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* Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.foundation.lazy
import androidx.compose.foundation.ExperimentalFoundationApi
import androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.layout.LazyLayoutPrefetchState
import androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.layout.NestedPrefetchScope
import androidx.compose.foundation.lazy.layout.PrefetchScheduler
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
* Implementations of this interface control which indices of a LazyList should be prefetched
* (precomposed and premeasured during idle time) as the user interacts with it.
* Implementations should invoke [LazyListPrefetchScope.schedulePrefetch] to schedule prefetches
* from the [onScroll] and [onVisibleItemsUpdated] callbacks. If any of the returned PrefetchHandles
* no longer need to be prefetched, use [LazyLayoutPrefetchState.PrefetchHandle.cancel] to cancel
* the request.
interface LazyListPrefetchStrategy {
* A [PrefetchScheduler] implementation which will be used to execute prefetch requests for this
* strategy implementation. If null, the default [PrefetchScheduler] for the platform will be
* used.
val prefetchScheduler: PrefetchScheduler?
get() = null
* onScroll is invoked when the LazyList scrolls, whether or not the visible items have changed.
* If the visible items have also changed, then this will be invoked in the same frame *after*
* [onVisibleItemsUpdated].
* @param delta the change in scroll direction. Delta < 0 indicates scrolling down while
* delta > 0 indicates scrolling up.
* @param layoutInfo the current [LazyListLayoutInfo]
fun LazyListPrefetchScope.onScroll(delta: Float, layoutInfo: LazyListLayoutInfo)
* onVisibleItemsUpdated is invoked when the LazyList scrolls if the visible items have changed.
* @param layoutInfo the current [LazyListLayoutInfo]. Info about the updated visible items can
* be found in [LazyListLayoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo].
fun LazyListPrefetchScope.onVisibleItemsUpdated(layoutInfo: LazyListLayoutInfo)
* onNestedPrefetch is invoked when a parent LazyLayout has prefetched content which contains
* this LazyList. It gives this LazyList a chance to request prefetch for some of its own
* children before coming onto screen.
* Implementations can use [NestedPrefetchScope.schedulePrefetch] to schedule child
* prefetches. For example, this is useful if this LazyList is a LazyRow that is a child of a
* LazyColumn: in that case, [onNestedPrefetch] can schedule the children it expects to be
* visible when it comes onto screen, giving the LazyLayout infra a chance to compose these
* children ahead of time and reduce jank.
* Generally speaking, [onNestedPrefetch] should only request prefetch for children that it
* expects to actually be visible when this list is scrolled into view.
* @param firstVisibleItemIndex the index of the first visible item. It should be used to start
* prefetching from the correct index in case the list has been created at a non-zero offset.
fun NestedPrefetchScope.onNestedPrefetch(firstVisibleItemIndex: Int)
* Scope for callbacks in [LazyListPrefetchStrategy] which allows prefetches to be requested.
interface LazyListPrefetchScope {
* Schedules a prefetch for the given index. Requests are executed in the order they're
* requested. If a requested prefetch is no longer necessary (for example, due to changing
* scroll direction), the request should be canceled via
* [LazyLayoutPrefetchState.PrefetchHandle.cancel].
* See [PrefetchScheduler].
* @param index the index of the child to prefetch
fun schedulePrefetch(index: Int): LazyLayoutPrefetchState.PrefetchHandle
* Creates an instance of the default [LazyListPrefetchStrategy], allowing for customization of the
* nested prefetch count.
* @param nestedPrefetchItemCount specifies how many inner items should be prefetched when this
* LazyList is nested inside another LazyLayout. For example, if this is the state for a horizontal
* LazyList nested in a vertical LazyList, you might want to set this to the number of items that
* will be visible when this list is scrolled into view.
fun LazyListPrefetchStrategy(
nestedPrefetchItemCount: Int = 2
): LazyListPrefetchStrategy = DefaultLazyListPrefetchStrategy(nestedPrefetchItemCount)
* The default prefetching strategy for LazyLists - this will be used automatically if no other
* strategy is provided.
private class DefaultLazyListPrefetchStrategy(private val nestedPrefetchItemCount: Int = 2) :
LazyListPrefetchStrategy {
* The index scheduled to be prefetched (or the last prefetched index if the prefetch is done).
private var indexToPrefetch = -1
* The handle associated with the current index from [indexToPrefetch].
private var currentPrefetchHandle: LazyLayoutPrefetchState.PrefetchHandle? = null
* Keeps the scrolling direction during the previous calculation in order to be able to
* detect the scrolling direction change.
private var wasScrollingForward = false
override fun LazyListPrefetchScope.onScroll(delta: Float, layoutInfo: LazyListLayoutInfo) {
if (layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo.isNotEmpty()) {
val scrollingForward = delta < 0
val indexToPrefetch = if (scrollingForward) {
layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo.last().index + 1
} else {
layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo.first().index - 1
if (indexToPrefetch in 0 until layoutInfo.totalItemsCount) {
if (indexToPrefetch != this@DefaultLazyListPrefetchStrategy.indexToPrefetch) {
if (wasScrollingForward != scrollingForward) {
// the scrolling direction has been changed which means the last prefetched
// is not going to be reached anytime soon so it is safer to dispose it.
// if this item is already visible it is safe to call the method anyway
// as it will be no-op
this@DefaultLazyListPrefetchStrategy.wasScrollingForward = scrollingForward
this@DefaultLazyListPrefetchStrategy.indexToPrefetch = indexToPrefetch
currentPrefetchHandle = schedulePrefetch(
if (scrollingForward) {
val lastItem = layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo.last()
val spacing = layoutInfo.mainAxisItemSpacing
val distanceToPrefetchItem =
lastItem.offset + lastItem.size + spacing - layoutInfo.viewportEndOffset
// if in the next frame we will get the same delta will we reach the item?
if (distanceToPrefetchItem < -delta) {
} else {
val firstItem = layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo.first()
val distanceToPrefetchItem = layoutInfo.viewportStartOffset - firstItem.offset
// if in the next frame we will get the same delta will we reach the item?
if (distanceToPrefetchItem < delta) {
override fun LazyListPrefetchScope.onVisibleItemsUpdated(layoutInfo: LazyListLayoutInfo) {
if (indexToPrefetch != -1 && layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo.isNotEmpty()) {
val expectedPrefetchIndex = if (wasScrollingForward) {
layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo.last().index + 1
} else {
layoutInfo.visibleItemsInfo.first().index - 1
if (indexToPrefetch != expectedPrefetchIndex) {
indexToPrefetch = -1
currentPrefetchHandle = null
override fun NestedPrefetchScope.onNestedPrefetch(firstVisibleItemIndex: Int) {
repeat(nestedPrefetchItemCount) { i ->
schedulePrefetch(firstVisibleItemIndex + i)