[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: d6d75a72da6553c96c4b095b0c565213723dfeed [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.material3
import androidx.compose.material3.tokens.ColorDarkTokens
import androidx.compose.material3.tokens.ColorLightTokens
import androidx.compose.material3.tokens.ColorSchemeKeyTokens
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.ReadOnlyComposable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
import androidx.compose.runtime.staticCompositionLocalOf
import androidx.compose.runtime.structuralEqualityPolicy
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.compositeOver
import androidx.compose.ui.graphics.takeOrElse
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.dp
import kotlin.math.ln
* A color scheme holds all the named color parameters for a [MaterialTheme].
* Color schemes are designed to be harmonious, ensure accessible text, and distinguish UI
* elements and surfaces from one another. There are two built-in baseline schemes,
* [lightColorScheme] and a [darkColorScheme], that can be used as-is or customized.
* @property primary The primary color is the color displayed most frequently across your app’s
* screens and components.
* @property onPrimary Color used for text and icons displayed on top of the primary color.
* @property primaryContainer The preferred tonal color of containers.
* @property onPrimaryContainer The color (and state variants) that should be used for content on
* top of [primaryContainer].
* @property inversePrimary Color to be used as a "primary" color in places where the inverse color
* scheme is needed, such as the button on a SnackBar.
* @property secondary The secondary color provides more ways to accent and distinguish your
* product. Secondary colors are best for:
* - Floating action buttons
* - Selection controls, like checkboxes and radio buttons
* - Highlighting selected text
* - Links and headlines
* @property onSecondary Color used for text and icons displayed on top of the secondary color.
* @property secondaryContainer A tonal color to be used in containers.
* @property onSecondaryContainer The color (and state variants) that should be used for content on
* top of [secondaryContainer].
* @property tertiary The tertiary color that can be used to balance primary and secondary
* colors, or bring heightened attention to an element such as an input field.
* @property onTertiary Color used for text and icons displayed on top of the tertiary color.
* @property tertiaryContainer A tonal color to be used in containers.
* @property onTertiaryContainer The color (and state variants) that should be used for content on
* top of [tertiaryContainer].
* @property background The background color that appears behind scrollable content.
* @property onBackground Color used for text and icons displayed on top of the background color.
* @property surface The surface color that affect surfaces of components, such as cards, sheets,
* and menus.
* @property onSurface Color used for text and icons displayed on top of the surface color.
* @property surfaceVariant Another option for a color with similar uses of [surface].
* @property onSurfaceVariant The color (and state variants) that can be used for content on top of
* [surface].
* @property inverseSurface A color that contrasts sharply with [surface]. Useful for surfaces that
* sit on top of other surfaces with [surface] color.
* @property inverseOnSurface A color that contrasts well with [inverseSurface]. Useful for content
* that sits on top of containers that are [inverseSurface].
* @property error The error color is used to indicate errors in components, such as invalid text in
* a text field.
* @property onError Color used for text and icons displayed on top of the error color.
* @property errorContainer The preferred tonal color of error containers.
* @property onErrorContainer The color (and state variants) that should be used for content on
* top of [errorContainer].
* @property outline Subtle color used for boundaries. Outline color role adds contrast for
* accessibility purposes.
class ColorScheme(
primary: Color,
onPrimary: Color,
primaryContainer: Color,
onPrimaryContainer: Color,
inversePrimary: Color,
secondary: Color,
onSecondary: Color,
secondaryContainer: Color,
onSecondaryContainer: Color,
tertiary: Color,
onTertiary: Color,
tertiaryContainer: Color,
onTertiaryContainer: Color,
background: Color,
onBackground: Color,
surface: Color,
onSurface: Color,
surfaceVariant: Color,
onSurfaceVariant: Color,
inverseSurface: Color,
inverseOnSurface: Color,
error: Color,
onError: Color,
errorContainer: Color,
onErrorContainer: Color,
outline: Color,
) {
var primary by mutableStateOf(primary, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var onPrimary by mutableStateOf(onPrimary, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var primaryContainer by mutableStateOf(primaryContainer, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var onPrimaryContainer by mutableStateOf(onPrimaryContainer, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var inversePrimary by mutableStateOf(inversePrimary, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var secondary by mutableStateOf(secondary, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var onSecondary by mutableStateOf(onSecondary, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var secondaryContainer by mutableStateOf(secondaryContainer, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var onSecondaryContainer by mutableStateOf(onSecondaryContainer, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var tertiary by mutableStateOf(tertiary, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var onTertiary by mutableStateOf(onTertiary, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var tertiaryContainer by mutableStateOf(tertiaryContainer, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var onTertiaryContainer by mutableStateOf(onTertiaryContainer, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var background by mutableStateOf(background, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var onBackground by mutableStateOf(onBackground, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var surface by mutableStateOf(surface, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var onSurface by mutableStateOf(onSurface, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var surfaceVariant by mutableStateOf(surfaceVariant, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var onSurfaceVariant by mutableStateOf(onSurfaceVariant, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var inverseSurface by mutableStateOf(inverseSurface, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var inverseOnSurface by mutableStateOf(inverseOnSurface, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var error by mutableStateOf(error, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var onError by mutableStateOf(onError, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var errorContainer by mutableStateOf(errorContainer, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var onErrorContainer by mutableStateOf(onErrorContainer, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
var outline by mutableStateOf(outline, structuralEqualityPolicy())
internal set
/** Returns a copy of this ColorScheme, optionally overriding some of the values. */
fun copy(
primary: Color = this.primary,
onPrimary: Color = this.onPrimary,
primaryContainer: Color = this.primaryContainer,
onPrimaryContainer: Color = this.onPrimaryContainer,
inversePrimary: Color = this.inversePrimary,
secondary: Color = this.secondary,
onSecondary: Color = this.onSecondary,
secondaryContainer: Color = this.secondaryContainer,
onSecondaryContainer: Color = this.onSecondaryContainer,
tertiary: Color = this.tertiary,
onTertiary: Color = this.onTertiary,
tertiaryContainer: Color = this.tertiaryContainer,
onTertiaryContainer: Color = this.onTertiaryContainer,
background: Color = this.background,
onBackground: Color = this.onBackground,
surface: Color = this.surface,
onSurface: Color = this.onSurface,
surfaceVariant: Color = this.surfaceVariant,
onSurfaceVariant: Color = this.onSurfaceVariant,
inverseSurface: Color = this.inverseSurface,
inverseOnSurface: Color = this.inverseOnSurface,
error: Color = this.error,
onError: Color = this.onError,
errorContainer: Color = this.errorContainer,
onErrorContainer: Color = this.onErrorContainer,
outline: Color = this.outline,
): ColorScheme =
primary = primary,
onPrimary = onPrimary,
primaryContainer = primaryContainer,
onPrimaryContainer = onPrimaryContainer,
inversePrimary = inversePrimary,
secondary = secondary,
onSecondary = onSecondary,
secondaryContainer = secondaryContainer,
onSecondaryContainer = onSecondaryContainer,
tertiary = tertiary,
onTertiary = onTertiary,
tertiaryContainer = tertiaryContainer,
onTertiaryContainer = onTertiaryContainer,
background = background,
onBackground = onBackground,
surface = surface,
onSurface = onSurface,
surfaceVariant = surfaceVariant,
onSurfaceVariant = onSurfaceVariant,
inverseSurface = inverseSurface,
inverseOnSurface = inverseOnSurface,
error = error,
onError = onError,
errorContainer = errorContainer,
onErrorContainer = onErrorContainer,
outline = outline,
override fun toString(): String {
return "ColorScheme(" +
"primary=$primary" +
"> +
"primaryContainer=$primaryContainer" +
"> +
"inversePrimary=$inversePrimary" +
"secondary=$secondary" +
"> +
"secondaryContainer=$secondaryContainer" +
"> +
"tertiary=$tertiary" +
"> +
"tertiaryContainer=$tertiaryContainer" +
"> +
"background=$background" +
"> +
"surface=$surface" +
"> +
"surfaceVariant=$surfaceVariant" +
"> +
"inverseSurface=$inverseSurface" +
"inverseOnSurface=$inverseOnSurface" +
"error=$error" +
"> +
"errorContainer=$errorContainer" +
"> +
"outline=$outline" +
* Returns a light Material color scheme.
fun lightColorScheme(
primary: Color = ColorLightTokens.Primary,
onPrimary: Color = ColorLightTokens.OnPrimary,
primaryContainer: Color = ColorLightTokens.PrimaryContainer,
onPrimaryContainer: Color = ColorLightTokens.OnPrimaryContainer,
inversePrimary: Color = ColorLightTokens.InversePrimary,
secondary: Color = ColorLightTokens.Secondary,
onSecondary: Color = ColorLightTokens.OnSecondary,
secondaryContainer: Color = ColorLightTokens.SecondaryContainer,
onSecondaryContainer: Color = ColorLightTokens.OnSecondaryContainer,
tertiary: Color = ColorLightTokens.Tertiary,
onTertiary: Color = ColorLightTokens.OnTertiary,
tertiaryContainer: Color = ColorLightTokens.TertiaryContainer,
onTertiaryContainer: Color = ColorLightTokens.OnTertiaryContainer,
background: Color = ColorLightTokens.Background,
onBackground: Color = ColorLightTokens.OnBackground,
surface: Color = ColorLightTokens.Surface,
onSurface: Color = ColorLightTokens.OnSurface,
surfaceVariant: Color = ColorLightTokens.SurfaceVariant,
onSurfaceVariant: Color = ColorLightTokens.OnSurfaceVariant,
inverseSurface: Color = ColorLightTokens.InverseSurface,
inverseOnSurface: Color = ColorLightTokens.InverseOnSurface,
error: Color = ColorLightTokens.Error,
onError: Color = ColorLightTokens.OnError,
errorContainer: Color = ColorLightTokens.ErrorContainer,
onErrorContainer: Color = ColorLightTokens.OnErrorContainer,
outline: Color = ColorLightTokens.Outline,
): ColorScheme =
primary = primary,
onPrimary = onPrimary,
primaryContainer = primaryContainer,
onPrimaryContainer = onPrimaryContainer,
inversePrimary = inversePrimary,
secondary = secondary,
onSecondary = onSecondary,
secondaryContainer = secondaryContainer,
onSecondaryContainer = onSecondaryContainer,
tertiary = tertiary,
onTertiary = onTertiary,
tertiaryContainer = tertiaryContainer,
onTertiaryContainer = onTertiaryContainer,
background = background,
onBackground = onBackground,
surface = surface,
onSurface = onSurface,
surfaceVariant = surfaceVariant,
onSurfaceVariant = onSurfaceVariant,
inverseSurface = inverseSurface,
inverseOnSurface = inverseOnSurface,
error = error,
onError = onError,
errorContainer = errorContainer,
onErrorContainer = onErrorContainer,
outline = outline,
* Returns a dark Material color scheme.
fun darkColorScheme(
primary: Color = ColorDarkTokens.Primary,
onPrimary: Color = ColorDarkTokens.OnPrimary,
primaryContainer: Color = ColorDarkTokens.PrimaryContainer,
onPrimaryContainer: Color = ColorDarkTokens.OnPrimaryContainer,
inversePrimary: Color = ColorDarkTokens.InversePrimary,
secondary: Color = ColorDarkTokens.Secondary,
onSecondary: Color = ColorDarkTokens.OnSecondary,
secondaryContainer: Color = ColorDarkTokens.SecondaryContainer,
onSecondaryContainer: Color = ColorDarkTokens.OnSecondaryContainer,
tertiary: Color = ColorDarkTokens.Tertiary,
onTertiary: Color = ColorDarkTokens.OnTertiary,
tertiaryContainer: Color = ColorDarkTokens.TertiaryContainer,
onTertiaryContainer: Color = ColorDarkTokens.OnTertiaryContainer,
background: Color = ColorDarkTokens.Background,
onBackground: Color = ColorDarkTokens.OnBackground,
surface: Color = ColorDarkTokens.Surface,
onSurface: Color = ColorDarkTokens.OnSurface,
surfaceVariant: Color = ColorDarkTokens.SurfaceVariant,
onSurfaceVariant: Color = ColorDarkTokens.OnSurfaceVariant,
inverseSurface: Color = ColorDarkTokens.InverseSurface,
inverseOnSurface: Color = ColorDarkTokens.InverseOnSurface,
error: Color = ColorDarkTokens.Error,
onError: Color = ColorDarkTokens.OnError,
errorContainer: Color = ColorDarkTokens.ErrorContainer,
onErrorContainer: Color = ColorDarkTokens.OnErrorContainer,
outline: Color = ColorDarkTokens.Outline,
): ColorScheme =
primary = primary,
onPrimary = onPrimary,
primaryContainer = primaryContainer,
onPrimaryContainer = onPrimaryContainer,
inversePrimary = inversePrimary,
secondary = secondary,
onSecondary = onSecondary,
secondaryContainer = secondaryContainer,
onSecondaryContainer = onSecondaryContainer,
tertiary = tertiary,
onTertiary = onTertiary,
tertiaryContainer = tertiaryContainer,
onTertiaryContainer = onTertiaryContainer,
background = background,
onBackground = onBackground,
surface = surface,
onSurface = onSurface,
surfaceVariant = surfaceVariant,
onSurfaceVariant = onSurfaceVariant,
inverseSurface = inverseSurface,
inverseOnSurface = inverseOnSurface,
error = error,
onError = onError,
errorContainer = errorContainer,
onErrorContainer = onErrorContainer,
outline = outline,
* The Material color system contains pairs of colors that are typically used for the background and
* content color inside a component. For example, a [Button] typically uses `primary` for its
* background, and `onPrimary` for the color of its content (usually text or iconography).
* This function tries to match the provided [backgroundColor] to a 'background' color in this
* [ColorScheme], and then will return the corresponding color used for content. For example, when
* [backgroundColor] is [ColorScheme.primary], this will return [ColorScheme.onPrimary].
* If [backgroundColor] does not match a background color in the theme, this will return
* [Color.Unspecified].
* @return the matching content color for [backgroundColor]. If [backgroundColor] is not present in
* the theme's [ColorScheme], then returns [Color.Unspecified].
* @see contentColorFor
fun ColorScheme.contentColorFor(backgroundColor: Color): Color =
when (backgroundColor) {
primary -> onPrimary
secondary -> onSecondary
tertiary -> onTertiary
background -> onBackground
error -> onError
surface -> onSurface
surfaceVariant -> onSurfaceVariant
error -> onError
primaryContainer -> onPrimaryContainer
secondaryContainer -> onSecondaryContainer
tertiaryContainer -> onTertiaryContainer
errorContainer -> onErrorContainer
inverseSurface -> inverseOnSurface
else -> Color.Unspecified
* The Material color system contains pairs of colors that are typically used for the background and
* content color inside a component. For example, a [Button] typically uses `primary` for its
* background, and `onPrimary` for the color of its content (usually text or iconography).
* This function tries to match the provided [backgroundColor] to a 'background' color in this
* [ColorScheme], and then will return the corresponding color used for content. For example, when
* [backgroundColor] is [ColorScheme.primary], this will return [ColorScheme.onPrimary].
* If [backgroundColor] does not match a background color in the theme, this will return the current
* value of [LocalContentColor] as a best-effort color.
* @return the matching content color for [backgroundColor]. If [backgroundColor] is not present in
* the theme's [ColorScheme], then returns the current value of [LocalContentColor].
* @see ColorScheme.contentColorFor
fun contentColorFor(backgroundColor: Color) =
MaterialTheme.colorScheme.contentColorFor(backgroundColor).takeOrElse {
* Returns the new background [Color] to use, representing the original background [color] with an
* overlay corresponding to [elevation] applied. The overlay will only be applied to
* [ColorScheme.surface].
internal fun ColorScheme.applyTonalElevation(backgroundColor: Color, elevation: Dp): Color {
if (backgroundColor == surface) {
return surfaceColorAtElevation(elevation)
} else {
return backgroundColor
* Returns the [ColorScheme.surface] color with an alpha of the [ColorScheme.primary] color overlaid
* on top of it.
* Computes the surface tonal color at different elevation levels e.g. surface1 through surface5.
* @param elevation Elevation value used to compute alpha of the color overlay layer.
internal fun ColorScheme.surfaceColorAtElevation(
elevation: Dp,
): Color {
if (elevation == 0.dp) return surface
val alpha = ((4.5f * ln(elevation.value + 1)) + 2f) / 100f
return primary.copy(alpha = alpha).compositeOver(surface)
* Updates the internal values of a given [ColorScheme] with values from the [other]
* [ColorScheme].
* This allows efficiently updating a subset of [ColorScheme], without recomposing every
* composable that consumes values from [LocalColorScheme].
* Because [ColorScheme] is very wide-reaching, and used by many expensive composables in the
* hierarchy, providing a new value to [LocalColorScheme] causes every composable consuming
* [LocalColorScheme] to recompose, which is prohibitively expensive in cases such as animating one
* color in the theme. Instead, [ColorScheme] is internally backed by [mutableStateOf], and this
* function mutates the internal state of [this] to match values in [other]. This means that any
* changes will mutate the internal state of [this], and only cause composables that are reading the
* specific changed value to recompose.
internal fun ColorScheme.updateColorSchemeFrom(other: ColorScheme) {
primary = other.primary
onPrimary = other.onPrimary
primaryContainer = other.primaryContainer
onPrimaryContainer = other.onPrimaryContainer
inversePrimary = other.inversePrimary
secondary = other.secondary
onSecondary = other.onSecondary
secondaryContainer = other.secondaryContainer
onSecondaryContainer = other.onSecondaryContainer
tertiary = other.tertiary
onTertiary = other.onTertiary
tertiaryContainer = other.tertiaryContainer
onTertiaryContainer = other.onTertiaryContainer
background = other.background
onBackground = other.onBackground
surface = other.surface
onSurface = other.onSurface
surfaceVariant = other.surfaceVariant
onSurfaceVariant = other.onSurfaceVariant
inverseSurface = other.inverseSurface
inverseOnSurface = other.inverseOnSurface
error = other.error
onError = other.onError
errorContainer = other.errorContainer
onErrorContainer = other.onErrorContainer
outline = other.outline
* Helper function for component color tokens. Here is an example on how to use component color
* tokens:
* ``MaterialTheme.colorScheme.fromToken(ExtendedFabBranded.BrandedContainerColor)``
internal fun ColorScheme.fromToken(value: ColorSchemeKeyTokens): Color {
return when (value) {
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.Background -> background
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.Error -> error
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.ErrorContainer -> errorContainer
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.InverseOnSurface -> inverseOnSurface
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.InversePrimary -> inversePrimary
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.InverseSurface -> inverseSurface
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.OnBackground -> onBackground
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.OnError -> onError
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.OnErrorContainer -> onErrorContainer
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.OnPrimary -> onPrimary
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.OnPrimaryContainer -> onPrimaryContainer
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.OnSecondary -> onSecondary
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.OnSecondaryContainer -> onSecondaryContainer
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.OnSurface -> onSurface
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.OnSurfaceVariant -> onSurfaceVariant
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.OnTertiary -> onTertiary
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.OnTertiaryContainer -> onTertiaryContainer
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.Outline -> outline
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.Primary -> primary
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.PrimaryContainer -> primaryContainer
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.Secondary -> secondary
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.SecondaryContainer -> secondaryContainer
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.Surface -> surface
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.SurfaceVariant -> surfaceVariant
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.Tertiary -> tertiary
ColorSchemeKeyTokens.TertiaryContainer -> tertiaryContainer
* CompositionLocal used to pass [ColorScheme] down the tree.
* Setting the value here is typically done as part of [MaterialTheme], which will automatically
* handle efficiently updating any changed colors without causing unnecessary recompositions, using
* [ColorScheme.updateColorSchemeFrom]. To retrieve the current value of this CompositionLocal, use
* [MaterialTheme.colorScheme].
internal val LocalColorScheme = staticCompositionLocalOf { lightColorScheme() }
* A low level of alpha used to represent disabled components, such as text in a disabled Button.
internal const val DisabledAlpha = 0.38f