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* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.room.writer
import androidx.room.ext.L
import androidx.room.ext.T
import androidx.room.ext.defaultValue
import androidx.room.ext.typeName
import androidx.room.solver.CodeGenScope
import androidx.room.vo.CallType
import androidx.room.vo.Constructor
import androidx.room.vo.EmbeddedField
import androidx.room.vo.Field
import androidx.room.vo.FieldWithIndex
import androidx.room.vo.Pojo
import androidx.room.vo.RelationCollector
import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeName
* Handles writing a field into statement or reading it from statement.
class FieldReadWriteWriter(fieldWithIndex: FieldWithIndex) {
val field = fieldWithIndex.field
val indexVar = fieldWithIndex.indexVar
val alwaysExists = fieldWithIndex.alwaysExists
companion object {
* Get all parents including the ones which have grand children in this list but does not
* have any direct children in the list.
fun getAllParents(fields: List<Field>): Set<EmbeddedField> {
val allParents = mutableSetOf<EmbeddedField>()
fun addAllParents(field: Field) {
var parent = field.parent
while (parent != null) {
if (allParents.add(parent)) {
parent = parent.parent
} else {
return allParents
* Convert the fields with indices into a Node tree so that we can recursively process
* them. This work is done here instead of parsing because the result may include arbitrary
* fields.
private fun createNodeTree(
rootVar: String,
fieldsWithIndices: List<FieldWithIndex>,
scope: CodeGenScope
): Node {
val allParents = getAllParents(fieldsWithIndices.map { it.field })
val rootNode = Node(rootVar, null)
rootNode.directFields = fieldsWithIndices.filter { it.field.parent == null }
val parentNodes = allParents.associate {
Pair(it, Node(
varName = scope.getTmpVar("_tmp${it.field.name.capitalize()}"),
fieldParent = it))
parentNodes.values.forEach { node ->
val fieldParent = node.fieldParent!!
val grandParent = fieldParent.parent
val grandParentNode = grandParent?.let {
} ?: rootNode
node.directFields = fieldsWithIndices.filter { it.field.parent == fieldParent }
node.parentNode = grandParentNode
return rootNode
fun bindToStatement(
ownerVar: String,
stmtParamVar: String,
fieldsWithIndices: List<FieldWithIndex>,
scope: CodeGenScope
) {
fun visitNode(node: Node) {
fun bindWithDescendants() {
node.directFields.forEach {
ownerVar = node.varName,
stmtParamVar = stmtParamVar,
scope = scope
val fieldParent = node.fieldParent
if (fieldParent != null) {
ownerVar = node.parentNode!!.varName,
outVar = node.varName,
builder = scope.builder()
scope.builder().apply {
beginControlFlow("if($L != null)", node.varName).apply {
nextControlFlow("else").apply {
node.allFields().forEach {
addStatement("$L.bindNull($L)", stmtParamVar, it.indexVar)
} else {
visitNode(createNodeTree(ownerVar, fieldsWithIndices, scope))
* Just constructs the given item, does NOT DECLARE. Declaration happens outside the
* reading statement since we may never read if the cursor does not have necessary
* columns.
private fun construct(
outVar: String,
constructor: Constructor?,
typeName: TypeName,
localVariableNames: Map<String, FieldWithIndex>,
localEmbeddeds: List<Node>,
localRelations: Map<String, Field>,
scope: CodeGenScope
) {
if (constructor == null) {
// best hope code generation
scope.builder().apply {
addStatement("$L = new $T()", outVar, typeName)
val variableNames = constructor.params.map { param ->
when (param) {
is Constructor.Param.FieldParam -> localVariableNames.entries.firstOrNull {
it.value.field === param.field
is Constructor.Param.EmbeddedParam -> localEmbeddeds.firstOrNull {
it.fieldParent == param.embedded
is Constructor.Param.RelationParam -> localRelations.entries.firstOrNull {
it.value === param.relation.field
val args = variableNames.joinToString(",") { it ?: "null" }
constructor.writeConstructor(outVar, args, scope.builder())
* Reads the row into the given variable. It does not declare it but constructs it.
fun readFromCursor(
outVar: String,
outPojo: Pojo,
cursorVar: String,
fieldsWithIndices: List<FieldWithIndex>,
scope: CodeGenScope,
relationCollectors: List<RelationCollector>
) {
fun visitNode(node: Node) {
val fieldParent = node.fieldParent
fun readNode() {
// read constructor parameters into local fields
val constructorFields = node.directFields.filter {
it.field.setter.callType == CallType.CONSTRUCTOR
}.associateBy { fwi ->
// read decomposed fields (e.g. embedded)
// read relationship fields
val relationFields = relationCollectors.filter { (relation) ->
relation.field.parent === fieldParent
}.associate {
cursorVarName = cursorVar,
fieldsWithIndices = fieldsWithIndices,
scope = scope)
// construct the object
if (fieldParent != null) {
construct(outVar = node.varName,
constructor = fieldParent.pojo.constructor,
typeName = fieldParent.field.typeName,
localEmbeddeds = node.subNodes,
localRelations = relationFields,
localVariableNames = constructorFields,
scope = scope)
} else {
construct(outVar = node.varName,
constructor = outPojo.constructor,
typeName = outPojo.typeName,
localEmbeddeds = node.subNodes,
localRelations = relationFields,
localVariableNames = constructorFields,
scope = scope)
// ready any field that was not part of the constructor
node.directFields.filterNot {
it.field.setter.callType == CallType.CONSTRUCTOR
}.forEach { fwi ->
ownerVar = node.varName,
cursorVar = cursorVar,
scope = scope)
// assign sub nodes to fields if they were not part of the constructor.
node.subNodes.mapNotNull {
val setter = it.fieldParent?.setter
if (setter != null && setter.callType != CallType.CONSTRUCTOR) {
Pair(it.varName, setter)
} else {
}.forEach { (varName, setter) ->
ownerVar = node.varName,
inVar = varName,
builder = scope.builder())
// assign relation fields that were not part of the constructor
relationFields.filterNot { (_, field) ->
field.setter.callType == CallType.CONSTRUCTOR
}.forEach { (varName, field) ->
ownerVar = node.varName,
inVar = varName,
builder = scope.builder())
if (fieldParent == null) {
// root element
// always declared by the caller so we don't declare this
} else {
// always declare, we'll set below
scope.builder().addStatement("final $T $L", fieldParent.pojo.typeName,
if (fieldParent.nonNull) {
} else {
val myDescendants = node.allFields()
val allNullCheck = myDescendants.joinToString(" && ") {
if (it.alwaysExists) {
} else {
"( ${it.indexVar} == -1 || $cursorVar.isNull(${it.indexVar}))"
scope.builder().apply {
beginControlFlow("if (! ($L))", allNullCheck).apply {
nextControlFlow(" else ").apply {
addStatement("$L = null", node.varName)
visitNode(createNodeTree(outVar, fieldsWithIndices, scope))
* @param ownerVar The entity / pojo that owns this field. It must own this field! (not the
* container pojo)
* @param stmtParamVar The statement variable
* @param scope The code generation scope
private fun bindToStatement(ownerVar: String, stmtParamVar: String, scope: CodeGenScope) {
field.statementBinder?.let { binder ->
val varName = if (field.getter.callType == CallType.FIELD) {
} else {
binder.bindToStmt(stmtParamVar, indexVar, varName, scope)
* @param ownerVar The entity / pojo that owns this field. It must own this field (not the
* container pojo)
* @param cursorVar The cursor variable
* @param scope The code generation scope
private fun readFromCursor(ownerVar: String, cursorVar: String, scope: CodeGenScope) {
fun toRead() {
field.cursorValueReader?.let { reader ->
scope.builder().apply {
when (field.setter.callType) {
CallType.FIELD -> {
reader.readFromCursor("$ownerVar.${field.setter.name}", cursorVar,
indexVar, scope)
CallType.METHOD -> {
val tmpField = scope.getTmpVar("_tmp${field.name.capitalize()}")
addStatement("final $T $L", field.setter.type.typeName(), tmpField)
reader.readFromCursor(tmpField, cursorVar, indexVar, scope)
addStatement("$L.$L($L)", ownerVar, field.setter.name, tmpField)
// no-op
if (alwaysExists) {
} else {
scope.builder().apply {
beginControlFlow("if ($L != -1)", indexVar).apply {
* Reads the value into a temporary local variable.
fun readIntoTmpVar(
cursorVar: String,
typeName: TypeName,
scope: CodeGenScope
): String {
val tmpField = scope.getTmpVar("_tmp${field.name.capitalize()}")
scope.builder().apply {
addStatement("final $T $L", typeName, tmpField)
if (alwaysExists) {
field.cursorValueReader?.readFromCursor(tmpField, cursorVar, indexVar, scope)
} else {
beginControlFlow("if ($L == -1)", indexVar).apply {
addStatement("$L = $L", tmpField, typeName.defaultValue())
nextControlFlow("else").apply {
field.cursorValueReader?.readFromCursor(tmpField, cursorVar, indexVar, scope)
return tmpField
* On demand node which is created based on the fields that were passed into this class.
private class Node(
// root for me
val varName: String,
// set if I'm a FieldParent
val fieldParent: EmbeddedField?
) {
// whom do i belong
var parentNode: Node? = null
// these fields are my direct fields
lateinit var directFields: List<FieldWithIndex>
// these nodes are under me
val subNodes = mutableListOf<Node>()
fun allFields(): List<FieldWithIndex> {
return directFields + subNodes.flatMap { it.allFields() }