[go: nahoru, domu]

Travis CI changelog
Travis CI changelog

Build environments: Updates deployed




Updates for:

  • AMD Jammy image

AMD Jammy:

  • fixed issues with PostgreSQL and MySQL missing services

Documentation: The Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) Build Environment

Build environments: Updates deployed




Updates for:

  • LXD images

S390X/PPC64LE/ARM Bionic, Focal, Jammy:

  • cosign -> 2.2.4
  • rekor -> 1.3.6
  • added default ruby 3.3, and preinstalled ruby 2.7 to the image due to the new DPLv2 requirments

S390X/PPC64LE/ARM Xenial:

  • added default ruby 3.3, and preinstalled ruby 2.7 to the image due to the new DPLv2 requirments

Use group: previous in your travis.yaml for old stable images if you are having issues with the new ones

Build environments: Updates deployed




Updates for:

  • AMD Jammy and Xenial images

AMD Jammy:

  • Fix for rabbitmq service
  • cosign -> 2.2.4
  • rekor -> 1.3.6
  • docker -> 26.1.4
  • docker-composer -> 2.27.1
  • added default ruby 3.3, and preinstalled ruby 2.7 to the image due to the new DPLv2 requirments

Documentation: The Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) Build Environment

AMD Xenial:

available also at dockerhub: travisci/ci-sardonyx tag: travisci/ci-sardonyx:packer-1719232756-ce9e03f0)

  • Fix for rabbitmq service
  • added default ruby 3.3, and preinstalled ruby 2.7 to the image due to the new DPLv2 requirments
  • removed google-chrome package due to deprecation of one of it's requirments, instead latest chromium-browser has been installed

Documentation: The Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) Build Environment

Use group previous for old stable images if you are having issues with the new ones

Fixes deployed (release v2024.06.04)




Going forward, we will identify releases in change log using YYYY.MM.minor version. You may see respective branches and/or tags (matching or with earlier release version number) merged in Travis CI public repositories as well. This is aimed at providing clear overview which parts were updated with latest deployments.

DPLv2 coming to stable

By end of August 2024 we plan to make DPLv2 to become the default deployment tool in our build environments. We've recently made some technical upgrades to DPLv2. You will not need to adjust your .travis.yml files when it happens.

If you want to test it out a bit earlier, you can run a build on bionic or focal build environment

dist: focal # or bionic
  dpl_version: 2.0.4.beta # or newer
  edge: true # this is still required for "edge" versions

We will allow usage of deprecated DPLv1 after end of August for some time via explicit .travis.yml call with reference to outdated gem version.

Xenial & Trusty - deprecated by end of 2024

Ubuntu Trusty Tahr and Xenial Xerus are extremely popular versions of systems, which we see in our build environments utilization - we still see Trusty builds triggered and Xenial is still our default (and for a reason).

This is a deprecation notice.

By end of calendar 2024 we plan to

  • move our default build environment being at least Focal Fossa, if not Jammy JellyFish
  • cease any updates or fixes in Trusty and Xenial build environments. We will allow these environments to be spun up for builds for some longer time, but will remove them from the mix eventually.

Please plan migration of your builds. At best switch them to new OS versions and try out, what works for you and what doesn't

os: linux
dist: focal
#your build recipe


os: linux
dist: jammy
#your build recipe


  • Added support for ed25519 ssh key format as a default

while preserving backwards compatibility with items encrypted with older key format used previously.

  • Released stable version of DPL-v2 (module supporting deployment to multiple targets). Beta notification will be removed from the documentation after switching DPLv2 to be the default deployment support gem (planned at end of August 2024).
  • Travis CLI tool code updates (quality related cleanup)
  • Travis builds triggered when a release is created in GitHub


  • Fixed problem where regardless of a build job outcome (failed/passed) the phases after_success and after_failure executed anyways
  • Fixed an issue when draft PR in GitHub didn't trigger a build in Travis CI plus added proper 'Draft' label in the Travis Web UI
  • Fixed an issue, when plan 'Valid until invalid date ' date was presented incorrectly in Travis Web UI for trial plans
  • Travis Insights is up and running again
  • Jammy deployments on cpu: arm64-graviton2 and with virt: lxd should be fixed

Build environments: Updates deployed








Updates for AMD Bionic and Focal images:

AMD Focal:

available also at dockerhub travisci/ci-ubuntu-2004 tag: travisci/ci-ubuntu-2004:packer-1718197567-38d8975c

  • fixed missing rabbitmq service
  • fixed deprecated MongoDB GPG repository key
  • added default ruby 3.3, and preinstalled ruby 2.7 to the image due to the new DPLv2 requirements (please see below about group: previous)
  • cosign -> 2.2.4
  • rekor -> 1.3.6
  • docker -> 26.1.4
  • docker-compose -> 2.27.1
  • composer -> 2.7.7
  • cmake -> 3.29.0
  • clang -> 18.1
  • minor updates and fixes

Documentation:  The Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) Build Environment

AMD Bionic:

available also at dockerhub travisci/ci-ubuntu-1804 tag: travisci/ci-ubuntu-1804:packer-1718193590-38d8975c

  • fixed missing rabbitmq service
  • added default ruby 3.3, and preinstalled ruby 2.7 to the image due to the new DPLv2 requirements (please see below about group: previous)
  • cosign -> 2.2.4
  • rekor -> 1.3.6
  • clang -> 18.1
  • composer -> 2.7.7
  • minor updates and fixes

Documentation:  The Ubuntu 18.04 Build Environment


Since this is a big update of our images, please let us know if there are any issues with them. Additionally, to avoid any breaks in your builds, for the time being you can use group: previous tag to use Focal and Bionic AMD images from the past stable tag.

Fixes deployed

Improvements for several reported issues were deployed:

  • VCS user repository synchronization quality improvements for Assembla users
  • Improved API respond when no plan is selected
  • Improved functionality connected with "travis lint" in Travis CLI
  • Settings management enhancement, providing users the flexibility to change and reset their API key
  • Improved Travis CI/Assembla handshake functionality





Hotfix deployed




Fix for Focal AMD:

  • added missing PostgreSQL repository



Due to the outdated information in our docs, AMD Focal now comes with postgresql13 preinstalled as before, which takes the default port 5432. It can be used now with only services: postgresql

Docs information updated.

Updates deployed






Updates for AMD Focal and Bionic images:

  • added python3.12 to the images
  • changed PostgreSQL default version for Focal to PostgreSQL 12

Updates deployed








Focal AMD:

  • Changed bundler 2.5.0 to version 2.4.13 due to compatibility issues with DPL
  • Added a hotfix for PHP 8.2

Bionic AMD:

  • fixed deprecated postgres repository
  • jq 1.6 --> 1.7
  • shellcheck 0.7.2 --> 0.9.0
  • shfmt 3.2.1 --> 3.7.0
  • heroku 8.1.5 --> 8.7.1
  • nvm 0.39.3 --> 0.39.7
  • python 3.7.13 --> 3.7.17, 3.8.13 --> 3.8.18
  • redis 6.0.6 --> 7.2.3
  • maven 3.8.8 --> 3.9.4
  • gradle 7.5.1 --> 3.9.4
  • jdk8, jdk11 bumped to the newest version
  • cosign 1.13.1 --> 2.1.1
  • rekor 1.0.1 --> 1.2.2
  • ant is now preinstalled with the newest version
  • pyenv bumped to the newest version 2.3.35
  • added pyenv update plugin
  • Added a hotfix for PHP 8.2

Updates deployed






Focal AMD update:

  • cpp-1.3.0 --> 6.1.0
  • gradle-7.5.1 --> 8.3
  • maven-3.8.8 -->3.9.4
  • neo4j-3.5.2 --> 5.12.0
  • shellcheck-0.7.2 --> 0.9.0
  • shfmt-3.2.1 --> 3.7.0
  • jq-1.6 --> 1.7
  • kerl-1.8.5 --> 4.0.0
  • rabbitmq-3.6.14 --> 3.12.10
  • jdk8, jdk11 bumped to the newest version
  • ant is now preinstalled with the newest version
  • python-3.7.13 --> 3.7.17
  • python-3.8.13 --> 3.8.18
  • python-3.9.0 --> 3.9.18
  • cmake-3.16.8 --> 3.26.3
  • virtualenv-20.0.20 --> 20.24.6
  • otp-24.3.1 -->
  • mercurial-5.3 --> 6.5.2
  • pyenv bumped to the newest version 2.3.24
  • added pyenv update plugin
  • docker-20.10.7 --> 24.0.5
  • docker-compose-1.29.2 --> 2.20.3
  • mariadb-10.5 --> 11.2.1
  • cosign-1.13.1 --> 2.1.1
  • rekor-1.0.1 --> 1.2.2
  • updated linux modules