[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: bd02672714b26e1a93cdc5073c37fd4966a8aae4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/moving_window.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "media/base/audio_decoder.h"
#include "media/base/audio_timestamp_helper.h"
#include "media/base/decoder_status.h"
#include "media/base/demuxer_stream.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/base/media_log.h"
#include "media/base/pipeline_status.h"
#include "media/base/timestamp_constants.h"
#include "media/base/waiting.h"
#include "media/filters/decoder_selector.h"
#include "media/filters/decoder_stream_traits.h"
namespace base {
class SequencedTaskRunner;
namespace media {
class CdmContext;
class DecryptingDemuxerStream;
// Wraps a DemuxerStream and a list of Decoders and provides decoded
// output to its client (e.g. Audio/VideoRendererImpl).
template <DemuxerStream::Type StreamType>
class MEDIA_EXPORT DecoderStream {
using StreamTraits = DecoderStreamTraits<StreamType>;
using Decoder = typename StreamTraits::DecoderType;
using Output = typename StreamTraits::OutputType;
using DecoderConfig = typename StreamTraits::DecoderConfigType;
// Callback to create a list of decoders.
using CreateDecodersCB =
// Indicates completion of a DecoderStream initialization.
using InitCB = base::OnceCallback<void(bool success)>;
// Indicates completion of a DecoderStream read.
using ReadResult = DecoderStatus::Or<scoped_refptr<Output>>;
using ReadCB = base::OnceCallback<void(ReadResult)>;
DecoderStream(std::unique_ptr<DecoderStreamTraits<StreamType>> traits,
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner,
CreateDecodersCB create_decoders_cb,
MediaLog* media_log);
virtual ~DecoderStream();
// Initializes the DecoderStream and returns the initialization result
// through |init_cb|. Note that |init_cb| is always called asynchronously.
// |cdm_context| can be used to handle encrypted stream. Can be null if the
// stream is not encrypted.
void Initialize(DemuxerStream* stream,
InitCB init_cb,
CdmContext* cdm_context,
StatisticsCB statistics_cb,
WaitingCB waiting_cb);
// Reads a decoded Output and returns it via the |read_cb|. Note that
// |read_cb| is always called asynchronously. This method should only be
// called after initialization has succeeded and must not be called during
// pending Reset().
void Read(ReadCB read_cb);
// Resets the decoder, flushes all decoded outputs and/or internal buffers,
// fires any existing pending read callback and calls |closure| on completion.
// Note that |closure| is always called asynchronously. This method should
// only be called after initialization has succeeded and must not be called
// during pending Reset().
// N.B: If the decoder stream has run into an error, calling this method does
// not 'reset' it to a normal state.
void Reset(base::OnceClosure closure);
// Returns true if the decoder currently has the ability to decode and return
// an Output.
bool CanReadWithoutStalling() const;
base::TimeDelta AverageDuration() const;
// Indicates that outputs need preparation (e.g., copying into GPU buffers)
// before being marked as ready. When an output is given by the decoder it
// will be added to |unprepared_outputs_| if a PrepareCB has been specified.
// If the size of |ready_outputs_| is less than
// Decoder::GetMaxDecodeRequests(), the provided PrepareCB will be called for
// the output. Once an output has been prepared by the PrepareCB it must call
// the given OutputReadyCB with the prepared output.
// This process is structured such that only a fixed number of outputs are
// prepared at any one time; this alleviates resource usage issues incurred by
// the preparation process when a decoder has a burst of outputs after on
// Decode(). For more context on why, see https://crbug.com/820167.
using OutputReadyCB = base::OnceCallback<void(scoped_refptr<Output>)>;
using PrepareCB =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(scoped_refptr<Output>, OutputReadyCB)>;
void SetPrepareCB(PrepareCB prepare_cb);
// Indicates that we won't need to prepare outputs before |start_timestamp|,
// so that the preparation step (which is generally expensive) can be skipped.
void SkipPrepareUntil(base::TimeDelta start_timestamp);
// Allows callers to register for notification of config changes; this is
// called immediately after receiving the 'kConfigChanged' status from the
// DemuxerStream, before any action is taken to handle the config change.
using ConfigChangeObserverCB =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const DecoderConfig&)>;
void set_config_change_observer(
ConfigChangeObserverCB config_change_observer) {
config_change_observer_cb_ = config_change_observer;
// Allow interested folks to keep track the currently selected decoder. The
// provided decoder is valid only during the scope of the callback.
using DecoderChangeObserverCB = base::RepeatingCallback<void(Decoder*)>;
void set_decoder_change_observer(
DecoderChangeObserverCB decoder_change_observer_cb) {
decoder_change_observer_cb_ = std::move(decoder_change_observer_cb);
void set_fallback_observer(PipelineStatusCB fallback_cb) {
fallback_cb_ = std::move(fallback_cb);
int get_pending_buffers_size_for_testing() const {
return pending_buffers_.size();
int get_fallback_buffers_size_for_testing() const {
return fallback_buffers_.size();
bool is_demuxer_read_pending() const { return pending_demuxer_read_; }
DecoderSelector<StreamType>& GetDecoderSelectorForTesting(
base::PassKey<class VideoDecoderStreamTest>) {
return decoder_selector_;
enum State {
STATE_NORMAL, // Includes idle, pending decoder decode/reset.
STATE_END_OF_STREAM, // End of stream reached; returns EOS on all reads.
// Returns the string representation of the StreamType for logging purpose.
std::string GetStreamTypeString();
// Returns maximum concurrent decode requests for the current |decoder_|.
int GetMaxDecodeRequests() const;
// Returns the maximum number of outputs we should keep ready at any one time.
int GetMaxReadyOutputs() const;
// Returns true if one more decode request can be submitted to the decoder.
bool CanDecodeMore() const;
void BeginDecoderSelection();
void ResumeDecoderSelection(DecoderStatus&& reinit_cause);
// Called when |decoder_selector| selected the |selected_decoder|.
// |decrypting_demuxer_stream| was also populated if a DecryptingDemuxerStream
// is created to help decrypt the encrypted stream.
void OnDecoderSelected(
DecoderStatus::Or<std::unique_ptr<Decoder>> decoder_or_error,
std::unique_ptr<DecryptingDemuxerStream> decrypting_demuxer_stream);
// Satisfy pending |read_cb_| with |result|.
void SatisfyRead(ReadResult result);
// Decodes |buffer| and returns the result via OnDecodeOutputReady().
// Saves |buffer| into |pending_buffers_| if appropriate.
void Decode(scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> buffer);
// Performs the heavy lifting of the decode call.
void DecodeInternal(scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> buffer);
// Flushes the decoder with an EOS buffer to retrieve internally buffered
// decoder output.
void FlushDecoder();
// Callback for Decoder::Decode().
void OnDecodeDone(int buffer_size,
bool end_of_stream,
std::unique_ptr<ScopedDecodeTrace> trace_event,
DecoderStatus status);
// Output callback passed to Decoder::Initialize().
void OnDecodeOutputReady(scoped_refptr<Output> output);
// Reads a buffer from |stream_| and returns the result via OnBufferReady().
void ReadFromDemuxerStream();
void OnBuffersReady(DemuxerStream::Status status,
DemuxerStream::DecoderBufferVector buffers);
void ReinitializeDecoder();
void CompleteDecoderReinitialization(DecoderStatus status);
void ResetDecoder();
void OnDecoderReset();
void ClearOutputs();
void MaybePrepareAnotherOutput();
void OnPreparedOutputReady(scoped_refptr<Output> frame);
void CompletePrepare(const Output* output);
void ReportEncryptionType(const scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer>& buffer);
std::unique_ptr<DecoderStreamTraits<StreamType>> traits_;
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
raw_ptr<MediaLog> media_log_;
State state_;
StatisticsCB statistics_cb_;
InitCB init_cb_;
WaitingCB waiting_cb_;
PipelineStatusCB fallback_cb_;
ReadCB read_cb_;
base::OnceClosure reset_cb_;
raw_ptr<DemuxerStream, DanglingUntriaged> stream_;
raw_ptr<CdmContext> cdm_context_;
std::unique_ptr<Decoder> decoder_;
// Whether |decoder_| has produced a frame yet. Reset on fallback.
bool decoder_produced_a_frame_;
std::unique_ptr<DecryptingDemuxerStream> decrypting_demuxer_stream_;
// Note: Holds pointers to |traits_|, |stream_|, |decrypting_demuxer_stream_|,
// and |cdm_context_|.
DecoderSelector<StreamType> decoder_selector_;
ConfigChangeObserverCB config_change_observer_cb_;
DecoderChangeObserverCB decoder_change_observer_cb_;
// An end-of-stream buffer has been sent for decoding, no more buffers should
// be sent for decoding until it completes.
// TODO(sandersd): Turn this into a State. http://crbug.com/408316
bool decoding_eos_;
PrepareCB prepare_cb_;
bool preparing_output_;
// Decoded buffers that haven't been read yet. If |prepare_cb_| has been set
// |unprepared_outputs_| will contain buffers which haven't been prepared yet.
// Once prepared or if preparation is not required, outputs will be put into
// |ready_outputs_|.
base::circular_deque<scoped_refptr<Output>> unprepared_outputs_;
base::circular_deque<scoped_refptr<Output>> ready_outputs_;
// Number of outstanding decode requests sent to the |decoder_|.
int pending_decode_requests_;
// Tracks the duration of incoming packets over time.
base::MovingAverage<base::TimeDelta, base::TimeDelta> duration_tracker_;
// Stores buffers that might be reused if the decoder fails right after
// Initialize().
base::circular_deque<scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer>> pending_buffers_;
// Stores buffers that are guaranteed to be fed to the decoder before fetching
// more from the demuxer stream. All buffers in this queue first were in
// |pending_buffers_|.
base::circular_deque<scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer>> fallback_buffers_;
// TODO(tguilbert): support config changes during decoder fallback, see
// crbug.com/603713
bool received_config_change_during_reinit_;
// Used to track read requests; not rolled into |state_| since that is
// overwritten in many cases.
bool pending_demuxer_read_;
// Timestamp after which all outputs need to be prepared.
base::TimeDelta skip_prepare_until_timestamp_;
bool encryption_type_reported_ = false;
int fallback_buffers_being_decoded_ = 0;
// NOTE: Weak pointers must be invalidated before all other member variables.
base::WeakPtrFactory<DecoderStream<StreamType>> weak_factory_{this};
// Used to invalidate pending decode requests and output callbacks.
base::WeakPtrFactory<DecoderStream<StreamType>> fallback_weak_factory_{this};
// Used to invalidate outputs awaiting preparation. This can't use either of
// the above factories since they are used to bind one time callbacks given
// to decoders that may not be reinitialized after Reset().
base::WeakPtrFactory<DecoderStream<StreamType>> prepare_weak_factory_{this};
template <>
bool DecoderStream<DemuxerStream::AUDIO>::CanReadWithoutStalling() const;
template <>
int DecoderStream<DemuxerStream::AUDIO>::GetMaxDecodeRequests() const;
using VideoDecoderStream = DecoderStream<DemuxerStream::VIDEO>;
using AudioDecoderStream = DecoderStream<DemuxerStream::AUDIO>;
} // namespace media