[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: cf702b96237705aded302437488de561f9f41ed7 [file] [log] [blame]
Google-specific patches applied to google_vendor_src_branch/expat/expat-2.0.1:
Please include a change to this file with each patch, *and* each
subsequent modification of the patch. Do NOT combine patch
checkins, keep them separate.
Append new entries to the end of this file. Each entry shall include:
* The list of files modified by the patch,
* The status of the patch. Should be one of:
- already upstream (indicate upstream revision),
- not yet upstream, or
- google-local (not applicable upstream).
* The local 'owner' responsible for the patch, and
* A description of the patch (preferably including bug numbers).
Please include entries for both local patches and for patches which
have been checked in to (or back-ported from) the upstream sources.
When checking in changes made upstream, add an entry to this file but
DO NOT add entries to any local ChangeLog files.