dy), Offset(dx + w, dy + h))
drawLine(color, Offset(dx + w, dy + h), Offset(dx, dy + h))
drawLine(color, Offset(dx, dy + h), Offset(dx, dy))
private var designElements = arrayListOf<ConstraintSetParser.DesignElement>()
private fun getColor(str: String?, defaultColor: Color = Color.Black): Color {
if (str != null && str.startsWith('#')) {
var str2 = str.substring(1)
if (str2.length == 6) {
str2 = "FF$str2"
try {
return Color(java.lang.Long.parseLong(str2, 16).toInt())
} catch (e: Exception) {
return defaultColor
return defaultColor
private fun getTextStyle(params: HashMap<String, String>): TextStyle {
val fontSizeString = params["size"]
var fontSize = TextUnit.Unspecified
if (fontSizeString != null) {
fontSize = fontSizeString.toFloat().sp
var textColor = getColor(params["color"])
return TextStyle(fontSize = fontSize, color = textColor)
fun createDesignElements() {
for (element in designElements) {
var id = element.id
var function = DesignElements.map[element.type]
if (function != null) {
function(id, element.params)
} else {
when (element.type) {
"button" -> {
val text = element.params["text"] ?: "text"
val colorBackground =
getColor(element.params["backgroundColor"], Color.LightGray)
modifier = Modifier
text = text, style = getTextStyle(element.params)
"box" -> {
val text = element.params["text"] ?: ""
val colorBackground =
getColor(element.params["backgroundColor"], Color.LightGray)
modifier = Modifier
) {
modifier = Modifier.padding(8.dp),
text = text, style = getTextStyle(element.params)
"text" -> {
val text = element.params["text"] ?: "text"
modifier = Modifier.layoutId(id),
text = text, style = getTextStyle(element.params)
"textfield" -> {
val text = element.params["text"] ?: "text"
modifier = Modifier.layoutId(id),
value = text,
onValueChange = {}
"image" -> {
modifier = Modifier.layoutId(id),
painter = painterResource(id = android.R.drawable.ic_menu_gallery),
contentDescription = "Placeholder Image"
fun parseDesignElements(constraintSet: ConstraintSet) {
if (constraintSet is JSONConstraintSet) {
internal fun Placeable.PlacementScope.placeWithFrameTransform(
placeable: Placeable,
frame: WidgetFrame,
offset: IntOffset = IntOffset.Zero
) {
if (frame.visibility == ConstraintWidget.GONE) {
if (DEBUG) {
Log.d("CCL", "Widget: ${frame.id} is Gone. Skipping placement.")
if (frame.isDefaultTransform) {
val x = frame.left - offset.x
val y = frame.top - offset.y
placeable.place(IntOffset(x, y))
} else {
val layerBlock: GraphicsLayerScope.() -> Unit = {
if (!frame.pivotX.isNaN() || !frame.pivotY.isNaN()) {
val pivotX = if (frame.pivotX.isNaN()) 0.5f else frame.pivotX
val pivotY = if (frame.pivotY.isNaN()) 0.5f else frame.pivotY
transformOrigin = TransformOrigin(pivotX, pivotY)
if (!frame.rotationX.isNaN()) {
rotationX = frame.rotationX
if (!frame.rotationY.isNaN()) {
rotationY = frame.rotationY
if (!frame.rotationZ.isNaN()) {
rotationZ = frame.rotationZ
if (!frame.translationX.isNaN()) {
translationX = frame.translationX
if (!frame.translationY.isNaN()) {
translationY = frame.translationY
if (!frame.translationZ.isNaN()) {
shadowElevation = frame.translationZ
if (!frame.scaleX.isNaN() || !frame.scaleY.isNaN()) {
scaleX = if (frame.scaleX.isNaN()) 1f else frame.scaleX
scaleY = if (frame.scaleY.isNaN()) 1f else frame.scaleY
if (!frame.alpha.isNaN()) {
alpha = frame.alpha
val x = frame.left - offset.x
val y = frame.top - offset.y
val zIndex = if (frame.translationZ.isNaN()) 0f else frame.translationZ
layerBlock = layerBlock,
zIndex = zIndex
object DesignElements {
var map = HashMap<String, @Composable (String, HashMap<String, String>) -> Unit>()
fun define(
name: String,
function: @Composable (String, HashMap<String, String>) -> Unit
) {
map[name] = function
* Maps ID and Tag to each compose [Measurable] into [state].
* The ID could be provided from [androidx.compose.ui.layout.layoutId],
* [ConstraintLayoutParentData.ref] or [ConstraintLayoutTagParentData.constraintLayoutId].
* The Tag is set from [ConstraintLayoutTagParentData.constraintLayoutTag].
* This should always be performed for every Measure call, since there's no guarantee that the
* [Measurable]s will be the same instance, even if there's seemingly no changes.
* Should be called before applying the [State] or, if there's no need to apply it, should be called
* before measuring.
internal fun buildMapping(state: State, measurables: List<Measurable>) {
measurables.fastForEach { measurable ->
val id = measurable.layoutId ?: measurable.constraintLayoutId ?: createId()
// Map the id and the measurable, to be retrieved later during measurement.
state.map(id.toString(), measurable)
val tag = measurable.constraintLayoutTag
if (tag != null && tag is String && id is String) {
state.setTag(id, tag)
internal typealias SolverDimension = androidx.constraintlayout.core.state.Dimension
internal typealias SolverState = androidx.constraintlayout.core.state.State
private val DEBUG = false
private fun ConstraintWidget.toDebugString() =
"$debugName " +
"width $width minWidth $minWidth maxWidth $maxWidth " +
"height $height minHeight $minHeight maxHeight $maxHeight " +
"HDB $horizontalDimensionBehaviour VDB $verticalDimensionBehaviour " +
"MCW $mMatchConstraintDefaultWidth MCH $mMatchConstraintDefaultHeight " +
"percentW $mMatchConstraintPercentWidth percentH $mMatchConstraintPercentHeight"
enum class LayoutInfoFlags {