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* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.biometric;
import static java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.SOURCE;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment;
import androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity;
import androidx.fragment.app.FragmentManager;
import androidx.lifecycle.Lifecycle;
import androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleObserver;
import androidx.lifecycle.OnLifecycleEvent;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.security.Signature;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.Mac;
* A class that manages a system-provided biometric prompt. On devices running P and above, this
* will show a system-provided authentication prompt, using a device's supported biometric
* (fingerprint, iris, face, etc). On devices before P, this will show a dialog prompting for
* fingerprint authentication. The prompt will persist across configuration changes unless
* explicitly canceled by the client. For security reasons, the prompt will automatically dismiss
* when the application is no longer in the foreground.
* To persist authentication across configuration changes, developers should (re)create the
* BiometricPrompt every time the activity/fragment is created. Instantiating the library with a new
* callback early in the fragment/activity lifecycle (e.g. onCreate) allows the ongoing authenticate
* session's callbacks to be received by the new fragment/activity. Note that
* {@link BiometricPrompt#cancelAuthentication()} should not be called, and
* {@link BiometricPrompt#authenticate(PromptInfo)} or
* {@link BiometricPrompt#authenticate(PromptInfo, CryptoObject)} does not need to be invoked after
* the new activity/fragment is created, since we are keeping/continuing the same session.
public class BiometricPrompt implements BiometricConstants {
private static final String TAG = "BiometricPromptCompat";
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
// In order to keep consistent behavior between versions, we need to send
// FingerprintDialogFragment a message indicating whether or not to dismiss the UI instantly.
private static final int DELAY_MILLIS = 500;
// For debugging fingerprint dialog only. Must never be checked in as `true`.
private static final boolean DEBUG_FORCE_FINGERPRINT = false;
static final String DIALOG_FRAGMENT_TAG = "FingerprintDialogFragment";
static final String FINGERPRINT_HELPER_FRAGMENT_TAG = "FingerprintHelperFragment";
static final String BIOMETRIC_FRAGMENT_TAG = "BiometricFragment";
static final String KEY_TITLE = "title";
static final String KEY_SUBTITLE = "subtitle";
static final String KEY_DESCRIPTION = "description";
static final String KEY_NEGATIVE_TEXT = "negative_text";
static final String KEY_REQUIRE_CONFIRMATION = "require_confirmation";
static final String KEY_ALLOW_DEVICE_CREDENTIAL = "allow_device_credential";
static final String KEY_HANDLING_DEVICE_CREDENTIAL_RESULT = "handling_device_credential_result";
private @interface BiometricError {
* A wrapper class for the crypto objects supported by BiometricPrompt. Currently the
* framework supports {@link Signature}, {@link Cipher}, and {@link Mac} objects.
public static class CryptoObject {
private final Signature mSignature;
private final Cipher mCipher;
private final Mac mMac;
public CryptoObject(@NonNull Signature signature) {
mSignature = signature;
mCipher = null;
mMac = null;
public CryptoObject(@NonNull Cipher cipher) {
mCipher = cipher;
mSignature = null;
mMac = null;
public CryptoObject(@NonNull Mac mac) {
mMac = mac;
mCipher = null;
mSignature = null;
* Get {@link Signature} object.
* @return {@link Signature} object or null if this doesn't contain one.
public Signature getSignature() {
return mSignature;
* Get {@link Cipher} object.
* @return {@link Cipher} object or null if this doesn't contain one.
public Cipher getCipher() {
return mCipher;
* Get {@link Mac} object.
* @return {@link Mac} object or null if this doesn't contain one.
public Mac getMac() {
return mMac;
* Container for callback data from {@link #authenticate(PromptInfo)} and
* {@link #authenticate(PromptInfo, CryptoObject)}.
public static class AuthenticationResult {
private final CryptoObject mCryptoObject;
AuthenticationResult(CryptoObject crypto) {
mCryptoObject = crypto;
* Obtain the crypto object associated with this transaction
* @return crypto object provided to {@link #authenticate(PromptInfo, CryptoObject)}.
public CryptoObject getCryptoObject() {
return mCryptoObject;
* Callback structure provided to {@link BiometricPrompt}. Users of {@link
* BiometricPrompt} must provide an implementation of this for listening to
* fingerprint events.
public abstract static class AuthenticationCallback {
* Called when an unrecoverable error has been encountered and the operation is complete.
* No further actions will be made on this object.
* @param errorCode An integer identifying the error message. The error message will usually
* be one of the BIOMETRIC_ERROR constants.
* @param errString A human-readable error string that can be shown on an UI
public void onAuthenticationError(@BiometricError int errorCode,
@NonNull CharSequence errString) {
* Called when a biometric is recognized.
* @param result An object containing authentication-related data
public void onAuthenticationSucceeded(@NonNull AuthenticationResult result) {
* Called when a biometric is valid but not recognized.
public void onAuthenticationFailed() {
* A class that contains a builder which returns the {@link PromptInfo} to be used in
* {@link #authenticate(PromptInfo, CryptoObject)} and {@link #authenticate(PromptInfo)}.
public static class PromptInfo {
* A builder that collects arguments to be shown on the system-provided biometric dialog.
public static class Builder {
private final Bundle mBundle = new Bundle();
* Required: Set the title to display.
public Builder setTitle(@NonNull CharSequence title) {
mBundle.putCharSequence(KEY_TITLE, title);
return this;
* Optional: Set the subtitle to display.
public Builder setSubtitle(@Nullable CharSequence subtitle) {
mBundle.putCharSequence(KEY_SUBTITLE, subtitle);
return this;
* Optional: Set the description to display.
public Builder setDescription(@Nullable CharSequence description) {
mBundle.putCharSequence(KEY_DESCRIPTION, description);
return this;
* Required: Set the text for the negative button. This would typically be used as a
* "Cancel" button, but may be also used to show an alternative method for
* authentication, such as screen that asks for a backup password.
public Builder setNegativeButtonText(@NonNull CharSequence text) {
mBundle.putCharSequence(KEY_NEGATIVE_TEXT, text);
return this;
* Optional: A hint to the system to require user confirmation after a biometric has
* been authenticated. For example, implicit modalities like Face and
* Iris authentication are passive, meaning they don't require an explicit user action
* to complete. When set to 'false', the user action (e.g. pressing a button)
* will not be required. BiometricPrompt will require confirmation by default.
* A typical use case for not requiring confirmation would be for low-risk transactions,
* such as re-authenticating a recently authenticated application. A typical use case
* for requiring confirmation would be for authorizing a purchase.
* Note that this is a hint to the system. The system may choose to ignore the flag. For
* example, if the user disables implicit authentication in Settings, or if it does not
* apply to a modality (e.g. Fingerprint). When ignored, the system will default to
* requiring confirmation.
* This method only applies to Q and above.
public Builder setConfirmationRequired(boolean requireConfirmation) {
mBundle.putBoolean(KEY_REQUIRE_CONFIRMATION, requireConfirmation);
return this;
* The user will first be prompted to authenticate with biometrics, but also given the
* option to authenticate with their device PIN, pattern, or password. Developers should
* first check {@link android.app.KeyguardManager#isDeviceSecure()} before enabling
* this. If the device is not secure, {@link BiometricPrompt#ERROR_NO_DEVICE_CREDENTIAL}
* will be returned in
* {@link AuthenticationCallback#onAuthenticationError(int, CharSequence)}.
* <p>Note that {@link Builder#setNegativeButtonText(CharSequence)} should not be set
* if this is set to true.
* <p>On versions P and below, once the device credential prompt is shown,
* {@link #cancelAuthentication()} will not work, since the library internally launches
* {@link android.app.KeyguardManager#createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent(CharSequence,
* CharSequence)}, which does not have a public API for cancellation.
* @param enable When true, the prompt will fall back to ask for the user's device
* credentials (PIN, pattern, or password).
public Builder setDeviceCredentialAllowed(boolean enable) {
mBundle.putBoolean(KEY_ALLOW_DEVICE_CREDENTIAL, enable);
return this;
* A flag that is set to true when launching the prompt within the transparent
* {@link DeviceCredentialHandlerActivity}. This lets us handle the result of {@link
* android.app.KeyguardManager#createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent(CharSequence,
* CharSequence)} in order to allow device credentials for <= P.
Builder setHandlingDeviceCredentialResult(boolean isHandling) {
return this;
* Creates a {@link BiometricPrompt}.
* @return a {@link BiometricPrompt}
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any of the required fields are not set.
public PromptInfo build() {
final CharSequence title = mBundle.getCharSequence(KEY_TITLE);
final CharSequence negative = mBundle.getCharSequence(KEY_NEGATIVE_TEXT);
boolean allowDeviceCredential = mBundle.getBoolean(KEY_ALLOW_DEVICE_CREDENTIAL);
boolean handlingDeviceCredentialResult =
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(title)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Title must be set and non-empty");
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(negative) && !allowDeviceCredential) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative text must be set and non-empty");
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(negative) && allowDeviceCredential) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't have both negative button behavior"
+ " and device credential enabled");
if (handlingDeviceCredentialResult && !allowDeviceCredential) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't be handling device credential result"
+ " without device credential enabled");
return new PromptInfo(mBundle);
private Bundle mBundle;
PromptInfo(Bundle bundle) {
mBundle = bundle;
Bundle getBundle() {
return mBundle;
* @return See {@link Builder#setTitle(CharSequence)}.
public CharSequence getTitle() {
return mBundle.getCharSequence(KEY_TITLE);
* @return See {@link Builder#setSubtitle(CharSequence)}.
public CharSequence getSubtitle() {
return mBundle.getCharSequence(KEY_SUBTITLE);
* @return See {@link Builder#setDescription(CharSequence)}.
public CharSequence getDescription() {
return mBundle.getCharSequence(KEY_DESCRIPTION);
* @return See {@link Builder#setNegativeButtonText(CharSequence)}.
public CharSequence getNegativeButtonText() {
return mBundle.getCharSequence(KEY_NEGATIVE_TEXT);
* @return See {@link Builder#setConfirmationRequired(boolean)}.
public boolean isConfirmationRequired() {
return mBundle.getBoolean(KEY_REQUIRE_CONFIRMATION);
* @return See {@link Builder#setDeviceCredentialAllowed(boolean)}.
public boolean isDeviceCredentialAllowed() {
return mBundle.getBoolean(KEY_ALLOW_DEVICE_CREDENTIAL);
* @return See {@link Builder#setHandlingDeviceCredentialResult(boolean)}.
* @hide
boolean isHandlingDeviceCredentialResult() {
// Passed in from the client.
private FragmentActivity mFragmentActivity;
private Fragment mFragment;
private final Executor mExecutor;
private final AuthenticationCallback mAuthenticationCallback;
// Created internally for devices before P.
private FingerprintDialogFragment mFingerprintDialogFragment;
private FingerprintHelperFragment mFingerprintHelperFragment;
// Created internally for devices P and above.
private BiometricFragment mBiometricFragment;
// In Q, we must ignore the first onPause if setDeviceCredentialAllowed is true, since
// the Q implementation launches ConfirmDeviceCredentialActivity which is an activity and
// puts the client app onPause.
private boolean mPausedOnce;
// Whether this prompt is being hosted in DeviceCredentialHandlerActivity.
private boolean mIsHandlingDeviceCredential;
* A shim to interface with the framework API and simplify the support library's API.
* The support library sends onAuthenticationError when the negative button is pressed.
* Conveniently, the {@link FingerprintDialogFragment} also uses the
* {@link DialogInterface.OnClickListener} for its buttons ;)
private final DialogInterface.OnClickListener mNegativeButtonListener =
new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
mExecutor.execute(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (canUseBiometricFragment() && mBiometricFragment != null) {
final CharSequence errorText =
ERROR_NEGATIVE_BUTTON, errorText != null ? errorText : "");
} else if (mFingerprintDialogFragment != null
&& mFingerprintHelperFragment != null) {
final CharSequence errorText =
ERROR_NEGATIVE_BUTTON, errorText != null ? errorText : "");
} else {
Log.e(TAG, "Negative button callback not run. Fragment was null.");
* Observe the client's lifecycle. Keep authenticating across configuration changes, but
* dismiss the prompt if the client goes into the background.
private final LifecycleObserver mLifecycleObserver = new LifecycleObserver() {
void onPause() {
if (isChangingConfigurations()) {
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "onPause() not run while configuration is changing.");
if (canUseBiometricFragment() && mBiometricFragment != null) {
// TODO(b/123378871): Fix behavior in R and remove this workaround.
// Ignore the first onPause if isDeviceCredentialAllowed is true, since
// the Q implementation launches ConfirmDeviceCredentialActivity, which puts
// the client app onPause. Implementations prior to Q instead launch
// DeviceCredentialHandlerActivity, resulting in the same problem.
if (mBiometricFragment.isDeviceCredentialAllowed()) {
if (!mPausedOnce) {
mPausedOnce = true;
} else {
} else {
} else if (mFingerprintDialogFragment != null && mFingerprintHelperFragment != null) {
dismissFingerprintFragments(mFingerprintDialogFragment, mFingerprintHelperFragment);
void onResume() {
if (canUseBiometricFragment() && mBiometricFragment != null) {
mBiometricFragment =
(BiometricFragment) getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "BiometricFragment: " + mBiometricFragment);
if (mBiometricFragment != null) {
mBiometricFragment.setCallbacks(mExecutor, mNegativeButtonListener,
} else {
mFingerprintDialogFragment =
(FingerprintDialogFragment) getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(
mFingerprintHelperFragment =
(FingerprintHelperFragment) getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "FingerprintDialogFragment: " + mFingerprintDialogFragment);
if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "FingerprintHelperFragment: " + mFingerprintHelperFragment);
if (mFingerprintDialogFragment != null) {
if (mFingerprintHelperFragment != null) {
mFingerprintHelperFragment.setCallback(mExecutor, mAuthenticationCallback);
if (mFingerprintDialogFragment != null) {
maybeInitHandlerBridge(false /* startIgnoringReset */);
* Constructs a {@link BiometricPrompt} which can be used to prompt the user for
* authentication. The authentication prompt created by
* {@link BiometricPrompt#authenticate(PromptInfo, CryptoObject)} and
* {@link BiometricPrompt#authenticate(PromptInfo)} will persist across device
* configuration changes by default. If authentication is in progress, re-creating
* the {@link BiometricPrompt} can be used to update the {@link Executor} and
* {@link AuthenticationCallback}. This should be used to update the
* {@link AuthenticationCallback} after configuration changes.
* such as {@link FragmentActivity#onCreate(Bundle)}.
* @param fragmentActivity A reference to the client's activity.
* @param executor An executor to handle callback events.
* @param callback An object to receive authentication events.
public BiometricPrompt(@NonNull FragmentActivity fragmentActivity,
@NonNull Executor executor, @NonNull AuthenticationCallback callback) {
if (fragmentActivity == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("FragmentActivity must not be null");
if (executor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Executor must not be null");
if (callback == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("AuthenticationCallback must not be null");
mFragmentActivity = fragmentActivity;
mAuthenticationCallback = callback;
mExecutor = executor;
* Constructs a {@link BiometricPrompt} which can be used to prompt the user for
* authentication. The authentication prompt created by
* {@link BiometricPrompt#authenticate(PromptInfo, CryptoObject)} and
* {@link BiometricPrompt#authenticate(PromptInfo)} will persist across device
* configuration changes by default. If authentication is in progress, re-creating
* the {@link BiometricPrompt} can be used to update the {@link Executor} and
* {@link AuthenticationCallback}. This should be used to update the
* {@link AuthenticationCallback} after configuration changes.
* such as {@link Fragment#onCreate(Bundle)}.
* @param fragment A reference to the client's fragment.
* @param executor An executor to handle callback events.
* @param callback An object to receive authentication events.
public BiometricPrompt(@NonNull Fragment fragment,
@NonNull Executor executor, @NonNull AuthenticationCallback callback) {
if (fragment == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("FragmentActivity must not be null");
if (executor == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Executor must not be null");
if (callback == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("AuthenticationCallback must not be null");
mFragment = fragment;
mAuthenticationCallback = callback;
mExecutor = executor;
* Shows the biometric prompt. The prompt survives lifecycle changes by default. To cancel the
* authentication, use {@link #cancelAuthentication()}.
* @param info The information that will be displayed on the prompt. Create this object using
* {@link BiometricPrompt.PromptInfo.Builder}.
* @param crypto The crypto object associated with the authentication.
public void authenticate(@NonNull PromptInfo info, @NonNull CryptoObject crypto) {
if (info == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PromptInfo can not be null");
} else if (crypto == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("CryptoObject can not be null");
} else if (info.getBundle().getBoolean(KEY_ALLOW_DEVICE_CREDENTIAL)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Device credential not supported with crypto");
authenticateInternal(info, crypto);
* Shows the biometric prompt. The prompt survives lifecycle changes by default. To cancel the
* authentication, use {@link #cancelAuthentication()}.
* @param info The information that will be displayed on the prompt. Create this object using
* {@link BiometricPrompt.PromptInfo.Builder}.
public void authenticate(@NonNull PromptInfo info) {
if (info == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("PromptInfo can not be null");
authenticateInternal(info, null /* crypto */);
private void authenticateInternal(@NonNull PromptInfo info, @Nullable CryptoObject crypto) {
mIsHandlingDeviceCredential = info.isHandlingDeviceCredentialResult();
final FragmentActivity activity = getActivity();
if (info.isDeviceCredentialAllowed() && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) {
// Launch handler activity to support device credential on older versions.
if (!mIsHandlingDeviceCredential) {
// Fall back to device credential immediately if no biometrics are enrolled.
if (activity == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to authenticate with device credential. Activity was null.");
final DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge bridge =
if (bridge == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to authenticate with device credential. Bridge was null.");
if (!bridge.isConfirmingDeviceCredential()) {
final BiometricManager biometricManager = BiometricManager.from(activity);
if (biometricManager.canAuthenticate() != BiometricManager.BIOMETRIC_SUCCESS) {
TAG, activity, info.getBundle(), null /* onLaunch */);
// Don't launch prompt if state has already been saved (potential for state loss).
final FragmentManager fragmentManager = getFragmentManager();
if (fragmentManager.isStateSaved()) {
Log.w(TAG, "Not launching prompt. authenticate() called after onSaveInstanceState()");
final Bundle bundle = info.getBundle();
mPausedOnce = false;
// Force some devices to fall back to fingerprint in order to support strong (crypto) auth.
final boolean shouldForceFingerprint = DEBUG_FORCE_FINGERPRINT
|| (activity != null && crypto != null
&& DeviceConfig.shouldUseFingerprintForCrypto(
activity, Build.MANUFACTURER, Build.MODEL));
if (!shouldForceFingerprint && canUseBiometricFragment()) {
BiometricFragment biometricFragment =
(BiometricFragment) fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(BIOMETRIC_FRAGMENT_TAG);
if (biometricFragment != null) {
mBiometricFragment = biometricFragment;
} else {
mBiometricFragment = BiometricFragment.newInstance();
mBiometricFragment.setCallbacks(mExecutor, mNegativeButtonListener,
// Set the crypto object.
if (biometricFragment == null) {
// If the fragment hasn't been added before, add it. It will also start the
// authentication.
fragmentManager.beginTransaction().add(mBiometricFragment, BIOMETRIC_FRAGMENT_TAG)
} else if (mBiometricFragment.isDetached()) {
// If it's been added before, just re-attach it.
} else {
// Create the UI
FingerprintDialogFragment fingerprintDialogFragment =
(FingerprintDialogFragment) fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(
if (fingerprintDialogFragment != null) {
mFingerprintDialogFragment = fingerprintDialogFragment;
} else {
mFingerprintDialogFragment = FingerprintDialogFragment.newInstance();
if (activity != null
&& !DeviceConfig.shouldHideFingerprintDialog(activity, Build.MODEL)) {
if (fingerprintDialogFragment == null) {
mFingerprintDialogFragment.show(fragmentManager, DIALOG_FRAGMENT_TAG);
} else if (mFingerprintDialogFragment.isDetached()) {
// Create the connection to FingerprintManager
FingerprintHelperFragment fingerprintHelperFragment =
(FingerprintHelperFragment) fragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(
if (fingerprintHelperFragment != null) {
mFingerprintHelperFragment = fingerprintHelperFragment;
} else {
mFingerprintHelperFragment = FingerprintHelperFragment.newInstance();
mFingerprintHelperFragment.setCallback(mExecutor, mAuthenticationCallback);
final Handler fingerprintDialogHandler = mFingerprintDialogFragment.getHandler();
FingerprintDialogFragment.DISPLAYED_FOR_500_MS), DELAY_MILLIS);
if (fingerprintHelperFragment == null) {
// If the fragment hasn't been added before, add it. It will also start the
// authentication.
.add(mFingerprintHelperFragment, FINGERPRINT_HELPER_FRAGMENT_TAG)
} else if (mFingerprintHelperFragment.isDetached()) {
// If it's been added before, just re-attach it.
// For the case when onResume() is being called right after authenticate,
// we need to make sure that all fragment transactions have been committed.
* Cancels the biometric authentication, and dismisses the dialog upon confirmation from the
* biometric service.
* <p>On P or below, calling this method when the device credential prompt is shown will NOT
* work as expected. See {@link PromptInfo.Builder#setDeviceCredentialAllowed(boolean)} for more
* details.
public void cancelAuthentication() {
if (canUseBiometricFragment() && mBiometricFragment != null) {
// If we launched a device credential handler activity, also clean up its fragment.
if (!mIsHandlingDeviceCredential) {
final DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge bridge =
if (bridge != null && bridge.getBiometricFragment() != null) {
} else {
if (mFingerprintHelperFragment != null && mFingerprintDialogFragment != null) {
dismissFingerprintFragments(mFingerprintDialogFragment, mFingerprintHelperFragment);
// If we launched a device credential handler activity, also clean up its fragment.
if (!mIsHandlingDeviceCredential) {
final DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge bridge =
if (bridge != null && bridge.getFingerprintDialogFragment() != null
&& bridge.getFingerprintHelperFragment() != null) {
* Launches a copy of this prompt in a transparent {@link DeviceCredentialHandlerActivity}.
* This allows that activity to intercept and handle activity results from {@link
* android.app.KeyguardManager#createConfirmDeviceCredentialIntent(CharSequence, CharSequence)}.
private void launchDeviceCredentialHandler(PromptInfo info) {
final FragmentActivity activity = getActivity();
if (activity == null || activity.isFinishing()) {
Log.w(TAG, "Failed to start handler activity. Parent activity was null or finishing.");
maybeInitHandlerBridge(true /* startIgnoringReset */);
// Set the handling device credential flag so the new prompt knows not to launch another
// instance of the handler activity.
final Bundle infoBundle = info.getBundle();
final Intent intent = new Intent(activity, DeviceCredentialHandlerActivity.class);
intent.putExtra(DeviceCredentialHandlerActivity.EXTRA_PROMPT_INFO_BUNDLE, infoBundle);
* Creates (if necessary) the singleton bridge used for communication between the client-hosted
* prompt and one hosted by {@link DeviceCredentialHandlerActivity}, and initializes all of the
* relevant data for the bridge.
* @param startIgnoringReset Whether the bridge should start ignoring calls to
* {@link DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge#reset()} once initialized.
private void maybeInitHandlerBridge(boolean startIgnoringReset) {
// Don't create bridge if DeviceCredentialHandlerActivity isn't needed.
final DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge bridge = DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge.getInstance();
if (mIsHandlingDeviceCredential) {
if (canUseBiometricFragment() && mBiometricFragment != null) {
} else if (mFingerprintDialogFragment != null && mFingerprintHelperFragment != null) {
} else {
// If hosted by the client, register the current activity theme to the bridge.
final FragmentActivity activity = getActivity();
if (activity != null) {
try {
activity.getComponentName(), 0).getThemeResource());
} catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to register client theme to bridge", e);
bridge.setCallbacks(mExecutor, mNegativeButtonListener, mAuthenticationCallback);
if (startIgnoringReset) {
* Checks the handler bridge to see if we've received a result from the confirm device
* credential Settings activity. If so, handles that result by calling the appropriate
* authentication callback.
private void maybeHandleDeviceCredentialResult() {
// Only handle result from the original (not handler-hosted) prompt.
if (mIsHandlingDeviceCredential) {
final DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge bridge =
if (bridge != null) {
switch (bridge.getDeviceCredentialResult()) {
case DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge.RESULT_SUCCESS:
// Device credential auth succeeded. This is incompatible with crypto.
new BiometricPrompt.AuthenticationResult(null /* crypto */));
case DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge.RESULT_ERROR:
// Device credential auth failed. Assume this is due to the user canceling.
final CharSequence errorMsg = getActivity() != null
? getActivity().getString(R.string.generic_error_user_canceled) : "";
BiometricConstants.ERROR_USER_CANCELED, errorMsg);
/** Cleans up the device credential handler bridge (if it exists) to avoid leaking memory. */
private void maybeResetHandlerBridge() {
final DeviceCredentialHandlerBridge bridge =
if (bridge != null) {
/** Checks if the client is currently changing configurations (e.g., screen orientation). */
private boolean isChangingConfigurations() {
return getActivity() != null && getActivity().isChangingConfigurations();
/** Gets the client activity that is hosting the biometric prompt. */
private FragmentActivity getActivity() {
return mFragmentActivity != null ? mFragmentActivity : mFragment.getActivity();
* Gets the appropriate fragment manager for the client. This is either the support fragment
* manager for a client activity or the child fragment manager for a client fragment.
private FragmentManager getFragmentManager() {
return mFragmentActivity != null ? mFragmentActivity.getSupportFragmentManager()
: mFragment.getChildFragmentManager();
* @return true if the prompt can handle authentication via {@link BiometricFragment}, based
* on API level, or false if it will do so via {@link FingerprintDialogFragment}.
private static boolean canUseBiometricFragment() {
* Dismisses the given {@link FingerprintDialogFragment} and {@link FingerprintHelperFragment},
* both of which must be non-null.
private static void dismissFingerprintFragments(
@NonNull FingerprintDialogFragment fingerprintDialogFragment,
@NonNull FingerprintHelperFragment fingerprintHelperFragment) {