[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 8a08119ae17cc4e925546a1ec32b091ec8b20a48 [file] [log] [blame]
set -e
function runGradle() {
kmpArgs="-Pandroidx.compose.multiplatformEnabled=true -Pandroidx.enabled.kmp.target.platforms=+native"
echo running ./gradlew $kmpArgs "$@"
if ./gradlew $kmpArgs "$@"; then
echo succeeded: ./gradlew $kmpArgs "$@"
echo failed: ./gradlew $kmpArgs "$@"
return 1
# This script regenerates signature-related information (dependency-verification-metadata and keyring)
function regenerateVerificationMetadata() {
echo "regenerating verification metadata and keyring"
# regenerate metadata
# Need to run a clean build, https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/19228
runGradle --write-verification-metadata pgp,sha256 --export-keys --dry-run --clean bOS
# extract and keep only the <trusted-keys> section
rm -rf "$WORK_DIR"
mkdir -p "$WORK_DIR"
# extract the middle of the new file, https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/18569
grep -B 10000 "<trusted-keys>" gradle/verification-metadata.dryrun.xml > "$WORK_DIR/new.head"
grep -A 10000 "</trusted-keys>" gradle/verification-metadata.dryrun.xml > "$WORK_DIR/new.tail"
numTopLines="$(cat "$WORK_DIR/new.head" | wc -l)"
numTopLinesPlus1="$(($numTopLines + 1))"
numBottomLines="$(cat "$WORK_DIR/new.tail" | wc -l)"
numLines="$(cat gradle/verification-metadata.dryrun.xml | wc -l)"
numMiddleLines="$(($numLines - $numTopLines - $numBottomLines))"
# also remove 'version=' lines, https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/20192
cat gradle/verification-metadata.dryrun.xml | tail -n "+$numTopLinesPlus1" | head -n "$numMiddleLines" | sed 's/ version="[^"]*"//' > "$WORK_DIR/new.middle"
# extract the top and bottom of the old file
grep -B 10000 "<trusted-keys>" gradle/verification-metadata.xml > "$WORK_DIR/old.head"
grep -A 10000 "</trusted-keys>" gradle/verification-metadata.xml > "$WORK_DIR/old.tail"
# update verification metadata file
cat "$WORK_DIR/old.head" "$WORK_DIR/new.middle" "$WORK_DIR/old.tail" > gradle/verification-metadata.xml
echo "sorting keyring and removing duplicates"
# sort and unique the keyring
# https://github.com/gradle/gradle/issues/20140
# `sed 's/$/NEWLINE/g'` adds the word NEWLINE at the end of each line
# `tr -d '\n'` deletes the actual newlines
# `sed` again adds a newline at the end of each key, so each key is one line
# `sort` orders the keys deterministically
# `uniq` removes identical keys
# `sed 's/NEWLINE/\n/g'` puts the newlines back
cat gradle/verification-keyring-dryrun.keys \
| sed 's/$/NEWLINE/g' \
| tr -d '\n' \
| sed 's/\(-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\)/\1\n/g' \
| sort \
| uniq \
| sed 's/NEWLINE/\n/g' \
> gradle/verification-keyring.keys
# remove temporary files
rm -rf "$WORK_DIR"
rm -f gradle/verification-keyring-dryrun.gpg
rm -f gradle/verification-keyring-dryrun.keys
rm -f gradle/verification-metadata.dryrun.xml
echo "Done. Please check that these changes look correct ('git diff')"