[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: a2dbf34869d51da0d98241d4ca8433e473476097 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.camera.view;
import static android.graphics.Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG;
import static android.graphics.Paint.DITHER_FLAG;
import static android.graphics.Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG;
import static androidx.camera.core.impl.ImageOutputConfig.ROTATION_NOT_SPECIFIED;
import static androidx.camera.core.impl.utils.CameraOrientationUtil.surfaceRotationToDegrees;
import static androidx.camera.core.impl.utils.TransformUtils.getRectToRect;
import static androidx.camera.core.impl.utils.TransformUtils.is90or270;
import static androidx.camera.core.impl.utils.TransformUtils.isAspectRatioMatchingWithRoundingError;
import static androidx.camera.view.PreviewView.ScaleType.FILL_CENTER;
import static androidx.camera.view.PreviewView.ScaleType.FIT_CENTER;
import static androidx.camera.view.PreviewView.ScaleType.FIT_END;
import static androidx.camera.view.PreviewView.ScaleType.FIT_START;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Canvas;
import android.graphics.Matrix;
import android.graphics.Paint;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.graphics.RectF;
import android.util.LayoutDirection;
import android.util.Size;
import android.view.Display;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.view.SurfaceView;
import android.view.TextureView;
import android.view.View;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.camera.core.Logger;
import androidx.camera.core.SurfaceRequest;
import androidx.camera.core.ViewPort;
import androidx.core.util.Preconditions;
* Handles {@link PreviewView} transformation.
* <p> This class transforms the camera output and display it in a {@link PreviewView}. The goal is
* to transform it in a way so that the entire area of
* {@link SurfaceRequest.TransformationInfo#getCropRect()} is 1) visible to end users, and 2)
* displayed as large as possible.
* <p> The inputs for the calculation are 1) the dimension of the Surface, 2) the crop rect, 3) the
* dimension of the PreviewView and 4) rotation degrees:
* <pre>
* Source: +-----Surface-----+ Destination: +-----PreviewView----+
* | | | |
* | +-crop rect-+ | | |
* | | | | +--------------------+
* | | | |
* | | --> | | Rotation: <-----+
* | | | | 270°|
* | | | | |
* | +-----------+ |
* +-----------------+
* By mapping the Surface crop rect to match the PreviewView, we have:
* +------transformed Surface-------+
* | |
* | +----PreviewView-----+ |
* | | ^ | |
* | | | | |
* | +--------------------+ |
* | |
* +--------------------------------+
* </pre>
* <p> The transformed Surface is how the PreviewView's inner view should behave, to make the
* crop rect matches the PreviewView.
@RequiresApi(21) // TODO(b/200306659): Remove and replace with annotation on package-info.java
final class PreviewTransformation {
private static final String TAG = "PreviewTransform";
private static final PreviewView.ScaleType DEFAULT_SCALE_TYPE = FILL_CENTER;
// SurfaceRequest.getResolution().
private Size mResolution;
// This represents the area of the Surface that should be visible to end users. The area is
// defined by the Viewport class.
private Rect mSurfaceCropRect;
// TransformationInfo.getRotationDegrees().
private int mPreviewRotationDegrees;
// TransformationInfo.getSensorToBufferTransform().
private Matrix mSensorToBufferTransform;
// TransformationInfo.getTargetRotation.
private int mTargetRotation;
// Whether the preview is using front camera.
private boolean mIsFrontCamera;
// Whether the Surface contains camera transform.
private boolean mHasCameraTransform;
private PreviewView.ScaleType mScaleType = DEFAULT_SCALE_TYPE;
PreviewTransformation() {
* Sets the inputs.
* <p> All the values originally come from a {@link SurfaceRequest}.
void setTransformationInfo(@NonNull SurfaceRequest.TransformationInfo transformationInfo,
Size resolution, boolean isFrontCamera) {
Logger.d(TAG, "Transformation info set: " + transformationInfo + " " + resolution + " "
+ isFrontCamera);
mSurfaceCropRect = transformationInfo.getCropRect();
mPreviewRotationDegrees = transformationInfo.getRotationDegrees();
mTargetRotation = transformationInfo.getTargetRotation();
mResolution = resolution;
mIsFrontCamera = isFrontCamera;
mHasCameraTransform = transformationInfo.hasCameraTransform();
mSensorToBufferTransform = transformationInfo.getSensorToBufferTransform();
* Override with display rotation when Preview does not have a target rotation set.
* TODO: move the PreviewView#updateDisplayRotationIfNeeded logic into PreviewTransformation
* so all the transformation logic will be in one place.
void overrideWithDisplayRotation(int rotationDegrees, int displayRotation) {
if (!mHasCameraTransform) {
// When the Surface doesn't have the camera transform, we use mPreviewRotationDegrees
// from the core directly. There is no need to override the values.
mPreviewRotationDegrees = rotationDegrees;
mTargetRotation = displayRotation;
* Creates a matrix that makes {@link TextureView}'s rotation matches the
* {@link #mTargetRotation}.
* <p> The value should be applied by calling {@link TextureView#setTransform(Matrix)}. Usually
* {@link #mTargetRotation} is the display rotation. In that case, this
* matrix will just make a {@link TextureView} works like a {@link SurfaceView}. If not, then
* it will further correct it to the desired rotation.
* <p> This method is also needed in {@link #createTransformedBitmap} to correct the screenshot.
Matrix getTextureViewCorrectionMatrix() {
RectF surfaceRect = new RectF(0, 0, mResolution.getWidth(), mResolution.getHeight());
int rotationDegrees = getRemainingRotationDegrees();
return getRectToRect(surfaceRect, surfaceRect, rotationDegrees);
* Gets the remaining rotation degrees after the preview is transformed by Android Views.
* <p>Both {@link TextureView} or {@link SurfaceView} uses the camera transform encoded in
* the {@link Surface} to correct the output. The remaining rotation degrees depends on
* whether the camera transform is present.
private int getRemainingRotationDegrees() {
if (!mHasCameraTransform) {
// If the Surface is not connected to the camera, then the SurfaceView/TextureView will
// not apply any transformation. In that case, we need to apply the rotation
// calculated by CameraX.
return mPreviewRotationDegrees;
} else {
// If the Surface is connected to the camera, then the SurfaceView/TextureView
// will be the one to apply the camera orientation. In that case, only the Surface
// rotation needs to be applied by PreviewView.
return -surfaceRotationToDegrees(mTargetRotation);
* Calculates the transformation and applies it to the inner view of {@link PreviewView}.
* <p> The inner view could be {@link SurfaceView} or a {@link TextureView}.
* {@link TextureView} needs a preliminary correction since it doesn't handle the
* display rotation.
void transformView(Size previewViewSize, int layoutDirection, @NonNull View preview) {
if (previewViewSize.getHeight() == 0 || previewViewSize.getWidth() == 0) {
Logger.w(TAG, "Transform not applied due to PreviewView size: " + previewViewSize);
if (!isTransformationInfoReady()) {
if (preview instanceof TextureView) {
// For TextureView, correct the orientation to match the target rotation.
((TextureView) preview).setTransform(getTextureViewCorrectionMatrix());
} else {
// Logs an error if non-display rotation is used with SurfaceView.
Display display = preview.getDisplay();
boolean mismatchedDisplayRotation = mHasCameraTransform && display != null
&& display.getRotation() != mTargetRotation;
boolean hasRemainingRotation =
!mHasCameraTransform && getRemainingRotationDegrees() != 0;
if (mismatchedDisplayRotation || hasRemainingRotation) {
Logger.e(TAG, "Custom rotation not supported with SurfaceView/PERFORMANCE mode.");
RectF surfaceRectInPreviewView = getTransformedSurfaceRect(previewViewSize,
preview.setScaleX(surfaceRectInPreviewView.width() / mResolution.getWidth());
preview.setScaleY(surfaceRectInPreviewView.height() / mResolution.getHeight());
preview.setTranslationX(surfaceRectInPreviewView.left - preview.getLeft());
preview.setTranslationY(surfaceRectInPreviewView.top - preview.getTop());
* Sets the {@link PreviewView.ScaleType}.
void setScaleType(PreviewView.ScaleType scaleType) {
mScaleType = scaleType;
* Gets the {@link PreviewView.ScaleType}.
PreviewView.ScaleType getScaleType() {
return mScaleType;
* Gets the transformed {@link Surface} rect in PreviewView coordinates.
* <p> Returns desired rect of the inner view that once applied, the only part visible to
* end users is the crop rect.
private RectF getTransformedSurfaceRect(Size previewViewSize, int layoutDirection) {
Matrix surfaceToPreviewView =
getSurfaceToPreviewViewMatrix(previewViewSize, layoutDirection);
RectF rect = new RectF(0, 0, mResolution.getWidth(), mResolution.getHeight());
return rect;
* Gets the camera sensor to {@link PreviewView} transform.
* <p>Returns null when it's not ready.
Matrix getSensorToViewTransform(@NonNull Size previewViewSize, int layoutDirection) {
if (!isTransformationInfoReady()) {
return null;
// The matrix is calculated as the sensor -> buffer transform concatenated with the
// buffer -> view transform.
Matrix matrix = new Matrix(mSensorToBufferTransform);
matrix.postConcat(getSurfaceToPreviewViewMatrix(previewViewSize, layoutDirection));
return matrix;
* Calculates the transformation from {@link Surface} coordinates to {@link PreviewView}
* coordinates.
* <p> The calculation is based on making the crop rect to fill or fit the {@link PreviewView}.
Matrix getSurfaceToPreviewViewMatrix(Size previewViewSize, int layoutDirection) {
// Get the target of the mapping, the coordinates of the crop rect in PreviewView.
RectF previewViewCropRect;
if (isViewportAspectRatioMatchPreviewView(previewViewSize)) {
// If crop rect has the same aspect ratio as PreviewView, scale the crop rect to fill
// the entire PreviewView. This happens if the scale type is FILL_* AND a
// PreviewView-based viewport is used.
previewViewCropRect = new RectF(0, 0, previewViewSize.getWidth(),
} else {
// If the aspect ratios don't match, it could be 1) scale type is FIT_*, 2) the
// Viewport is not based on the PreviewView or 3) both.
previewViewCropRect = getPreviewViewViewportRectForMismatchedAspectRatios(
previewViewSize, layoutDirection);
Matrix matrix = getRectToRect(new RectF(mSurfaceCropRect), previewViewCropRect,
if (mIsFrontCamera && mHasCameraTransform) {
// SurfaceView/TextureView automatically mirrors the Surface for front camera, which
// needs to be compensated by mirroring the Surface around the upright direction of the
// output image. This is only necessary if the stream has camera transform.
// Otherwise, an internal GL processor would have mirrored it already.
if (is90or270(mPreviewRotationDegrees)) {
// If the rotation is 90/270, the Surface should be flipped vertically.
// +---+ 90 +---+ 270 +---+
// | ^ | --> | < | | > |
// +---+ +---+ +---+
matrix.preScale(1F, -1F, mSurfaceCropRect.centerX(), mSurfaceCropRect.centerY());
} else {
// If the rotation is 0/180, the Surface should be flipped horizontally.
// +---+ 0 +---+ 180 +---+
// | ^ | --> | ^ | | v |
// +---+ +---+ +---+
matrix.preScale(-1F, 1F, mSurfaceCropRect.centerX(), mSurfaceCropRect.centerY());
return matrix;
* Gets the viewport rect in {@link PreviewView} coordinates for the case where viewport's
* aspect ratio doesn't match {@link PreviewView}'s aspect ratio.
* <p> When aspect ratios don't match, additional calculation is needed to figure out how to
* fit crop rect into the{@link PreviewView}.
RectF getPreviewViewViewportRectForMismatchedAspectRatios(Size previewViewSize,
int layoutDirection) {
RectF previewViewRect = new RectF(0, 0, previewViewSize.getWidth(),
Size rotatedViewportSize = getRotatedViewportSize();
RectF rotatedViewportRect = new RectF(0, 0, rotatedViewportSize.getWidth(),
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
setMatrixRectToRect(matrix, rotatedViewportRect, previewViewRect, mScaleType);
if (layoutDirection == LayoutDirection.RTL) {
return flipHorizontally(rotatedViewportRect, (float) previewViewSize.getWidth() / 2);
return rotatedViewportRect;
* Set the matrix that maps the source rectangle to the destination rectangle.
* <p> This static method is an extension of {@link Matrix#setRectToRect} with an additional
* support for FILL_* types.
private static void setMatrixRectToRect(Matrix matrix, RectF source, RectF destination,
PreviewView.ScaleType scaleType) {
Matrix.ScaleToFit matrixScaleType;
switch (scaleType) {
// Fallthrough.
matrixScaleType = Matrix.ScaleToFit.CENTER;
case FIT_END:
// Fallthrough.
case FILL_END:
matrixScaleType = Matrix.ScaleToFit.END;
// Fallthrough.
matrixScaleType = Matrix.ScaleToFit.START;
Logger.e(TAG, "Unexpected crop rect: " + scaleType);
matrixScaleType = Matrix.ScaleToFit.FILL;
boolean isFitTypes =
scaleType == FIT_CENTER || scaleType == FIT_START || scaleType == FIT_END;
if (isFitTypes) {
matrix.setRectToRect(source, destination, matrixScaleType);
} else {
// android.graphics.Matrix doesn't support fill scale types. The workaround is
// mapping inversely from destination to source, then invert the matrix.
matrix.setRectToRect(destination, source, matrixScaleType);
* Flips the given rect along a vertical line for RTL layout direction.
private static RectF flipHorizontally(RectF original, float flipLineX) {
return new RectF(
flipLineX + flipLineX - original.right,
flipLineX + flipLineX - original.left,
* Returns viewport size with target rotation applied.
private Size getRotatedViewportSize() {
if (is90or270(mPreviewRotationDegrees)) {
return new Size(mSurfaceCropRect.height(), mSurfaceCropRect.width());
return new Size(mSurfaceCropRect.width(), mSurfaceCropRect.height());
* Checks if the viewport's aspect ratio matches that of the {@link PreviewView}.
* <p> The mismatch could happen if the {@link ViewPort} is not based on the
* {@link PreviewView}, or the {@link PreviewView#getScaleType()} is FIT_*. In this case, we
* need to calculate how the crop rect should be fitted.
boolean isViewportAspectRatioMatchPreviewView(Size previewViewSize) {
// Using viewport rect to check if the viewport is based on the PreviewView.
Size rotatedViewportSize = getRotatedViewportSize();
return isAspectRatioMatchingWithRoundingError(
previewViewSize, /* isAccurate1= */ true,
rotatedViewportSize, /* isAccurate2= */ false);
* Return the crop rect of the preview surface.
Rect getSurfaceCropRect() {
return mSurfaceCropRect;
* Creates a transformed screenshot of {@link PreviewView}.
* <p> Creates the transformed {@link Bitmap} by applying the same transformation applied to
* the inner view. T
* @param original a snapshot of the untransformed inner view.
Bitmap createTransformedBitmap(@NonNull Bitmap original, Size previewViewSize,
int layoutDirection) {
if (!isTransformationInfoReady()) {
return original;
Matrix textureViewCorrection = getTextureViewCorrectionMatrix();
RectF surfaceRectInPreviewView = getTransformedSurfaceRect(previewViewSize,
Bitmap transformed = Bitmap.createBitmap(
previewViewSize.getWidth(), previewViewSize.getHeight(), original.getConfig());
Canvas canvas = new Canvas(transformed);
Matrix canvasTransform = new Matrix();
canvasTransform.postScale(surfaceRectInPreviewView.width() / mResolution.getWidth(),
surfaceRectInPreviewView.height() / mResolution.getHeight());
canvasTransform.postTranslate(surfaceRectInPreviewView.left, surfaceRectInPreviewView.top);
canvas.drawBitmap(original, canvasTransform,
return transformed;
* Calculates the mapping from a UI touch point (0, 0) - (width, height) to normalized
* space (-1, -1) - (1, 1).
* <p> This is used by {@link PreviewViewMeteringPointFactory}.
* @return null if transformation info is not set.
Matrix getPreviewViewToNormalizedSurfaceMatrix(Size previewViewSize, int layoutDirection) {
if (!isTransformationInfoReady()) {
return null;
Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
// Map PreviewView coordinates to Surface coordinates.
getSurfaceToPreviewViewMatrix(previewViewSize, layoutDirection).invert(matrix);
// Map Surface coordinates to normalized coordinates (-1, -1) - (1, 1).
Matrix normalization = new Matrix();
new RectF(0, 0, mResolution.getWidth(), mResolution.getHeight()),
new RectF(0, 0, 1, 1), Matrix.ScaleToFit.FILL);
return matrix;
private boolean isTransformationInfoReady() {
// Ignore target rotation if Surface doesn't have camera transform.
boolean isTargetRotationSpecified =
!mHasCameraTransform || (mTargetRotation != ROTATION_NOT_SPECIFIED);
return mSurfaceCropRect != null && mResolution != null
&& isTargetRotationSpecified;