[go: nahoru, domu]

Release Updates

Emulator 29.1.12 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels. Changes:
  • Fixed an issue that could lead to INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT on older API levels when installing APKs.
  • Vulkan apps are now available by default on Android API 29 and later images (depending on host GPU support; some GPUs and driver versions excluded due to GPU/driver specific issues).
    • Note: macOS host GPU Vulkan is not currently supported well, so it is disabled by default. Running with Vulkan Swiftshader is limited due to currently unavailable external memory/semaphore extensions.

Android Studio 3.6 Canary 9 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.

If you have Android Studio set to receive updates on the Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on macOS). Otherwise, you can download it here.

New default packaging tool

When using Android Gradle plugin 3.6.0-alpha09 or higher to build the debug version of your app, the plugin uses a new packaging tool, called zipflinger, to package your APK. This new tool should provide build speed improvements. However, if you experience issues, please report a bug. You can also revert to using the old packaging tool by including the following in your gradle.properties file:

To learn more, read the Android 3.6 Preview release notes.

General fixes

This update includes fixes for the following public issues:
APK Viewer
  • Issue #71548335: Selecting and copying (cmd+c) bytecode in APK Analyzer puts "/classes.dex" in the clipboard
  • Issue #139017699: AGP 3.6.0-alpha05 fails to compile. Unresolved reference to included layout file
Gradle Sync
Project System
  • Issue #130257706: "Quick documentation" for Android SDK is actually unacceptably Slow, by default.
  • Issue #129008025: Move download of javadoc/source from Gradle to Studio
Resource Management

For information on new features and changes in all preview builds of Android Studio 3.6, see the Android Studio Preview release notes. For details of bugs fixed in each preview release, see previous entries on this blog.

We greatly appreciate your bug reports, which help us to make Android Studio better. If you encounter a problem, let us know by reporting a bug. Note that you can also vote for an existing issue to indicate that you are also affected by it.

Android Studio 3.6 Canary 8 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.

If you have Android Studio set to receive updates on the Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on macOS). Otherwise, you can download it here.

General fixes

This update includes fixes for the following public issues:
APK Debugging
  • Issue #112411103: APK sometimes getting locked when using 'Profile or Debug APK...'
Core IDE
  • Issue #138841328: ResourceFolderRepository is loading out-of-date cache "entries"
Data Binding
  • Issue #139096339: Invalid red underline for method reference syntax for "View" arg function #task
Firebase Test Lab
  • Issue #139177566: [Studio 3.6 Canary 6] [Firebase TestLab] NPE has observed while testing application on Firebase console.
Gradle C++

For information on new features and changes in all preview builds of Android Studio 3.6, see the Android Studio Preview release notes. For details of bugs fixed in each preview release, see previous entries on this blog.

We greatly appreciate your bug reports, which help us to make Android Studio better. If you encounter a problem, let us know by reporting a bug. Note that you can also vote for an existing issue to indicate that you are also affected by it.

Android Studio 3.6 Canary 7 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.

If you have Android Studio set to receive updates on the Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on macOS). Otherwise, you can download it here.

Support for the Maven Publish Plugin

Android Gradle plugin 3.6-alpha07 now includes support for the Maven Publish Gradle plugin, which allows you to publish build artifacts to an Apache Maven repository. The Android Gradle plugin creates a component for each build variant artifact that you can use to customize a publication to a Maven repository. To learn more, see Support for the Maven Publish plugin.

General fixes

This update includes fixes for the following public issues:

APK Debugging
  • Issue #112411103: APK sometimes getting locked when using 'Profile or Debug APK...'
  • Issue #138404837: AS 3.6 build variants are not switched to compatible variants automatically
Core IDE
  • Issue #138841328: ResourceFolderRepository is loading out-of-date cache "entries"
Data Binding
  • Issue #139096339: Invalid red underline for method reference syntax for "View" arg function #task
  • Issue #127149948: Incorrect highlight error: ` ']' expected, got '(' `
  • Issue #131115695: getter and setter is shown as variable for bindings, clicking getter inserts actual variable
  • Issue #136412387: Android studio shows error while launching app when app name contains "Error"
  • Issue #117112752: "Go to related symbols" not working in Activities and Fragments created with Kotlin
Gradle C++
  • Issue #138132330: "Android XML element is not allowed" Inspection Unaware of for FileProvider
  • Issue #138668379: Bug: Lint check warns about Android-X stuff having typos
Project System

For information on new features and changes in all preview builds of Android Studio 3.6, see the Android Studio Preview release notes. For details of bugs fixed in each preview release, see previous entries on this blog.

We greatly appreciate your bug reports, which help us to make Android Studio better. If you encounter a problem, let us know by reporting a bug. Note that you can also vote for an existing issue to indicate that you are also affected by it.

Emulator 29.1.11 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels. Changes:
  • Fixed issue where fold/unfold button didn't work (contents did not resize).

Android Studio 3.5 is now available in the Stable channel. You can download it here.

For an overview of what's new in this release, see either the release notes or this blog post on the Android Developers blog.

Emulator 29.1.10 Canary is now available in the Canary and Dev channels. This includes support for multiple displays (along with Android Q Beta 6) and the following changes:
  • Improved Android Q Vulkan 1.1 CTS conformance. Full conformance work is done but not yet released and will require a future release of the Android Q system image.
  • Fixed an issue where Android Q Beta 6 would fail to start up when using the WHPX hypervisor.
    • Due to issues using snapshots with WHPX, snapshot save is now always skipped when using WHPX. We recommend deleting ~/.android/avd/avdName.avd/snapshots when on WHPX for now.

Emulator 29.1.10 Canary and Android Q Beta 6 - Multi-Display Support

Emulator 29.1.10+ along with Android Q Beta 6 includes preliminary support for multiple virtual displays. Users can configure multiple displays either through the UI (Extended Controls > Settings) or by modifying the config.ini file in the AVD folder.

Multiple displays can also be configured on startup from the AVD's config.ini (~/.android/avd/avdName.avd/config.ini). The state of the configuration is also saved across snapshot save and load. To configure multiple displays in config.ini, use the newly-introduced hw.displayN properties. For example:

hw.display1.width = 800
hw.display1.height = 1200
hw.display1.density = 320
hw.display1.xOffset = -1
hw.display1.yOffset = -1
hw.display1.flag = 0
hw.display2.width = 800
hw.display2.height = 1200
hw.display2.density = 320
hw.display2.xOffset = -1
hw.display2.yOffset = -1
hw.display2.flag = 0

Width and height refer to the width and height of the additional display in pixels. The pixel density must meet the requirements below, per version 9 of the Android Compatibility Definition Document.

120 <= dpi <= 640
320 * (dpi / 160) <= width
320 * (dpi / 160) <= height

If xOffset and yOffset are both -1, the emulator automatically computes the layout for each display. If setting other values, note that the origin is the top left corner of the main window. The flag field is reserved for future use.

To configure multiple displays through the UI, click right toolbar → (the more items icon) → Settings, and configure the additional displays there. The maximum number of supported displays is ten.