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* Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.metrics.performance
import android.app.Activity
import android.os.Message
import android.view.Choreographer
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference
import java.lang.reflect.Field
* Subclass of JankStatsBaseImpl records frame timing data for API 16 and later,
* using Choreographer (which was introduced in API 16).
internal open class JankStatsApi16Impl(
jankStats: JankStats,
view: View
) : JankStatsBaseImpl(jankStats) {
// TODO: decorView may change in Window, think about how to handle that
// e.g., should we cache Window instead?
internal val decorViewRef: WeakReference<View> = WeakReference(view)
// Must cache this at init time, from view, since some subclasses will not receive callbacks
// on the UI thread, so they will not have access to the appropriate Choreographer for
// frame timing values
val choreographer: Choreographer = Choreographer.getInstance()
// Cache for use during reporting, to supply the FrameData states
val metricsStateHolder = PerformanceMetricsState.getHolderForHierarchy(view)
// stateInfo is the backing store for the list of states that are active on any given
// frame. It is passed to the JankStats listeners as part of the FrameData structure.
// Reusing this mutable version of it enables zero-allocation metrics reporting.
val stateInfo = mutableListOf<StateInfo>()
// frameData is reused every time, populated with the latest frame's data before
// sending out to listeners. Reuse enables zero-allocation metrics reporting.
private val frameData = FrameData(0, 0, false, stateInfo)
* Each JankStats instance has its own listener for per-frame metric data.
* But we use a single listener (using OnPreDraw events prior to API 24) to gather
* the frame data, and then delegate that information to all instances.
* OnFrameListenerDelegate is the object that the per-frame data is delegated to,
* which forwards it to the JankStats instances.
private val onFrameListenerDelegate = object : OnFrameListenerDelegate() {
override fun onFrame(startTime: Long, uiDuration: Long, expectedDuration: Long) {
jankStats.logFrameData(getFrameData(startTime, uiDuration,
(expectedDuration * jankStats.jankHeuristicMultiplier).toLong()))
override fun setupFrameTimer(enable: Boolean) {
val decorView = decorViewRef.get()
decorView?.let {
if (enable) {
val delegates = decorView.getOrCreateOnPreDrawListenerDelegator()
} else {
internal open fun getFrameData(
startTime: Long,
uiDuration: Long,
expectedDuration: Long
): FrameData {
metricsStateHolder.state?.getIntervalStates(startTime, startTime + uiDuration,
val isJank = uiDuration > expectedDuration
frameData.update(startTime, uiDuration, isJank)
return frameData
private fun View.removeOnPreDrawListenerDelegate(delegate: OnFrameListenerDelegate) {
val delegator = getTag(R.id.metricsDelegator) as DelegatingOnPreDrawListener?
delegator?.remove(delegate, viewTreeObserver)
* This function returns the current list of OnPreDrawListener delegates.
* If no such list exists, it will create it and add a root listener that
* delegates to that list.
private fun View.getOrCreateOnPreDrawListenerDelegator(): DelegatingOnPreDrawListener {
var delegator = getTag(R.id.metricsDelegator) as DelegatingOnPreDrawListener?
if (delegator == null) {
val delegates = mutableListOf<OnFrameListenerDelegate>()
delegator = createDelegatingOnDrawListener(this, choreographer, delegates)
setTag(R.id.metricsDelegator, delegator)
return delegator
internal open fun createDelegatingOnDrawListener(
view: View,
choreographer: Choreographer,
delegates: MutableList<OnFrameListenerDelegate>
): DelegatingOnPreDrawListener {
return DelegatingOnPreDrawListener(view, choreographer, delegates)
internal fun getFrameStartTime(): Long {
return DelegatingOnPreDrawListener.choreographerLastFrameTimeField.get(choreographer)
as Long
fun getExpectedFrameDuration(view: View?): Long {
return DelegatingOnPreDrawListener.getExpectedFrameDuration(view)
* This class is used by DelegatingOnDrawListener, which calculates the frame timing values
* and calls all delegate listeners with that data.
internal abstract class OnFrameListenerDelegate {
abstract fun onFrame(startTime: Long, uiDuration: Long, expectedDuration: Long)
* There is only a single listener for OnPreDraw events, which are used to calculate frame
* timing details. This listener delegates to a list of OnFrameListenerDelegate objects,
* which do the work of sending that data to JankStats instance clients.
internal open class DelegatingOnPreDrawListener(
decorView: View,
val choreographer: Choreographer,
val delegates: MutableList<OnFrameListenerDelegate>
) : ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener {
// Track whether the delegate list is being iterated, used to prevent concurrent modification
var iterating = false
// These lists cache add/remove requests to be handled after the current iteration loop
val toBeAdded = mutableListOf<OnFrameListenerDelegate>()
val toBeRemoved = mutableListOf<OnFrameListenerDelegate>()
val decorViewRef = WeakReference<View>(decorView)
val metricsStateHolder = PerformanceMetricsState.getHolderForHierarchy(decorView)
* It is possible for the delegates list to be modified concurrently (adding/removing items
* while also iterating through the list). To prevent this, we synchronize on this instance.
* It is also possible for the same thread to do both operations, causing reentrance into
* that synchronization block. However, the only way that should happen is if the list is
* being iterated on (which is called from the UI thread) and, in any of those delegate
* listeners, the delegates list is modified
* (by calling JankStats.isTrackingEnabled()). In this case, we cache the request in one of the
* toBeAdded/Removed lists and return. When iteration is complete, we handle those requests.
* This would not be sufficient if those operations could happen randomly on the same thread,
* but the order should also be as described above (with add/remove nested inside iteration).
* Iteration and add/remove could also happen randomly and concurrently on different threads,
* but in that case the synchronization block around both accesses should suffice.
override fun onPreDraw(): Boolean {
val decorView = decorViewRef.get()
decorView?.let {
val frameStart = getFrameStartTime()
with(decorView) {
handler.sendMessageAtFrontOfQueue(Message.obtain(handler) {
val now = System.nanoTime()
val expectedDuration = getExpectedFrameDuration(decorView)
// prevent concurrent modification of delegates list by synchronizing on
// this delegator object while iterating and modifying
synchronized(this@DelegatingOnPreDrawListener) {
iterating = true
for (delegate in delegates) {
delegate.onFrame(frameStart, now - frameStart, expectedDuration)
if (toBeAdded.isNotEmpty()) {
for (delegate in toBeAdded) {
if (toBeRemoved.isNotEmpty()) {
val delegatesNonEmpty = delegates.isNotEmpty()
for (delegate in toBeRemoved) {
// Only remove delegator if we emptied the list here
if (delegatesNonEmpty && delegates.isEmpty()) {
setTag(R.id.metricsDelegator, null)
iterating = false
}.apply {
return true
fun add(delegate: OnFrameListenerDelegate) {
// prevent concurrent modification of delegates list by synchronizing on
// this delegator object while iterating and modifying
synchronized(this) {
if (iterating) {
} else {
fun remove(delegate: OnFrameListenerDelegate, viewTreeObserver: ViewTreeObserver) {
// prevent concurrent modification of delegates list by synchronizing on
// this delegator object while iterating and modifying
synchronized(this) {
if (iterating) {
} else {
val delegatesNonEmpty = delegates.isNotEmpty()
// Only remove delegator if we emptied the list here
if (delegatesNonEmpty && delegates.isEmpty()) {
val decorView = decorViewRef.get()
decorView?.setTag(R.id.metricsDelegator, null)
} else {
// noop - compiler requires else{} clause here for some strange reason
private fun getFrameStartTime(): Long {
return choreographerLastFrameTimeField.get(choreographer) as Long
// Noop prior to API 22 - overridden in 22Impl subclass
internal open fun setMessageAsynchronicity(message: Message) {}
companion object {
val choreographerLastFrameTimeField: Field =
init {
choreographerLastFrameTimeField.isAccessible = true
@Suppress("deprecation") /* defaultDisplay */
fun getExpectedFrameDuration(view: View?): Long {
if (JankStatsBaseImpl.frameDuration < 0) {
var refreshRate = 60f
val window = if (view?.context is Activity)
(view.context as Activity).window else null
if (window != null) {
val display = window.windowManager.defaultDisplay
refreshRate = display.refreshRate
if (refreshRate < 30f || refreshRate > 200f) {
// Account for faulty return values (including 0)
refreshRate = 60f
JankStatsBaseImpl.frameDuration =
(1000 / refreshRate * JankStatsBaseImpl.NANOS_PER_MS).toLong()
return JankStatsBaseImpl.frameDuration