[go: nahoru, domu]

Buncee - A Creative Presentation Tool for iOS
Buncee makes it easy for you and your students to create content for all classroom purposes; whether you’re in need of an awesome presentation, an interactive story, an engaging lesson, or a beautiful card. With fun and educational media tools and graphics, you can open up your world and introduce your students to creativity on-the-go!
Available now on iPhone and iPad.
Amazing Features
Create and edit a Buncee from anywhere
Use photos, text, stickers, animations, and drawing to make a wonder-filled creation.
Search through thousands of stickers, animations, and messages
Explore Buncee’s graphic library to make a unique and fun creation
Seamless syncing: app to web
Buncees are synced between your mobile and web accounts, so you can continue creating on-the-go