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* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.car.app.navigation.model;
import static androidx.car.app.model.constraints.ActionsConstraints.ACTIONS_CONSTRAINTS_NAVIGATION;
import static androidx.car.app.model.constraints.CarColorConstraints.UNCONSTRAINED;
import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Keep;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.car.app.Screen;
import androidx.car.app.SurfaceCallback;
import androidx.car.app.model.Action;
import androidx.car.app.model.ActionStrip;
import androidx.car.app.model.CarColor;
import androidx.car.app.model.Template;
import java.util.Objects;
* A template for showing navigation information.
* <p>This template has two independent sections which can be updated:
* <ul>
* <li>Navigation information such as routing instructions or navigation-related messages.
* <li>Travel estimates to the destination.
* </ul>
* <p>To update the template as the user navigates, call {@link Screen#invalidate} to provide the
* host with a new template with the updated information.
* <p>The template itself does not expose a drawing surface. In order to draw on the canvas, use
* {@link androidx.car.app.AppManager#setSurfaceCallback(SurfaceCallback)}.
* <p>See {@link androidx.car.app.notification.CarAppExtender} for how to show
* alerts with notifications. Frequent alert notifications distract the driver and are discouraged.
* <h4>Template Restrictions</h4>
* In regard to template refreshes, as described in {@link Screen#onGetTemplate()}, this template
* supports any content changes as refreshes. This allows apps to interactively update the
* turn-by-turn instructions without the templates being counted against the template quota.
* <p>Further, this template is considered a view that the user will stay and consume contents from,
* and the host will reset the template quota once an app reaches this template.
* <p>In order to use this template your car app <b>MUST</b> declare that it uses the {@code
* androidx.car.app.NAVIGATION_TEMPLATES} permission in the manifest.
public final class NavigationTemplate implements Template {
* Represents navigation information such as routing instructions or navigation-related
* messages.
public interface NavigationInfo {
private final NavigationInfo mNavigationInfo;
private final CarColor mBackgroundColor;
private final TravelEstimate mDestinationTravelEstimate;
private final ActionStrip mActionStrip;
* Returns the {@link ActionStrip} for this template or {@code null} if not set.
* @see Builder#setActionStrip(ActionStrip)
public ActionStrip getActionStrip() {
return requireNonNull(mActionStrip);
* Returns the navigation information displayed on the template or {@code null} if there is no
* navigation information on top of the map.
public NavigationInfo getNavigationInfo() {
return mNavigationInfo;
* Returns the background color used for the navigation information or {@code null} if set to
* the default value.
public CarColor getBackgroundColor() {
return mBackgroundColor;
* Returns the {@link TravelEstimate} to the final destination or {@code null} if there is no
* travel estimate information.
public TravelEstimate getDestinationTravelEstimate() {
return mDestinationTravelEstimate;
public String toString() {
return "NavigationTemplate";
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(mNavigationInfo, mBackgroundColor, mDestinationTravelEstimate,
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object other) {
if (this == other) {
return true;
if (!(other instanceof NavigationTemplate)) {
return false;
NavigationTemplate otherTemplate = (NavigationTemplate) other;
return Objects.equals(mNavigationInfo, otherTemplate.mNavigationInfo)
&& Objects.equals(mBackgroundColor, otherTemplate.mBackgroundColor)
&& Objects.equals(mDestinationTravelEstimate,
&& Objects.equals(mActionStrip, otherTemplate.mActionStrip);
NavigationTemplate(Builder builder) {
mNavigationInfo = builder.mNavigationInfo;
mBackgroundColor = builder.mBackgroundColor;
mDestinationTravelEstimate = builder.mDestinationTravelEstimate;
mActionStrip = builder.mActionStrip;
/** Constructs an empty instance, used by serialization code. */
private NavigationTemplate() {
mNavigationInfo = null;
mBackgroundColor = null;
mDestinationTravelEstimate = null;
mActionStrip = null;
/** A builder of {@link NavigationTemplate}. */
public static final class Builder {
NavigationInfo mNavigationInfo;
CarColor mBackgroundColor;
TravelEstimate mDestinationTravelEstimate;
ActionStrip mActionStrip;
* Sets the navigation information to display on the template.
* <p>Unless set with this method, navigation info won't be displayed on the template.
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code navigationInfo} is {@code null}
public Builder setNavigationInfo(@NonNull NavigationInfo navigationInfo) {
mNavigationInfo = requireNonNull(navigationInfo);
return this;
* Sets the background color to use for the navigation information.
* <p>The host may ignore this color and use a default color instead if the color does
* not pass the contrast requirements.
public Builder setBackgroundColor(@NonNull CarColor backgroundColor) {
mBackgroundColor = backgroundColor;
return this;
* Sets the {@link TravelEstimate} to the final destination.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the {@link TravelEstimate}'s remaining time is
* {@link TravelEstimate#REMAINING_TIME_UNKNOWN} or less
* than zero
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code destinationTravelEstimate} is {@code null}
public Builder setDestinationTravelEstimate(
@NonNull TravelEstimate destinationTravelEstimate) {
if (requireNonNull(destinationTravelEstimate).getRemainingTimeSeconds() < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"The destination travel estimate's remaining time must be greater or "
+ "equal to zero");
mDestinationTravelEstimate = destinationTravelEstimate;
return this;
* Sets an {@link ActionStrip} with a list of template-scoped actions for this template.
* <h4>Requirements</h4>
* Besides {@link Action#APP_ICON} and {@link Action#BACK}, this template requires at
* least 1 and up to 4 {@link Action}s in its {@link ActionStrip}. Of the 4 allowed
* {@link Action}s, only one can contain a title as set via
* {@link Action.Builder#setTitle}. Otherwise, only {@link Action}s with icons are allowed.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code actionStrip} does not meet the template's
* requirements
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code actionStrip} is {@code null}
public Builder setActionStrip(@NonNull ActionStrip actionStrip) {
mActionStrip = actionStrip;
return this;
* Constructs the {@link NavigationTemplate} defined by this builder.
* @throws IllegalStateException if an {@link ActionStrip} is not set on this template
public NavigationTemplate build() {
if (mActionStrip == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Action strip for this template must be set");
return new NavigationTemplate(this);
/** Constructs an empty {@link Builder} instance. */
public Builder() {