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* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.camera.core;
import android.app.Application;
import android.os.Handler;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.CameraDeviceSurfaceManager;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.CameraFactory;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.Config;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.MutableConfig;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.MutableOptionsBundle;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.OptionsBundle;
import androidx.camera.core.impl.UseCaseConfigFactory;
import androidx.camera.core.internal.TargetConfig;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
* A configuration for adding implementation and user-specific behavior to CameraX.
* <p>CameraXConfig provides customizable options for camera provider instances that persist for
* the lifetime of the provider.
* <p>An implementation of AppConfig must be provided by subclassing the
* {@link Application} object and implementing {@link CameraXConfig.Provider}.
* {@linkplain androidx.camera.lifecycle.ProcessCameraProvider#getInstance(android.content.Context)
* An example} of how this is used can be found in the {@link androidx.camera.lifecycle} package.
* <p>Applications can create and use {@linkplain androidx.camera.camera2.Camera2Config the
* implementation} of AppConfig provided in {@link androidx.camera.camera2}.
* @see androidx.camera.lifecycle
* @see CameraXConfig.Builder
public final class CameraXConfig implements TargetConfig<CameraX>, Config {
* An interface which can be implemented to provide the configuration for CameraX.
* <p>When implemented by an {@link Application}, this can provide on-demand initialization
* of CameraX.
* <p>{@linkplain
* androidx.camera.lifecycle.ProcessCameraProvider#getInstance(android.content.Context) An
* example} of how this is used can be found in the {@link androidx.camera.lifecycle} package.
public interface Provider {
/** Returns the configuration to use for initializing an instance of CameraX. */
CameraXConfig getCameraXConfig();
// Option Declarations:
// *********************************************************************************************
static final Option<CameraFactory.Provider> OPTION_CAMERA_FACTORY_PROVIDER =
static final Option<CameraDeviceSurfaceManager.Provider>
static final Option<UseCaseConfigFactory.Provider> OPTION_USECASE_CONFIG_FACTORY_PROVIDER =
static final Option<Executor> OPTION_CAMERA_EXECUTOR =
static final Option<Handler> OPTION_SCHEDULER_HANDLER =
// *********************************************************************************************
private final OptionsBundle mConfig;
CameraXConfig(OptionsBundle options) {
mConfig = options;
* Returns the {@link CameraFactory} implementation for the application.
* @hide
public CameraFactory.Provider getCameraFactoryProvider(
@Nullable CameraFactory.Provider valueIfMissing) {
return mConfig.retrieveOption(OPTION_CAMERA_FACTORY_PROVIDER, valueIfMissing);
* Returns the {@link CameraDeviceSurfaceManager} implementation for the application.
* @hide
public CameraDeviceSurfaceManager.Provider getDeviceSurfaceManagerProvider(
@Nullable CameraDeviceSurfaceManager.Provider valueIfMissing) {
return mConfig.retrieveOption(OPTION_DEVICE_SURFACE_MANAGER_PROVIDER, valueIfMissing);
* Returns the {@link UseCaseConfigFactory} implementation for the application.
* <p>This factory should produce all default configurations for the application's use cases.
* @hide
public UseCaseConfigFactory.Provider getUseCaseConfigFactoryProvider(
@Nullable UseCaseConfigFactory.Provider valueIfMissing) {
return mConfig.retrieveOption(OPTION_USECASE_CONFIG_FACTORY_PROVIDER, valueIfMissing);
* Returns the camera executor.
* @hide
public Executor getCameraExecutor(@Nullable Executor valueIfMissing) {
return mConfig.retrieveOption(OPTION_CAMERA_EXECUTOR, valueIfMissing);
* Returns the scheduling handler.
* @hide
public Handler getSchedulerHandler(@Nullable Handler valueIfMissing) {
return mConfig.retrieveOption(OPTION_SCHEDULER_HANDLER, valueIfMissing);
// Start of the default implementation of Config
// *********************************************************************************************
// Implementations of Config default methods
/** @hide */
public boolean containsOption(@NonNull Option<?> id) {
return mConfig.containsOption(id);
/** @hide */
public <ValueT> ValueT retrieveOption(@NonNull Option<ValueT> id) {
return mConfig.retrieveOption(id);
/** @hide */
public <ValueT> ValueT retrieveOption(@NonNull Option<ValueT> id,
@Nullable ValueT valueIfMissing) {
return mConfig.retrieveOption(id, valueIfMissing);
/** @hide */
public void findOptions(@NonNull String idStem, @NonNull OptionMatcher matcher) {
mConfig.findOptions(idStem, matcher);
/** @hide */
public Set<Option<?>> listOptions() {
return mConfig.listOptions();
// Implementations of TargetConfig default methods
/** @hide */
public Class<CameraX> getTargetClass(
@Nullable Class<CameraX> valueIfMissing) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Value should only be added via Builder#setTargetClass()
Class<CameraX> storedClass = (Class<CameraX>) retrieveOption(
return storedClass;
/** @hide */
public Class<CameraX> getTargetClass() {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Value should only be added via Builder#setTargetClass()
Class<CameraX> storedClass = (Class<CameraX>) retrieveOption(
return storedClass;
/** @hide */
public String getTargetName(@Nullable String valueIfMissing) {
return retrieveOption(OPTION_TARGET_NAME, valueIfMissing);
/** @hide */
public String getTargetName() {
return retrieveOption(OPTION_TARGET_NAME);
// End of the default implementation of Config
// *********************************************************************************************
/** A builder for generating {@link CameraXConfig} objects. */
public static final class Builder
implements TargetConfig.Builder<CameraX, CameraXConfig.Builder> {
private final MutableOptionsBundle mMutableConfig;
/** Creates a new Builder object.
* @hide
public Builder() {
private Builder(MutableOptionsBundle mutableConfig) {
mMutableConfig = mutableConfig;
Class<?> oldConfigClass =
mutableConfig.retrieveOption(TargetConfig.OPTION_TARGET_CLASS, null);
if (oldConfigClass != null && !oldConfigClass.equals(CameraX.class)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Invalid target class configuration for "
+ CameraXConfig.Builder.this
+ ": "
+ oldConfigClass);
* Generates a Builder from another {@link CameraXConfig} object
* @param configuration An immutable configuration to pre-populate this builder.
* @return The new Builder.
public static Builder fromConfig(@NonNull CameraXConfig configuration) {
return new Builder(MutableOptionsBundle.from(configuration));
* Sets the {@link CameraFactory} implementation for the application.
* @hide
* @param cameraFactory
public Builder setCameraFactoryProvider(@NonNull CameraFactory.Provider cameraFactory) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_CAMERA_FACTORY_PROVIDER, cameraFactory);
return this;
* Sets the {@link CameraDeviceSurfaceManager} implementation for the application.
* @hide
public Builder setDeviceSurfaceManagerProvider(
@NonNull CameraDeviceSurfaceManager.Provider surfaceManagerProvider) {
return this;
* Sets the {@link UseCaseConfigFactory} implementation for the application.
* <p>This factory should produce all default configurations for the application's use
* cases.
* @hide
public Builder setUseCaseConfigFactoryProvider(
@NonNull UseCaseConfigFactory.Provider configFactoryProvider) {
return this;
* Sets an executor which CameraX will use to drive the camera stack.
* <p>This option can be used to override the default internal executor created by
* CameraX, and will be used by the implementation to drive all cameras.
* <p>It is not necessary to set an executor for normal use, and should only be used in
* applications with very specific threading requirements. If not set, CameraX will
* create and use an optimized default internal executor.
public Builder setCameraExecutor(@NonNull Executor executor) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_CAMERA_EXECUTOR, executor);
return this;
* Sets a handler that CameraX will use internally for scheduling future tasks.
* <p>This scheduler may also be used for legacy APIs which require a {@link Handler}. Tasks
* that are scheduled with this handler will always be executed by the camera executor. No
* business logic will be executed directly by this handler.
* <p>It is not necessary to set a scheduler handler for normal use, and should only be
* used in applications with very specific threading requirements. If not set, CameraX
* will create and use an optimized default internal handler.
* @see #setCameraExecutor(Executor)
* @hide
public Builder setSchedulerHandler(@NonNull Handler handler) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_SCHEDULER_HANDLER, handler);
return this;
private MutableConfig getMutableConfig() {
return mMutableConfig;
* Builds an immutable {@link CameraXConfig} from the current state.
* @return A {@link CameraXConfig} populated with the current state.
public CameraXConfig build() {
return new CameraXConfig(OptionsBundle.from(mMutableConfig));
// Implementations of TargetConfig.Builder default methods
/** @hide */
public Builder setTargetClass(@NonNull Class<CameraX> targetClass) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_TARGET_CLASS, targetClass);
// If no name is set yet, then generate a unique name
if (null == getMutableConfig().retrieveOption(OPTION_TARGET_NAME, null)) {
String targetName = targetClass.getCanonicalName() + "-" + UUID.randomUUID();
return this;
/** @hide */
public Builder setTargetName(@NonNull String targetName) {
getMutableConfig().insertOption(OPTION_TARGET_NAME, targetName);
return this;