[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: cbd65b760740f56454d827b16335ae0075236f9e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This is a .pyl, or "Python Literal", file. You can treat it just like a
# .json file, with the following exceptions:
# * all keys must be quoted (use single quotes, please);
# * comments are allowed, using '#' syntax; and
# * trailing commas are allowed.
# The test suites understood by the waterfalls. Two kinds of entries
# are supported here:
# 1. Dictionaries that directly define test suites.
# 2. Compositions, in the form of lists which refer to other test
# suites.
# This file must be sorted by key. Run ./generate_buildbot_json.py -c to check
# your ordering; it will print out incorrectly sorted keys if there are any.
# Test suites.
'basic_suites': {
'android_ar_gtests': {
'monochrome_public_test_ar_apk': {},
# Name is vr_*, but actually has AR tests.
'vr_android_unittests': {},
'android_ddready_vr_gtests': {
'chrome_public_test_vr_apk-ddready-cardboard': {
'args': [
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'test': 'chrome_public_test_vr_apk',
'chrome_public_test_vr_apk-ddready-ddview': {
'args': [
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'test': 'chrome_public_test_vr_apk',
'chrome_public_test_vr_apk-ddready-don-enabled': {
'args': [
'mixins': [
'test': 'chrome_public_test_vr_apk',
'android_emulator_specific_chrome_public_tests': {
'chrome_public_test_apk': {
'args': [
# These tests launch external intent thus require playstore to be
# present. See crbug.com/1056330 for more details.
# Exclude them here since this test suite will run on emulator
# on images that do not have playstore.
# They will be ran in chrome_public_test_apk_with_playstore below.
'swarming': {
'shards': 20,
'mixins': [
'emulator-8-cores', # Use 8-core to shorten test runtime.
'chrome_public_test_apk_with_playstore': {
'args': [
# These tests launch external intent thus require playstore to be
# present. See crbug.com/1056330 for more details.
# They should be ran in emulator on images that have playstore.
'mixins': [
'test': 'chrome_public_test_apk',
'chrome_public_unit_test_apk': {
'mixins': [
'android_incremental_tests': {
'base_unittests': {
'args': [
'chrome_public_test_apk': {
'args': [
'mixins': [
'content_browsertests': {
'args': [
'android_isolated_scripts': {
'content_shell_crash_test': {
'args': [
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'result_format': 'single'
# List gtests with ci_only set to True so that they run on the CI of
# android-marshmallow-arm64-rel but not the mirrored CQ.
# Includes the following compound test suites:
# * android_modern_smoke_tests
# * android_smoke_tests
# * chromium_gtests_for_devices_with_graphical_output
# * chrome_public_tests
# * linux_flavor_specific_chromium_gtests
'android_marshmallow_device_ci_only_gtests': {
'cc_unittests': {
'ci_only': True,
'chrome_modern_public_bundle_fake_modules_smoke_test': {
'ci_only': True,
'chrome_modern_public_bundle_smoke_test': {
'ci_only': True,
'chrome_public_smoke_test': {
'ci_only': True,
'chrome_public_test_apk': {
'ci_only': True,
'swarming': {
'shards': 20,
'mixins': [
'chrome_public_unit_test_apk': {
'ci_only': True,
'mixins': [
'device_unittests': {
'ci_only': True,
'display_unittests': {
'ci_only': True,
'gfx_unittests': {
'ci_only': True,
'sandbox_linux_unittests': {
'ci_only': True,
'unit_tests': {
'ci_only': True,
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'viz_unittests': {
'ci_only': True,
# List gtests that are part of other composition test suites.
# MM emulator CQ builder currently has limited capacity so some composition
# test suites cannot be fullly enabled at once.
'android_marshmallow_emulator_limited_capacity_gtests': {
# Tests from chromium_gtests
'test': 'blink_unittests',
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 6,
'android_modern_smoke_tests': {
'chrome_modern_public_bundle_fake_modules_smoke_test': {},
'chrome_modern_public_bundle_smoke_test': {},
'android_monochrome_smoke_tests': {
'monochrome_public_bundle_fake_modules_smoke_test': {},
'monochrome_public_bundle_smoke_test': {},
'monochrome_public_smoke_test': {},
'android_oreo_standard_gtests': {
'chrome_public_test_apk': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 5,
'mixins': [
'chrome_public_unit_test_apk': {
'mixins': [
'webview_instrumentation_test_apk': {
'swarming': {
'expiration': 10800,
'shards': 5,
'android_pagecontroller_self_tests': {
'chrome_java_test_pagecontroller_tests': {},
# TODO(crbug.com/1111436): Deprecate this group in favor of
# android_pie_rel_gtests if/when android Pie capacity is fully restored.
'android_pie_rel_reduced_capacity_gtests': {
'android_browsertests': {},
'blink_platform_unittests': {},
'cc_unittests': {},
'content_browsertests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 15,
'viz_unittests': {},
'weblayer_bundle_test': {},
'weblayer_instrumentation_test_apk': {},
'webview_instrumentation_test_apk': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 7,
'android_smoke_tests': {
'chrome_public_smoke_test': {},
'android_specific_chromium_gtests': {
'android_browsertests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 1,
'android_sync_integration_tests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 1,
'args': [
'android_webview_unittests': {},
'breakpad_unittests': {},
'content_shell_test_apk': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 3,
'gl_tests_validating': {
'test': 'gl_tests',
# TODO(kbr): these are actually run on many of the GPU bots, which have
# physical hardware for several of the desktop OSs. Once the GPU JSON
# generation script is merged with this one, this should be promoted from
# the Android-specific section.
'args': [
'gl_unittests': {
# TODO(kbr): these are actually run on many of the GPU bots, which have
# physical hardware for several of the desktop OSs. Once the GPU JSON
# generation script is merged with this one, this should be promoted from
# the Android-specific section.
'mojo_test_apk': {},
'ui_android_unittests': {},
'webview_instrumentation_test_apk': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 7,
'android_trichrome_smoke_tests': {
'trichrome_chrome_bundle_fake_modules_smoke_test': {},
'trichrome_chrome_bundle_smoke_test': {},
'android_webview_gpu_telemetry_tests': {
'pixel_skia': {
'name': 'android_webview_pixel_skia_gold_test',
'args': [
'mixins': [
'telemetry_test_name': 'pixel',
'android_wpr_record_replay_tests': {
'chrome_java_test_wpr_tests': {
'mixins': [
'aura_gtests': {
'aura_unittests': {},
'compositor_unittests': {},
'wm_unittests': {},
'backuprefptr_generic_gtests': {
'base_unittests': {},
'blink_common_unittests': {},
'blink_platform_unittests': {},
'cast_unittests': {},
'cc_unittests': {},
'components_unittests': {
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 6,
'content_unittests': {
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 3,
'unit_tests': {
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'webkit_unit_tests': {
'test': 'blink_unittests',
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 6,
'wtf_unittests': {},
'bfcache_android_specific_gtests': {
'bf_cache_android_browsertests': {
'args': [
'test': 'android_browsertests',
'bf_cache_chrome_public_test_apk': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 20,
'mixins': [
'test': 'chrome_public_test_apk',
'bf_cache_chrome_public_unit_test_apk': {
'args': [
'mixins': [
'test': 'chrome_public_unit_test_apk',
'bf_cache_content_shell_test_apk': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 5,
'test': 'content_shell_test_apk',
'bfcache_generic_gtests': {
'bf_cache_content_browsertests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 20,
'test': 'content_browsertests',
'bf_cache_content_unittests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 10,
'test': 'content_unittests',
'bf_cache_unit_tests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 10,
'test': 'unit_tests',
'bfcache_linux_specific_gtests': {
'bf_cache_browser_tests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 10,
'test': 'browser_tests',
'blink_unittests': {
'blink_unit_tests': {
'test': 'blink_unittests',
'cast_audio_specific_chromium_gtests': {
'cast_audio_backend_unittests': {},
'cast_base_unittests': {},
'cast_cast_core_unittests': {},
'cast_crash_unittests': {},
'cast_media_unittests': {},
'cast_shell_browsertests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'can_use_on_swarming_builders': False, # https://crbug.com/861753
'cast_shell_unittests': {},
'cast_junit_tests': {
'cast_base_junit_tests': {},
'cast_shell_junit_tests': {},
'cast_video_specific_chromium_gtests': {
'cast_accessibility_unittests': {},
'cast_display_settings_unittests': {
'experiment_percentage': 100,
'cast_graphics_unittests': {},
'exo_unittests': {},
'views_unittests': {
'experiment_percentage': 100,
'chrome_isolated_script_tests': {
'chrome_sizes': {
'merge': {
'script': '//tools/perf/process_perf_results.py',
'mixins': [
'variations_smoke_tests': {
'isolate_name': 'variations_smoke_tests',
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'result_format': 'single'
'chrome_public_tests': {
'chrome_public_test_apk': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 20,
'mixins': [
'chrome_public_unit_test_apk': {
'mixins': [
'chrome_webapk_integration_tests': {},
'chrome_public_wpt': {
'chrome_public_wpt': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 36,
'expiration': 18000,
'hard_timeout': 14400,
'experiment_percentage': 100,
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'results_handler': 'layout tests',
'chrome_sizes': {
'chrome_sizes': {
'merge': {
'script': '//tools/perf/process_perf_results.py',
'mixins': [
'chrome_sizes_android': {
'chrome_sizes': {
'merge': {
'script': '//tools/perf/process_perf_results.py',
'mixins': [
'args': [
'swarming': {
"dimension_sets": [
"cpu": "x86-64",
"os": "Ubuntu-16.04"
'remove_mixins': [
'chromedriver_py_tests_isolated_scripts': {
'chromedriver_py_tests': {
'args': [
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'chromedriver_replay_unittests': {},
'chromeos_browser_finch_tests': {
'chrome_variations_tast_tests': {
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/923426#c27
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'experiment_percentage': 100,
'chromeos_browser_integration_tests': {
'chrome_all_tast_tests': {
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/923426#c27
'shards': 4,
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'disk_usage_tast_test': {
"args": [
# Stripping gives more accurate disk usage data.
'merge': {
'script': '//tools/perf/process_perf_results.py',
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/923426#c27
# GTests to run on Chrome OS devices, but not Chrome OS VMs. Any differences
# between this and chromeos_system_friendly_gtests below should only be due
# to resource constraints (ie: not enough devices).
'chromeos_device_only_gtests': {
'base_unittests': {
'args': [
'chromeos_isolated_scripts': {
# TODO(crbug.com/1202958): Remove these SkiaRenderer variants when
# SkiaRenderer is shipped by default on Chrome OS.
'skia_renderer_telemetry_perf_unittests': {
'isolate_name': 'telemetry_perf_unittests',
'args': [
# 3 is arbitrary, but if we're having more than 3 of these tests
# fail in a single shard, then something is probably wrong, so fail
# fast.
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/549140
'shards': 6,
'skia_renderer_telemetry_unittests': {
'isolate_name': 'telemetry_unittests',
'args': [
# 3 is arbitrary, but if we're having more than 3 of these tests
# fail in a single shard, then something is probably wrong, so fail
# fast.
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/549140
'shards': 24,
'telemetry_perf_unittests': {
'args': [
# 3 is arbitrary, but if we're having more than 3 of these tests
# fail in a single shard, then something is probably wrong, so fail
# fast.
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/549140
'shards': 12,
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'telemetry_unittests': {
'args': [
# 3 is arbitrary, but if we're having more than 3 of these tests
# fail in a single shard, then something is probably wrong, so fail
# fast.
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/549140
'shards': 24,
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'chromeos_remote_device_isolated_tests': {
'telemetry_perf_unittests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/549140
'shards': 2,
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'telemetry_unittests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/549140
'shards': 10,
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
# Tests that run on Chrome OS systems (ie: VMs, Chromebooks), *not*
# linux-chromeos.
# NOTE: We only want a small subset of test suites here, because most
# suites assume that they stub out the underlying device hardware.
# https://crbug.com/865693
'chromeos_system_friendly_gtests': {
'aura_unittests': {
'args': [
'base_unittests': {},
'capture_unittests': {
'args': [
# Don't run CaptureMJpeg tests on ChromeOS VM because vivid,
# which is the virtual video capture device, doesn't support MJPEG.
'cc_unittests': {},
'crypto_unittests': {},
'display_unittests': {},
'google_apis_unittests': {},
'ipc_tests': {},
'latency_unittests': {},
'libcups_unittests': {},
'media_unittests': {
'args': [
'midi_unittests': {},
'mojo_unittests': {},
# net_unittests has a test-time dependency on vpython. So add a CIPD'ed
# vpython of the right arch to the task, and tell the test runner to copy
# it over to the VM before the test runs.
'net_unittests': {
'args': [
# PythonUtils.PythonRunTime (as opposed to Python3RunTime) requires a
# copy of Python 2, but it's testing test helpers that are only used
# outside of net_unittests. This bot runs out of space if trying to
# ship two vpythons, so we exclude Python 2 and the one test which
# uses it.
'swarming': {
'cipd_packages': [
"cipd_package": 'infra/3pp/tools/cpython3/linux-amd64',
'location': 'vpython_dir_linux_amd64',
'revision': 'version:2@3.8.10.chromium.21',
"cipd_package": 'infra/tools/luci/vpython/linux-amd64',
'location': 'vpython_dir_linux_amd64',
'revision': 'git_revision:0f694cdc06ba054b9960aa1ae9766e45b53d02c1',
'shards': 3,
'ozone_gl_unittests': {
'args': [
'ozone_unittests': {},
'pdf_unittests': {},
'printing_unittests': {},
'profile_provider_unittest': {
'args': [
'sql_unittests': {},
'url_unittests': {},
'vaapi_unittest': {
'args': [
# Tell libva to do dummy encoding/decoding. For more info, see:
# https://github.com/intel/libva/blob/master/va/va_fool.c#L47
'--env-var', 'LIBVA_DRIVERS_PATH', '/usr/local/lib64',
'--env-var', 'LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME', 'fake',
'--env-var', 'LIBVA_FOOL_DECODE', '1',
'--env-var', 'LIBVA_FOOL_POSTP', '1',
'chromium_android_asan_gtests': {
# TODO(kbr): reduce duplication among these tests, and with other
# test suites.
'base_unittests': {
'args': [
'chromium_android_asan_junit_tests': {
'base_junit_tests': {},
'chromium_android_scripts': {
'check_network_annotations': {
'script': 'check_network_annotations.py',
'chromium_android_webkit_gtests': {
'blink_heap_unittests': {},
'webkit_unit_tests': {
'test': 'blink_unittests',
'chromium_browser_tests': {
'browser_tests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 10,
'components_browsertests': {},
'content_browsertests': {},
'interactive_ui_tests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 3,
'chromium_gtests': {
'absl_hardening_tests': {},
'angle_unittests': {
'args': [
'android_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'base_unittests': {},
'blink_common_unittests': {},
'blink_heap_unittests': {},
'blink_platform_unittests': {},
'boringssl_crypto_tests': {},
'boringssl_ssl_tests': {},
'capture_unittests': {
'args': [
'cast_unittests': {},
'components_browsertests': {},
'components_unittests': {
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 6,
'content_browsertests': {
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 9,
'swarming': {
'shards': 6,
'content_unittests': {
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 3,
'crashpad_tests': {},
'crypto_unittests': {},
'events_unittests': {},
'gcm_unit_tests': {},
'gin_unittests': {},
'google_apis_unittests': {},
'gpu_unittests': {},
'gwp_asan_unittests': {},
'ipc_tests': {},
'latency_unittests': {},
'libjingle_xmpp_unittests': {},
'liburlpattern_unittests': {},
'media_unittests': {},
'midi_unittests': {},
'mojo_unittests': {},
'net_unittests': {
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 3,
'perfetto_unittests': {},
'services_unittests': {},
'shell_dialogs_unittests': {},
'skia_unittests': {},
'sql_unittests': {},
'storage_unittests': {},
'ui_base_unittests': {},
'ui_touch_selection_unittests': {},
'url_unittests': {},
'webkit_unit_tests': {
'test': 'blink_unittests',
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 6,
'wtf_unittests': {},
'zlib_unittests': {},
'chromium_gtests_for_devices_with_graphical_output': {
'cc_unittests': {},
'device_unittests': {},
'display_unittests': {},
'gfx_unittests': {},
'unit_tests': {
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'viz_unittests': {},
'chromium_gtests_for_linux_and_chromeos_only': {
'dbus_unittests': {},
'mojo_core_unittests': {},
'chromium_gtests_for_linux_and_mac_only': {
'openscreen_unittests': {},
'chromium_gtests_for_linux_only': {
'ozone_x11_unittests': {},
'chromium_gtests_for_win_and_linux_only': {
'chromium_junit_tests': {
'android_webview_junit_tests': {},
'base_junit_tests': {},
'chrome_java_test_pagecontroller_junit_tests': {},
'chrome_junit_tests': {},
'components_junit_tests': {},
'content_junit_tests': {},
'device_junit_tests': {},
'junit_unit_tests': {},
'keyboard_accessory_junit_tests': {},
'media_base_junit_tests': {},
'module_installer_junit_tests': {},
'net_junit_tests': {},
'paint_preview_junit_tests': {},
'password_check_junit_tests': {},
'password_manager_junit_tests': {},
'services_junit_tests': {},
'touch_to_fill_junit_tests': {},
'ui_junit_tests': {},
'webapk_client_junit_tests': {},
'webapk_shell_apk_h2o_junit_tests': {},
'webapk_shell_apk_junit_tests': {},
'weblayer_junit_tests': {
# Experimental until we're sure these are stable.
'experiment_percentage': 100
'chromium_linux_scripts': {
'check_network_annotations': {
'script': 'check_network_annotations.py',
'check_static_initializers': {
'script': 'check_static_initializers.py',
'checkdeps': {
'script': 'checkdeps.py',
'checkperms': {
'script': 'checkperms.py',
'headless_python_unittests': {
'script': 'headless_python_unittests.py',
'metrics_python_tests': {
'script': 'metrics_python_tests.py',
'webkit_lint': {
'script': 'blink_lint_expectations.py',
'chromium_mac_scripts': {
'check_static_initializers': {
'script': 'check_static_initializers.py',
'metrics_python_tests': {
'script': 'metrics_python_tests.py',
'webkit_lint': {
'script': 'blink_lint_expectations.py',
'chromium_swarm_android_gtests': {
'base_unittests': {},
'chrome_modern_public_bundle_fake_modules_smoke_test': {},
'chrome_modern_public_bundle_smoke_test': {},
'weblayer_bundle_test': {},
'chromium_swarm_desktop_gtests': {
'base_unittests': {},
'content_browsertests': {},
'content_unittests': {},
'interactive_ui_tests': {},
'net_unittests': {},
'unit_tests': {},
'chromium_swarm_linux_gtests': {
'base_unittests': {
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'cores': '8',
'browser_tests': {
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'cores': '8',
'shards': 2,
'content_browsertests': {
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'cores': '8',
'content_unittests': {
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'cores': '2',
'interactive_ui_tests': {
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'cores': '8',
'net_unittests': {
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'cores': '8',
'unit_tests': {
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'cores': '2',
# On some bots we don't have capacity to run all standard tests (for example
# Android Pie), however there are tracing integration tests we want to
# ensure are still working.
'chromium_tracing_gtests': {
'services_unittests': {},
'chromium_web_tests_and_wpt_webdriver_isolated_scripts': {
'blink_web_tests': {
# layout test failures are retried 3 times when '--test-list' is not
# passed, but 0 times when '--test-list' is passed. We want to always
# retry 3 times, so we explicitly specify it.
'args': [
'isolate_name': 'blink_web_tests',
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'mixins': [
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'results_handler': 'layout tests',
'swarming': {
'shards': 12,
'webdriver_tests_suite': {
'isolate_name': 'webdriver_wpt_tests',
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'chromium_web_tests_high_dpi_isolated_scripts': {
'high_dpi_blink_web_tests': {
# high_dpi_blink_web_tests provides coverage for
# running Layout Tests with forced device scale factor.
'args': [
# layout test failures are retried 3 times when '--test-list' is not
# passed, but 0 times when '--test-list' is passed. We want to always
# retry 3 times, so we explicitly specify it.
'isolate_name': 'blink_web_tests',
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'mixins': [
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'results_handler': 'layout tests',
'swarming': {
'shards': 12,
'chromium_webkit_isolated_scripts': {
'blink_web_tests': {
# layout test failures are retried 3 times when '--test-list' is not
# passed, but 0 times when '--test-list' is passed. We want to always
# retry 3 times, so we explicitly specify it.
'args': [
'isolate_name': 'blink_web_tests',
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'mixins': [
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'results_handler': 'layout tests',
'swarming': {
'shards': 12,
'chromium_win_scripts': {
'check_network_annotations': {
'script': 'check_network_annotations.py',
'metrics_python_tests': {
'script': 'metrics_python_tests.py',
'webkit_lint': {
'script': 'blink_lint_expectations.py',
'client_v8_chromium_gtests': {
'app_shell_unittests': {},
'browser_tests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 10,
'chrome_app_unittests': {},
'chromedriver_unittests': {},
'components_browsertests': {},
'components_unittests': {},
'compositor_unittests': {},
'content_browsertests': {},
'content_unittests': {},
'device_unittests': {},
'extensions_browsertests': {},
'extensions_unittests': {},
'gcm_unit_tests': {},
'gin_unittests': {},
'google_apis_unittests': {},
'gpu_unittests': {},
'headless_browsertests': {},
'headless_unittests': {},
'interactive_ui_tests': {},
'nacl_loader_unittests': {},
'net_unittests': {},
'pdf_unittests': {},
'ppapi_unittests': {},
'remoting_unittests': {},
'services_unittests': {},
'sync_integration_tests': {},
'unit_tests': {},
'client_v8_chromium_isolated_scripts': {
'content_shell_crash_test': {
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'result_format': 'single'
'telemetry_gpu_unittests': {
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/549140
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'telemetry_perf_unittests': {
'args': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1077284): Remove this once Crashpad is the default.
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/549140
'shards': 12,
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'telemetry_unittests': {
'args': [
# Disable GPU compositing, telemetry_unittests runs on VMs.
# https://crbug.com/871955
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/549140
'shards': 4,
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
# TODO(crbug.com/1255748): Remove after chromium_gtests are enabled on
# android_marshmallow_emulator_gtests
'components_capacity_tests': {
'components_unittests': {
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 6,
'components_perftests_isolated_scripts' : {
'components_perftests': {
'merge': {
'script': '//tools/perf/process_perf_results.py',
'args': [
'args': [
'cronet_gtests': {
'cronet_sample_test_apk': {},
'cronet_smoketests_missing_native_library_instrumentation_apk': {},
'cronet_smoketests_platform_only_instrumentation_apk': {},
'cronet_test_instrumentation_apk': {},
'cronet_tests_android': {},
'cronet_unittests_android': {},
'net_unittests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'cronet_resource_sizes': {
'resource_sizes_cronet_sample_apk': {
'merge': {
'script': '//tools/perf/process_perf_results.py',
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
# This suite simply analyzes build targets without running them.
# It can thus run on a standard linux machine w/o a device.
'os': 'Ubuntu-16.04',
'cpu': 'x86'
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'result_format': 'single'
'cronet_sizes': {
'cronet_sizes': {
'merge': {
'script': '//tools/perf/process_perf_results.py',
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
# This suite simply analyzes build targets without running them.
# It can thus run on a standard linux machine w/o a device.
'os': 'Ubuntu-16.04',
'cpu': 'x86'
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'result_format': 'single',
'result_file': '${ISOLATED_OUTDIR}/sizes/test_results.json'
'desktop_chromium_isolated_scripts': {
'blink_python_tests': {
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'blink_web_tests': {
# layout test failures are retried 3 times when '--test-list' is not
# passed, but 0 times when '--test-list' is passed. We want to always
# retry 3 times, so we explicitly specify it.
'args': [
'isolate_name': 'blink_web_tests',
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'mixins': [
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'results_handler': 'layout tests',
'swarming': {
'shards': 12,
'content_shell_crash_test': {
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'result_format': 'single'
'flatbuffers_unittests': {
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'result_format': 'single'
'grit_python_unittests': {
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'telemetry_gpu_unittests': {
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/549140
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'telemetry_unittests': {
'args': [
# Disable GPU compositing, telemetry_unittests runs on VMs.
# https://crbug.com/871955
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/549140
'shards': 8,
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'views_perftests': {
'merge': {
'script': '//tools/perf/process_perf_results.py',
'args': [
'args': [
'devtools_browser_tests' : {
'devtools_browser_tests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 1,
'test': 'browser_tests',
'devtools_webkit_isolated_scripts': {
'blink_web_tests': {
# layout test failures are retried 3 times when '--test-list' is not
# passed, but 0 times when '--test-list' is passed. We want to always
# retry 3 times, so we explicitly specify it.
'args': [
'isolate_name': 'blink_web_tests',
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'mixins': [
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'results_handler': 'layout tests',
'swarming': {
'shards': 12,
'webkit_layout_from_devtools': {
# TODO(crbug.com/816629) - Move these args into //BUILD.gn .
# layout test failures are retried 3 times when '--test-list' is not
# passed, but 0 times when '--test-list' is passed. We want to always
# retry 3 times, so we explicitly specify it.
'args': [
'isolate_name': 'devtools_web_tests',
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'results_handler': 'layout tests',
'swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'fieldtrial_browser_tests': {
'no_fieldtrial_browser_tests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 10,
'test': 'browser_tests',
'finch_smoke_tests': {
# TODO(crbug.com/1227222): Change this to the actual finch smoke test
# once it exists.
'base_unittests': {},
'fuchsia_chrome_gtests': {
'courgette_unittests': {},
'extensions_unittests': {},
'headless_unittests': {},
'message_center_unittests': {},
'views_examples_unittests': {
'args': [
'views_unittests': {
'args': [
'fuchsia_common_gtests': {
'absl_hardening_tests': {},
'accessibility_unittests': {},
'aura_unittests': {},
'base_unittests': {},
'blink_common_unittests': {},
'blink_heap_unittests': {},
'blink_platform_unittests': {},
'blink_unittests': {
'args': [
'boringssl_crypto_tests': {},
'boringssl_ssl_tests': {},
'capture_unittests': {},
'color_unittests': {},
'components_browsertests': {},
'components_unittests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'args': [
'compositor_unittests': {},
'content_unittests': {
'args': [
'crypto_unittests': {},
'events_unittests': {},
'fuchsia_mojo_unittests': {},
'gcm_unit_tests': {},
'gin_unittests': {},
'google_apis_unittests': {},
'gpu_unittests': {},
'gwp_asan_unittests': {},
'headless_browsertests': {
'args': [
'ipc_tests': {},
'latency_unittests': {},
'media_unittests': {},
'midi_unittests': {},
'mojo_core_unittests': {},
'mojo_unittests': {},
'native_theme_unittests': {},
'net_unittests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'args': [
'ozone_gl_unittests': {
'args': [
'ozone_unittests': {},
'perfetto_unittests': {},
'service_manager_unittests': {},
'services_unittests': {
'args': [
'shell_dialogs_unittests': {},
'skia_unittests': {},
'snapshot_unittests': {},
'sql_unittests': {},
'storage_unittests': {
'args': [
'ui_base_unittests': {
'args': [
'ui_touch_selection_unittests': {},
'url_unittests': {},
'wm_unittests': {},
'wtf_unittests': {},
'zlib_unittests': {},
'fuchsia_common_gtests_with_graphical_output': {
'cc_unittests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'display_unittests': {},
'gfx_unittests': {},
'viz_unittests': {
'args': [
'fuchsia_experimental_gtests': {
'browser_tests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 40,
'content_browsertests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 6,
'unit_tests': {
'args': [
'fuchsia_gpu_telemetry_tests': {
'context_lost_validating': {
'isolate_name': 'fuchsia_telemetry_gpu_integration_test',
'name': 'context_lost_validating_tests',
'telemetry_test_name': 'context_lost',
'args': [
'mixins': [
'gpu_process': {
'name': 'gpu_process_launch_tests',
'isolate_name': 'fuchsia_telemetry_gpu_integration_test',
'mixins': [
'hardware_accelerated_feature': {
'isolate_name': 'fuchsia_telemetry_gpu_integration_test',
'mixins': [
'info_collection': {
'args': [
'isolate_name': 'fuchsia_telemetry_gpu_integration_test',
'mixins': [
'maps': {
'isolate_name': 'fuchsia_telemetry_gpu_integration_test',
'mixins': [
'mediapipe_validating': {
'isolate_name': 'fuchsia_telemetry_gpu_integration_test',
'name': 'mediapipe_validating_tests',
'telemetry_test_name': 'mediapipe',
'args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--force_higher_performance_gpu --use-cmd-decoder=validating',
'mixins': [
'pixel': {
'isolate_name': 'fuchsia_telemetry_gpu_integration_test',
'mixins': [
'screenshot_sync': {
'isolate_name': 'fuchsia_telemetry_gpu_integration_test',
'mixins': [
'trace_test': {
'isolate_name': 'fuchsia_telemetry_gpu_integration_test',
'mixins': [
'webgl_conformance': {
'isolate_name': 'fuchsia_telemetry_gpu_integration_test',
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 18,
'fuchsia_sizes_tests': {
'fuchsia_sizes': {
'merge': {
'script': '//tools/perf/process_perf_results.py',
'args': [
'gl_gtests_passthrough': {
'gl_tests_passthrough': {
'test': 'gl_tests',
'args': [
'linux_args': ['--no-xvfb'],
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'gl_unittests': {},
'goma_gtests': {
'base_unittests': {},
'content_unittests': {},
'goma_mac_gtests': {
'base_unittests': {
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'cpu': 'x86-64',
'os': 'Mac-10.13',
'content_unittests': {
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'cpu': 'x86-64',
'os': 'Mac-10.13',
# BEGIN tests which run on the GPU bots
'gpu_angle_deqp_egl_d3d11_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_egl_d3d11_tests': {
'args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'test': 'angle_deqp_egl_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_egl_gl_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_egl_gl_tests': {
'args': [
# Flaky when run with multiple processes.
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'test': 'angle_deqp_egl_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_egl_gles_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_egl_gles_tests': {
'args': [
'android_args': [
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'test': 'angle_deqp_egl_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_egl_vulkan_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_egl_vulkan_tests': {
'args': [
'android_args': [
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'desktop_args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'test': 'angle_deqp_egl_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles2_d3d11_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles2_d3d11_tests': {
'args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles2_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles2_gl_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles2_gl_tests': {
'args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles2_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles2_gles_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles2_gles_tests': {
'args': [
'android_args': [
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'desktop_args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles2_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles2_vulkan_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles2_vulkan_tests': {
'args': [
'android_args': [
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'desktop_args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles2_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles31_d3d11_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles31_d3d11_tests': {
'args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles31_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles31_gl_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles31_gl_tests': {
'args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles31_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles31_vulkan_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles31_vulkan_tests': {
'args': [
'android_args': [
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 20,
'desktop_args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles31_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles31_vulkan_rotate180_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles31_vulkan_rotate180_tests': {
'args': [
'desktop_args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'swarming': {
'shards': 1,
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles31_rotate180_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles31_vulkan_rotate270_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles31_vulkan_rotate270_tests': {
'args': [
'desktop_args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'swarming': {
'shards': 1,
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles31_rotate270_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles31_vulkan_rotate90_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles31_vulkan_rotate90_tests': {
'args': [
'desktop_args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'swarming': {
'shards': 1,
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles31_rotate90_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles3_d3d11_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles3_d3d11_tests': {
'args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles3_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles3_gl_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles3_gl_tests': {
'args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles3_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles3_gles_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles3_gles_tests': {
'args': [
'android_args': [
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 12,
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles3_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles3_vulkan_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles3_vulkan_tests': {
'args': [
'android_args': [
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 12,
'desktop_args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles3_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles3_vulkan_rotate180_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles3_vulkan_rotate180_tests': {
'args': [
'desktop_args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles3_rotate180_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles3_vulkan_rotate270_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles3_vulkan_rotate270_tests': {
'args': [
'desktop_args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles3_rotate270_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_gles3_vulkan_rotate90_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_gles3_vulkan_rotate90_tests': {
'args': [
'desktop_args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'test': 'angle_deqp_gles3_rotate90_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_khr_gles2_vulkan_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_khr_gles2_vulkan_tests': {
'args': [
'android_args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'desktop_args': [
'test': 'angle_deqp_khr_gles2_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_khr_gles31_vulkan_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_khr_gles31_vulkan_tests': {
'args': [
'android_args': [
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'desktop_args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'test': 'angle_deqp_khr_gles31_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_khr_gles32_vulkan_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_khr_gles32_vulkan_tests': {
'args': [
'android_args': [
'desktop_args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'test': 'angle_deqp_khr_gles32_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_deqp_khr_gles3_vulkan_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_khr_gles3_vulkan_tests': {
'args': [
'android_args': [
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'desktop_args': [
'merge': {
'script': '//third_party/angle/scripts/angle_deqp_test_merge.py',
'test': 'angle_deqp_khr_gles3_tests',
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_end2end_gtests': {
'angle_end2end_tests': {
'android_args': [
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'args': [
'desktop_args': [
# Linux has issues with creating too many windows at once.
'linux_args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_fuchsia_unittests_isolated_scripts': {
'angle_unittests': {
'args': [
'mixins': ['fuchsia_logs'],
'gpu_angle_unit_gtests': {
'angle_unittests': {
'args': [
'android_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'gpu_angle_white_box_gtests': {
# TODO(ynovikov): the old generator script said the white box
# tests are supposed to run everywhere angle_end2end_tests do, but
# they actually ran only on Windows and Linux.
'angle_white_box_tests': {
'android_args': [
'args': [
'desktop_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
# The command buffer perf tests are only run on Windows.
# They are mostly driver and platform independent.
'gpu_command_buffer_perf_passthrough_isolated_scripts': {
'passthrough_command_buffer_perftests': {
'args': [
'isolate_name': 'command_buffer_perftests',
'merge': {
'script': '//tools/perf/process_perf_results.py',
'args': [
'should_retry_with_patch': False,
'gpu_common_and_optional_telemetry_tests': {
'info_collection': {
'args': [
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'trace_test': {
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
# GPU gtests which run on both the main and FYI waterfalls.
'gpu_common_gtests_passthrough': {
'gl_tests_passthrough': {
'test': 'gl_tests',
'args' : [
'desktop_args': [
'linux_args': ['--no-xvfb'],
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'gl_unittests': {
'desktop_args': ['--use-gpu-in-tests'],
'linux_args': ['--no-xvfb'],
'gpu_common_gtests_validating': {
'gl_tests_validating': {
'test': 'gl_tests',
'args' : [
'desktop_args': [
'linux_args': ['--no-xvfb'],
'gl_unittests': {
'desktop_args': ['--use-gpu-in-tests'],
'linux_args': ['--no-xvfb'],
# GPU gtests that test only Dawn
'gpu_dawn_gtests': {
'dawn_end2end_skip_validation_tests': {
'mixins': ['dawn_end2end_gpu_test'],
'args': [
'linux_args': [ '--no-xvfb' ],
'test': 'dawn_end2end_tests_temp',
'dawn_end2end_tests': {
'mixins': ['dawn_end2end_gpu_test'],
'linux_args': [ '--no-xvfb' ],
'test': 'dawn_end2end_tests_temp',
'dawn_end2end_wire_tests': {
'mixins': ['dawn_end2end_gpu_test'],
'args': [
'linux_args': [ '--no-xvfb' ],
'test': 'dawn_end2end_tests_temp',
# For Windows. Use the D3D12 backend validation layers but without GPU-based
# validation and shader patching. This avoids hangs on less powerful systems.
'gpu_dawn_gtests_with_partial_validation': {
'dawn_end2end_validation_layers_tests': {
'mixins': ['dawn_end2end_gpu_test'],
'args': [
'linux_args': [ '--no-xvfb' ],
'test': 'dawn_end2end_tests_temp',
# GPU gtests that test only Dawn with backend validation layers
'gpu_dawn_gtests_with_validation': {
'dawn_end2end_validation_layers_tests': {
'mixins': ['dawn_end2end_gpu_test'],
'args': [
'linux_args': [ '--no-xvfb' ],
'test': 'dawn_end2end_tests_temp',
'gpu_dawn_perf_smoke_isolated_scripts': {
'dawn_perf_tests_temp': {
'args': [
# Tell the tests to only run one step for faster iteration.
'merge': {
'script': '//tools/perf/process_perf_results.py',
# Does not upload to the perf dashboard
'args': [
'gpu_default_and_optional_win_specific_gtests': {
'xr_browser_tests': {
# The Windows machines this is run on should always meet all the
# requirements, so skip the runtime checks to help catch issues, e.g.
# if we're incorrectly being told a DirectX 11.1 device isn't
# available
'args': [
'test': 'xr_browser_tests',
'gpu_desktop_specific_gtests': {
'tab_capture_end2end_tests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [ '--no-xvfb' ],
'test': 'browser_tests',
'gpu_fuchsia_common_telemetry_tests': {
'info_collection': {
'args': [
'mixins': [
'screenshot_sync': {
'mixins': [
'trace_test': {
'mixins': [
'webgl_conformance': {
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 18,
'gpu_fyi_and_optional_non_linux_gtests': {
# gpu_unittests is killing the Swarmed Linux GPU bots similarly to
# how content_unittests was: http://crbug.com/763498 .
'gpu_unittests': {
'gpu_fyi_and_optional_win_specific_gtests': {
'gles2_conform_d3d9_test': {
'args': [
'test': 'gles2_conform_test',
'gles2_conform_gl_test': {
'args': [
'test': 'gles2_conform_test',
'gpu_fyi_mac_specific_gtests': {
# Face and barcode detection unit tests, which currently only run on
# Mac OS, and require physical hardware.
'services_unittests': {
'args': [
'gpu_fyi_vulkan_swiftshader_gtests': {
'vulkan_swiftshader_content_browsertests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [ '--no-xvfb' ],
'test': 'content_browsertests',
# TODO(crbug.com/1202958): Remove all gpu_gl_renderer_* targets when
# SkiaRenderer is shipped on all platforms.
'gpu_gl_renderer_full_telemetry_tests': {
'gl_renderer_context_lost_tests': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'context_lost',
'args': [
'chromeos_args': [
'mixins': [
'gl_renderer_gpu_process_launch_tests': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'gpu_process',
'args': [
'chromeos_args': [
'mixins': [
'gl_renderer_hardware_accelerated_feature_tests': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'hardware_accelerated_feature',
'args': [
'chromeos_args': [
'mixins': [
'gl_renderer_maps_pixel_tests': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'maps',
'args': [
'chromeos_args': [
'mixins': [
'gl_renderer_pixel_skia_gold_tests': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'pixel',
'args': [
'chromeos_args': [
'mixins': [
'gl_renderer_screenshot_sync_tests': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'screenshot_sync',
'args': [
'chromeos_args': [
'mixins': [
# Very small set of test that exercise GLRenderer and produce pixels for CQ.
# For use where SkiaRenderer is enabled by field trial or default.
'gpu_gl_renderer_small_telemetry_tests': {
'gl_renderer_screenshot_sync': {
'args': [
'android_args': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1093085): Remove this once we fix the tests.
'telemetry_test_name': 'screenshot_sync',
'mixins': [
'gpu_gles2_conform_gtests': {
# The gles2_conform_tests are closed-source and deliberately only
# run on the FYI waterfall and the optional tryservers.
'gles2_conform_test': {
'args': ['--use-gpu-in-tests'],
'gpu_info_collection_telemetry_tests': {
'info_collection': {
'args': [
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'mixins': [
'gpu_mediapipe_passthrough_telemetry_tests': {
'mediapipe_passthrough': {
'name': 'mediapipe_passthrough_tests',
'telemetry_test_name': 'mediapipe',
'args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--force_higher_performance_gpu --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --use-gl=angle',
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'gpu_mediapipe_validating_telemetry_tests': {
'mediapipe_validating': {
'name': 'mediapipe_validating_tests',
'telemetry_test_name': 'mediapipe',
'args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--force_higher_performance_gpu --use-cmd-decoder=validating',
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'gpu_noop_sleep_telemetry_test': {
# The former GPU-specific generator script contained logic to
# detect whether the so-called "experimental" GPU bots, which test
# newer driver versions, were identical to the "stable" versions
# of the bots, and if so to mirror their configurations. We prefer
# to keep this new script simpler and to just configure this by
# hand in waterfalls.pyl.
'noop_sleep': {
'chromeos_args': [
'gpu_passthrough_telemetry_tests': {
'context_lost_passthrough': {
'name': 'context_lost_passthrough_tests',
'telemetry_test_name': 'context_lost',
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --use-gl=angle',
'mixins': [
'gpu_process': {
'name': 'gpu_process_launch_tests',
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'hardware_accelerated_feature': {
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'maps_passthrough': {
'name': 'maps_pixel_passthrough_test',
'telemetry_test_name': 'maps',
'args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --use-gl=angle',
'android_args': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1093085): Remove this once we fix the tests.
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'pixel_skia_passthrough': {
'name': 'pixel_skia_gold_passthrough_test',
'args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --use-gl=angle',
'android_args': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1093085): Remove this once we fix the tests.
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'telemetry_test_name': 'pixel',
'screenshot_sync_passthrough': {
'name': 'screenshot_sync_passthrough_tests',
'telemetry_test_name': 'screenshot_sync',
'args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --use-gl=angle',
'android_args': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1093085): Remove this once we fix the tests.
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'gpu_skia_renderer_vulkan_telemetry_tests': {
'vulkan_pixel_skia': {
'name': 'vulkan_pixel_skia_gold_test',
'args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--use-vulkan=native --disable-vulkan-fallback-to-gl-for-testing --enable-features=UseSkiaRenderer,Vulkan --use-cmd-decoder=validating',
'android_args': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1093085): Remove this once we fix the tests.
'mixins': [
'telemetry_test_name': 'pixel',
'gpu_swiftshader_gtests': {
'swiftshader_unittests': {
'gpu_validating_telemetry_tests': {
'context_lost_validating': {
'name': 'context_lost_validating_tests',
'telemetry_test_name': 'context_lost',
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'args': [
'mixins': [
'gpu_process': {
'name': 'gpu_process_launch_tests',
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'hardware_accelerated_feature': {
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'maps_validating': {
'name': 'maps_pixel_validating_test',
'telemetry_test_name': 'maps',
'args': [
'android_args': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1093085): Remove this once we fix the tests.
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'pixel_skia_validating': {
'name': 'pixel_skia_gold_validating_test',
'args': [
'android_args': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1093085): Remove this once we fix the tests.
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'telemetry_test_name': 'pixel',
'screenshot_sync_validating': {
'name': 'screenshot_sync_validating_tests',
'telemetry_test_name': 'screenshot_sync',
'args': [
'android_args': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1093085): Remove this once we fix the tests.
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'gpu_vulkan_gtests': {
'vulkan_tests': {
'desktop_args': [
'gpu_webcodecs_telemetry_test': {
'webcodecs': {
'chromeos_args': [
'gpu_webgl2_conformance_d3d11_passthrough_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl2_conformance_d3d11_passthrough_tests': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'args': [
# The current working directory when run via isolate is
# out/Debug or out/Release. Reference this file relatively to
# it.
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'--extra-browser-args=--use-gl=angle --use-angle=d3d11 --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --force_high_performance_gpu',
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
# These tests currently take about an hour and fifteen minutes
# to run. Split them into roughly 5-minute shards.
'shards': 20,
'gpu_webgl2_conformance_gl_passthrough_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl2_conformance_gl_passthrough_tests': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'args': [
# The current working directory when run via isolate is
# out/Debug or out/Release. Reference this file relatively to
# it.
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'--extra-browser-args=--use-gl=angle --use-angle=gl --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --force_high_performance_gpu',
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
# These tests currently take about an hour and fifteen minutes
# to run. Split them into roughly 5-minute shards.
'shards': 20,
'gpu_webgl2_conformance_gles_passthrough_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl2_conformance_gles_passthrough_tests': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'args': [
# The current working directory when run via isolate is
# out/Debug or out/Release. Reference this file relatively to
# it.
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'--extra-browser-args=--use-gl=angle --use-angle=gles --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --force_high_performance_gpu',
'chromeos_args': [
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
# These tests currently take about an hour and fifteen minutes
# to run. Split them into roughly 5-minute shards.
'shards': 20,
'gpu_webgl2_conformance_metal_passthrough_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl2_conformance_metal_passthrough_tests': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'args': [
# The current working directory when run via isolate is
# out/Debug or out/Release. Reference this file relatively to
# it.
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'--extra-browser-args=--use-gl=angle --use-angle=metal --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --force_high_performance_gpu',
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 20,
'gpu_webgl2_conformance_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl2_conformance_tests': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'args': [
# The current working directory when run via isolate is
# out/Debug or out/Release. Reference this file relatively to
# it.
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
# These tests currently take about an hour and fifteen minutes
# to run. Split them into roughly 5-minute shards.
'shards': 20,
'gpu_webgl2_conformance_validating_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl2_conformance_validating_tests': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'args': [
# The current working directory when run via isolate is
# out/Debug or out/Release. Reference this file relatively to
# it.
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'--extra-browser-args=--use-cmd-decoder=validating --force_high_performance_gpu',
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
# These tests currently take about an hour and fifteen minutes
# to run. Split them into roughly 5-minute shards.
'shards': 20,
'gpu_webgl_conformance_d3d11_passthrough_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl_conformance_d3d11_passthrough': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'args': [
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'--extra-browser-args=--use-gl=angle --use-angle=d3d11 --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --force_high_performance_gpu',
# The current working directory when run via isolate is
# out/Debug or out/Release. Reference this file relatively to
# it.
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'gpu_webgl_conformance_d3d9_passthrough_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl_conformance_d3d9_passthrough': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'args': [
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'--extra-browser-args=--use-gl=angle --use-angle=d3d9 --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --force_high_performance_gpu',
# The current working directory when run via isolate is
# out/Debug or out/Release. Reference this file relatively to
# it.
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'gpu_webgl_conformance_fast_call_passthrough_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl_conformance_fast_call': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'args': [
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-unsafe-fast-js-calls --enable-fake-no-alloc-direct-call-for-testing --use-gl=angle --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --force_high_performance_gpu',
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'gpu_webgl_conformance_gl_passthrough_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl_conformance_gl_passthrough': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'args': [
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'--extra-browser-args=--use-gl=angle --use-angle=gl --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --force_high_performance_gpu',
# The current working directory when run via isolate is
# out/Debug or out/Release. Reference this file relatively to
# it.
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'gpu_webgl_conformance_gles_passthrough_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl_conformance_gles_passthrough': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'args': [
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'--extra-browser-args=--use-gl=angle --use-angle=gles --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --force_high_performance_gpu',
# The current working directory when run via isolate is
# out/Debug or out/Release. Reference this file relatively to
# it.
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 6,
'gpu_webgl_conformance_metal_passthrough_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl_conformance_metal_passthrough': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'args': [
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'--extra-browser-args=--use-gl=angle --use-angle=metal --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --force_high_performance_gpu',
# The current working directory when run via isolate is
# out/Debug or out/Release. Reference this file relatively to
# it.
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 3,
'gpu_webgl_conformance_swangle_passthrough_representative_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl_conformance_swangle_passthrough': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'args': [
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'--extra-browser-args=--use-gl=angle --use-angle=swiftshader --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --force_high_performance_gpu',
# We are only interested in running a 'smoketest' to test swangle
# integration, not the full conformance suite.
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 1,
'gpu_webgl_conformance_swangle_passthrough_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl_conformance_swangle_passthrough': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--use-gl=angle --use-angle=swiftshader --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough',
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 1,
'gpu_webgl_conformance_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl_conformance': {
'chromeos_args': [
'args': [
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
# The current working directory when run via isolate is
# out/Debug or out/Release. Reference this file relatively to
# it.
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 12,
'chromeos_swarming': {
'shards': 20,
'gpu_webgl_conformance_validating_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl_conformance_validating': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'chromeos_args': [
'lacros_args': [
'--extra-browser-args=--enable-features=UseOzonePlatform --ozone-platform=wayland',
'args': [
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'--extra-browser-args=--use-cmd-decoder=validating --force_high_performance_gpu',
# The current working directory when run via isolate is
# out/Debug or out/Release. Reference this file relatively to
# it.
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 6,
'gpu_webgl_conformance_vulkan_passthrough_telemetry_tests': {
'webgl_conformance_vulkan_passthrough': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'webgl_conformance',
'args': [
# On dual-GPU devices we want the high-performance GPU to be active
'--extra-browser-args=--use-angle=vulkan --use-cmd-decoder=passthrough --force_high_performance_gpu',
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'gpu_webgpu_integration_backend_validation_isolated_scripts': {
'webgpu_blink_web_tests_with_backend_validation': {
'name': 'webgpu_blink_web_tests_with_backend_validation',
'isolate_name': 'webgpu_blink_web_tests',
'args': [
# Increase the timeout when using backend validation layers (crbug.com/1208253)
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'gpu_webgpu_integration_isolated_scripts': {
'webgpu_blink_web_tests': {
'name': 'webgpu_blink_web_tests',
'isolate_name': 'webgpu_blink_web_tests',
'args': [
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 4,
# For Windows. Use the D3D12 backend validation layers but without GPU-based
# validation and shader patching. This avoids hangs on less powerful systems.
'gpu_webgpu_integration_partial_backend_validation_isolated_scripts': {
'webgpu_blink_web_tests_with_backend_validation': {
'name': 'webgpu_blink_web_tests_with_partial_backend_validation',
'isolate_name': 'webgpu_blink_web_tests',
'args': [
# Increase the timeout when using backend validation layers (crbug.com/1208253)
'mixins': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'gpu_win_intel_specific_telemetry_tests': {
'power_measurement_test': {
'telemetry_test_name': 'power',
'mixins': [
'headless_browser_gtests': {
'headless_browsertests': {},
'headless_unittests': {},
'ios_clang_tests': {
'absl_hardening_tests': {},
'base_unittests': {},
'boringssl_crypto_tests': {},
'boringssl_ssl_tests': {},
'components_unittests': {},
'crypto_unittests': {},
'gfx_unittests': {},
'google_apis_unittests': {},
'ios_chrome_unittests': {},
'ios_net_unittests': {},
'ios_web_inttests': {},
'ios_web_unittests': {},
'ios_web_view_inttests': {},
'net_unittests': {},
'skia_unittests': {},
'sql_unittests': {},
'ui_base_unittests': {},
'url_unittests': {},
'ios_common_tests': {
'absl_hardening_tests': {},
'boringssl_crypto_tests': {},
'boringssl_ssl_tests': {},
'crypto_unittests': {},
'google_apis_unittests': {},
'ios_components_unittests': {},
'ios_net_unittests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 3,
'ios_remoting_unittests': {},
'ios_testing_unittests': {},
'net_unittests': {},
'services_unittests': {},
'sql_unittests': {},
'url_unittests': {},
# TODO(crbug.com/1288850): Move this into ios_common_tests when green.
'ios_crash_unittests': {
'crashpad_tests': {},
'ios_crash_xcuitests': {
'ios_crash_xcuitests_module': {},
'ios_cronet_tests': {
'cronet_test': {},
'ios_eg2_cq_tests': {
'ios_chrome_integration_eg2tests_module': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 8,
'ios_chrome_signin_eg2tests_module': {},
'ios_chrome_ui_eg2tests_module': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 12,
'ios_web_shell_eg2tests_module': {},
'ios_eg2_tests': {
'ios_chrome_bookmarks_eg2tests_module': {},
'ios_chrome_settings_eg2tests_module': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 3,
'ios_chrome_smoke_eg2tests_module': {},
'ios_chrome_web_eg2tests_module': {},
'ios_showcase_eg2tests_module': {},
'ios_remoting_fyi_unittests': {
'ios_remoting_unittests': {},
'ios_screen_size_dependent_tests': {
'base_unittests': {},
'components_unittests': {},
'gfx_unittests': {},
'ios_chrome_unittests': {},
'ios_web_inttests': {},
'ios_web_unittests': {},
'ios_web_view_inttests': {},
'ios_web_view_unittests': {},
'skia_unittests': {},
'ui_base_unittests': {},
# END tests which run on the GPU bots
'js_code_coverage_browser_tests' : {
'js_code_coverage_browser_tests': {
'args': [
'test': 'browser_tests',
'js_code_coverage_browser_tests_reduced' : {
'js_code_coverage_browser_tests_reduced': {
'args': [
'test': 'browser_tests',
'lacros_all_tast_tests': {
'lacros_all_tast_tests': {
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/923426#c27
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
# TODO(crbug.com/1204231): Re-enable vaapi_unittest.
'lacros_device_or_vm_gtests': {
'aura_unittests': {},
'cc_unittests': {},
'interactive_ui_tests': {},
'ozone_unittests': {},
'lacros_fyi_tast_tests': {
'lacros_fyi_tast_tests': {
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/923426#c27
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
# create this temporary lacros arm test suites that runs on skylab
# TODO(crbug.com/1247425): remove it if it is the same as
# lacros_skylab_poc
'lacros_skylab_arm_tests': {
'lacros_all_tast_tests': {
'tast_expr': '("group:mainline" && "dep:lacros" && !informational)',
'timeout_sec': 10800,
'ozone_unittests': {
'timeout_sec': 3600,
'viz_unittests': {
'timeout_sec': 3600,
'lacros_skylab_poc': {
'lacros_fyi_tast_tests': {
'tast_expr': '("group:mainline" && "dep:lacros" && !informational)',
'timeout_sec': 10800,
'ozone_unittests': {
'timeout_sec': 3600,
# Lacros tests that run on Skylab, and these tests are usually HW sensative,
# For example, Tast tests and GPU/display related gtest tests.
'lacros_skylab_tests': {
'lacros_all_tast_tests': {
'tast_expr': '("group:mainline" && "dep:lacros" && !informational)',
'timeout_sec': 10800,
'layout_ng_gtests': {
'webkit_unit_tests_ng': {
'args': [
'test': 'blink_unittests',
'leak_detection_isolated_scripts': {
'memory.leak_detection': {
'args': [
'isolate_name': 'performance_test_suite',
'override_compile_targets': [
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//tools/perf/process_perf_results.py',
'swarming': {
'expiration': 36000,
'hard_timeout': 10800,
'ignore_task_failure': False,
'io_timeout': 3600,
'shards': 10
'linux_cfm_gtests': {
'chromeos_unittests': {},
'unit_tests': {},
'linux_chromeos_browser_tests_require_lacros': {
'browser_tests_require_lacros': {
'name': 'browser_tests_require_lacros',
'args': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1195974): Decides whether we want to run this on CQ.
# This target is heavy, which currently takes ~1 hour to run.
'ci_only': True,
'test': 'browser_tests',
'swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'linux_chromeos_lacros_gtests': {
# Chrome OS (Ash) and Lacros only.
'chromeos_unittests': {},
'linux_chromeos_oobe_specific_tests': {
# TODO(crbug.com/1071693): Merge this suite back in to the main
# browser_tests when the tests no longer fail on MSAN.
'oobe_only_browser_tests': {
'name': 'oobe_only_browser_tests',
'args': [
'experiment_percentage': 100,
'test': 'browser_tests',
'swarming': {
'shards': 20,
# TODO(crbug.com/1202958): Remove this when SkiaRenderer is fully shipped
# on Chrome OS.
'linux_chromeos_skia_renderer_specific_gtests': {
# TODO(b/195938162): Re-enable this when animation tests are deflaked.
# 'skia_renderer_ash_unittests': {
# 'test': 'ash_unittests',
# 'args': [
# '--enable-features=UseSkiaRenderer',
# ],
# },
'skia_renderer_aura_unittests': {
'test': 'aura_unittests',
'args': [
'linux_chromeos_specific_gtests': {
# Chrome OS only.
'ash_components_unittests': {},
'ash_unittests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 5,
'ash_webui_unittests': {},
'aura_unittests': {},
'chromeos_components_unittests': {},
'exo_unittests': {},
'gl_unittests_ozone': {},
'keyboard_unittests': {},
'ozone_gl_unittests': {
'args': [
'ozone_unittests': {},
'ozone_x11_unittests': {},
'shell_encryption_unittests': {},
'ui_chromeos_unittests': {},
'usage_time_limit_unittests': {
'experiment_percentage': 100,
'wayland_client_perftests': {},
'wayland_client_tests': {},
'linux_example_builder_gtests': {
'base_unittests': {},
'interactive_ui_tests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 3,
'linux_flavor_specific_chromium_gtests': {
# Android, Chrome OS and Linux
'sandbox_linux_unittests': {},
'linux_lacros_chrome_browsertests_version_skew': {
'lacros_chrome_browsertests': { },
'lacros_chrome_browsertests_run_in_series': { },
'linux_lacros_specific_gtests': {
'lacros_chrome_unittests': {},
'linux_specific_chromium_isolated_scripts': {
'not_site_per_process_blink_web_tests': {
# not_site_per_process_blink_web_tests provides coverage for
# running Layout Tests without site-per-process. This is the mode used
# on Android and Android bots currently do not run the full set of
# layout tests. Running in this mode on linux compensates for lack of
# direct Android coverage.
'args': [
# layout test failures are retried 3 times when '--test-list' is not
# passed, but 0 times when '--test-list' is passed. We want to always
# retry 3 times, so we explicitly specify it.
'isolate_name': 'blink_web_tests',
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'mixins': [
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'results_handler': 'layout tests',
'swarming': {
'shards': 10,
'webdriver_tests_suite': {
'isolate_name': 'webdriver_wpt_tests',
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'linux_specific_xr_gtests': {
'xr_browser_tests': {
'test': 'xr_browser_tests',
'mac_specific_chromium_gtests': {
'power_sampler_unittests': {},
'sandbox_mac_unittests': {},
'updater_tests': {
'args': [
# Timeouts based on empirical observations of test runtimes, 2021-07.
'xr_browser_tests': {
'test': 'xr_browser_tests',
'mac_specific_isolated_scripts': {
'mac_signing_tests': {},
'mojo_chromiumos_specific_gtests': {
'wayland_client_perftests': {},
'mojo_python_unittests_isolated_scripts': {
'mojo_python_unittests': {
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'mojo_windows_specific_gtests': {
'services_unittests': {},
'monochrome_public_apk_checker_isolated_script': {
'monochrome_public_apk_checker': {},
'network_service_fyi_gtests': {
'network_service_web_request_proxy_browser_tests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 15,
'test': 'browser_tests',
'nocompile_tests': {
'content_nocompile_tests': {},
'non_android_and_cast_and_chromeos_chromium_gtests': {
'cronet_tests': {},
'cronet_unittests': {},
'headless_browsertests': {},
'headless_unittests': {},
'non_android_chromium_gtests': {
'accessibility_unittests': {},
'app_shell_unittests': {},
'blink_fuzzer_unittests': {},
'browser_tests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 10,
'chrome_app_unittests': {},
'chromedriver_unittests': {},
'color_unittests': {},
'extensions_browsertests': {},
'extensions_unittests': {},
'filesystem_service_unittests': {}, # https://crbug.com/862712
'interactive_ui_tests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 3,
'message_center_unittests': {},
'nacl_loader_unittests': {},
'native_theme_unittests': {},
'pdf_unittests': {},
'ppapi_unittests': {},
'printing_unittests': {},
'remoting_unittests': {},
'service_manager_unittests': {}, # https://crbug.com/843134
'snapshot_unittests': {},
'sync_integration_tests': {},
'views_unittests': {},
'non_android_chromium_gtests_no_nacl': {
'accessibility_unittests': {},
'app_shell_unittests': {},
'blink_fuzzer_unittests': {},
'browser_tests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 10,
'chrome_app_unittests': {},
'chromedriver_unittests': {},
'extensions_browsertests': {},
'extensions_unittests': {},
'filesystem_service_unittests': {}, # https://crbug.com/862712
'interactive_ui_tests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 3,
'message_center_unittests': {},
'native_theme_unittests': {},
'pdf_unittests': {},
'ppapi_unittests': {},
'printing_unittests': {},
'remoting_unittests': {},
'service_manager_unittests': {}, # https://crbug.com/843134
'snapshot_unittests': {},
'sync_integration_tests': {},
'views_unittests': {},
'non_android_chromium_gtests_skia_gold': {
'views_examples_unittests': {
'mixins': [
'opus_tests': {
'opus_tests': {
'args': [
'test': 'opus_tests',
# TODO(petermcneeley) : Remove once OverlayPrioritization has landed on
# all ozone platforms.
'overlay_prioritization_gtests': {
'overlay_prioritization_viz_unittests': {
'args': [
'test': 'viz_unittests',
'paeverywhere_common_tests': {
# Run popular tests other than capture_unittests, crashpad_tests,
# content_browsertests, and perfetto_unittests because they fail.
'absl_hardening_tests': {},
'angle_end2end_tests': {},
'angle_unittests': {
'args': [
'android_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'base_unittests': {},
'blink_common_unittests': {},
'blink_heap_unittests': {},
'blink_platform_unittests': {},
'blink_unittests': {},
'boringssl_crypto_tests': {},
'boringssl_ssl_tests': {},
'browser_tests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 10,
'cast_unittests': {},
'components_browsertests': {},
'components_unittests': {
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 6,
'content_unittests': {
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 3,
'crypto_unittests': {},
'gcm_unit_tests': {},
'gin_unittests': {},
'gl_tests': {},
'gl_unittests': {},
'google_apis_unittests': {},
'gpu_unittests': {},
'gwp_asan_unittests': {},
'headless_browsertests': {},
'headless_unittests': {},
'interactive_ui_tests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 3,
'ipc_tests': {},
'latency_unittests': {},
'libjingle_xmpp_unittests': {},
'liburlpattern_unittests': {},
'media_unittests': {},
'midi_unittests': {},
'mojo_unittests': {},
'net_unittests': {
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 3,
'remoting_unittests': {},
'services_unittests': {},
'shell_dialogs_unittests': {},
'skia_unittests': {},
'sql_unittests': {},
'storage_unittests': {},
'ui_base_unittests': {},
'ui_touch_selection_unittests': {},
'unit_tests': {},
'url_unittests': {},
'webkit_unit_tests': {
'test': 'blink_unittests',
'android_swarming': {
'shards': 6,
'wtf_unittests': {},
'zlib_unittests': {},
'perfetto_gtests': {
'base_unittests': {},
'perfetto_unittests': {},
'services_unittests': {},
'performance_smoke_test_isolated_scripts': {
'performance_test_suite': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'hard_timeout': 960,
'shards': 2,
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//tools/perf/process_perf_results.py',
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'pixel_browser_tests_gtests': {
'pixel_browser_tests': {
'name': 'pixel_browser_tests',
'args': [
'test': 'browser_tests',
'mixins': [
# TODO(dpranke): These are run on the p/chromium waterfall; they should
# probably be run on other builders, and we should get rid of the p/chromium
# waterfall.
'public_build_scripts': {
'checkbins': {
'script': 'checkbins.py',
'rendering_desktop_representative_perf_tests_isolated_scripts': {
'rendering_representative_perf_tests': {
'isolate_name': 'rendering_representative_perf_tests',
'args': [
'swarming': {},
'rendering_mobile_representative_perf_tests_isolated_scripts': {
'rendering_representative_perf_tests': {
'isolate_name': 'rendering_representative_perf_tests_android_chrome',
'args': [
'swarming': {},
'rendering_mobile_representative_perf_tests_isolated_scripts_experimental': {
'rendering_representative_perf_tests': {
'isolate_name': 'rendering_representative_perf_tests_android_chrome',
'args': [
'swarming': {},
'experiment_percentage': 10,
'rust_gtests': {
'base_unittests': {},
'test_cpp_including_rust_unittests': {
'swarming': {},
'test': 'test_cpp_including_rust_unittests',
'test_serde_jsonrc': {
'swarming': {},
'test': 'test_serde_jsonrc',
'rust_native_tests': {
'build_rust_tests': {
'swarming': {},
'test': 'build_rust_tests',
'site_isolation_android_fyi_gtests': {
'site_per_process_android_browsertests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 1,
'test': 'android_browsertests',
'site_per_process_chrome_public_test_apk': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 20,
'mixins': [
'test': 'chrome_public_test_apk',
'site_per_process_chrome_public_unit_test_apk': {
'args': [
'mixins': [
'test': 'chrome_public_unit_test_apk',
'site_per_process_components_browsertests': {
'args': [
'test': 'components_browsertests',
'site_per_process_components_unittests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 5,
'test': 'components_unittests',
'site_per_process_content_browsertests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 10,
'test': 'content_browsertests',
'site_per_process_content_shell_test_apk': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 3,
'test': 'content_shell_test_apk',
'site_per_process_content_unittests': {
'args': [
'test': 'content_unittests',
'site_per_process_unit_tests': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 10,
'test': 'unit_tests',
'swangle_gtests': {
'angle_deqp_egl_tests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'angle_deqp_gles2_tests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'angle_deqp_gles31_rotate180_tests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'angle_deqp_gles31_rotate270_tests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'angle_deqp_gles31_rotate90_tests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'angle_deqp_gles31_tests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 10,
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'angle_deqp_gles3_rotate180_tests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'angle_deqp_gles3_rotate270_tests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'angle_deqp_gles3_rotate90_tests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'angle_deqp_gles3_tests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 4,
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'angle_deqp_khr_gles2_tests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'angle_deqp_khr_gles31_tests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'angle_deqp_khr_gles3_tests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'angle_end2end_tests': {
'args': [
'linux_args': [
'use_isolated_scripts_api': True,
'system_webview_shell_instrumentation_tests': {
'system_webview_shell_layout_test_apk': {},
'system_webview_wpt': {
'system_webview_wpt': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 25,
'expiration': 18000,
'hard_timeout': 14400,
'experiment_percentage': 100,
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'results_handler': 'layout tests',
'telemetry_android_minidump_unittests_isolated_scripts': {
'telemetry_chromium_minidump_unittests': {
'args': [
'isolate_name': 'telemetry_perf_unittests_android_chrome',
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'telemetry_monochrome_minidump_unittests': {
'args': [
'isolate_name': 'telemetry_perf_unittests_android_monochrome',
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'telemetry_desktop_minidump_unittests_isolated_scripts': {
# Takes ~2.5 minutes of bot time to run.
'telemetry_desktop_minidump_unittests': {
'args': [
'isolate_name': 'telemetry_perf_unittests',
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'telemetry_perf_unittests_isolated_scripts': {
'telemetry_perf_unittests': {
'args': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1077284): Remove this once Crashpad is the default.
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/549140
'shards': 12,
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'telemetry_perf_unittests_isolated_scripts_android': {
'telemetry_perf_unittests': {
'isolate_name': 'telemetry_perf_unittests_android_chrome',
'args': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1077284): Remove this once Crashpad is the default.
'swarming': {
'idempotent': False, # https://crbug.com/549140
'shards': 12,
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'test_buildbucket_api_gpu_use_cases': {
'test_buildbucket_api_gpu_use_cases': {},
'test_traffic_annotation_auditor_script': {
'test_traffic_annotation_auditor': {
'hard_timeout': 14400,
'io_timeout': 14400,
'script': 'test_traffic_annotation_auditor.py',
'updater_gtests_mac': {
'updater_tests': {
'args': [
# Timeouts based on empirical observations of test runtimes, 2021-07.
'updater_tests_system': {
'args': [
# Timeouts based on empirical observations of test runtimes, 2021-07.
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
# These tests require passwordless sudo on mac.
'pool': 'chromium.updater.mac',
'updater_gtests_win': {
'updater_tests': {
'args': [
# Timeouts based on empirical observations of test runtimes, 2021-07.
'updater_tests_system': {
'args': [
# Timeouts based on empirical observations of test runtimes, 2021-07.
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'integrity': 'high',
'updater_gtests_win_uac': {
'updater_tests_system': {
'args': [
# Timeouts based on empirical observations of test runtimes, 2021-07.
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'integrity': 'high',
'updater_tests_win_uac': {
'args': [
# Timeouts based on empirical observations of test runtimes, 2021-07.
'upload_perfetto': {
'upload_trace_processor': {},
'variations_smoke_tests': {
'variations_smoke_tests': {
'isolate_name': 'variations_smoke_tests',
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'result_format': 'single'
# Not applicable for android x86 & x64 since the targets here assert
# "enable_vr" in GN which is only true for android arm & arm64.
# For details, see the following files:
# * //chrome/android/BUILD.gn
# * //chrome/browser/android/vr/BUILD.gn
# * //device/vr/buildflags/buildflags.gni
'vr_android_specific_chromium_tests': {
'chrome_public_test_vr_apk': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'vr_android_unittests': {},
'vr_platform_specific_chromium_gtests': {
# Only run on platforms that intend to support WebVR in the near
# future.
'vr_common_unittests': {},
'vr_pixeltests': {},
'vulkan_swiftshader_isolated_scripts': {
'vulkan_swiftshader_blink_web_tests': {
# layout test failures are retried 3 times when '--test-list' is not
# passed, but 0 times when '--test-list' is passed. We want to always
# retry 3 times, so we explicitly specify it.
'args': [
'isolate_name': 'blink_web_tests',
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'mixins': [
'resultdb': {
'enable': True,
'results_handler': 'layout tests',
'web_engine_gtests': {
'cast_runner_browsertests': {},
'cast_runner_integration_tests': {},
'cast_runner_unittests': {},
'cr_fuchsia_base_unittests': {},
'web_engine_browsertests': {},
'web_engine_integration_tests': {
'args': [
'web_engine_unittests': {},
'web_runner_integration_tests': {},
'weblayer_android_gtests': {
'weblayer_bundle_test': {
'weblayer_instrumentation_test_apk': {
'weblayer_private_instrumentation_test_apk': {
'weblayer_gtests': {
'weblayer_browsertests': {
'weblayer_unittests': {
'weblayer_instrumentation_tests': {
'weblayer_instrumentation_test_apk': {
'weblayer_shell_wpt': {
'weblayer_shell_wpt': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 18,
'expiration': 18000,
'hard_timeout': 14400,
'experiment_percentage': 100,
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'results_handler': 'layout tests',
'weblayer_skew_tests': {
'weblayer_skew_tests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'args': [
'weblayer_skew_tests_with_chrome': {
'weblayer_skew_tests_with_chrome': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'args': [
# TODO(crbug.com/888429): Port remaining WebRTC tests to swarming.
'webrtc_chromium_baremetal_gtests': {
'browser_tests': {
'args': [
'annotate': 'graphing',
'perf_config': {
'a_default_rev': 'r_webrtc_git',
'r_webrtc_git': '${webrtc_got_rev}'
'swarming': {
'can_use_on_swarming_builders': False,
# Run capture unittests as well since our bots have real webcams.
'capture_unittests': {
'args': ['--enable-logging', '--v=1', '--test-launcher-jobs=1',
'swarming': {
'can_use_on_swarming_builders': False,
'webrtc_chromium_gtests': {
'browser_tests_apprtc': {
'args': ['--gtest_filter=WebRtcApprtcBrowserTest.*',
'--run-manual', '--test-launcher-jobs=1'],
'browser_tests_functional': {
'args': [
'--run-manual', '--test-launcher-jobs=1'],
'test': 'browser_tests',
'content_browsertests': {
# Run all normal WebRTC content_browsertests. This is mostly so
# the FYI bots can detect breakages.
'args': ['--gtest_filter=WebRtc*'],
'content_browsertests_stress': {
'args': ['--gtest_filter=WebRtc*MANUAL*:-UsingRealWebcam*',
'--run-manual', '--ui-test-action-max-timeout=110000',
'test': 'content_browsertests',
'content_unittests': {
'args': [
'remoting_unittests': {
'args': ['--gtest_filter=Webrtc*'],
'webrtc_chromium_simple_baremetal_gtests': {
'content_browsertests_sequential': {
# These run a few tests that require webcam access. They need to
# run sequentially, otherwise tests may interfere with each other.
'args': ['--gtest_filter=UsingRealWebcam*', '--run-manual',
'test': 'content_browsertests',
'webrtc_chromium_simple_gtests': {
'content_browsertests': {
'args': ['--gtest_filter=WebRtc*'],
'webview_64_cts_tests_gtest': {
'webview_64_cts_tests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'cipd_packages': [
"cipd_package": 'chromium/android_webview/tools/cts_archive',
'location': 'android_webview/tools/cts_archive',
'revision': 'ai8Ig4HlO0vG6aP_JP2uhyruE2yPzze8PFP1g8Z4_hgC',
'webview_bot_instrumentation_test_apk_gtest': {
'webview_instrumentation_test_apk': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 12,
'webview_bot_instrumentation_test_apk_no_field_trial_gtest': {
'webview_instrumentation_test_apk_no_field_trial': {
'args': ['--disable-field-trials'],
'swarming': {
'shards': 12,
'test': 'webview_instrumentation_test_apk',
'webview_bot_unittests_gtest': {
'android_webview_unittests': {},
'webview_cts_tests_gtest': {
'webview_cts_tests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'cipd_packages': [
"cipd_package": 'chromium/android_webview/tools/cts_archive',
'location': 'android_webview/tools/cts_archive',
'revision': 'ai8Ig4HlO0vG6aP_JP2uhyruE2yPzze8PFP1g8Z4_hgC',
'webview_cts_tests_gtest_no_field_trial': {
'webview_cts_tests_no_field_trial': {
'args': [
'swarming': {
'shards': 2,
'cipd_packages': [
"cipd_package": 'chromium/android_webview/tools/cts_archive',
'location': 'android_webview/tools/cts_archive',
'revision': 'ai8Ig4HlO0vG6aP_JP2uhyruE2yPzze8PFP1g8Z4_hgC',
'test': 'webview_cts_tests',
'webview_ui_instrumentation_tests': {
'webview_ui_test_app_test_apk': {},
'webview_ui_instrumentation_tests_no_field_trial': {
'webview_ui_test_app_test_apk_no_field_trial': {
'args': [
'test': 'webview_ui_test_app_test_apk',
'win7_32_bit_gtests': {
'base_unittests': {},
'browser_tests': {
'swarming': {
'shards': 10,
'sbox_integration_tests': {
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'integrity': 'high',
'sbox_unittests': {},
'sbox_validation_tests': {},
'win_specific_chromium_gtests': {
'browser_switcher_bho_unittests': {},
'chrome_cleaner_unittests': {},
'chrome_elf_unittests': {},
'courgette_unittests': {},
'delayloads_unittests': {},
'elevation_service_unittests': {},
'gcp_unittests': {},
'install_static_unittests': {},
'installer_util_unittests': {
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'integrity': 'high',
'mojo_core_unittests': {},
'notification_helper_unittests': {},
'sbox_integration_tests': {
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'integrity': 'high',
'sbox_unittests': {},
'sbox_validation_tests': {},
'setup_unittests': {
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'integrity': 'high',
'updater_tests': {
'args': [
# Timeouts based on empirical observations of test runtimes, 2021-07.
'updater_tests_system': {
'args': [
# Timeouts based on empirical
# observations of test runtimes,
# 2021-07.
'zucchini_unittests': {},
'win_specific_isolated_scripts': {
'mini_installer_tests': {
'swarming': {
'dimension_sets': [
'integrity': 'high',
'polymer_tools_python_unittests': {
'experiment_percentage': 100,
'win_specific_xr_perf_tests': {
'xr.webxr.static': {
'args': [
'isolate_name': 'vr_perf_tests',
'merge': {
'script': '//tools/perf/process_perf_results.py',
'name': 'xr.webxr.static',
# Experimental until we're sure these are stable.
'experiment_percentage': 100,
'wpt_web_tests': {
'wpt_tests_suite': {
'args': [
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'isolate_name': 'wpt_tests_isolate',
'results_handler': 'layout tests',
'swarming': {
'shards': 15,
'experiment_percentage': 100,
'wpt_web_tests_identity': {
'wpt_tests_suite': {
'args': [
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'isolate_name': 'wpt_tests_isolate',
'results_handler': 'layout tests',
'swarming': {
'shards': 1,
'wpt_web_tests_input': {
'wpt_tests_suite': {
'args': [
'merge': {
'args': [
'script': '//third_party/blink/tools/merge_web_test_results.py',
'isolate_name': 'wpt_tests_isolate',
'results_handler': 'layout tests',
'swarming': {
'shards': 1,
'experiment_percentage': 100,
# Compound test suites. #
'compound_suites': {
'android_10_rel_gtests': [
'android_11_emulator_gtests': [
'android_specific_chromium_gtests', # Already includes gl_gtests.
'system_webview_shell_instrumentation_tests', # Not an experimental test
'android_12_emulator_gtests': [
'android_specific_chromium_gtests', # Already includes gl_gtests.
'system_webview_shell_instrumentation_tests', # Not an experimental test
# This is the same as 'android_marshmallow_gtests'
# with the addition of 'webview_cts_tests_gtest' and
# 'webview_ui_instrumentation_tests'
'android_marshmallow_coverage_gtests': [
'android_specific_chromium_gtests', # Already includes gl_gtests.
# List gtests that run on android-marshmallow-arm64-rel builder.
# TODO(crbug.com/1127110): Use android_marshmallow_gtests when
# android-marshmallow-x86-rel is not mirrored to CQ.
'android_marshmallow_device_gtests': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1127110): Remove once webview_instrumentation_test_apk
# and content_shell_test_apk are enabled on android-marshmallow-x86-rel
'android_specific_chromium_gtests', # Already includes gl_gtests.
# List gtests that run on android-marshmallow-x86-rel builder.
# Test suites will be gradually moved from
# android_marshmallow_emulator_non_cq_gtests
# to this one, when there are more GCE capacity.
'android_marshmallow_emulator_gtests': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1127110): Deprecate this when all the test suites below
# it are re-enabled.
'android_specific_chromium_gtests', # Already includes gl_gtests.
# TODO(crbug.com/1255748): Remove components_capacity_tests when
# chromium_gtests are enabled in this suite.
# Note that tests here are gradually moved to
# android_marshmallow_emulator_gtests (crbug.com/1127110)
# The diff between android_marshmallow_device_gtests and
# (android_marshmallow_emulator_non_cq_gtests +
# android_marshmallow_emulator_gtests)
# is android_wpr_record_replay_tests
'android_marshmallow_emulator_non_cq_gtests': [
'android_marshmallow_gtests': [
'android_specific_chromium_gtests', # Already includes gl_gtests.
'android_nougat_gtests': [
'android_oreo_gtests': [
'android_pie_gtests': [
# No standard tests due to capacity, no Vega tests since it's currently
# O only.
# Keep in sync with android_pie_rel_gtests below, except for
# vr_{android,platform}_specific_chromium_gtests which are not applicable
# to android emulators on x86 & x64.
'android_pie_rel_emulator_gtests': [
'android_specific_chromium_gtests', # Already includes gl_gtests.
'system_webview_shell_instrumentation_tests', # Not an experimental test
'android_pie_rel_gtests': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1111436): Deprecate this when all the test suites below
# it are re-enabled.
# 'android_specific_chromium_gtests', # Already includes gl_gtests.
# 'chromium_gtests',
# 'chromium_gtests_for_devices_with_graphical_output',
# 'linux_flavor_specific_chromium_gtests',
# 'system_webview_shell_instrumentation_tests', # Not an experimental test
# 'vr_android_specific_chromium_tests',
# 'vr_platform_specific_chromium_gtests',
# 'weblayer_android_gtests',
'backuprefptr_gtests': [
'bfcache_android_gtests': [
'bfcache_linux_gtests': [
'chromeos_device_gtests': [
'chromeos_vm_gtests': [
'chromium_android_gtests': [
'android_specific_chromium_gtests', # Already includes gl_gtests.
'chromium_dbg_isolated_scripts': [
# This is meant to be a superset of 'chromium_linux_and_gl_gtests'. Any
# changes there must be reflected here.
'chromium_linux_and_gl_and_vulkan_gtests': [
# gl_tests requires dedicated slaves with GPUs on linux, so have a separate
# test list with gl_tests included. This is chromium_linux_gtests + gl_gtests.
'chromium_linux_and_gl_gtests': [
'chromium_linux_cast_audio_gtests': [
'chromium_linux_cast_video_gtests': [
'chromium_linux_dbg_isolated_scripts': [
# When changing something here, change chromium_linux_and_gl_gtests,
# chromium_linux_and_gl_and_vulkan_gtests, linux_ozone_x11_ci_tests and
# linux_ozone_wayland_ci_tests in the same way.
'chromium_linux_gtests': [
'chromium_linux_rel_isolated_scripts': [
'chromium_mac_gtests': [
'chromium_mac_gtests_no_nacl': [
'chromium_mac_gtests_no_nacl_no_nocompile': [
'chromium_mac_rel_isolated_scripts': [
'chromium_mac_rel_isolated_scripts_and_sizes': [
# Pixel tests only enabled on Win 10. So this is
# 'chromium_win_gtests' + 'pixel_browser_tests_gtests' +
# 'non_android_chromium_gtests_skia_gold'.
'chromium_win10_gtests': [
'chromium_win_dbg_isolated_scripts': [
'chromium_win_gtests': [
'chromium_win_rel_isolated_scripts': [
'cronet_dbg_isolated_scripts': [
'cronet_rel_isolated_scripts': [
'devtools_gtests': [
'fuchsia_arm64_isolated_scripts': [
# All gtests that can be run on Fuchsia CI/CQ
'fuchsia_gtests': [
'fuchsia_isolated_scripts': [
'fuchsia_web_engine_non_graphical_gtests': [
# BEGIN composition test suites used by the GPU bots
'gpu_angle_android_gtests': [
'gpu_angle_gtests': [
'gpu_angle_linux_gtests': [
'gpu_angle_linux_intel_gtests': [
'gpu_angle_linux_nvidia_gtests': [
'gpu_angle_linux_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_angle_mac_passthrough_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_angle_mac_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_angle_win7_nvidia_gtests': [
'gpu_angle_win_intel_gtests': [
'gpu_angle_win_intel_nvidia_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_angle_win_nvidia_gtests': [
'gpu_chromeos_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_common_gl_passthrough_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_common_linux_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_common_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_common_win_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_dawn_asan_isolated_scripts': [
'gpu_dawn_integration_asan_gtests_passthrough': [
# GPU gtests that test Dawn and integration with Chromium
# These tests are run both on the CI and trybots which test DEPS Dawn.
'gpu_dawn_integration_gtests_passthrough': [
# GPU gtests that test Dawn and integration with Chromium
# These tests are run both on the CI and trybots which test DEPS Dawn.
'gpu_dawn_integration_gtests_passthrough_win_intel': [
'gpu_dawn_integration_gtests_validating': [
'gpu_dawn_isolated_scripts': [
'gpu_dawn_isolated_scripts_win': [
'gpu_desktop_mac_gtests': [
'gpu_desktop_passthrough_gtests': [
'gpu_desktop_representative_perf_fyi_isolated_scripts': [
'gpu_fuchsia_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_fyi_android_gtests': [
'gpu_fyi_android_shieldtv_gtests': [
'gpu_fyi_android_webgl2_and_gold_telemetry_tests': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1080424): Merge with an existing set of tests such as
# gpu_fyi_linux_release_gtests once all CrOS tests have been enabled.
'gpu_fyi_chromeos_release_gtests': [
# TODO(crbug.com/1135720): Missing cros wrapper script.
# 'gpu_angle_unit_gtests',
# TODO(crbug.com/1087567, crbug.com/1087590): Enable once there are tests
# that actually pass.
# 'gpu_common_gtests',
# TODO(crbug.com/1087563): Enable once tab_capture_end2end_tests passes
# on CrOS.
# 'gpu_desktop_specific_gtests',
# CrOS should always have GL, and thus not fall back to SwiftShader. It's
# currently unclear if we want to bother running any SwiftShader tests on
# CrOS since it should never actually get used.
# 'gpu_swiftshader_gtests',
# TODO(crbug.com/1080424): Merge with an existing set of tests such as
# gpu_fyi_linux_release_telemetry_tests once all CrOS tests
# have been enabled.
'gpu_fyi_chromeos_release_telemetry_tests': [
# Large amounts of WebGL/WebGL2 tests are failing due to issues that are
# possibly related to other CrOS issues that are already reported.
# TODO(crbug.com/1080424): Try enabling these again once some of the
# existing CrOS WebGL issues are resolved.
# 'gpu_webgl_conformance_gl_passthrough_telemetry_tests',
'gpu_fyi_linux_debug_gtests': [
'gpu_fyi_linux_debug_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_fyi_linux_optional_gtests': [
'gpu_fyi_linux_release_gtests': [
'gpu_fyi_linux_release_telemetry_tests': [
# TODO(jonross): remove this once Vulkan Swiftshader and Vulkan GL interop
# paths are merged. This should mirror
# `gpu_fyi_linux_release_telemetry_tests` but with additional
# `gpu_skia_renderer_vulkan_telemetry_tests`
'gpu_fyi_linux_release_vulkan_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_fyi_mac_debug_gtests': [
'gpu_fyi_mac_debug_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_fyi_mac_optional_gtests': [
'gpu_fyi_mac_pro_release_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_fyi_mac_release_gtests': [
'gpu_fyi_mac_release_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_fyi_optional_linux_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_fyi_optional_mac_passthrough_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_fyi_optional_mac_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_fyi_optional_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_fyi_win7_amd_gtests': [
'gpu_fyi_win7_gtests': [
'gpu_fyi_win7_nvidia_amd_release_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_fyi_win_amd_release_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_fyi_win_debug_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_fyi_win_gtests': [
'gpu_fyi_win_intel_release_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_fyi_win_optional_and_representative_perf_isolated_scripts': [
'gpu_fyi_win_optional_gtests': [
'gpu_fyi_win_optional_isolated_scripts': [
'gpu_fyi_win_release_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_mobile_representative_perf_fyi_isolated_scripts': [
'gpu_nexus5x_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_nexus5x_telemetry_tests_v8': [
'gpu_optional_win_intel_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_optional_win_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_pixel_4_and_6_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_swangle_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_test_buildbucket_api_gpu_use_cases': [
'gpu_v8_desktop_passthrough_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_v8_desktop_validating_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_win_angle_amd_telemetry_tests': [
'gpu_win_gtests': [
# END composition test suites used by the GPU bots
'linux_chromeos_gtests': [
# This is:
# linux_chromium_gtests
# - non_android_and_cast_and_chromeos_chromium_gtests
# + linux_chromeos_lacros_gtests
# + linux_chromeos_specific_gtests
'linux_chromeos_gtests_oobe': [
'linux_chromeos_specific_and_lacros_dependent_gtests': [
# This is:
# linux_chromeos_gtests
# + 'linux_chromeos_browser_tests_require_lacros'
'linux_viz_gtests': [
'marshmallow_nougat_pie_isolated_scripts_with_proguard': [
'marshmallow_pie_isolated_scripts': [
'mojo_android_gtests': [
'mojo_chromiumos_fyi_gtests': [
'mojo_linux_gtests': [
'mojo_windows_gtests': [
'monochrome_public_apk_checker_isolated_script_and_sizes': [
'network_service_extra_gtests': [
'paeverywhere_mac_gtests': [
'sandboxed_chromium_memory_linux_gtests': [
'webrtc_android_tests_with_baremetal_tests': [
'webrtc_chromium_tests_with_baremetal_tests': [
'webview_bot_all_gtests': [
'webview_bot_system_gtests': [
'win_specific_isolated_scripts_and_sizes': [
# Matrix compound test suites. #
'matrix_compound_suites': {
'android_weblayer_x86_10_gtests': {
'weblayer_instrumentation_tests': {
'variants': [
{'identifier': 'ToT_Tests'}
'weblayer_skew_tests': {
'variants': [
'android_weblayer_x86_marshmallow_gtests': {
'weblayer_skew_tests_with_chrome': {
'variants': [
'android_weblayer_x86_pie_oreo_gtests': {
'weblayer_instrumentation_tests': {
'variants': [
{'identifier': 'ToT_Tests'}
'weblayer_skew_tests': {
'variants': [
'gpu_angle_ios_gtests': {
'gpu_angle_end2end_gtests': {
'variants': [
'gpu_angle_white_box_gtests': {
'variants': [
'ios14_beta_simulator_tests': {
'ios_common_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_crash_unittests': {
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_cq_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_screen_size_dependent_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios14_sdk_simulator_tests': {
'ios_common_tests': {
'variants': [
# Latest beta iOS version Sims
'ios_crash_unittests': {
'variants': [
# Latest beta iOS version Sims
'ios_eg2_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
# Latest beta iOS version Sims
'ios_eg2_cq_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
# Latest beta iOS version Sims
'ios_screen_size_dependent_tests': {
'variants': [
# Latest beta iOS version Sims
'ios15_beta_simulator_tests': {
'ios_common_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_crash_unittests': {
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_cq_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_screen_size_dependent_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios15_sdk_simulator_tests': {
'ios_common_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_crash_unittests': {
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_cq_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_screen_size_dependent_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_asan_tests': {
'ios_common_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_crash_unittests': {
'variants': [
'ios_screen_size_dependent_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_clang_tot_device_tests': {
'ios_clang_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_clang_tot_sim_tests': {
'ios_clang_tests': {
'variants': [
# This suite is a union of ios_simulator_tests and
# ios_simulator_full_configs_tests.
'ios_code_coverage_tests': {
'ios_common_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_cq_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_screen_size_dependent_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_simulator_cronet_tests': {
'ios_cronet_tests': {
'variants': [
# Please also change ios_code_coverage_tests for any change in this suite.
'ios_simulator_full_configs_tests': {
'ios_eg2_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_cq_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_simulator_multi_window_tests': {
'ios_common_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_cq_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_screen_size_dependent_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_simulator_noncq_tests': {
'ios_common_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_cq_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_crash_xcuitests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
# Please also change ios_code_coverage_tests for any change in this suite.
'ios_simulator_tests': {
'ios_common_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_cq_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_screen_size_dependent_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_webkit_tot_tests': {
'ios_common_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_cq_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_eg2_tests': {
'mixins': ['xcode_parallelization'],
'variants': [
'ios_screen_size_dependent_tests': {
'variants': [
'ios_webrtc_fyi_tests': {
'ios_remoting_fyi_unittests': {
'variants': [
'lacros_all_tast_tests_eve': {
'lacros_all_tast_tests': {
'variants': [
'lacros_device_or_vm_tests': {
'lacros_all_tast_tests': {
'variants': [
'lacros_device_or_vm_gtests': {
'variants': [
'lacros_device_or_vm_tests_fyi': {
'lacros_device_or_vm_gtests': {
'variants': [
'lacros_fyi_tast_tests': {
'variants': [
# Check go/lacros-on-skylab for details of Skylab configurations.
'lacros_skylab_arm': {
'lacros_skylab_arm_tests': {
'variants': [
# Check go/lacros-on-skylab for details of Skylab configurations.
'lacros_skylab_tests_amd64_generic': {
'lacros_skylab_tests': {
'variants': [
'lacros_skylab_tests_amd64_generic_fyi': {
'lacros_skylab_poc': {
'variants': [
'linux_lacros_gtests': {
# This is:
# linux_chromeos_gtests
# - linux_chromeos_specific_gtests
# + linux_chromeos_lacros_gtests
# + linux_lacros_chrome_browsertests_version_skew
# + linux_lacros_specific_gtests
'aura_gtests': {},
'chromium_gtests': {},
'chromium_gtests_for_devices_with_graphical_output': {},
'chromium_gtests_for_linux_and_chromeos_only': {},
'chromium_gtests_for_win_and_linux_only': {},
'linux_chromeos_lacros_gtests': { },
'linux_flavor_specific_chromium_gtests': { },
'linux_lacros_specific_gtests': { },
'non_android_chromium_gtests': {
'linux_lacros_chrome_browsertests_version_skew': {
'variants': [
'linux_lacros_version_skew_tests': {
'linux_lacros_chrome_browsertests_version_skew': {
'variants': [