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Release updates archive

Android Studio 3.2 Canary 13 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.

For details of what's new in this canary release, see these sections of the release notes:

If you already have an Android Studio build on the Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on Mac). Otherwise, you can download it here.

Emulator 27.2.7 is now available in the Canary channel. It contains the following changes:

  • Fixed issues with some parts of the emulator UI being unresponsive if the Extended controls window was not opened at least once.
  • To address concerns of excessive memory usage, loading and saving of AVD snapshots has been optimized to only use RAM that is currently in the guest working set. This applies to Quick Boot snapshots saved automatically and to snapshots saved and loaded using the Save now and Load now buttons in the Settings panel of the Extended controls window.
  • On Windows with HAXM 7.2.0, AVD snapshot loads are optimized to load memory on demand, greatly decreasing snapshot load times. (HAXM 7.2.0 is not yet publicly released.)
  • Improved performance with Skia: For Android 8.1 (API 27) and Android P images, Android Emulator can render the Android UI with Skia. With Skia, UI rendering is smoother and uses fewer resources.
    • Currently, to use Skia, you need to manually enable it with the following commands in an adb shell:
      • su
      • setprop debug.hwui.renderer skiagl
      • stop
      • start
    • In upcoming Android P images and later, Skia will become the default renderer. Skia uses more OpenGL features than the current solution, so it’s important for us to get thorough test coverage across real-world scenarios. We would like to get feedback on this change as early as possible. Please file an issue if you experience problems with it.

Android Studio 3.2 Canary 12 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.

For details of what's new in this canary release, see these sections of the release notes:

If you already have an Android Studio build on the Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by choosing Help > Check for Updates (Android Studio > Check for Updates on Mac). Otherwise, you can download it here.

The Android Studio 3.1.2 bug-fix update is available in the stable release channel.

This update fixes several bugs and improves the speed of lint checking in some scenarios. For a list of fixes in this update, see the Android Studio 3.1.2 release notes.

If you already have Android Studio installed, you can get the update by clicking Help > Check for updates (Android Studio > Check for updates on Mac). Otherwise, you can download it here.

Emulator 27.2.6 is now available in the Canary channel. It includes the new ability to import scene images:

When using the emulator with a camera app, you can import an image in PNG or JPEG format to be used within a virtual scene. To choose an image for use in a virtual scene, click Add image in the Camera -> Virtual scene images tab in the Extended controls dialog. This feature can be used to import custom images such as QR codes for use with any camera-based app.

Android Studio 3.2 Canary 11 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.

Record a method trace during app startup

You can now record a method during app startup. Enable the feature by selecting Run > Edit Configurations from the main menu and, under the Profile tab of your desired run configuration, checking the box next to Start recording a method trace on startup. After that, simply deploy your app to a device running Android 8.0 or higher by selecting Run > Profile.

Lint checks to ensure Java code interops well with Kotlin (available since Canary 10)
To make sure your Java code interoperates well with your Kotlin code, new Lint checks enforce the best practices
described in the Kotlin Interop Guide. This includes checking for the presence of Nullability annotations, use of
Kotlin hard keywords, placing lambda parameters last, and others.

To enable these checks, go to File > Preferences > Editor > Inspections and check the rules that you want to enable under Kotlin Interoperability:

Once you have checked the rules you would like to enable, the new checks will run when you run your code inspections (Analyze > Inspect Code…)

To enable these checks from the command-line builds, add the following line in your build.gradle file:

android {
   lintOptions {
       check 'Interoperability'

General bug fixes

This update includes fixes for the following public issues:

  • Issue#77240636: Solid black-filled areas are missing in a vector drawable imported from SVG
  • Issue#77303892: Losing alpha channel in Image Asset Studio on Windows with Russian Locale.
  • Issue#77522540: Deprecation for 'compile' points people to 'implementation'
  • Issue#68977385: Lambda causes crash in specific situation
  • Issue#72637989: Build does not run with instant run enabled on AS 3.1 Beta 1
  • Issue#74961584: Studio disables sdcard whenever data partition is resized
  • Issue#74493350: Apply fix to multiple files by one operation
  • Issue#37075533: Lint check to avoid compiler-generated synthetic accessor methods & constructors.
  • Issue#76404689: Advanced profiling causes device to crash with StackOverflowError
  • Issue#72872264: Studio Freeze (ANR)
  • Issue#76456341: Multiline log messages should be indented consistently between the Logcat and Run windows
  • Issue#73048570: Translations Editor - deleting keys does not update list.

If you already have an Android Studio build on the Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by clicking
Help > Check for Update (or Android Studio > Check for Updates on Mac). Otherwise, you can download here.

Emulator 27.2.5 is now available in the Canary channel. It contains the following changes:
  • Fixed a crash in Swiftshader when saving snapshots while video is playing.
  • Fixed concurrency issues when using Swiftshader for multi-threaded rendering.
  • Fixed a crash in Swiftshader when drawing with no program bound.
  • Fixed use-after-free / concurrency issues in screen recording.
  • Fixed "Recorder not initialized" error when issuing screen recording commands from the telnet console.
  • Fixed an issue where resizing the data partition through Android Studio did not work. https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/75259650
  • Snapshot save operations have been further optimized to consume less RAM. This should reduce the time to save snapshots in memory-constrained situations.
  • Snapshot load operations on Mac and Linux have been optimized to reduce latency shortly after snapshot load.

We are very happy to announce the release of ConstraintLayout 1.1.0. It’s available from the google maven repository:

dependencies {
implementation 'com.android.support.constraint:constraint-layout:1.1.0'

This stable release fixes various issues in the 1.0 release, as well as introducing a new Optimizer to increase layout performances. The main additions from 1.0 are new helper objects (notably barriers), complex chain support, dimension constraints and circular constraints.

Documentation is available on https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/constraint/ConstraintLayout.html

Android Studio 3.2 Canary 10 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.

Profiler Sessions

You can now save Profiler data as "sessions" to revisit and inspect later. (The profiler keeps your session data until you restart the IDE.)

After you deploy your app by selecting Run > Profile from the main menu, start a new session by clicking and selecting an app process from the dropdown menu, as shown below.

When you record a method trace or capture a heap dump, the IDE adds that data (along with your app's network activity) as a separate entry to the current session, and you can easily switch back and forth between recordings to compare data. To stop adding data to the current session, click .

System Trace

In the CPU profiler, select the new System Trace configuration to inspect your device's system CPU and thread activity. This trace configuration is built on systrace and is useful for investigating system-level issues, such as UI jank.

While using this new trace configuration, you can visually mark important code routines in the profiler timeline by instrumenting your code with the Trace class.

Navigate External Header Files

When using the Project window in previous versions of Android Studio, you could navigate to and inspect only the header files that belong to libraries you build locally. With this release, you can now also view and inspect header files included with external C/C++ library dependencies that you import into your app.

If you already include C/C++ code and libraries in your project, open the Project window on the left side of the IDE (click View > Tool Windows > Project) and make sure you select Android from the drop-down menu. In your project’s cpp/ directory, all headers that are within the scope of your app are organized under the include node for each of your local C/C++ library projects, as shown below.

General bug fixes:

This update includes fixes for the following public issues:

If you already have an Android Studio build on the Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by clicking Help > Check for Update (or Android Studio > Check for Updates on Mac). Otherwise, you can download here.

Emulator 27.2.4 is now available in the Canary channel. It contains the following changes:
  • Fixed an issue that caused the rotate buttons to not work unless the Extended controls window was open. https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/77258337
  • Some changes have been made to improve the speed of saving an AVD snapshot. If you still experience unusually long saves, please file an issue in Issuetracker, providing details of your CPU, RAM, and settings of any antivirus / firewall / security software that is running.

Avast Issues

We have found that if Avast is installed and Hardware virtualization is enabled or "Enable nested virtualization" is disabled, the emulator will not be able to launch due to conflicts with HAXM. We recommend disabling hardware virtualization features of Avast if Avast is installed. In addition, after Avast hardware virtualization is disabled, please ensure that HAXM is set up properly again with a full re-install of the latest HAXM from the SDK Manager.

Android Studio 3.2 Canary 9 is now available in the Canary and Dev channels.

Data Binding V2:

Data Binding V2 is now enabled by default and is compatible with V1. This means that, if you have library dependencies that you compiled with V1, you can use them with projects using Data Binding V2. However, note that projects using V1 cannot consume dependencies that were compiled with V2.

General bug fixes:

This update includes fixes for the following public issues:
  • Issue#37133944: An empty path string should not be created when importing a vector drawable from SVG
  • Issue#74428305: Android P AVD Has "Android null (Google APIs)" as Target
  • Issue#73493534: Built-in shrinker Proguard rules parser
  • Issue#73957018: Stop min sdk support from manifest when building via gradle
  • Issue#74240422: APK Analyzer warning opening R8 generated mapping file
  • Issue#74278841: Jar resources are stripped and cannot be retained
  • Issue#74388337: False positive "SharedPreferences.edit() without a corresponding commit() or apply() call"
  • Issue#74469014: Non-ASCII characters are not handled well in the profiler
  • Issue#72798630: Unable to find module with Gradle path
  • Issue#73864693: LayoutInspector throws java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 610
  • Issue#71817695: Adding "year" to logcat time output

If you already have an Android Studio build on the Canary or Dev channel, you can get the update by clicking Help > Check for Update (or Android Studio > Check for Updates on Mac). Otherwise, you can download here.