[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 5982f89437f0022d19a3fba4120d9d6259ac5fde [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is a comprehensive list of Chrome user actions along with the owner
and description for each user action.
For best practices on writing user action descriptions, see
For details on how to modify this file to add your description, keep reading.
If an action is not user triggered, specify it using not_user_triggered="true"
as an attribute to the <action> tag.
Please run extract_actions.py to add new actions and pretty-print this file.
If a user action is not being used any more, put an <obsolete> tag under
the <action> tag with necessary explanation. Don't delete things in this file.
Please send CLs to chromium-metrics-reviews@google.com rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
Currently, only file-level comments are supported. By running
extract_actions.py, comments at other places will be deleted. Ideally, comments
should be able to be added at any place in this file.
<action name="AboutChrome">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutConflicts">
Deprecated since the conflicts page is changing. TODO(pmonette): Update this
to refer to the action for the new conflicts page.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_background-webapps">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_click-to-play">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_cloud-print">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_cloud-print-proxy">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_confirm-to-quit">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_conflicting-modules-check">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_data-reduction-proxy-lo-fi@1">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
User enabled flag that Forces Data Saver Lo-Fi mode to be always enabled via
chrome://flags. The action is emitted once per startup when the flag is
<action name="AboutFlags_data-reduction-proxy-lo-fi@2">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
User enabled flag that Forces Data Saver Lo-Fi mode to be enabled only on
cellular connection via chrome://flags. The action is emitted once per
startup when the flag is active.
<action name="AboutFlags_data-reduction-proxy-lo-fi@3">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
User enabled flag that Forces Data Saver Lo-Fi mode to be disabled via
chrome://flags. The action is emitted once per startup when the flag is
<action name="AboutFlags_data-reduction-proxy-lo-fi@4">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
User enabled flag that Forces Data Saver Lo-Fi mode to be enabled only on
slow connections via chrome://flags. The action is emitted once per startup
when the flag is active.
<action name="AboutFlags_disable-chrome-to-mobile">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_disable-outdated-plugins">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_disable-pnacl">
<obsolete>This flag no longer exists.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_disable-print-preview">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_disable-smooth-scrolling">
<obsolete>This flag no longer exists.</obsolete>
User flag to disable smooth scroll animations on wheel and keyboard input.
<action name="AboutFlags_disable-views-rect-based-targeting">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_disable-website-settings">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_dns-server">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_document-passive-event-listeners">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
User enabled the PassiveDocumentEventListeners via chrome://flags.
<action name="AboutFlags_downloads-new-ui">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_enable-chrome-to-mobile">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_enable-experimental-web-platform-features">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
User flag to enable web APIs marked as status=experimental
<action name="AboutFlags_enable-nacl">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_enable-nacl-debug">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_enable-nacl-exception-handling">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_enable-native-cups">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
Records if native cups printing is enabled in chrome://flags
<action name="AboutFlags_enable-pnacl">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_enable-pointer-events">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
User enabled the &quot;PointerEvent&quot; blink feature via chrome://flags.
<action name="AboutFlags_enable-smooth-scrolling">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_enable-web-bluetooth">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<description>User enabled Web Bluetooth via chrome://flags.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_enable-website-settings">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_enable-wifi-credential-sync">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
User enabled WiFi credential sync via chrome://flags.
<action name="AboutFlags_experimental-location-features">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_expose-for-tabs">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_extension-apis">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_focus-existing-tab-on-open">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_gpu-canvas-2d">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_indexeddb-use-leveldb">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_instant-autocomplete-immediately">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_instant-type">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_mark-non-secure-as">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
This flag lets users opt into or out of marking HTTP as Dubious or as
Non-Secure. The action is emitted once per startup when the flag is active.
<action name="AboutFlags_match-preview">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_my-special-feature">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_nacl-debug-mask">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_nacl-gdb">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_nacl-gdb-script">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_new-audio-rendering-mixing-strategy">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
User enabled flag to control new audio rendering mixing strategy.
<action name="AboutFlags_page-prerender">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_passive-event-listeners-due-to-fling">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
User enabled the PassiveEventListenersDueToFling via chrome://flags.
<action name="AboutFlags_passive-listener-default">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
User enabled flag to adjust the default value of 'passive' field in
AddEventListenerOptions dictionary when a javascript event handler is added.
<action name="AboutFlags_prerender-from-omnibox">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_print-preview">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_remoting">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_save-page-as-mhtml">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_smooth-scrolling">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
User flag to disable smooth scroll animations on wheel and keyboard input.
<action name="AboutFlags_snap-start">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_StartupTick" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_tabbed-options">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_top-chrome-md@1">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of Launch.FlagsAtStartup histogram.</obsolete>
User enabled flag that sets Chrome's style to be non-material design. The
action is emitted once per startup when the flag is active.
<action name="AboutFlags_top-chrome-md@2">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of Launch.FlagsAtStartup histogram.</obsolete>
User enabled flag that sets Chrome's style to be material design. The action
is emitted once per startup when the flag is active.
<action name="AboutFlags_top-chrome-md@3">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of Launch.FlagsAtStartup histogram.</obsolete>
User enabled flag that sets Chrome's style to be hybrid material design. The
action is emitted once per startup when the flag is active.
<action name="AboutFlags_verbatim-instant">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_vertical-tabs">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_views-use-rect-based-targeting">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AboutFlags_xss-auditor">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Accessible_Focus_Next">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Accessible_Focus_Previous">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Add_Remove_Display">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Advanced_Print">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_ARC_Zoom_Ui_In">
Record how often accelerator to increase density is used in ARC++.
<action name="Accel_ARC_Zoom_Ui_Out">
Record how often accelerator to decrease density is used in ARC++.
<action name="Accel_ARC_Zoom_Ui_Reset">
Record how often accelerator to increase density is used in ARC++.
<action name="Accel_Back_Backspace">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Back_F1">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Back_Left">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_BrightnessDown_F6">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_BrightnessUp_F7">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Cycle_Same_App">
Starting a same app window selection cycle by pressing alt-backtick. Only
counts the initial alt-backtick, not each step in the cycle.
<action name="Accel_Desks_ActivateLeft">
User activates the virtual desk positioned to the left of the currently
active one by pressing a keyboard shortcut.
<action name="Accel_Desks_ActivateRight">
User activates the virtual desk positioned to the right of the currently
active one by pressing a keyboard shortcut.
<action name="Accel_Desks_MoveWindowLeft">
User moves the currently active window (or the currently selected item in
overview mode) to an existing virtual desk to the left of the currently
active one by pressing a keyboard shortcut.
<action name="Accel_Desks_MoveWindowRight">
User moves the currently active window (or the currently selected item in
overview mode) to an existing virtual desk to the right of the currently
active one by pressing a keyboard shortcut.
<action name="Accel_Desks_NewDesk">
User creates a new virtual desk by pressing a keyboard shortcut.
<action name="Accel_Desks_RemoveDesk">
User removes an existing virtual desk by pressing a keyboard shortcut.
<action name="Accel_Disable_Caps_Lock">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Enable_Dictation">
User enables Dictation by pressing the Dictation key (on supported keboards)
or presses the Search + D keyboard shortcut.
<action name="Accel_Exit_First_Q">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Exit_Second_Q">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Focus_Bookmarks">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Focus_Launcher">
Deprecated 09/2014 in issue 248353 and replaced by Accel_Focus_Shelf.
<description>Keyboard accelerator to focus the app shelf.</description>
<action name="Accel_Focus_Location">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Focus_Next_Pane">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Focus_Pip">
Keyboard accelerator to focus picture in picture window.
<action name="Accel_Focus_Previous_Pane">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Focus_Search">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Focus_Shelf">
<description>Keyboard accelerator to focus the app shelf.</description>
<action name="Accel_Focus_Toolbar">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_FocusLocation_D">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_FocusLocation_L">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_FocusSearch_E">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_FocusSearch_K">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Forward_Backspace">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Forward_F2">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Forward_Right">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Fullscreen_F4">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Keyboard_Backlight">
<description>User pressed the keyboard backlight toggle key.</description>
<action name="Accel_KeyboardBrightnessDown_F6">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_KeyboardBrightnessUp_F7">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Launch_App">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Launch_Last_App">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_LockScreen_L">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_LockScreen_LockButton">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_LockScreen_PowerButton">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Maximize_Restore_F4">
<obsolete>Unused as of 08/2017</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Media_Fast_Forward">
<description>User pressed the fast forward media control button.</description>
<action name="Accel_Media_Next_Track">
<description>User pressed the next track media control button.</description>
<action name="Accel_Media_Pause">
<description>User pressed the pause media control button.</description>
<action name="Accel_Media_Play">
<description>User pressed the play media control button.</description>
<action name="Accel_Media_PlayPause">
<description>User pressed the play/pause media control button.</description>
<action name="Accel_Media_Prev_Track">
User pressed the previous track media control button.
<action name="Accel_Media_Rewind">
<description>User pressed the rewind media control button.</description>
<action name="Accel_Media_Stop">
<description>User pressed the stop media control button.</description>
<action name="Accel_Microphone_Mute">
<description>User pressed the microphone mute toggle key.</description>
<action name="Accel_Minimize_Top_Window_On_Back">
Metric recorded when the user press back key in the keyboard to minimize the
top window at bottom page while in tablet mode.
<action name="Accel_Move_Active_Window_Between_Displays">
User presses accelerator to move active window between displays.
<action name="Accel_Move_Window_To_Above_Display">
Replaced with Accel_Move_Active_Window_Between_Displays in March 2018.
User presses accelerator to move active window to above display.
<action name="Accel_Move_Window_To_Below_Display">
Replaced with Accel_Move_Active_Window_Between_Displays in March 2018.
User presses accelerator to move active window to below display.
<action name="Accel_Move_Window_To_Left_Display">
Replaced with Accel_Move_Active_Window_Between_Displays in March 2018.
User presses accelerator to move active window to left display.
<action name="Accel_Move_Window_To_Right_Display">
Replaced with Accel_Move_Active_Window_Between_Displays in March 2018.
User presses accelerator to move active window to right display.
<action name="Accel_New_Incognito_Window">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_New_Window">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_NewIncognitoWindow">
User pressed CMD+Shift+N to open a new Incognito window.
<action name="Accel_NewTab_T">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_NewTabInGroup">
User added a new tab to the existing group by keyboard shortcut Ctrl-T.
<action name="Accel_Next_Ime">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_NextWindow_F5">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_NextWindow_Tab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Open_Calculator">
Records when the calculator is launched from an accelerator.
<action name="Accel_Open_Crosh">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Open_Diagnostics">
Records how often diagnostics is launched from accelerator.
<action name="Accel_Open_Feedback_Page">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Open_File_Manager">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Overview_F5">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_PowerButton_Screenshot">
User takes a screenshot by pressing power button and volume down key
simultaneously on tablet mode.
<action name="Accel_Previous_Ime">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_PrevWindow_F5">
<obsolete>Unused as of 08/2017</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_PrevWindow_Tab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Reload_F3">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Reload_R">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Restart_PowerButton">
<obsolete>Unused as of 08/2017</obsolete>
<description>User restarted the device.</description>
<action name="Accel_Restore_Tab">
Emitted when the Ash window manager hotkey handler handles the
&quot;Ctrl-Shift-T&quot; shortcut that causes the most recently closed tab
to be restored. Because it's related to Ash, it's ChromeOS only. This is
only emitted when the Ash hotkey handler handles the shortcut, which only
happens when a non-Chrome window is focussed on ChromeOS. (The launcher is
an example of a non-Chrome window.) If a Chrome window was focussed on
ChromeOS as the user presses the keyboard shortcut, it's handled by Chrome's
keyboard shortcut handler system. In that case, the user action RestoreTab
is emitted, not Accel_Restore_Tab.
It's never the case that both Accel_Restore_Tab and RestoreTab are emitted
for the same keyboard shortcut press.
Note: if the last user action was to close an entire window with multiple
tabs, this keyboard shortcut will cause the entire window to be restored,
containing multiple tabs. This user action is only emitted once however,
regardless of the number of tabs.
This is not emitted during session restore that occurs as part of startup.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="Accel_Rotate_Active_Window">
Metric recorded when the user rotates the active window using the keyboard
shortcut. This metric was created in M58. All user actions of rotating the
active window using the keyboard shortcut prior to M58, were included in
<action name="Accel_Rotate_Screen">
Metric recorded when the user rotates the screen using the keyboard
shortcut. This metric was created in M58. All user actions of rotating the
screen using the keyboard shortcut prior to M58, were included in
<action name="Accel_Rotate_Window">
Deprecated 03/2017. Replaced by Accel_Rotate_Screen and
Metric recorded when the user rotates screen or active window using the
keyboard shortcut.
<action name="Accel_Scale_Ui_Down">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Scale_Ui_Reset">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Scale_Ui_Up">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Search_LWin" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Search_RWin" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_SelectNextTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_SelectNumberedTab">
Logged when a user press Ctrl/Command + 1-9 to change to a tab in a browser
<action name="Accel_SelectPreviousTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Show_App_Menu">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Show_Emoji_Picker">
Number of times the user has opened the emoji picker using a keyboard
<action name="Accel_Show_Ime_Menu_Bubble">
Number of times the user has shown the status area IME menu using a keyboard
<action name="Accel_Show_Keyboard_Overlay">
Deprecated 10/2018. The keyboard overlay was removed and replaced by
keyboard shortcut viewer.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Show_Message_Center_Bubble">
Deprecated 08/2017. Replaced by Accel_Toggle_Message_Center_Bubble.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Show_Stylus_Tools">
Number of times the user opened the stylus tools using a keyboard shortcut.
<action name="Accel_Show_System_Tray_Bubble">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Show_Task_Manager">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_ShutDown_PowerButton">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Silence_Spoken_Feedback">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Suspend">
Metric recorded when the user suspends the machine using keyboard shortcut.
<action name="Accel_Swap_Primary_Display">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Switch_Ime">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Switch_To_Next_User">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Switch_To_Previous_User">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Take_Partial_Screenshot">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Take_Screenshot">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Take_Window_Screenshot">
Metric recorded when shortcut key to initiate an active window screenshot
per kuscher@'s request.
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Caps_Lock">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Dictation">
Metric recorded when the user starts or stops dictation using keyboard
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Docked_Magnifier">
Metric recorded when the user toggles the Chrome OS Docked Magnifier with a
keyboard shortcut.
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Floating">
Metric recorded when the user toggles the Window Floating feature with a
keyboard shortcut.
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Fullscreen_Magnifier">
Metric recorded when the user toggles the Chrome OS Fullscreen Magnifier
with a keyboard shortcut.
<action name="Accel_Toggle_High_Contrast">
Metric recorded when the user toggles Chrome OS High Contrast mode with the
keyboard accelerator.
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Maximized">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Message_Center_Bubble">
Metric recorded when the user toggles the message center bubble with the
keyboard accelerator.
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Minimized">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Minimized_M">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Minimized_Minus">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Mirror_Mode">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Privacy_Screen">
Metric recorded when the user toggles the privacy screen when using the
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Resize_Lock_Menu">
Records how often the ARC resize lock menu is launched from accelerator.
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Snap_Group_Windows_Minimize_Restore">
Records how often the snap group windows are minimized or restored from
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Spoken_Feedback">
<description>Toggles Spoken Feedback (ChromeVox)</description>
<action name="Accel_Toggle_System_Tray_Bubble">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
User invoked keyboard accelerator, such as Shift-Alt-S or Hamburger key, to
bring up or dismiss the system tray menu.
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Touchpad">
Metric recorded when the user toggles the touchpad status using the
debugging accelerator.
<action name="Accel_Toggle_Touchscreen">
Metric recorded when the user toggles the touchscreen status using the
debugging accelerator.
<action name="Accel_Touch_Hud_Clear">
Deprecated 12/2017. Keyboard accelerator replaced with flag.
Debugging accelerator used to turn off the touch hud projection feature.
<action name="Accel_VolumeDown_F9">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_VolumeMute_F8">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_VolumeUp_F10">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Window_Position_Center">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Window_Snap_Left">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accel_Window_Snap_Right">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AccelTracker_Screen_Capture_Bar_Mac_Alt">
Triggered when users press Alt+Shift+5. Records how often users try To open
screen capture bar using MacOS key combos.
<action name="AccelTracker_Screen_Capture_Bar_Mac_Ctrl">
Triggered when users press Ctrl+Shift+5. Records how often users try To open
screen capture bar using MacOS key combos.
<action name="AccelTracker_Screen_Capture_Bar_Mac_Launcher">
Triggered when users press Launcher+Shift+5. Records how often users try To
open screen capture bar using MacOS key combos.
<action name="AccelTracker_Screen_Capture_Bar_Windows">
Triggered when users press Launcher+Shift+S. Records how often users try To
open screen capture bar using Windows key combos.
<action name="AccelTracker_Screenshot_Full_Mac_Alt">
Triggered when users press Alt+Shift+3. Records how often users try To take
fullscreen screenshot using MacOS key combos.
<action name="AccelTracker_Screenshot_Full_Mac_Ctrl">
Triggered when users press Ctrl+Shift+3. Records how often users try To take
fullscreen screenshot using MacOS key combos.
<action name="AccelTracker_Screenshot_Full_Mac_Launcher">
Triggered when users press Launcher+Shift+3. Records how often users try To
take fullscreen screenshot using MacOS key combos.
<action name="AccelTracker_Screenshot_Partial_Mac_Alt">
Triggered when users press Alt+Shift+4. Records how often users try To take
partial screenshot using MacOS key combos.
<action name="AccelTracker_Screenshot_Partial_Mac_Ctrl">
Triggered when users press Ctrl+Shift+4. Records how often users try To take
partial screenshot using MacOS key combos.
<action name="AccelTracker_Screenshot_Partial_Mac_Launcher">
Triggered when users press Launcher+Shift+4. Records how often users try To
take partial screenshot using MacOS key combos.
<action name="AcceptedGeneratedKeyword">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AcceptedKeyword">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AcceptedKeywordHint">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Accessibility.Autoclick">
<description>A user has used autoclick to perform an action.</description>
<action name="Accessibility.Autoclick.ChangeScrollPoint">
A user has changed the position at which a scroll will occur by performing a
dwell at the new scroll point.
<action name="Accessibility.Autoclick.ScrollMenu.CloseButton">
A user has closed the autoclick Scroll menu using the close button within
the menu bubble.
<action name="Accessibility.Autoclick.TrayMenu.Open">
Removed 3/2019. The autoclick menu is always onscreen when autoclick is
<description>A user has opened the autoclick tray menu.</description>
<action name="Accessibility.Autoclick.TrayMenu.Settings">
Removed 3/2019. There is no longer a settings button in the autoclick menu.
A user has used the autoclick tray menu to open Autoclick settings.
<action name="Accessibility.CaretBrowsing.AcceptDialog">
A user pressed the caret browsing shortcut and then enabled the feature by
confirming in the dialog.
<action name="Accessibility.CaretBrowsing.CancelDialog">
A user pressed the caret browsing shortcut and then cancelled without
enabling caret browsing.
<action name="Accessibility.CaretBrowsing.DisableWithKeyboard">
A user disabled caret browsing using keyboard shortcuts.
<action name="Accessibility.CaretBrowsing.DisableWithSettings">
<description>A user disabled caret browsing using settings.</description>
<action name="Accessibility.CaretBrowsing.DoNotAsk">
A user enabled caret browsing and checked the box to never be prompted
<action name="Accessibility.CaretBrowsing.EnableWithKeyboard">
A user enabled caret browsing using the keyboard shortcut directly, when
they had already opted into not showing the confirmation dialog.
<action name="Accessibility.CaretBrowsing.EnableWithSettings">
<description>A user enabled caret browsing using settings.</description>
<action name="Accessibility.CaretBrowsing.ShowDialog">
A user pressed the caret browsing shortcut and the confirmation dialog was
A Chrome OS user with spoken feedback enabled has connected a bluetooth
braille display by clicking the connect button or selected one from a
<action name="Accessibility.ChromeVox.Jump">
A Chrome OS user with spoken feedback enabled has executed any jump action,
like jumping to the next heading on a web page.
<action name="Accessibility.ChromeVox.Navigate">
A Chrome OS user with spoken feedback enabled has executed any navigation
action, like navigating to the next object on the screen.
<action name="Accessibility.ChromeVox.ToggleNextOff">
A Chrome OS user with spoken feedback enabled manually toggles ChromeVox
Next off.
<action name="Accessibility.ChromeVox.ToggleNextOn">
A Chrome OS user with spoken feedback enabled manually toggles ChromeVox
Next on.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosAutoclick.TrayMenu.ChangePosition">
A user has tapped the button to change the position of the autoclick bubble
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.CancelSpeech">
A Chrome OS user manually cancels Select To Speak while it is speaking.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.LoadSettings">
A Chrome OS user loads the Select To Speak settings page.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.PauseSpeech">
<description>A Chrome OS user manually pauses Select To Speak.</description>
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.ResumeSpeech">
A Chrome OS user manually resumes Select To Speak after pausing.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSelectToSpeak.StartSpeech">
<description>A Chrome OS user manually starts Select To Speak.</description>
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.ActionRecorder">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to open the
action recorder submenu.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.Copy">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to copy the
selected text.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.Cut">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to cut the
selected text.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.Decrement">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to decrement
the selected input.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.Dictation">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to dictate into
the focused input.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.DisplayBrightnessDown">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to turn down
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.DisplayBrightnessUp">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to turn up
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.DisplayMenu">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to open the
display submenu.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.DisplayMirror">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to mirror
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.DisplayRotate">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to rotate
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.DisplayZoomIn">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to zoom in.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.DisplayZoomOut">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to zoom out.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.EndTextSelection">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to stop
changing the text selection.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.ExecuteMacro">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to execute the
recorded macro.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.Increment">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to increment
the selected input.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.ItemScan">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to begin
scanning through items on-screen.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.JumpToBeginningOfText">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to move the
cursor to the beginning of the text.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.JumpToEndOfText">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to move the
cursor to the end of the text.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.Keyboard">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to open the
onscreen keyboard.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.LeaveGroup">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to leave the
current group.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.LeftClick">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to left click
the location targetted by Point Scan.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.MediaFastforward">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to fastforward.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.MediaMenu">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to open the
media submenu.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.MediaMute">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to mute the
device's volume.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.MediaPlayPause">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to play or
pause media.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.MediaRewind">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to rewind
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.MediaVolumeDown">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to turn volume
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.MediaVolumeUp">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to turn volume
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to move the
cursor backward one character of text.
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to move the
cursor backward one word of text.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.MoveCursor">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to start moving
the cursor.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.MoveDownOneLineOfText">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to move the
cursor down one line of text.
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to move the
cursor forward one character of text.
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to move the
cursor forward one word of text.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.MoveUpOneLineOfText">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to move the
cursor up one line of text.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.Paste">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to paste into
the text field.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.PointScan">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to start point
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.RightClick">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to right click
the location targetted by Point Scan.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.ScrollDown">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to scroll the
selected view down.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.ScrollLeft">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to scroll the
selected view left.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.ScrollRight">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to scroll the
selected view right.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.ScrollUp">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to scroll the
selected view up.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.Select">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to activate the
currently selected item.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.Settings">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to open the
Switch Access settings page.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.Shortcuts">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to open the
shortcuts submenu.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.StartRecording">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to start
recording a macro.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.StartTextSelection">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to start
selecting text.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.StopRecording">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to stop
recording a macro.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.SystemDiagnostics">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to open
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.SystemHelp">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to open the
system help page.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.SystemLauncher">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to jump to the
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.SystemMenu">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to open the
system submenu.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.SystemScreenshot">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to take a
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.SystemStatusBar">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to jump to the
status area.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.SystemTaskManager">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to open task
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.UserLock">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to locks the
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.UserMenu">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to open the
user submenu.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.UserNextUser">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to go to next
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.UserPreviousUser">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to go to
previous user.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.UserSignOut">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to sign out.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.WebBookmark">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to bookmark a
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.WebBottomOfPage">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to jump to
bottom of page.
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.WebClearHistory">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to clear
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.WebDownloads">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to open
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.WebFindInPage">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to find in
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.WebMenu">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to open the web
<action name="Accessibility.CrosSwitchAccess.MenuAction.WebTopOfPage">
Recorded when the user selects the Switch Access menu action to jump to top
of page.
<action name="Accessibility.NativeApi.DoDefault">
The DoDefault action (for example, to click on a button or link) has been
called on an accessibility node using a native accessibility API.
<action name="Accessibility.NativeApi.HitTest">
Removed in March 2020 because most events were being trimmed due to the cap
on the number of user actions that can be reported in a single log.
The HitTest action has been called on an accessibility node using a native
accessibility API.
<action name="Accessibility.NativeApi.ScrollToMakeVisible">
The ScrollToMakeVisible action has been called on an accessibility node
using a native accessibility API.
<action name="Accessibility.NativeApi.SetFocus">
The SetFocus action has been called on an accessibility node using a native
accessibility API.
<action name="Accessibility.TwoFingersHeldDown">
Metric recorded on Chrome OS when the user holds down two fingers on a touch
screen for more than the minimum number of seconds to trigger a countdown.
If the user continues to hold down two fingers through the countdown it will
toggle spoken feedback. If spoken feedback is toggled, the
StatusArea_SpokenFeedbackEnabled or StatusArea_SpokenFeedbackDisabled
actions will be recorded.
<action name="ActionBox.ClickButton">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ActionBox.FindShareHandlers">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Actions.PinnedToolbarButton.Pinned.ByContextMenu">
Recorded when the suffxied action is pinned to the toolbar through the
context menu.
<action name="Actions.PinnedToolbarButton.Unpinned.ByContextMenu">
Recorded when the suffxied action unpinned from the toolbar through the
context menu.
<action name="Actions.PinnedToolbarButtonActivation">
Recorded when an action pinned to the toolbar is activated.
<action name="ActiveBrowserChanged" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ActiveTabChanged" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AddSupervisionDialog_AttemptedSignoutAfterEnrollment">
Emitted when the user clicks &quot;Sign out&quot; to complete the Add
Supervision process.
<action name="AddSupervisionDialog_Closed">
Emitted when the Add Supervision dialog is closed, excluding sign out.
<action name="AddSupervisionDialog_EnrollmentCompleted">
Emitted when the user's account is successfully enrolled in supervision.
<action name="AddSupervisionDialog_Launched">
<description>Emitted when the Add Supervision dialog is opened.</description>
<action name="AddSupervisionDialog_SwitchedAccounts">
Emitted when the user signs out from within the Add Supervision dialog to
switch accounts before enrollment is completed.
<action name="AlertIndicatorButton_Dragged">
User dragged the tab alert indicator button; perhaps meant to drag the tab.
<action name="AlertIndicatorButton_Mute">
User clicked the tab alert indicator button to mute the tab.
<action name="AlertIndicatorButton_Unmute">
User clicked the tab alert indicator button to unmute the tab.
<action name="AltBasedKeyRewrite_Delete">
User pressed Alt+Backspace to produce the Delete key.
<action name="AltBasedKeyRewrite_End">
User pressed Alt+Ctrl+DownArrow to produce the End key.
<action name="AltBasedKeyRewrite_Home">
User pressed Alt+Ctrl+UpArrow to produce the Home key.
<action name="AltBasedKeyRewrite_PageDown">
User pressed Alt+DownArrow to produce the PageDown key.
<action name="AltBasedKeyRewrite_PageUp">
<description>User pressed Alt+UpArrow to produce the PageUp key.</description>
<action name="AltClickMappedToRightClick">
User pressed alt click on a touchpad device to generate right click.
<action name="AmbientMode.ScreenSaverPreview.Started">
User clicked the button to start screen saver preview. Records the button
click event. Recorded on ChromeOS only.
<action name="Android.AddToHomescreenIPH.Message.Clicked">
User clicked on Add button of Add to homescreen IPH message.
<action name="Android.AddToHomescreenIPH.Message.Shown">
<description>Add to homescreen IPH message UI was shown.</description>
<action name="Android.BookmarkPage.ReadingList.MarkAsRead">
User marked an item as read in the Reading List page from the Android
bookmark page by clicking &quot;Mark As Read&quot; from the &quot;more&quot;
<action name="Android.BookmarkPage.ReadingList.MarkAsUnread">
User marked an item as unread in the Reading List page from the Android
bookmark page by clicking &quot;Mark As Unread&quot; from the
&quot;more&quot; menu.
<action name="Android.BookmarkPage.ReadingList.OpenReadingList">
User navigated to the Reading List page from the Android bookmark page by
clicking on reading list folder.
<action name="Android.BookmarkPage.ReadingList.RemoveItem">
User removed an item from the Reading List page from the Android bookmarks
page by clicking &quot;delete&quot; from the &quot;more&quot; menu.
<action name="Android.BookmarkPage.ReadingList.SelectFromMenu">
User selected an item from the Reading List page from the Android bookmark
page by clicking &quot;select&quot; from the &quot;more&quot; menu.
<action name="Android.BookmarkPage.RemoveItem">
User removed an item on the native Android bookmark page by clicking
&quot;delete&quot; from the &quot;more&quot; menu.
<action name="Android.BookmarkPage.SelectFromMenu">
User selected an item on the native Android bookmark page by clicking
&quot;select&quot; from the &quot;more&quot; menu.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.AcceptedSurvey">
Deprecated 1/2018. Replaced with the
Android.ChromeHome.Survey.InfoBarClosingState histogram.
User clicked on the invite to take a survey in the survey infobar.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.ClickedSurveyInfoBarCloseButton">
Deprecated 1/2018. Replaced with the
Android.ChromeHome.Survey.InfoBarClosingState histogram.
User dismissed the survey infobar by tapping on its close button.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.Closed">
<obsolete>Unused as of 7/2019</obsolete>
<description>User closed the Chrome Home bottom sheet.</description>
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.ClosedByBackPress">
<obsolete>Unused as of 7/2019</obsolete>
User closed the Chrome Home bottom sheet by pressing the system back button.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.ClosedByNavigation">
<obsolete>Unused as of 7/2019</obsolete>
User closed the Chrome Home bottom sheet by navigating.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.ClosedByNTPCloseButton">
Deprecated 6/2017. There is no longer an NTP UI with a close button.
User closed the Chrome Home bottom sheet using the NTP's close button.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.ClosedBySwipe">
<obsolete>Unused as of 7/2019</obsolete>
User closed the Chrome Home bottom sheet using a swipe gesture.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.ClosedByTapScrim">
<obsolete>Unused as of 7/2019</obsolete>
User closed the Chrome Home bottom sheet tapping the scrim behind the sheet.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.FullState">
<obsolete>Unused as of 7/2019</obsolete>
User put the Chrome Home bottom sheet in the fully-open state.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.HalfState">
<obsolete>Unused as of 7/2019</obsolete>
User put the Chrome Home bottom sheet in the half-open state.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.IPHMenuItemClicked">
<obsolete>Unused as of 7/2019</obsolete>
User tapped the app menu item that triggers the Chrome Home in-product help
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.NativeNTPShown">
<obsolete>Unused as of 7/2019</obsolete>
A user navigation instructed the NativePageFactory to create a native page
for the NTP. This may occur if the user has NTP URLs in a tab's navigation
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.Opened">
Deprecated 5/2017. Replaced by the versions with a suffix, which are more
<description>User opened the Chrome Home bottom sheet.</description>
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.OpenedByExpandButton">
<obsolete>Unused as of 03/2018</obsolete>
User opened the Chrome Home bottom sheet using the expand button.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.OpenedByNTP">
<obsolete>Unused as of 03/2018</obsolete>
User opened the Chrome Home bottom sheet by opening a new tab.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.OpenedByOmnibox">
<obsolete>Unused as of 03/2018</obsolete>
User opened the Chrome Home bottom sheet by focusing the omnibox.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.OpenedByStartup">
<obsolete>Unused as of 03/2018</obsolete>
The Chrome Home bottom sheet was automatically opened on startup after a
period of inactivity.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.OpenedBySwipe">
User opened the Chrome Home bottom sheet using a swipe gesture.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.OptOutSnackbarClicked">
<obsolete>Unused as of 7/2019</obsolete>
User clicked the 'Take Survey' button on the snackbar shown after they opted
out of Chrome Home.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.ShowBookmarks">
<obsolete>Unused as of 03/2018</obsolete>
<description>User showed the bookmarks bottom sheet content.</description>
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.ShowDownloads">
<obsolete>Unused as of 03/2018</obsolete>
<description>User showed the downloads bottom sheet content.</description>
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.ShowHistory">
<obsolete>Unused as of 03/2018</obsolete>
<description>User showed the history bottom sheet content.</description>
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.ShowIncognitoHome">
<obsolete>Unused as of 03/2018</obsolete>
User showed the incognito bottom sheet content in the &quot;Home&quot; tab.
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.ShowSuggestions">
<obsolete>Unused as of 03/2018</obsolete>
<description>User showed the suggestions bottom sheet content.</description>
<action name="Android.ChromeHome.Survey.ShowSurveyInfoBar">
Deprecated 4/2018. Replaced with Android.Survey.ShowSurveyInfoBar action.
<description>The survey infobar was displayed.</description>
<action name="Android.ContentDetectorActivated">
User tapped on a phone number, address or email address, activating a
content detector and causing a content intent to be sent.
<action name="Android.DarkTheme.Preference">
<obsolete>Removed in M121.</obsolete>
User changed preference to use system default, light, or dark theme.
<action name="Android.DirectAction.List">
Call to Activity.onListDirectActions made by the system on behalf of the
assist app. Available starting with Android Q.
<action name="Android.Download.InfoBar.Accelerated">
Records whether accelerating message was shown on the infobar.
<action name="Android.Download.InfoBar.LinkClicked.OpenDownload">
User tapped on the infobar link to open the downloaded file.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="Android.Download.InfoBar.LinkClicked.OpenDownloadHome">
User tapped on the infobar link to open download home.
<action name="Android.Download.InfoBar.ReparentedToCurrentTab">
The download infobar was re-attached to the new active tab due to a download
event such as a new download or download completion that happened after the
user had switched tabs. The infobar which was previously being shown on the
old tab was closed and was shown on the new active tab.
<action name="Android.DownloadManager.CheckForExternallyRemovedItems"
A request was issued to check the file system for download items that were
externally deleted e.g. through a third-party download manager.
<action name="Android.DownloadManager.Delete">
User deleted one or more download items. This is recorded when the snackbar
allowing the user to &quot;undo&quot; deletion is dismissed and the
downloads are deleted.
<action name="Android.DownloadManager.Item.ExternallyDeleted">
A download file on primary storage was externally deleted by other
application. e.g. through a third-party download manager. The associated
database record will be also deleted.
<action name="Android.DownloadManager.Item.ExternallyDeletedKeepRecord">
A download file was externally deleted by other application, e.g. through a
third-party download manager. However the associated database record will
not be immediately deleted.
<action name="Android.DownloadManager.Item.OpenSucceeded">
<description>User opened a download from download home.</description>
<action name="Android.DownloadManager.List.Selection.Menu.Images.Action">
Deprecated October 2019. Feature dropped during implementation review.
User triggered a menu action on the images section header of download home.
<action name="Android.DownloadManager.List.View.Action">
User triggered actions on an offline item in download home.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="Android.DownloadManager.Menu.Action">
<obsolete>Deprecated September 2023.</obsolete>
User triggered actions on the top level menu in download home.
<action name="Android.DownloadManager.Open">
<description>User opened the downloads manager UI.</description>
<action name="Android.DownloadManager.OpenDrawer">
<obsolete>Drawer removed during 2017 redesign.</obsolete>
User opened the navigation drawer in Chrome's download manager.
<action name="Android.DownloadManager.RemoveItem">
Deprecated in favor of Android.DownloadManager.List.View.Action.
User removed an item on the native Android download page by clicking
&quot;delete&quot; from the &quot;more&quot; menu.
<action name="Android.DownloadManager.Search">
Deprecated in favor of Android.DownloadManager.Menu.Action.
<description>User initiated a search of their downloads.</description>
<action name="Android.DownloadManager.SelectionEstablished">
User established a long-press selection in Chrome's download manager.
<action name="Android.DownloadManager.Settings">
Deprecated in favor of Android.DownloadManager.Menu.Action.
User selected the settings option in the download manager to open up the
settings page to download preferences.
<action name="Android.DownloadManager.UndoDelete">
User chose to &quot;undo&quot; the deletion of one or more download items.
<action name="Android.ExploreSitesNTP.Opened">
<description>User opened NTP with enabled ExploreSites section.</description>
<action name="Android.ExploreSitesPage.ClickOnSiteIcon">
User clicked on a site icon while on ExploreSites page.
<action name="Android.ExploreSitesPage.Open">
User opened ExploreSites page, typically by clicking on a NTP category icon.
<action name="Android.ExploreSitesPage.Scrolled">
User scrolled the ExploreSites page. Reported once per ExploreSitesPage
instance shown.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.ClearBrowsingData">
User clicked the clear browsing data button on the native Android history
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.CopyLink">
User copied the URL for an item on the native Android history page.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.LoadMoreOnScroll">
User scrolled to the bottom of the screen causing more items to load on the
native Android history page.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.OpenItem">
User opened an item on the native Android history page.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.OpenSelected">
User opened one or more selected items in new tabs on the native Android
history page.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.OpenSelectedIncognito">
User opened one or more selected items in new incognito tabs on the native
Android history page.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.RemoveItem">
User removed an item on the native Android history page.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.RemoveSelected">
User removed one or more selected items on the native Android history page.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.Search">
User tapped the search icon on the native Android history page.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.Search.CopyLink">
User copied the URL for an item while searching on the native Android
history page.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.Search.LoadMoreOnScroll">
User scrolled to the bottom of the screen causing more items to load while
searching on the native Android history page.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.Search.OpenItem">
User opened an item while searching on the native Android history page.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.Search.OpenSelected">
User opened one or more selected items in new tabs while searching on the
native Android history page.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.Search.OpenSelectedIncognito">
User opened one or more selected items in new incognito tabs while searching
on the native Android history page.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.Search.RemoveItem">
User removed an item while searching on the native Android history page.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.Search.RemoveSelected">
User removed one or more selected items while searching on the native
Android history page.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.Search.SelectionEstablished">
User established a selection while searching on the native Android history
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.SelectionEstablished">
User established a selection on the native Android history page.
<action name="Android.HistoryPage.Show">
<description>User navigated to the native Android history page.</description>
<action name="Android.LauncherShortcut.NewIncognitoTab">
User tapped on the 'New Incognito Tab' launcher shortcut option.
<action name="Android.LauncherShortcut.NewTab">
User tapped on the 'New Tab' launcher shortcut option.
<action name="Android.LaunchNewIncognitoTab">
An external application launched a new Chrome Incognito Tab.
<action name="Android.LifeCycle.HasPausedActivities">
Chrome application has at least one paused and no running activites.
Recorded when the state of the application changes.
<action name="Android.LifeCycle.HasRunningActivities">
Chrome application has at least one activity in running state. Recorded when
the state of the application changes.
<action name="Android.LifeCycle.HasStoppedActivities">
Chrome application has at least one activity in stopped state, and none
running or paused. Recorded when the state of the application changes.
<action name="Android.ManageSpace">
User navigated to 'Manage Space' for Chrome from the 'Apps' category in
Android settings.
<action name="Android.MergeState.ColdStart">
Tab state was merged for Android N+ multi-instance during an application
cold start.
<action name="Android.MergeState.Live">
Tab state was merged for Android N+ multi-instance while Chrome was running
(e.g. user exited multi-window mode and focused one of the Chrome
<action name="Android.MultiInstance.Enter">
Recorded when multiple Chrome instances become visible on the screen at the
same time (e.g. two Chrome windows running side-by-side in split-screen
mode). Only applicable on Android S. For Android R and below, see
<action name="Android.MultiInstance.Exit">
The number of visible, foreground Chrome instances got down below one, which
virtually ends the multi-instance 'session'. This can happen when one of the
visible instances or both of them in split-screen mode closed or went to the
background, or split-screen mode itself exited so that only a single
instance remains visible on screen.
<action name="Android.MultiWindowMode.Enter">
Deprecated as the data is not valid any more from M100 onward.
<description>The activity entered Android N multi-window mode.</description>
<action name="Android.MultiWindowMode.Enter-SecondInstance">
The second activity instance (ChromeTabbedActivity2) entered Android N
multi-window mode. Recorded separately from Android.MultiWindowMode.Enter to
avoid double counting when two instances are running.
<action name="Android.MultiWindowMode.Enter2">
The activity entered Android N multi-window mode. This is identical to
Android.MultiWindowMode.Enter, but introduced after a bug that affected the
logging was fixed.
<action name="Android.MultiWindowMode.Exit">
Deprecated as the data is not valid any more from M100 onward.
<description>The activity exited Android N multi-window mode.</description>
<action name="Android.MultiWindowMode.Exit-SecondInstance">
The second activity instance (ChromeTabbedActivity2) exited Android N
multi-window mode. Recorded separately from Android.MultiWindowMode.Exit to
avoid double counting when two instances are running.
<action name="Android.MultiWindowMode.Exit2">
The activity exited Android N multi-window mode. This is identical to
Android.MultiWindowMode.Exit, but introduced after a bug that affected the
logging was fixed.
<action name="Android.MultiWindowMode.MultiInstance.Enter">
A second activity instance (ChromeTabbedActivity2) has been created in
Android N multi-window mode. Starting with Chrome version 94, this is only
recorded on Android R. See 'Android.MultiInstance.Enter' for Android S.
<action name="Android.PhoneIntent">
A user clicked on a telephone number link in Chrome content.
<action name="Android.Survey.ShowSurveyInfoBar">
Deprecated 12/2022 as part of survey message launch cleanup.
<description>The survey infobar was displayed.</description>
<action name="Android.WindowManager.CloseWindow">
User tapped Close in the 3-dot menu from the in-app window manager to remove
a Chrome window.
<action name="Android.WindowManager.NewWindow">
User tapped the 'New window' button in Chrome's in-app window manager to
create a new Chrome window.
<action name="Android.WindowManager.SecondaryMenu">
User taps the 3-dot menu of a Window in the in-app window manager list.
<action name="Android.WindowManager.SelectWindow">
User taps on a Window from the in-app window manager list to bring the
Window to the foreground.
<action name="AppCloseButton_Clk">
<obsolete>Unused as of 08/2017</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AppHome_CreateShortcut">
User clicks on the menu option to create shortcuts for an app from the right
click context menu of an app from new chrome://apps page.
<action name="AppHome_CustomContextMenuTriggered">
User opens the custom context menu for an app from new chrome://apps page.
<action name="AppHome_InstallAppLocally">
User clicks on the menu option to install an app locally from the right
click context menu of an app from new chrome://apps page.
<action name="AppHome_LaunchApp">
User launches a web app by clicking on the app icon from the new
chrome://apps page. This results in the web app's start_url opening up in a
dedicated window or in a browser tab, depending on the user's preference.
<action name="AppHome_LaunchAtStartupChecked">
User checks the launch at startup option from the right click context menu
of an app from new chrome://apps page.
<action name="AppHome_LaunchAtStartupUnchecked">
User unchecks the launch at startup option from the right click context menu
of an app from new chrome://apps page.
<action name="AppHome_LaunchDeprecatedApp">
User launches a deprecated app (chrome app, built on extensions system) by
clicking on the app icon from the new chrome://apps page. This will result
in the launch being interrupted with a dialog that post-m112 will block the
actual launch of the app. After m114, the admin policy allowing the bypass
of this dialog will expire as well. If the user ends up launching the app
itself, the web app's start_url opening up in a dedicated window or in a
browser tab, depending on the user's preference.
<action name="AppHome_NavigationComplete">
Triggered whenever an the new chrome://apps page page is initialized on
navigation. This is not recorded on OSes where the new chrome://apps page
page does not exist, like ChromeOS and Android.
<action name="AppHome_OpenAppSettings">
User clicks on the menu option to open app settings from the right click
context menu of an app from new chrome://apps page.
<action name="AppHome_OpenInWindowChecked">
User checks the open in window option from the right click context menu of
an app from new chrome://apps page.
<action name="AppHome_OpenInWindowUnchecked">
User checks the open in window option from the right click context menu of
an app from new chrome://apps page.
<action name="AppHome_UninstallTriggered">
User clicks on the menu option to uninstall an app from the right click
context menu of an app from new chrome://apps page.
<action name="ApplicationShortcut.LensPressedFromAppIconLongPress">
User tapped the Lens icon in the app icon long press menu for Chrome for
<action name="ApplicationShortcut.LensPressedFromHomeScreenWidget">
User tapped the Lens icon in the quick actions home screen widget for Chrome
for iOS.
<action name="ApplicationShortcut.LensPressedFromSpotlight">
User tapped the Lens search option of Chrome for iOS from iOS Spotlight
<action name="ApplicationShortcut.NewIncognitoSearchPressed">
Force pressed on a springboard shortcut and tapped Incognito Search in
Chrome for iOS.
<action name="ApplicationShortcut.NewSearchPressed">
Force pressed on a springboard shortcut and tapped New Search in Chrome for
<action name="AppList_AutoLaunchCanceled">
<obsolete>Voice search in Launcher is not supported anymore.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AppList_AutoLaunched">
<obsolete>Voice search in Launcher is not supported anymore.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AppList_BackButtonPressed">
<description>User pressed the back button.</description>
<action name="AppList_ClickOnApp">
User clicks an icon in app grid. Chrome and Files are counted. Folders,
suggested apps and search results aren't.
<action name="AppList_ClickOnAppFromSearch">
Deprecated in favor of a more general AppList_OpenSearchResult event.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AppList_CreateFolder">
User created a folder in the Chrome OS app launcher.
<action name="AppList_CurrentWindowToHomeLauncher">
The current window was hidden to display the home launcher.
<action name="AppList_CurrentWindowToHomeLauncherAttempt">
User tried to hide the current window to display the home launcher by
swiping up on the shelf.
<action name="AppList_DeleteFolder">
User deleted a folder in the Chrome OS app launcher.
<action name="AppList_EnterSearch">
<description>CrOS Launcher entered search mode.</description>
<action name="AppList_FullToPeeking">
<obsolete>This feature was deprecated in M104</obsolete>
<description>CrOS Launcher went from full to peeking state.</description>
<action name="AppList_HomeButtonPressedClamshell">
<description>User pressed the launcher button in clamshell.</description>
<action name="AppList_HomeButtonPressedTablet">
<description>User pressed the launcher button in tablet.</description>
<action name="AppList_HomeLauncherToMRUWindow">
The home launcher was hidden to display the most recently used window.
<action name="AppList_HomeLauncherToMRUWindowAttempt">
User tried to bring down the most recently used window by swiping down on
the home launcher.
<action name="AppList_HotwordRecognized">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AppList_LeaveSearch">
<description>CrOS Launcher left search mode.</description>
<action name="AppList_OpenSearchResult">
<description>User opens a search result in CrOS Launcher.</description>
<action name="AppList_OpenSuggestedApp">
User opens an app from the suggestions row in CrOS Launcher.
<action name="AppList_PeekingToFull">
<obsolete>This feature was deprecated in M104</obsolete>
CrOS Launcher went from peeking to full state or, in a search mode, from
half to full.
<action name="AppList_Search">
<obsolete>Name was bad. Renamed to AppList_OpenSearchResult.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AppList_SearchedBySpeech">
<obsolete>App list doesn't have voice search anymore.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AppList_SearchQueryStarted">
User starts a new search query in launcher search box.
<action name="AppList_ShowPlayStoreQueryResults">
Deprecated in M108. App List search no longer shows tile results.
Cros Launcher shows play store apps to user in response for a user typed
query with reason time for user to see and take action.
<action name="AppList_ShowZeroStateSuggestions">
Cros Launcher shows zero state suggestions to user when user activate the
search box.
<action name="AppList_VoiceSearchCanceled">
<obsolete>App list doesn't have voice search anymore.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AppList_VoiceSearchStartedManually">
<obsolete>App list doesn't have voice search anymore.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AppList_WindowFocused">
Emitted when the AppList has gained focus. The AppList gains focus every
time it is shown to the user, so this is equivalent to being emitted when
the AppList is shown to the user. This can be used in combination with
launch/activation metrics to calculate the click through rate in the
<action name="AppList_ZeroStateOpenInstalledApp">
<obsolete>Deprecated in M108. Launcher zero state has been removed.</obsolete>
<description>User opens a suggested installed app in zero state.</description>
<action name="Arc.Launcher.Search.OpenPlayStore.InstantApps">
Deprecated in favor of Apps.AppListSearchResultOpenType histogram.
Recorded when the user opens the an instant app from a Play Store app search
<action name="Arc.Launcher.Search.OpenPlayStore.UninstalledApps">
Deprecated in favor of Apps.AppListSearchResultOpenType histogram.
Recorded when the user opens the installing page of a Play Store app search
<action name="Arc.SmartTextSelection.Request">
Recorded when a request to the ARC++ container to generate Smart Text
Selection actions is made. This happens both when the user opens the Context
Menu via a right-click and by selecting text via touchscreen.
<action name="ArcAppReinstall_Clicked">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
A click on an app reinstall app candidate from Arc++.
<action name="ArcResizeLock_ResizeToPhone">
User pressed Phone button in compatibility mode menu to resize the ARC app
<action name="ArcResizeLock_ResizeToTablet">
User pressed Tablet button in compatibility mode menu to resize the ARC app
<action name="ArcResizeLock_TurnOffResizeLock">
User pressed Resizable button in compatibility mode menu to turn off the
resize lock for the ARC app window.
<action name="ArcResizeLock_TurnOnResizeLock">
User pressed non Resizable button in compatibility mode menu to turn on the
resize lock for the ARC app window.
<action name="Ash_Clipboard_CopiedItem">
<description>Emitted when a user copies data to their clipboard.</description>
<action name="Ash_Clipboard_PastedItem">
Emitted when a user pastes data from their clipboard through standard
mechanisms, i.e., not using the clipboard history menu.
<action name="Ash_ClipboardHistory_PastedItem1">
Emitted when a user pastes the first item from their clipboard history.
<action name="Ash_ClipboardHistory_PastedItem2">
Emitted when a user pastes the second item from their clipboard history.
<action name="Ash_ClipboardHistory_PastedItem3">
Emitted when a user pastes the third item from their clipboard history.
<action name="Ash_ClipboardHistory_PastedItem4">
Emitted when a user pastes the fourth item from their clipboard history.
<action name="Ash_ClipboardHistory_PastedItem5">
Emitted when a user pastes the fifth item from their clipboard history.
<action name="Ash_Tablet_BackGesture">
User tried to swipe back from the left side of the window to go back in
tablet mode.
<action name="AutoDetectChange">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Autofill.FastCheckout.Accepted">
The user accepted their selections of profile and credit card.
<action name="Autofill.FastCheckout.Destroyed" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>The bottomsheet was destroyed.</description>
<action name="Autofill.FastCheckout.Dismissed">
<description>The bottomsheet was dismissed by the user.</description>
<action name="Autofill.FastCheckout.Initialized">
<description>The FastCheckout bottomsheet was initialized.</description>
<action name="Autofill.FastCheckout.NavigatedBackHome">
<description>The user tapped the back button on a detail sheet.</description>
<action name="Autofill.FastCheckout.NavigatedToAddresses">
<description>The user navigated to the addresses details sheet.</description>
<action name="Autofill.FastCheckout.NavigatedToAddressesSettingsViaFooter">
The user tapped the &quot;Add new address&quot; footer.
<action name="Autofill.FastCheckout.NavigatedToAddressesSettingsViaIcon">
The user tapped the settings icon on the addresses details sheet.
<action name="Autofill.FastCheckout.NavigatedToCreditCards">
The user navigated to the credit cards details sheet.
<action name="Autofill.FastCheckout.NavigatedToCreditCardsSettingsViaFooter">
The user tapped the &quot;Add new credit card&quot; footer.
<action name="Autofill.FastCheckout.NavigatedToCreditCardsSettingsViaIcon">
The user tapped the settings icon on the credit cards details sheet.
<action name="Autofill.FastCheckout.SelectedDifferentAddress">
The user selected a different address from the already selected one
(navigates back to home screen).
<action name="Autofill.FastCheckout.SelectedDifferentCreditCard">
The user selected a different credit card from the already selected one
(navigates back to home screen).
<action name="Autofill.FastCheckout.SelectedSameAddress">
The user selected the same address that was already selected (navigates back
to home screen).
<action name="Autofill.FastCheckout.SelectedSameCreditCard">
The user selected the same credit card that was already selected (navigates
back to home screen).
<action name="Autofill_BrandingTapped">
The user has tapped on the Chrome logo inside the input accessory bar for
autofill. (iOS only)
<action name="Autofill_ClearedForm">
This user action is logged when a user has cleared the form after having
accepted an Autofill suggestion.
<action name="Autofill_CreditCardUpload_LegalMessageLinkClicked">
This user action is logged when the legal message link in the credit card
upload bubble is clicked by the user.
<action name="Autofill_FilledCreditCardSuggestion">
This user action is logged when the form is filled with the credit card
suggestion selected by the user. This should always happen after a
<action name="Autofill_FilledProfileSuggestion">
This user action is logged when the form is filled with the profile
suggestion selected by the user. This should always happen after a
<action name="Autofill_FormSubmitted">
Deprecated 6/2016. Replaced by the versions with a suffix, which are more
This user action is logged when Autofill detects a form submission.
<action name="Autofill_FormSubmitted_FilledAll">
This user action is logged when Autofill detects a form submission for a
form where all the fields were autofilled.
<action name="Autofill_FormSubmitted_FilledNone_SuggestionsNotShown">
This user action is logged when Autofill detects a form submission for a
form where Autofill suggestions were not shown.
<action name="Autofill_FormSubmitted_FilledNone_SuggestionsShown">
This user action is logged when Autofill detects a form submission for a
form where an Autofill suggestion was shown but no fields were filled.
<action name="Autofill_FormSubmitted_FilledSome">
This user action is logged when Autofill detects a form submission for a
form where some field were filled.
<action name="Autofill_FormSubmitted_NonFillable">
This user action is logged when Autofill detects a form submission for a
form that is not Autofillable or for a form that was filled with new
information that Autofill could not predict.
<action name="Autofill_OfferNotificationInfoBar_DeepLinkClicked">
This user action is logged when user clicks on the &quot;See details&quot;
link shown in the Offer Notification InfoBar on mobile.
<action name="Autofill_OnWillSubmitForm">
This user action is logged when Autofill thinks a form is about to be
submitted. The reason behind this is that some sites do not use the
traditional submit flow and we miss some actual submissions because of that.
<action name="Autofill_ParsedCreditCardForm">
This user action is logged when a credit card form is parsed.
<action name="Autofill_ParsedProfileForm" not_user_triggered="true">
This user action is logged when a profile form is parsed.
<action name="Autofill_PolledCreditCardSuggestions">
This user action is logged when the user interacts with an autofillable
credit card field, either by clicking or by typing.
<action name="Autofill_PolledProfileSuggestions">
This user action is logged when the user interacts with an autofillable
profile field, either by clicking or by typing.
<action name="Autofill_SelectedSuggestion">
This user action is logged when a user has selected (clicked on) an Autofill
suggestion. This should always happen after
<action name="Autofill_ShowedCreditCardSuggestions">
This user action is logged when the user is shown some credit card
suggestions. This should always happen after a
<action name="Autofill_ShowedHttpNotSecureExplanation">
<obsolete>Deprecated 5/2018 because the feature never launched.</obsolete>
This user action is logged when the user selects a &quot;Login not
secure&quot; or &quot;Payment not secure&quot; warning item in the autofill
dropdown to show more information about the warning.
<action name="Autofill_ShowedProfileSuggestions">
This user action is logged when the user is shown some profile suggestions.
This should always happen after a Autofill_PolledProfileSuggestion.
<action name="Autofill_UndoAddressAutofill">
This user action is logged when a user uses Undo to revert a previous
autofill operation on a form filled with Address data.
<action name="Autofill_UndoPaymentsAutofill">
This user action is logged when a user uses Undo to revert a previous
autofill operation on a form filled with Payments data.
<action name="AutofillAddressesViewed">
Recorded when user visits chrome://settings/autofill page.
<action name="AutofillCreditCardDeleted">
Recorded when user deletes a card via chrome://settings/payments page.
<action name="AutofillCreditCardDeletedAndHadCvc">
Recorded when user deletes card via chrome://settings/payments page and CVC
was not empty.
<action name="AutofillCreditCardDeletedAndHadNickname">
Recorded when user deletes card via chrome://settings/payments page and
nickname was not empty.
<action name="AutofillCreditCardsAdded">
Recorded when user adds card via chrome://settings/payments page.
<action name="AutofillCreditCardsAddedWithCvc">
Recorded when user adds a card with CVC via settings page.
<action name="AutofillCreditCardsAddedWithNickname">
Recorded when user adds card with a nickname via settings page.
<action name="AutofillCreditCardsEdited">
Recorded when user edits card via chrome://settings/payments page.
<action name="AutofillCreditCardsEditedAndCvcWasAdded">
Recorded when user edits card via chrome://settings/payments page and CVC
was added.
<action name="AutofillCreditCardsEditedAndCvcWasLeftBlank">
Recorded when user edits card via chrome://settings/payments page and CVC
was left blank.
<action name="AutofillCreditCardsEditedAndCvcWasRemoved">
Recorded when user edits card via chrome://settings/payments page and CVC
was removed.
<action name="AutofillCreditCardsEditedAndCvcWasUnchanged">
Recorded when user edits card via chrome://settings/payments page and CVC
was unchanged.
<action name="AutofillCreditCardsEditedAndCvcWasUpdated">
Recorded when user edits card via chrome://settings/payments page and CVC
was updated.
<action name="AutofillCreditCardsEditedWithNickname">
Recorded when user edits card with a new nickname via
chrome://settings/payments page.
<action name="AutofillCreditCardsViewed">
Recorded when user visits chrome://settings/payments page.
<action name="AutofillIbanAdded">
Recorded when user adds IBAN via chrome://settings/payments page.
<action name="AutofillIbanAddedWithNickname">
Recorded when user adds IBAN with a nickname via chrome://settings/payments
<action name="AutofillIbanDeleted">
Recorded when user deletes IBAN via chrome://settings/payments page.
<action name="AutofillIbanEdited">
Recorded when user edits IBAN via chrome://settings/payments page.
<action name="AutofillIbanEditedWithNickname">
Recorded when user edits IBAN with a new nickname via
chrome://settings/payments page.
<action name="AutomaticReset_WebUIBanner_BannerShown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AutomaticReset_WebUIBanner_ManuallyClosed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AutomaticReset_WebUIBanner_ResetClicked">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="AutomaticSettingsReset_WebUIBanner_BannerShown">
User opened chrome://settings less than 5 days after a settings hardening
event and was automatically shown this banner.
<action name="AutomaticSettingsReset_WebUIBanner_LearnMoreClicked">
User clicked the Learn More link on the AutomaticSettingsReset banner.
<action name="AutomaticSettingsReset_WebUIBanner_ManuallyClosed">
<description>User dismissed the AutomaticSettingsReset banner.</description>
<action name="AutomaticSettingsReset_WebUIBanner_ResetClicked">
User clicked the reset button on the AutomaticSettingsReset banner.
<action name="AvatarToolbarButtonHighlighted">
<obsolete>Removed in M123</obsolete>
Recorded when the avatar toolbar button is highlighted following an autofill
<action name="Back">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackColor">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackgroundImageCache">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackgroundUploadReportAborted">
An attempt to upload a crash report as a background task failed.
<action name="BackgroundUploadReportSucceeded">
An attempt to upload a crash report as a background task succeeeded.
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick1">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick10">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick11">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick12">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick13">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick14">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick15">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick16">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick17">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick18">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick19">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick2">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick3">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick4">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick5">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick6">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick7">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick8">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ChapterClick9">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick1">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick10">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick11">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick12">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick13">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick14">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick15">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick16">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick17">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick18">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick19">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick2">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick3">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick4">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick5">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick6">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick7">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick8">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_HistoryClick9">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_Popup">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BackMenu_ShowFullHistory">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadClockInterstitial.Back">
User went back after seeing the bad clock interstitial.
<action name="BadClockInterstitial.Settings">
Use opened date/time settings after seeing the bad clock interstitial.
<action name="BadClockInterstitial.Show">
<description>User saw the bad clock interstitial.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_ACDH">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_AOF">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_BMF">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_BPE">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_BPGM">
Deprecated 8/2017. Replaced by the histograms
Stability.BadMessageTerminated.GuestView and
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_BRPH">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_DBMF">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_DSMF">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_DSMF_1">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_DSMF_2">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_EFD">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_EOG">
Deprecated 3/2015. Replaced by the histogram
Indicates that an ExtensionOptionsGuest was terminated due to a navigation
to an origin other than the extension it is embedding.
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_EVG">
Deprecated 3/2015. Replaced by the histogram
Indicates that an ExtensionViewGuest was terminated due to a navigation to
an origin other than the extension it is embedding.
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_FAMF">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_IDBMF">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_MIDI">
Indicates that an IPC message to send a SysEx MIDI message is received from
a renderer that is not permitted to send a SysEx MIDI message.
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_MIDIPort">
Indicates that an IPC message to send a MIDI message against out of range
output port is received from a renderer.
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_NC">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_NC17">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RDH">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RFH">
Deprecated 3/2015. Replaced by the histogram
Indicates that a renderer process was terminated because it tried to change
iframe sandbox flags for an invalid frame.
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RVD">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RVD2">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RVD3">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RVH">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RWH">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RWH1">
Deprecated 3/2015. Replaced by the histogram
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RWH2">
Deprecated 3/2015. Replaced by the histogram
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RWH3">
Deprecated 3/2015. Replaced by the histogram
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RWH4">
Deprecated 3/2015. Replaced by the histogram
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RWH5">
Deprecated 3/2015. Replaced by the histogram
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RWH6">
Deprecated 3/2015. Replaced by the histogram
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RWH7">
Deprecated 3/2015. Replaced by the histogram
Emitted when a InputHostMsg_QueueSyntheticGesture message is received while
the --enable-gpu-benchmarking flag is not present.
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RWHVA1">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_RWHVA2">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_SharedMemoryAura">
Deprecated 3/2015. Replaced by the histogram
Emitted when a renderer is terminated due to it attempting to swap a shared
memory surface in aura.
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_SharedMemoryManager1">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_SharedMemoryManager2">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_UnexpectedFrameType">
Deprecated 3/2015. Replaced by the histogram
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_WC">
Deprecated 3/2015. Replaced by the histogram
Indicates that a renderer process was terminated due to receiving a
malformed or unexpected IPC message. The process was terminated by the
WebContentsImpl class.
<action name="BadMessageTerminate_WPH">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BillingInterstitial.Advanced">
User opened the &quot;Advanced&quot; tab on the Billing interstitial.
<action name="BillingInterstitial.Back">
<description>User pressed back on a Billing interstitial.</description>
<action name="BillingInterstitial.Proceed">
<description>User proceeded on a Billing interstitial.</description>
<action name="BillingInterstitial.Show">
<description>User saw the Billing interstitial.</description>
<action name="BindingsMismatch_GetProcessHostPerSite">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BindingsMismatchTerminate_RVH_WebUI">
Replaced in 1/2018 with bad_message::RVH_WEB_UI_BINDINGS_MISMATCH.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BlockedPluginInfobar.AllowThisTime">
<obsolete>This infobar has been removed.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BlockedPluginInfobar.AlwaysAllow">
<obsolete>This infobar has been removed.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BlockedPluginInfobar.Closed">
<obsolete>This infobar has been removed.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BlockedPluginInfobar.Dismissed">
<obsolete>This infobar has been removed.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BlockedPluginInfobar.LearnMore">
<obsolete>This infobar has been removed.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BlockedPluginInfobar.Shown">
<obsolete>This infobar has been removed.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BlockedPluginInfobar.Shown.Java">
<obsolete>This infobar has been removed.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BlockedPluginInfobar.Shown.QuickTime">
<obsolete>This infobar has been removed.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BlockedPluginInfobar.Shown.RealPlayer">
<obsolete>This infobar has been removed.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BlockedPluginInfobar.Shown.Shockwave">
<obsolete>This infobar has been removed.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BlockedPluginInfobar.Shown.WindowsMediaPlayer">
<obsolete>This infobar has been removed.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BlockNonsandboxedPlugins_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BlockNonsandboxedPlugins_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Bold">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkAdded">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkAllTabs">
User selected Bookmark All Tabs from anywhere in the UI.
<action name="BookmarkBar_ContextMenu_Add">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_ContextMenu_AddToBookmarkBar">
The user added one or more bookmarks to the Bookmarks Bar using the context
<action name="BookmarkBar_ContextMenu_Edit">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_ContextMenu_NewFolder">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_ContextMenu_Open">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_ContextMenu_OpenAll">
The user opened one or more bookmarks in the Bookmarks Bar using the context
menu. Distinguished from launching from e.g. the application menu or the
bookmark manager. This is for opening bookmarks normally (in the same
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="BookmarkBar_ContextMenu_OpenAllIncognito">
The user opened one or more bookmarks in the Bookmarks Bar using the context
menu. Distinguished from launching from e.g. the application menu or the
bookmark manager. This is for opening bookmarks in an incognito window.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="BookmarkBar_ContextMenu_OpenAllInNewWindow">
The user opened one or more bookmarks in the Bookmarks Bar using the context
menu. Distinguished from launching from e.g. the application menu or the
bookmark manager. This is for opening bookmarks in a new window.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="BookmarkBar_ContextMenu_OpenInNewTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_ContextMenu_OpenInNewWindow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_ContextMenu_Redo">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_ContextMenu_Remove">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_ContextMenu_RemoveFromBookmarkBar">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_ContextMenu_ShowInFolder">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_ContextMenu_Undo">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_CtxMenu">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_DragButton">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_DragEnd">
Logged when a bookmark drag ends in the bookmark bar
<action name="BookmarkBar_DragFromFolder">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_DragRecentlyBookmarked">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_DragStart">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_ShowOtherBookmarks">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBar_ShowRecentlyBookmarked">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBarFolder_CtxMenu">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBarFolder_DragEnd">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBarFolder_DragStart">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBubble_ChangeParent">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBubble_ChangeTitleInBubble">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBubble_Edit">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBubble_EditFromCombobox">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBubble_Options">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBubble_RemoveFromBookmarkBar">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBubble_ShowOnBookmarkBar">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkBubble_Unstar">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_AddPage">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_Copy">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_Cut">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_Delete">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_Edit">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_Export">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_Import">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_NewFolder">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_OpenIncognito">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_OpenInNewTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_OpenInNewWindow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_OpenInSame">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_Paste">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_ShowInFolder">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_Sort">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_UndoDelete">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_UndoGlobal">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Command_UndoNone">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Drop">
Superseded by BookmarkManager_DropToList, BookmarkManager_DropToTree,
BookmarkManager_DropToListItem and BookmarkManager_DropToTreeItem.
Fired when a user drops a bookmark after a drag in the bookmark manager.
<action name="BookmarkManager_DropToList">
Fired when a user drops a bookmark into the bookmark list between other
items in the bookmark manager.
<action name="BookmarkManager_DropToListItem">
Fired when a user drops a bookmark directly onto a bookmark list item in the
bookmark manager.
<action name="BookmarkManager_DropToTree">
Fired when a user drops a bookmark into the bookmark tree between other
nodes in the bookmark manager.
<action name="BookmarkManager_DropToTreeItem">
Fired when a user drops a bookmark directly onto a bookmark tree item in the
bookmark manager.
<action name="BookmarkManager_Export">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Import">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_NavigateTo_BookmarkBar">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_NavigateTo_Mobile">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_NavigateTo_Other">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_NavigateTo_Recent">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_NavigateTo_Search">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_NavigateTo_SubFolder">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_Sort">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkManager_StartDrag">
Superseded by BookmarkManager_StartDragFromList and
Fired when a user starts a drag in the bookmark manager.
<action name="BookmarkManager_StartDragFromList">
Fired when a user starts a drag to the tree in the bookmark manager.
<action name="BookmarkManager_StartDragFromTree">
Fired when a user starts a drag from the tree in the bookmark manager.
<action name="BookmarkManager_Sync">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkMenu_clicked">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkNavigatorWidgetAdded">
User added the &quot;bookmark navigator&quot; widget, which shows a
navigable hierarchy of the user's bookmarks, to their homescreen on Android.
<action name="Bookmarks.Added">
<description>Recorded when the user adds a bookmark.</description>
<action name="Bookmarks.AddedFromSidePanel">
Recorded when the user adds a bookmark from the side panel.
<action name="Bookmarks.FolderAdded">
<description>Recorded when the user adds a bookmark folder.</description>
<action name="Bookmarks.FolderAddedFromSidePanel">
Recorded when the user adds a bookmark folder from the side panel.
<action name="Bookmarks.Opened">
<description>Recorded when the user opens a bookmark.</description>
<action name="Bookmarks_Search">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BookmarkShortcutWidgetAdded">
Deprecated as of 10/2015. The widget was removed from Chrome.
User added the &quot;bookmark shortcut&quot; widget, which is an icon to
open a single bookmark in Chrome, to their homescreen on Android.
<action name="BrowserActions.MenuOpened">
<obsolete>Deprecated in M77 with the removal of Browser Actions.</obsolete>
A Browser Actions menu is opened in Chrome. A Browser Actions menu is a
Chrome style context menu opened by 3rd party apps.
<action name="BrowserActions.TabOpenedNotificationClicked">
<obsolete>Deprecated in M77 with the removal of Browser Actions.</obsolete>
Users click the notification of opening tab in background.
<action name="BrowserActions.TabOpenedNotificationCreated">
<obsolete>Deprecated in M77 with the removal of Browser Actions.</obsolete>
Browser Actions creates a notifcation of opening tab in background.
<action name="BrowserForSystemProfile">
No longer needed as the number of users affected by https://crbug.com/482176
is now approximately zero.
A browser opened with the System Profile. Tsk, tsk. Any non-zero amount
means something is using the system profile for a browser when it likely
shouldn't be.
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.AbnormalDeath">
<description>A renderer process died abnormally.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.Attached" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.Crashed">
<description>A renderer process died because it crashed.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.Create" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.DidNavigate" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.EnableAutoResize">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.Hung">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.Killed">
<description>A renderer process died because it was killed.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.LaunchFailed">
<description>A renderer process failed to launch.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.Navigate" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.PermissionRequest">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.PermissionRequest.Download">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.PermissionRequest.Geolocation">
<obsolete>This permission has been moved to the chrome layer.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.PermissionRequest.JSDialog">
<obsolete>This permission has been moved to the chrome layer.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.PermissionRequest.Media">
<obsolete>This permission has been moved to the chrome layer.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.PermissionRequest.NewWindow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.PermissionRequest.PointerLock">
<obsolete>This permission has been moved to the chrome layer.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.Responsive">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.StartDrag">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.Guest.Terminate">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.PermissionAllow.Download">
<obsolete>This permission has been moved to the chrome layer.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.PermissionAllow.Geolocation">
<obsolete>This permission has been moved to the chrome layer.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.PermissionAllow.JSDialog">
<obsolete>This permission has been moved to the chrome layer.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.PermissionAllow.Media">
<obsolete>This permission has been moved to the chrome layer.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.PermissionAllow.NewWindow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.PermissionAllow.PointerLock">
<obsolete>This permission has been moved to the chrome layer.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.PermissionDeny.Download">
<obsolete>This permission has been moved to the chrome layer.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.PermissionDeny.Geolocation">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.PermissionDeny.JSDialog">
<obsolete>This permission has been moved to the chrome layer.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.PermissionDeny.Media">
<obsolete>This permission has been moved to the chrome layer.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.PermissionDeny.NewWindow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserPlugin.PermissionDeny.PointerLock">
<obsolete>This permission has been moved to the chrome layer.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="BrowserServices.TwaOpened">
<description>Recorded when a user opens a TWA.</description>
<action name="BulkCvcDeletionConfirmationDialogAccepted">
Recorded when user clicks on &quot;Delete&quot; on the bulk delete dialog
<action name="BulkCvcDeletionConfirmationDialogCancelled">
Recorded when user clicks on &quot;Cancel&quot; on the bulk delete dialog
<action name="BulkCvcDeletionHyperlinkClicked">
Recorded when user clicks on the bulk delete hyperlink on the settings page.
<action name="Cancel">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CanCommitURL_BlockedAndKilled">
Deprecated 3/2015. Replaced by the histogram
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CapsLock_Toggled">
User toggled capslock via capslock key press or keyboard shortcut (alt +
<action name="CapsLock_Toggled_Using_CapsLockKey">
<description>User toggled capslock via capslock key press.</description>
<action name="Caption_ClickTogglesMaximize">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Caption_GestureTogglesMaximize">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Cast_Sender_CastDeviceSelected">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Cast_Sender_CastEnterFullscreen">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Cast_Sender_CastMediaType">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Cast_Sender_CastPlayRequested">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Cast_Sender_YouTubeDeviceSelected">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ChooseDefaultSearchEngine">
Action indicating that the user clicked on the &quot;Change&quot; button in
the search settings page to view the search engines list dialog and choose a
default search engine.
<action name="ChromeColors_ColorApplied">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 12/2019.</obsolete>
<description>Chrome Colors was applied from Colors menu.</description>
<action name="ChromeColors_DefaultApplied">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 12/2019.</obsolete>
<description>Default theme was applied from Colors menu.</description>
<action name="ChromeColors_MenuCancel">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 7/2019.</obsolete>
<description>Applied changes where canceled from Colors menu.</description>
<action name="ChromeColors_MenuDone">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 7/2019.</obsolete>
<description>Applied changes where confirmed from Colors menu.</description>
<action name="ChromeColors_TabClosed">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 7/2019.</obsolete>
<description>Tab with open Colors menu was closed.</description>
<action name="ChromeColors_ThemeUninstalled">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 7/2019.</obsolete>
<description>Webstore theme uninstalled from Colors menu.</description>
<action name="ChromeGeneratedCustomTab.StartedInitially">
A Chrome generated CustomTabActivity (instead of a client app) was stared
for the first time.
<action name="ChromeGeneratedCustomTab.StartedReopened">
A Chrome generated CustomTabActivity (instead of a client app) was started
by reopening a previously created instance. This can happen if you send a
CCT to the background via the home button and reselect it from Android
<action name="ChromeOS.AppInstallDialog.AppLaunched">
Recorded when the user requested a previously installed app to be launched
in the CrOS App Install dialog.
<action name="ChromeOS.AppInstallDialog.Cancelled">
Recorded when the user closed an installation dialog without installing.
<action name="ChromeOS.AppInstallDialog.Installed">
Recorded when the user requested an app to be installed in the CrOS App
Install dialog.
<action name="ChromeOS.AppInstallDialog.Shown">
Recorded when the CrOS App Install dialog was opened by the user.
<action name="ChromeOS.Settings.InputMethod.Autocorrect.Open">
Recorded when a user clicks the link to open the Auto-correction section in
Chrome OS Inputs methods setting page. This can happen when a user clicks on
the Learn More button from the Autocorrection undo window.
<action name="ChromeOS.Settings.Languages">
Records when users select a specific element in the Chrome OS's Languages OS
settings page.
<action name="ChromeOS.Settings.Languages.Browser">
Deprecated as of M88, as the languages browser settings page has been
replaced with the languages OS settings page.
Records when users select a specific element in the Chrome OS's Languages
browser settings page.
<action name="ChromeOS.Settings.SmartInputs.EmojiSuggestions.Open">
Recorded when a user clicks the link to open Emoji Suggestions section in
Chrome OS Smart Inputs setting page.
<action name="ChromeOS.Settings.SmartInputs.PersonalInfoSuggestions.Open">
Recorded when a user clicks the link to open Personal Information
Suggestions section in Chrome OS Smart Inputs setting page.
<action name="ChromeOS.SystemTray.Network.SettingsButtonPressed">
Recorded when a user clicks on the settings button in Network view within
systems tray.
<action name="ClearAuthenticationCache">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_AdvancedTab">
Browsing data has been deleted from the advanced tab.
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_Autofill" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_BasicTab">
<description>Browsing data has been deleted from the basic tab.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_Cache" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_ChannelIDs">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 4/2019.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_ContentLicenses">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
Content licenses for Flash were deauthorized as the user selected
&quot;Media Licenses&quot; when clearing browsing data and Flash was
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_ContentSettings">
<description>Content settings have been deleted.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_Cookies" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_DialogCreated">
<description>Clear browsing data screen is shown to the user.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_Downloads">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_Everything" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>Browsing data has been cleared for all time.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_History" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_Last15Minutes" not_user_triggered="true">
Browsing data has been cleared for the last 15 minutes.
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_LastDay" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>Browsing data has been cleared for the last day.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_LastHour" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>Browsing data has been cleared for the last hour.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_LastMonth" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>Browsing data has been cleared for the last month.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_LastWeek" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>Browsing data has been cleared for the last week.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_LSOData">
LSO data relates to Flash, and Flash is no longer supported.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_MaskContainsExtension">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_MaskContainsProtectedWeb">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_MaskContainsUnprotectedWeb"
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_OlderThan30Days" not_user_triggered="true">
Browsing data has been cleared for older than 30 days timeperiod.
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_Passwords" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_SameSiteNoneData" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>SameSite=None cookies were deleted.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_ServerBoundCerts">
<obsolete>This has been renamed ClearBrowsingData_ChannelIDs.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_ShaderCache">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_ShowDlg">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_SignOut">
User signed out from the Clear Browsing Data footer.
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_SiteUsageData">
<description>Recorded when the user clears site usage data.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_SwitchTo_AdvancedTab">
<description>User switched to advanced tab.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_SwitchTo_BasicTab">
<description>User switched to basic tab.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_Sync_NavigateToError">
The user clicked on the &quot;visit sync settings&quot; link in the sync
error message in the Clear Browsing Data footer.
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_Sync_NavigateToPassphrase">
The user clicked on the &quot;enter your passphrase&quot; link in the error
message in the Clear Browsing Data footer, which was shown due to a missing
sync passphrase.
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_Sync_Pause">
User paused sync from the Clear Browsing Data footer.
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_Sync_SignIn">
User started to sign in from the Clear Browsing Data footer to unpause sync.
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_TimePeriodChanged_Everything">
<description>Time period in CBD was changed.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_TimePeriodChanged_Last15Minutes">
<description>Time period in CBD was changed.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_TimePeriodChanged_LastDay">
<description>Time period in CBD was changed.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_TimePeriodChanged_LastHour">
<description>Time period in CBD was changed.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_TimePeriodChanged_LastMonth">
<description>Time period in CBD was changed.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_TimePeriodChanged_LastWeek">
<description>Time period in CBD was changed.</description>
<action name="ClearBrowsingData_TimePeriodChanged_OlderThan30Days">
<description>Time period in CBD was changed to OlderThan30Days.</description>
<action name="ClearSelection">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearSiteDataOnExitDisabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClearSiteDataOnExitEnabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClickDisableGpuAcceleration">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClickedBookmarkBarAppsShortcutButton">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClickedBookmarkBarFolder">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClickedBookmarkBarURLButton">
User clicks a bookmark to open it, either in the bookmarks bar or in a
bookmarks bar folder or overflow menu. (Changed in M75 to include
non-top-level bookmarks.)
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="ClickToPlay_AllowAlways">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClickToPlay_Dismiss_Infobar">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClickToPlay_InfobarShown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClickToPlay_LoadAll_Bubble">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ClickToPlay_LoadAll_Infobar">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CloseAllSuppressedPopups">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CloseButton_Clk">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CloseFromContextMenu">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CloseGroupedTab">
<description>User closed a tab that belongs to a group.</description>
<action name="CloseTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CloseTab_Accelerator">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CloseTab_AudioIndicator">
User clicked the close tab button; the audio indicator was showing.
<action name="CloseTab_Mouse">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CloseTab_MuteToggleAvailable">
User clicked the close tab button; the audio mute toggle button was enabled.
<action name="CloseTab_NoAlertIndicator">
User clicked the close tab button; the media indicator was not showing.
<action name="CloseTab_NoMediaIndicator">
<obsolete>Replaced with &quot;CloseTab_NoAlertIndicator&quot;.</obsolete>
User clicked the close tab button; the media indicator was not showing.
<action name="CloseTab_RecordingIndicator">
User clicked the close tab button; the recording/capture indicator was
<action name="CloseTabByKey">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CloseWebApp">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CloseWindow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CloseWindowByKey">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Commerce.AddToCart">
<description>Triggered when the user adds a product to cart.</description>
<action name="Commerce.PriceAlertsMessageCard.Dismissed">
Triggered when the user taps the close button on PriceAlertsMessageCard.
Recorded only on Android.
<action name="Commerce.PriceAlertsMessageCard.Reviewed">
Triggered when the user taps the action button on PriceAlertsMessageCard.
Recorded only on Android.
<action name="Commerce.PriceInsights.HistoryGraphInteraction">
Records when users interact with the history graph shown in the shopping
insights side panel.
<action name="Commerce.PriceInsights.InlineFeedbackLinkClicked">
Records when users click the feedback link shown in the shopping insights
side panel to pop up the feedback dialog.
<action name="Commerce.PriceInsights.NavigationClosedSidePanel"
Records when the shopping insights side panel is currently showing and the
user navigates away from the current tab, in which case the side panel will
be automatically closed.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.BookmarkDialogPriceTrackViewShown">
Records when users click the bookmark star icon and the price track view is
shown inside the bookmark bubble.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.BookmarkDialogPriceTrackViewTrackedPrice">
Records when users clicks the toggle button in the bookmark bubble to track
the product.
Records when users clicks the toggle button in the bookmark bubble to
untrack the product.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.Confirmation.Untrack">
Records when users click the &quot;Untrack&quot; button to untrack the
product in the confirmation bubble.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.ConfirmationShown">
Records when users click the price tracking icon view and shows the
confirmation bubble.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.EditedBookmarkFolderFromOmniboxBubble">
Records when users click the bookmark folder name shown in the confirmation
bubble to launch the bookmark editor.
Records when users click the bookmark folder name shown in the shopping
insights side panel to launch the bookmark editor.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.EmailConsentDialog.Accepted">
Records when a user confirms they would like to receive email notifications
when a price drops. The user preference is changed to true in this case.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.EmailConsentDialog.Closed">
Records when a user dismisses the post price tracking dialog without taking
an explicit action. The email settings remain unchanged in this case.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.EmailConsentDialog.EmailLinkClicked">
Records when a user clicks the linked email address in the price tracking
email consent dialog.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.EmailConsentDialog.HelpLinkClicked">
Records when a user clicks the help article link in the price tracking email
consent dialog.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.EmailConsentDialog.Rejected">
Records when a user rejects the offer to receive email notifications when a
price drops. The user preference is changed to false in this case.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.EmailConsentDialog.Shown"
Records when the post price tracking email consent dialog is shown to a
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.FirstRunBubbleDismissed">
Records when users click the &quot;Cancel&quot; button to dismiss the
confirmation bubble.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.FirstRunBubbleShown">
Records when users click the price tracking icon view and shows the first
run experience bubble.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.FirstRunBubbleTrackedPrice">
Records when users click the &quot;Track price&quot; button to track the
product in the first run experience bubble.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.IOS.Track.Failure"
Records when a users attempts to price track an item through the UI, but is
unsuccessful due to an error. (iOS only)
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.IOS.Untrack.Failure"
Records when a users attempts to untrack an item through the UI, but is
unsuccessful due to an error. (iOS only)
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.OmniboxChip.Tracked">
Records when users click the price tracking icon view to track the product.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.OmniboxChipClicked">
Records when users click the price tracking icon view regarless of the icon
view state.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.OmniboxChipShown">
Records when price tracking icon view shown regarless of the icon view
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.PushNotification.NotificationTapped">
Records when the user taps on a notification indicating that a price drop
has occurred on a shopping website they are tracking.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.PushNotification.Received"
Records when a notification that a price drop has occurred for a shopping
website the user is tracking is received.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.PushNotification.UnTrackProductTapped">
Records when the user taps 'Untrack product' upon receiving a notification
that the price has dropped for a shopping URL the user is tracking. The user
can access 'Untrack product' by long pressing on the notififcation.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.PushNotification.VisitSiteTapped">
Records when the user taps 'Visit site' upon receiving a notification that
the price has dropped for a shopping URL the user is tracking. The user can
access 'Visit site' by long pressing on the notififcation.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.ShoppingCollection.Created">
Records when the shopping collection bookmark folder is created as the
result of a user bookmarking a product page.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.ShoppingCollection.Deleted">
Records when a user deletes the automatically created shopping collection
bookmark folder.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.ShoppingCollection.MovedFromCollection">
Records when a user moves a bookmark out of the shopping collection folder.
This also represents a user selecting a different folder when the shopping
collection is recommended in the bookmark save flow.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.ShoppingCollection.MovedToCollection">
Records when a user moves a bookmark into the shopping collection folder.
This does not capture the initial save event if the shopping collection was
suggested as the save location for the user.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.ShoppingCollection.NameChanged">
Records when a user changes the name of the shopping collection bookmark
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.ShoppingCollection.ParentChanged">
Records when a user changes the containing folder of the shopping collection
bookmark folder.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.ShoppingCollection.RejectedSuggestion">
Records when a user rejects the shopping collection as the suggested save
location. This is detected by a user moving the bookmark that was added to
the collection out of that collection as the next bookmark action.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.SidePanel.ClickedTrackedProduct">
Triggered when the product item is clicked in the price tracking list in
side panel. This can be triggered by both regular click and auxclick.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.SidePanel.Track.BellButton">
Triggered when users start tracking price for a product from side panel via
bell button.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.SidePanel.Track.ContextMenu">
Triggered when users start tracking price for a product from side panel via
context menu.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.SidePanel.TrackedProductsCollapsed">
Triggered when the price tracking list in side panel has collapsed.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.SidePanel.TrackedProductsExpanded">
Triggered when the price tracking list in side panel has expanded.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.SidePanel.TrackedProductsShown">
Triggered when the price tracking list in side panel shows (regardless of
being expanded or collapsed).
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.SidePanel.Untrack.BellButton">
Triggered when users stop tracking price for a product from side panel via
bell button.
<action name="Commerce.PriceTracking.SidePanel.Untrack.ContextMenu">
Triggered when users stop tracking price for a product from side panel via
context menu.
<action name="Commerce.PriceWelcomeMessageCard.Dismissed">
Triggered when the user taps the close button on PriceWelcomeMessageCard.
Recorded only on Android.
<action name="Commerce.PriceWelcomeMessageCard.Reviewed">
Triggered when the user taps the action button on PriceWelcomeMessageCard.
Recorded only on Android.
<action name="Commerce.Purchase">
<description>Triggered when the user makes the purchase.</description>
<action name="Commerce.TabGridSwitched.HasPriceDrop">
Price drops are displayed on the Tab Grid Card in the Tab Grid Switcher for
commerce related websites where a decrease in price, relative to the
previously known price is identified. This metric records when the user
clicks the Tab Grid Card which contains a price drop.
<action name="Commerce.TabGridSwitched.NoPriceDrop">
Price drops are displayed on the Tab Grid Card in the Tab Grid Switcher for
commerce related websites where a decrease in price, relative to the
previously known price is identified. This metric records when the user
clicks the Tab Grid Card which does not contain a price drop.
<action name="Commerce.VisitCart">
<description>Triggered when the user visits the cart page.</description>
<action name="Commerce.VisitCheckout">
<description>Triggered when ther user visits the checkout page.</description>
<action name="Compose.ComposeRequest.CreateClicked">
Records when the user presses the &quot;Create&quot; button in the input
state of the Compose dialog. This is emitted when the button is pressed and
before the Compose request is made, at most once per Compose session.
<action name="Compose.ContextMenu.ItemSeen">
Records when the user opens the right-click context menu and the &quot;Help
me write&quot; menu item is available. This is emitted when the right-click
menu is opened.
<action name="Compose.DialogSeen.FirstRunDisclaimer">
The Compose dialog can be shown in one of three UI states. The first run
disclaimer is shown as the first state if the user has never progressed past
it. This is emitted when the dialog is shown for a newly created session and
is in this disclaimer state. This is emitted at most once per Compose
<action name="Compose.DialogSeen.FirstRunMSBB">
The Compose dialog can be shown in one of three UI states. This dialog state
is shown if the user has not agreed to the MSBB setting, and is shown after
the FRE disclaimer (if relevant). This is emitted when the dialog is shown
for a newly created session and is in this MSBB state, or when the dialog
moves from the FRE disclaimer to the MSBB state by user action. This is
emitted at most once per Compose session.
<action name="Compose.DialogSeen.MainDialog">
The Compose dialog can be shown in one of three UI states. The main dialog
encompasses the actual feature experience, and is shown after the first run
disclaimer and MSBB states (if they are relevant). This is emitted when the
dialog is shown for a newly created session and is in this main state, when
the dialog moves from the FRE disclaimer to this main state by user action,
or when the dialog is shown in this main state and the last state it was
open in was the MSBB state. This is emitted at most once per Compose
<action name="Compose.EndedSession.CloseButtonClicked">
Records when a Compose session ends because the close button of its
corresponding Compose dialog is pressed. This is emitted at most once per
<action name="Compose.EndedSession.EndedImplicitly">
Records when a Compose session ends implicitly. This is emitted when the
session is destroyed because the owning WebContents navigates or is
destroyed. This is emitted at most once per session.
<action name="Compose.EndedSession.InsertButtonClicked">
Records when a Compose session ends because the &quot;Insert&quot; button of
its corresponding Compose dialog is pressed. This is emitted at most once
per session.
<action name="Compose.EndedSession.NewSessionWithSelectedText">
Records when a Compose session ends because a dialog was opened with a text
selection from the same page field. This is emitted at most once per
<action name="Compose.SessionPaused.MSBBSettingsShown">
Records when a Compose session pauses because the user opened the MSBB
settings from inside the compose dialog.
<action name="ConfirmNotToOrderSpringCharger">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ConfirmOrderSpringCharger">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ConfirmOrderSpringChargerByPhone">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ConfirmOrderSpringChargerOnline">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ConfirmSafeSpringCharger">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ConfirmStillUseOriginalChargerAfterOrder">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ConflictBadge">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 6/2018.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ConflictingModuleNotificationDismissed">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 6/2018.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ConflictingModuleNotificationShown">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 6/2018.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ConnectivityDiagnostics.LaunchSource.OfflineChromeOS">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ConnectivityDiagnostics.LaunchSource.WebStore">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ConnectivityDiagnostics.UA.LogsShown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ConnectivityDiagnostics.UA.PassingTestsShown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ConnectivityDiagnostics.UA.SettingsShown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ConnectivityDiagnostics.UA.TestResultExpanded">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ConnectivityDiagnostics.UA.TestSuiteRun">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ContentNotifications.Promo.Prompt.GoToSettingsTapped">
The user tapped 'Go to Settings' on the OS notification permission prompt.
<action name="ContentNotifications.Promo.Prompt.NoThanksTapped">
The user tapped 'No Thanks' on the OS notification permission prompt.
<action name="ContentNotifications.Promo.SetUpList.Accepted">
The user accepted a Set Up List content notification promo modal, and was
asked if they want to enable Chrome notifications.
<action name="ContentNotifications.Promo.SetUpList.Canceled">
The user denied the SetUpList content notification promo and it dismissed.
<action name="ContentNotifications.Promo.SetUpList.Uncompleted">
The user tapped 'Remind Me Later' in the SetUpList content notification
promo and it dismissed.
<action name="ContentNotifications.Promo.Snackbar.ActionButtonTapped">
The user tapped the action button in the confirmation snackbar when
successfully opt-in content notification.
<action name="ContentNotifications.Promo.TopOfFeed.MainButtonTapped">
The user has tapped on the main button to enable notifications from the Top
Of Feed Notifications Promo.
<action name="ContentNotifications.Promo.TopOfFeed.Permission.Accepted">
The user has accepted the OS prompt to enable notifications from the Top Of
Feed Notifications Promo.
<action name="ContentNotifications.Promo.TopOfFeed.Permission.Declined">
The user has declined on the OS prompt to disable notifications from the Top
Of Feed Notifications Promo.
<action name="ContentSettings.Geolocation.BlockedIconShown">
<description>The geolocation blocked icon is shown.</description>
<action name="ContentSettings.GeolocationDialog.Closed">
<description>The content settings geolocation bubble is closed.</description>
<action name="ContentSettings.GeolocationDialog.OpenPreferencesClicked">
The user clicked 'open preferences' from the content settings geolocation
bubble .
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.ClosedContextMenu">
<description>The user closed the context menu for a Feed card.</description>
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.ClosedReportContent">
The user closed the 'report content' option for a Feed card.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.ContextMenu">
<description>The user opened the context menu for a Feed card.</description>
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.Download">
The user selected the 'download' option for a Feed card.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.HideStory">
The user selected the 'hide story' option for a Feed card.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.LearnMore">
The user selected the 'learn more' option for a Feed card.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.Manage">
The user selected the 'Manage' option from the Feed header menu.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.ManageActivity">
The user selected the 'manage activity' option from the Feed header menu.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.ManageHidden">
The user selected the 'manage hidden' option from the Feed header menu.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.ManageInterests">
The user selected the 'manage interests' option from the Feed header menu.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.ManageReactions">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
The user selected the 'manage reactions' option from the Feed header menu.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.NativeContextMenu">
The user opened the native context menu for a Feed card.(iOS only)
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.NotInterestedIn">
The user selected the 'not interested in' option for a Feed card.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.Open">
<description>The user tapped on a card in the Feed.</description>
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.Open.StartSurface">
The user tapped on a card in the Feed on the start surface.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.OpenInNewIncognitoTab">
The user selected the 'open in new incognito tab' option for a Feed card.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.OpenInNewTab">
The user selected the 'open in new tab' option for a Feed card.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.OpenInNewTabInGroup">
The user selected the 'open in new tab in group' option for a Feed card.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.ReadLater">
The user selected the 'Add to Reading List' option for a Feed card.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.ReportContent">
The user selected the 'report content' option for a Feed card.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.SendFeedback">
The user selected the 'send feedback' option for a Feed card.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.Share">
<description>The user selected 'share' option for a Feed card.</description>
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CardAction.TapPreview">
After long-pressing the feed card and seeing the preview, the user tapped on
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.DeviceOrientationChanged.Landscape">
The user rotates the device to landscape from the NTP with the feed visible.
iOS only.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.DeviceOrientationChanged.Portrait">
The user rotates the device to portrait from the NTP with the feed visible.
iOS only.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Engaged">
The user has engaged with the feed or scrolled at least 1 inch into it
within a 5-minute session.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.HeaderAction.ManageActivity">
The user selected the 'Manage Activity' option in the feed header menu.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.HeaderAction.ManageFollowing">
The user selected the 'Manage Following' option in the feed management
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.HeaderAction.ManageHidden">
The user selected the 'Manage Hidden' option in the feed management surface.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.HeaderAction.ManageInterests">
The user selected the 'Manage Interests' option in the feed header menu.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.InfiniteFeedTriggered">
<obsolete>Deprecated with refactored NTP in August 2021.</obsolete>
The user has scrolled down enough to trigger the infinite feed pagination.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Selected">
<description>The user has selected the Discover feed in the NTP.</description>
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.SignIn.FeedSignInPromoUICancelTapped">
The user has clicked the 'Cancel' button on the Feed sign-in promo UI.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.SignIn.FeedSignInPromoUIContinueTapped">
The user has clicked the 'Continue' button on the Feed sign-in promo UI.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.SignIn.ShowFeedSignInOnlyUIWithoutUserId">
The user with no device-level identity triggered a sign-in only flow from
Discover feed.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.SignIn.ShowFeedSignInOnlyUIWithUserId">
The user with one or more device-level identities triggered a sign-in only
flow from Discover feed.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.SignIn.ShowSignInDisableToastFromFeed">
The user clicks the feed personalization control and triggered a sign-in
disabled message to be shown.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.SignIn.ShowSignInOnlyFlowFromFeed">
The user clicks the feed personalization control and triggered a sign-in
only flow to be shown.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.SignIn.ShowSyncHalfSheetFromFeed">
The user clicks the feed personalization control and triggered a sign-in
half sheet to be shown.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Sync.ShowDisableToastFromFeed">
The user clicks the feed sync promo and triggered a service disabled message
to be shown.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Sync.ShowSyncFlowFromFeed">
The user clicks the feed sync promo and triggered a sync flow to be shown.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.WebFeed.Selected">
The user has selected the Following feed in the NTP.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.WebFeed.SortType.GroupByPublisher">
The user has selected to group by publisher from the feed sort menu.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.WebFeed.SortType.SortByLatest">
The user has selected to sort by latest from the feed sort menu.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.WillRefresh">
The feed will trigger a refresh, either manually by the user or because of
the cache expiring.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Follow.FirstFollow.GotItButtonTapped">
The user tapped Got It button on the first follow sheet. iOS only.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Follow.FirstFollow.GoToFeedButtonTapped">
The user tapped Go To Feed button on the first follow sheet. iOS only.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Follow.SnackbarGoToFeedButtonTapped">
The user tapped GO TO FEED button on the follow succeed snackbar.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Follow.SnackbarRetryFollowButtonTapped">
The user tapped RETRY button on the follow failed snackbar.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Follow.SnackbarRetryUnfollowButtonTapped">
The user tapped RETRY button on the unfollow failed snackbar.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.Follow.SnackbarUndoButtonTapped">
The user tapped UNDO button on the unfollow succeed snackbar.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.NotificationsPreferenceOff">
The user turned off the content suggestions notifications in the settings.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.NotificationsPreferenceOn">
The user turned on the content suggestions notifications in the settings.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.RemoteSuggestionsPreferenceOff">
The user turned off remote content suggestions in the settings.
<action name="ContentSuggestions.RemoteSuggestionsPreferenceOn">
<obsolete>Removed as of 09/2019.</obsolete>
The user turned on remote content suggestions in the settings.
<action name="ContextualSearch.BackPressClose">
Contextual Search closed when the user pressed the Back button.
<action name="ContextualSearch.BasePageScrollClose">
Contextual Search closed when the user scrolled the base page.
<action name="ContextualSearch.BasePageTapClose">
Contextual Search closed when the user tapped on the base page.
<action name="ContextualSearch.CloseButtonClose">
Contextual Search closed when the user pressed the X in the Contextual
search Bar.
<action name="ContextualSearch.logInPanelHelpAcknowledged">
Logged when the user acknowledges the In-Panel-Help that promotes a
longpress gesture to trigger an intelligent Contextual Search instead of a
tap gesture.
<action name="ContextualSearch.LongpressPeek">
The Contextual Search Bar peeked up from the bottom of the screen because
the user selected text using long-press.
<action name="ContextualSearch.ManualRefineMultiWord">
Contextual Search updated the search in the Bar in response to manual
refinement of the selection into multiple words.
<action name="ContextualSearch.ManualRefineSingleWord">
Contextual Search updated the search in the Bar in response to manual
refinement of the selection into a single word.
<action name="ContextualSearch.NavigationClose">
Contextual Search closed when the user navigated to a search result.
<action name="ContextualSearch.NavigationMaximize">
Contextual Search maximized when the user navigated to a search result in
the expanded panel.
<action name="ContextualSearch.SearchBarTapClose">
Contextual Search closed when the user tapped the search bar.
<action name="ContextualSearch.SearchBarTapExpand">
The user did a swip or fling to expand the Contextual Search panel.
<action name="ContextualSearch.SelectionEstablished">
The user established a new selection through a touch and hold gesture or tap
while Contextual Search was active.
<action name="ContextualSearch.SerpResultClicked">
The user clicked on a search result in the Search Result Page that was shown
due to a Contextual Search.
<action name="ContextualSearch.SmartSelectionSuppressed">
The user did a long-press that would normally trigger Contextual Search but
the UX was suppressed to allow Smart Selection to handle the gesture
<action name="ContextualSearch.SwipeOrFlingClose">
The user did a swip or fling to close the Contextual Search panel.
<action name="ContextualSearch.SwipeOrFlingExpand">
The user did a swip or fling to expand the Contextual Search panel.
<action name="ContextualSearch.SwipeOrFlingMaximize">
The user did a swip or fling to maximize the Contextual Search panel.
<action name="ContextualSearch.SwipeOrFlingPeek">
The user did a swip or fling to move the Contextual Search panel to the peek
<action name="ContextualSearch.TabPromotion">
The user took an action that promotes the bottom sheet from an overlay into
its own separate Tab. The bottom sheet was showing results from a Contextual
<action name="ContextualSearch.TabPromotionClose">
Contextual Search closed when the user tapped the search bar to promote the
search into a separate tab.
<action name="ContextualSearch.TapPeek">
Contextual Search peeked at from the bottom of the screen because the user
tapped on text in the base page.
<action name="ContextualSearch.TapSuppressed.TapThresholdExceeded">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 11/2017.</obsolete>
A tap that typically would have triggered Contextual Search was suppressed
because the number of taps since last opening has exceeded the suppression
<action name="ContextualSearch.UncommonClose">
Contextual Search closed due to a user action that is relatively uncommon.
<action name="ContextualSearch.ViewLessThanOneSecond">
The user viewed the Contextual Search bar and panel for less than one
<action name="ContextualSearch.ViewMoreThanTenSeconds">
The user viewed the Contextual Search bar and panel for more than ten
<action name="ContextualSearch.ViewOneToThreeSeconds">
The user viewed the Contextual Search bar and panel for a duration between
one and three seconds.
<action name="ContextualSearch.ViewThreeToTenSeconds">
The user viewed the Contextual Search bar and panel for a duration between
three and three seconds.
<action name="ContextualSuggestions">
<obsolete>This feature was deprecated in M74</obsolete>
<description>Android: User interacts with the feature directly.</description>
<action name="ContextualSuggestions.ContextMenu">
<obsolete>This feature was deprecated in M74</obsolete>
Android: User used the context menu on a suggested item on the contextual
suggestions surface.
<action name="ContextualSuggestions.Preference.Disabled">
<obsolete>This feature was deprecated in M74</obsolete>
Android: Contextual suggestions are disabled by a user click on the switch
preference in contextual suggestions settings.
<action name="ContextualSuggestions.Preference.Enabled">
<obsolete>This feature was deprecated in M74</obsolete>
Android: Contextual suggestions are enabled by a user click on the switch
preference in contextual suggestions settings.
<action name="CookieBlockingDisabledPerDefault">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CookieBlockingEnabledPerDefault">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CookieControls.Bubble.AllowThirdPartyCookies">
ThirdParty cookies allowed from cookie controls bubble.
<action name="CookieControls.Bubble.BlockThirdPartyCookies">
ThirdParty cookies blocked from cookie controls bubble.
<action name="CookieControls.Bubble.CookiesAllowed.Opened">
Cookie controls bubble opened while third-party cookies are allowed.
<action name="CookieControls.Bubble.CookiesBlocked.Opened">
Cookie controls bubble opened while third-party cookies are blocked.
<action name="CookieControls.Bubble.CookiesInUse">
&quot;Cookies in use&quot; dialog was opened from the cookie controls UI.
<action name="CookieControls.Bubble.NotWorking">
&quot;Site not working&quot; button was clicked in the cookie controls UI.
<action name="CookieControls.Bubble.Opened">
<description>The cookie controls UI was opened.</description>
<action name="CookieControls.Bubble.ReloadingShown">
<description>The reloading bubble is shown.</description>
<action name="CookieControls.Bubble.ReloadingTimeout">
<description>The reloading bubble closed after a timeout.</description>
<action name="CookieControls.Bubble.SendFeedback">
Send Feedback triggered from cookie controls bubble.
<action name="CookieControls.Bubble.TooltipShown">
The user looked at the tooltip inside the cookie controls bubble.
<action name="CookieControls.Bubble.TurnOff">
Cookie blocking was disabled for a site through the cookie controls UI.
<action name="CookieControls.Bubble.TurnOn">
Cookie blocking was enabled for a site through the cookie controls UI.
<action name="CookieControls.Bubble.UnknownState.Opened">
Cookie controls bubble opened for an error condition that shouldn't be
<action name="CookieControls.HighConfidence.Opened">
Cookie controls icon was clicked on for a high confidence page.
<action name="CookieControls.HighConfidence.Shown">
Cookie controls icon was shown for a high confidence page.
<action name="CookieControls.LowConfidence.Opened">
Cookie controls icon was clicked on for a low confidence page.
<action name="CookieControls.LowConfidence.Shown">
Cookie controls icon was shown for a low confidence page.
<action name="CookieControls.MediumConfidence.Opened">
Cookie controls icon was clicked on for a medium confidence page.
<action name="CookieControls.MediumConfidence.Shown">
Cookie controls icon was shown for a medium confidence page.
<action name="CookieControls.NTP.Disabled">
Third-party cookie blocking was disabled on the incognito NTP.
<action name="CookieControls.NTP.Enabled">
Third-party cookie blocking was enabled on the incognito NTP.
<action name="CookieControls.OtherConfidence.Opened">
Cookie controls icon was clicked on for other confidence page.
<action name="CookieControls.OtherConfidence.Shown">
Cookie controls icon was shown for other confidence page.
<action name="CookiesInUseDialog.Opened">
<description>The user opens the Cookies in use dialog.</description>
<action name="CookiesInUseDialog.RemoveButtonClicked">
The user clicks remove on an entry in the allowed tree view.
<action name="Copy">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CopyCustomTabBarUrl">
&quot;Copy URL&quot; option in right-click context menu on CustomTabBar.
<action name="CopyToFindPboard">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CopyURLToClipBoard">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CreateHostedApp">
Deprecated as of 06/2019 (replaced by InstallWebAppFromMenu and
<description>The sum of CreateShortcut and InstallWebAppFromMenu</description>
<action name="CreateLink">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CreateProfile">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CreateShortcut">
Shortcut app creation triggered via &quot;Menu &gt; More Tools &gt; Create
<action name="CredentialManager_AccountChooser_Accepted">
The user chose a credential via the account chooser.
<action name="CredentialManager_AccountChooser_Dismissed">
<description>The user dismissed the account chooser.</description>
<action name="CredentialManager_Autosignin">
The website tried to automatically sign the user in and got a credential
back from the browser.
<action name="CriticalNotification_AutoRestart">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CriticalNotification_Ignore">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CriticalNotification_Restart">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CriticalNotificationShown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Crosh_Run_top">
<description>The user ran the command top in crosh.</description>
<action name="Crow.EntryPointShown">
Crow entry point was shown. Note this may be noisy as it is presented
alongside other menu items.
<action name="Crow.LaunchCustomTab">
User launched the Crow custom tab via an entry point.
<action name="Cryptohome.PKCS11InitFail">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 11/2015.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="CustomTabs.CloseButtonClicked">
Close button of the CustomTabActivity was clicked. Starting with M84 this is
is also recorded for webapps/WebAPKs. Filter the platform for just CCT/TWA
<action name="CustomTabs.CloseButtonClicked.DownloadsUI">
The user has clicked on the back arrow while viewing downloaded media on
Android. Starting with M84 this is is also recorded for webapps/WebAPKs.
Filter the platform for just CCT/TWA data.
<action name="CustomTabs.CloseButtonClicked.GoToModuleManagedUrl">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of February 2020, this feature was removed.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
Please enter the description of the metric. Starting with M84 this is is
also recorded for webapps/WebAPKs. Filter the platform for just CCT/TWA
<action name="CustomTabs.StartedInitially">
A CustomTabActivity was stared for the first time. Starting with M84 this is
is also recorded for webapps/WebAPKs. Filter the platform for just CCT/TWA
<action name="CustomTabs.StartedReopened">
A CustomTabActivity was started by reopening a previously created instance.
This can happen if you send a CCT to the background via the home button and
reselect it from Android Overview. Starting with M84 this is is also
recorded for webapps/WebAPKs. Filter the platform for just CCT/TWA data.
<action name="CustomTabs.SystemBack">
User hit the 'back' button in the CustomTabActivity. Starting with M84 this
is is also recorded for webapps/WebAPKs. Filter the platform for just
CCT/TWA data.
<action name="CustomTabs.TapUrlBar">
User tapped the URL bar in the CustomTabActivity. Starting with M84 this is
is also recorded for webapps/WebAPKs. Filter the platform for just CCT/TWA
<action name="CustomTabsCustomActionButtonClick">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
Please enter the description of the metric. Starting with M84 this is is
also recorded for webapps/WebAPKs. Filter the platform for just CCT/TWA
<action name="CustomTabsCustomActionButtonClick.DownloadsUI.Share">
The user has clicked on the share button while viewing downloaded media on
Android. Starting with M84 this is is also recorded for webapps/WebAPKs.
Filter the platform for just CCT/TWA data.
<action name="CustomTabsMenuCustomMenuItem">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
Please enter the description of the metric. Starting with M84 this is is
also recorded for webapps/WebAPKs. Filter the platform for just CCT/TWA
<action name="CustomTabsMenuCustomMenuItem.DownloadsUI.OpenWith">
The user has selected Open With from the menu while viewing downloaded media
on Android. Starting with M84 this is is also recorded for webapps/WebAPKs.
Filter the platform for just CCT/TWA data.
<action name="CustomTabsMenuFindInPage">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
Please enter the description of the metric. Starting with M84 this is is
also recorded for webapps/WebAPKs. Filter the platform for just CCT/TWA
<action name="CustomTabsMenuOpenInChrome">
User hit &quot;open in browser&quot; menu item. Starting with M84 this is is
also recorded for webapps/WebAPKs. Filter the platform for just CCT/TWA
<action name="CustomTabsMenuOpenSameUrl">
User opens the same url again after closing the previous custom tab.
Starting with M84 this is is also recorded for webapps/WebAPKs. Filter the
platform for just CCT/TWA data.
<action name="CustomTabsMenuReadItLater">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 10/2016, this feature was removed.</obsolete>
<description>User hit &quot;read it later&quot; menu item.</description>
<action name="CustomTabsRemoteViewsShown" not_user_triggered="true">
A RemoteViews based bottom bar was shown. Starting with M84 this is is also
recorded for webapps/WebAPKs. Filter the platform for just CCT/TWA data.
<action name="CustomTabsRemoteViewsUpdated" not_user_triggered="true">
A RemoteViews based bottom bar was updated through service API. Starting
with M84 this is is also recorded for webapps/WebAPKs. Filter the platform
for just CCT/TWA data.
<action name="Cut">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DataReductionProxy_PromoDisplayed">
Deprecated as of 3/2015, replaced by histogram DataReductionProxy.UIAction.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DataReductionProxy_PromoLearnMore">
Deprecated as of 3/2015, replaced by histogram DataReductionProxy.UIAction.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DataReductionProxy_TurnedOff">
Deprecated as of 3/2015, replaced by histogram DataReductionProxy.UIAction.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DataReductionProxy_TurnedOn">
Deprecated as of 3/2015, replaced by histogram DataReductionProxy.UIAction.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DataReductionProxy_TurnedOnFromPromo">
Deprecated as of 3/2015, replaced by histogram DataReductionProxy.UIAction.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DataSaverPrompt_Clicked">
Records click on prompt (notification) to install Data Saver extension.
<action name="DataSaverPrompt_Shown">
Records display of prompt (notification) to install Data Saver extension.
<action name="Debugger">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DefaultBrowserInfoBar_Accept">
The user clicked &quot;Set as default&quot; on the info bar.
<action name="DefaultBrowserInfoBar_Cancel">
The user clicked &quot;Don't ask again&quot; on the info bar.
<action name="DefaultBrowserInfoBar_Dismiss">
The user dismissed the default browser info bar via the 'x'.
<action name="DefaultBrowserInfoBar_DontAskAgain">
<obsolete>Renamed to DefaultBrowserInfoBar_Cancel in M52.</obsolete>
The user clicked &quot;Don't ask again&quot; on the info bar.
<action name="DefaultBrowserInfoBar_Ignore">
The hosting tab was closed before any user interaction happened with the
info bar.
<action name="Delete">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DeleteBackward">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DeleteForward">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DeleteSelection">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DeleteToEndOfParagraph">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DeleteWordBackward">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DeleteWordForward">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DemoMode.ExitFromShelf">
Recorded when user exits Demo Mode from the logout button on the shelf.
<action name="DemoMode.ExitFromSystemTray">
Recorded when user exits Demo Mode from the logout button in the system
<action name="DemoMode_AttractLoop_Break">
Recorded when exiting current Attract Loop by moving cursor, clicking mouse
or pressing key.
<action name="DemoMode_Highlights_DetailsPage_Clicked">
Recorded when a details page is clicked in the Highlights App. Only recorded
for versions of the Highlights App that have the UI concept of a
&quot;details&quot; page.
<action name="DemoMode_Highlights_HomeButtonClick">
Recorded when Home button is clicked in the Highlights app.
<action name="DemoMode_Highlights_HomePage_Click">
Recorded when buttons are clicked in the Home page of the Highlights app.
<action name="DemoMode_Highlights_Navbar_Click">
Recorded when pillar buttons are clicked on the nav bar of the Highlights
<action name="DemoMode_Highlights_PillarPage_Click">
Recorded when the buttons are clicked in the pillar page of the Highlights
<action name="Desktop_SwitchTask">
Recorded when the user activates an existing task window by clicking or
tapping on it. Recorded on ChromeOS only.
<action name="DesktopFeed.FollowSite">
The user followed the web feed for the website (Desktop only).
<action name="DesktopFeed.UnfollowSite">
The user unfollowed the web feed for the website (Desktop only).
<action name="DesktopReadingList.AddItem.FromBookmarkIcon">
The user added to the reading list from the Bookmark icon entry point
(Desktop only).
<action name="DesktopReadingList.AddItem.FromTabContextMenu">
The user added to the reading list from the tab context menu entry point
(Desktop only).
<action name="DesktopReadingList.MarkAsRead">
The user marked an item as read from the reading list (Desktop only).
<action name="DesktopReadingList.MarkAsUnread">
The user marked an item as unread from the reading list (Desktop only).
<action name="DesktopReadingList.Navigation.FromReadList">
The user opened an item from the read section of the reading list (Desktop
<action name="DesktopReadingList.Navigation.FromUnreadList">
The user opened an item from the unread section of the reading list (Desktop
<action name="DesktopReadingList.OpenReadingList">
The user clicked the Desktop reading list button to open the reading list.
<action name="DesktopReadingList.RemoveItem">
The user removed an item from the reading list (Desktop only)
<action name="DesktopSearch">
Deprecated 05/2016 because desktop searches are no longer opened in the
default browser.
Recorded when a desktop search is opened in Chrome. This is currently
<action name="DesktopSearchRedirectionInfoBar_Dismiss">
Deprecated 05/2016 because desktop searches are no longer opened in the
default browser.
Recorded when the user clicks on the dismiss button in the infobar
explaining that a desktop search has been redirected to the default search
<action name="DesktopSearchRedirectionInfoBar_Ignore">
Deprecated 05/2016 because desktop searches are no longer opened in the
default browser.
Recorded when the infobar explaining that a desktop search has been
redirected to the default search engine is closed without user interaction.
<action name="DesktopSearchRedirectionInfoBar_ManageSearchSettings">
Deprecated 05/2016 because desktop searches are no longer opened in the
default browser.
Recorded when the user clicks on the 'Manage search settings' button in the
infobar explaining that a desktop search has been redirected to the default
search engine.
<action name="DesktopSearchRedirectionInfoBar_Shown">
Deprecated 05/2016 because desktop searches are no longer opened in the
default browser.
Recorded when the infobar explaining that a desktop search has been
redirected to the default search engine is shown.
<action name="DesktopSiteContentSetting.SettingsPage.Entered">
User entered the SingleCategoryPreferences page for Desktop site. It is
emitted whenever this page is shown regardless how it is triggered. Android
<action name="DesktopSiteContentSetting.SettingsPage.SiteException.Opened">
User opened the site exception edit dialog by clicking on a site in the
SingleCategoryPreferences page for Desktop site. Android only.
<action name="Destination_Application_Edit">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Destination_Application_Launch">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Destination_Application_Uninstall">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Destination_Bookmarks">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Destination_Bookmarks_OpenURL">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Destination_Downloads">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Destination_History">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Destination_History_OpenURL">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Destination_MostVisited">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Destination_MostVisited_OpenURL">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Destination_Sessions">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DeviceSignalsConsent_Accepted">
<description>User accepted device signals consent dialog.</description>
<action name="DeviceSignalsConsent_Cancelled">
User cancelled device signals consent dialog via either clicking cancel
button or pressing escape key.
<action name="DeviceSignalsConsent_EscPressed">
User cancelled device signals consent dialog via pressing escape key.
<action name="DeviceSignalsConsent_Shown">
The device signals consent dialog is triggered and shown to the user.
<action name="DevicesPage_AddPrintersClicked">
<obsolete>No longer recorded as of Sep 2013.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DevicesPage_LogInStartedFromDeviceListPromo">
<obsolete>No longer recorded as of Sep 2013.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DevicesPage_LogInStartedFromRegisterPromo">
<obsolete>No longer recorded as of Sep 2013.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DevicesPage_ManageClicked">
<obsolete>No longer recorded as of Sep 2013.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DevicesPage_Opened">
<obsolete>No longer recorded as of Sep 2013.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DevicesPage_RegisterCancel">
<obsolete>No longer recorded as of Sep 2013.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DevicesPage_RegisterClicked">
<obsolete>No longer recorded as of Sep 2013.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DevicesPage_RegisterFailure">
<obsolete>No longer recorded as of Sep 2013.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DevicesPage_RegisterSuccess">
<obsolete>No longer recorded as of Sep 2013.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DevTools_Close">
<description>DevTools window is closed in any way.</description>
<action name="DevTools_InspectAndroidPage">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DevTools_InspectAndroidWebView">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DevTools_InspectElement">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DevTools_InspectRenderer">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DevTools_InspectWorker">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DevTools_ToggleConsole">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DevTools_ToggleWindow">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DifferentAction">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="DisabledExtensionNotificationDismissed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DisabledExtensionNotificationShown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Discover.DiscoverTabNotification.Clicked">
User clicked on the Discover tab notification, which launches the Discover
(internally &quot;Showoff&quot;) app.
<action name="Discover.DiscoverTabNotification.Shown" not_user_triggered="true">
A notification for the Discover tab in the Discover (internally
&quot;Showoff&quot;) app was shown.
<action name="DockingWindow_Bottom">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DockingWindow_BottomHalf">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DockingWindow_Left">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DockingWindow_LeftHalf">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DockingWindow_Maximize">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DockingWindow_Right">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DockingWindow_RightHalf">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DockingWindow_Top">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="DocumentActivity_OptOutShownOnHome">
<obsolete>Removed in M51.</obsolete>
<description>User was presented with the opt out promo.</description>
<action name="DocumentActivity_UserOptIn">
<obsolete>Removed in M51.</obsolete>
<description>User opted in to document mode through settings.</description>
<action name="DocumentActivity_UserOptOut">
<obsolete>Removed in M51.</obsolete>
<description>User opted out of document mode through settings.</description>
<action name="DomDistiller_DistilledPageOpened">
<description>User opens reader mode on a page.</description>
<action name="DomDistiller_DistilledPagePrefsOpened">
<description>User opens distilled page preferences.</description>
<action name="DomDistiller_ViewOriginal">
Records clicks on the &quot;View Original&quot; link in the distilled page
<action name="Download.Open">
User opened a download. This action is logged every time the
Download.OpenMethod histogram is logged.
This histogram is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_AlwaysOpenType">
<obsolete>It was discovered in June 2022 that this was dead code.</obsolete>
User pushes &quot;Always open type&quot; button on download notification.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_Annotate">
User pushes &quot;Annotate&quot; button on download notification.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_BypassDeepScanning">
<obsolete>It was discovered in June 2022 that this was dead code.</obsolete>
User pushes &quot;Open now&quot; on the prompt for download deep scanning
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_Cancel">
User pushes &quot;Cancel&quot; button on download notification.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_CopyToClipboard">
User pushes &quot;Copy to clipboard&quot; button on download notification.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_DeepScan">
User pushes &quot;Scan&quot; on the prompt for download deep scanning
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_Discard">
User pushes &quot;Discard&quot; button on download notification.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_Keep">
User pushes &quot;Keep&quot; button on download notification.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_LearnInterrupted">
<obsolete>It was discovered in June 2022 that this was dead code.</obsolete>
User pushes &quot;Learn More about Interrupted&quot; button on download
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_LearnMixedContent">
User pushes &quot;Learn More&quot; button on a mixed-content download
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_LearnScanning">
User pushes &quot;Learn More about Scanning&quot; button on download
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_OpenWhenComplete">
User pushes &quot;Open When Completed&quot; button on download notification.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_Pause">
User pushes &quot;Pause&quot; button on download notification.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_PlatformOpen">
User pushes a button to open a file on download notification. This is
currently used only for GalleryAppEditPdfNotification.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_Resume">
User pushes &quot;Resume&quot; button on download notification.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_Review">
User pushes &quot;Review&quot; button on download notification to trigger
the enterprise download review dialog.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Button_ShowInFolder">
User pushes &quot;Show in folder&quot; button on download notification.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Click_Completed">
User pushes a download notification, which indicates a completed download.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Click_Dangerous">
User pushes a download notification, which indicates a dangerous download.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Click_InProgress">
User pushes a download notification, which indicates a download in progress.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Click_Stopped">
User pushes a download notification, which indicates a cancelled or
interrupted download.
<action name="DownloadNotification.Close_Dangerous">
User closed a download notification, which indicates a dangerous download.
<action name="DownloadNotificationV2.Button_Cancel">
User clicks &quot;Cancel&quot; button on a download notification with the
downloads integration V2 feature enabled.
<action name="DownloadNotificationV2.Button_Pause">
User clicks &quot;Pause&quot; button on a download notification with the
downloads integration V2 feature enabled.
<action name="DownloadNotificationV2.Button_Resume">
User clicks &quot;Resume&quot; button on a download notification with the
downloads integration V2 feature enabled.
<action name="DownloadNotificationV2.Button_ShowInFolder">
User clicks &quot;Show in folder&quot; button on a download notification
with the downloads integration V2 feature enabled.
<action name="DownloadNotificationV2.Button_ViewDetailsInBrowser">
User clicks &quot;View details in browser&quot; button on a download
notification with the downloads integration V2 feature enabled.
<action name="DownloadNotificationV2.Click_Completed">
User clicks a completed download notification's body with the downloads
integration V2 feature enabled.
<action name="DownloadNotificationV2.Click_InProgress">
User clicks an in-progress download notification's body with the downloads
integration V2 feature enabled.
<action name="Downloads_OpenUrlOfDownloadedItem">
Records clicks on the URL of download items in chrome://downloads page.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="Downloads_OpenUrlOfDownloadedItemFromContextMenu">
Records open a URL of download items in chrome://downloads page from context
As of M-76, &quot;Save link as...&quot;, &quot;Copy link address&quot;, and
&quot;Copy link text&quot; context menu actions no longer log this action
(this was accidentally the case before M-76).
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="Duplicate">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="EasyUnlock_Enabled_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="EasyUnlock_Enabled_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="EditApplicationSettings">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="EditKeywords">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="EditSearchEngines">
Action indicating that the user navigated to the search engines settings
<action name="EmailPageLocation">
Functionality was rolled into Share on Mac. Doesn't appear to have been used
on other platforms.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="EnhancedBookmarks.AddingFailed">
Action indicating that bookmark model failed to add a bookmark.
<action name="EnhancedBookmarks.EditAfterCreateButtonClicked">
User clicked the Edit button on a snackbar after a bookmark was created.
<action name="EnhancedBookmarks.EditAfterCreateButtonNotClicked">
User ignored the Edit button on a snackbar after a bookmark was created.
<action name="EnterFullscreen_Accelerator">
User entered browser/API fullscreen mode using the keyboard shortcut.
<action name="EnterFullscreen_API">
User entered the fullscreen mode using the Fullscreen API.
<action name="EnterFullScreenWithWrenchMenu">
User entered browser fullscreen mode using the three dot chrome menu.
<action name="EphemeralTab.NavigateLink">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 12/2021</obsolete>
<description>User navigated to a link inside the ephemeral tab.</description>
<action name="EphemeralTab.OpenInNewTab">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 12/2021</obsolete>
<description>User promoted the ephemeral tab to the full tab.</description>
<action name="EventTargeting_DeletedTarget">
Events for a target window are processed after that target window has been
<action name="Exit">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ExitFullscreen_Accelerator">
User exited browser/API fullscreen mode using the keyboard shortcut.
<action name="ExitFullscreen_API">
User exited the fullscreen mode using the Fullscreen API.
<action name="ExitFullscreen_ContextMenu">
User exited browser fullscreen mode from the Context menu.
<action name="ExitFullscreen_Esc">
User exited API fullscreen mode using the Esc key, including long-press Esc.
<action name="ExitFullscreen_PopupCloseButton">
User exited browser/API fullscreen mode by clicking on the pop up close
button on the top of the screen.
<action name="ExpandSearchEngineDescription">
Action indicating that the user expanded the chevron in the search engine
choice page to view the search engine description.
<action name="ExperimentalAI_IPHPromo_SettingsPageOpened">
The AI Settings page was opened from the displayed IPH promo for
Experimental AI. Recorded whenever the IPH promo is clicked to view
<action name="ExploreSites.ContextMenu">
Android: user used the context menu on a suggested item in the explore sites
native page UI.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="ExtensionNotFound_ED">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Extensions.ContextMenu.Hosts.LearnMoreClicked">
The user clicked the &quot;Learn more about site access&quot; option in the
runtime host permissions section of an extension's context menu. This is
recorded for both keyboard and mouse activations.
<action name="Extensions.ContextMenu.Hosts.OnAllSitesClicked">
The user clicked the &quot;On all sites&quot; option in the runtime host
permissions section of an extension's context menu. This is recorded for
both keyboard and mouse activations.
<action name="Extensions.ContextMenu.Hosts.OnClickClicked">
The user clicked the &quot;When you click the extension&quot; option in the
runtime host permissions section of an extension's context menu. This is
recorded for both keyboard and mouse activations.
<action name="Extensions.ContextMenu.Hosts.OnSiteClicked">
The user clicked the &quot;On {site}&quot; option in the runtime host
permissions section of an extension's context menu, where &quot;{site}&quot;
is the domain of the current page. This is recorded for both keyboard and
mouse activations.
<action name="Extensions.ContextMenu.Hosts.PermissionsPageClicked">
The user clicked the &quot;Permissions page&quot; option in the runtime host
permissions section of an extension's context menu. This is recorded for
both keyboard and mouse activations.
<action name="Extensions.ContextMenu.PinExtension">
The user pinned an extenson to the toolbar by clicking on the pin entry of
an extension's context menu. This isn't emmitted if extension is pinned
through other mechanism. This is recorded for both keyboard and mouse
<action name="Extensions.ContextMenu.UnpinExtension">
The user unpinned an extenson to the toolbar by clicking on the unpin entry
of an extension's context menu. This isn't emmitted if extension is unpinned
through other mechanism. This is recorded for both keyboard and mouse
<action name="Extensions.ExtensionDisabled">
The user interacted with the toggle in the chrome://extensions page to
disable an extension from either the main page(card view) or detail page for
a specific extension.
<action name="Extensions.ExtensionEnabled">
The user interacted with the toggle in the chrome://extensions page to
enable an extension from either the main page(card view) or detail page for
a specific extension.
<action name="Extensions.ExtensionInstalled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Extensions.ExtensionUninstalled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Extensions.IDChangedError">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Extensions.Menu.AllowByExtensionSelected">
The user interacted with the &quot;site settings&quot; toggle in the
extensions menu to allow site access by extension on the current site. This
is recorded for both keyboard and mouse activations.
<action name="Extensions.Menu.ExtensionsBlockedSelected">
The user interacted with the &quot;site settings&quot; toggle in the
extensions menu to block all extensions on the current site. This is
recorded for both keyboard and mouse activations.
<action name="Extensions.Menu.ExtensionsSettingsOpened">
The user opened chrome://extensions by clicking on the &quot;settings&quot;
option in the extensions menu. This is recorded for both keyboard and mouse
<action name="Extensions.Menu.HideRequestsInToolbarPressed">
The user blocked an extension to show site access requests in the toolbar by
toggling the extension's show requests toggle off in the extensions menu.
This is recorded for both keyboard and mouse activations.
<action name="Extensions.Menu.OnAllSitesSelected">
The user clicked the &quot;on all sites&quot; option in an extension's site
permissions page in the extensions menu. This is recorded for both keyboard
and mouse activations.
<action name="Extensions.Menu.OnClickSelected">
The user clicked the &quot;on click&quot; option in an extension's site
permissions page in the extensions menu. This is recorded for both keyboard
and mouse activations.
<action name="Extensions.Menu.OnSiteSelected">
The user clicked the &quot;on site&quot; option in an extension's site
permissions page in the extensions menu. This is recorded for both keyboard
and mouse activations.
<action name="Extensions.Menu.ShowRequestsInToolbarPressed">
The user allowed an extension to show site access requests in the toolbar by
toggling the extension's show requests toggle on in the extensions menu.
This is recorded for both keyboard and mouse activations.
<action name="Extensions.Menu.SitePermissionsPageOpened">
The user opened an extension's site permissions page in the extensions menu.
<action name="Extensions.NtpPromoClicked">
Records every time the user clicks on the extensions checkup middle slot
promo link.
<action name="Extensions.RemovedDefaultInstalledExtension">
User clicked the &quot;Remove&quot; button in the extension uninstall dialog
which leads to the removal of a default installed extension.
<action name="Extensions.RemoveExtensionClick">
User clicked the &quot;Remove&quot; button in the chrome://extensions page.
This triggers the uninstallation flow which prompts the user to cancel or
confirm the uninstallation.
<action name="Extensions.Settings.HostList.AllHostsToggledOff">
The user activated the toggle at the top of the list of hosts in the site
access section of an extension's settings page, switching it from the on
state to the off state. Note: the host list is only shown on the settings
page for extensions which request a list of specific hosts in their
<action name="Extensions.Settings.HostList.AllHostsToggledOn">
The user activated the toggle at the top of the list of hosts in the site
access section of an extension's settings page, switching it from the off
state to the on state. Note: the host list is only shown on the settings
page for extensions which request a list of specific hosts in their
<action name="Extensions.Settings.HostList.LearnMoreActivated">
The user activated the learn more icon on the site access section of an
extension's settings page, for an extension which requested a list of
specific hosts in their permissions.
<action name="Extensions.Settings.HostList.SpecificHostToggledOff">
The user activated a toggle next to a specific host entry in the list of
hosts on the site access section of an extension's settings page, switching
it from the on state to the off state. Note: the host list is only shown on
the settings page for extensions which request a list of specific hosts in
their permissions.
<action name="Extensions.Settings.HostList.SpecificHostToggledOn">
The user activated a toggle next to a specific host entry in the list of
hosts on the site access section of an extension's settings page, switching
it from the off state to the on state. Note: the host list is only shown on
the settings page for extensions which request a list of specific hosts in
their permissions.
<action name="Extensions.Settings.Hosts.ActionMenuEditActivated">
The user activated the &quot;Edit&quot; option in the context menu for a
specific host entry in the site access section of an extension's settings
<action name="Extensions.Settings.Hosts.ActionMenuOpened">
While having the site access on an extension's setting page set to &quot;On
specific sites&quot;, the user activated the three dot button on a specific
host entry.
<action name="Extensions.Settings.Hosts.ActionMenuRemoveActivated">
The user activated the &quot;Remove&quot; option in the context menu for a
specific host entry in the site access section of an extension's settings
<action name="Extensions.Settings.Hosts.AddHostActivated">
The user activated the link to add a new host to the list of sites an
extension is allowed to access, on an extesion's settings page. Note that
this is only visible and can only be activated when the extension is already
set to run only on a specific list of sites.
<action name="Extensions.Settings.Hosts.AddHostDialogCanceled">
The user closed the dialog for adding a specific host to the list of sites
an extension is allowed to access, on an extension's settings page. This can
be triggered either by activating the cancel button on the dialog, or by
pressing escape to dismiss it.
<action name="Extensions.Settings.Hosts.AddHostDialogSubmitted">
The user activated the confirmation button on the dialog for adding or
editing a specific host in the list of sites an extension is allowed to
access, on an extension's settings page. Note that this button is only
enabled when a host pattern entered into the textbox of the dialog is valid.
<action name="Extensions.Settings.Hosts.LearnMoreActivated">
The user activated the learn more icon on the site access section of an
extension's settings page, for an extension which requested an
&quot;all_urls&quot; type permission.
<action name="Extensions.Settings.Hosts.OnAllSitesSelected">
The user changed the site access setting for an extension to the &quot;On
all sites&quot; radio option on an extension's settings page. This is only
recorded when the user choses to change to this option and not if it is
automatically changed back when canceling a change to the &quot;specific
sites&quot; option.
<action name="Extensions.Settings.Hosts.OnClickSelected">
The user changed the site access setting for an extension to the &quot;On
click&quot; radio option on an extension's settings page. This is only
recorded when the user choses to change to this option and not if it is
automatically changed back when canceling a change to the &quot;specific
sites&quot; option.
<action name="Extensions.Settings.Hosts.OnSpecificSitesSelected">
The user changed the site access setting for an extension to the &quot;On
specific sites&quot; radio option on an extension's settings page. Note that
on changing to this selection, a dialog pops up for entering a specfic host
The user triggered an extension to run by allowing it from the extensions
menu. Their actions may or may not run, depending on other checks. This is
recorded for both keyboard and mouse activation.
<action name="Extensions.Toolbar.ExtensionActivatedFromMenu">
The user triggered an extension from the Extensions Menu in the toolbar. The
action may or may not run, depending on other checks. This is recorded for
both keyboard and mouse activation.
<action name="Extensions.Toolbar.ExtensionActivatedFromRequestAccessButton">
This was never fully implemented. Metric changed name to
&quot;ExtensionsActivatedFromRequestAccessButton&quot; to better fit
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="Extensions.Toolbar.ExtensionActivatedFromToolbar">
The user triggered an extension from the toolbar. The action may or may not
run, depending on other checks. This is recorded for both keyboard and mouse
<action name="Extensions.Toolbar.ExtensionRequestDismissedFromMenu">
The user dismissed an extension's site access request in the toolbar and
extensions menu by dismissing it from the extensions menu.
<action name="Extensions.Toolbar.ExtensionsActivatedFromRequestAccessButton">
The user triggered multiple extensions from the request access button. Their
actions may or may not run, depending on other checks. This is recorded for
both keyboard and mouse activation.
<action name="Extensions.Toolbar.MenuOpened">
The user opened the Extensions Menu in the toolbar. This is recorded for
both keyboard and mouse activation.
<action name="Extensions.Toolbar.MenuOpenedWhenExtensionsAreRequestingAccess">
The user opened the Extensions Menu in the toolbar while the request access
button in the toolbar is visible. This is recorded when the user opens the
menu for both keyboard and mouse activation.
<action name="Extensions.Toolbar.MoreActionsButtonPressedFromMenu">
The user activated the more actions button for an extension in the
Extensions Menu. This is recorded for both keyboard and mouse activation.
<action name="Extensions.Toolbar.PinButtonPressed">
The user changed the pin state for an extension by activating the pin button
in the Extensions Menu. This is recorded for both keyboard and mouse
<action name="Extensions.Toolbar.SiteAccessCombobox.OnAllSitesSelected">
Deprecated 03/2023. Extensions tabbed menu view, which was under a flag that
never landed, was removed in crbug/1390958.
The user selected run on all sites using the extension's site access
combobox in the Extensions Menu. This is recorded for both keyboard and
mouse activation.
<action name="Extensions.Toolbar.SiteAccessCombobox.OnClickSelected">
Deprecated 03/2023. Extensions tabbed menu view, which was under a flag that
never landed, was removed in crbug/1390958.
The user selected run on click using the extension's site access combobox in
the Extensions Menu. This is recorded for both keyboard and mouse
<action name="Extensions.Toolbar.SiteAccessCombobox.OnSiteSelected">
Deprecated 03/2023. Extensions tabbed menu view, which was under a flag that
never landed, was removed in crbug/1390958.
The user selected run on site using the extension's site access combobox in
the Extensions Menu. This is recorded for both keyboard and mouse
<action name="Extensions.UninstallDialogCancelClick">
User clicked the &quot;Cancel&quot; button in the extension uninstall
dialog. This cancels the uninstallation of an extension.
<action name="Extensions.UninstallDialogRemoveClick">
User clicked the &quot;Remove&quot; button in the chrome://extensions page
uninstall dialog which leads to the removal of an extension.
<action name="Extensions.UninstallDialogReportAbuseChecked">
Used checked the &quot;Report Abuse&quot; box and the &quot;Remove&quot;
button in the extension uninstall dialog which leads to the removal of an
extension and reports the extension for abuse.
<action name="Extensions.WebStoreLaunch">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ExtensionWipeoutNotificationShown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FamilyUser.SessionEngagement.Start">
Emitted every time when the Chrome OS users' usage time state changes to
<action name="Feedback">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Feedback.SrtPromptAccepted">
<obsolete>This was never fully implemented.</obsolete>
User accepted invitation on Feedback form to download Software Removal Tool.
<action name="Feedback.SrtPromptClosed">
<obsolete>This was never fully implemented.</obsolete>
User closed Feedback form when prompted to download Software Removal Tool.
<action name="Feedback.SrtPromptDeclined">
<obsolete>This was never fully implemented.</obsolete>
User declined invitation on Feedback form to download Software Removal Tool.
<action name="FileBrowser.ClickBreadcrumbs">
User clicked the breadcrumbs in order to return to a parent directory.
<action name="FileBrowser.CreateNewFolder">
<description>User created a new folder in the file manager app.</description>
<action name="FileBrowser.FolderShortcut.Add">
User pinned a folder to the top of the directory tree on Files app
<action name="FileBrowser.FolderShortcut.Navigate">
User navigated to a folder pinned to the top of the directory tree on Files
<action name="FileBrowser.FolderShortcut.Remove">
User removed a folder pinned to the top of the directory tree on Files app.
<action name="FileBrowser.GoogleOneOffer.Dismiss">
Google One offer files banner gets dismissed by the user.
<action name="FileBrowser.GoogleOneOffer.GetPerk">
Get perk button of Google One offer files banner gets activated.
<action name="FileBrowser.GoogleOneOffer.Shown">
Google One offer files banner gets shown on Files app.
<action name="FileBrowser.PhotoEditor.Edit">
<obsolete>Removed in M92.</obsolete>
User saved a photo over itself for the first time (i.e. edited the photo) in
the gallery app.
<action name="FileBrowser.PhotoEditor.View">
<obsolete>Removed in M92.</obsolete>
User loaded an image into an editing session in the gallery app.
<action name="FileBrowser.SelectSearch">
User focused the search field at the top of the file manager app.
<action name="FileBrowser.SuggestApps.ShowDialog">
Removed in M90. Files.app no longer displays CWS widget dialog.
The embedded Chrome Web Store dialog was shown with suggested apps to open
the file in the file manager app.
<action name="FilterURLTermiate_About" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>Removed in M44.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FilterURLTermiate_Blocked" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>Removed in M44.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FilterURLTermiate_Invalid" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>Removed in M44.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Find">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>For iOS: see IOS.FindInPage.SearchStarted</description>
<action name="FindNext">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>For iOS: see IOS.FindInPage.FindNext</description>
<action name="FindPrevious">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>For iOS: see IOS.FindInPage.FindPrevious</description>
<action name="FindString">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FirstRunDef_Accept">
<obsolete>Deprecated 02/2017.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FirstVisibleContentAfterBackPress">
Record that the first visible content is drawn (i.e. at the moment when
Startup.Android.Cold.TimeToFirstVisibleContent2) after a back press. Android
<action name="Flash.JavaScriptUsed" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>Deprecated 02/2017.</obsolete>
Count of Flash plugin instances that use JavaScript.
<action name="Flash.PluginInstanceCreated" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>Deprecated 02/2017.</obsolete>
<description>Count of Flash plugin instances.</description>
<action name="FloatWindowTucked">
Recorded when a floated window is tucked in tablet mode.
<action name="FloatWindowUntucked">
Recorded when a floated window is untucked in tablet mode.
<action name="FocusAppMenu">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FocusBookmarksToolbar">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FocusChromeOSStatus">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FocusHelpBubble">
<obsolete>Never used. Merged with F6 or equivalent for navigation.</obsolete>
Recorded when the user focuses a help bubble (i.e. for in-product help or a
tutorial) with a keyboard shortcut.
<action name="FocusInactivePopupForAccessibility">
Places focus on non-modal UI such as info bars, bubble widgets for
<action name="FocusInfobars">
No longer used. Generalized/renamed to FocusInactivePopupForAccessibility.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FocusLocation">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FocusNextPane">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FocusPageAndAppMenus">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FocusPreviousPane">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FocusSearch">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FocusToolbar">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FocusWebContentsPane">
Called when a keyboard shortcut is used to put keyboard focus directly on
browser web contents.
<action name="FontName">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FontSize">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FontSizeDelta">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForeColor">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FormatBlock">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Forward">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardDelete">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick1">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick10">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick11">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick12">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick13">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick14">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick15">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick16">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick17">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick18">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick19">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick2">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick3">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick4">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick5">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick6">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick7">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick8">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ChapterClick9">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick1">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick10">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick11">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick12">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick13">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick14">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick15">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick16">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick17">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick18">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick19">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick2">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick3">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick4">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick5">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick6">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick7">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick8">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_HistoryClick9">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_Popup">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ForwardMenu_ShowFullHistory">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="FrameLoad" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>No longer tracked.</obsolete>
<description>Count of successful frame loads to new pages.</description>
<action name="FrameLoadWithFlash" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>No longer tracked.</obsolete>
<description>Count of frame loads that also load PPAPI Flash.</description>
<action name="Gesture_Overview">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="GetDisplayMedia.Cancel">
<description>User cancelled the getDisplayMedia dialog.</description>
<action name="GetDisplayMedia.SelectCurrentTab">
User selected to share the current tab in the getDisplayMedia dialog.
<action name="GetDisplayMedia.SelectScreen">
User selected to share a screen in the getDisplayMedia dialog.
<action name="GetDisplayMedia.SelectWebContents">
User selected to share web contents in the getDisplayMedia dialog.
<action name="GetDisplayMedia.SelectWindow">
User selected to share a window in the getDisplayMedia dialog.
<action name="GetDisplayMedia.ShowDialog">
The getDisplayMedia dialog was shown to the user. In the majority of cases
this is triggered by the user in the web application.
<action name="Glanceables_Classroom_AssignmentPressed">
User clicked on an assignment in the classroom glanceable.
<action name="Glanceables_Classroom_AssignmentPressed_DefaultList">
User clicked on an assignment in the classroom glanceable, while the default
assignment list is shown.
<action name="Glanceables_Classroom_HeaderIconPressed">
User clicked on the header icon button in the classroom glanceable.
<action name="Glanceables_Classroom_SeeAllPressed">
User clicked on the see all button in the footer of the classroom
<action name="Glanceables_Classroom_SelectedListChanged">
User changed the selected assignment list in the classroom glanceable.
<action name="Glanceables_Classroom_UserAction">
User performed an actoin in the classroom glanceables. This aggregates all
user actions that the user can perform in the classroom glanceable.
<action name="Glanceables_Tasks_ActiveTaskListChanged">
User changes the active task list for the tasks glanceable.
<action name="Glanceables_Tasks_AddTaskButtonShown">
The add task button is shown for an empty tasks list - used in the first
version of the glanceables UI (used for trusted tester program), where the
add task button was shown only for an empty task list.
<action name="Glanceables_Tasks_AddTaskStarted">
User clicked on the button to add a new task. Not recorded for Trusted
Tester Glanceables UI, which has its own add task button, but with different
<action name="Glanceables_Tasks_LaunchTasksApp_AddNewTaskButton">
User clicked on the add new task button on the tasks glanceable. Recoreded
for Trusted Tester Glanceables UI only.
<action name="Glanceables_Tasks_LaunchTasksApp_EditInGoogleTasksButton">
User clicked on the Edit In Google Tasks label button in the task view of
the tasks glanceable.
<action name="Glanceables_Tasks_LaunchTasksApp_FooterButton">
User clicked on the see all button in the footer of the tasks glanceable.
<action name="Glanceables_Tasks_LaunchTasksApp_HeaderButton">
User clicked on the tasks icon in the header of the tasks glanceable.
<action name="Glanceables_Tasks_ModifyTaskStarted">
User clicked on the task title, and entered UI to modify the task title.
<action name="Glanceables_Tasks_NewUserNavigatedToTasks">
User that has a single empty task lists in Google Tasks performed an action
in tasks time management glanceables UI that opened tasks web UI in another
<action name="Glanceables_Tasks_TaskMarkedAsCompleted">
User marks a task in the tasks glanceable as completed.
<action name="Glanceables_Tasks_TaskMarkedAsIncomplete">
User marks a task in the tasks glanceable as incomplete.
<action name="Glanceables_Tasks_UserAction">
User performed an action in the tasks glanceables. This aggregates all user
actions that the user can perform intaskss glanceable.
<action name="Go">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="GoogleNow.ButtonClicked0">
<obsolete>Feature removed March 2017.</obsolete>
User clicked button index 0 (0-based) of a Now Notification.
<action name="GoogleNow.ButtonClicked1">
<obsolete>Feature removed March 2017.</obsolete>
User clicked button index 1 (0-based) of a Now Notification.
<action name="GoogleNow.Dismissed">
<obsolete>Feature removed March 2017.</obsolete>
<description>User dismissed a Now Notification.</description>
<action name="GoogleNow.MessageCenter.NotificationPoppedUp">
<obsolete>Feature removed March 2017.</obsolete>
A Google Now notification was popped up to the user.
<action name="GoogleNow.MessageClicked">
<obsolete>Feature removed March 2017.</obsolete>
User clicked on the message text of a Now notification.
<action name="GoogleNow.WelcomeToastClickedNo">
<obsolete>Feature removed March 2017.</obsolete>
User dismissed the Now Notifications welcome toast via the &quot;don't show
me notifications&quot; button.
<action name="GoogleNow.WelcomeToastClickedYes">
<obsolete>Feature removed March 2017.</obsolete>
User dismissed the Now Notifications welcome toast via the ok button.
<action name="GoogleNow.WelcomeToastDismissed">
<obsolete>Feature removed March 2017.</obsolete>
User dismissed the Now Notifications welcome toast via the x.
<action name="GpuAccelerationDisabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="GpuAccelerationEnabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="GridTabSwitch.UndoCloseTab">
User undoes the closed tab that was closed from grid tab switcher.
<action name="GridTabSwitcher.Drag.AddToGroupOrCreateGroup">
Deprecated as of 8/2019. Replaced with TabGroup.Created.DropToMerge.
User drags a tab and drops it on another tab to form a new group in grid tab
<action name="GridTabSwitcher.DropTabToMerge">
Deprecated as of 6/2019. Replaced with
User drags a tab and drops it on another tab to form a group in grid tab
<action name="GridTabSwitcher.UndoCloseTabGroup">
User undoes closed group that was closed from grid tab switcher.
<action name="HarmfulInterstitial.Advanced">
User opened the &quot;Advanced&quot; tab on the UwS (harmful) interstitial.
<action name="HarmfulInterstitial.Back">
<description>User heeded the UwS (harmful) interstitial.</description>
<action name="HarmfulInterstitial.Proceed">
User proceeded through the UwS (harmful) interstitial.
<action name="HarmfulInterstitial.Show">
<description>User saw the UwS (harmful) interstitial.</description>
<action name="HatsBubble.Show">
Deprecated as of 08/2019. Replaced by HappinessTrackingSurvey.BubbleUsage
<description>User saw a Happiness Tracking Survey.</description>
<action name="HiliteColor">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="History_DeleteHistory">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="History_DragIcon">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="History_DragThumbnail">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="History_Search">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="HistoryPage_BookmarkStarClicked">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="HistoryPage_CancelRemoveSelected">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="HistoryPage_ConfirmRemoveSelected">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="HistoryPage_EntryLinkClick">
On desktop, user clicked a link to a URL from history on the
chrome://history page to navigate to the URL.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="HistoryPage_EntryLinkRightClick">
On desktop, user right-clicked a link to a URL from history on the
chrome://history page. This causes the context menu to be displayed.
Sometimes the user will select an &quot;open in&quot; action, which would
cause a navigation. Selections such as &quot;save link as&quot; or
&quot;copy link address&quot; will not cause a navigation.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="HistoryPage_EntryMenuRemoveFromHistory">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="HistoryPage_EntryMenuShowMoreFromSite">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="HistoryPage_InitClearBrowsingData">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="HistoryPage_NewerHistoryClick">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="HistoryPage_NewestHistoryClick">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="HistoryPage_OlderHistoryClick">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="HistoryPage_RemoveSelected">
Action indicating that the selected history entries were deleted from the
history list.
<action name="HistoryPage_Search">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="HistoryPage_SearchResultClick">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="HistoryPage_SearchResultRemove">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Home">
<description>User pressed the Home button.</description>
<action name="HostedAppMenuButtonButton_Clicked">
Recorded when the user clicks on the app menu button on a hosted app.
<action name="Hotword.HotwordTrigger">
Deprecated as of 10/2017. Feature removed with crbug/761426.
<description>User triggered the hotword by saying 'Ok Google'.</description>
<action name="Import_ShowDlg">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ImportLockDialogCocoa_Shown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ImportLockDialogGtk_Shown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ImportLockDialogView_Shown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="IncognitoMenu_ExitClicked">
<description>User clicked on Exit Incognito button.</description>
<action name="IncognitoMenu_Show">
<description>The user opened incognito menu.</description>
<action name="IncognitoMode_Ended">
An Incognito session has ended. Recorded when an Incognito profile is
<action name="IncognitoMode_Started">
An Incognito session is started. Recorded when an Incognito profile is
<action name="IncognitoWebSQL_Created">
Database tracker created a WebSQL file in Incognito mode. Recorded when a
WebSQL file is created in Incognito mode on any platform.
<action name="IncognitoWebSQL_Released">
Database tracker closed a WebSQL file in Incognito mode. Recorded when a
WebSQL file that was created in Incognito mode is not needed anymore and OS
can erase it. This is recorded for all platforms.
<action name="IncompatibleApplicationsPage.ApplicationRemoved">
A user uninstalled one of the listed incompatible applications while the
chrome://settings/incompatibleApplications page was open.
<action name="IncompatibleApplicationsPage.UninstallationStarted">
A user clicked the &quot;Uninstall&quot; button for one of the listed
incompatible applications while the
chrome://settings/incompatibleApplications was open.
<action name="Indent">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InProductHelp.Dismissed">
<description>The user dismissed the in-product help.</description>
<action name="InProductHelp.InsideTouch">
<description>The user tapped inside the in-product help bubble.</description>
<action name="InProductHelp.NotifyEvent.IPH" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>The user triggered an event in in-product help.</description>
<action name="InProductHelp.NotifyUsedEvent.IPH">
<description>The user triggered a used event in in-product help.</description>
<action name="InProductHelp.OutsideTouch">
<description>The user tapped outside the in-product help bubble.</description>
<action name="InProductHelp.ShouldTriggerHelpUI.IPH" not_user_triggered="true">
The feature engagement tracker tried to determine whether in-product help
should be shown to the user.
<action name="InProductHelp.ShouldTriggerHelpUIResult.NotTriggered.IPH"
A user action that could have triggered in-product help did not.
<action name="InProductHelp.ShouldTriggerHelpUIResult.Triggered.IPH">
<description>A user action triggered in-product help.</description>
<action name="InProductHelp.ShouldTriggerHelpUIResult.WouldHaveTriggered.IPH"
A user action would have triggered in-product help, but the feature was
configured for tracking only.
<action name="InputMethod.Assistive.EmojiSuggested">
Recorded when users type some words and an emoji is suggested.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_chewing">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_english-m">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_hangul">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:am:sera">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:ar:kbd">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:bn:itrans">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:fa:isiri">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:gu:itrans">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:hi:itrans">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:kn:itrans">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:ml:itrans">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:mr:itrans">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:ta:inscript">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:ta:itrans">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:ta:phonetic">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:ta:tamil99">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:ta:typewriter">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:te:itrans">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:th:kesmanee">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:th:pattachote">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:th:tis820">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:vi:tcvn">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:vi:telex">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:vi:viqr">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:vi:vni">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:zh:cangjie">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_m17n:zh:quick">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_mozc">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_mozc-chewing">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_mozc-dv">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_mozc-hangul">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_mozc-jp">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_pinyin">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_pinyin-dv">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:am:phonetic:arm">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:be::fra">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:be::ger">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:be::nld">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:bg::bul">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:bg:phonetic:bul">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:br::por">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:by::bel">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:ca::fra">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:ca:eng:eng">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:ca:multix:fra">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:ch::ger">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:ch:fr:fra">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:cz::cze">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:cz:qwerty:cze">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:de::ger">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:de:neo:ger">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:dk::dan">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:ee::est">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:es::spa">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:es:cat:cat">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:fi::fin">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:fr::fra">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:gb:dvorak:eng">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:gb:extd:eng">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:ge::geo">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:gr::gre">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:hr::scr">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:hu::hun">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:il::heb">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:is::ice">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:it::ita">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:jp::jpn">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:kr:kr104:kor">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:latam::spa">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:lt::lit">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:lv::lav">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:lv:apostrophe:lav">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:mn::mon">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:nl::nld">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:no::nob">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:no::nor">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:pl::pol">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:pt::por">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:ro::rum">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:rs::srp">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:ru::rus">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:ru:phonetic:rus">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:se::swe">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:si::slv">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:sk::slo">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:tr::tur">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:ua::ukr">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:us::eng">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:us:altgr-intl:eng">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:us:colemak:eng">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:us:dvorak:eng">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InputMethodOptions_Open_xkb:us:intl:eng">
IMEs have since become extensions and no longer available as predetermined
Counts the number of times the input method configuration was opened.
<action name="InsertBacktab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InsertHorizontalRule">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InsertHTML">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InsertImage">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InsertLineBreak">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InsertNewline">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InsertNewlineInQuotedContent">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InsertOrderedList">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InsertParagraph">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InsertTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InsertText">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InsertUnorderedList">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InspectDevices">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InstallSite">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InstallWebAppFromMenu">
PWA install triggered via &quot;Menu &gt; Install App name...&quot;
<action name="InstantExtended.MostVisitedClicked">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 2/2016</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InstantExtended.ShowNTP">
Deprecated as of 8/2017 (and not recorded since long before that)
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="InstantExtended.ShowSRP">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2017</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="IntentPickerIconClicked">
Recorded when the user clicks on the intent picker icon that pops up
whenever a navigation occurs to a site that is already installed by a PWA
and controlled by the PWA's scope. This is measured regardless of whether
the intent picker icon is extended or not. This is currently measured only
on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms.
<action name="IntentPickerViewAcceptLaunchApp">
Recorded when the user clicks on a PWA that shows up in the intent picker,
and clicks on Open, leading to the current site being launched in the PWA.
This is currently measured only on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms.
<action name="IntentPickerViewClosedOpenInChrome">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 11/2023, needed a rename.</obsolete>
Recorded when the user manually closes the intent picker bubble view,
leading to the site not being launched in a PWA. This is currently measured
only on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms.
<action name="IntentPickerViewClosedStayInChrome">
Recorded when the user manually closes the intent picker bubble view,
leading to the site not being launched in a PWA. This is currently measured
only on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms.
<action name="IntentPickerViewIgnored">
Recorded when the user navigates away from the current site with an open
intent picker bubble view, leading to it being closed. This is currently
only meaasured on Windows, Mac and Linux.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserFullscreenPromo.Cancel">
The user dismissed the default browser fullscreen promo by pressing on
secondary button. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserFullscreenPromo.Dismissed">
The user dismissed the default browser fullscreen promo by swipe down. iOS
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserFullscreenPromo.Impression"
The user was shown the default browser fullscreen promo modal. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserFullscreenPromo.MoreInfoTapped">
The user tapped on the more information icon on the default browser
fullscreen promo modal. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserFullscreenPromo.PrimaryActionTapped">
The user tapped the primary action button in the default browser fullscreen
promo modal that takes the user to the Settings app. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserNTPPromoTapped">
The user tapped on default browser NTP promo link. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.NonModal.Accepted">
The user accepted a non modal promo. This will either take them to the
settings instructions for default browser ot directly into settings. To
track the former watch for &quot;Settings.DefaultBrowser&quot; action. iOS
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.NonModal.Appear">
The user triggered a non modal default promo, and it appeared. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.NonModal.Dismiss">
The user dismissed explicitly a non modal promo. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.NonModal.Timeout">
A non modal promo timed out and was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.SetUpList.Accepted">
The user accepted a Set Up List default browser promo modal, and was taken
to the Settings app. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.SetUpList.Appear">
The user triggered the SetUpList default browser promo and it appeared, iOS
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.SetUpList.Dismiss">
The user dismissed a Set Up List default browser promo modal. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.TailoredFullscreen.Accepted">
The user accepted a tailored browser fullscreen promo modal, and was taken
to the Settings app. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.TailoredFullscreen.Appear">
<description>A tailored fullscren promo appeared. iOS only.</description>
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.TailoredFullscreen.Cancel">
The user dismissed a tailored browser fullscreen promo modal using secondary
action button. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.TailoredFullscreen.Dismiss">
The user dismissed a tailored browser fullscreen promo modal by swiping
down. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserPromo.TailoredFullscreen.MoreInfoTapped">
The user tapped on the more information icon on the tailored browser
fullscreen promo modal. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserVideoPromo.Appear">
The user is presented with the default browser video promo. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserVideoPromo.Fullscreen.Dismiss">
The user dismissed the full screen default browser video promo. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserVideoPromo.Fullscreen.Impression">
The user is presented with the fullscreen screen arm of the default browser
video promo. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserVideoPromo.Fullscreen.OpenSettingsTapped">
The user accepted the full screen default browser video promo, and was taken
to the Settings app. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserVideoPromo.Fullscreen.RemindMeLater">
The user asked to be reminded later on the full screen default browser video
promo. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserVideoPromo.Halfscreen.Dismiss">
The user dismissed the half screen default browser video promo. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserVideoPromo.Halfscreen.Impression">
The user is presented with the half screen arm of the default browser video
promo. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.DefaultBrowserVideoPromo.Halfscreen.ShowMeHow">
The user accepted the half screen default browser video promo, and was taken
to the full screen default browser video promo. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.EmailExperience.LongPress.Copy">
User tapped on the copy button after long-pressing on an email address.
<action name="IOS.EmailExperience.LongPress.CreateEmail">
User tapped on the &quot;Create Email&quot; button after long-pressing on an
email address.
<action name="IOS.EmailExperience.LongPress.Display">
The number of times the email experience context menu was displayed after a
user long press on an email address.
<action name="IOS.EmailExperience.OneTap.CreateEmail">
The number of times the user tapped on an underlined email address and
triggered the &quot;Create mail with&quot; view controller.
<action name="IOS.ExperienceKit.Calendar.Copy">
Recorded when user taps Copy in context menu after a long press on an date.
<action name="IOS.ExperienceKit.Calendar.Display">
The number of times the user triggered the &quot;add-to-calendar&quot;
context after a long press on a date.
<action name="IOS.ExperienceKit.Maps.Copy">
Recorded when user taps Copy in context menu after a long press on an
<action name="IOS.ExperienceKit.Maps.Directions">
The number of times the user triggered the &quot;get-directions&quot;
context after a long press on an address.
<action name="IOS.ExperienceKit.Maps.MenuDisplayed">
The number of times the user triggered the maps context menu after a long
press on an address, this includes all the menu contexts,
&quot;get-directions&quot;,&quot;view-location&quot;, and copy.
<action name="IOS.ExperienceKit.Maps.OneTap.View">
The number of times the user tapped on an underlined address and triggered
the &quot;view-locationh&quot; view controller.
<action name="IOS.ExperienceKit.Maps.View">
The number of times the user triggered the &quot;view-location&quot; context
after a long press on an address.
<action name="IOS.FindInPage.FindNext">
The number of times the user navigated to the next match in Find in Page on
iOS. For instance, the user pressed the Next button in the system Find panel
or Chrome Find bar, or used the associated keybinding. From M112 onwards,
this is not recorded if the total number of matches is 2 or less.
<action name="IOS.FindInPage.FindPrevious">
The number of times the user navigated to the previous match in Find in Page
on iOS. For instance, the user pressed the Previous button in the system
Find panel or Chrome Find bar, or used the associated keybinding. From M112
onwards, this is not recorded if the total number of matches is 2 or less.
<action name="IOS.FindInPage.SearchStarted">
The number of times the user started a new Find in Page search on iOS. This
is recorded every time the Chrome Find bar is presented and every time the
user edits the query. This is not recorded if the Find in Page variant uses
the system Find panel (bottom of the screen, right above the keyboard) as
opposed to the Chrome Find bar (top of the screen).
<action name="IOS.InsecureFormCancel">
Reported when an insecure form submission is cancelled. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.InsecureFormSendAnyway">
Reported when an insecure form is submitted anyway despite the warning. iOS
<action name="IOS.NTP.Doodle.Tapped">
Recorded when the user is tapping the doodle on the NTP. There is also a
histogram (NewTabPageActioniOS::doodle), but histograms are not recorded in
Breadcrumbs. iOS Breadcrumbs attaches steps the user performed in the app to
crash logs. These steps can help debug causes of crashes when the stack
doesn't provide enough information.
<action name="IOS.Omnibox.Promo.PositionDiscarded">
Recorded when the user dismisses the promo by discarding the selected
<action name="IOS.Omnibox.Promo.PositionValidated">
Recorded when the user dismisses the promo by validating the selected
<action name="IOS.Omnibox.Promo.Presented" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when the omnibox position choice promo is presented.
<action name="IOS.Omnibox.Promo.Skipped">
Recorded when the user dismisses the promo by tapping on skip.
<action name="IOS.OpenIn">
<obsolete>Renamed to IOS.OpenIn.Tapped, 08/2020</obsolete>
Recorded when the user taps on OPEN IN... button to share the page
(typically PDF).
<action name="IOS.OpenIn.Presented" not_user_triggered="true">
This flag no longer exists. OpenIn toolbar been removed in M113.
Recorded when the user loads a web page containing a file that can be
exported and the &quot;Open In&quot; toolbar is presented.
<action name="IOS.OpenIn.Tapped">
This flag no longer exists. OpenIn toolbar been removed in M113.
Recorded when the user taps on OPEN IN... button to export the file.
<action name="IOS.PageZoom.ZoomIn">
<description>The user zoomed in on a webpage. iOS only.</description>
<action name="IOS.PageZoom.ZoomOut">
<description>The user zoomed out on a webpage. iOS only.</description>
<action name="IOS.PageZoom.ZoomReset">
The user reset the zoom level on a webpage. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.Permission.Toggled">
<description>The user toogled a media permission state.</description>
<action name="IOS.PhoneNumberExperience.LongPress.AddCountryCode">
User tapped on the Add Country Code button after long-pressing on a phone
<action name="IOS.PhoneNumberExperience.LongPress.AddToContacts">
User tapped on the add to contacts button after long-pressing on a phone
<action name="IOS.PhoneNumberExperience.LongPress.Call">
User tapped on the Call button after long-pressing on a phone number.
<action name="IOS.PhoneNumberExperience.LongPress.Copy">
User tapped on the Copy button after long-pressing on a phone number.
<action name="IOS.PhoneNumberExperience.LongPress.Display">
The user long pressed a phone number and the phone number experience context
menu was displayed.
<action name="IOS.PhoneNumberExperience.LongPress.Facetime">
User tapped on the facetime button after long-pressing on a phone number.
<action name="IOS.PhoneNumberExperience.LongPress.SendMessage">
User tapped on the send message button after long-pressing on a phone
<action name="IOS.PhoneNumberExperience.OneTap.Call">
The number of times the user tapped on an underlined phone number and was
prompted to make a phone call.
<action name="IOS.PostRestoreDefaultBrowser.Displayed">
Recorded when the Post Restore Default Browser Promo is displayed. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.SearchEngines.RecentlyViewed.Delete">
Recorded when user deletes for recently viewed search engines. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.SearchEngines.RecentlyViewed.Edit">
Recorded when user enters edit mode for recently viewed search engines. iOS
<action name="IOS.StartSurface.HideShortcuts">
Recorded when hiding the shortcuts for the Start Surface. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.StartSurface.OpenMostRecentTab">
Recorded when opening the most recent tab after tapping on the Start Surface
return to recent tab tile. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.StartSurface.Show">
<description>Recorded when showing the Start Surface. iOS only.</description>
<action name="IOS.StartSurface.ShowReturnToRecentTabTile">
Recorded when showing the return to recent tab tile for the Start Surface.
iOS only.
<action name="IOS.StartSurface.ShrinkLogo">
Recorded when shrinking the logo for the Start Surface. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.UnitConversion.SourceUnitValueChange">
Recorded the first time (between the presentation and the dismissal of the
unit conversion view controller) the user changes the source unit value
field of a unit conversion view controller while the unit type is unchanged.
iOS only.
<action name="IOS.UnitConversion.TargetUnitValueChange">
Recorded the first time (between the presentation and the dismissal of the
unit conversion view controller) the user changes the target unit value
field of a unit conversion view controller. iOS only.
<action name="IOS.UnitConversion.UnitTypeChange">
Recorded the first time (between the presentation and the dismissal of the
unit conversion view controller) the user changes the unit type (title
button) of a unit conversion view controller. iOS only.
<action name="IOSAccountsSettingsCloseWithSwipe">
Reported when Accounts Settings UI was dismissed was dismissed using swipe
down gesture. iOS only.
<action name="IOSBookmarkManagerCloseWithSwipe">
Recorded when a user closes bookmark manager by swiping down. iOS-only.
<action name="IOSBookmarksAddedInBulk">
<description>User added bookmarks in bulk.</description>
<action name="IOSBookmarksAddedInBulkSnackbarViewButtonClicked">
Recorded when a user clicks the &quot;view&quot; button in the snackbar
generated from bulk adding bookmarks. iOS-only.
<action name="IOSBookmarksEditorClosedWithSwipeDown">
Recorded when the user closes bookmark editor by swiping down. iOS-only.
<action name="IOSBookmarksFolderChooserClosedWithSwipeDown">
Recorded when the user closes bookmark folder chooser by swiping down.
<action name="IOSBookmarksFolderEditorClosedWithSwipeDown">
Recorded when the user closes bookmark folder editor by swiping down.
<action name="IOSClearBrowsingDataCloseWithSwipe">
Reported when Clear Browsing Data Settings UI was dismissed using swipe down
gesture. iOS only.
<action name="IOSDownloadClose">
User closed Download Manager UI by tapping x button when download was not
in-progress (either not started or failed).
<action name="IOSDownloadConfirmClose">
User confirmed download closure by tapping &quot;Stop&quot; on &quot;Stop
Download?&quot; dialog.
<action name="IOSDownloadConfirmReplace">
User confirmed download replacement by tapping &quot;OK&quot; on &quot;Start
New Download&quot; dialog.
<action name="IOSDownloadDoNotClose">
User rejected download closure by tapping &quot;Continue&quot; on &quot;Stop
Download?&quot; dialog.
<action name="IOSDownloadDoNotReplace">
User rejected download replacement by tapping &quot;Cancel&quot; on
&quot;Start New Download?&quot; dialog.
<action name="IOSDownloadInstallGoogleDrive">
<description>User tapped on Install Google Drive promo.</description>
<action name="IOSDownloadOpenIn">
User tapped on Open In... button after in Download Manager after download
<action name="IOSDownloadStartDownload">
<description>User started the download in Download Manager.</description>
<action name="IOSDownloadStartDownloadToDrive">
User started the download in Download Manager, with Drive as destination for
their download.
<action name="IOSDownloadTryCloseWhenInProgress">
User tapped x button when download was in-progress. The Download Manager did
not close, but presented the confirmation dialog. See
IOSDownloadConfirmClose and IOSDownloadDoNotClose actions for recording use
<action name="IOSGoogleServicesSettingsCloseWithSwipe">
Reported when Google Services Settings UI was dismissed using swipe down
gesture. iOS only.
<action name="IOSHandoffSettingsCloseWithSwipe">
Reported when Handoff Settings UI was dismissed using swipe down gesture.
iOS only.
<action name="IOSHistoryCloseWithSwipe">
Recorded when a user closes History using swipe down gesture. iOS-only.
<action name="IOSInspectPageVisited">
Recorded when the user loads the chrome://inspect page on iOS.
<action name="IOSLanguagesSettingsCloseWithSwipe">
Reported when Languages Settings UI was dismissed using swipe down gesture.
iOS only.
<action name="IOSLaunchedByAddBookmarkToChromeIntent">
<description>User added bookmarks to Chrome via Apple Shortcuts.</description>
<action name="IOSLaunchedByAddReadingListItemToChromeIntent">
<description>User added a reading list item via Apple Shortcuts.</description>
<action name="IOSLaunchedByOpenInChromeIntent">
<description>User opened a URL in Chrome via Apple Shortcuts.</description>
<action name="IOSLaunchedByOpenInIncognitoIntent">
User opened a URL/a list of URLs in Chrome in Incognito mode via Apple
<action name="IOSLaunchedBySearchInChromeIntent">
User opened Chrome with a `Search in Chrome` Siri Shortcut.
<action name="IOSMagicStackParcelTrackingFreshSignal" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when there is a new parcel being tracked or a tracked parcel has an
updated status.
<action name="IOSMagicStackSafetyCheckFreshSignal" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>Recorded when the Safety Check result has changed.</description>
<action name="IOSMagicStackShortcutsFreshSignal" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when a valid user action related to Reading List, Bookmarks, Recent
Tabs, or History occurs.
<action name="IOSMagicStackTabResumptionFreshSignal" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when the Tab Resumption module has a new relevant tab.
<action name="IOSMobileReloadCrashedRenderer" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when a user has switched back to a tab whose renderer needs to be
reloaded due to a renderer crash on iOS.
<action name="IOSMostVisitedTopSitesChanged" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when the top four most visited sites changes.
<action name="IOSOpenByMainIntent">
User opened Chrome through a main intent, either by an icon open or an app
<action name="IOSOpenByViewIntent">
User opened Chrome through a view intent, basically anything that opens
Chrome that is not an icon tap or an app switch.
<action name="IOSPasswordsSettingsCloseWithSwipe">
Reported when Passwords Settings UI was dismissed using swipe down gesture.
iOS only.
<action name="IOSPrivacySafeBrowsingSettingsCloseWithSwipe">
Reported when Privacy Safe Browsing Settings UI was dismissed using swipe
down gesture. iOS only.
<action name="IOSReadingListCloseWithSwipe">
Recorded when a user closes Reading List with swipe down gesture. iOS-only.
<action name="IOSReadingListItemsAddedInBulk">
Recorded when a user bulk adds reading list items (Siri Shortcut). iOS-only.
<action name="IOSReadingListSnackbarViewButtonClicked">
Recorded when a user clicks the &quot;view&quot; button in the snackbar
generated from bulk adding reading list items. iOS-only.
<action name="IOSRecentTabsCloseWithSwipe">
Recorded when a user closes Recent Tabs using swipe down gesture. iOS-only.
<action name="IOSSafeBrowsingEnhancedProtectionSettingsCloseWithSwipe">
Reported when Safe Browsing Enhanced Protection Settings UI was dismissed
using swipe down gesture. iOS only.
<action name="IOSSafeBrowsingStandardProtectionSettingsCloseWithSwipe">
Reported when Safe Browsing Standard Protection Settings UI was dismissed
using swipe down gesture. iOS only.
<action name="IOSSettingsCloseWithSwipe">
Reported when Settings UI was dismissed using swipe down gesture. iOS only.
<action name="IOSSyncEncryptionPassphraseSettingsCloseWithSwipe">
Reported when Sync Encryption Passphrase Settings UI was dismissed using
swipe down gesture. iOS only.
<action name="Italic">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ITunesLinksHandler_StoreKitLaunched">
Record when StoreKit is launched on the iOS app by ITunesLinkHandler. This
should happen when the user navigates to iTunes appstore URL.
<action name="JavascriptContentSetting.DisableBy.SiteSettings">
User disabled Javascript for the site via the site settings page.
<action name="JavascriptContentSetting.EnableBy.SiteSettings">
User enabled Javascript for the site via the site settings page.
<action name="JustifyCenter">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="justifyFull">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="JustifyLeft">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="JustifyRight">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Keyboard_Microphone_Muted">
The user muted the mic by pressing the mic mute keyboard key.
<action name="Keyboard_Microphone_Unmuted">
The user unmuted the mic by pressing the mic mute keyboard key.
<action name="KeyboardShortcutViewer.CreateWindow">
Records when the user creates a new window of Keyboard Shortcut Viewer.
<action name="KeyboardShortcutViewer.Search">
Records when the user enters search mode in Keyboard Shortcut Viewer.
<action name="KeySystemSupport.Widevine.Queried">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="KeySystemSupport.Widevine.Supported">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="KeySystemSupport.WidevineWithType.Queried">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="KeySystemSupport.WidevineWithType.Supported">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="KeywordEditor_AddKeyword">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="KeywordEditor_AddKeywordJS">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="KeywordEditor_ModifiedKeyword">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="KeywordEditor_RemoveKeyword">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Lacros.Launch">
Recorded when the user launches a new instance of the lacros-chrome binary,
for example by clicking on the Lacros shelf icon.
<action name="LanguageChange_Accept">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageChange_Revert">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageConfigView_Open">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageMenuButton_InputMethodChanged">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageMenuButton_Open">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_chewing">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_english-m">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_hangul">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:am:sera">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:ar:kbd">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:bn:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:fa:isiri">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:gu:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:hi:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:kn:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:ml:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:mr:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:ta:inscript">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:ta:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:ta:phonetic">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:ta:tamil99">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:ta:typewriter">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:te:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:th:kesmanee">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:th:pattachote">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:th:tis820">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:vi:tcvn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:vi:telex">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:vi:viqr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:vi:vni">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:zh:cangjie">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_m17n:zh:quick">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_mozc">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_mozc-chewing">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_mozc-dv">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_mozc-hangul">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_mozc-jp">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_pinyin">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_pinyin-dv">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:am:phonetic:arm">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:be::fra">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:be::ger">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:be::nld">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:bg::bul">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:bg:phonetic:bul">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:br::por">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:by::bel">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:ca::fra">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:ca:eng:eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:ca:multix:fra">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:ch::ger">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:ch:fr:fra">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:cz::cze">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:cz:qwerty:cze">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:de::ger">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:de:neo:ger">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:dk::dan">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:ee::est">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:es::spa">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:es:cat:cat">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:fi::fin">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:fr::fra">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:gb:dvorak:eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:gb:extd:eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:ge::geo">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:gr::gre">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:hr::scr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:hu::hun">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:il::heb">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:is::ice">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:it::ita">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:jp::jpn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:kr:kr104:kor">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:latam::spa">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:lt::lit">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:lv::lav">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:lv:apostrophe:lav">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:mn::mon">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:nl::nld">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:no::nob">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:no::nor">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:pl::pol">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:pt::por">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:ro::rum">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:rs::srp">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:ru::rus">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:ru:phonetic:rus">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:se::swe">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:si::slv">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:sk::slo">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:tr::tur">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:ua::ukr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:us::eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:us:altgr-intl:eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:us:colemak:eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:us:dvorak:eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_DisableInputMethod_xkb:us:intl:eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_chewing">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_english-m">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_hangul">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:am:sera">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:ar:kbd">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:bn:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:fa:isiri">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:gu:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:hi:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:kn:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:ml:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:mr:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:ta:inscript">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:ta:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:ta:phonetic">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:ta:tamil99">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:ta:typewriter">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:te:itrans">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:th:kesmanee">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:th:pattachote">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:th:tis820">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:vi:tcvn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:vi:telex">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:vi:viqr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:vi:vni">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:zh:cangjie">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_m17n:zh:quick">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_mozc">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_mozc-chewing">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_mozc-dv">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_mozc-hangul">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_mozc-jp">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_pinyin">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_pinyin-dv">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:am:phonetic:arm">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:be::fra">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:be::ger">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:be::nld">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:bg::bul">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:bg:phonetic:bul">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:br::por">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:by::bel">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:ca::fra">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:ca:eng:eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:ca:multix:fra">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:ch::ger">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:ch:fr:fra">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:cz::cze">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:cz:qwerty:cze">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:de::ger">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:de:neo:ger">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:dk::dan">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:ee::est">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:es::spa">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:es:cat:cat">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:fi::fin">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:fr::fra">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:gb:dvorak:eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:gb:extd:eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:ge::geo">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:gr::gre">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:hr::scr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:hu::hun">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:il::heb">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:is::ice">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:it::ita">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:jp::jpn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:kr:kr104:kor">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:latam::spa">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:lt::lit">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:lv::lav">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:lv:apostrophe:lav">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:mn::mon">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:nl::nld">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:no::nob">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:no::nor">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:pl::pol">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:pt::por">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:ro::rum">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:rs::srp">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:ru::rus">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:ru:phonetic:rus">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:se::swe">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:si::slv">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:sk::slo">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:tr::tur">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:ua::ukr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:us::eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:us:altgr-intl:eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:us:colemak:eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:us:dvorak:eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_EnableInputMethod_xkb:us:intl:eng">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M-59) and obsolete input method system.
No longer emitted since https://crrev.com/c/602884.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_Open">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_Restart">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SignOut">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_af">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_am">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ar">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_az">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_be">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_bg">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_bh">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_bn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_br">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_bs">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ca">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_co">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_cs">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_cy">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_da">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_de">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_de-AT">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_de-CH">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_de-DE">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_el">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_en">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_en-AU">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_en-CA">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_en-GB">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_en-NZ">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_en-US">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_en-ZA">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_eo">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_es">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_es-419">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_et">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_eu">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_fa">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_fi">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_fil">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_fo">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_fr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_fr-CA">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_fr-CH">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_fr-FR">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_fy">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ga">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_gd">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_gl">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_gn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_gu">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ha">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_haw">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_he">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_hi">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_hr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_hu">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_hy">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ia">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_id">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_is">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_it">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_it-CH">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_it-IT">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ja">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_jw">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ka">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_kk">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_km">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_kn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ko">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ku">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ky">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_la">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ln">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_lo">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_lt">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_lv">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_mk">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ml">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_mn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_mo">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_mr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ms">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_mt">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_nb">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ne">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_nl">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_nn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_no">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_oc">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_om">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_or">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_pa">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_pl">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ps">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_pt">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_pt-BR">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_pt-PT">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_qu">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_rm">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ro">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ru">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_sd">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_sh">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_si">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_sk">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_sl">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_sn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_so">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_sq">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_sr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_st">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_su">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_sv">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_sw">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ta">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_te">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_tg">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_th">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ti">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_tk">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_to">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_tr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_tt">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_tw">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ug">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_uk">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_ur">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_uz">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_vi">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_xh">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_yi">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_yo">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_zh">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_zh-CN">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_zh-TW">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_SpellCheckLanguageChange_zu">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_af">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_am">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ar">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_az">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_be">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_bg">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_bh">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_bn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_br">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_bs">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ca">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_co">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_cs">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_cy">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_da">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_de">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_de-AT">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_de-CH">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_de-DE">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_el">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_en">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_en-AU">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_en-CA">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_en-GB">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_en-NZ">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_en-US">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_en-ZA">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_eo">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_es">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_es-419">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_et">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_eu">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_fa">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_fi">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_fil">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_fo">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_fr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_fr-CA">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_fr-CH">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_fr-FR">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_fy">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ga">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_gd">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_gl">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_gn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_gu">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ha">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_haw">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_he">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_hi">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_hr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_hu">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_hy">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ia">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_id">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_is">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_it">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_it-CH">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_it-IT">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ja">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_jw">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ka">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_kk">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_km">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_kn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ko">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ku">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ky">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_la">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ln">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_lo">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_lt">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_lv">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_mk">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ml">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_mn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_mo">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_mr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ms">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_mt">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_nb">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ne">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_nl">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_nn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_no">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_oc">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_om">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_or">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_pa">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_pl">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ps">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_pt">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_pt-BR">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_pt-PT">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_qu">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_rm">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ro">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ru">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_sd">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_sh">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_si">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_sk">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_sl">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_sn">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_so">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_sq">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_sr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_st">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_su">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_sv">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_sw">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ta">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_te">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_tg">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_th">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ti">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_tk">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_to">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_tr">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_tt">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_tw">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ug">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_uk">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_ur">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_uz">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_vi">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_xh">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_yi">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_yo">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_zh">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_zh-CN">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_zh-TW">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LanguageOptions_UiLanguageChange_zu">
Pertaining to old Settings UI (pre-M59). No longer emitted since
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Launcher_ButtonPressed_Mouse" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when the user activates a shelf button using the mouse.
<action name="Launcher_ButtonPressed_Touch" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when the user activates a shelf button using touch.
<action name="Launcher_ClickOnApp">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Launcher_ClickOnApplistButton" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Launcher_Dismiss">
<description>Launcher got dismissed.</description>
<action name="Launcher_LaunchTask">
Recorded when the user launches a new task from the shelf.
<action name="Launcher_MinimizeTask">
Recorded when the user minimizes an existing task by clicking an icon in the
<action name="Launcher_Show">
<description>Launcher got shown.</description>
<action name="Launcher_SwitchTask">
Recorded when the user activates an existing task from the shelf.
<action name="LensSidePanel.CloseButtonClick">
Close button was clicked on the Lens side panel. Also records the
LensSidePanel.Hide action.
<action name="LensSidePanel.Hide">
<description>The Lens side panel went from showing to hidden.</description>
<action name="LensSidePanel.HideChromeSidePanel">
The Lens side panel clobbered the Chrome side panel (Reading
<action name="LensSidePanel.LensQueryWhileShowing">
The user issued a Lens query while the Lens side panel was open.
<action name="LensSidePanel.LoadResultsInNewTab">
The Lens side panel button to expand results to new tab was clicked.
<action name="LensSidePanel.ResultLinkClick">
The user clicked a result link in the Lens side panel.
<action name="LensSidePanel.Show">
<description>The Lens side panel went from hidden to showing.</description>
<action name="LensUnifiedSidePanel.HideSidePanel">
<description>The side panel is hidden when lens was an entry.</description>
<action name="LensUnifiedSidePanel.LensEntryHidden">
The lens entry was hidden in the side panel. User navigated to a different
entry in the side panel.
<action name="LensUnifiedSidePanel.LensEntryShown">
<description>The lens entry was shown in the side panel.</description>
<action name="LensUnifiedSidePanel.LensQuery">
<description>The user issued a Lens query.</description>
<action name="LensUnifiedSidePanel.LensQuery_Followup">
<description>The user issued a follow Lens query.</description>
<action name="LensUnifiedSidePanel.LensQuery_New">
<description>The user issued a new Lens query.</description>
<action name="LensUnifiedSidePanel.LensQuery_SidePanelClosed">
Lens query was issued when the side panel is closed. So opening side panel
and focusing on lens.
<action name="LensUnifiedSidePanel.LensQuery_SidePanelOpenLens">
Lens query was issued when the side panel is open and lens is focused.
<action name="LensUnifiedSidePanel.LensQuery_SidePanelOpenNonLens">
Lens query was issued when the side panel is open. So focusing on the lens
entry in the side panel.
<action name="LensUnifiedSidePanel.LoadResultsInNewTab">
The side panel button to expand results to new tab was clicked.
<action name="LensUnifiedSidePanel.RemoveLensEntry_SearchEngineChanged">
Search engine selection changed, so removing lens entry from the side panel.
<action name="LensUnifiedSidePanel.ResultLinkClick">
The user clicked a result link in the Lens entry in the side panel.
<action name="LinkCapturingAcceptedFromInfoBar">
Recorded when the user accepts the info bar in an app browser to turn on
link capturing for that app. This only shows if the app doesn't have link
capturing enabled, and the user launched the app via the intent picker.
<action name="LinkCapturingCancelledFromInfoBar">
Recorded when the user cancels the info bar in an app browser offering to
turn on link capturing for that app. This only shows if the app doesn't have
link capturing enabled, and the user launched the app via the intent picker.
<action name="LinkCapturingIgnoredFromInfoBar">
Recorded when the user ignores the info bar in an app browser offering to
turn on link capturing for that app. This only shows if the app doesn't have
link capturing enabled, and the user launched the app via the intent picker.
<action name="LinkCapturingIPHAppBubbleAccepted">
Recorded when the user clicks on the Open App Settings button in the IPH
bubble that pops up whenever an app is opened via a link capturing workflow
due to the app being set to support links by default.
<action name="LinkCapturingIPHAppBubbleNotAccepted">
Recorded when the user dismisses or ignores the IPH bubble that pops up
whenever an app is opened via a link capturing workflow due to the app being
set to support links by default.
<action name="LinkCapturingIPHAppBubbleShown">
Recorded when the IPH bubble is shown as a result of launching an app that
has link capturing enabled and is set to support links by default.
<action name="LinkNavigationOpenedInForegroundTab">
Recorded any time the user opens a link which navigates into a new forground
<action name="LinkOpenedInNewTab">
<description>Users long pressed and opened in new tab.</description>
<action name="LoadURL">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LoadURLFromKeyword">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LocalDiscoveryNotificationsDisabled_Settings_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LocalDiscoveryNotificationsDisabled_Settings_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="LockScreen">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Login.CreateAccount">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Login_DemoUserLoginSuccess">
<obsolete>Retail mode doesn't exist anymore.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Login_Failure">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Login_GuestLoginSuccess">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Login_OffTheRecordLoginSuccess">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Login_Success">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MalwareInterstitial.Advanced">
User opened the &quot;Advanced&quot; tab on the malware interstitial.
<action name="MalwareInterstitial.Back">
<description>User heeded the malware interstitial.</description>
<action name="MalwareInterstitial.Proceed">
<description>User proceeded through the malware interstitial.</description>
<action name="MalwareInterstitial.Show">
<description>User saw a malware interstitial.</description>
<action name="ManagedMode_ClosePassphraseDialog">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ManagedMode_LocallyManagedUserCreated">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ManagedMode_MainFrameNavigation">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ManagedMode_NewManagedUserWindow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ManagedMode_OpenPassphraseDialog">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ManagedMode_OpenSettings">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ManagedMode_StartupEnableManagedSwitch">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ManagedMode_StartupManagedSwitch">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ManagedMode_StartupNoManagedSwitch">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ManagedUsers_Chromeos_Sync_Invalidated">
<obsolete>This metric hasn't triggered since M67</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ManagedUsers_Chromeos_Sync_Recovered">
<obsolete>Legacy supervised users are deprecated</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ManagedUsers_OpenProfile">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 04/2023.</obsolete>
<description>Supervised user profile activated.</description>
<action name="ManagedUsers_QuitBrowser">
<description>Supervised user quit the browser.</description>
<action name="ManagedUsers_SwitchProfile">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 04/2023.</obsolete>
<description>Supervised user switched to another profile.</description>
<action name="ManagedUsers_UploadItem_Queued">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ManagedUsers_UploadItem_Syncing">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ManagedUsers_Whitelist_Added">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 11/2020.</obsolete>
A new allowlist has been installed for a supervised user.
<action name="ManagedUsers_Whitelist_Removed">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 11/2020.</obsolete>
An allowlist has been uninstalled for a supervised user.
<action name="ManagedUsers_Whitelist_UncleanUninstall">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 11/2020.</obsolete>
Recorded at startup if an unregistered allowlist has been found. This
usually means that an uninstallation did not complete.
<action name="ManageGoogleAccount_Clicked">
Recorded when the user clicked the &quot;Manage your Google Account&quot;
link in the settings WebUI.
<action name="ManagementPageViewed">
<description>The chrome://management page was viewed.</description>
<action name="ManualFallback_Close">
The user closed the Manual Fallback view by tapping the keyboard icon.
<action name="ManualFallback_ClosePopover">
The user closed the Manual Fallback Popover view. This happens when the user
taps outside the popover.
<action name="ManualFallback_ClosePull">
The user closed the Manual Fallback view by pulling. This happens when the
user pulls enough to the right, similar to &quot;pull to refresh&quot;.
<action name="ManualFallback_CreditCard_OpenAddPaymentMethod">
The user tapped on &quot;Add Payment Method...&quot; on the Password Manual
Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_CreditCard_OpenManageCreditCard">
The user tapped on &quot;Manage credit cards&quot; on the Password Manual
Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_CreditCard_SelectCardholderName">
The user tapped on a cardholder name in the Credit Card Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_CreditCard_SelectCardNumber">
The user tapped on a credit card number in the Credit Card Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_CreditCard_SelectExpirationMonth">
The user tapped on an expiration month in the Credit Card Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_CreditCard_SelectExpirationYear">
The user tapped on an expiration year in the Credit Card Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_OpenCreditCard">
<description>The user opened Credit Card Manual Fallback view.</description>
<action name="ManualFallback_OpenPassword">
<description>The user opened the Password Manual Fallback view.</description>
<action name="ManualFallback_OpenProfile">
<description>The user opened the Profile Manual Fallback view.</description>
<action name="ManualFallback_Password_OpenManagePassword">
The user tapped on &quot;Manage passwords&quot; on the Password Manual
Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Password_OpenManageSettings">
The user opened the Password Settings submenu using the &quot;Manage
Settings...&quot; link in the Password Manual Fallback View.
<action name="ManualFallback_Password_OpenOtherPassword">
The user tapped on &quot;Use other password&quot; on the Password Manual
Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Password_SelectPassword">
The user tapped on a password in the Password Manual Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Password_SelectUsername">
The user tapped on a username in the Password Manual Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Profiles_Address1">
The user tapped on line 1 in the Address Manual Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Profiles_Address2">
The user tapped on line 2 in the Address Manual Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Profiles_City">
The user tapped on a city in the Address Manual Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Profiles_Company">
The user tapped on a company name in the Address Manual Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Profiles_Country">
The user tapped on a country in the Address Manual Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Profiles_EmailAddress">
The user tapped on an email address in the Address Manual Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Profiles_OpenManageProfiles">
The user tapped on &quot;Manage addresses&quot; on the Password Manual
Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Profiles_PhoneNumber">
The user tapped on a phone number in the Address Manual Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Profiles_SelectFirstName">
The user tapped on a first name in the Address Manual Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Profiles_SelectLastName">
The user tapped on a last name in the Address Manual Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Profiles_SelectMiddleName">
The user tapped on a middle name in the Address Manual Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Profiles_State">
The user tapped on a state / province in the Address Manual Fallback view.
<action name="ManualFallback_Profiles_Zip">
The user tapped on a zip code in the Address Manual Fallback view.
<action name="MaxButton_Clk_ExitFS">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MaxButton_Clk_Maximize">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MaxButton_Clk_Restore">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MaxButton_Maximize">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MaxButton_MaxLeft">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MaxButton_MaxRight">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MaxButton_Minimize">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MaxButton_Restore">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MaxButton_ShowBubble">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="mceAddControl">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="mceBeginUndoLevel">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="mceEndUndoLevel">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="mceInsertContent">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="mceRepaint">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="mceSave">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="mceSetStyleInfo">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Media.Audible.AddTab">
<obsolete>Removed 02/2017</obsolete>
<description>A tab became audible.</description>
<action name="Media.Audible.RemoveTab">
<obsolete>Removed 02/2017</obsolete>
<description>A tab is no longer audible.</description>
<action name="Media.Controls.Cast">
<description>The user clicked on the cast controls button.</description>
<action name="Media.Controls.CastOverlay">
<description>The user clicked on the cast overlay button.</description>
<action name="Media.Controls.ClickAnywhereToPause">
The user clicked anywhere in the video frame to pause.
<action name="Media.Controls.ClickAnywhereToPlay">
The user clicked anywhere in the video frame to play.
<action name="Media.Controls.ClosedCaptionHide">
<description>The user hid the closed caption from the controls.</description>
<action name="Media.Controls.ClosedCaptionShow">
The user showed the closed caption from the controls.
<action name="Media.Controls.Download">
<description>The user clicked on the controls' download button.</description>
<action name="Media.Controls.EnterFullscreen">
<description>The user entered fullscreen mode from the controls.</description>
<action name="Media.Controls.EnterFullscreen.EmbeddedExperience">
The user has entered fullscreen mode from the controls. Recorded only for
downloaded media on Android and is a subset of
<action name="Media.Controls.ExitFullscreen">
<description>The user left fullscreen mode from the controls.</description>
<action name="Media.Controls.ExitFullscreen.EmbeddedExperience">
The user has left fullscreen mode from the controls. Recorded only for
downloaded media on Android and is a subset of
<action name="Media.Controls.Mute">
<description>The user muted a media element from the controls.</description>
<action name="Media.Controls.OverflowClose">
<description>The user closed the overflow menu via the controls.</description>
<action name="Media.Controls.OverflowOpen">
<description>The user opened the overflow menu via the controls.</description>
<action name="Media.Controls.Pause">
<description>The user paused a media element from the controls.</description>
<action name="Media.Controls.PauseOverlay">
The user paused a media element from the pause overlay button.
<action name="Media.Controls.Play">
<description>The user played a media element from the controls.</description>
<action name="Media.Controls.PlayOverlay">
The user played a media element from the play overlay button.
<action name="Media.Controls.RemotePause">
User pauses the video using any controls apart from the media element itself
(aka remote controls: Android Wear, headset, notification, etc).
<action name="Media.Controls.RemotePlay">
User resumes the video using any controls apart from the media element
itself (aka remote controls: Android Wear, headset, notification, etc).
<action name="Media.Controls.RemoteSeekBackward">
User seeks the video backward using any controls apart from the media
element itself (aka remote controls: Android wear, headset, notification,
<action name="Media.Controls.RemoteSeekForward">
User seeks the video forward using any controls apart from the media element
itself (aka remote controls: Android wear, headset, notification, etc).
<action name="Media.Controls.ScrubbingBegin">
The user started to interact with the control's scrubber.
<action name="Media.Controls.ScrubbingEnd">
The user stopped interacting with the control's scrubber.
<action name="Media.Controls.Unmute">
<description>The user unmuted a media element from the controls.</description>
<action name="Media.Controls.VolumeChangeBegin">
The user started to interact with the control's volume slider.
<action name="Media.Controls.VolumeChangeEnd">
The user stopped interacting with the control's volume slider.
<action name="Media.Hidden">
User hid the frame containing a video making the video backgrounded.
<action name="Media.OpenPreferencesClicked">
Logs when the user clicks &quot;Open Preferences&quot;, which is a button,
that upon being clicked, triggers showing the &quot;Security &amp;
Privacy&quot; pane of macOS System Preferences.
<action name="Media.Session.BackgroundResume">
<obsolete>Removed as of 2021/02.</obsolete>
<description>User resumed a backgrounded video. Android-only.</description>
<action name="Media.Session.BackgroundSuspend">
<obsolete>Removed as of 2021/02.</obsolete>
User paused a video playing in the background or brought it to the
foreground. Android-only.
<action name="Media.Shown">
User brought the frame containing a video to the foreground.
<action name="Media.ShowSystemMediaPermissionBubble">
Logs when the user clicks the camera or microphone sliding icon which
triggers showing the &quot;Security &amp; Privacy&quot; pane of macOS System
<action name="Media.Video.RotateToFullscreen.Enter">
The user entered fullscreen by rotating their device to match the
orientation of the video. Is a subset of Media.Controls.EnterFullscreen.
<action name="Media.Video.RotateToFullscreen.Exit">
The user exited fullscreen by rotating their device so it no longer matches
the orientation of the video. Is a subset of Media.Controls.ExitFullscreen.
<action name="Media_Paused" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
Media playback was paused, either from script or controls.
<action name="Media_Play_WithGesture">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<description>A call to play() with a user gesture succeeded.</description>
<action name="Media_Playback_Ended" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>Media playback reached the end.</description>
<action name="Media_Playback_Mute_Off" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
Mute was turned off, either from script or controls.
<action name="Media_Playback_Mute_On" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<description>Mute was turned on, either from script or controls.</description>
<action name="Media_Playback_Started" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<description>Media playback started due to any cause.</description>
<action name="Media_RequestRemotePlayback">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
User requested to transfer playback to a remote player, via 'cast' button.
<action name="Media_RequestRemotePlayback_Control">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
User requested to control playback of a remote player, such as Chromecast.
<action name="Media_Seeked" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<description>Seek originating from script or controls completed.</description>
<action name="Media_SetVolume" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
Playback volume was changed, either from script or controls.
<action name="MediaApp.PDF.DefaultApp.SwitchedAway">
Records that the user used the Files App to change their default app for PDF
to a different app, including if they change it from non-MediaApp to another
non-MediaApp. Recorded only when the MediaApp is enabled as a handler for
PDF files.
<action name="MediaApp.PDF.DefaultApp.SwitchedTo">
Records that the user used the Files App to change their default app for PDF
from a different app back to MediaApp, which is the factory setting.
Recorded only when the MediaApp is enabled as a handler for PDF files.
<action name="MediaContextMenu_Controls">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MediaContextMenu_CopyVideoFrame">
User clicked on the contextual menu of a video player to copy video frame.
<action name="MediaContextMenu_EnterPictureInPicture">
User clicked on the contextual menu of a video player to enter
Picture-in-Picture mode.
<action name="MediaContextMenu_ExitPictureInPicture">
User clicked on the contextual menu of a video player to exit
Picture-in-Picture mode.
<action name="MediaContextMenu_Loop">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MediaContextMenu_SaveVideoFrameAs">
User clicked on the contextual menu of a video player to save video frame as
a file.
<action name="MediaContextMenu_SearchForVideoFrame">
User clicked on the contextual menu of a video player to search for the
video frame.
<action name="MediaIndicatorButton_Dragged">
<obsolete>Replaced with &quot;AlertIndicatorButton_Dragged&quot;.</obsolete>
User dragged the tab media indicator button; perhaps meant to drag the tab.
<action name="MediaIndicatorButton_Mute">
<obsolete>Replaced with &quot;AlertIndicatorButton_Mute&quot;.</obsolete>
User clicked the tab media indicator button to mute the tab.
<action name="MediaIndicatorButton_Unmute">
<obsolete>Replaced with &quot;AlertIndicatorButton_Unmute&quot;.</obsolete>
User clicked the tab media indicator button to unmute the tab.
<action name="MediaRouter.CastStreaming.Session.End">
<description>User ended a Cast Streaming session.</description>
<action name="MediaRouter_Icon_Click">
User clicked the MediaRouterAction icon, also known as Cast icon, to open
the Media Router dialog.
<action name="MediaRouter_Ui_Action_Filter">
User typed text into the filter input to filter the sink list. This is
triggered at most once each time the user enters the filter view of the
Media Router WebUI. As long as the user stays in the filter view, additional
actions will not be recorded for typing more text, deleting text, clearing
the field and entering new text, etc. Additionally, if the user leaves text
in the search input but leaves the filter view, entering the filter view
again will trigger the action again.
<action name="MediaRouter_Ui_Dialog_Blur">
User clicked outside the Media Router dialog, possibly in an effort to close
the dialog.
<action name="MediaRouter_Ui_Dialog_ESCToClose">
User closed the Media Router dialog by pressing the ESC key.
<action name="MediaRouter_Ui_Navigate_Help">
User clicked the Media Router help menu item, located on the Media Router
contextual menu, to open the Cast help page.
<action name="MediaRouter_Ui_Navigate_RouteDetailsToSinkList">
User explicitly clicked the back button from the route details view to
navigate to the sink list view.
<action name="MediaRouter_Ui_Navigate_SinkListToRouteDetails">
User explicitly clicked a sink to navigate to the route details view from
the sink list view.
<action name="MediaRouter_Ui_Navigate_SinkListToSource">
User explicitly clicked to navigate from the sink view to the cast mode
<action name="Menu_Take_Screenshot">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MerchantTrust.BottomSheet.NavigateLink">
Triggered when user navigates to a new link on the merchant trust bottom
<action name="MerchantTrust.Message.Tapped">
Triggered when user taps the merchant trust message.
<action name="MiddleClickedBookmarkBarFolder">
Triggered when user middle-clicks a bookmarks bar folder, resulting in all
bookmarks in the folder being opened. Applies to all folders reachable from
the bookmark bar, including subfolders and overflow.
<action name="MinButton_Clk">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Minimize_UsingKey">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MixedScript_LoadAnyway_Bubble">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Mobile.AdaptiveToolbarButton.SettingsPage.Opened">
Recorded when the adaptive toolbar settings page is opened.
<action name="Mobile.LensIOS.NewTabPageEntryPointTapped">
Recorded when the user taps the entrypoint to Lens in the New Tab Page. (iOS
<action name="Mobile.Omnibox.iOS.PastedValidURL">
User tapped the 'paste' iOS/iPadOS button into the Omnibox and the resulting
text in the Omnibox is a valid URL. iOS and iPadOS only.
<action name="Mobile.OmniboxContextMenu.LensCopiedImage">
User pressed 'Lens Copied Image' in the omnibox context menu (iOS only).
<action name="Mobile.OmniboxContextMenu.MoveAddressBarToBottom">
User pressed 'Move Address Bar To Bottom' in the omnibox context menu (iOS
<action name="Mobile.OmniboxContextMenu.MoveAddressBarToTop">
User pressed 'Move Address Bar To Top' in the omnibox context menu (iOS
<action name="Mobile.OmniboxContextMenu.SearchCopiedImage">
User pressed 'Search Copied Image' in the omnibox context menu (iOS only).
<action name="Mobile.OmniboxContextMenu.SearchCopiedText">
User pressed 'Search Copied Text' in the omnibox context menu (iOS only).
<action name="Mobile.OmniboxContextMenu.VisitCopiedLink">
User pressed 'Visit Copied Link' in the omnibox context menu (iOS only).
<action name="Mobile.OmniboxPasteButton.SearchCopiedImage">
User tapped the paste button in Omnibox's keyboard accessory to search for
an image.
<action name="Mobile.OmniboxPasteButton.SearchCopiedLink">
User tapped the paste button in Omnibox's keyboard accessory to search for a
<action name="Mobile.OmniboxPasteButton.SearchCopiedText">
User tapped the paste button in Omnibox's keyboard accessory to search for
<action name="Mobile.PasswordsSettings.BulkSavePasswordsToAccountButtonClicked">
Reported when the user clicks on the entrypoint button of the &quot;save
passwords in account&quot; section. iOS only.
Reported when the user accepts the confirmation dialog to move their local
passwords to their account. iOS only.
Reported when the user denies the confirmation dialog to move their local
passwords to their account. iOS only.
<action name="Mobile.Signin.SnackbarUndoTapped">
User tapped on 'Undo' button on a snackbar shown right after signin through
promos in bookmarks or reading list page (iOS only).
<action name="Mobile.SystemNotification.Content.Click.Downloads_Files">
The user clicked on the body of an Android notification for a file download.
This is logged at the same time as the 'Downloads - File' value is logged to
This action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="Mobile_FocusedDefocusedOmnibox_WithNoAction">
Records when a user focuses the omnibox and then defocuses it without
modifying or copying the URL. iOS only.
<action name="MobileAboutSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Chrome About Settings UI to root Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileAboutSettingsClose">
Reported when Chrome About Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileAccountsSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Accounts Settings UI to root Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileAccountsSettingsClose">
Reported when Accounts Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileActionBarShown">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 04/2020.</obsolete>
The Action Bar was shown in response to the user selecting text. Deprecated
in favor of MobileActionBarShown.Toolbar which doesn't record same data
twice. See crbug.com/1072811.
<action name="MobileActionBarShown.Floating">
The floating Action Bar was shown in response to the user selecting or
adjusting already selected text. Valid for Android M+.
<action name="MobileActionBarShown.Toolbar">
The Action Bar was shown in response to the user selecting or adjusting
already selected text. Valid for versions before Android M. See
MobileActionBarShown.Floating for Android M+.
<action name="MobileActionMode.ProcessTextIntent">
User chose to process text using one of the assist actions available in the
mobile action bar. These actions trigger an intent to interacte with another
activity, e.g. Translate.
<action name="MobileActionMode.SelectAllWasEditable">
The just-recorded SelectAll action was done in an editable field.
<action name="MobileActionMode.SelectAllWasNonEditable">
The just-recorded SelectAll action was done in a non-editable field.
<action name="MobileActionMode.Share">
The user pressed the Share option in the mobile Action Bar, or in the
floating toolbar for Android M+. The bars are shown after the user selects
<action name="MobileActionMode.WebSearch">
The user pressed the Web Search option in the mobile Action Bar, or in the
floating toolbar for Android M+. The bars are shown after the user selects
<action name="MobileAdaptiveMenuCustomize">
User selected Edit Shortcut option from the adaptive toolbar button action
menu thereby opening the toolbar shortcut preference page.
<action name="MobileAdaptiveMenuShown">
User long pressed the adaptive toolbar button and the action menu was shown.
<action name="MobileAddBookmarkViaIntent">
<obsolete>Feature removed 11/2019</obsolete>
User added a bookmark to Chrome via an intent from a third-party app.
<action name="MobileAddCreditCard.AddPaymentMethodButton">
User tapped on &quot;Add Payment Method&quot; using the settings payment
methods screen.
<action name="MobileAddCreditCard.CreditCardAdded">
User adds a valid credit card using the add credit card screen.
<action name="MobileAddCreditCard.UseCameraButton">
<obsolete>Removed from code in November 2020</obsolete>
User tapped on &quot;Use Camera&quot; from the settings add credit card
<action name="MobileAddressesSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Addresses Settings UI to root Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileAddressesSettingsClose">
Reported when Addresses Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileBandwidthSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Bandwidth Settings UI to root Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileBandwidthSettingsClose">
Reported when Bandwidth Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileBeamCallbackSuccess">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 1/2020</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileBeamInvalidAppState">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 1/2020</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileBookmark.SaveFlow.ClosedWithoutEditAction">
Recorded when a user closes the save flow without editing the boookmark.
<action name="MobileBookmark.SaveFlow.EditBookmark">
Recorded when a user taps the edit bookmark button in the save flow.
<action name="MobileBookmark.SaveFlow.EditFolder">
Recorded when a user taps the edit folder button in the save flow.
<action name="MobileBookmark.SaveFlow.Show">
Recorded when a user saves a bookmark via the improved save flow.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerAddedBookmarkUndone">
<description>The user undid added bookmark on iOS only.</description>
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerClose">
Recorded when a user closes bookmark manager on iOS or Android.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerDeleteBulk">
Recorded when a user deletes all selected bookmarks in the Android bookmark
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerDeletedEntryUndone">
<description>The user undid bookmark deletion on iOS only.</description>
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerDragReorder">
Recorded when a user drops a bookmark after a drag in the Android bookmark
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerEditBookmark">
Recorded when a user edits a bookmark in bookmark manager, on iOS or
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerEditFolder">
Recorded when a user edits a folder in bookmark manager, on iOS or Android.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerEntryDeleted">
Action indicating that a bookmark was deleted from the bookmark manager.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerEntryOpened">
A bookmark was opened from the bookmark manager. Bookmarks opened directly
from the NTP will not be counted. Instead those will be counted in the
NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.* histograms.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerEntryOpenedInIncognito">
Recorded when all selected bookmarks are opened in new incognito tabs from
the Android bookmarks manager.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerEntryOpenedInNewTab">
Recorded when all selected bookmarks are opened in new tabs from the Android
bookmarks manager.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerLongPressToggleSelect">
Recorded when a user long presses on a bookmark item to toggle selection in
the Android bookmark manager.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerMoveDown">
Recorded when a user uses the &quot;Move Down&quot; button to reorder
bookmarks in the Android bookmark manager.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerMoveToFolder">
Recorded when a user moves one bookmark to a new folder in the Android
bookmark manager.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerMoveToFolderBulk">
Recorded when a user moves all selected bookmark items to a new folder in
bookmark manager, on iOS or Android.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerMoveToFolderUndone">
<description>The user undid bookmark move on iOS only.</description>
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerMoveUp">
Recorded when a user uses the &quot;Move Up&quot; button to reorder
bookmarks in the Android bookmark manager.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerMultipleEntriesOpened">
Recorded when multi-selection is opened from the bookmark manager. Possible
that the selection is only 1 bookmark.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerOpen">
Action indictating the bookmark manager is created, either by menu or NTP
button, or by navigation.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerOpenedBookmarkEditorFromSnackbar">
The user opened the bookmark editor using the snackbar.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerOpenFolder">
Recorded when a user opens a folder on iOS and Android.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerPageOpen">
Action indictating the bookmark manager is created as a Native Page. The
porpuse of this action is to tell how many users on phones are able to get
access to bookmark manager inside of a tab.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerRemoveSelected">
Action indicating that the selected bookmark entries were deleted from the
bookmark manager.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerReopenBookmarksInSameSession">
Tracks the bookmark manager being reopened while clank was running.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerShowInFolder">
Recorded when a user uses the &quot;Show in folder&quot; button from Android
bookmark search in order to see the bookmark of interest inside of its
parent folder.
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerTapToggleSelect">
Recorded when a user taps on an item in order to select it from the Android
bookmark manager (this can only occur while in selection mode).
<action name="MobileBookmarkManagerUpdatedBookmarkUndone">
<description>The user undid bookmark update on iOS only.</description>
<action name="MobileBookmarksEditorCanceled">
The user canceled the bookmark editor view. iOS-only.
<action name="MobileBookmarksEditorDeletedBookmark">
The user deleted the bookmark in the bookmark editor view. iOS-only.
<action name="MobileBookmarksEditorOpenedFolderChooser">
The user opened the folder chooser in the bookmark editor view. iOS-only.
<action name="MobileBookmarksEditorSaved">
<description>The user saved the bookmark editor view. iOS-only.</description>
<action name="MobileBookmarksFolderChooserCanceled">
The user canceled the bookmark folder chooser view. iOS-only.
<action name="MobileBookmarksFolderChooserDone">
The user confirmed the bookmark folder chooser view. iOS-only.
<action name="MobileBookmarksFolderEditorCanceled">
The user canceled the bookmark folder editor view. iOS-only.
<action name="MobileBookmarksFolderEditorDeletedFolder">
The user deleted the folder while in the bookmark folder editor view.
<action name="MobileBookmarksFolderEditorOpenedFolderChooser">
The user opened the folder chooser in the bookmark folder editor view.
<action name="MobileBookmarksFolderEditorSaved">
The user confirmed the bookmark folder editor view. iOS-only.
<action name="MobileBookmarksManagerBulkSaveBookmarksToAccountButtonClicked">
Reported when the user clicks on the entrypoint button for batch upload from
bookmarks manager. iOS only.
<action name="MobileBookmarksManagerBulkSaveBookmarksToAccountDialogAccepted">
Reported when the user accepts the confirmation dialog to move their local
bookmarks to their account. iOS only.
<action name="MobileBookmarksManagerBulkSaveBookmarksToAccountDialogCancelled">
Reported when the user denies the confirmation dialog to move their local
bookmarks to their account. iOS only.
<action name="MobileBottomToolbarHomeButton">
<obsolete>Removed as of 2020/09/09.</obsolete>
The user tapped on the bottom toolbar's home button.
<action name="MobileBottomToolbarNewTabButton">
The user tapped on the bottom toolbar's new tab button.
<action name="MobileBottomToolbarShareButton">
The user tapped on the bottom toolbar's share button.
<action name="MobileBottomToolbarShowMenu">
<obsolete>Removed as of 5/2020</obsolete>
<description>The bottom toolbar's overflow menu was shown.</description>
<action name="MobileBottomToolbarTabSwitcherButtonInBrowsingView">
The user tapped on the bottom toolbar's tab switcher button.
<action name="MobileBreakpadUploadAttempt" not_user_triggered="true">
Deprecated 2017/02/28 due to confusing semantics and lack of use.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileBreakpadUploadFail" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of at least 2017/02/28.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="MobileBreakpadUploadFailure" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 5/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileBreakpadUploadSuccess" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of at least 2017/02/28.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileClearBrowsingDataClose">
Reported when Clear Browsing Data Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileClearBrowsingDataTriggeredFromLegacyUI">
Clear browsing data button was tapped on the legacy Clear browsing data UI.
<action name="MobileClearBrowsingDataTriggeredFromUIRefresh">
Clear browsing data button was tapped on the UI Refresh Clear browsing data
<action name="MobileClipboardChanged">
Emitted when Chrome detects that the clipboard contains new content.
On iOS: this occurs either when Chrome enters the foreground and notices
that the content of the clipboard changed, or when the users selects the
omnibox and Chrome notices that the content of the clipboard changed.
On Android: this occurs when Chrome starts up or when the clipboard changes
while Chrome is running (in the foreground or not).
<action name="MobileCloseAllTabsDialog.Cancelled">
Recorded when user cancelled closing all tabs with the cancel button.
<action name="MobileCloseAllTabsDialog.CancelledWithTouchOutside">
Recorded when user cancelled closing all tabs by tapping outside the dialog.
<action name="MobileCloseAllTabsDialog.ClosedAllTabs">
Recorded when user closed all tabs from the close all tabs dialog.
<action name="MobileComeToForeground">
Chrome has come to the foreground. Only emitted if the foreground content is
an Activity that views web content, e.g., not settings. This will be emitted
everytime the Activity goes from entirely hidden to at least partially
visible. Partially visible means that at least some portion of the Activity
is visible, but the Activity is not interactable, e.g. being covered by the
share dialog, javascript alert dialogs, the voice input dialog, etc.
Please note, this has the potential to be called many times for a given
session. For further details, see the Android activity concept of onPause
and onResume for a better understanding of what circumstances can trigger
Session tracking is based on the same visibility concept, but a session can
span multiple live Android Activities, while this metric will be logged when
each applicable Activity goes to the foreground (per above). Since session
tracking uses onPause and onResume, this metric is also tied to that to
ensure we capture the event.
<action name="MobileContentSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Content Settings UI to root Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileContentSettingsClose">
Is reported when the Content Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileContextMenuCopyImageLinkAddress">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuCopyLinkAddress">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuCopyLinkText">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuDownloadImage">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuDownloadLink">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuDownloadVideo">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuImage">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuLink">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuOpenImageInNewTab">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuOpenLink">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuOpenLinkInIncognito">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuOpenLinkInNewTab">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuOpenOriginalImageInNewTab">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuSaveImage">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuSearchByImage">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuShareLink">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 5/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuText">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuVideo">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileContextMenuViewImage">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileCreditCardScanner.Close">
<obsolete>Removed from code in November 2020</obsolete>
User closed the Credit Card Scanner without scanning a credit card.
<action name="MobileCreditCardScanner.Error">
<obsolete>Removed from code in November 2020</obsolete>
User closed the Credit Card Scanner from an error dialog.
<action name="MobileCreditCardScanner.ScannedCard">
<obsolete>Removed from code in November 2020</obsolete>
User scanned a credit card using the Credit Card Scanner.
<action name="MobileCreditCardScanner.ScannedCardNumberModified">
<obsolete>Removed from code in November 2020</obsolete>
User scanned a credit card using the Credit Card Scanner and scanned card
number was modified.
<action name="MobileCreditCardScanner.ScannedExpiryMonthModified">
<obsolete>Removed from code in November 2020</obsolete>
User scanned a credit card using the Credit Card Scanner and scanned card
expiry month was modified.
<action name="MobileCreditCardScanner.ScannedExpiryYearModified">
<obsolete>Removed from code in November 2020</obsolete>
User scanned a credit card using the Credit Card Scanner and scanned card
expiry year was modified.
<action name="MobileCreditCardSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Credit Card Settings UI to root Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileCreditCardSettingsClose">
Reported when Credit Card Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileCrossDeviceTabOpenedOrSent">
Recorded when a user opens a tab from another device or intentionally sends
a tab to another device (i.e. send tab to self). Android only.
<action name="MobileCustomFeedback">
Deprecated 12/2018. CustomFeedback never shipped to 100% and is no longer
planned for launch.
<description>Custom Feedback dialog is shown.</description>
<action name="MobileCustomRowCameraSearch">
Records when a user starts a camera search from the omnibox' assistive view.
<action name="MobileCustomRowLensSearch">
Records when a user starts a Lens search from the omnibox' assistive view.
<action name="MobileCustomRowVoiceSearch">
Records when a user starts a voice search from the omnibox' assistive view.
<action name="MobileDefaultBrowserViewIntent">
Records when an iOS user opens the app from the default browser URL open.
<action name="MobileDefaultPageModeSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Default Page Mode Settings UI to Content
Settings screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileDefaultPageModeSettingsClose">
Reported when Default Page Mode UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileDefaultPageModeSettingsToggled">
Reported when the user selects a default mode (Mobile/Desktop) for page
load. iOS only.
<action name="MobileDownloadFileUIInstallGoogleDrive">
Removed in 12/2019 after adds of IOSDownloadFileUIGoogleDrive's histogram.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
User has requested installation of Google Drive app from the Download file
<action name="MobileDownloadFileUIShown">
Removed as of 11/2019 after adds of DownloadFileUI's histogram.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>User was presented with the Download file UI.</description>
<action name="MobileDownloadFolderUIShownFromDownloadManager">
User pressed &quot;Open in Downloads&quot; button from the download manager.
<action name="MobileDownloadFolderUIShownFromToolsMenu">
User pressed &quot;Downloads&quot; button from the tools menu.
<action name="MobileDownloadRetryDownload">
User attempted to retry downloading a file after the download failed.
<action name="MobileDownloadRetryUpload">
User attempted to retry uploading a file after the upload failed.
<action name="MobileExitStackView">
User exited the Android tab switcher due to one of the listed actions,
opened a new normal/incognito tab, selected an existed tab, or pressed
system back button.
<action name="MobileExternalActionURLOpened">
Reported when the application was launched via an External Action URL.
<action name="MobileExternalActionURLOpenedWithDefaultBrowserSettings">
Reported when the application was launched via an External Action URL with
the DefaultBrowserSettings action.
<action name="MobileExternalActionURLOpenedWithOpenNTP">
Reported when the application was launched via an External Action URL with
the OpenNTP action.
<action name="MobileExternalNavigationDispatched">
Records when the system started a VIEW intent on a navigation click. This
happens when there is another application in the system that's not a browser
and that can handle this URL (e.g. Maps app for http://maps.google.com/
<action name="MobileExternalNavigationReceived">
Records when a user was given a choice between using Chrome and an installed
app and chose Chrome.
<action name="MobileFakeboxNTPTapped">
<description>User pressed the fakebox on NTP. iOS only.</description>
<action name="MobileFakeViewNTPTapped">
User pressed the fake view on the top of NTP. iOS only.
<action name="MobileFirstEditInOmnibox">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 12/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileFirstPartyViewIntent">
Records when an iOS user opens the app from a Google first party app.
<action name="MobileFocusedFakeboxOnNtp">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 12/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileFocusedOmniboxNotOnNtp">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 12/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileFocusedOmniboxOnNtp">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 12/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileFre.SignInShown">
Deprecated 10/2021 since this is already recorded as part of the histogram
User was presented with the sign-in dialog during the First Run Experience.
This metric is specific to Android.
<action name="MobileFreAttemptSignIn">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 5/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileFreSignInSuccessful">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 5/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileFreSkipSignIn">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 5/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileFreTOSLinkTapped">
User tapped on the TOS link on the first run welcome view. This metric is
only recorded if and after the TOS are accepted. This metric is specific to
<action name="MobileFreUMALinkTapped">
User tapped on the UMA link on the first run welcome view. This metric is
only recorded if and after the TOS are accepted. This metric is specific to
<action name="MobileFullscreenExitedManually">
Reported when user taps on the collapsed toolbars to deploy it and exit
fullscreen mode. iOS only.
<action name="MobileGoogleServicesSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Google Services Settings UI to root
Settings screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileGoogleServicesSettingsClose">
Reported when Google Services Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileGoToBackground">
Chrome has gone to the background. Only emitted if the previously
foregrounded content was an Activity that views web content, e.g., not
settings. Chrome may be partially visible at this point, but is not directly
in the foreground/interactable. Partially visible means that at least some
portion of the Activity is visible, but the Activity is not interactable,
e.g. being covered by the share dialog, javascript alert dialogs, the voice
input dialog, etc.
Please note, this has the potential to be called many times for a given
session. For further details, see the Android activity concept of onPause
and onResume for a better understanding of what circumstances can trigger
Session tracking is based on the same visibility concept, but a session can
span multiple live Android Activities, while this metric will be logged when
each applicable Activity goes to the background (per above). Since session
tracking uses onPause and onResume, this metric is also tied to that to
ensure we capture the event.
<action name="MobileHandoffSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Handoff Settings UI to root Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileHandoffSettingsClose">
Reported when Handoff Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileHelpAndFeedback">
<description>The Help and Feedback dialog is shown.</description>
<action name="MobileHistoryClose">
<description>Recorded when a user closes History on iOS.</description>
<action name="MobileHistoryPage_EntryLinkOpenNewIncognitoTab">
User opened a History entry in a new Incognito Tab.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="MobileHistoryPage_EntryLinkOpenNewTab">
User opened a History entry in a new Tab.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="MobileHttpAuthCancel">
User cancelled HTTP Authentication dialog. iOS only.
<action name="MobileHttpAuthSignIn">
User confirmed provided credentials in HTTP Authentication dialog. iOS only.
<action name="MobileInactiveTabGridEntered">
User entered the iOS Inactive Tabs grid (from anywhere).
<action name="MobileInactiveTabGridExited">
User exited the iOS Inactive Tabs grid (by any means).
<action name="MobileInactiveTabsCloseAll">
User pressed 'Close All Inactive' from the inactive tabs view. iOS only.
<action name="MobileInactiveTabsCloseAllConfirm">
User pressed 'Close All' from the 'Close All Inactive' confirmation toast.
iOS only.
<action name="MobileInactiveTabsSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Inactive Tabs Settings UI to Tabs Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileInactiveTabsSettingsClose">
Reported when Inactive Tabs Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileIncognitoBiometricAuthenticationRequested">
The user has started biometric authentication for incognito access. iOS
<action name="MobileKeyboardAccessoryOpenPasswordManager">
Reported when user opens the Password Manager page from keyboard accessory.
iOS only.
<action name="MobileKeyboardShortcutUsed">
The user has used a keyboard shortcut to perform an app action. The list of
shortcuts for which this is emitted may not be comprehensive, and the goal
of this metric is to estimate high-level usage of keyboard shortcuts for
general-purpose actions, for example, opening a new tab, or saving an
offline page. Android only.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandAddToBookmarks">
The user has performed the key command to add the current page to Bookmarks.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandAddToReadingList">
The user has performed the key command to add the current page to Reading
<action name="MobileKeyCommandBack">
<description>The user has performed the key command to go back.</description>
<action name="MobileKeyCommandClearBrowsingData">
The user has performed the key command to clear browsing data.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandClose">
The user has performed the key command to close a modal.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandCloseAll">
The user has performed the key command to close all tabs.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandCloseTab">
The user has performed the key command to close the current tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandFind">
The user has performed the key command to find a string in the page.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandFindNext">
The user has performed the key command to find the next string match.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandFindPrevious">
The user has performed the key command to find the previous string match.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandForward">
The user has performed the key command to go forward.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandGoToIncognitoTabGrid">
The user has performed the key command to go to the incognito tabs.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandGoToRegularTabGrid">
The user has performed the key command to go to the regular tab grid.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandGoToRemoteTabGrid">
The user has performed the key command to go to the remote tabs.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandGoToTabGrid">
The user has performed the key command to go to the tab grid.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandOpenLocation">
The user has performed the key command to open a location (aka focus the
<action name="MobileKeyCommandOpenNewIncognitoTab">
The user has performed the key command to open a new incognito tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandOpenNewIncognitoWindow">
The user has performed the key command to open a new incognito window.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandOpenNewRegularTab">
The user has performed the key command to open a new regular tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandOpenNewTab">
The user has performed the key command to open a new tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandOpenNewWindow">
The user has performed the key command to open a new window.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandReload">
The user has performed the key command to reload the page.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandReopenLastClosedTab">
The user has performed the key command to reopen the last closed tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandReportAnIssue">
The user has performed the key command to report an issue.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandSearchTabs">
The user has performed the key command to search a tab in the tab grid.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowBookmarks">
The user has performed the key command to show Bookmarks.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowDownloads">
The user has performed the key command to show Downloads.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowFirstTab">
The user has performed the key command to show the first tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowHelp">
The user has performed the key command to show Help.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowHistory">
The user has performed the key command to show History.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowLastTab">
The user has performed the key command to show the last tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowNextTab">
The user has performed the key command to show the next tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowPreviousTab">
The user has performed the key command to show the previous tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowReadingList">
The user has performed the key command to show Reading List.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowSettings">
The user has performed the key command to show Settings.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowTab2">
The user has performed the key command to show the second tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowTab3">
The user has performed the key command to show the third tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowTab4">
The user has performed the key command to show the fourth tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowTab5">
The user has performed the key command to show the fifth tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowTab6">
The user has performed the key command to show the sixth tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowTab7">
The user has performed the key command to show the seventh tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandShowTab8">
The user has performed the key command to show the eighth tab.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandStop">
The user has performed the key command to stop loading the page.
<action name="MobileKeyCommandUndo">
The user has performed the key command to undo the command which closes all
<action name="MobileKeyCommandVoiceSearch">
The user has performed the key command to start a voice search.
<action name="MobileLanguageDetailsSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Language Details Settings to root Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileLanguageDetailsSettingsClose">
Reported when Language Details Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileLocationBarTapped">
The user has tapped location bar, which will focus the omnibox. iOS only.
<action name="MobileLockdownModeSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Safe Browsing Standard Protection Settings
UI to root Settings screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileLockdownModeSettingsClose">
Reported when Safe Browsing Standard Protection Settings UI was dismissed.
iOS only.
<action name="MobileMagicStackOpenPasswordCheckup">
Reported when user opens the Password Checkup page from the Magic Stack. iOS
<action name="MobileMenuAddToBookmarks">
User pressed the star icon in the app menu to add or remove a bookmark for
the current page.
<action name="MobileMenuAddToHomescreen">
<description>User pressed 'Add to homescreen' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuAddToOrEditBookmark">
User pressed the star icon in the app menu to add or edit a bookmark for the
current page.
<action name="MobileMenuAddToReadingList">
<description>User pressed 'Add to reading list' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuAllBookmarks">
<description>User pressed 'Bookmarks' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuBack">
<obsolete>Obsolete as of 5/2015</obsolete>
<description>User pressed the back icon in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuBackward">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 3/2021</obsolete>
<description>User pressed the back icon in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuClearBrowsingData">
<description>User pressed 'Clear Browsing Data' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuCloseAllIncognitoTabs">
User pressed 'Close all incognito tabs' in the app menu.
<action name="MobileMenuCloseAllTabs">
<description>User pressed 'Close all tabs' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuCloseTab">
<description>User pressed 'Close tab' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuDataSaverOpened">
<description>User opened the data saver item in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuDeleteFromReadingList">
User deleted from their reading list in the app menu.
<action name="MobileMenuDirectShare">
User pressed the application icon next to 'Share' to share directly with the
most recently used application.
<action name="MobileMenuDisablePriceTracking">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuDownloadManager">
<description>User pressed 'Downloads' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuDownloadPage">
User pressed the download page icon in the app menu.
<action name="MobileMenuEnablePriceTracking">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuFeedback">
<description>User pressed 'Help and Feedback' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuFindInPage">
<description>User pressed 'Find in page' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuFollow">
<description>User pressed the follow option in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuForward">
<description>User pressed the forward icon in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuFullscreen">
<obsolete>This menu item was never added to the app menu.</obsolete>
<description>User pressed 'Fullscreen' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuGroupTabs">
<description>User pressed 'Group tabs' in the tab switcher menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuHelp">
<description>User pressed 'Help' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuHistory">
<description>User pressed 'History' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuIncognitoSearch">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 3/2023</obsolete>
The user tapped the &quot;Incognito Search&quot; button in the mobile menu
displayed when long pressing the New Tab button.
<action name="MobileMenuLensCopiedImage">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 3/2023</obsolete>
<description>User pressed 'Lens Copied Image' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuMoveToOtherWindow">
User pressed 'Move to other window' in the app menu.
<action name="MobileMenuNewIncognitoTab">
<description>User pressed 'New incognito tab' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuNewTab">
<description>User pressed 'New tab' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuNewTab.StartSurfaceFinale">
User pressed 'New tab' in the app menu when start surface finale is enabled.
<action name="MobileMenuNewWindow">
<description>User pressed 'New Window' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuOpenTabs">
<obsolete>This action was renamed to MobileMenuRecentTabs.</obsolete>
<description>User pressed 'Recent tabs' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuOpenWebApk">
User successfully opened a WebAPK by pressing 'Open WebAPK' in the app menu.
<action name="MobileMenuPasswords">
<description>User pressed 'Passwords' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuPasteAndGo">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 3/2023</obsolete>
<description>User pressed 'Paste and Go' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuPinTab">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 2023-08</obsolete>
User tapped on the 'Pin Tab' action in the iOS overflow menu.
<action name="MobileMenuPriceNotifications">
<description>User pressed 'Track Price' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuPrint">
<description>User pressed 'Print' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuQuit">
<obsolete>This menu item was never added to the app menu.</obsolete>
<description>User pressed 'Quit' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuReadAloud">
<description>User pressed 'Listen to this page' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuReadingList">
<description>User pressed 'Reading List' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuReadLater">
<description>User pressed 'Add to Reading List' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuRecentTabs">
<description>User pressed 'Recent tabs' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuReload">
User pressed the reload option in the app menu. This was added in M55. Prior
to M55, the menu reload counts were combined with the toolbar counts, which
were all reported as MobileToolbarReload.
<action name="MobileMenuReportAnIssue">
<description>User pressed 'Report an Issue' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuRequestDesktopSite">
User pressed 'Request Desktop Site' in the app menu.
<action name="MobileMenuRequestMobileSite">
<description>User pressed 'Request Mobile Site' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuScanQRCode">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 3/2023</obsolete>
<description>User pressed 'Scan QR Code' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuSearch">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 3/2023</obsolete>
The user tapped the &quot;New Search&quot; button in the mobile menu
displayed when long pressing the New Tab button.
<action name="MobileMenuSearchCopiedImage">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 3/2023</obsolete>
<description>User pressed 'Search Copied Image' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuSelectTabs">
User pressed 'Select tabs' in the mobile tab switcher.
<action name="MobileMenuSettings">
<description>User pressed 'Settings' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuSettingsAction">
User pressed the 'Settings' action in the app menu (iOS).
<action name="MobileMenuShare">
<description>User pressed 'Share' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuShow">
<description>User opened the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuSiteInformation">
<description>User pressed 'Site Information' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuStop">
<description>User pressed the stop option in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuTextZoom">
<description>User pressed 'Zoom Text' in the app menu</description>
<action name="MobileMenuToolbarMenuTriggered">
User triggered the presentation of a context menu on the toolbar
<action name="MobileMenuTranslate">
<description>User pressed the 'Translate' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuUnfollow">
<description>User pressed the unfollow option in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuUnpinTab">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 2023-08</obsolete>
User tapped on the 'Unpin Tab' action in the iOS overflow menu.
<action name="MobileMenuVoiceSearch">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 3/2023</obsolete>
<description>User pressed 'Voice Search' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuWhatsNew">
<description>User pressed 'What's New' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMenuWindowManager">
<description>User pressed 'Manage windows' in the app menu.</description>
<action name="MobileMessagesBadgeAcceptedTapped">
User tapped on an accepted Infobar Message badge which displayed the Modal.
<action name="MobileMessagesBadgeNonAcceptedTapped">
User tapped on a non-accepted Infobar Message badge which displayed the
<action name="MobileMessagesBannerDraggedDown">
User dragged down the Infobar Message Banner which expanded it into a Modal.
<action name="MobileMessagesBannerTapped">
User tapped the Infobar Message Banner which expanded it into a Modal.
<action name="MobileMessagesModalAcceptedTapped">
<description>User accepted the Infobar Modal main action.</description>
<action name="MobileMessagesModalCancelledTapped">
User dismissed the Infobar Modal without any action.
<action name="MobileMessagesModalNever">
User dismissed both the Infobar Modal and the InfobarBadge.
<action name="MobileMessagesModalSettings">
User dismissed the Infobar Modal by opening the Infobar Settings.
<action name="MobileMessagesOverflowBadgeShown" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>An Infobar Message overflow badge is shown.</description>
<action name="MobileMessagesOverflowBadgeTapped">
<description>User tapped on an Infobar Message overflow badge.</description>
<action name="MobileMWSession">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileNewInstanceLaunchedFromDraggedLink">
The user dragged a link out of Chrome to open it in a new or existing
instance of ChromeTabbedActivity. Recorded for Android only.
<action name="MobileNewTabOpened" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileNewTabOpenedTabStrip">
Deprecated as of 8/2019. Replaced with MobileNewTabOpened.TabStrip.
Users tapped '+' button on the tab strip, causing a new tab to be created in
the group.
<action name="MobileNTP.Interests.Click">
Android: The user clicked on an Interest item shown on the NTP.
<action name="MobileNTP.Interests.Dismissed">
Android: The user dismissed the page showing the Interests without clicking
on any of them.
<action name="MobileNTP.Interests.OpenDialog">
<description>User opened the interests dialog.</description>
<action name="MobileNTP.Snippets.Click">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2016</obsolete>
Android: User clicked on a snippet card into the host website.
<action name="MobileNTP.Snippets.Scrolled">
Android: User scrolled through the snippet cards. Recorded at the beginning
of the scroll event.
<action name="MobileNTP.Snippets.ScrolledAboveTheFold">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 5/2016</obsolete>
Android: User scrolled above the fold (not reading snippets cards).
<action name="MobileNTP.Snippets.ScrolledBelowTheFold">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 5/2016</obsolete>
Android: User scrolled to the snippet cards below the fold.
<action name="MobileNTP.Snippets.ShowLess">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 4/2016</obsolete>
Android: User clicked on a snippet card to hide the bigger summary.
<action name="MobileNTP.Snippets.ShowMore">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 4/2016</obsolete>
Android: User clicked on a snippet card to reveal a bigger summary.
<action name="MobileNTP.Snippets.VisitEnd">
Android: User stopped reading the article linked by an opened (clicked)
snippet card.
<action name="MobileNTP.Snippets.VisitEndBackInNTP">
Android: User navigated back to the NTP after reading an opened (clicked)
snippet card.
<action name="MobileNTPBookmark">
Deprecated as of 01/2017. Replaced with MobileBookmarkManagerEntryOpened.
Action indicating the user has opened a bookmark from the bookmark manager.
<action name="MobileNTPExploreSites">
Recorded when a user clicks on an Explore Sites category tile on the NTP.
<action name="MobileNTPForeignSession">
Deprecated as of 01/2017. Replaced with
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileNTPIdentityDiscTapped">
Recorded when a user taps on the Identity Disc on NTP.
<action name="MobileNTPMostVisited">
<description>Recorded when a user clicks on a Most Visited tile.</description>
<action name="MobileNTPOpenedInNewTab">
The user manually created a New Tab Page (NTP) in a new tab that has not
been shown before. This includes the initial tab (when starting Chrome).
<action name="MobileNTPPaused">
The New Tab Page (NTP) was open when Chrome was backgrounded by the user.
<action name="MobileNTPRecentlyClosed">
Deprecated as of 01/2017. Replaced with
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileNTPShowBookmarks">
<description>The user tapped the bookmarks icon on the NTP.</description>
<action name="MobileNTPShowHistory">
<description>The user tapped the history icon on the NTP.</description>
<action name="MobileNTPShowMostVisited" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>New Tab Page presented Most Visited website tiles.</description>
<action name="MobileNTPShown">
The New Tab Page (NTP) was loaded or brought to foreground by the user.
<action name="MobileNTPShowReadingList">
<description>The user tapped the reading list icon on the NTP.</description>
<action name="MobileNTPShowRecentTabs">
<description>The user tapped the recent list icon on the NTP.</description>
<action name="MobileNTPShowWhatsNew">
<description>The user tapped the what's new icon on the NTP.</description>
<action name="MobileNTPSwitchToBookmarks">
Removed with deprecation of Bookmark suggestions category.
Action indicating the user has clicked the boomkark button on NTP to swith
to the bookmark manager.
<action name="MobileNTPSwitchToDownloadManager">
Removed with deprecation of Download suggestions category.
Android: User clicked on the &quot;More&quot; card at the end of the section
of Downloads suggestions on the NTP to open the Download Manager UI.
<action name="MobileNTPSwitchToIncognito">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 5/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileNTPSwitchToMostVisited">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 5/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileNTPSwitchToOpenTabs">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileOmniboxClipboardChanged">
Replaced with MobileOmniboxClipboardChanged in April 2017.
Emitted when Chrome detects that the clipboard contains a new URL.
On iOS: this occurs either when Chrome enters the foreground and notices
that the content of the clipboard changed, or when the clipboard changes
while Chrome is in the foreground.
On Android: this occurs when Chrome starts up or when the clipboard changes
while Chrome is running (in the foreground or not).
<action name="MobileOmniboxDeleteGesture">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="MobileOmniboxDeleteRequested">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="MobileOmniboxDeleteUrl">
The user cleared the contents of the omnibox via the delete button.
<action name="MobileOmniboxFocused" not_user_triggered="true">
Omnibox focused (either directly or through one of the shortcuts). iOS only.
<action name="MobileOmniboxFocusedLensShown" not_user_triggered="true">
Mobile Omnibox Lens button shown when Omnibox focused.
<action name="MobileOmniboxLens">
<description>Mobile Omnibox Lens button clicked.</description>
<action name="MobileOmniboxLensShown" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>Mobile Omnibox Lens button shown.</description>
<action name="MobileOmniboxRefineSuggestion">
Deprecated 07/2017. Replaced by MobileOmniboxRefineSuggestion.Query and
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileOmniboxRefineSuggestion.Search">
User used the refinement arrow in an omnibox search suggestion to copy the
text of the suggestion into the omnibox.
<action name="MobileOmniboxRefineSuggestion.Url">
User used the refinement arrow in an omnibox URL suggestion to copy the text
of the suggestion into the omnibox.
<action name="MobileOmniboxSearch">
Removed Sep 2016 because the name kept misleading people. Replaced with
MobileOmniboxUse, which has the same semantics.
User used the omnibox to go somewhere. The action doesn't have to lead to a
search page (except on iOS, where this is only recorded for search-type
<action name="MobileOmniboxShortcutsOpenBookmarks">
The user clicked the Bookmarks shortcut in Omnibox popup shortcuts. iOS
<action name="MobileOmniboxShortcutsOpenHistory">
The user clicked the History shortcut in Omnibox popup shortcuts. iOS only.
<action name="MobileOmniboxShortcutsOpenMostVisitedItem">
The user clicked one of the Most Visited tiles in Omnibox popup shortcuts.
iOS only.
<action name="MobileOmniboxShortcutsOpenReadingList">
The user clicked the Reading List shortcut in Omnibox popup shortcuts. iOS
<action name="MobileOmniboxShortcutsOpenRecentTabs">
The user clicked the Recent Tabs shortcut in Omnibox popup shortcuts. iOS
<action name="MobileOmniboxUse">
User used the omnibox to go somewhere. The action doesn't have to lead to a
search page.
<action name="MobileOmniboxUse.GridTabSwitcher">
<obsolete>From 04/2021 use MobileOmniboxUse.StartSurface instead.</obsolete>
User used the omnibox while it is showing on top of the grid tab switcher.
<action name="MobileOmniboxUse.StartSurface">
User used the omnibox while it is showing on the start surface.
<action name="MobileOmniboxVoiceSearch">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobilePageLoaded" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobilePageLoadedDesktopUserAgent" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobilePageLoadedWithAccessory" not_user_triggered="true">
Reported when a web page is loaded with a connected hardware accessory
including one or more of keyboard, mouse, touchpad, trackball, and stylus
devices. Android only.
<action name="MobilePageLoadedWithKeyboard" not_user_triggered="true">
Reported when a web page is loaded with a connected hardware keyboard.
Android only.
<action name="MobilePageLoadedWithMouse" not_user_triggered="true">
Reported when a web page is loaded with a connected mouse. Android only.
<action name="MobilePageLoadedWithToEdge" not_user_triggered="true">
Reported when a web page is loaded with edge to edge drawing enabled for the
page. Android only.
<action name="MobilePasswordBreachOpenPasswordManager">
Reported when user opens the Password Manager page from the password breach
view. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordCheckupSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Password Checkup Settings UI to root
Settings screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordCheckupSettingsClose">
Reported when Password Checkup Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordDetailsCopy">
Reported when user copies a credential's site, username or passwords from
the password details view. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordDetailsSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Password Details Settings UI to root
Settings screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordDetailsSettingsClose">
Reported when Password Details Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordDetailsViewPassword">
Reported when user taps the eye icon to view a password from the password
details view. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordInfobarModalOpenPasswordManager">
Reported when user opens the Password Manager page from a password infobar
modal. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordIssuesCompromisedOpen">
Reported when user opens the compromised password issues page. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordIssuesOpenPasswordDetails">
Reported when user opens the password details page from the password issues
page. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordIssuesReusedOpen">
Reported when user opens the reused password issues page. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordIssuesSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Password Issues Settings UI to root
Settings screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordIssuesSettingsClose">
Reported when Password Issues Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordIssuesWeakOpen">
Reported when user opens the weak password issues page. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordManagerAddPassword">
Reported when user adds a password from the Password Manager page. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordManagerOpenPasswordCheckup">
Reported when user opens the Password Checkup page from the Password
Manager. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordManagerOpenPasswordDetails">
Reported when user opens the password details page from the Password
Manager. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordManagerSearchPasswords">
Reported when user uses the Password Manager search bar to search their
passwords. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordsSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Passwords Settings UI to root Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePasswordsSettingsClose">
Reported when Passwords Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePopupMenuSwipeToSelect">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 3/2023</obsolete>
The user selected an option in the Popup Menu without lifting the finger
from the LongPress action.
<action name="MobilePreviewPageBack">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 7/2015</obsolete>
When user navigates back, using either system back or toolbar back button,
from the preview page.
<action name="MobilePreviewPageReload">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 7/2015</obsolete>
User pressed reload button while the preview page is being shown.
<action name="MobilePreviewPageSingleTap">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 7/2015</obsolete>
User taped on the page while the preview page is being shown.
<action name="MobilePreviewPageTabClose">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 7/2015</obsolete>
<description>User closes the tab while preview page is loaded.</description>
<action name="MobilePriceNotificationsSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Price Notifications Settings UI to root
Settings screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePriceNotificationsSettingsClose">
Reported when Price Notifications Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePrivacySafeBrowsingSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Privacy Safe Browsing Settings UI to root
Settings screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePrivacySafeBrowsingSettingsClose">
Reported when Privacy Safe Browsing Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePrivacySettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Privacy Settings UI to root Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePrivacySettingsClose">
Reported when Privacy Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobilePullGestureCloseTab">
Emitted on iOS when over-scroll action touch gesture closes current tab.
This fires only after the triggering touch is released while the refresh
effect has been pulled beyond the activation threshold.
<action name="MobilePullGestureNewTab">
Emitted on iOS when over-scroll action touch gesture opens a new tab. This
fires only after the triggering touch is released while the refresh effect
has been pulled beyond the activation threshold.
<action name="MobilePullGestureReload">
Emitted on Android and iOS when a pull-to-refresh touch gesture initiates a
page reload. This fires only after the triggering touch is released while
the refresh effect has been pulled beyond the activation threshold.
<action name="MobilePullGestureReloadNTP">
Emitted on Android when a pull-to-refresh touch gesture initiates a NTP
reload. This fires only after the triggering touch is released while the
refresh effect has been pulled beyond the activation threshold.
<action name="MobileQRScannerClose">
<description>User closed the QR Scanner without scanning a code.</description>
<action name="MobileQRScannerError">
<description>User closed the QR Scanner from an error dialog.</description>
<action name="MobileQRScannerScannedCode">
<description>User scanned a code using the QR Scanner.</description>
<action name="MobileQRScannerTorchOn">
<description>User switched on torch in the QR Scanner.</description>
<action name="MobileReadingListAccessibilityClose">
Recorded when a user closes Reading List on iOS by performing a VoiceOver
dismiss action.
<action name="MobileReadingListAdd">
User added an entry to the ReadingList from inside Chrome.
<action name="MobileReadingListClose">
Recorded when a user closes Reading List on iOS by tapping the
dismiss(&quot;Done&quot;) button.
<action name="MobileReadingListDeleteEntry">
User deleted a single entry from the ReadingList using swipe to delete.
<action name="MobileReadingListDeleteFromSnackbarUndo">
Recorded when the user clicks on the &quot;undo&quot; button from the
snackbar which is shown when items are added to the reading list, to remove
the new items.
<action name="MobileReadingListDeleteRead">
User deleted all the read entries of the ReadingList using 'Delete All
<action name="MobileReadingListDeleteSelected">
User deleted the selected entries from the ReadingList.
<action name="MobileReadingListMarkRead">
User marked one or multiple ReadingList entries as 'Read'.
<action name="MobileReadingListMarkUnread">
User marked one or multiple ReadingList entries as 'Unread'.
<action name="MobileReadingListOpen">
User opened a ReadingList entry.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="MobileReceivedExternalIntent">
Deprecated as of 06/2021. Replaced by MobileTabbedModeViewIntentFromApp and
A VIEW intent was received by the tabbed mode activity. This will combine
intents sent by external application as well as Chrome itself. This does not
cover all intent types handled by Chrome. Use
MobileTabbedModeViewIntentFromApp and MobileTabbedModeViewIntentFromChrome
for a complete picture.
<action name="MobileReceivedExternalIntent.App">
Deprecated as of 06/2021. Replaced by MobileTabbedModeViewIntentFromApp.
A VIEW intent was received by the tabbed mode activity from an external
<action name="MobileReceivedExternalIntent.Chrome">
Deprecated as of 06/2021. Replaced by MobileTabbedModeViewIntentFromChrome.
A VIEW intent was received by the tabbed mode activity from Chrome. This is
only recorded for intent types that are also allowed from external apps.
<action name="MobileRecentTabManagerOpenAllTabsFromOtherDevice">
The user has selected to Open all tabs from other device in Recent Tabs.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="MobileRecentTabManagerRecentBulkEventOpened">
A recently closed bulk event entry was opened from the recent tabs manager
on Android. This corresponds to a set of tabs and/or groups that are being
restored together. This does not count single tabs which are counted in
MobileRecentTabManagerRecentTabOpened or single groups which are counted in
<action name="MobileRecentTabManagerRecentGroupOpened">
A recently closed group entry was opened from the recent tabs manager on.
Android. This corresponds to a group of tabs that are being restored
together. This does not count single tabs which is counted in
MobileRecentTabManagerRecentTabOpened or bulk entries multiple tabs and/or
groups which are counted in MobileRecentTabManagerRecentBulkEventOpened.
<action name="MobileRecentTabManagerRecentTabOpened">
A recently closed tab was opened from the recent tabs manager. Recently
closed tabs opened directly from the NTP will not be counted. Instead those
will be counted in the NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.* histograms.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="MobileRecentTabManagerRecentTabOpenedSearchResult">
A recently closed tab was opened from the recent tabs manager search
<action name="MobileRecentTabManagerRecentTabsCleared">
Recorded on Android when a user clears all entries using the context menu
from Recent Tabs &gt; Recently Closed. This corresponds to clearing the
native TabRestoreService.
<action name="MobileRecentTabManagerShowFullHistory">
Recorded when a user opens History from Recent Tabs on iOS.
<action name="MobileRecentTabManagerTabFromOtherDeviceOpened">
A tab from another device was opened from the recent tabs manager. Tabs from
another device opened directly from the NTP will not be counted. Instead
those will be counted in the NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.* histograms.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="MobileRecentTabManagerTabFromOtherDeviceOpenedSearchResult">
A tab from another device was opened from the recent tabs manager search
<action name="MobileRecentTabsClose">
<description>Recorded when a user closes Recent Tabs on iOS.</description>
<action name="MobileRendererCrashed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileReportAnIssueClosed">
The user dismissed Report An Issue screen by cancelling or submitting
feedback (there is no way to differentiate these two). iOS only.
<action name="MobileSadTabFeedback">
The user pressed the Send Feedback button on a tab that is displaying the
sad view.
<action name="MobileSafeBrowsingEnhancedProtectionSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Safe Browsing Enhanced Protection Settings
UI to root Settings screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileSafeBrowsingEnhancedProtectionSettingsClose">
Reported when Safe Browsing Enhanced Protection Settings UI was dismissed.
iOS only.
<action name="MobileSafeBrowsingStandardProtectionSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Safe Browsing Standard Protection Settings
UI to root Settings screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileSafeBrowsingStandardProtectionSettingsClose">
Reported when Safe Browsing Standard Protection Settings UI was dismissed.
iOS only.
<action name="MobileSaveToPhotosManageStorage">
Reported when the user selects &quot;Manage Storage&quot; in the alert
presented when attempting to upload an image to a Google Photos account with
insufficient storage.
<action name="MobileSearchEngineSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Search Engine Settings UI to root Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileSearchEngineSettingsClose">
Reported when Search Engine Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileSearchPasswordsWidgetOpenPasswordManager">
Reported when user opens the Password Manager page from the Search Passwords
widget. iOS only.
<action name="MobileSettingsClose">
<description>Reported when Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.</description>
<action name="MobileSettingsStorageClearAll">
User clicked on the 'Clear All' button in the Storage section of sites
<action name="MobileShareActionBookmarkThisPage">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 9/2018</obsolete>
The user pressed &quot;Bookmark&quot; from the share action menu.
<action name="MobileShareActionFindInPage">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 9/2018</obsolete>
The user pressed &quot;Find In Page&quot; from the share action menu.
<action name="MobileShareActionReadLater">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 9/2018</obsolete>
The user pressed &quot;Add to Reading List&quot; from the share action menu.
<action name="MobileShareActionRequestDesktop">
The user pressed &quot;Request Desktop Site&quot; from the share action
menu. This action is logged in addition to MobileShareMenuRequestSite to
disambiguate between desktop and mobile.
<action name="MobileShareActionRequestMobile">
The user pressed &quot;Request Mobile Site&quot; from the share action menu.
This action is logged in addition to MobileShareMenuRequestSite to
disambiguate between desktop and mobile.
<action name="MobileShareMenuAddToHome">
<description>User added current page to device home screen.</description>
<action name="MobileShareMenuBookmark">
<description>User shared to the device's bookmarks.</description>
<action name="MobileShareMenuCancel">
The user cancelled the share action menu (i.e. closed it without taking any
<action name="MobileShareMenuClipboard">
<description>User copied content to the device's clipboard.</description>
<action name="MobileShareMenuFindInPage">
User activated the device's FindInPage from the share menu.
<action name="MobileShareMenuGenerateQRCode">
The user pressed the generate QR code option from the share action menu.
<action name="MobileShareMenuMarkupPDF">
User pressed &quot;Markup&quot; from the share action menu.
<action name="MobileShareMenuPrint">
User triggered the Print activity from the share menu.
<action name="MobileShareMenuReadLater">
<description>User shared to the device's Reading List.</description>
<action name="MobileShareMenuRequestSite">
User requested the desktop or mobile version of a site web from the share
<action name="MobileShareMenuSaveFile">
<description>User saved a file from share action menu.</description>
<action name="MobileShareMenuSaveImage">
<description>User saved an image the device's camera roll.</description>
<action name="MobileShareMenuSendTabToSelf">
The user pressed &quot;Send Tab To Self&quot; from the share action menu.
<action name="MobileShareQRCode">
The user initiated the Share action for the generated QR code image.
<action name="MobileShortcutAllBookmarks">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 5/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileShortcutFindInPage">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileShortcutNewIncognitoTab">
<obsolete>Replaced with MobileMenuNewIncognitoTab</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileShortcutNewTab">
<obsolete>Replaced with MobileMenuNewtab</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileSideSwipeFinished">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileSingleScreenScreenshot">
The user took a screenshot of a single chrome window. iOS only.
<action name="MobileSnackbarUndoPinAction">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 2023-08</obsolete>
User tapped on the UNDO button of the snackbar displayed after pinning a tab
from the iOS overflow menu.
<action name="MobileSnackbarUndoUnpinAction">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 2023-08</obsolete>
User tapped on the UNDO button of the snackbar displayed after unpinning a
tab from the iOS overflow menu.
<action name="MobileStackViewCloseTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileStackViewIncognitoMode">
User in the Android tab switcher switches from normal mode to incognito
<action name="MobileStackViewNormalMode">
User in the Android tab switcher switches from incognito mode to normal
<action name="MobileStackViewSwipeCloseTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileStartup.MainIntent.NTPCreatedDueToInactivity">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 02/2019</obsolete>
An ACTION_MAIN intent was received by Chrome and an NTP was created due to
the time elapsed since Chrome was last visited.
<action name="MobileStartup.MainIntentReceived">
An ACTION_MAIN intent was received by Chrome. This is the best indicator we
have to signal the user tapped on the Chrome icon from the launcher.
<action name="MobileStartup.MainIntentReceived.After12Hours">
An ACTION_MAIN intent was received by Chrome after the user had not used
Chrome for 12 hours but fewer than 24 hours.
<action name="MobileStartup.MainIntentReceived.After1Hour">
An ACTION_MAIN intent was received by Chrome after the user had not used
Chrome for 1 hour but fewer than 6 hours.
<action name="MobileStartup.MainIntentReceived.After24Hours">
An ACTION_MAIN intent was received by Chrome after the user had not used
Chrome for 24 hours.
<action name="MobileStartup.MainIntentReceived.After6Hours">
An ACTION_MAIN intent was received by Chrome after the user had not used
Chrome for 6 hours but fewer than 12 hours.
<action name="MobileStartup.UserEnteredTabSwitcher">
An ACTION_MAIN intent was received by Chrome and the user was shown the tab
switcher (overview) on startup.
<action name="MobileSyncEncryptionSettingsClose">
Sync Encryption Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileSyncPassphraseSettingsClose">
Sync Passphrase Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileTabbedModeViewIntentFromApp">
A VIEW intent was received by the tabbed mode activity from an external
<action name="MobileTabbedModeViewIntentFromChrome">
A VIEW intent was received by the tabbed mode activity from Chrome.
<action name="MobileTabClobbered">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2017</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileTabClosed" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileTabClosedUndoShortCut">
Undo tab closure by keyboard shortcut ctrl+shift+T, for Android only.
<action name="MobileTabGridAddedMultipleNewBookmarks">
User added multiple new bookmarks base on the selected tabs, in the iOS tab
grid. It is possible to have one tab selected.
<action name="MobileTabGridBeganReordering">
<description>User in the iOS tab grid began reordering tabs.</description>
<action name="MobileTabGridCancelSearchTabs">
User in the iOS tab grid search mode tapped Cancel button to return from
search mode to normal mode.
<action name="MobileTabGridCloseAllIncognitoTabs">
User in the iOS tab grid used the Close All control while viewing the
incognito tabs.
<action name="MobileTabGridCloseAllIncognitoTabsConfirmationPresented">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2021</obsolete>
User in the iOS incognito tab grid used the Close All control and the action
sheet that asks for confirmation has been displayed.
<action name="MobileTabGridCloseAllNonPinnedTabs">
User in the iOS tab grid used the Close All control and chose to close all
non-pinned tabs.
<action name="MobileTabGridCloseAllRegularTabs">
User in the iOS tab grid used the Close All control while viewing the
regular tabs.
<action name="MobileTabGridCloseAllRegularTabsConfirmationPresented">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2021</obsolete>
User in the iOS regular tab grid used the Close All control and the action
sheet that asks for confirmation has been displayed.
<action name="MobileTabGridCloseAllTabsConfirmationCanceled">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2021</obsolete>
User in the iOS tab grid used the Close All control and the action sheet
that asks for confirmation has been Canceled.
<action name="MobileTabGridCloseAllTabsConfirmationConfirmed">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 8/2021</obsolete>
User in the iOS tab grid used the Close All control and the action sheet
that asks for confirmation has been Confirmed.
<action name="MobileTabGridCloseControlTapped">
User in the iOS tab grid tapped on the close control of a tab.
<action name="MobileTabGridCloseControlTappedDuringSearch">
User in the iOS tab grid tapped on the close control of a tab during search.
<action name="MobileTabGridCloseIncognitoTab">
<description>User in the iOS tab grid closed an incognito tab.</description>
<action name="MobileTabGridCloseRegularTab">
<description>User in the iOS tab grid closed a regular tab.</description>
<action name="MobileTabGridCreateIncognitoTab">
User in the iOS tab grid created a new incognito tab using the new tab
<action name="MobileTabGridCreateIncognitoTabKeyboard">
User in the iOS tab grid created a new incognito tab using the keyboard
<action name="MobileTabGridCreateRegularTab">
User in the iOS tab grid created a new regular tab using the new tab button.
<action name="MobileTabGridCreateRegularTabKeyboard">
User in the iOS tab grid created a new regular tab using the keyboard
<action name="MobileTabGridDone">
<description>User tapped the 'Done' button in the iOS tab grid.</description>
<action name="MobileTabGridEndedWithoutReordering">
User in the iOS tab grid finished reordering tabs, but didn't change the tab
<action name="MobileTabGridEntered" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>User entered the iOS tab grid (from anywhere).</description>
<action name="MobileTabGridExited" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>User exited the iOS tab grid (by any means).</description>
<action name="MobileTabGridFailedCreateIncognitoTab">
User in the iOS tab grid tried to create a new incognito tab using the new
tab button, but it was not allowed by the policy.
<action name="MobileTabGridFailedCreateRegularTab">
User in the iOS tab grid tried to create a new regular tab using the new tab
button, but it was not allowed by the policy.
<action name="MobileTabGridMoveToExistingTab">
<description>User moves from a Tab to an existing other Tab.</description>
<action name="MobileTabGridOpenedBookmarkEditorForExistingBookmark">
User edited an existing bookmark, in the iOS tab grid.
<action name="MobileTabGridOpenedBookmarkEditorForNewBookmark">
<description>User adds one new bookmark, in the iOS tab grid.</description>
<action name="MobileTabGridOpenInactiveTab">
User in the iOS tab grid opened an inactive tab by tapping on it.
<action name="MobileTabGridOpenInactiveTabSearchResult">
User in the iOS tab grid opened an inactive tab by tapping on it from search
<action name="MobileTabGridOpenIncognitoTab">
User in the iOS tab grid opened an incognito tab by tapping on it.
<action name="MobileTabGridOpenIncognitoTabSearchResult">
User in the iOS tab grid opened an incognito tab by tapping on it from
search results.
<action name="MobileTabGridOpenRegularTab">
User in the iOS tab grid opened a regular tab by tapping on it.
<action name="MobileTabGridOpenRegularTabSearchResult">
User in the iOS tab grid opened a regular tab by tapping on it from search
<action name="MobileTabGridOpenSearchResultInAnotherWindow">
User in the iOS tab grid opened a regular tab from another window by tapping
on it from search results.
<action name="MobileTabGridPinnedTabSelected">
User selected a tab in the iOS tab grid pinned tabs section.
<action name="MobileTabGridReordered">
User in the iOS tab grid finished reordering tabs, and changed the tab
<action name="MobileTabGridSearchCloseTabFromAnotherWindow">
User in the iOS tab grid closed a tab from another window by closing it from
search results.
<action name="MobileTabGridSearchTabs">
User in the iOS tab grid tapped the Search button to enter search mode.
<action name="MobileTabGridSelectIncognitoPanel">
User selected the iOS Tab Grid incognito panel by tapping the page control.
<action name="MobileTabGridSelectionCloseAllIncognitoTabsConfirmed">
User in the incognito iOS tab grid used the Close All control with all
available tab items selected and the action sheet that asks for confirmation
has been Confirmed.
<action name="MobileTabGridSelectionCloseAllRegularTabsConfirmed">
User in the regular iOS tab grid used the Close All control with all
available tab items selected and the action sheet that asks for confirmation
has been Confirmed.
<action name="MobileTabGridSelectionCloseIncognitoTabsConfirmationPresented">
User in the iOS incognito tab grid used the Close Tabs control and the
action sheet that asks for confirmation has been displayed.
<action name="MobileTabGridSelectionCloseRegularTabsConfirmationPresented">
User in the iOS regular tab grid used the Close Tabs control and the action
sheet that asks for confirmation has been displayed.
<action name="MobileTabGridSelectionCloseTabsCanceled">
User in the iOS tab grid used the Close All control and the action sheet
that asks for confirmation has been Canceled.
<action name="MobileTabGridSelectionCloseTabsConfirmed">
User in the iOS tab grid used the Close All control and the action sheet
that asks for confirmation has been Confirmed.
<action name="MobileTabGridSelectionDeselectAll">
User in the iOS tab grid used the Deselect All button to deselect all items.
<action name="MobileTabGridSelectionDone">
User in the iOS tab grid used the Done button to exit selection mode and
return to regular or incognito tabs panel.
<action name="MobileTabGridSelectionSelectAll">
User in the iOS tab grid used the Select All button to select all items.
<action name="MobileTabGridSelectionShareTabs">
Users in the iOS tab grid used the share button in the selection mode to
share multiple tabs at once.
<action name="MobileTabGridSelectRegularPanel">
User selected the iOS Tab Grid regular tabs panel by tapping the page
<action name="MobileTabGridSelectRemotePanel">
User selected the iOS Tab Grid remote tabs panel by tapping the page
<action name="MobileTabGridSelectTabs">
User tapped the 'Select' button in the iOS tab grid.
<action name="MobileTabGridShowInactiveTabs">
User tapped on the Inactive Tabs button of the iOS Regular Tab Grid.
<action name="MobileTabGridTabContextMenuSelectTabs">
User in the iOS tab grid used the tab context menu to enter selection mode.
<action name="MobileTabGridUndoCloseAllRegularTabs">
User in the iOS tab grid used the Undo control after closing all regular
<action name="MobileTabGridUserScrolled">
<description>User in the iOS tab grid scrolled the grid of tabs.</description>
<action name="MobileTabGridUserScrolledToTop">
User in the iOS tab grid tapped the status bar to scroll to the top of the
grid of tabs.
<action name="MobileTabNewTab">
User opens a new Tab. This includes an opening from the Toolbar, the
Overflow Menu and the Tab Grid (incognito + regular).
<action name="MobileTabPickupSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Tab Pickup Settings UI to Tabs Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileTabPickupSettingsClose">
Reported when Tab Pickup Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileTabPinned">
User pins a Tab. This includes pinning a tab from the tab strip, tab grid
and overflow menu.
<action name="MobileTabReturnedToCurrentTab">
<description>Users returned to the tab that was active.</description>
<action name="MobileTabReturnedToCurrentTab.SingleTabCard">
Users returned to the tab that was active, either by tapping the single-tab
card or pressing the back button, when the single tab switcher is enabled.
<action name="MobileTabReturnedToCurrentTab.TabCarousel">
Users returned to the tab that was active, either by tapping the tab card or
pressing the back button, when the carousel tab switcher is enabled.
<action name="MobileTabReturnedToCurrentTab.TabGrid">
Users returned to the tab that was active, either by tapping the tab card or
pressing the back button, when the grid tab switcher is enabled.
<action name="MobileTabsSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Tabs Settings UI to root Settings screen.
iOS only.
<action name="MobileTabsSettingsClose">
Reported when Tabs Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileTabStripCloseTab">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 5/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileTabStripNewTab">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 5/2015</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileTabStripScrollDidEnd">
<description>User scrolled the tabStrip view.</description>
<action name="MobileTabStripShowTabGridMenu">
<description>User long-pressed on the tab strip tab grid button.</description>
<action name="MobileTabSwitched" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
User actively switched to a different tab. This does not include tab refocus
caused by cancelling a tab closure.
<action name="MobileTabSwitched.TabletTabStrip" not_user_triggered="true">
User switched tabs via the tab strip on tablets. Recorded for Android only.
<action name="MobileTabUnpinned">
User unpins a Tab. This includes unpinning a tab from the tab strip, tab
grid and overflow menu.
<action name="MobileThumbstripCreateIncognitoTab">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 06/2023</obsolete>
User in the iOS thumbstrip created a new incognito tab using the new tab
<action name="MobileThumbstripCreateRegularTab">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 06/2023</obsolete>
User in the iOS thumbstrip created a new regular tab using the new tab
<action name="MobileToolbarBack">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileToolbarCloseAllIncognitoTabsButtonTap">
User tapped the close all incognito tabs button in the tab switcher bottom
<action name="MobileToolbarCloseAllRegularTabsButtonTap">
User tapped the close all regular tabs button in the tab switcher bottom
<action name="MobileToolbarCloseAllTabs">
User clicked close all tabs button by long pressing close button on any tab
in the tablet tab strip. Android Only.
<action name="MobileToolbarCloseTab">
User clicked close tab button in the tablet tab strip. Android Only.
<action name="MobileToolbarDownloadPage">
<description>User pressed the download page icon in the toolbar.</description>
<action name="MobileToolbarForward">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileToolbarIdentityDiscTap">
<description>User tapped on IdentityDisc button on toolbar.</description>
<action name="MobileToolbarNewTab">
User clicked new tab button in tablet tab strip. Android only.
<action name="MobileToolbarNewTabShortcut">
User pressed the NewTab shortcut on the toolbar. iOS only.
<action name="MobileToolbarOmniboxAcceleratorTap">
User tapped the omnibox accelerator button in the bottom toolbar.
<action name="MobileToolbarOmniboxShortcut">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 3/2020</obsolete>
User pressed the omnibox shortcut on the toolbar. iOS only.
<action name="MobileToolbarReload">
User pressed the reload icon in the toolbar. Pre-M55, MobileToolbarReload
accounted for all reload actions. M55+, this metric only refers to reloads
that occurred from the toolbar.
<action name="MobileToolbarReorderTab.TabAddedToGroup">
User long-pressed on a tab, dragged and dropped it within a tab group in the
tablet tab strip. Android Only.
<action name="MobileToolbarReorderTab.TabRemovedFromGroup">
User long-pressed on a tab with in a group, dragged and dropped it outside
of the group in the tablet tab strip. Android Only.
<action name="MobileToolbarSearchButtonTapped">
<obsolete>Deprecate as of 3/2020</obsolete>
The user has tapped on search bottom toolbar, which will focus the omnibox.
iOS only.
<action name="MobileToolbarShareButtonTap">
User pressed the toolbar's button to open the share menu. Android only.
<action name="MobileToolbarShareMenu">
User pressed the toolbar's button to open the share menu. iOS only.
<action name="MobileToolbarShowMenu">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileToolbarShowNewTabMenu">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 3/2023</obsolete>
The user long-pressed on the NewTab button in the toolbar
<action name="MobileToolbarShowSearchMenu">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 3/2020</obsolete>
User long pressed the 'Search' button to displayed the associated menu.
<action name="MobileToolbarShowStackView">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileToolbarShowTabGridMenu">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 3/2023</obsolete>
User long pressed the Tab Grid button to display the menu associated with
<action name="MobileToolbarShowTabHistoryMenu">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 3/2023</obsolete>
User long pressed the toolbar navigation buttons to display the tab history
<action name="MobileToolbarSlideTabs">
User started to slide tab to view other tabs in tablet tab strip. Android
<action name="MobileToolbarStackViewButtonInBrowsingView">
User in the Android browsing mode tapped the tab switcher button on the
toolbar to enter the tab switcher.
<action name="MobileToolbarStackViewButtonInStackView">
User in the Android tab switcher tapped the tab switcher button on the
toolbar to leave the tab switcher.
<action name="MobileToolbarStackViewNewIncognitoTab">
The user taps the new tab button '+' on the tab switcher toolbar to create a
new incognito tab.
<action name="MobileToolbarStackViewNewTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileToolbarStartReorderTab">
User started to drag a tab to re-order in tablet tab strip. Android only.
<action name="MobileToolbarStop">
<description>User pressed the stop icon in the toolbar.</description>
<action name="MobileToolbarSwipeOpenStackView">
User entered the Android tab switcher by swiping down on the toolbar.
<action name="MobileToolbarToggleBookmark">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MobileTopToolbarAddToBookmarksButton">
The user tapped on the top toolbar's add to bookmarks button.
<action name="MobileTopToolbarHomeButton">
<obsolete>Removed as of 2020/09/09.</obsolete>
<description>The user tapped on the top toolbar's home button.</description>
<action name="MobileTopToolbarNewTabButton">
The user tapped on the top toolbar's new tab button.
<action name="MobileTopToolbarOptionalButtonNewTab">
The user tapped on the top toolbar's optional button acting as a new tab
<action name="MobileTopToolbarReadAloudButton">
The user tapped on the top toolbar's read aloud button.
<action name="MobileTopToolbarShareButton">
<description>The user tapped on the top toolbar's share button.</description>
<action name="MobileTopToolbarShowMenu">
<obsolete>Removed as of 5/2020</obsolete>
Action indicating the top toolbar's overflow menu was shown.
<action name="MobileTopToolbarTranslateButton">
The user tapped on the top toolbar's translate button.
<action name="MobileTopToolbarVoiceButton">
The user tapped on the top toolbar's voice search button.
<action name="MobileTrackingPriceSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Tracking Price Settings UI to root
Settings screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileTrackingPriceSettingsClose">
Reported when Tracking Price Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileTranslateSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Translate Settings UI to root Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileTranslateSettingsClose">
Reported when Translate Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileUsingMenuByHwButtonDragging">
Deprecated as of 06/2014. We removed this feature http://crbug.com/366154 .
Only for Android. Menu is shown by dragging from hardware menu button.
<action name="MobileUsingMenuByHwButtonTap">
Only for Android. Menu is shown by tapping hardware menu button.
<action name="MobileUsingMenuBySwButtonDragging">
Only for Android. Menu is shown by dragging from software menu button.
<action name="MobileUsingMenuBySwButtonTap">
Only for Android. Menu is shown by tapping software menu button.
<action name="MobileVoiceSearchSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Voice Search Settings UI to root Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileVoiceSearchSettingsClose">
Reported when Voice Search Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebContextMenuCopyImage">
Recorded when user taps Copy Image in context menu. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebContextMenuCopyLink">
Recorded when user taps Copy Link in context menu. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebContextMenuImageImpression">
Recorded when user invokes context menu for web contents image. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebContextMenuImageWithSaveToPhotosImpression">
Recorded when user invokes context menu for web contents image, if Save to
Photos is available. When this is recorded,
MobileWebContextMenuImageImpression is recorded too. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebContextMenuLinkImpression">
Recorded when user invokes context menu for web contents link. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebContextMenuOpenImage">
Recorded when user taps Open Image in context menu. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebContextMenuOpenImageInNewTab">
Recorded when user taps Open Image In New Tab in context menu. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebContextMenuOpenInIncognitoTab">
Recorded when user taps Open In Incognito Tab in context menu. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebContextMenuOpenInNewTab">
Recorded when user taps Open In New Tab in context menu. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebContextMenuOpenInNewWindow">
Recorded when user taps Open In New Window in context menu. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebContextMenuOpenJS">
Deprecated as of 2021/01/26 as the feature has been removed.
Recorded when user taps Open Java Script in context menu. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebContextMenuOpenTab">
Recorded when user opens a Tab from a context menu. This include: Page link,
History, Bookmark, Reading list, Suggestion from NTP (Regular + incognito).
<action name="MobileWebContextMenuReadLater">
Recorded when user taps Add to Reading List in context menu. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebContextMenuSaveImage">
Recorded when user taps Save Image in context menu. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebContextMenuSearchByImage">
Recorded when user taps Search By Image in context menu. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebInspectorSettingsBack">
Reported when user goes back from Web Inspector Settings UI to root Settings
screen. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebInspectorSettingsClose">
Reported when Web Inspector Settings UI was dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebsiteOpenPasswordManager">
Reported when user opens the Password Manager page when navigating to a
website. iOS only.
<action name="MobileWebsiteSettingsOpenedFromMenu">
<description>Page Info opened via the menu.</description>
<action name="MobileWebsiteSettingsOpenedFromToolbar">
Page Info opened via the toolbar page info (i.e. https lock) icon.
<action name="MobileWebsiteSettingsOpenedFromVR">
Page Info opened via the toolbar page info (i.e. https lock) icon in VR.
<action name="MobileWillEnterForeground">
App transitioned from background to foreground. Only recorded when the app
was previously running; i.e., not recorded on cold starts. This action is
directly or indirectly triggered by the user. Example of direct trigger: the
user tapped on app icon or choose the app in app switcher. Example of
indirect trigger: the user tapped on GMail link or used Today's View
extension. iOS only.
<action name="MostVisited0">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MostVisited1">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MostVisited2">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MostVisited3">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MostVisited4">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MostVisited5">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MostVisited6">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MostVisited7">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MostVisited8">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MostVisited9">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MostVisited_BlacklistCleared">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MostVisited_Clicked">
<description>An NTP tile was clicked. Desktop only.</description>
<action name="MostVisited_ClickedFromContextMenu">
An NTP tile was opened from the context menu. Desktop only.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="MostVisited_UrlBlacklisted">
<description>An NTP tile was blacklisted. iOS only.</description>
<action name="MostVisited_UrlBlocklisted_Omnibox">
<description>An omnibox MV tile was blocklisted. iOS only.</description>
<action name="MostVisited_UrlPinned">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MostVisited_UrlRemoved">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MostVisited_UrlUnpinned">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MostVisitedReordered">
<obsolete>No longer recorded.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Mouse_Down" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveBackward">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveBackwardAndModifySelection">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveDown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveDownAndModifySelection">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveForward">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveForwardAndModifySelection">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveLeft">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveLeftAndModifySelection">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MovePageDown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MovePageDownAndModifySelection">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MovePageUp">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MovePageUpAndModifySelection">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveRight">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveRightAndModifySelection">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveTabNext">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveTabPrevious">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveToBeginningOfDocument">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveToBeginningOfLine">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveToBeginningOfLineAndModifySelection">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveToBeginningOfParagraph">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveToBeginningOfParagraphAndModifySelection">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveToEndOfDocument">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveToEndOfLine">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveToEndOfLineAndModifySelection">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveToEndOfParagraph">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveToEndOfParagraphAndModifySelection">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveUp">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveUpAndModifySelection">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveWordBackward">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveWordForward">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveWordLeft">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MoveWordRight">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="MultitaskMenu_Exit_Fullscreen">
Recorded when the user pressed the exit fullscreen option in the multitask
<action name="MultitaskMenu_Float">
Recorded when the user pressed the float option in the multitask menu.
<action name="MultitaskMenu_Fullscreen">
Recorded when the user pressed the fullscreen option in the multitask menu.
<action name="MultitaskMenu_HalfSplit_Primary">
Recorded when a window is half split to primary direction.
<action name="MultitaskMenu_HalfSplit_Secondary">
Recorded when a window is half split to secondary direction.
<action name="MultitaskMenu_PartialSplit_OneThird">
Recorded when a window is partial split to one third.
<action name="MultitaskMenu_PartialSplit_TwoThirds">
Recorded when a window is partial split to two thirds.
<action name="MultitaskMenu_UnFloat">
Recorded when the user pressed the unfloat option in the multitask menu.
<action name="MultiWindowResizerClick">
Recorded when the multi window resize widget is clicked on.
<action name="MultiWindowResizerClick_TwoWindowsSnapped">
Recorded when the multi window resize widget is clicked on when two windows
are snapped.
<action name="MultiWindowResizerShow">
Recorded when the resize widget shows on mouse hover on the ResizeWindows.
<action name="MultiWindowResizerShow_TwoWindowsSnapped">
Recorded when the resize widget shows on mouse hover on the ResizeWindows
and the two windows of the ResizeWindows are snapped.
<action name="NativeFileSystemAPI.OpenedBubble">
Recorded any time the user opens the usage indicator bubble for the Native
File System API.
<action name="NativeFileSystemAPI.RevokePermissions">
Recorded any time the user revokes all Native File System API permissions
from the usage indicator bubble.
<action name="NativeUI_Applications">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="NavEntryCommitted" not_user_triggered="true">
Emitted when a navigation commits. Recorded on both main-frame and sub-frame
Example of &quot;one or more times&quot;: navigating to
http://www.google.com will cause two emits.
A set of NavEntryCommitted emitted in quick succession can be approximately
viewed as a &quot;page load&quot;, though possibly in a sub-frame on a page.
A NavEntryCommitted can happen for a variety of reasons: link clicks,
omnibox navigations, reload button, back/forward, Javascript that changes
the URL of the page, etc. Examples of Javascript changing the URL without
changing the page that cause this to be emitted is switching slides in
Google Slides or switching between the inbox and a message in gmail. These
cases happen by changing the URL hash (#whatever) or
Note: this is even emitted on a &quot;navigation&quot; to non-web pages,
such as loading the NTP.
Prior to M-121, this was also emitted for navigations in non-tab WebContents
(e.g. DevTools, extension popups).
Each set of NavEntryCommitted emitted in quick succession usually are
triggered by a single user action. In this sense, all but the first in the
set are &quot;not user triggered&quot;.
<action name="NavEntryCommitted.SRP" not_user_triggered="true">
Emitted when a navigation happens to a page whose URL looks like it's a URL
from the user's default search engine. I.e., emitted when it looks like--via
a simple pattern match--the user navigated to a search results page.
Prior to M-108, this was possible to be emitted for all navigations, even
within profiles such as &quot;system&quot; profiles that don't allow the
user to search. (We expect it was rarely if even logged in those settings.)
In those settings, it looked for the search engine used by default in this
install of Chrome. This is typically Google. In M-108 and later, this user
action is eligible to be emitted only for profiles that allow the user to
search: regular profiles, Incognito profiles, and Guest profiles.
NavEntryCommitted will also always be emitted at the same time (in the same
code, just a few lines before).
As with NavEntryCommitted (read the description of that user action),
NavEntryCommitted.SRP is emitted roughly when the URL in the omnibox
changes. This can happen via Javascript by, for example, scrolling through a
news article carousel on the user's search engine page. As such,
NavEntryCommitted.SRP does not necessarily align with the number of searches
done, though it's certainly related. This should never be emitted for
navigations in non-tab WebContents, such as DevTools or extension popups
(which could not navigate to the SRP), but we do include the Side Panel
Search WebContents.
<action name="Navigation.Home.NotChromeInternal">
Emitted every time a user uses a Home button to go to their home page and
their the page is not chrome-internal (such as an actual web site instead of
the New Tab Page or about:blank). For the purpose of this action, about:,
chrome: and chrome-native: are considered chrome-internal; everything else
is not.
This is logged at the same time that the Navigation.Home.IsChromeInternal
histogram is logged.
This action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="Net.URLRequest_StartJob_InvalidReferrer">
<obsolete>Deprecated 6/2018.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="NewGuestWindow">
<description>The user opened a Guest window.</description>
<action name="NewIncognitoTabTipTargetSelected">
<obsolete>Deprecated 8/2023. Unused since a while ago.</obsolete>
The user opened the tools menu while the 'New Incognito Tab' in-product help
is displayed.
<action name="NewIncognitoWindow">
The user opened an off-the-record window (Incognito or Guest).
<action name="NewIncognitoWindow2">
<description>The user opened an Incognito window.</description>
<action name="NewProfileWindowByIndex">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="NewTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="NewTab_Button">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="NewTabPage.Carts.AcceptDiscountConsent">
The 'get discounts' is clicked in the discount consent to agree to receive
<action name="NewTabPage.Carts.DisableDiscount">
User disables the discount feature in the new tab page customize menu.
<action name="NewTabPage.Carts.DismissDiscountConsent">
The 'x' button is clicked in the discount consent card to hide the consent
card, or the 'x' button is clicked in the discount consent dialog to hide
the dialog.
<action name="NewTabPage.Carts.DismissLastCartHidesModule">
The last cart in the module is temporarily hidden or permanently removed,
which causes the module to hide.
<action name="NewTabPage.Carts.EnableDiscount">
User enables the discount feature in the new tab page customize menu.
<action name="NewTabPage.Carts.HideModule">
The 'Hide these carts' option is clicked in the cart module menu to
temporarily hide the module.
<action name="NewTabPage.Carts.LeftScrollClick">
The scroll button on the left side of the module is clicked in order to see
carts on the left.
<action name="NewTabPage.Carts.RejectDiscountConsent">
The 'No thanks' is clicked in the discount consent to opt out of receiving
<action name="NewTabPage.Carts.RemoveModule">
The 'Never show carts' option is clicked in the cart module menu to
permanently remove the module.
<action name="NewTabPage.Carts.RestoreLastCartRestoresModule">
An attempt to temporarily hide or permanently remove the last cart in module
is undone, which causes the hidden module to be restored.
<action name="NewTabPage.Carts.RightScrollClick">
The scroll button on the right side of the module is clicked in order to see
carts on the right.
<action name="NewTabPage.Carts.ShowInterestInDiscountConsent">
The 'continue' button is clicked in the discount consent step 1.
<action name="NewTabPage.Carts.UndoHideModule">
An attempt to temporarily hide the cart module is undone.
<action name="NewTabPage.Carts.UndoRemoveModule">
An attempt to permanently remove the cart module is undone.
<action name="NewTabPage.HistoryClusters.DiscountClicked">
User clicks on a tile with discount in the history cluster module.
<action name="NewTabPage.LinkOpenedFromContextMenu.WebUI">
Recorded when a link on the WebUI New Tab Page is opened via the context
menu. This can include: Middle-slot promos, Doodles, the One Google Bar,
shortcuts and custom background image attributions. Logged only when Google
is the default search provider, as these elements only appear on the Google
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="NewTabPage.MostVisited.Clicked">
The user clicked on a most visited tile. This action is logged every time
the NewTabPage.MostVisited histogram is logged.
This action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="NewTabPage.PreinstalledApps.Clicked">
<obsolete>Removed from code in 2022-01.</obsolete>
The user clicked on a most visited tile that is a preinstalled extension
app. This action is logged every time the NewTabPage.MostVisited histogram
is logged and when the tile is a preinstalled extension app.
<action name="NewTabPage.Promo.EnhancedProtectionPromo.Accepted">
<obsolete>Removed from code in 2021-12.</obsolete>
The Safe Browsing Enhanced Protection promo is accepted.
<action name="NewTabPage.Promo.EnhancedProtectionPromo.Dismissed">
<obsolete>Removed from code in 2021-12.</obsolete>
The Safe Browsing Enhanced Protection promo is dismissed.
<action name="NewTabPage.SearchBox.Lens">
Recorded when the user taps the Lens button in the search box on the new tab
<action name="NewTabPage.SearchBox.LensShown" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when the Lens button is shown in the search box on the new tab
<action name="NewTabPage.ViewHierarchyFixed">
Recorded when the NTP detects a broken view hierarchy and repairs itself.
TODO(crbug.com/1262536): Remove this when issue is fixed.
<action name="NewTabPage_ContentSuggestions_ArticlesUsage"
Counts the usage of the &quot;Articles for you&quot; section on the New Tab
Page. Examples for &quot;Articles for You&quot; usage are: A user opening an
article suggestion or a user viewing the articles suggestions section.
<action name="NewTabPage_Promos_EnhancedProtection">
Recorded when the user clicks a Enhanced Protection promotion on the New Tab
Page on desktop.
<action name="NewTabPage_Promos_PrivacyGuide">
Recorded when the user clicks a Privacy Guide promotion on the New Tab Page.
<action name="NewTabPage_Promos_SafetyCheck">
Recorded when the user clicks a Safety Check promotion on the New Tab Page.
<action name="NewTabPage_ReopenTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="NewWindow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Notifications.Mute">
Recorded when a user enables the message center's Do Not Disturb mode.
<action name="Notifications.Persistent.Clicked">
Recorded when the main body of a persistent notification gets clicked on by
the user (does not include action buttons).
<action name="Notifications.Persistent.ClickedActionButton">
Recorded when one of a persistent notification's action buttons gets clicked
on by the user.
<action name="Notifications.Persistent.ClickedWithoutPermission">
Recorded when a persistent notification gets clicked on by the user, but the
user has revoked notification permission for the origin since it was shown.
<action name="Notifications.Persistent.Closed">
Deprecated 10/2015. Replaced by Notifications.Persistent.ClosedByUser and
Recorded when a persistent notification gets closed, either programmatically
or by the user.
<action name="Notifications.Persistent.ClosedByUser">
Recorded when a persistent notification gets closed by the user. This does
not always mean that the user didn't click on the notification: both could
be counted if the website doesn't close the notification on click.
<action name="Notifications.Persistent.ClosedProgrammatically">
Recorded when a persistent notification gets closed programmatically.
<action name="Notifications.Persistent.Shown">
<description>Recorded when a persistent notification gets shown.</description>
<action name="Notifications.Quiet.AnimatedIconClicked">
Logs when the user clicks on the notification permission request animated
icon on the omnibox, that upon being clicked, opens the permission request
bubble .
<action name="Notifications.Quiet.ContinueBlockingClicked">
Logged when the user clicks &quot;Continue Blocking&quot;, a button, that
upon being clicked, permanently blocks notifications for the site.
<action name="Notifications.Quiet.ManageClicked">
From July 2021. Migrated to
Permissions.Prompt.QuietBubble.Notifications.ManageClicked as that name
represents the metric better.
Logs when the user clicks &quot;Manage&quot;, which is a button, that upon
being clicked, navigates the user to the notifications category settings
<action name="Notifications.Quiet.PermissionRequestShown">
The notification permission request was shown quietly as an icon in the
<action name="Notifications.Quiet.ShowForSiteClicked">
From July 2021. Migrated to
Permissions.Prompt.QuietBubble.Notifications.AllowClicked as that name
represents the metric better.
Logs when the user clicks &quot;Show for site&quot;, which is a button, that
upon being clicked, allows the site to send notifications.
<action name="Notifications.Quiet.StaticIconClicked">
Logs when the user clicks on the notification permission request static icon
on the omnibox, that upon being clicked, opens the permission request bubble
<action name="Notifications.ShowMessageCenter">
Recorded when the message center screen is being presented to the user.
<action name="Notifications.ShowSettings">
Recorded when the message center settings screen is being presented to the
<action name="Notifications.ShowSiteSettings">
Recorded when a user clicks on the settings button that could be included on
notification toasts.
<action name="Notifications.Unmute">
Recorded when the message center's Do Not Disturb mode is disabled, either
due to manual user action, or because a timed Do Not Disturb expires.
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatform.ActionButton.Click">
From 2021-03 use Notifications.WebPlatformV2 instead; it's equivalent.
Recorded when the user clicks on the action button of a web platform
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatform.ActionButton.Close">
From 2021-03 use Notifications.WebPlatformV2 instead; it's equivalent.
Recorded when the user clicks on the action button of a web platform
notification, and the notification closes.
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatform.ActionButton.FocusActivity">
From 2021-03 use Notifications.WebPlatformV2 instead; it's equivalent.
Recorded when the user clicks on the action button of a web platform
notification, and the notification focuses an Activity.
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatform.ActionButton.NewActivity">
From 2021-03 use Notifications.WebPlatformV2 instead; it's equivalent.
Recorded when the user clicks on the action button of a web platform
notification, and the notification opens a new Activity.
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatform.Body.Click">
<obsolete>From 2021-03 use Notifications.WebPlatformV2 instead.</obsolete>
Recorded when the user clicks on the body of a web platform notification.
This metric had a bug where it also counted cases where the user dismissed
the notification, invalidating this and related actions.
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatform.Body.Close">
<obsolete>From 2021-03 use Notifications.WebPlatformV2 instead.</obsolete>
Recorded when the user clicks on the body of a web platform notification,
and the notification closes.
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatform.Body.FocusActivity">
<obsolete>From 2021-03 use Notifications.WebPlatformV2 instead.</obsolete>
Recorded when the user clicks on the body of a web platform notification,
and the notification focuses an Activity.
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatform.Body.NewActivity">
<obsolete>From 2021-03 use Notifications.WebPlatformV2 instead.</obsolete>
Recorded when the user clicks on the body of a web platform notification,
and the notification opens a new Activity.
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatformV2.ActionButton.Click">
Recorded when the user clicks on the action button of a web platform
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatformV2.ActionButton.Close">
Recorded when the user clicks on the action button of a web platform
notification, and the notification closes.
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatformV2.ActionButton.FocusActivity">
Recorded when the user clicks on the action button of a web platform
notification, and the notification focuses an Activity.
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatformV2.ActionButton.NewActivity">
Recorded when the user clicks on the action button of a web platform
notification, and the notification opens a new Activity.
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatformV2.Body.Click">
Recorded when the user clicks on the body of a web platform notification.
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatformV2.Body.Close">
Recorded when the user clicks on the body of a web platform notification,
and the notification closes.
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatformV2.Body.FocusActivity">
Recorded when the user clicks on the body of a web platform notification,
and the notification focuses an Activity.
<action name="Notifications.WebPlatformV2.Body.NewActivity">
Recorded when the user clicks on the body of a web platform notification,
and the notification opens a new Activity.
<action name="NPAPIRemovalInfobar.LearnMore">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to NPAPI removal.</obsolete>
Recorded when the NPAPI removal infobar link is clicked.
<action name="NPAPIRemovalInfobar.Shown">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to NPAPI removal.</obsolete>
<description>Recorded when the NPAPI removal infobar is shown.</description>
<action name="NTP_LinkOpenedFromContextMenu">
<obsolete>Replaced by NewTabPage.LinkOpenedFromContextMenu.WebUI</obsolete>
Recorded when a link on the New Tab Page is opened via the context menu.
This can include: Middle-slot promos, Doodles, the One Google Bar, and
custom background image attributions, but *not* shortcuts. For shortcuts see
MostVisited_Clicked. Logged only when Google is the default search provider,
as these elements only appear on the Google NTP.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="NTPPromoClosed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="NTPPromoShown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Backgrounds.BackClicked">
<description>The back arrow was clicked the richer picker.</description>
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Backgrounds.BackgroundDeselected">
<obsolete>Deprecated 08/2019.</obsolete>
A background image tile was deselected in the richer picker.
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Backgrounds.BackgroundReset">
The NTP background image was reset to default from the richer picker.
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Backgrounds.BackgroundSelected">
A background image tile was selected in the richer picker.
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Backgrounds.BackgroundSet">
A background image was set as the NTP background from the richer picker.
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Backgrounds.CollectionClicked">
A collection tile was selected in the richer picker.
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Backgrounds.DailyRefreshEnabled">
Daily refresh was enabled by clicking 'Done' in the richer picker
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Backgrounds.DefaultDeselected">
<obsolete>Deprecated 08/2019.</obsolete>
'No background' was deselected in the richer picker.
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Backgrounds.DefaultSelected">
<description>'No background' was selected in the richer picker.</description>
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Backgrounds.RefreshToggleClicked">
'Refresh daily' toggle was clicked in the richer picker.
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Backgrounds.UploadCanceled">
'Cancel' was clicked on the file select dialog originating from the richer
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Backgrounds.UploadClicked">
'Upload from device' was clicked in the richer picker.
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Backgrounds.UploadConfirmed">
'Open' was clicked on the file select dialog originating from the richer
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.CancelClicked">
<description>'Cancel' was clicked in the richer picker.</description>
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.DoneClicked">
<description>'Done' was clicked in the richer picker.</description>
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Opened">
<description>The richer picker was opened.</description>
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Shortcuts.CustomLinksClicked">
The 'My shortcuts' (i.e. custom links) option was clicked in the richer
picker shortcuts submenu.
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Shortcuts.MostVisitedClicked">
The 'Most visited sites' option was clicked in the richer picker shortcuts
<action name="NTPRicherPicker.Shortcuts.VisibilityToggleClicked">
The 'Hide shortcuts' toggle was clicked in the richer picker shortcuts
<action name="Nudge_Active_When_MultitaskMenu_Opened">
The multitask menu (window layout menu) was opened while the education nudge
was showing.
<action name="OfflineIndicator.Hidden">
<description>Recorded when the offline indicator is hidden.</description>
<action name="OfflineIndicator.Shown">
<description>Recorded when the offline indicator is shown.</description>
<action name="OfflinePages.Edit.RemoveButtonClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when &quot;Remove&quot; button is clicked in offline section of
&quot;Edit bookmark&quot; page.
<action name="OfflinePages.Edit.RemoveButtonNotClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when the user navigates away without clicking &quot;Remove&quot;
button in offline section of &quot;Edit bookmark&quot; page.
<action name="OfflinePages.Edit.SaveButtonClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when &quot;Save&quot; button is clicked in offline section of
&quot;Edit bookmark&quot; page.
<action name="OfflinePages.Edit.SaveButtonNotClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when the user navigates away without clicking &quot;Save&quot;
button in offline section of &quot;Edit bookmark&quot; page.
<action name="OfflinePages.Edit.VisitButtonClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when &quot;Visit&quot; button is clicked in offline section of
&quot;Edit bookmark&quot; page.
<action name="OfflinePages.Edit.VisitButtonNotClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when the user navigates away without clicking &quot;Visit&quot;
button in offline section of &quot;Edit bookmark&quot; page.
<action name="OfflinePages.FreeUpSpaceDialogButtonClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when &quot;Delete&quot; button is clicked in the Free Up Space
<action name="OfflinePages.FreeUpSpaceDialogButtonNotClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when the user leaves the Free Up Space dialog without clicking
&quot;Delete&quot; button.
<action name="OfflinePages.FreeUpSpaceHeaderClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when &quot;Free Up Space&quot; button is clicked in the storage
space promotion section of &quot;Saved Offline&quot; page.
<action name="OfflinePages.FreeUpSpaceHeaderNotClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when the user navigates away without clicking &quot;Free Up
Space&quot; button is clicked in the storage space promotion section of
&quot;Saved Offline&quot; page.
<action name="OfflinePages.ReloadButtonClicked">
Recorded when &quot;Reload&quot; button is clicked in the snackbar that is
shown when offline page is opened and there is network.
<action name="OfflinePages.ReloadButtonClickedViewingUntrustedPage">
Recorded when &quot;Reload&quot; button is clicked in the snackbar that is
shown when an untrusted offline page is loaded.
<action name="OfflinePages.ReloadButtonNotClicked">
Recorded when &quot;Reload&quot; button is not clicked in the snackbar that
is shown when offline page is opened and there is network.
<action name="OfflinePages.SaveButtonClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when &quot;Save&quot; button is clicked in the snackbar that is
shown when bookmarked page without saved copy is opened.
<action name="OfflinePages.SaveButtonNotClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when &quot;Save&quot; button is not clicked in the snackbar that is
shown when bookmarked page without saved copy is opened.
<action name="OfflinePages.SaveStatusSnackbar.FreeUpSpaceButtonClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when &quot;Free Up Space&quot; button is clicked in the in the
snackbar that is shown when the page is/is not saved and storage is almost
<action name="OfflinePages.SaveStatusSnackbar.FreeUpSpaceButtonNotClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when the user navigates away without clicking &quot;Free Up
Space&quot; button is clicked in the storage space promotion section of
&quot;Saved Offline&quot; page.
<action name="OfflinePages.Sharing.SharePageFromDownloadHome">
Recorded when the user shares offline pages from Download Home. Each page
will be counted once if there are multiple items being shared in a batch.
This will not increment if the sharing process fails at the page publishing
<action name="OfflinePages.Sharing.SharePageFromOverflowMenu">
Recorded when the user shares an offline page loaded in the current tab
through the &quot;Share...&quot; button in the overflow menu. This will not
increment if the sharing process fails at the page publishing step.
<action name="OfflinePages.ViewingOffline.EditButtonClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when a user clicks on the &quot;Edit&quot; button on a snackbar
that shown when viewing offline page with no network.
<action name="OfflinePages.ViewingOffline.EditButtonNotClicked">
<obsolete>Offline pages were pulled out of bookmarks UI.</obsolete>
Recorded when a snackbar shown when viewing an offline page with no network
is dismissed without &quot;Edit&quot; button being clicked.
<action name="Omnibox.ClipboardSuggestion.Conceal">
User clicks on a clipboard suggestion's conceal button to hide the contents
of the clipboard on Android.
<action name="Omnibox.ClipboardSuggestion.Reveal">
User clicks on a clipboard suggestion's reveal button to show the contents
of the clipboard on Android.
<action name="Omnibox.ClipboardSuggestionRemoved">
User long pressed a clipboard suggestion from the omnibox suggestion list to
remove it from the omnibox suggestion and the system clipboard on Android.
<action name="Omnibox.EditUrlSuggestion.Copy">
User tapped on the copy icon in the edit-URL omnibox suggestion on Android.
<action name="Omnibox.EditUrlSuggestion.Edit">
User tapped on the edit icon in the edit-URL omnibox suggestion on Android.
<action name="Omnibox.EditUrlSuggestion.Share">
User tapped on the share icon in the edit-URL omnibox suggestion on Android.
<action name="Omnibox.EditUrlSuggestion.Tap">
User tapped on the edit-URL omnibox suggestion on Android.
<action name="Omnibox.LongPress.Copy">
User tapped on the copy button after long-pressing on the omnibox on
<action name="Omnibox.LongPress.Cut">
User tapped on the cut button after long-pressing on the omnibox on Android.
<action name="Omnibox.LongPress.Share">
User tapped on the share button after long-pressing on the omnibox on
<action name="Omnibox.ServerSuggestDelete.Failure">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Omnibox.ServerSuggestDelete.Success">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Omnibox.ZeroSuggestDelete.Failure">
Counts the number of requests sent to the server to delete a suggestion
shown by ZeroSuggestProvider that returned an error code.
<action name="Omnibox.ZeroSuggestDelete.Success">
Counts the number of requests sent to the server to delete a suggestion
shown by ZeroSuggestProvider that successfully completed.
<action name="Omnibox_DragString">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Omnibox_DragURL">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OmniboxDestinationURLIsSearchOnDSP">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OmniboxDestinationURLMatchesDefaultSearchProvider">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OmniboxInputInProgress">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Open_Sys_Internals">
Number of times that chrome://sys-internals is accessed.
<action name="OpenActiveTabInPwaWindow">
Opens the current tab as an app window belonging to the PWA that has the URL
in its scope.
<action name="OpenAddBluetoothDeviceDialog">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OpenAllBookmarks">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OpenAllBookmarksIncognitoWindow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OpenAllBookmarksNewWindow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OpenChangeProfilePictureDialog">
<obsolete>Deprecated 09/2016</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OpenFile">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OpenFileManager">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OpenFileSystemPersistent" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>Deprecated 04/2023</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OpenFileSystemTemporary" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>Deprecated 04/2023</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OpenInternetOptionsDialog">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OpenLanguageOptionsDialog">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OpenSmartInputsSettings">
<obsolete>Deprecated 07/2020</obsolete>
When user click the link to open Smart Inputs setting page in ChromeOS.
<action name="OpenSystemOptionsDialog">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OpenTabpose">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_About">
<description>Settings: About Chrome</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityCaretHighlight_Disable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Disable caret highlighting</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityCaretHighlight_Enable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Enable caret highlighting</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityCursorHighlight_Disable">
Settings: Accessibility: Disable cursor highlighting
<action name="Options_AccessibilityCursorHighlight_Enable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Enable cursor highlighting</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityFocusHighlight_Disable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Disable focus highlighting</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityFocusHighlight_Enable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Enable focus highlighting</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityHighContrastMode">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Toggle high contrast mode</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityHighContrastMode_Disable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Disable high contrast mode</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityHighContrastMode_Enable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Enable high contrast mode</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityLargeMouseCursor_Disable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Disable large mouse cursor</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityLargeMouseCursor_Enable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Enable large mouse cursor</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityLearnMore">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Learn More</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityMonoAudio_Disable">
Settings: Disable play the same audio through all speakers (mono audio)
<action name="Options_AccessibilityMonoAudio_Enable">
Settings: Enable play the same audio through all speakers (mono audio)
<action name="Options_AccessibilityOnScreenKeyboard_Disable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Disable on-screen keyboard</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityOnScreenKeyboard_Enable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Enable on-screen keyboard</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityScreenMagnifier_Disable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Disable screen magnifier</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityScreenMagnifier_Enable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Enable screen magnifier</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityScreenMagnifierCenterFocus_Disable">
Settings: Accessibility: Disable centering focus for text input in magnifier
<action name="Options_AccessibilityScreenMagnifierCenterFocus_Enable">
Settings: Accessibility: Enable centering focus for text input in magnifier
<action name="Options_AccessibilitySelectToSpeak_Disable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Disable select-to-speak</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilitySelectToSpeak_Enable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Enable select-to-speak</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilitySpokenFeedback_Disable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Disable ChromeVox</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilitySpokenFeedback_Enable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Enable ChromeVox</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityStickyKeys_Disable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Disable sticky keys</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityStickyKeys_Enable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Enable sticky keys</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilitySwitchAccess_Disable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Disable Switch Access</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilitySwitchAccess_Enable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Enable Switch Access</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilitySystemMenu_Disable">
Settings: Accessibility: Disable show in system menu
<action name="Options_AccessibilitySystemMenu_Enable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Enable show in system menu</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityTapDragging_Disable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Disable tap dragging</description>
<action name="Options_AccessibilityTapDragging_Enable">
<description>Settings: Accessibility: Enable tap dragging</description>
<action name="Options_AddPersonEnabled_Disable">
Settings: People: Disables allowing anyone to add a person to Chrome.
<action name="Options_AddPersonEnabled_Enable">
Settings: People: Enables anyone to add a person to Chrome.
<action name="Options_AllowAllUsers_Disable">
Settings: Users: Disable allowing all users (whitelisted users only)
<action name="Options_AllowAllUsers_Enable">
<description>Settings: Users: Enable allowing all users</description>
<action name="Options_AndroidApps_Disable">
User changed setting to disable Android apps from running on the Chromebook.
<action name="Options_AndroidApps_Enable">
User changed setting to enable Android apps to run on the Chromebook.
<action name="Options_AppLanguage">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_AskForSaveLocation_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_AskForSaveLocation_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_AutofillAddressAdded">
<description>Settings: Autofill: Address added</description>
<action name="Options_AutofillAddressDeleted">
<description>Settings: Autofill: Address deleted</description>
<action name="Options_AutofillAuxiliaryProfiles_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_AutofillAuxiliaryProfiles_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_AutofillCreditCardAdded">
<description>Settings: Autofill: Credit card added</description>
<action name="Options_AutofillCreditCardDeleted">
<description>Settings: Autofill: Credit card deleted</description>
<action name="Options_AutofillShowAbout">
<description>Settings: Autofill: About Autofill</description>
<action name="Options_Autologin_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Autologin_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_AutoSpellCorrection_Disable">
<obsolete>Deprecated 11/2015</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_AutoSpellCorrection_Enable">
<obsolete>Deprecated 11/2015</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_BackgroundMode_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_BackgroundMode_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_BlockAllPopups_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_BlockAllPopups_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_BluetoothConnectNewDevice">
<description>Settings: Bluetooth: Add a device: Connect</description>
<action name="Options_BluetoothConnectPairedDevice">
<description>Settings: Bluetooth: Connect</description>
<action name="Options_BluetoothEnabled_Disable">
<description>Sets the Settings:Enable Bluetooth state to false.</description>
<action name="Options_BluetoothEnabled_Enable">
<description>Sets the Settings:Enable Bluetooth state to true.</description>
<action name="Options_BluetoothRemoveDevice">
<description>Settings: Bluetooth: remove a device from the list</description>
<action name="Options_BluetoothShowAddDevice">
<description>Settings: Bluetooth: Add a device</description>
<action name="Options_BrowserGuestEnabled_Disable">
<description>Settings: People: Disable Guest browsing.</description>
<action name="Options_BrowserGuestEnabled_Enable">
<description>Settings: People: Allows guests to browse.</description>
<action name="Options_CaptivePortalBypassProxy_Disable">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 03/2015. Option is removed.</obsolete>
Captive portal authorization bypass proxy is disabled.
<action name="Options_CaptivePortalBypassProxy_Enable">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 03/2015. Option is removed.</obsolete>
Captive portal authorization bypass proxy is enabled.
<action name="Options_ChangeDefaultZoomLevel">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ChangeFixedFont">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ChangeFontEncoding">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ChangeProxies">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ChangeSansSerifFont">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ChangeSerifFont">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ChangeStandardFont">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_CheckCertRevocation_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_CheckCertRevocation_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ClearData">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_CloudPrintDevicesPage">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ContentSettings">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_CustomFrame_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_CustomFrame_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_DefaultBackgroundSyncSettingChanged">
Triggers when the default content setting for Background Sync is changed.
<action name="Options_DefaultCookieSettingChanged">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_DefaultFullScreenSettingChanged">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 2016-10. These settings no longer exist.</obsolete>
<description>Was used for changing fullscreen settings.</description>
<action name="Options_DefaultGeolocationSettingChanged">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_DefaultHandlersSettingChanged">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_DefaultImagesSettingChanged">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_DefaultJavaScriptSettingChanged">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_DefaultKeygenSettingChanged">
<obsolete>Support for Keygen was removed.</obsolete>
Triggers when the default decision for using key generation is changed.
<action name="Options_DefaultMediaStreamCameraSettingChanged">
Recorded when the default value for the camera content setting is changed by
the user.
<action name="Options_DefaultMediaStreamMicSettingChanged">
Recorded when the default value for the microphone content setting is
changed by the user.
<action name="Options_DefaultMediaStreamSettingChanged">
This action was disused in r172302. See
Options_DefaultMediaStreamCameraSettingChanged and
Recorded when the default value for the combined camera and microphone
content setting is changed by the user.
<action name="Options_DefaultMIDISysExSettingChanged">
Triggers when the default decision for Midi SysEx permissions is changed.
<action name="Options_DefaultMouseLockSettingChanged">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 2016-10. These settings no longer exist.</obsolete>
<description>Was used for changing mouse lock settings.</description>
<action name="Options_DefaultMultipleAutomaticDLSettingChange">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_DefaultNotificationsSettingChanged">
Recorded when the default value for the Notifications content setting is
changed by the user.
<action name="Options_DefaultPluginsSettingChanged">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_DefaultPopupsSettingChanged">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_DefaultPPAPIBrokerSettingChanged">
Recorded when the default value for the PPAPI Broker content setting is
changed by the user.
<action name="Options_DefaultProtectedMediaIdentifierSettingChanged">
Recorded when the default value for the Protected Media Identifier content
setting is changed by the user.
<action name="Options_DefaultPushMessagingSettingChanged">
Triggers when the default decision for push message permissions is changed.
<action name="Options_DictionaryLanguage">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_DisableCloudPrintProxy">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_DisableGData_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_DisableGData_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Display">
<description>Settings: Device: Display settings</description>
<action name="Options_DisplayRearrange">
Settings: Device: Display settings: arrange desktops
<action name="Options_DisplaySetColorProfile">
<description>Settings: Device: Display settings: Color Profile</description>
<action name="Options_DisplaySetOrientation">
<description>Settings: Device: Display settings: Orientation</description>
<action name="Options_DisplaySetOverscan">
<description>Settings: Device: Display settings: Overscan</description>
<action name="Options_DisplaySetPrimary">
<description>Settings: Device: Display settings: Make primary</description>
<action name="Options_DisplaySetResolution">
Settings: Device: Display settings: Display mode (i.e. resolution, UI-scale,
and device scale factor).
<action name="Options_DisplayToggleMirroring">
<description>Settings: Device: Display settings: Start mirroring</description>
<action name="Options_DnsPrefetchCheckbox_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_DnsPrefetchCheckbox_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_DoNotTrackCheckbox_Disable">
Deprecated. Replaced by the Privacy.DoNotTrackSetting histogram.
Indicates that the Do Not Track setting is disabled. Recording was removed
from the code around M59.
<action name="Options_DoNotTrackCheckbox_Enable">
Deprecated. Replaced by the Privacy.DoNotTrackSetting histogram.
Indicates that the Do Not Track setting is enabled. Recording was removed
from the code around M59.
<action name="Options_EasyUnlockRequireProximity_Disable">
The user disabled the option to require their phone to be in very close
proximity to their Chromebook (roughly, within 1 foot), in order for Smart
Lock to unlock the Chromebook.
<action name="Options_EasyUnlockRequireProximity_Enable">
The user enabled the option to require their phone to be in very close
proximity to their Chromebook (roughly, within 1 foot), in order for Smart
Lock to unlock the Chromebook.
<action name="Options_EnableCloudPrintProxy">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_FormAutofill_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_FormAutofill_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_GearsSettings">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_GetMoreExtensions">
<description>Extensions: Click on 'Get More Extensions' link.</description>
<action name="Options_GoogleGeolocationAccessCheckbox_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_GoogleGeolocationAccessCheckbox_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_GtkThemeSet">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_GuestBrowsing_Disable">
<description>Settings: Users: Disable guest browsing</description>
<action name="Options_GuestBrowsing_Enable">
<description>Settings: Users: Enable guest browsing</description>
<action name="Options_Homepage_HideHomeButton">
Deprecated as of 03/2012. This option is now a checkbox (r127199).
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Homepage_HomeButton_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Homepage_HomeButton_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Homepage_IsNewTabPage_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Homepage_IsNewTabPage_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Homepage_ShowHomeButton">
Deprecated as of 03/2012. This option is now a checkbox (r127199).
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Homepage_ShowSettings">
<description>Settings: Appearance: (Homepage settings): Change</description>
<action name="Options_Homepage_URL">
<description>Settings: Appearance: Home page: Open this page</description>
<action name="Options_Homepage_UseNewTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Homepage_UseURL">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Hotword_AudioLogging_Checkbox_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="Options_Hotword_AudioLogging_Checkbox_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="Options_HotwordCheckbox_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_HotwordCheckbox_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ImagesCheckbox_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ImagesCheckbox_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_InstantEnabled_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_InstantEnabled_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_InstantExtendedEnabled_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_InstantExtendedEnabled_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Internet_DataRoaming_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Internet_DataRoaming_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_JavaCheckbox_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_JavaCheckbox_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_KeyboardAutoRepeat_Delay">
<description>Settings: Keyboard settings: Auto-repeat delay</description>
<action name="Options_KeyboardAutoRepeat_Disable">
<description>Settings: Keyboard settings: Disable auto-repeat</description>
<action name="Options_KeyboardAutoRepeat_Enable">
<description>Settings: Keyboard settings: Enable auto-repeat</description>
<action name="Options_KeyboardAutoRepeat_Interval">
<description>Settings: Keyboard settings: Auto-repeat interval</description>
<action name="Options_KeyboardRemapAltKey">
<description>Settings: Keyboard settings: Alt</description>
<action name="Options_KeyboardRemapBackspaceKey">
<description>Settings: Keyboard settings: Backspace</description>
<action name="Options_KeyboardRemapCapsLockKey">
<description>Settings: Keyboard settings: CapsLock</description>
<action name="Options_KeyboardRemapControlKey">
<description>Settings: Keyboard settings: Ctrl</description>
<action name="Options_KeyboardRemapDiamondKey">
<description>Settings: Keyboard settings: Diamond</description>
<action name="Options_KeyboardRemapEscapeKey">
<description>Settings: Keyboard settings: Escape</description>
<action name="Options_KeyboardRemapSearchKey">
<description>Settings: Keyboard settings: Search</description>
<action name="Options_KeyboardShowKeyboardShortcuts">
Settings: Keyboard settings: View keyboard shortcuts
<action name="Options_KeyboardShowLanguageSettings">
Settings: Keyboard settings: Change language and input settings
<action name="Options_Languages_Add">
<description>Settings: Languages and input: Add language</description>
<action name="Options_Languages_InputMethodCheckbox_Disable">
<description>Settings: Languages and input: Input method</description>
<action name="Options_Languages_InputMethodCheckbox_Enable">
<description>Settings: Languages and input: Input method</description>
<action name="Options_Languages_SpellCheck">
Settings: Languages and input: Use language for spell checking
<action name="Options_LanuageAndSpellCheckSettings">
<description>Settings: Language and input settings</description>
<action name="Options_LinkDoctorCheckbox_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_LinkDoctorCheckbox_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_LoadUnpackedExtension">
<description>Extensions: Loads an unpacked extension.</description>
<action name="Options_ManageAccounts">
<description>Settings: Users: Manage other users</description>
<action name="Options_ManageCloudPrinters">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ManagerCerts">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ManageSearchEngines">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ManageSSLCertificates">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_MetricsReportingCheckbox_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_MetricsReportingCheckbox_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_MousePrimaryRight_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_MousePrimaryRight_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_NetworkAddVPNBuiltIn">
Settings: Internet connection: VPN dropdown: Show built-in dialog for adding
an OpenVPN or L2TP VPN.
<action name="Options_NetworkAddVPNThirdParty">
Settings: Internet connection: VPN dropdown: Show &quot;add network&quot;
dialog for a third-party VPN provider.
<action name="Options_NetworkAutoConnect">
Settings: Internet connection: Network detail: Auto Connect to network
<action name="Options_NetworkConnectToVPN">
Settings: Internet connection: Network detail (VPN): Connect
<action name="Options_NetworkConnectToWifi">
Settings: Internet connection: Network detail (Wifi): Connect
<action name="Options_NetworkDisconnectVPN">
Settings: Internet connection: Network detail (VPN): Disconnect
<action name="Options_NetworkDisconnectWifi">
Settings: Internet connection: Network detail (Wifi): Disconnect
<action name="Options_NetworkJoinOtherVPN">
<obsolete>Replaced by Options_NetworkAddVPNBuiltIn.</obsolete>
Settings: Internet connection: VPN dropdown: Join other
<action name="Options_NetworkJoinOtherWifi">
Settings: Internet connection: Wifi dropdown: Join other
<action name="Options_NetworkManualProxy_Disable">
Settings: Internet connection: Network detail: direct or automatic proxy
<action name="Options_NetworkManualProxy_Enable">
Settings: Internet connection: Network detail: manual proxy config
<action name="Options_NetworkSetPrefer">
Settings: Internet connection: Network detail: Prefer this network
<action name="Options_NetworkShowDetailsCellular">
Settings: Internet connection: Network detail (cellular)
<action name="Options_NetworkShowDetailsCellularConnected">
Settings: Internet connection: Network detail (connected cellular)
<action name="Options_NetworkShowDetailsVPN">
<description>Settings: Internet connection: Network detail (VPN)</description>
<action name="Options_NetworkShowDetailsVPNConnected">
Settings: Internet connection: Network detail (connected VPN)
<action name="Options_NetworkShowDetailsWifi">
Settings: Internet connection: Network detail (wifi)
<action name="Options_NetworkShowDetailsWifiConnected">
Settings: Internet connection: Network detail (connected wifi)
<action name="Options_NetworkShowPreferred">
Settings: Internet connection: Wifi dropdiwn: Preferred networks...
<action name="Options_NetworkShowProxyTab">
Settings: Internet connection: Network detail: select proxy tab
<action name="Options_NetworkUseSharedProxies_Disable">
Settings: Internet connection: Allow proxies for shared networks
<action name="Options_NetworkUseSharedProxies_Enable">
Settings: Internet connection: Allow proxies for shared networks
<action name="Options_NetworkWifiToggle">
Settings: Internet connection: Wifi dropdown: Enable/Disable Wifi
<action name="Options_OpenWallpaperManager">
<description>Settings: Appearance: Set wallpaper...</description>
<action name="Options_PasswordGenerationCheckbox_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_PasswordGenerationCheckbox_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_PasswordManager_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_PasswordManager_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_PasswordManagerDeletePassword">
<description>Settings: Password manager: Delete password</description>
<action name="Options_PasswordManagerExceptionsLearnMore">
Settings: Password manager: Learn more about exceptions
<action name="Options_PasswordManagerSearch">
<description>Settings: Password manager: Search</description>
<action name="Options_PluginsCheckbox_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_PluginsCheckbox_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ResetAutoOpenFiles">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ResetToDefaults">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ResolveTimezoneByGeoLocation_Disable">
<description>ChromeOS periodic timezone refresh disabled.</description>
<action name="Options_ResolveTimezoneByGeoLocation_Enable">
<description>ChromeOS periodic timezone refresh enabled.</description>
<action name="Options_SafeBrowsingCheckbox_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_SafeBrowsingCheckbox_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_SafeBrowsingDownloadFeedbackCheckbox_Disable">
Deprecated 6/14. Replaced by SafeBrowsingExtendedReportingCheckbox_Disable.
<description>Safe Browsing download feedback disabled</description>
<action name="Options_SafeBrowsingDownloadFeedbackCheckbox_Enable">
Deprecated 6/14. Replaced by SafeBrowsingExtendedReportingCheckbox_Enable.
<description>Safe Browsing download feedback enabled</description>
<action name="Options_SafeBrowsingExtendedReportingCheckbox_Disable">
<description>Safe Browsing Extended Reporting disabled</description>
<action name="Options_SafeBrowsingExtendedReportingCheckbox_Enable">
<description>Safe Browsing Extended Reporting enabled</description>
<action name="Options_ScreenLock_Disable">
Settings: Users: Do not require a password to wake from sleep
<action name="Options_ScreenLock_Enable">
Settings: Users: Require a password to wake from sleep
<action name="Options_SearchEngineChanged">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_SearchEngineRemoved">
<description>Settings: Manage search engines...: Remove</description>
<action name="Options_SearchEngineSetDefault">
<description>Settings: Manage search engines...: Make default</description>
<action name="Options_SensitivitySlider_Changed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_SetAsDefaultBrowser">
The user clicked &quot;Make Chrome the default browser&quot; in the settings
<action name="Options_SetDownloadDirectory">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_SetTimeDialog_Show">
<description>Set system time dialog was launched.</description>
<action name="Options_ShowAddresses">
<description>Settings: Show addresses</description>
<action name="Options_ShowAdvancedSettings">
<description>Settings: Show advanced settings</description>
<action name="Options_ShowAutofillSettings">
<description>Settings: Show autofill settings</description>
<action name="Options_ShowBatterySettings">
<description>Settings: Power settings</description>
<action name="Options_ShowBookmarksBar_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ShowBookmarksBar_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ShowCookies">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ShowFontSettings">
<description>Setings: Customize fonts</description>
<action name="Options_ShowKeyboardSettings">
<description>Settings: Keyboard settings</description>
<action name="Options_ShowPasswordCheck">
<description>Settings: passwords check</description>
<action name="Options_ShowPasswordManager">
<description>Settings: saved passwords</description>
<action name="Options_ShowPaymentMethods">
<description>Settings: Show payment options</description>
<action name="Options_ShowPowerSettings">
<description>Settings: Manage power</description>
<action name="Options_ShowPrivacySandbox">
<description>Settings: Privacy sandbox</description>
<action name="Options_ShowProxySettings">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ShowSafeBrowsingEnhancedProtection">
<description>Settings: Safe Browsing enhanced protection</description>
<action name="Options_ShowStorageManager">
<description>Settings: Storage management</description>
<action name="Options_ShowSyncAdvanced">
<description>Settings: Show advanced sync settings</description>
<action name="Options_ShowTouchpadSettings">
<description>Settings: Touchpad settings</description>
<action name="Options_ShowUserNamesOnSignin_Disable">
<description>Settings: Users: Disable usernames on signin</description>
<action name="Options_ShowUserNamesOnSignin_Enable">
<description>Settings: Users: Enable usernames on signin</description>
<action name="Options_SpeedFactorSlider_Changed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_SpellCheck_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_SpellCheck_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_SpellingServiceCheckbox_Disable">
<description>Settings: Privacy: Use spelling service</description>
<action name="Options_SpellingServiceCheckbox_Enable">
<description>Settings: Privacy: Use spelling service</description>
<action name="Options_SSL2_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_SSL2_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_SSL3_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_SSL3_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Startup_Custom">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Startup_Homepage">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Startup_LastSession">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Startup_NewTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_StorageOpenAccounts">
<description>Settings: Storage management: Other users</description>
<action name="Options_StorageOpenAndroidStorage">
<description>Settings: Storage management: Android storage</description>
<action name="Options_StorageOpenClearBrowsingData">
<description>Settings: Storage management: Browsing data</description>
<action name="Options_StorageOpenClearDriveCache">
<description>Settings: Storage management: Offline files</description>
<action name="Options_StorageOpenDownloads">
<description>Settings: Storage management: Downloads</description>
<action name="Options_SupervisedUsers_Disable">
<description>Settings: Users: Disable supervised users</description>
<action name="Options_SupervisedUsers_Enable">
<description>Settings: Users: Enable supervised users</description>
<action name="Options_SyncSelectDataTypes">
Settings: Users: Sync: Enable selectively syncing data types
<action name="Options_SyncSetDefault">
<description>Settings: Users: Sync: Use default settings</description>
<action name="Options_SyncSetEncryption">
<description>Settings: Users: Sync: Encrypt sync data</description>
<action name="Options_SyncToggleDataType">
<description>Settings: Users: Toggle a sync data type</description>
<action name="Options_TabsToLinks_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_TabsToLinks_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_TapToClickCheckbox_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_TapToClickCheckbox_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ThemesGallery">
<description>Settings: Appearance: Get themes</description>
<action name="Options_ThemesReset">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_TimezoneSelect">
<description>Settings: Date and time: Timezone</description>
<action name="Options_TLS1_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_TLS1_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ToggleDeveloperMode_Disabled">
Extensions: Disables developer mode for Chrome extensions.
<action name="Options_ToggleDeveloperMode_Enabled">
Extensions: Enables developer mode for Chrome extensions.
<action name="Options_TouchpadNaturalScroll_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_TouchpadNaturalScroll_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_TouchpadTapToClick_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_TouchpadTapToClick_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Translate_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_Translate_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_UpdateExtensions">
<description>Extensions: Click on update extensions in settings.</description>
<action name="Options_Use24HourClockCheckbox_Disable">
<description>Settings: Date and time: Use 24-hour clock</description>
<action name="Options_Use24HourClockCheckbox_Enable">
<description>Settings: Date and time: Use 24-hour clock</description>
<action name="Options_UseSpellingServiceCheckbox_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_UseSpellingServiceCheckbox_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_UseSuggestCheckbox_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_UseSuggestCheckbox_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_VertEdgeScrollCheckbox_Disable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_VertEdgeScrollCheckbox_Enable">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Options_ViewExtensionErrors">
Extensions WebUI: User clicked or navigated directly to view errors for an
<action name="Options_WakeOnWifiDarkConnect_Disable">
Settings: Disable Wake on Wi-Fi Dark Connect feature
<action name="Options_WakeOnWifiDarkConnect_Enable">
<description>Settings: Enable Wake on Wi-Fi Dark Connect feature</description>
<action name="Options_WakeOnWifiSsid_Disable">
Deprecated 10/2015 in issue 1412993003 and replaced by
<description>Settings: Disable Wake on Wi-Fi SSID</description>
<action name="Options_WakeOnWifiSsid_Enable">
Deprecated 10/2015 in issue 1412993003 and replaced by
<description>Settings: Enable Wake on Wi-Fi SSID</description>
<action name="Options_WhitelistedUser_Add">
<description>Settings: Users: Add a whitelisted user</description>
<action name="Options_WhitelistedUser_Remove">
<description>Settings: Users: Remove a whitelisted user</description>
<action name="OriginChipPress">
<obsolete>This flag no longer exists.</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OutdatedPluginInfobar.AllowThisTime">
<obsolete>Removed in M107</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OutdatedPluginInfobar.Closed">
<obsolete>Removed in M107</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OutdatedPluginInfobar.Dismissed">
<obsolete>Removed in M107</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OutdatedPluginInfobar.LearnMore">
<obsolete>Removed in M107</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OutdatedPluginInfobar.Shown">
<obsolete>Removed in M107</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OutdatedPluginInfobar.Shown.Java">
<obsolete>Removed in M107</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OutdatedPluginInfobar.Shown.QuickTime">
<obsolete>Removed in M107</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OutdatedPluginInfobar.Shown.Reader">
<obsolete>Removed in M107</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OutdatedPluginInfobar.Shown.RealPlayer">
<obsolete>Removed in M107</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OutdatedPluginInfobar.Shown.Shockwave">
<obsolete>Removed in M107</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OutdatedPluginInfobar.Shown.Silverlight">
<obsolete>Removed in M107</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OutdatedPluginInfobar.Update">
<obsolete>Removed in M107</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OutdatedUpgradeBubble.EnableAU">
When the user clicks on the Enable updates button of the outdated upgrade
<action name="OutdatedUpgradeBubble.Later">
When the user dismisses the outdated upgrade bubble without accepting it. In
m62 and earlier this was via a &quot;Later&quot; button. Since m63, that
button was removed and replaced by a close [x] reporting the same metric.
<action name="OutdatedUpgradeBubble.Reinstall">
When the user clicks on the Reinstall button of the outdated upgrade bubble.
<action name="OutdatedUpgradeBubble.Show">
When the outdated upgrade bubble is shown for a user with auto-update on.
<action name="OutdatedUpgradeBubble.ShowNoAU">
When the outdated upgrade bubble is shown for a user with auto-update off.
<action name="Outdent">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="OverrideEncoding">
<obsolete>Obsolete as of 08/2016</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Overscroll_Cancelled.Back">
When horizontal overscroll corresponding to the BACK navigation is cancelled
- either because the user performed an interfering action such as pressing a
key, or because the user ended the drag before the navigation threshold was
<action name="Overscroll_Cancelled.Forward">
When horizontal overscroll corresponding to the FORWARD navigation is
cancelled - either because the user performed an interfering action such as
pressing a key, or because the user ended the drag before the navigation
threshold was passed.
<action name="Overscroll_Cancelled.Reload">
When vertical overscroll corresponding to the RELOAD navigation is cancelled
- either because the user performed an interfering action such as pressing a
key, or because the user ended the drag before the navigation threshold was
<action name="Overscroll_Navigated.Back">
When horizontal overscroll initiates a BACK navigation in the browser.
<action name="Overscroll_Navigated.Forward">
When horizontal overscroll initiates a FORWARD navigation in the browser.
<action name="Overscroll_Navigated.Reload">
When vertical overscroll initiates a RELOAD navigation in the browser.
<action name="OverscrollActionCloseTab">
Called when the user closes the tab using overscroll action.
<action name="PageDown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.AboutThisSite.MoreAboutClicked">
<description>More about clicked in AboutThisSite from PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.AboutThisSite.Opened">
<description>AboutThisSite subpage opened from PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.AboutThisSite.SourceLinkClicked">
<description>Source link clicked in AboutThisSite from PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.AdPersonalization.ManageInterestClicked">
User selected &quot;Manage interests&quot; from Page Info Ads
Personalization subpage.
<action name="PageInfo.AdPersonalization.OpenedWithFledge">
Page Info Ads personalization subpage opened with only FLEDGE present.
<action name="PageInfo.AdPersonalization.OpenedWithFledgeAndTopics">
Page Info Ads personalization subpage opened with FLEDGE and Topics present.
<action name="PageInfo.AdPersonalization.OpenedWithTopics">
Page Info Ads personalization subpage opened with only Topics present.
<action name="PageInfo.ChangePasswordPressed">
<description>Change password pressed in PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.Closed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.Cookies.Allowed">
<description>Cookies allowed in PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.Cookies.Blocked">
<description>Cookies blocked in PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.Cookies.Cleared">
<description>Cookies cleared in PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.Cookies.Opened">
<description>Page Info Cookies subpage opened.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.CookiesSubpage.AllSitesFilteredOpened">
Opened All sites with a filter for FPS from PageInfo.
<action name="PageInfo.CookiesSubpage.Opened">
<description>Cookies subpage opened from PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.CookiesSubpage.SettingsLinkClicked">
Cookies settings link clicked in Cookies subpage from PageInfo.
<action name="PageInfo.ForgetSite.Cleared">
<description>Forget Site dialog confirmed in PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.ForgetSite.Opened">
<description>Forget Site dialog opened in PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.History.EntryClicked">
<description>History entry clicked from PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.History.EntryRemoved">
<description>History entry removed from PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.History.Opened">
<description>History subpage opened in PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.Opened">
<description>User opened PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.PasswordReuseAllowed">
<description>Password reuse allowed from PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.Permission.Changed">
<description>Permission changed in page info.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.Permission.ChooserObjectDeleted">
<description>Chooser object deleted from PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.Permission.Cleared">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.Permission.Opened">
<description>Certificate details opened in PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.Permission.ResetDecisions">
<description>Permissions reset from PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.SafetyTip.HelpOpened">
<description>Help opened from Safety Tip.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.Security.Certificate.Opened">
<description>Certificate details opened in PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.Security.ConnectionHelp.Opened">
<description>Connection help opened in PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.Security.Opened">
<description>Certificate details opened in PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.SiteSettings.Opened">
<description>Site settings opened in PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageInfo.StoreInfo.Opened">
<description>Store info subpage opened from PageInfo.</description>
<action name="PageLoad" not_user_triggered="true">
Deprecated. Not a good representation of user behaviour for page loads.
Check the count of PageLoad.ParseTiming.NavigationToParseStart or
IOS.PageLoadCount.Counts (on that platform) for a better approximation of
page loads.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
When a page load starts. This can include page loads that are not completed,
sub frames, and pre sign-in ChromeOS pages.
<action name="PageLoadInIncognito" not_user_triggered="true">
Removed 06/2019, replaced with Navigation.MainFrameProfileType histogram to
cover all profile types in a commom context.
<description>A page was loaded in incognito mode.</description>
<action name="PageLoadSRP" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PageUp">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PaintPreview.Player.Flung">
Records when the user fling-scrolls the paint preview player.
<action name="PaintPreview.Player.LinkClicked">
Records when a link is clicked in the paint preview player.
<action name="PaintPreview.Player.LongPress">
Records when the user long presses on the paint preview player.
<action name="PaintPreview.Player.Scrolled">
Records when the user scrolls the paint preview player.
<action name="PaintPreview.Player.UnconsumedTap">
Records when the user taps on an area in the paint preview player that is
not a link.
<action name="PaintPreview.Player.Zoomed">
Records when the user zooms in/out the paint preview player.
<action name="PaintPreview.TabbedPlayer.Actionbar.Action">
Records when the user clicks on the actionbar action in
<action name="PaintPreview.TabbedPlayer.Removed">
Records when the tabbed paint preview player is removed.
<action name="Panel_Minimize_Caption_Click">
<obsolete>Removed 07/2018 since panels were deprecated in M-69.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Panel_Minimize_Caption_Gesture">
<obsolete>Removed 07/2018 since panels were deprecated in M-69.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PasswordManager_Autofilled">
<description>Username/password were autofilled on pageload.</description>
<action name="PasswordManager_ChoseSubdomainPassword">
Introduction of Manual Fallbacks broke recording of this action.
The user submitted a form with an existing credential saved for another
subdomain. For example, the user might have signed in on
https://accounts.spotify.com using a credential previously saved for
<action name="PasswordManager_LoggedInWithNewPassword">
Introduction of Manual Fallbacks broke recording of this action.
The user tried to log in with an existing (possibly for another subdomain)
credential but different password.
<action name="PasswordManager_LoggedInWithNewUsername">
Introduction of Manual Fallbacks broke recording of this action.
The user tried to log in with a completely new (possibly auto generated)
<action name="PasswordManager_LoginFailed">
The user submitted a password form, but the website appeared to reject the
credentials. This action reflects the password manager component's logic for
whether or not to offer to save a password. At the time of writing, failure
means that either the form submission was canceled with a failure message,
or the form submission succeeded, but the user was directed back to a page
that still contained a login form.
<action name="PasswordManager_LoginPassed">
The user submitted a password form and the website appeared to accept the
credentials. This action reflects the password manager component's logic for
whether or not to offer to save a password.
<action name="PasswordManager_OpenSettings">
The user opened the Password Settings submenu from within the main Password
Manager screen. iOS only.
<action name="PasswordManager_RemovePasskey">
The user removed a Google Password Manager passkey from within the Password
Manager. Desktop only.
<action name="PasswordManager_RemovePasswordException">
The user deleted a blocklisted credential from within the Password Manager.
<action name="PasswordManager_RemoveSavedPassword">
The user deleted a stored credential from within the Password Manager.
<action name="PasswordManager_ShowedHttpNotSecureExplanation">
<obsolete>Deprecated 5/2018 because the feature never launched.</obsolete>
The user selected the &quot;Login not secure&quot; or &quot;Form not
secure&quot; item in the password manager autofill dropdown to show more
information about the warning.
<action name="PasswordManager_SyncCredentialFilledAndLoginSuccessfull">
<obsolete>Obsolete and no longer recorded in M121 (2023-11).</obsolete>
Counts the number of times when Chrome fills the user's sync account
credentials, and the user logs in successfully after submitting them.
<action name="PasswordManager_SyncCredentialShown">
<obsolete>Obsolete and no longer recorded in M121 (2023-11).</obsolete>
Counts the number of times a user views the saved credentials for their sync
<action name="PasswordManager_SyncCredentialUsed">
<obsolete>Counted the wrong thing, http://crbug.com/635428</obsolete>
Counts the number of times a user submits an autofilled credential which
matches their sync account.
<action name="PasswordManager_UsedNonDefaultUsername">
Introduction of Manual Fallbacks broke recording of this action.
The user logged in with an existing credential other than the default one.
This results in the default credential being updated, to the credential that
the user most recently logged in with.
<action name="PasswordProtection.Gaia.HashedPasswordSaved">
Reported when a user's hashed gaia password is saved.
<action name="PasswordProtection.Gmail.ChangePasswordButtonClicked">
Reported when a user clicks on the change password button for a Gmail
<action name="PasswordProtection.GSuite.ChangePasswordButtonClicked">
Reported when a user clicks on the change password button for a Gsuite
<action name="PasswordProtection.Interstitial.ResetPassword">
Reported when the user clicks on the reset password button on the
<action name="PasswordProtection.ModalWarning.ChangePasswordButtonClicked">
Reported when the user clicked on the change password button on the password
protection modal warning.
<action name="PasswordProtection.ModalWarning.CloseWarning">
Reported when the user closed the password protection modal warning.
<action name="PasswordProtection.ModalWarning.IgnoreButtonClicked">
Reported when the user clicked on the ignore button on the password
protection modal warning.
<action name="PasswordProtection.NonGaiaEnterprise.ChangePasswordButtonClicked">
Reported when a user clicks on the change password button for a
Non-Gaia-Enterprise account.
<action name="PasswordProtection.NonGaiaEnterprise.HashedPasswordSaved">
Reported when a user's hashed non-gaia-enterprise password is saved.
<action name="PasswordProtection.PageInfo.ChangePasswordButtonClicked">
Reported when the user clicks on the change password button on the page info
<action name="PasswordProtection.PageInfo.MarkSiteAsLegitimate">
Reported when the user clicks on the mark site as legitimate button on the
page info bubble.
<action name="PasswordProtection.PasswordUpdated.AutomatedFlowPasswordChosen">
Reported when the automated change password flow completes with a generated
<description>Reported when a password-reset link is requested.</description>
<action name="PasswordProtection.PasswordUpdated.ManualFlowPasswordChosen">
Reported when password change/reset flow completes with a user chosen
<action name="PasswordProtection.PasswordUpdated.Timeout">
<description>Reported when the password change flow times out.</description>
<action name="PasswordProtection.SavedPassword.ChangePasswordButtonClicked">
Reported when a user clicks on the change password button for a saved
<action name="Paste">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PasteAndMatchStyle">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PaymentsUserAuthSuccessfulForMandatoryAuthToggle">
Recorded when user completes a successful auth after trying to change the
mandatory auth toggle in the chrome://settings/payments page.
<action name="PaymentsUserAuthSuccessfulToShowEditLocalCardDialog">
Recorded when user completes a successful auth after trying to edit a local
card from the chrome://settings/payments page when the mandatory auth toggle
is enabled.
<action name="PaymentsUserAuthTriggeredForMandatoryAuthToggle">
Recorded when user is asked for an auth after trying to change the mandatory
auth toggle in the chrome://settings/payments page.
<action name="PaymentsUserAuthTriggeredToShowEditLocalCardDialog">
Recorded when user is asked for an auth after trying to edit a local card
from the chrome://settings/payments page when the mandatory auth toggle is
<action name="PDF.FitToHeightButton">
<obsolete>Removed with Out of Process PDF (issue 303491)</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF.FitToPageButton">
<obsolete>Removed with Out of Process PDF (issue 303491)</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF.FitToWidthButton">
<obsolete>Removed with Out of Process PDF (issue 303491)</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF.LoadFailure">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF.LoadSuccess">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF.PreviewDocumentLoadFailure">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF.PrintButton">
<obsolete>Removed with Out of Process PDF (issue 303491)</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF.PrintPage">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF.SaveButton">
<obsolete>Removed with Out of Process PDF (issue 303491)</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF.SavePage">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF.ZoomFromBrowser">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF.ZoomInButton">
<obsolete>Removed with Out of Process PDF (issue 303491)</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF.ZoomOutButton">
<obsolete>Removed with Out of Process PDF (issue 303491)</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_EnableReaderInfoBarCancel">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_EnableReaderInfoBarOK">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_EnableReaderInfoBarShown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_InstallReaderInfoBarCancel">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_InstallReaderInfoBarOK">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_InstallReaderInfoBarShown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_ReaderInterstitialCancel">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_ReaderInterstitialIgnore">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_ReaderInterstitialShown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_ReaderInterstitialUpdate">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_Unsupported_3D">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_Unsupported_Attachment">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_Unsupported_Bookmarks">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_Unsupported_Digital_Signature">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_Unsupported_Movie">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_Unsupported_Portfolios">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_Unsupported_Portfolios_Packages">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_Unsupported_Rights_Management">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_Unsupported_Screen">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_Unsupported_Shared_Form">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_Unsupported_Shared_Review">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_Unsupported_Sound">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_Unsupported_XFA">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_UseReaderInfoBarCancel">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_UseReaderInfoBarOK">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PDF_UseReaderInfoBarShown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PeopleSearch_OpenChat">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PeopleSearch_SendEmail">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PermissionBubbleIFrameRequestQueued">
A website with a domain that is not the same as the main frame's domain
requested a permission and that permission was queued because an existing
permission request was already visible, or because an existing request for
the main frame's domain is pending.
<action name="PermissionBubbleRequest">
<description>A website requested a permission.</description>
<action name="PermissionBubbleRequestQueued">
A website requested a permission which was queued because an existing
permission request was already visible.
<action name="Permissions.Prompt.QuietBubble.Geolocation.AllowClicked">
Logs when the user clicks &quot;Allow for this site&quot;, which is a
button, that upon being clicked, allows the site to send notifications. This
metric can be baselined against
&quot;Permissions.QuietChip.TimeToInteraction&quot; histogram.
<action name="Permissions.Prompt.QuietBubble.Geolocation.ManageClicked">
Logs when the user clicks &quot;Manage&quot;, which is a button, that upon
being clicked, navigates the user to the geolocation category settings page.
This metric can be baselined against
&quot;Permissions.QuietChip.TimeToInteraction&quot; histogram.
<action name="Permissions.Prompt.QuietBubble.Notifications.AllowClicked">
Logs when the user clicks &quot;Show for site&quot;, which is a button, that
upon being clicked, allows the site to send notifications. This metric can
be baselined against &quot;Permissions.QuietChip.TimeToInteraction&quot;
<action name="Permissions.Prompt.QuietBubble.Notifications.ManageClicked">
Logs when the user clicks &quot;Manage&quot;, which is a button, that upon
being clicked, navigates the user to the notifications category settings
page. This metric can be baselined against
&quot;Permissions.QuietChip.TimeToInteraction&quot; histogram.
<action name="PhishingInterstitial.Advanced">
User opened the &quot;Advanced&quot; tab on the Phishing interstitial.
<action name="PhishingInterstitial.Back">
<description>User pressed back on a Phishing interstitial.</description>
<action name="PhishingInterstitial.CloseInterstitialWithoutUI">
User exits interstitial page without clicking the back button on a Phishing
<action name="PhishingInterstitial.Diagnostic">
User clicks to show diagnostic on a Phishing interstitial.
<action name="PhishingInterstitial.EnhancedProtectionMessage">
User clicks to show enhanced protection message on a Phishing interstitial.
<action name="PhishingInterstitial.EnhancedProtectionSettings">
User clicks to open enhanced protection settings on a Phishing interstitial.
<action name="PhishingInterstitial.LearnMore">
User clicks to learn more on a Phishing interstitial.
<action name="PhishingInterstitial.PrivacyPolicy">
User clicks to show privacy policy on a Phishing interstitial.
<action name="PhishingInterstitial.Proceed">
<description>User proceeded on a Phishing interstitial.</description>
<action name="PhishingInterstitial.ReportPhishingError">
User clicks to report an error on a Phishing interstitial.
<action name="PhishingInterstitial.SetExtendedReportingDisabled">
User clicks to disable extended reporting on a Phishing interstitial.
<action name="PhishingInterstitial.SetExtendedReportingEnabled">
User clicks to enable extended reporting on a Phishing interstitial.
<action name="PhishingInterstitial.Show">
<description>User saw the Phishing interstitial.</description>
<action name="PhishingInterstitial.WhitePaper">
User clicks to show white paper on a Phishing interstitial.
<action name="PhishyPage.FirstClickEvent">
<description>First user click event within a phishy page.</description>
<action name="PhishyPage.FirstKeyEvent">
<description>First user keyboard entry into a phishy page.</description>
<action name="PhishyPage.FirstPasteEvent">
<description>First user paste event into a phishy page.</description>
<action name="PhishyPage.UserStartsInteraction">
<description>User starts interacting with the phishy page.</description>
<action name="PhishyPage.UserStopsInteraction">
User has either closed the phishy page, navigated away, or has had a
significant period of inactivity with the page.
<action name="PhysicalWeb.NotificationPressed">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram PhysicalWeb.ActivityReferral</obsolete>
A notification advertising nearby Physical Web URLs was pressed.
<action name="PhysicalWeb.OptIn.DeclineButtonPressed">
Obsolete 4/2018, Physical Web is disabled (crbug.com/826540).
The user has disabled the Physical Web feature via the settings.
<action name="PhysicalWeb.OptIn.EnableButtonPressed">
Obsolete 4/2018, Physical Web is disabled (crbug.com/826540).
The enable button was pressed in the Physical Web opt-in activity.
<action name="PhysicalWeb.OptIn.HighPriorityNotificationShown">
<obsolete>Deprecated 01/2017, no longer used</obsolete>
A high priority Physical Web opt-in notification was displayed.
<action name="PhysicalWeb.OptIn.MinPriorityNotificationShown">
<obsolete>Deprecated 01/2017, no longer used</obsolete>
A min priority Physical Web opt-in notification was displayed.
<action name="PhysicalWeb.OptIn.NotificationPressed">
<obsolete>Deprecated 01/2017, no longer used</obsolete>
The user pressed the Physical Web opt-in notification.
<action name="PhysicalWeb.Prefs.FeatureDisabled">
Obsolete 4/2018, Physical Web is disabled (crbug.com/826540).
The user has disabled the Physical Web feature via the settings.
<action name="PhysicalWeb.Prefs.FeatureEnabled">
Obsolete 4/2018, Physical Web is disabled (crbug.com/826540).
The user has enabled the Physical Web feature via the settings.
<action name="PhysicalWeb.Prefs.FromOmnibox">
Obsolete 4/2018, Physical Web is disabled (crbug.com/826540).
The user tapped the Physical Web logo in an omnibox suggestion and navigated
to the Physical Web preferences page. iOS only.
<action name="PhysicalWeb.Prefs.LocationDenied">
Obsolete 4/2018, Physical Web is disabled (crbug.com/826540).
The user denied location permission when enabling the Physical Web feature
via the settings.
<action name="PhysicalWeb.Prefs.LocationGranted">
Obsolete 4/2018, Physical Web is disabled (crbug.com/826540).
The user granted location permission when enabling the Physical Web feature
via the settings.
<action name="PhysicalWeb.UrlSelected">
Obsolete 4/2018, Physical Web is disabled (crbug.com/826540).
<description>A Physical Web URL was selected.</description>
<action name="PhysicalWeb.WebUI.ListViewUrlSelected">
Obsolete 4/2018, Physical Web is disabled (crbug.com/826540).
The user tapped an URL in the Physical Web list view.
<action name="PhysicalWeb.WebUI.Open">
Obsolete 4/2018, Physical Web is disabled (crbug.com/826540).
<description>The Physical Web WebUI was opened or refreshed.</description>
<action name="PlatformVerificationAccepted">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PlatformVerificationRejected">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Plugin_200ForByteRange">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Plugin_Blocked">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Plugin_BlockedByPolicy">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Plugin_ClickToPlay">
A plugin instance has loaded as a left click to play placeholder.
<action name="Plugin_Hide_Click">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Plugin_Hide_Menu">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Plugin_Load_Click">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Plugin_Load_Menu">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Plugin_Load_UI">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Plugin_NPAPINotSupported">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to NPAPI removal.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PluginContextMenu_RotateClockwise">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PluginContextMenu_RotateCounterclockwise">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PluginLoaderPosix.LaunchUtilityProcess">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to NPAPI removal.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PluginLoaderPosix.UtilityProcessCrashed">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to NPAPI removal.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PPAPI.BrokerInfobarClickedAllow">
<obsolete>Deprecated since the feature is deprecated.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PPAPI.BrokerInfobarClickedDeny">
<obsolete>Deprecated since the feature is deprecated.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PPAPI.BrokerInfobarDisplayed">
<obsolete>Deprecated since the feature is deprecated.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PPAPI.BrokerSettingAllow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PPAPI.BrokerSettingDeny">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Precache.Fetch.Begin" not_user_triggered="true">
A precache fetch was initiated, having met all the necessary preconditions.
This occurs when precache is in either Enabled or Control mode.
<action name="Precache.Fetch.IntentReceived" not_user_triggered="true">
An intent was received by PrecacheServiceLauncher, corresponding either to a
change in power or network, or to an alarm set by the
PrecacheServiceLauncher itself.
<action name="PrintNow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PrintPreview">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PrintView_PrintDialog">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PrintView_PrintNow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PrintView_ZoomMinus">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PrintView_ZoomPageFull">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PrintView_ZoomPageWidth">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="PrintView_ZoomPlus">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ProcessSwapBindingsMismatch_RVHM">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ProfileChooser_AddressesClicked">
<obsolete>Removed since M85, replaced by a histogram.</obsolete>
User clicked 'Addresses' in the profile chooser menu.
<action name="ProfileChooser_CloseAllClicked">
<obsolete>Removed since M85, replaced by a histogram.</obsolete>
User clicked 'Close All Windows' in the profile chooser menu.
<action name="ProfileChooser_CookieSettingsClicked">
<obsolete>Removed since M85, replaced by a histogram.</obsolete>
User clicked on settings from the user menu prompted message to go to cookie
settings. The prompt was shown because sync is paused due to cookie settings
set to clear cookies on exit.
<action name="ProfileChooser_GuestClicked">
<obsolete>Removed since M85, replaced by a histogram.</obsolete>
User opened a guest session from the profile chooser menu.
<action name="ProfileChooser_ManageClicked">
<obsolete>Removed since M85, replaced by a histogram.</obsolete>
User clicked 'Manage people' in the profile chooser menu.
<action name="ProfileChooser_ManageGoogleAccountClicked">
<obsolete>Removed since M85, replaced by a histogram.</obsolete>
User clicked 'Manage your Google Account' in the profile chooser menu.
<action name="ProfileChooser_PasswordsClicked">
<obsolete>Removed since M85, replaced by a histogram.</obsolete>
User clicked 'Passwords' in the profile chooser menu.
<action name="ProfileChooser_PaymentsClicked">
<obsolete>Removed since M85, replaced by a histogram.</obsolete>
User clicked 'Payments' in the profile chooser menu.
<action name="ProfileChooser_ProfileClicked">
<obsolete>Removed since M85, replaced by a histogram.</obsolete>
User clicked a profile to switch in the profile chooser menu.
<action name="ProfileChooser_Show">
<obsolete>This is replaced with ProfileMenu_Opened.</obsolete>
<description>The user opened the profile chooser menu.</description>
<action name="ProfileChooser_SignInAgainClicked">
<obsolete>Removed since M85, replaced by a histogram.</obsolete>
User clicked 'Sign in again' in the profile chooser menu.
<action name="ProfileChooser_SignInAgainDisplayed">
<obsolete>No longer recorded after the revamp of the profile menu</obsolete>
The profile chooser opened with 'Sign in again' button.
<action name="ProfileMenu_ActionableItemClicked">
The user clicked a button or a link in the profile menu.
<action name="ProfileMenu_ActionableItemClicked_Guest">
The user clicked a button or a link in the guest profile menu.
<action name="ProfileMenu_ActionableItemClicked_Incognito">
The user clicked a button or a link in the incognito profile menu.
<action name="ProfileMenu_ActionableItemClicked_Regular">
The user clicked a button or a link in the regular profile menu.
<action name="ProfileMenu_Opened">
<description>The user opened the profile menu.</description>
<action name="ProfileMenu_Opened_Guest">
<description>The user opened the guest profile menu.</description>
<action name="ProfileMenu_Opened_Incognito">
<description>The user opened the incognito profile menu.</description>
<action name="ProfileMenu_Opened_Regular">
<description>The user opened the regular profile menu.</description>
<action name="ProfilePicker_AddClicked">
The user clicked the add button in chrome://profile-picker.
<action name="ProfilePicker_RemoveOptionClicked">
The user clicked remove in the three dotted menu in chrome://profile-picker.
<action name="ProfilePicker_ThreeDottedMenuClicked">
The user clicked the three dotted menu in chrome://profile-picker.
<action name="PWAInstallIcon">
The plus icon shown in the omnibox when a site has passed the browser's PWA
promotability checks.
<action name="QS_Subpage_Network_AddESim">
User clicked on the Add ESim network entry in the quick settings network
subpage on ChromeOS.
<action name="QS_Subpage_Network_JoinNetwork">
User clicked on the Join Wi-Fi network entry in the quick settings network
subpage on ChromeOS.
<action name="QuickActionSearchWidget.LensQuery">
The user triggered a Lens query from the Quick Actions Search Widget.
<action name="QuickActionSearchWidget.StartDinoGame">
User started the Dino Game from the Quick Action Search Widget.
<action name="QuickActionSearchWidget.StartIncognito">
User opened an incognito tab from the Quick Action Search Widget.
<action name="QuickActionSearchWidget.TextQuery">
The user triggered a text query from the Quick Actions Search Widget.
<action name="QuickActionSearchWidget.VoiceQuery">
The user triggered a voice query from the Quick Actions Search Widget.
<action name="ReadAloud.PlaybackStarted">
<description>The user started a Read Aloud playback.</description>
<action name="ReadingList.Dialog.AddCurrentPage">
The user added a page to the reading list from the dialog bubble.
<action name="ReadingList.Dialog.Navigation">
The user navigated to a page from the reading list dialog bubble.
<action name="Redo">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="RegisterProtocolHandler.ContextMenu_Open">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="RegisterProtocolHandler.ContextMenu_Settings">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="RegisterProtocolHandler.Infobar_Accept">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="RegisterProtocolHandler.InfoBar_Deny">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="RegisterProtocolHandler.InfoBar_LearnMore">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="RegisterProtocolHandler.InfoBar_Shown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="RelatedSearches.SerpResultClicked">
The user clicked on a search result in the Search Result Page that was shown
due to a Related Searches suggestion.
<action name="RelatedSearches.TabPromotion">
The user took an action that promotes the bottom sheet from an overlay into
its own separate Tab. The bottom sheet was showing results from a Related
Searches suggestion.
<action name="RelaunchRecommended_Accept">
The user accepted to relaunch Chrome in response to a bubble indicating that
their administrator recommended that Chrome be relaunched.
<action name="RelaunchRecommended_Close">
The bubble indicating to the user that their administrator recommends a
browser relaunch was closed by the user.
<action name="RelaunchRecommendedShown">
A bubble was shown to the user to indicate that their administrator
recommends that Chrome be relaunched.
<action name="RelaunchRequired_Accept">
The user accepted to relaunch Chrome in response to a dialog indicating that
their administrator required that Chrome be relaunched.
<action name="RelaunchRequired_Close">
The dialog indicating to the user that their administrator requires a
browser relaunch was closed by the user.
<action name="RelaunchRequiredShown">
A dialog was shown to the user to indicate that their administrator requires
that Chrome be relaunched.
<action name="ReleaseNotes.LaunchedAboutPage">
Release Notes was launched from clicking link in about page.
<action name="ReleaseNotes.LaunchedNotification">
Release Notes was launched from clicking notification.
<action name="ReleaseNotes.NotificationShown">
<description>Release Notes notification was shown.</description>
<action name="ReleaseNotes.ShowReleaseNotes">
<description>Release Notes app was launched.</description>
<action name="ReleaseNotes.SuggestionChipLaunched">
<description>Release Notes was launched from suggestion chip.</description>
<action name="Reload">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ReloadBypassingCache">
<description>The user triggers Shift-reload operation.</description>
<action name="ReloadIgnoringCache">
<obsolete>This is replaced with ReloadBypassingCache.</obsolete>
<description>The user triggers Shift-reload operation.</description>
<action name="RemoveFormat">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="RendererForegroundMainFrameOOM">
Recorded when a foreground main frame renderer OOM is observed.
<action name="RenderViewContextMenu.Used.IDC_CONTENT_CONTEXT_SEARCHWEBFOR">
Emitted whenever the IDC_CONTENT_CONTEXT_SEARCHWEBFOR context menu item is
This is logged at the same time that the RenderViewContextMenu.Used
histogram is logged.
This action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="ReportBug">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ResetProfile">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ResponsiveToolbar.OverflowButtonActivated">
Emitted when the oveflow button is activated in responsive toolbar mode.
<action name="ResponsiveToolbar.OverflowButtonHidden" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>Emitted when the oveflow button is hidden.</description>
<action name="ResponsiveToolbar.OverflowButtonShown" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>Emitted when the oveflow button is shown.</description>
<action name="ResponsiveToolbar.OverflowMenuItemActivated">
Emitted when the overflow menu item of the described suffix name is
activated in responsive toolbar mode.
<action name="RestoreTab">
Emitted anytime the most recently closed tab is restored via
browser/ui/browser_tab_restorer.cc. This occurs either via the
(Ctrl-Shift-T) hotkey or the tab context menu. These are cases where the
user hasn't explicitly selected a recently closed tab; the user is asking
that the most recently closed tab be restored. Thus, it's not recorded, for
example, if the user uses three-dots menu &gt; History &gt; Recently Closed
Tabs and selects a tab, as in this case the user has selected a recently
closed tab explicitly. That case and cases like it go directly to
TabRestoreService::RestoreEntryById and bypass the browser_tab_restorer code
Note: if the last user action was to close an entire window with multiple
tabs, this RestoreTab action will cause the entire window to be restored,
containing multiple tabs. This user action is only emitted once however,
regardless of the number of tabs.
This is not emitted during session restore that occurs as part of startup.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="RestoreTabsOnFRE">
User took an action on the RestoreTabsOnFRE feature.
<action name="ReviewAccountSettings_Impression_FromBookmarkManager"
Recorded when showing review account settings promo in the bookmark manager.
iOS only.
<action name="ReviewAccountSettings_Impression_FromReadingListManager"
Recorded when showing review account settings promo in the reading list
manager. iOS only.
<action name="ReviewAccountSettings_Tapped_FromBookmarkManager">
Recorded when the user taps the button to review account settings in the
bookmark manager. iOS only.
<action name="ReviewAccountSettings_Tapped_FromReadingListManager">
Recorded when the user taps the button to review account settings in the
reading list manager. iOS only.
<action name="SafeBrowsing.AccountIntegration.DisabledDialog.Dismissed">
<description>The ESB disabled dialog was dismissed.</description>
<action name="SafeBrowsing.AccountIntegration.DisabledDialog.OkButtonClicked">
User clicks the OK button on the ESB disabled dialog.
User clicks the settings button on the ESB disabled dialog.
<action name="SafeBrowsing.AccountIntegration.DisabledDialog.Shown"
<description>The ESB disabled dialog was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="SafeBrowsing.AccountIntegration.EnabledDialog.Dismissed">
<description>The ESB enabled dialog was dismissed.</description>
<action name="SafeBrowsing.AccountIntegration.EnabledDialog.OkButtonClicked">
User clicks the OK button on the ESB enabled dialog.
User clicks the settings button on the ESB enabled dialog.
<action name="SafeBrowsing.AccountIntegration.EnabledDialog.Shown"
<description>The ESB enabled dialog was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="SafeBrowsing.Download.WarningBypassed">
<description>User bypasses a download warning.</description>
<action name="SafeBrowsing.Download.WarningShown" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>A download warning is shown.</description>
<action name="SafeBrowsing.Settings.DisableSafeBrowsingClicked">
User clicks the disable Safe Browsing button in the Safe Browsing setting
<action name="SafeBrowsing.Settings.DisableSafeBrowsingDialogConfirmed">
User clicks the confirmed button on the disable Safe Browsing dialog in the
Safe Browsing setting page.
<action name="SafeBrowsing.Settings.DisableSafeBrowsingDialogDenied">
User clicks the denied button on the disable Safe Browsing dialog in the
Safe Browsing setting page.
<action name="SafeBrowsing.Settings.EnhancedProtectionClicked">
User clicks the exhanced protection button in the Safe Browsing setting
<action name="SafeBrowsing.Settings.EnhancedProtectionExpandArrowClicked">
User clicks the enhanced protection expand arrow in the Safe Browsing
setting page.
<action name="SafeBrowsing.Settings.ShowedFromDefault">
The Safe Browsing setting page is shown to the user. The user reaches the
page from the default route.
<action name="SafeBrowsing.Settings.ShowedFromParentSettings">
The Safe Browsing setting page is shown to the user. The user reaches the
page from the parent settings.
<action name="SafeBrowsing.Settings.ShowedFromSafetyCheck">
The Safe Browsing setting page is shown to the user. The user reaches the
page from SafetyCheck.
<action name="SafeBrowsing.Settings.ShowedFromSecurityInterstitial">
The Safe Browsing setting page is shown to the user. The user reaches the
page from the security interstitial.
<action name="SafeBrowsing.Settings.ShowedFromSurfaceExplorerPromoSlinger">
The Safe Browsing setting page is shown to the user. The user reaches the
page from Surface Explorer on NTP on Android.
<action name="SafeBrowsing.Settings.StandardProtectionClicked">
User clicks the standard protection button in the Safe Browsing setting
<action name="SafeBrowsing.Settings.StandardProtectionExpandArrowClicked">
User clicks the standard protection expand arrow in the Safe Browsing
setting page.
<action name="SafetyCheck.DetailKeepClicked">
User clicked on the Safety Check Keep button in the chrome://extensions
Detail page for an extension that triggered a Safety Check warning.
<action name="SafetyCheck.DetailRemoveClicked">
User clicks remove on the detail page of an extension that is showing a
safety check warning. This warning is shown when the extension needs a
safety review.
<action name="SafetyCheck.DetailWarningShown" not_user_triggered="true">
User is shown a safety check warning after navigating to the details page of
an extension. This warning is shown when the extension needs a safety
<action name="SafetyCheck.NonTriggeringExtensionRemoved">
User has clicked removed on an extension card while being shown the Safety
Check Review Panel on the chrome://extensions page. The extension being
removed is NOT one of the extensions listed in the Review Panel.
<action name="SafetyCheck.ReviewCompletion" not_user_triggered="true">
User has reviewed all triggering extensions on the Safety Check Review Panel
on the chrome://extensions page and has been shown the green check mark
completion state.
<action name="SafetyCheck.ReviewPanelKeepClicked">
User selected 'Keep this extension' for a Safety Check Review Panel entry in
the chrome://extensions page to keep an extension that has triggered a
safety check warning.
<action name="SafetyCheck.ReviewPanelRemoveAllClicked">
User clicked the Remove All button in the chrome://extensions Safety Check
Review Panel to remove all extensions that triggered safety check warnings.
<action name="SafetyCheck.ReviewPanelRemoveClicked">
User clicked the trash button for a Safety Check Review Panel entry in the
chrome://extensions page to remove an extension that has triggered a safety
check warning.
<action name="SafetyCheck.ReviewPanelShown" not_user_triggered="true">
User was shown the Safety Check Review Panel in the chrome://extensions
page. This means that there is at least one extension that triggered a
safety check warning and should be reviewed by the user.
<action name="SafetyHub_PasswordCheckRun">
Reported when the password check is run by Safety Hub in the backgroud.
<action name="Sanitize">
Used by the user for the Sanitize option to do a soft reset on the settings.
<action name="Save">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SavePage">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMalwareDontProceed">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMalwareDontProceed_V1">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMalwareDontProceed_V2">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMalwareForcedDontProceed">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMalwareForcedDontProceed_V1">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMalwareForcedDontProceed_V2">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMalwareProceed">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMalwareProceed_V1">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMalwareProceed_V2">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMalwareShow">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMalwareShow_V1">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMalwareShow_V2">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMultipleDontProceed">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMultipleDontProceed_V1">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMultipleDontProceed_V2">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMultipleForcedDontProceed">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMultipleForcedDontProceed_V1">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMultipleForcedDontProceed_V2">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMultipleProceed">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMultipleProceed_V1">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMultipleProceed_V2">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMultipleShow">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMultipleShow_V1">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialMultipleShow_V2">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialPhishingDontProceed">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialPhishingDontProceed_V1">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialPhishingDontProceed_V2">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialPhishingForcedDontProceed">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialPhishingForcedDontProceed_V1">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialPhishingForcedDontProceed_V2">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialPhishingProceed">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialPhishingProceed_V1">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialPhishingProceed_V2">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialPhishingShow">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialPhishingShow_V1">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SBInterstitialPhishingShow_V2">
<obsolete>Replaced by the histogram SB2.InterstitialAction</obsolete>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ScreenLocker_OnLoginFailure">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ScreenLocker_Show">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ScreenLocker_Signout">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ScreenLocker_StartScreenSaver">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ScreenlockMonitor_ScreenLocked">
<description>Screen was locked. Supported on Win/MacOS/ChromeOS.</description>
<action name="ScreenlockMonitor_ScreenUnlocked">
Screen was unlocked. Supported on Win/MacOS/ChromeOS.
<action name="ScreenOrientationChange">
The use rotates the device triggering a screen orientation change. This
action is Android-specific.
<action name="Screenshot_Annotate">
Removed 07/2021. The new screen capture tool doesn't have an annotate button
in its notification.
User clicks the &quot;Annotate&quot; button in the notification displayed
after taking a screenshot.
<action name="Screenshot_CopyClipboard">
Removed 07/2021. The new screen capture tool copies the image to the
clipboard directly.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Screenshot_ShowInFolder">
Removed 07/2021. Use histogram Ash.CaptureModeController.QuickAction
User clicks the body of the notification displayed after taking a screenshot
in order to show the screenshot file in its folder.
<action name="Screenshot_TakeFull">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Screenshot_TakePartial">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Screenshot_TakeWindow">
User initiates an active window screenshot, a window selection per
kuscher@'s request.
<action name="SeaPen_FeedbackPressed">
Records that the user pressed the Sea Pen feedback button.
<action name="Search.ContextualSearch.All.ResultsSeen.true">
Records that the user opened the contextual search panel when it was shown.
Implemented for Android.
This is logged at the same time that a true value is logged to the
Search.ContextualSearch.All.ResultsSeen histogram.
This action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="Search.QueryTiles.NTP.FakeSearchBox.Chip.Cleared">
<obsolete>Removed 11/2021. Query Tiles no longer show chips on NTP.</obsolete>
Recorded whenever a chip showing on the NTP fake search box was cleared.
<action name="Search.QueryTiles.NTP.Tile.Clicked">
Recorded whenever a query tile was clicked in the new tab page.
<action name="SearchAnswer_OpenedUrl">
<description>User opens URL from an answer card.</description>
<action name="SearchAnswer_StoppedLoading">
Deprecated in favor of analysing proportion of shown
(SearchAnswer.AnswerVisibleTime total) vs. successfully loaded
(SearchAnswer.RequestResult.REQUEST_RESULT_RECEIVED_ANSWER) cards.
<description>Answer card successfully loads.</description>
<action name="SearchAnswer_UserInteraction">
<description>User interacts with an answer card.</description>
<action name="SearchBasedKeyRewrite_Delete">
User pressed Search+Backspace to produce the Delete key.
<action name="SearchBasedKeyRewrite_End">
User pressed Search+RightArrow to produce the End key.
<action name="SearchBasedKeyRewrite_Home">
User pressed Search+LeftArrow to produce the Home key.
<action name="SearchBasedKeyRewrite_Insert">
User pressed Search+Period to produce the Insert key.
<action name="SearchBasedKeyRewrite_PageDown">
User pressed Search+DownArrow to produce the PageDown key.
<action name="SearchBasedKeyRewrite_PageUp">
User pressed Search+UpArrow to produce the PageUp key.
<action name="SearchClickMappedToRightClick">
User pressed search click on a touchpad device to generate right click. This
is measuring the transition of use from the legacy alt click behaviour that
is tracked by AltClickMappedToRightClick.
<action name="SearchEngine_ManualChange">
Recorded when the user has manually switched default search engine, which
disables search engine auto switch feature in special locale. This is
recorded on Android for every locale, but is currently only meaningful for
studying special locales.
<action name="SearchEngineChoiceScreenShown">
Recorded when the search engine choice screen is displayed. The screen could
be displayed in the modal dialog (or promo) and the first run experience on
iOS and Desktop and the profile creation flow on Desktop.
<action name="SearchEnginePromo.ExistingDevice.PromoSelected">
The user has made a selection in the search engine promo in an existing
device that is setup before the promo was first introduced. This is a dialog
prompting the user to pick a default search engine. Android only.
<action name="SearchEnginePromo.ExistingDevice.Shown.Dialog">
The Existing Device search engine promo screen was shown as a dialog.
<action name="SearchEnginePromo.ExistingDevice.Shown.FirstRun">
The Existing Device search engine promo screen was shown in the first run
<action name="SearchEnginePromo.NewDevice.PromoSelected">
The user has made a selection in the search engine promo in a new device
that is setup after the promo was introduced. This is a dialog prompting the
user to pick a default search engine. Android only.
<action name="SearchEnginePromo.NewDevice.Shown.Dialog">
The New Device search engine promo screen was shown as a dialog.
<action name="SearchEnginePromo.NewDevice.Shown.FirstRun">
The New Device search engine promo screen was shown in the first run
<action name="SearchPlusDigitRewrite_F1">
<description>User pressed Search+1 to produce the F1 key.</description>
<action name="SearchPlusDigitRewrite_F10">
<description>User pressed Search+0 to produce the F10 key.</description>
<action name="SearchPlusDigitRewrite_F11">
<description>User pressed Search+Minus to produce the F11 key.</description>
<action name="SearchPlusDigitRewrite_F12">
<description>User pressed Search+Equals to produce the F12 key.</description>
<action name="SearchPlusDigitRewrite_F2">
<description>User pressed Search+2 to produce the F2 key.</description>
<action name="SearchPlusDigitRewrite_F3">
<description>User pressed Search+3 to produce the F3 key.</description>
<action name="SearchPlusDigitRewrite_F4">
<description>User pressed Search+4 to produce the F4 key.</description>
<action name="SearchPlusDigitRewrite_F5">
<description>User pressed Search+5 to produce the F5 key.</description>
<action name="SearchPlusDigitRewrite_F6">
<description>User pressed Search+6 to produce the F6 key.</description>
<action name="SearchPlusDigitRewrite_F7">
<description>User pressed Search+7 to produce the F7 key.</description>
<action name="SearchPlusDigitRewrite_F8">
<description>User pressed Search+8 to produce the F8 key.</description>
<action name="SearchPlusDigitRewrite_F9">
<description>User pressed Search+9 to produce the F9 key.</description>
<action name="SearchResumptionModule.NTP.Click">
The search suggestion on the search resumption module is clicked.
<action name="SearchResumptionModule.NTP.Collapse">
Users click the header of the search resumption module to collapse the
<action name="SearchResumptionModule.NTP.Expand">
Users click the header of the search resumption module to expand and show
the suggestions.
<action name="SearchWidget.SearchMade">
The user made a search from the Android search widget.
<action name="SearchWidget.WidgetSelected">
The user launched the Android search widget from home screen.
<action name="SearchWithoutRLZ">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SearchWithRLZ">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SegmentationPurgeTriggeredByHistoryDelete">
Segmentation preferences were purged due to an user triggered history
deletion event.
<action name="SelectAll">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SelectionChanged">
The user changed the selection by manipulating the selection handles. Only
one action of this kind is emmitted when the selection handles are
repeatedly moved. Recorded whenever the selection changes on any platform in
the native touch selection controller.
<action name="SelectLastTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SelectLine">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SelectNextTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SelectNumberedTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SelectPrevTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SelectProfile">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SelectTab0">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SelectTab1">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SelectTab2">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SelectTab3">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SelectTab4">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SelectTab5">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SelectTab6">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SelectTab7">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ServiceWorker.ControlledPageLoad" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>Replaced by ServiceWorker.PageLoad histogram.</obsolete>
Counts the number of page loads controlled by a Service Worker.
<action name="SessionCrashedInfobarClose">
Logged when user taps on close button that dismisses tab restoration UI when
the app was relaunched after the crash. iOS only.
<action name="SessionCrashedInfobarRestore">
Logged when user taps on Restore button that restores tabs when the app was
relaunched after the crash. iOS only.
<action name="Settings.AddressBar.Back">
Reported when user clicks the back button on the Address Bar Settings. iOS
<action name="Settings.AddressBar.BottomAddressBar">
Reported when user selects bottom address bar in Address Bar Settings. iOS
<action name="Settings.AddressBar.Dismissed">
Reported when user dismisses the Address Bar Settings. iOS only.
<action name="Settings.AddressBar.Opened">
Reported when user navigates to Address Bar Settings. iOS only.
<action name="Settings.AddressBar.TopAddressBar">
Reported when user selects top address bar in Address Bar Settings. iOS
<action name="Settings.Bandwidth">
Reported when user navigates to Bandwidth Settings. iOS only.
<action name="Settings.ContentSettings">
Reported when user navigates to Content Settings. iOS only.
<action name="Settings.DefaultBrowser">
Reported when user taps on the button that opens the Chrome panel in
Settings.app. iOS only.
<action name="Settings.DownloadsSettings">
Reported when user navigates to Downloads Settings. iOS only.
<action name="Settings.GoogleServices">
Reported when user navigates to Google Services Settings. iOS only.
<action name="Settings.GoogleServices.FromSigninNotificationInfobar">
Reported when user navigates to Google Services Settings from the sign-in
notification infobar. iOS only.
<action name="Settings.Homepage.LocationChanged">
Removed as original metrics is over counting. Replaced with
Recorded when the user changes their homepage location in settings. Note
that this metric is only recorded on user action and does not capture
changes caused by enterprise policy. Recorded for Android only.
<action name="Settings.Homepage.LocationChanged_V2">
Recorded once when exiting homepage settings if the user changed their
homepage location. Note that this is only recorded if the homepage location
actually changes. So, if for example, the user goes to the settings screen
and toggles between options ultimately ending up at the original state an
event will not be recorded. This metric does not capture changes caused by
enterprise policy. Recorded for Android only.
<action name="Settings.Homepage.Opened">
Recorded when the user opens homepage settings. Recored when the user
launches homepage settings either from the main settings screen or the
homepage button long-press menu. Recorded for Android only.
<action name="Settings.MyAccount">
Recorded when the user taps on the account item in the settings. Recorded
for iOS only.
<action name="Settings.Privacy">
Reported when user navigates to Language Settings. iOS only.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.BackClickCompletion">
User clicks the back button on the completion card in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.BackClickCookies">
User clicks the back button on the cookies card in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.BackClickHistorySync">
User clicks the back button on the history sync card in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.BackClickMSBB">
User clicks the back button on the MSBB card in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.BackClickSafeBrowsing">
User clicks the back button on the Safe Browsing card in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.BackClickSearchSuggestions">
User clicks the back button on the search suggestions card in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.ChangeCookiesBlock3P">
User changes cookies to block 3rd party in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.ChangeCookiesBlock3PIncognito">
User changes cookies to block 3rd party in Incognito in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.ChangeHistorySyncOff">
<description>User changes history sync to off in Privacy guide.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.ChangeHistorySyncOn">
<description>User changes history sync to on in Privacy guide.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.ChangeMSBBOff">
<description>User changes MSBB to off in Privacy guide.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.ChangeMSBBOn">
<description>User changes MSBB to on in Privacy guide.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.ChangeSafeBrowsingEnhanced">
User changes Safe Browsing to enhanced in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.ChangeSafeBrowsingStandard">
User changes Safe Browsing to standard in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.ChangeSearchSuggestionsOff">
User changes Search Suggestions to off in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.ChangeSearchSuggestionsOn">
User changes Search Suggestions to on in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.CompletionPSClick">
User clicks on the Privacy Sandbox link on the completion step of Privacy
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.CompletionSWAAClick">
User clicks on the sWAA link on the completion step of Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.NextClickCompletion">
User clicks the next button on the completion card in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.NextClickCookies">
User clicks the next button on the cookies card in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.NextClickHistorySync">
User clicks the next button on the history sync card in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.NextClickMSBB">
User clicks the next button on the msbb card in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.NextClickSafeBrowsing">
User clicks the next button on the Safe Browsing card in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.NextClickSearchSuggestions">
User clicks the next button on the search suggestions card in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.NextClickWelcome">
User clicks the next button on the welcome card in Privacy guide.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.StartPrivacySettings">
User starts the Privacy guide via the link row in settings privacy section.
<action name="Settings.PrivacyGuide.StartPromo">
<description>User starts the Privacy guide via the promo.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.AdMeasurement.Disabled">
User disables the privacy sandbox Ad Measurement API in the Ad Measurement
setting page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.AdMeasurement.Enabled">
User enables the privacy sandbox Ad Measurement API in the Ad Measurement
setting page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.AdMeasurement.Opened">
<description>User opened Ad measurement subpage.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.AdPersonalization.LearnMoreClicked">
User selected &quot;Learn more&quot; about Ad Personalization.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.AdPersonalization.Opened">
User opened Ad Personalization subpage from main sandbox settings page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.AdPersonalization.SiteRemoved">
User removed a site that was previously in their allowed sites list.
TODO(crbug.com/1378703): Deprecate this action in favor of
Settings.PrivacySandbox.Fledge.SiteRemoved after the feature is launched.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.AdPersonalization.TopicRemoved">
User removed a topic that was previously in their allowed topics list.
TODO(crbug.com/1378703): Deprecate this action in favor of
Settings.PrivacySandbox.Topics.TopicRemoved after the feature is launched.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.ApisDisabled">
User disables the privacy sandbox APIs in the privacy sandbox page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.ApisEnabled">
User enables the privacy sandbox APIs in the privacy sandbox page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Block3PCookies">
User changes cookie setting and moves from a state where 3P cookies are
enabled, to one where 3P cookies are disabled. Only recorded if the privacy
sandox feature is enabled, and the privacy sandbox API preference is
enabled. A toast linking the provacy sandbox page is shown immediately
following this action.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Consent.Accepted">
<description>User accepted the privacy sandbox consent.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Consent.ClosedNoInteraction">
Consent dialog closed with no interaction (e.g. browser shutdown).
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Consent.Declined">
<description>User declined the privacy sandbox consent.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Consent.LearnMoreClosed">
User closed the Learn More in the Privacy Sandbox Consent.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Consent.LearnMoreExpanded">
User expanded the Learn More in the Privacy Sandbox Consent.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Consent.MoreButtonClicked">
User clicked on the More button in the Privacy Sandbox Consent.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Consent.Shown">
<description>User is shown the Privacy Sandbox consent.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Fledge.AllSitesOpened">
User opened the all sites subpage, by clicking on the pref in the Fledge
settings page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Fledge.BlockedSitesOpened">
User opened the blocked sites section, by clicking on the button in the
Topics settings page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Fledge.Disabled">
User disables the privacy sandbox Fledge API in the Fledge settings page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Fledge.Enabled">
User enables the privacy sandbox Fledge API in the Fledge settings page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Fledge.LearnMoreClicked">
User opened the learn more about fledge section, by clicking on the button
in the Fledge settings page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Fledge.Opened">
User opened Fledge subpage from main sandbox settings page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Fledge.SiteAdded">
User added back a site that was previously in their removed sites list.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Fledge.SiteRemoved">
User removed a site that was previously in their allowed sites list.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.FlocSubpageOpened">
User opens the FLoC subpage by clicking on an element on the privacy sandbox
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Notice.Acknowledged">
<description>User acknowledged the Privacy Sandbox notice.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Notice.ClosedNoInteraction">
Notice dialog closed with no interaction (e.g. browser shutdown).
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Notice.Dismissed">
<description>User dismissed the Privacy Sandbox notice.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Notice.LearnMore">
User clicked on the link &quot;estimates your interests&quot; from the
Privacy Sandbox notice. It opens Privacy Sandbox settings page with
&quot;About Browser-based ad personalization&quot; dialog.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Notice.LearnMoreClosed">
User closed the Learn More in the Privacy Sandbox Notice.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Notice.LearnMoreExpanded">
User expanded the Learn More in the Privacy Sandbox Notice.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Notice.MoreButtonClicked">
User clicked on the More button in the Privacy Sandbox Notice.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Notice.OpenedSettings">
User opened settings from the Privacy Sandbox notice.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Notice.Shown">
<description>User is shown the Privacy Sandbox notice.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.OpenedFromCookiesPageToast">
User clicks the toast shown on the cookies page after blocking 3P cookies to
open the privacy sandbox page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.OpenedFromSettingsParent">
User clicks the privacy sandbox row in the privacy page to open the privacy
sandbox page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.OpenExplainer">
User clicks the details button in the privacy sandbox page to see the
privacy sandbox explainer.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.RemovedInterests.Opened">
User clicked on &quot;Interests you removed&quot;, to visit the blocked
interests subpage.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.RemovedInterests.SiteAdded">
User added back a site that was previously in their removed sites list.
TODO(crbug.com/1378703): Deprecate this action in favor of
Settings.PrivacySandbox.Fledge.SiteAdded after the feature is launched.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.RemovedInterests.TopicAdded">
User added back a topic that was previously in their removed topics list.
TODO(crbug.com/1378703): Deprecate this action in favor of
Settings.PrivacySandbox.Topics.TopicAdded after the feature is launched.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.RestrictedNotice.Acknowledged">
User acknowledged the Restricted Privacy Sandbox notice.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.RestrictedNotice.ClosedNoInteraction"
Restricted Notice closed with no interaction (e.g. browser shutdown).
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.RestrictedNotice.MoreButtonClicked">
User clicked on the More button in the Privacy Sandbox Restricted Notice.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.RestrictedNotice.OpenedSettings">
User opened settings from the Restricted Privacy Sandbox notice.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.RestrictedNotice.Shown"
<description>Restricted Privacy Sandbox notice is shown.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.SpamFraud.Opened">
<description>User opened Fraud prevention subpage.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Topics.BlockedTopicsOpened">
User opened the blocked Topics section, by clicking on the button in the
Topics settings page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Topics.Disabled">
User disables the privacy sandbox Topics API in the Topics setting page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Topics.Enabled">
User enables the privacy sandbox Topics API in the Topics settings page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Topics.LearnMoreClicked">
User opened the learn more about topics section, by clicking on the button
in the Topics settings page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Topics.Manage.LearnMoreClicked">
<description>Learn more is clicked in the Manage Topics Page.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Topics.Manage.PageOpened">
<description>Manage Topics page is opened.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Topics.Manage.TopicBlocked">
<description>Topic blocked from the Manage Topics page.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Topics.Manage.TopicBlockingCanceled">
Topic blocking operation canceled from the confirmation dialog.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Topics.Manage.TopicBlockingConfirmed">
Topic blocking operation confirmed from the confirmation dialog.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Topics.Manage.TopicEnabled">
<description>Topic enabled from the Manage Topics page.</description>
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Topics.Opened">
User opened Topics subpage from main sandbox settings page.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Topics.TopicAdded">
User added back a topic that was previously in their removed topics list.
<action name="Settings.PrivacySandbox.Topics.TopicRemoved">
User removed a topic that was previously in their allowed topics list.
<action name="Settings.SafetyCheck.ChromeCleanerCaretNavigation">
User clicks the safety check Chrome cleaner row to navigate to the Chrome
cleaner UI.
<action name="Settings.SafetyCheck.ChromeCleanerReboot">
User clicks the safety check Chrome cleaner reboot button.
<action name="Settings.SafetyCheck.ChromeCleanerReviewInfectedState">
User clicks the review button in an CCT infected state.
<action name="Settings.SafetyCheck.ManagePasswords">
User clicks the manage passwords button in safety check when compromised
passwords have been found.
<action name="Settings.SafetyCheck.ManagePasswordsThroughCaretNavigation">
<description>User clicks the passwords row in safety check.</description>
<action name="Settings.SafetyCheck.ManageSafeBrowsing">
User clicks the manage safe browsing button in safety check.
<action name="Settings.SafetyCheck.ManageSafeBrowsingThroughCaretNavigation">
<description>User clicks the safe browsing row in safety check.</description>
<action name="Settings.SafetyCheck.ManageWeakPasswords">
User clicks the manage passwords button in safety check when weak passwords
have been found.
<action name="Settings.SafetyCheck.RelaunchAfterUpdates">
User clicks the relaunch browser button in safety check after an update.
<action name="Settings.SafetyCheck.ReviewExtensions">
User clicks the review extensions button in safety check.
<action name="Settings.SafetyCheck.ReviewExtensionsThroughCaretNavigation">
<description>User clicks the extensions row in safety check.</description>
<action name="Settings.SafetyCheck.ReviewExtensionsThroughSafetyCheck">
User clicks the review button in the extensions safety check.
<action name="Settings.SafetyCheck.ReviewUnusedSitePermissions">
User clicks the button in the unused site permissions row in safety check.
<action name="Settings.SafetyCheck.ShownExtensionsReviewRow">
The user has been shown the Safety Check Extensions Review Row on the
chrome://settings/privacy page. This row encourages navigation to the main
Safety Check Extensions Review panel on chrome://extensions. This row is
shown when the user has at least one extension that needs a safety review.
<action name="Settings.SafetyCheck.Start">
<description>User started a browser safety check in settings.</description>
<action name="Settings.SafetyHub.IncognitoLinkClicked">
Recorded whenever the user clicks on 'Incognito' link in the Education
module of Safety Check page in settings.
<action name="Settings.SafetyHub.SafeBrowsingLinkClicked">
Recorded whenever the user clicks on 'Safe Browsing' link in the Education
module of Safety Check page in settings.
<action name="Settings.SafetyHub.SafetyToolsLinkClicked">
Recorded whenever the user clicks on 'Safety Tools' link in the Education
module of Safety Check page in settings.
<action name="Settings.Searching">
A new search has been started in the chrome://settings (preferences) page. A
search is considered complete via timeout since there is no concrete way to
define the end of a search (the search is incremental).
<action name="Settings.ShowDefaultBrowser">
Reported when user opens the Default Browser Settings page. iOS only.
<action name="Settings.Sync">
Reported when user navigates to Google Sync Settings. iOS only.
<action name="Settings.Tabs">
Reported when user navigates to Tabs Settings. iOS only.
<action name="Settings.Tabs.InactiveTabs">
Reported when user navigates to Inactive Tabs Settings. iOS only.
<action name="Settings.Tabs.TabPickup">
Reported when user navigates to Tab Pickup Tabs Settings. iOS only.
<action name="Settings.TrackingProtection.OpenedFromPrivacyPage">
Reported when user navigates to Tracking Protection Settings via the
Tracking Protection link row in the Privacy Page.
<action name="Settings.VoiceSearch">
Reported when user navigates to Voice Search Settings. iOS only.
<action name="Settings_A11y_ShelfNavigationButtonsLearnMoreClicked">
The user clicked the &quot;Learn more&quot; link for the setting to show
shelf navigation buttons when in tablet mode. The setting is part of
accessibility settings in Chrome OS settings page.
<action name="SettingsAppMonitor.AppFocused">
<description>The Windows Settings app became focused.</description>
<action name="SettingsAppMonitor.CheckItOut">
The user clicked the &quot;Check it out&quot; button in the Edge promo.
<action name="SettingsAppMonitor.ChooserInvoked">
The user opened the Windows Settings app's browser chooser.
<action name="SettingsAppMonitor.ChromeBrowserChosen">
The user selected Chrome from the Windows Settings app's browser chooser.
<action name="SettingsAppMonitor.Initialized">
The Windows Settings app monitor initialized successfully. This action can
be used as an anchor representing the start of a user's interactions with
the app regardless of what UX in Chrome initiated the flow.
<action name="SettingsAppMonitor.OtherBrowserChosen">
The user selected a different browser from the Windows Settings app's
browser chooser.
<action name="SettingsAppMonitor.PromoFocused">
<description>The Edge promo became focused.</description>
<action name="SettingsAppMonitor.SwitchAnyway">
The user clicked the &quot;Switch Anyway&quot; button in the Edge promo.
<action name="SettingsMenu_ExtensionsLinkClicked">
The user clicked the &quot;Extensions&quot; external link in the settings
menu (drawer).
<action name="SettingsPage.OpenAppManagement">
Removed in M79, replaced by the histogram AppManagement.EntryPoints.
The user clicked on the &quot;Manage your apps&quot; external link in the
settings page.
<action name="SettingsResetBubble.LearnMore">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SettingsResetBubble.NoThanks">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SettingsResetBubble.Reset">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SettingsResetBubble.Show">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SettingsResetPrompt_Accepted">
<description>The user accepted the settings reset prompt.</description>
<action name="SettingsResetPrompt_Canceled">
The user clicked the cancel button in the settings reset prompt dialog.
<action name="SettingsResetPrompt_Declined">
Deprecated in M59 in April 2017 and replaced by SettingsResetPrompt_Canceled
and SettingsResetPrompt_Dismissed.
<description>The user declined the settings reset prompt.</description>
<action name="SettingsResetPrompt_Dismissed">
The user dismissed the settings reset prompt, for example by clicking the x
in the top right corner or pressing the Escape key.
<action name="SettingsResetPrompt_Shown">
The settings reset dialog was displayed to the user.
<action name="SharedHighlights.LinkGenerated.Error.OK">
User pressed the 'OK' button on the Link Generation Error Alert dialog (iOS
<action name="SharedHighlights.LinkGenerated.Error.SharePage">
User pressed the 'Share Page...' button on the Link Generation Error Alert
dialog (iOS only).
<action name="ShareSubmenu.Abandoned">
<obsolete>Removed 02/2022.</obsolete>
The share submenu was opened, but closed without choosing any of the
<action name="ShareSubmenu.CopyLinkSelected">
<obsolete>Removed 02/2022.</obsolete>
The &quot;copy link&quot; option was selected in the share submenu.
<action name="ShareSubmenu.QRCodeSelected">
<obsolete>Removed 02/2022.</obsolete>
The &quot;generate QR code&quot; option was selected in the share submenu.
<action name="ShareSubmenu.SendTabToSelfSelected">
<obsolete>Removed 02/2022.</obsolete>
The &quot;send tab to self&quot; option was selected in the share submenu.
<action name="ShareSubmenu.ThirdPartySelected">
<obsolete>Removed 02/2022.</obsolete>
One of the third-party targets was selected in the share submenu.
<action name="SharingDesktopScreenshot.ScreenshotEdited">
User chose to edit a screenshot in the capture bubble.
<action name="SharingDesktopScreenshot.ScreenshotSavedViaBubble">
User saved a screenshot captured from the desktop screenshot bubble.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.BottomRowScrolled">
Renamed to SharingHubAndroid.ThirdPartyAppsScrolled 09/2020.
The bottom row was horizontally scrolled. Recorded only once per open share
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.CopyGifSelected">
The &quot;Copy GIF&quot; option was selected in the sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.CopyImageSelected">
The &quot;Copy Image&quot; option was selected in the sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.CopyTextSelected">
The &quot;Copy Text&quot; option was selected in the sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.CopyURLSelected">
The &quot;Copy URL&quot; option was selected in the sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.FirstPartyAppsScrolled">
The chrome app row was horizontally scrolled. Recorded only once per open
share sheet.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.GenericFaviconShown">
The generic favicon was shown in the sharing hub preview. This means the
link's favicon was not available.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.LinkFaviconShown">
The link's favicon was shown in the sharing hub preview.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.LinkGeneration.Failure">
The user request to share link-to-text in the sharing hub failed.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.LinkGeneration.Failure.TextShared">
The user shared only the text because the link generation failed.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.LinkGeneration.Link">
The user requested sharing the link-to-text in the sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.LinkGeneration.Success.LinkToTextShared">
<description>The user shared link-to-text.</description>
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.LinkGeneration.Success.TextShared">
<description>The user shared only the text.</description>
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.LinkGeneration.Text">
The user requested sharing the text only in the sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.LinkToTextSelected">
Corresponding option was removed from sharing hub in M95. Never launched.
The &quot;Link to text&quot; option was selected in the sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.LongScreenshotSelected">
The &quot;Long Screenshot&quot; option was selected in the sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.MoreSelected">
The &quot;More...&quot; option was selected in the sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.PrintSelected">
<description>The Print option was selected in the sharing hub.</description>
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.QRCodeSelected">
The &quot;QR Code&quot; option was selected in the sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.SaveImageSelected">
The &quot;Save Image&quot; option was selected in the sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.ScreenshotSelected">
The &quot;Screenshot&quot; option was selected in the sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.SendTabToSelf.ChromeSettingsClicked">
<obsolete>Removed 02/2022.</obsolete>
The user tapped the Chrome Settings button in the STTS dialog.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.SendTabToSelf.NoTargetDevices">
The user tapped STTS in the sharing hub with no target devices available.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.SendTabToSelf.NotSyncing">
<obsolete>Removed 02/2022.</obsolete>
The user tapped STTS in the sharing hub with sync disabled.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.SendTabToSelfSelected">
The &quot;Send to your devices&quot; option was selected in the sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.ThirdPartyAppSelected">
A third party option was selected in the sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.ThirdPartyAppsScrolled">
The third party app row was horizontally scrolled. Recorded only once per
open share sheet.
<action name="SharingHubAndroid.TopRowScrolled">
Renamed to SharingHubAndroid.FirstPartyAppsScrolled 09/2020.
The top row was horizontally scrolled. Recorded only once per open share
<action name="SharingHubDesktop.CastSelected">
The cast feature was selected in the desktop sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubDesktop.CopyURLSelected">
The QR code feature was selected in the desktop sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubDesktop.FollowSelected">
The follow feature was selected in the desktop sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubDesktop.QRCodeSelected">
The QR code feature was selected in the desktop sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubDesktop.SavePageSelected">
The Save page feature was selected in the desktop sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubDesktop.ScreenshotSelected">
The screenshot feature was selected in the desktop sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubDesktop.SendTabToSelfSelected">
The send tab to self feature was selected in the desktop sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubDesktop.ThirdPartyAppSelected">
A third party option was selected in the desktop sharing hub.
<action name="SharingHubDesktop.UnfollowSelected">
The unfollow feature was selected in the desktop sharing hub.
<action name="SharingQRCode.DialogLaunched">
User launched the QR Generator dialog (desktop platforms).
<action name="SharingQRCode.DialogLaunched.ContextMenuImage">
User launched the QR Generator dialog for an image via the context menu on
<action name="SharingQRCode.DialogLaunched.ContextMenuLink">
<obsolete>Removed 02/2022.</obsolete>
User launched the QR Generator dialog for a link via the context menu on
<action name="SharingQRCode.DialogLaunched.ContextMenuPage">
User launched the QR Generator dialog for a page via the context menu on
<action name="SharingQRCode.DownloadQRCode">
User attempted to download a QR code from the share hub generator.
<action name="SharingQRCode.DownloadQRCode.Failed">
<obsolete>Removed 06/2020. Never launched.</obsolete>
Downloading a QR Code from the sharing dialog failed.
<action name="SharingQRCode.DownloadQRCode.Succeeded">
<obsolete>Removed 06/2020. Never launched.</obsolete>
Downloading a QR Code from the sharing dialog succeeded.
<action name="SharingQRCode.DownloadQRCodeMultipleAttempts">
User attempted to download a QR code from the share hub generator two or
more times.
<action name="SharingQRCode.EditTextField">
User edited the text field for a QR code URL (desktop platforms).
<action name="SharingQRCode.FailureNotificationTapped">
<obsolete>Deprecated 6/2020</obsolete>
User tapped on failure notification for saving QR code image.
<action name="SharingQRCode.ScannedNonURL">
QR code scanner scanned a QR code that did not contain a URL.
<action name="SharingQRCode.ScannedURL">
QR code scanner scanned a QR code that contained a URL.
<action name="SharingQRCode.SuccessNotificationTapped">
<obsolete>Deprecated 6/2020</obsolete>
User tapped on successful notification for saving QR code image.
<action name="SharingQRCode.TabVisible.Scan">
User launched, foregrounded, or switched to the QR feature's scan tab.
<action name="SharingQRCode.TabVisible.Share">
User launched, foregrounded, or switched to the QR feature's generator tab.
<action name="Shelf_AlignmentSetBottom">
<description>User sets shelf to bottom alignment on ChromeOS.</description>
<action name="Shelf_AlignmentSetLeft">
<description>User sets shelf to left alignment on ChromeOS.</description>
<action name="Shelf_AlignmentSetRight">
<description>User sets shelf to right alignment on ChromeOS.</description>
<action name="Shelf_BrowserShortcutShelfItem_ShowTabs">
User interacts with the browser icon in the shelf on ChromeOS to show a
context menu with all the tabs.
<action name="Shelf_BrowserShortcutShelfItem_ShowWindows">
User interacts with the browser icon in the shelf on ChromeOS to show a
context menu with all the windows.
<action name="Shelf_ItemPinned">
<description>User pinned an app item to the shelf on ChromeOS.</description>
<action name="Shelf_ItemUnpinned">
User unpinned an app item from the shelf on ChromeOS.
<action name="Shelf_ShutDown">
<description>User shut down from the shelf shutdown button.</description>
<action name="ShortcutCustomization_OpenEditAcceleratorDialog">
User clicks on an editable accelerator to modify it.
<action name="ShortcutCustomization_RemoveAccelerator">
<description>User has removed an accelerator.</description>
<action name="ShortcutCustomization_ResetAction">
User has clicked on the restore default button for an action.
<action name="ShortcutCustomization_ResetAll">
User has clicked on the restore default for all actions button.
<action name="ShortcutCustomization_StartAddAccelerator">
<description>User has begun adding a new accelerator.</description>
<action name="ShortcutCustomization_StartReplaceAccelerator">
<description>User has begun replacing an accelerator.</description>
<action name="ShortcutCustomization_SuccessfullyModified">
User has successfully added or replaced an accelerator.
<action name="ShowAccessibilitySettings">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowAppLauncherPage">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowApplications">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowAppManagementDetailPage">
Removed in M79, replaced by the histogram AppManagement.EntryPoints.
The user selected the App Info context menu item in the app launcher.
<action name="ShowAppManagementPage">
<obsolete>Replaced with ShowAppManagementDetailPage</obsolete>
The user selected the App Info context menu item in the app launcher.
<action name="ShowAppMenu">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowAsTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowAudioSettingsPage">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowBluetoothSettingsPage">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowBookmarkManager">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowBookmarks">
<obsolete>Duplicate of ShowBookmarkManager.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowBookmarksBar">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowChargerReplacementDialog">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowControlPanel">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowDateOptions">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowDiscover">
The Chrome OS Discover App was displayed to the user.
<action name="ShowDisplayOptions">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowDownloads">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowExtensions">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowFileBrowserFullTab">
The user opened the file manager to a specific file or folder.
<action name="ShowGestureEducationHelp">
The user opened the gesture education help from the notification shown to
highlight new gestures in tablet mode.
<action name="ShowGraphicsTabletSettingsPage">
Recorded when a user navigates to the graphics tablet settings subpage by
clicking on the notification shown when a graphics tablet with customizable
buttons is connected to a chromebook for the first time.
<action name="ShowHelpTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowHelpTabViaF1">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowHelpTabViaWrenchMenu">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowHistory">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowJSConsole">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowKaleidoscope">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="ShowModalDialog">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowMouseSettingsPage">
Recorded when a user navigates to the mouse settings subpage by clicking on
the notification shown when a mouse with customizable buttons is connected
to a chromebook for the first time.
<action name="ShowOptions">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowPageMenu">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowPaletteOptions">
<description>Triggered when the palette options are opened.</description>
<action name="ShowRecentlyViewed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowRemapKeysSettingsSubpage">
Recorded when a user navigates to the remap keys settings subpage by
clicking on the notification shown when they attempted to rewrite a key
event to a six pack key action using a shortcut that is inconsistent with
their setting for that behavior.
<action name="ShowSections_RecentSitesDisabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowSections_RecentSitesEnabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowSessions">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ShowTouchpadSettingsPage">
Recorded when a user navigates to the touchpad settings subpage by clicking
on the notification shown when they attempted to simulate a right-click
using a rewrite that is inconsistent with their setting for that behavior.
<action name="Shutdown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SidePanel.AboutThisSite.NewTabButtonClicked">
Recorded when the new tab button is clicked with the about this site side
panel entry showing.
<action name="SidePanel.Assistant.Shown">
Recorded when the assistant side panel entry is shown.
<action name="SidePanel.Bookmarks.FolderClose">
The user collapsed a bookmarks folder within the side panel.
<action name="SidePanel.Bookmarks.FolderOpen">
The user expanded a bookmarks folder within the side panel.
<action name="SidePanel.Bookmarks.Navigation">
The user navigated to a page from bookmarks in the side panel.
<action name="SidePanel.Bookmarks.Pinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the bookmarks side panel entry is pinned via the pin button in
the side panel header.
<action name="SidePanel.Bookmarks.Shown">
Recorded when the bookmarks side panel entry is shown.
<action name="SidePanel.Bookmarks.Unpinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the bookmarks side panel entry is unpinned via the pin button
in the side panel header.
<action name="SidePanel.Companion.Pinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the companion side panel entry is pinned via the pin button in
the side panel header.
<action name="SidePanel.Companion.Shown">
Recorded when the companion side panel entry is shown.
<action name="SidePanel.Companion.Unpinned.ByPinnedButtonContextMenu">
Recorded when the companion side panel entry is unpinned via the context
menu from the pinned companion button.
<action name="SidePanel.Companion.Unpinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the companion side panel entry is unpinned via the pin button
in the side panel header.
<action name="SidePanel.Feed.Pinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the feed side panel entry is pinned via the pin button in the
side panel header.
<action name="SidePanel.Feed.Shown">
<description>Recorded when the feed side panel entry is shown.</description>
<action name="SidePanel.Feed.Unpinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the feed side panel entry is unpinned via the pin button in
the side panel header.
<action name="SidePanel.Hide">
<description>The user closed the side panel.</description>
<action name="SidePanel.HistoryClusters.NewTabButtonClicked">
Recorded when the new tab button is clicked with the history clusters side
panel entry showing.
<action name="SidePanel.HistoryClusters.Pinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the history clusters side panel entry is pinned via the pin
button in the side panel header.
<action name="SidePanel.HistoryClusters.Shown">
Recorded when the history clusters side panel entry is shown.
<action name="SidePanel.HistoryClusters.Unpinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the history clusters side panel entry is unpinned via the pin
button in the side panel header.
<action name="SidePanel.Lens.NewTabButtonClicked">
Recorded when the new tab button is clicked with the Lens side panel entry
<action name="SidePanel.Lens.Shown">
<description>Recorded when the Lens side panel entry is shown.</description>
<action name="SidePanel.Performance.Pinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the performance side panel entry is pinned via the pin button
in the side panel header.
<action name="SidePanel.Performance.Shown">
Recorded when the performance side panel entry is shown.
<action name="SidePanel.Performance.Unpinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the performance side panel entry is unpinned via the pin
button in the side panel header.
<action name="SidePanel.ReadAnything.Pinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the read anything side panel entry is pinned via the pin
button in the side panel header.
<action name="SidePanel.ReadAnything.Shown">
Recorded when the read anything side panel entry is shown.
<action name="SidePanel.ReadAnything.Unpinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the read anything side panel entry is unpinned via the pin
button in the side panel header.
<action name="SidePanel.ReadingList.AddCurrentPage">
The user added a page to the reading list from the side panel.
<action name="SidePanel.ReadingList.Navigation">
The user navigated to a page from the reading list in the side panel.
<action name="SidePanel.ReadingList.Pinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the reading list side panel entry is pinned via the pin button
in the side panel header.
<action name="SidePanel.ReadingList.Shown">
Recorded when the reading list side panel entry is shown.
<action name="SidePanel.ReadingList.Unpinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the reading list side panel entry is unpinned via the pin
button in the side panel header.
<action name="SidePanel.ShoppingInsights.Shown">
Recorded when the shopping insights side panel entry is shown.
<action name="SidePanel.Show">
<description>The user opened the side panel.</description>
<action name="SidePanel.SideSearch.NewTabButtonClicked">
Recorded when the new tab button is clicked with the side search side panel
entry showing.
<action name="SidePanel.SideSearch.Shown">
Recorded when the side search side panel entry is shown.
<action name="SidePanel.UserNotes.Pinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the user notes side panel entry is pinned via the pin button
in the side panel header.
<action name="SidePanel.UserNotes.Shown">
Recorded when the user notes side panel entry is shown.
<action name="SidePanel.UserNotes.Unpinned.BySidePanelHeaderButton">
Recorded when the user notes side panel entry is unpinned via the pin button
in the side panel header.
<action name="Signin_Abort_Signin">
Recorded when the user closes the tab or exits the browser without choosing
any of the other options on the sync confirmation modal.
<action name="Signin_AccountPicker_Close">
Recorded when the user closes the account picker. Only on iOS.
<action name="Signin_AccountPicker_Open">
Recorded when the user opens the account picker. Only on iOS.
<action name="Signin_AccountSettings_GoogleActivityControlsClicked">
Recorded when the user clicks the &quot;Google Activity Controls&quot; link
in the account settings page.
<action name="Signin_AddAccountToDevice">
<description>Recorded when the add account dialog is opened.</description>
<action name="Signin_AddAccountToDevice_DismissedWithError">
Recorded when the add account view is dismissed with an error. Recorded for
iOS only.
<action name="Signin_AddAccountToDevice_DismissedWithNewAccount">
Recorded when the add account view is dismissed with adding a new account.
Recorded for iOS only.
<action name="Signin_AddAccountToDevice_DismissedWithoutNewAccount">
Recorded when the add account view is dismissed without adding a new
account. Recorded for iOS only.
<action name="Signin_Android_GmsUserRecoverableDialogAccepted">
Recorded when user accepts an option presented by Google Play services error
dialog (e.g., clicks &quot;Update&quot; button).
<action name="Signin_Android_GmsUserRecoverableDialogShown"
Recorded when dialog is shown to resolve Google Play services error (e.g.,
update request).
<action name="Signin_AuthenticationFlowPerformer_ErrorDialog_Confirmed">
This user action is triggered when the error dialog from
AuthenticationFlowPerformer is confirmed by the user.
<action name="Signin_AuthenticationFlowPerformer_ErrorDialog_Presented">
This user action is triggered when the error dialog is presented. This user
action will help to understand crbug.com/1482623 using breadcrumbs.
TODO(crbug.com/1482623): Remove once the bug will be closed.
This user action is triggered when the managed confirmation dialog from
AuthenticationFlowPerformer is canceled by the user.
This user action is triggered when the managed confirmation dialog from
AuthenticationFlowPerformer is confirmed by the user.
This user action is triggered when the managed confirmation dialog is
presented. This user action will help to understand crbug.com/1482623 using
breadcrumbs. TODO(crbug.com/1482623): Remove once the bug will be closed.
<action name="Signin_AuthenticationFlowPerformer_SwitchDialog_Canceled">
This user action is triggered when the switch account dialog from
AuthenticationFlowPerformer is canceled by the user.
<action name="Signin_AuthenticationFlowPerformer_SwitchDialog_Confirmed">
This user action is triggered when the switch account dialog from
AuthenticationFlowPerformer is confirmed by the user.
<action name="Signin_AuthenticationFlowPerformer_SwitchDialog_Presented">
This user action is triggered when the switch account dialog is presented.
This user action will help to understand crbug.com/1482623 using
breadcrumbs. TODO(crbug.com/1482623): Remove once the bug will be closed.
<action name="Signin_BottomSheet_ClosedByCancel">
Recorded when the sign-in bottom sheet is canceled. Recorded for iOS only.
<action name="Signin_BottomSheet_ClosedByInterrupt">
Recorded when the sign-in bottom sheet is interrupted by a Chrome action.
Recorded for iOS only.
<action name="Signin_BottomSheet_ClosedBySignIn">
Recorded when the sign-in bottom sheet closes after the user is signed in.
Recorded for iOS only.
<action name="Signin_BottomSheet_IdentityChooser_Closed">
Recorded when the identity chooser dialog from the bottom sheet is closed by
the user. Recorded for iOS only.
<action name="Signin_BottomSheet_IdentityChooser_Opened">
Recorded when the identity chooser dialog from the bottom sheet is opened by
the user. Recorded for iOS only.
<action name="Signin_BottomSheet_Opened">
Recorded when the bottom sheet is opened. Recorded for iOS only.
<action name="Signin_BulkUpload_Close">
Recorded when the Bulk Upload Settings is dismissed. iOS only.
<action name="Signin_BulkUpload_FaceID_CannotBeStarted">
Recorded when the face id auth cannot be started in the Bulk Upload
Settings. iOS only.
<action name="Signin_BulkUpload_FaceID_Failed">
Recorded when the face id auth fails in the Bulk Upload Settings. iOS only.
<action name="Signin_BulkUpload_FaceID_Success">
Recorded when the face id auth is successful in the Bulk Upload Settings.
iOS only.
<action name="Signin_BulkUpload_Open">
Recorded when the Bulk Upload Settings is opened. iOS only.
<action name="Signin_BulkUpload_Save">
Recorded when the user presses the save button in the Bulk Upload Settings.
iOS only.
<action name="Signin_EnterpriseAccountPrompt_Cancel">
Recorded when the user clicks 'cancel' in the sign in enterprise account
confirmation dialog.
<action name="Signin_EnterpriseAccountPrompt_DontImportData">
Recorded when the user chooses to not import data in the sign in enterprise
account confirmation dialog.
<action name="Signin_EnterpriseAccountPrompt_ImportData">
Recorded when the user chooses to import data in the sign in enterprise
account confirmation dialog.
<action name="Signin_HistorySync">
Recorded when user takes an action on the History Sync Opt-In screen.
Recorded on iOS only.
<action name="Signin_ImportDataPrompt_Cancel">
Recorded when the user chooses to cancel (abort) sign in in the import data
confirmation dialog.
<action name="Signin_ImportDataPrompt_DontImport">
Recorded when the user chooses to not import data (create new profile) in
the import data confirmation dialog of sign in.
<action name="Signin_ImportDataPrompt_ImportData">
Recorded when the user chooses to import data in the import data
confirmation dialog of sign in.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromAppsPageLink" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the chrome://apps page.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromAutofillDropdown" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the Autofill dropdown.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromAvatarBubbleSignin"
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the avatar sign in bubble.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromBookmarkBubble" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the bookmark bubble.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromBookmarkManager" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the bookmark manager.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromChromeSigninInterceptBubble">
Recorded when showing the Chrome sign in intercept bubble.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromCloudPrint">
<obsolete>Deprecated 10/2017. No longer needed.</obsolete>
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the cloud print preview page.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromCreatorFeedFollow">
Recorded when showing sign-in entry in Creator Feed on Android only.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromDevicesPage" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the chrome://devices page.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromExtensionInstallBubble"
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the extension installed bubble.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromGoogleServicesSettings"
Recorded when the sign-in promo in the Google services settings is shown.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromKaleidoscope">
Recorded when showing a sign-in page from Kaleidoscope.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromManageCardsBubble"
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the manage cards bubble.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromMenu" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>Recorded when showing sign in entry in the menu.</description>
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromNotificationsOptInScreenContentToggle">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the notifications opt-in screen.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromNTP" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the new tab page.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromNTPContentSuggestions"
Recorded when showing sign in card in the snippets new tab page.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromNTPFeedBottomSigninPromo">
Recorded when showing sign-in promo card in the feed bottom.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromNTPFeedCardMenuSigninPromo">
Recorded when showing sign-in promo UI triggered by feed card menu
personalization options.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromNTPFeedTopPromo">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the NTP feed top section promo.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromPasswordBubble" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the saving password bubble.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromPostDeviceRestoreSigninPromo">
Recorded when showing sign in after the post restore signin promo.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromReadingList" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the reading list.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromRecentTabs" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the recent tabs page.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromReSigninInfobar" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the re-signin infobar.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromSaveCardBubble" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the save card bubble.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromSearchCompanion">
Recorded when showing sign in promo in the search companion.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromSendTabToSelfPromo">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the send tab to self promo.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromSettings" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the settings main page.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromSetUpList">
Recorded when showing sign in that originates from the Set Up List on the
NTP. iOS only.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromSigninPromo" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the sign in promo.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromStartPage" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the first run experience.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromTabSwitcher" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the tab switcher.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromTipsNotification">
Recorded when sign-in is shown after the user interacts with a Tips
Notification on iOS.
<action name="Signin_Impression_FromUserManager" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when showing sign in entry in the profile creation flow (as part of
the profile picker).
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithAccount_FromAvatarBubbleSignin"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when the personalized sign-in promo is shown with an account in the
avatar bubble.
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithAccount_FromBookmarkBubble"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when the personalized sign-in promo is shown with an account in the
bookmark bubble.
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithAccount_FromBookmarkManager"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when the personalized sign-in promo is shown with an account in the
in the bookmark manager.
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithAccount_FromExtensionInstallBubble"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when the personalized sign-in promo is shown with an account in the
extension install bubble.
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithAccount_FromManageCardsBubble"
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded when the personalized sign-in promo is shown with an account in the
manage cards bubble.
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithAccount_FromNTPContentSuggestions"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when starting sign-in using the promo view, with a default account,
from NTP content suggestions
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithAccount_FromNTPFeedTopPromo"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when starting sign-in using the promo view, with a default account,
from NTP Feed top section
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithAccount_FromPasswordBubble"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when the personalized sign-in promo is shown with an account in the
password saved bubble.
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithAccount_FromRecentTabs"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when starting sign-in using the promo view, with a default account,
from recent tabs (signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_RECENT_TABS).
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithAccount_FromSaveCardBubble"
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded when the personalized sign-in promo is shown with an account in the
save card bubble.
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithAccount_FromSettings"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when starting sign-in using the promo view, with a default account,
from settings (signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_SETTINGS).
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithAccount_FromTabSwitcher"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when starting sign-in using the promo view, with a default account,
from tab switcher (signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_TAB_SWITCHER).
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithNoAccount_FromAvatarBubbleSignin"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when the personalized sign-in promo is shown with no account in the
avatar bubble.
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithNoAccount_FromBookmarkBubble"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when the personalized sign-in promo is shown with no account in the
bookmark bubble.
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithNoAccount_FromBookmarkManager"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when starting sign-in using the promo view, with no default
account, from bookmarks manager
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithNoAccount_FromExtensionInstallBubble"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when the personalized sign-in promo is shown with no account in the
extension install bubble.
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithNoAccount_FromManageCardsBubble"
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded when the personalized sign-in promo is shown with no account in the
manage cards bubble.
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithNoAccount_FromNTPContentSuggestions"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when starting sign-in using the promo view, with no default
account, from NTP content suggestions
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithNoAccount_FromNTPFeedTopPromo"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when starting sign-in using the promo view, with no default
account, from NTP content suggestions
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithNoAccount_FromPasswordBubble"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when the personalized sign-in promo is shown with no account in the
password saved bubble.
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithNoAccount_FromRecentTabs"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when starting sign-in using the promo view, with no default
account, from recent tabs
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithNoAccount_FromSaveCardBubble"
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded when the personalized sign-in promo is shown with no account in the
save card bubble.
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithNoAccount_FromSettings"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when starting sign-in using the promo view, with no default
account, from settings (signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_SETTINGS).
<action name="Signin_ImpressionWithNoAccount_FromTabSwitcher"
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded when starting sign-in using the promo view, with no default
account, from tab switcher
<action name="Signin_Interrupt_Signin">
Recorded when the user chooses to interrupt the sign in process. It closes
the sign in page without signing the user in and opens the new flow, e.g.
when clicking 'Open in Chrome' from an app.
<action name="Signin_MoreButton_Shown">
Recorded when the More button is shown on the sign in confirmation screen.
<action name="Signin_MyGoogleUI_AccountDetails">
Recorded when the user opens MyGoogleUI account details.
<action name="Signin_MyGoogleUI_ActivityControls">
Recorded when the user opens MyGoogleUI activity controls.
<action name="Signin_Promo_Close">
Recorded when the user closes the sign-in promo. iOS only.
<action name="Signin_Show_EnterpriseAccountPrompt">
Recorded when showing sign in enterprise account confirmation dialog.
<action name="Signin_Show_ImportDataPrompt">
Recorded when showing sign in import data confirmation dialog.
<action name="Signin_Show_UntrustedSigninPrompt">
Recorded when showing untrusted sign in confirmation dialog.
<action name="Signin_Signin_AbortAdvancedSyncSettings">
Recorded when the user closes the tab, quits Chrome, reloads the page, etc.
during the advanced sync opt-in flow.
<action name="Signin_Signin_BackOnAdvancedSyncSettings">
Recorded when the user clicks the &quot;browser back&quot; or the
&quot;settings back&quot; button to leave the sync settings page during the
advanced sync opt-in flow.
<action name="Signin_Signin_CancelAbortAdvancedSyncSettings">
Recorded when the user hits 'Cancel' on the 'Leave site?' dialog during the
advanced sync opt-in flow. This means the user continues their sync setup.
<action name="Signin_Signin_CancelAdvancedSyncSettings">
Recorded when the user clicks the 'Cancel' button during the advanced sync
opt-in flow.
<action name="Signin_Signin_CancelCancelAdvancedSyncSettings">
Deprecated as the advanced settings can no longer be canceled.
Recorded when the user clicks the 'Back' button on the 'Cancel sync?' dialog
during the advanced sync opt-in flow.
<action name="Signin_Signin_ConfirmAdvancedSyncSettings">
Recorded when the user clicks the 'Confirm' button during the advanced sync
opt-in flow.
<action name="Signin_Signin_ConfirmCancelAdvancedSyncSettings">
Recorded when the user clicks the 'Cancel sync' button on the 'Cancel sync?'
dialog during the advanced sync opt-in flow.
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromAccountConsistencyService">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromAppsPageLink">
Deprecated as the apps page no longer has a sign-in link/promo.
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromAutofillDropdown">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromAvatarBubbleSignin">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromBookmarkBubble">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromBookmarkManager">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromChromeSigninInterceptBubble">
Recorded on signin in to chrome from the Chrome Signin Intercept Bubble.
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromCloudPrint">
Removed by clean-up in M123 but was deprecated even long before that.
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromContentArea">
<obsolete>Removed in M116.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromCreatorFeedFollow">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_CREATOR_FEED_FOLLOW on Android
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromDevicesPage">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromEnterpriseSignoutSheet">
Recorded on sign in start from the enterprise sign out sheet.
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromExtensionInstallBubble">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromExtensions">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromForceSigninWarning">
<obsolete>Deprecated as the warning dialog is no longer used.</obsolete>
Recorded when a user signs in again from the force sign in auth error
warning modal dialog.
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromForYouFre">
Recorded when a user taps in the sign-in promo in the Desktop First Run
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromGoogleServicesSettings">
Recorded when a user taps in the sign-in promo in the Google services
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromMachineLogon">
Recorded when a user signs in using a Windows machine's logon screen.
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromManageCardsBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromMenu">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromNotificationsOptInScreenContentToggle">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromNTP">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromNTPContentSuggestions">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromNTPFeedBottomSigninPromo">
A sign-in flow is shown triggered by NTP feed bottom sign-in entry point.
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromNTPFeedCardMenuSigninPromo">
A sign-in flow is shown triggered by NTP feed card sign-in promo UI.
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromNTPFeedTopPromo">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromNTPSignedOutIcon">
Recorded on signin start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromPasswordBubble">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromPasswordMigrationWarning">
Recorded on sign in/sync consent flow start from access point
Android only.
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromPasswordMigrationWarningAndroid">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromPostDeviceRestoreSigninPromo">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromReadingList">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromReauthInfoBar">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromRecentTabs">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromReSigninInfobar">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromSaveCardBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromSearchCompanion">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromSendTabToSelfPromo">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromSettings">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromSetUpList">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_SET_UP_LIST. iOS only.
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromSigninInterceptFirstRunExperience">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromSigninPromo">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromStartPage">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromSupervisedUser">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromTabOrganization">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromTabSwitcher">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromTipsNotification">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_TIPS_NOTIFICATION. iOS Only.
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromUnknownAccessPoint">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromUnspecifiedAccessPoint">
<obsolete>Replaced by Signin_Signin_FromUnknownAccessPoint.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_FromUserManager">
Recorded on sign in start from access point
<action name="Signin_Signin_ShowAdvancedSyncSettings">
Recorded when advanced turn on sync flow is started.
<action name="Signin_Signin_Succeed">
<description>Recorded when user sign in was successful.</description>
<action name="Signin_Signin_WipeDataOnChildAccountSignin">
This metric was recorded in a wrong way. Deprecated in 2021/08.
Recorded when wiping data during child account sign-in process. Only
recorded on Android.
<action name="Signin_Signin_WipeDataOnChildAccountSignin2">
Recorded when wiping data during child account sign-in process. Only
recorded on Android.
<action name="Signin_Signin_WithAdvancedSyncSettings">
Recorded when the user chooses advanced sync settings in the sign in succeed
confirmation dialog.
<action name="Signin_Signin_WithDefaultSyncSettings">
Recorded when the user chooses default sync settings in the sign in succeed
confirmation dialog.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccount_FromAvatarBubbleSignin">
<obsolete>Deprecated 08/2018</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_AVATAR_BUBBLE_SIGN_IN, with a new
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccount_FromBookmarkBubble">
<obsolete>Deprecated 08/2018</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_BOOKMARK_BUBBLE, with a new
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccount_FromBookmarkManager">
<obsolete>Deprecated 08/2018</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_BOOKMARK_MANAGER, with a new
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccount_FromExtensionInstallBubble">
<obsolete>Deprecated 08/2018</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_EXTENSION_INSTALL_BUBBLE, with a
new account.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccount_FromNTPContentSuggestions">
<obsolete>Deprecated 08/2018</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_NTP_CONTENT_SUGGESTIONS, with a
new account.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccount_FromPasswordBubble">
<obsolete>Deprecated 08/2018</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_PASSWORD_BUBBLE, with a new
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccount_FromRecentTabs">
<obsolete>Deprecated 08/2018</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_RECENT_TABS, with a new account.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccount_FromSaveCardBubble">
<obsolete>Deprecated 08/2018</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_SAVE_CARD_BUBBLE, with a new
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccount_FromSettings">
<obsolete>Deprecated 08/2018</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_SETTINGS, with a new account.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccount_FromTabSwitcher">
<obsolete>Deprecated 08/2018</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_TAB_SWITCHER, with a new account.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountExistingAccount_FromAvatarBubbleSignin">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_AVATAR_BUBBLE_SIGN_IN, with a new
account, while Chrome already has other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountExistingAccount_FromBookmarkBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_BOOKMARK_BUBBLE, with a new
account, while Chrome already has other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountExistingAccount_FromBookmarkManager">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_BOOKMARK_MANAGER, with a new
account, while Chrome already has other accounts.
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_EXTENSION_INSTALL_BUBBLE, with a
new account, while Chrome already has other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountExistingAccount_FromManageCardsBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_MANAGE_CARDS_BUBBLE, with a new
account, while Chrome already has other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountExistingAccount_FromNTPContentSuggestions">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_NTP_CONTENT_SUGGESTIONS, with a
new account, while Chrome already has other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountExistingAccount_FromNTPFeedTopPromo">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_NTP_FEED_TOP_PROMO, with a new
account, while Chrome already has other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountExistingAccount_FromPasswordBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_PASSWORD_BUBBLE, with a new
account, while Chrome already has other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountExistingAccount_FromRecentTabs">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_RECENT_TABS, with a new account,
while Chrome already has other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountExistingAccount_FromSaveCardBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_SAVE_CARD_BUBBLE, with a new
account, while Chrome already has other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountExistingAccount_FromSettings">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_SETTINGS, with a new account,
while Chrome already has other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountExistingAccount_FromTabSwitcher">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_TAB_SWITCHER, with a new account,
while Chrome already has other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountNoExistingAccount_FromAvatarBubbleSignin">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_AVATAR_BUBBLE_SIGN_IN, with a new
account, while Chrome does not have other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountNoExistingAccount_FromBookmarkBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_BOOKMARK_BUBBLE, with a new
account, while Chrome does not have other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountNoExistingAccount_FromBookmarkManager">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_BOOKMARK_MANAGER, with a new
account, while Chrome does not have other accounts.
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_EXTENSION_INSTALL_BUBBLE, with a
new account, while Chrome does not have other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountNoExistingAccount_FromManageCardsBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_MANAGE_CARDS_BUBBLE, with a new
account, while Chrome does not have other accounts, while Chrome does not
have other accounts.
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_NTP_CONTENT_SUGGESTIONS, with a
new account, while Chrome does not have other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountNoExistingAccount_FromNTPFeedTopPromo">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_NTP_FEED_TOP_PROMO, with a new
account, while Chrome does not have other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountNoExistingAccount_FromPasswordBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_PASSWORD_BUBBLE, with a new
account, while Chrome does not have other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountNoExistingAccount_FromRecentTabs">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_RECENT_TABS, with a new account,
while Chrome does not have other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountNoExistingAccount_FromSaveCardBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_SAVE_CARD_BUBBLE, with a new
account, while Chrome does not have other accounts, while Chrome does not
have other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountNoExistingAccount_FromSettings">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_SETTINGS, with a new account,
while Chrome does not have other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountNoExistingAccount_FromTabSwitcher">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_TAB_SWITCHER, with a new account,
while Chrome does not have other accounts.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountPreDice_FromAvatarBubbleSignin">
<obsolete>Removed M80</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_AVATAR_BUBBLE_SIGN_IN, with a new
account, on desktop pre-Dice.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountPreDice_FromBookmarkBubble">
<obsolete>Removed M80</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_BOOKMARK_BUBBLE, with a new
account, on desktop pre-Dice.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountPreDice_FromBookmarkManager">
<obsolete>Removed M80</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_BOOKMARK_MANAGER, with a new
account, on desktop pre-Dice.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountPreDice_FromExtensionInstallBubble">
<obsolete>Removed M80</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_EXTENSION_INSTALL_BUBBLE, with a
new account, on desktop pre-Dice.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountPreDice_FromManageCardsBubble">
<obsolete>Removed M80</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_MANAGE_CARDS_BUBBLE, with a new
account, while Chrome does not have other accounts, on desktop pre-Dice.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountPreDice_FromNTPContentSuggestions">
<obsolete>Removed M80</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_NTP_CONTENT_SUGGESTIONS, with a
new account, on desktop pre-Dice.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountPreDice_FromPasswordBubble">
<obsolete>Removed M80</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_PASSWORD_BUBBLE, with a new
account, on desktop pre-Dice.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountPreDice_FromRecentTabs">
<obsolete>Removed M80</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_RECENT_TABS, with a new account,
on desktop pre-Dice.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountPreDice_FromSaveCardBubble">
<obsolete>Removed M80</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_SAVE_CARD_BUBBLE, with a new
account, while Chrome does not have other accounts, on desktop pre-Dice.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountPreDice_FromSettings">
<obsolete>Removed M80</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_SETTINGS, with a new account, on
desktop pre-Dice.
<action name="Signin_SigninNewAccountPreDice_FromTabSwitcher">
<obsolete>Removed M80</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_TAB_SWITCHER, with a new account,
on desktop pre-Dice.
<action name="Signin_SigninNotDefault_FromAvatarBubbleSignin">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_AVATAR_BUBBLE_SIGN_IN, using
another account than the default one.
<action name="Signin_SigninNotDefault_FromBookmarkBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_BOOKMARK_BUBBLE, using another
account than the default one.
<action name="Signin_SigninNotDefault_FromBookmarkManager">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_BOOKMARK_MANAGER, using another
account than the default one.
<action name="Signin_SigninNotDefault_FromExtensionInstallBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_EXTENSION_INSTALL_BUBBLE, using
another account than the default one.
<action name="Signin_SigninNotDefault_FromManageCardsBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_MANAGE_CARDS_BUBBLE, using another
account than the default one.
<action name="Signin_SigninNotDefault_FromNTPContentSuggestions">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_NTP_CONTENT_SUGGESTIONS, using
another account than the default one.
<action name="Signin_SigninNotDefault_FromNTPFeedTopPromo">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_NTP_FEED_TOP_PROMO, using another
account than the default one.
<action name="Signin_SigninNotDefault_FromPasswordBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_PASSWORD_BUBBLE, using another
account than the default one.
<action name="Signin_SigninNotDefault_FromRecentTabs">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_RECENT_TABS, using another account
than the default one.
<action name="Signin_SigninNotDefault_FromSaveCardBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_SAVE_CARD_BUBBLE, using another
account than the default one.
<action name="Signin_SigninNotDefault_FromSettings">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_SETTINGS, using another account
than the default one.
<action name="Signin_SigninNotDefault_FromTabSwitcher">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_TAB_SWITCHER, using another
account than the default one.
<action name="Signin_SigninPage_Loading">
<description>Recorded when sign in page is loading.</description>
<action name="Signin_SigninPage_Shown">
<description>Recorded when sign in page is shown.</description>
<action name="Signin_SigninWithDefault_FromAvatarBubbleSignin">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_AVATAR_BUBBLE_SIGN_IN, using the
default account.
<action name="Signin_SigninWithDefault_FromBookmarkBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_BOOKMARK_BUBBLE, using the default
<action name="Signin_SigninWithDefault_FromBookmarkManager">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_BOOKMARK_MANAGER, using the
default account.
<action name="Signin_SigninWithDefault_FromExtensionInstallBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_EXTENSION_INSTALL_BUBBLE, using
the default account.
<action name="Signin_SigninWithDefault_FromManageCardsBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_MANAGE_CARDS_BUBBLE, using the
default account.
<action name="Signin_SigninWithDefault_FromNTPContentSuggestions">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_NTP_CONTENT_SUGGESTIONS, using the
default account.
<action name="Signin_SigninWithDefault_FromNTPFeedTopPromo">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_NTP_FEED_TOP_PROMO, using the
default account.
<action name="Signin_SigninWithDefault_FromPasswordBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_PASSWORD_BUBBLE, using the default
<action name="Signin_SigninWithDefault_FromRecentTabs">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_RECENT_TABS, using the default
<action name="Signin_SigninWithDefault_FromSaveCardBubble">
<obsolete>Removed in M103.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_SAVE_CARD_BUBBLE, using the
default account.
<action name="Signin_SigninWithDefault_FromSettings">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_SETTINGS, using the default
<action name="Signin_SigninWithDefault_FromTabSwitcher">
<obsolete>Removed in M104.</obsolete>
Recorded on sign in start from access point
signin_metrics::AccessPoint::ACCESS_POINT_TAB_SWITCHER, using the default
<action name="Signin_Signout">
Recorded when the user signs out. Recorded for iOS only.
<action name="Signin_Signout_FromAccountListSettings">
Removed since M107. Renamed without _FromAccountListSettings since the
action is called from anywhere.
Recorded when the user signs out from the Account list view. Recorded for
iOS only.
<action name="Signin_Signout_FromUserMenu">
<obsolete>Removed since M85, replaced by a histogram.</obsolete>
Recorded when the user is signed into Chrome, but not syncing, and clicks
the sign out button in the user menu. This is only recorded when Desktop
Identity Consistency is enabled.
<action name="Signin_SignoutClearData">
Recorded when the user signs out and delete user data. Recorded for iOS
<action name="Signin_SignoutClearData_FromAccountListSettings">
Removed since M107. Renamed without _FromAccountListSettings since the
action is called from anywhere.
Recorded when the user signs out and delete user data, from the Account list
view. Recorded for iOS only.
<action name="Signin_TwoScreens_SwipeDismiss">
Recorded when the user swipes to dismiss the signin or sync screen during
the &quot;TwoScreensSignin&quot; UI flow. Recorded for iOS only.
<action name="Signin_Undo_Signin">
Recorded when the user chooses to undo (abort) the sign in process. It
closes sign in page without signing user in.
<action name="SiteChipPress">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SoundContentSetting.MuteBy.DefaultSwitch">
User muted all sites by changing the default sound setting from the content
settings privacy page (Desktop) or the SingleCategoryPreferences page
<action name="SoundContentSetting.MuteBy.PageInfo">
<description>User muted site via the Page Info bubble.</description>
<action name="SoundContentSetting.MuteBy.PatternException">
User muted site via adding/removing a pattern exception from the content
settings privacy page (Desktop) or the SingleCategoryPreferences page
<action name="SoundContentSetting.MuteBy.SiteSettings">
<description>User muted site via the site settings page.</description>
<action name="SoundContentSetting.MuteBy.TabStrip">
<description>User muted site via the tab strip.</description>
<action name="SoundContentSetting.UnmuteBy.DefaultSwitch">
User unmuted all sites by changing the default sound setting from the
content settings privacy page (Desktop) or the SingleCategoryPreferences
page (Android).
<action name="SoundContentSetting.UnmuteBy.PageInfo">
<description>User unmuted site via the Page Info bubble.</description>
<action name="SoundContentSetting.UnmuteBy.PatternException">
User unmuted site via adding/removing a pattern exception from the content
settings privacy page (Desktop) or the SingleCategoryPreferences page
<action name="SoundContentSetting.UnmuteBy.SiteSettings">
<description>User unmuted site via the site settings page.</description>
<action name="SoundContentSetting.UnmuteBy.TabStrip">
<description>User unmuted site via the tab strip.</description>
<action name="SplitView_DoubleTapDividerSwapWindows">
Recorded when the user double tapped on the split divider to swap windows in
tablet mode on Chrome OS.
<action name="SplitView_EndSplitView">
Recorded when the user ended split view mode in tablet mode on Chrome OS.
<action name="SplitView_MultiDisplaySplitView">
Recorded when the number of displays in split view becomes more than one.
<action name="SplitView_ResizeWindows">
Recorded when the user dragged the split divider to resize the windows in
tablet mode on Chrome OS.
<action name="SplitView_SnapWindow">
Recorded when a window was just snapped in tablet mode on Chrome OS.
<action name="SplitView_SwapWindowsButtonSwapWindows">
Recorded when the user clicks on the swap windows button in the expanded
menu shown on the kebab button toggled in Chrome OS.
<action name="SSL.DisplayedInsecureContent" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>Deprecated 02/2017</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SSL.RanInsecureContent" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SSL.RanInsecureContentGoogle" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SSLInterstitial.Advanced">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="SSLInterstitial.Reload">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="SSLNonOverridableInsterstitial.Back">
User went back after seeing the non-overridable SSL interstitial.
<action name="SSLNonOverridableInterstitial.Show">
<description>User saw a non-overridable SSL interstitial.</description>
<action name="SSLOverridableInterstitial.Back">
User went back after seeing the overridable SSL interstitial.
<action name="SSLOverridableInterstitial.Proceed">
User proceeded through an overridable SSL interstitial.
<action name="SSLOverridableInterstitial.Show">
<description>User saw an overridable SSL interstitial.</description>
<action name="StackedTab_DragActiveTab">
Recorded when the active tab is dragged while the tabstrip is using a
stacked layout. The user performs this action in order to view tabs which
are not currently visible within the tabstrip. Note this user action is only
recorded for platforms which use the Views toolkit.
<action name="StackedTab_EnteredStackedLayout">
Recorded when the tabstrip begins using a stacked layout for its tabs. This
occurs when the user is interacting with the tabstrip using touch and there
is insufficient space to be able to display all tabs at a minimum
touch-friendly width. Note this user action is only recorded for platforms
which use the Views toolkit.
<action name="Star">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Stars_SignInPromoActivity_Launched">
<obsolete>Replaced with Signin_Signin_FromBookmarkManager.</obsolete>
User launches Signin activity from the promo header shown in Android Stars
<action name="Stars_SignInPromoActivity_NewAccount">
<obsolete>Removed from codebase.</obsolete>
User attempts to create a new account on Android Stars signin activity.
<action name="Stars_SignInPromoActivity_SignedIn">
Replaced with Signin_Signin_FromBookmarkManager when followed by
User confirms an account to sign in on Android Stars signin activity.
<action name="Stars_SignInPromoHeader_Dismissed">
<obsolete>Removed from codebase.</obsolete>
User dismisses the promo header shown in Android Stars UI
<action name="Stars_SignInPromoHeader_Displayed">
<obsolete>Replaced with Signin_Impression_FromBookmarkManager.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="StartSurface.Hidden">
<description>The start surface overview is hidden.</description>
<action name="StartSurface.OmniboxOnly">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to removal starting with M92.</obsolete>
The omnibox-only start surface is shown (the user taps the tab switcher
button or on Chrome start).
<action name="StartSurface.Shown">
<description>The start surface overview is shown.</description>
<action name="StartSurface.ShownFromBackNavigation">
The Start surface is showing due to the user taps the back button.
<action name="StartSurface.SinglePane">
Split in StartSurface.SinglePane.Home and
The single-pane start surface is shown (the user taps the tab switcher
button or on Chrome start).
<action name="StartSurface.SinglePane.Home">
The single-pane home surface is shown (the user taps the home button or on
Chrome start).
<action name="StartSurface.SinglePane.MoreTabs">
The user taps the more tabs button on the single pane start surface.
<action name="StartSurface.SinglePane.Tabswitcher">
The single-pane tabswitcher surface is shown (the user taps the tabswitcher
button or more tabs button).
<action name="StartSurface.TasksOnly">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to removal starting with M92.</obsolete>
The tasks only start surface is shown (the user taps the tab switcher button
or on chrome start).
<action name="StartSurface.TrendyTerms">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to removal starting with M92.</obsolete>
The trendy terms start surface is shown (the user taps the tab switcher
button or on Chrome start).
<action name="StartSurface.TrendyTerms.TapTerm">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to removal starting with M92.</obsolete>
<description>The user tapped a trendy term.</description>
<action name="StartSurface.TwoPanes">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to removal starting with M92.</obsolete>
The two panes start surface is shown (the user taps the tab switcher button
or on chrome start).
<action name="StartSurface.TwoPanes.BottomBar.TapExploreSurface">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to removal starting with M92.</obsolete>
The user taps the explore button on the two panes start surface.
<action name="StartSurface.TwoPanes.BottomBar.TapHome">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to removal starting with M92.</obsolete>
The user taps the home button on the two panes start surface
<action name="StartSurface.TwoPanes.DefaultOnExploreSurface">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to removal starting with M92.</obsolete>
The two panes start surface is shown with explore surface visible by
<action name="StartSurface.TwoPanes.DefaultOnHomeSurface">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to removal starting with M92.</obsolete>
The two panes start surface is shown with home surface visible by default.
<action name="StartupTick" not_user_triggered="true">
<obsolete>Deprecated in favor of AboutFlags.Seen histogram.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Accessability_DetailedView">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Audio_AutoInputSelectionOverridden">
The user overrode the automatically selected audio input device.
<action name="StatusArea_Audio_AutoOutputSelectionOverridden">
The user overrode the automatically selected audio output device.
<action name="StatusArea_Audio_CurrentInputDevice">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Audio_CurrentOutputDevice">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Audio_Detailed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Audio_Muted">
Replaced with &quot;Ash.QuickSettings.Slider.{SliderBehavior}&quot; in ash,
<description>User muted audio from the button in SystemTray.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Audio_SwitchInputDevice">
User selected an audio input device from the SystemTray.
<action name="StatusArea_Audio_SwitchOutputDevice">
User selected an audio output device from the SystemTray.
<action name="StatusArea_Audio_Unmuted">
Replaced with &quot;Ash.QuickSettings.Slider.{SliderBehavior}&quot; in ash,
<description>User unmuted audio from the button in SystemTray.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_AutoClickDisabled">
<description>User disabled autoclick from the SystemTray</description>
<action name="StatusArea_AutoClickEnabled">
<description>User enabled autoclick from the SystemTray</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Bluetooth_Connect_Known">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Bluetooth_Connect_Unknown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Bluetooth_Detailed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Bluetooth_Disabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Bluetooth_Enabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Brightness_Detailed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_BrightnessChanged" not_user_triggered="true">
Replaced with Ash.QuickSettings.Slider.{SliderBehavior} on 10/2022.
Recorded when the screen brightness changes, for any reason (including both
UI actions and non-UI actions).
<action name="StatusArea_CapsLock_Detailed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_CapsLock_DisabledByClick">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_CapsLock_EnabledByClick">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_CapsLock_Popup">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_CaretHighlightDisabled">
Ash system menu: Accessibility: Disable caret highlighting
<action name="StatusArea_CaretHighlightEnabled">
Ash system menu: Accessibility: Enable caret highlighting
<action name="StatusArea_Cast_Detailed">
Counts the number of times the user has clicked on the &quot;Cast desktop
to&quot; status tray item and is now in the detail view to select a cast
<action name="StatusArea_Cast_Detailed_Launch_AccesCastDialog">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Cast_Detailed_Launch_Cast">
Counts the number of times the user has initiated a cast from the system
tray. This does not mean the cast has actually begun, as the user still has
to select what to cast (ie, the desktop or a tab) and they may cancel the
<action name="StatusArea_Cast_StopCast">
Counts the number of times the user has stopped a cast from the system tray.
<action name="StatusArea_ColorCorrectionDisabled">
Counts the number of times the user has turned off color correction settings
from the system tray.
<action name="StatusArea_ColorCorrectionEnabled">
Counts the number of times the user has turned on color correction settings
from the system tray.
<action name="StatusArea_DictationDisabled">
<description>Ash system menu: Accessibility: Disable Dictation.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_DictationEnabled">
<description>Ash system menu: Accessibility: Enable Dictation.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Display_Default_Selected">
<obsolete>Deprecated 10/2022. No longer needed.</obsolete>
Counts the number of times the user selects the display row in the system
menu. This action does not always open the display settings, e.g. if the row
is slected from the lock screen. Use the
StatusArea_Display_Default_ShowSettings metric to see how often the settings
are actually launched.
<action name="StatusArea_Display_Default_ShowSettings">
<obsolete>Deprecated 10/2022. No longer needed.</obsolete>
Counts the number of times the display settings are opened as a result of
the user selecting the display row in the system menu.
<action name="StatusArea_Display_Notification_Created">
<obsolete>Deprecated 10/2022. No longer needed.</obsolete>
Counts the number of times a new display notification is added to the
notification center.
<action name="StatusArea_Display_Notification_Selected">
<obsolete>Deprecated 10/2022. No longer needed.</obsolete>
Counts the number of times the user selects the display notification. This
action does not always open the display settings, e.g. if the notification
is selected from the lock screen. Use the
StatusArea_Display_Notification_Show_Settings metric to see how often the
settings are actually launched. Note these notifications are managed by the
notification center.
<action name="StatusArea_Display_Notification_Show_Settings">
<obsolete>Deprecated 10/2022. No longer needed.</obsolete>
Counts the number of times the display settings are opened as a result of
the user selecting the display notification. Note these notifications are
managed by the notification center.
<action name="StatusArea_DockedMagnifierDisabled">
The user disabled the Docked Magnifier from the accessibility menu in the
system tray.
<action name="StatusArea_DockedMagnifierEnabled">
The user enabled the Docked Magnifier from the accessibility menu in the
system tray.
<action name="StatusArea_Drive_CancelOperation">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Drive_Detailed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Drive_Settings">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_FaceGazeDisabled">
<description>Ash system menu: Accessibility: Disable FaceGaze.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_FaceGazeEnabled">
<description>Ash system menu: Accessibility: Enable FaceGaze.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_FocusMode_Detailed">
Counts the number of times the user has clicked on the Focus Mode status
tray item and is now in the detail view.
<action name="StatusArea_HighContrastDisabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_HighContrastEnabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_HighlightKeyboardFocusDisabled">
Ash system menu: Accessibility: Disable keyboard focus highlighting
<action name="StatusArea_HighlightKeyboardFocusEnabled">
Ash system menu: Accessibility: Enable keyboard focus highlighting
<action name="StatusArea_HighlightMouseCursorDisabled">
Ash system menu: Accessibility: Disable mouse cursor highlighting
<action name="StatusArea_HighlightMouseCursorEnabled">
Ash system menu: Accessibility: Enable mouse cursor highlighting
<action name="StatusArea_IME_Detailed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_IME_SwitchMode">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_LargeCursorDisabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_LargeCursorEnabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_LiveCaptionDisabled">
Ash system menu: Accessibility: Disable Live Caption
<action name="StatusArea_LiveCaptionEnabled">
<description>Ash system menu: Accessibility: Enable Live Caption</description>
<action name="StatusArea_MagnifierDisabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_MagnifierEnabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_MenuOpened">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Mic_Gain_Changed">
Replaced with &quot;Ash.QuickSettings.Slider.{SliderBehavior}&quot; in ash,
<owner>amehfooz@chromium.org tengs@chromium.org</owner>
The user changed the slider for mic gain in the audio detailed view.
<action name="StatusArea_Mic_Muted">
Replaced with &quot;Ash.QuickSettings.Slider.{SliderBehavior}&quot; in ash,
<owner>amehfooz@chromium.org tengs@chromium.org</owner>
The user muted the mic by pressing the mic mute button.
<action name="StatusArea_Mic_Unmuted">
Replaced with &quot;Ash.QuickSettings.Slider.{SliderBehavior}&quot; in ash,
<owner>amehfooz@chromium.org tengs@chromium.org</owner>
The user unmuted the mic by pressing the mic mute button
<action name="StatusArea_MonoAudioDisabled">
<description>Ash system menu: Accessibility: Disable mono audio</description>
<action name="StatusArea_MonoAudioEnabled">
<description>Ash system menu: Accessibility: Enable mono audio</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Network_ConnectConfigured">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Network_ConnectionDetails">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Network_ConnectToConfigured">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Network_ConnectUnconfigured">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Network_Detailed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Network_JoinOther">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Network_Settings">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Network_WifiDisabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Network_WifiEnabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_NightLight_Disabled">
User disabled NightLight from the feature button in the system menu.
<action name="StatusArea_NightLight_Enabled">
User enabled NightLight from the feature button in the system menu.
<action name="StatusArea_NightLight_Settings">
User opened NightLight WebUI settings from the feature button in the system
<action name="StatusArea_Notifications_ClearAll">
Deprecated in favour of StatusArea_Notifications_StackingBarClearAll.
User removed all notifications using the bottom Clear All button in the
system menu. This button, which no longer exists, was located on the bottom
of the notification list.
<action name="StatusArea_Notifications_SeeAllNotifications">
User expanded the message center by clicking on the see all notifications
button in the system menu.
<action name="StatusArea_Notifications_StackingBarClearAll">
User removed all notifications using the top Clear All button in the system
<action name="StatusArea_OS_Update_Default_Selected">
Counts the number of times the user selects the update row in the system
<action name="StatusArea_QuietMode_Disabled">
User disabled Quiet Mode (Do not disturb) from the feature button in the
system menu.
<action name="StatusArea_QuietMode_Enabled">
User enabled Quiet Mode (Do not disturb) from the feature button in the
system menu.
<action name="StatusArea_ScreenCapture_Change_Source">
Counts the number of times the user changes screen capture source via the
Screen Capture notification. Note these notifications are managed by the
system menu and not the general notification center.
<action name="StatusArea_ScreenCapture_Default_Stop">
<obsolete>Deprecated 10/2022. No longer needed.</obsolete>
Counts the number of times the user stops screen capturing via the screen
capture row in the system menu.
<action name="StatusArea_ScreenCapture_Notification_Stop">
<obsolete>Deprecated 10/2022. No longer needed.</obsolete>
Counts the number of times the user stops screen capturing via the Screen
Capture notification. Note these notifications are managed by the system
menu and not the general notification center.
<action name="StatusArea_SelectToSpeakDisabled">
Ash system menu: Accessibility: Disable Select-to-Speak.
<action name="StatusArea_SelectToSpeakEnabled">
Ash system menu: Accessibility: Enable Select-to-Speak.
<action name="StatusArea_SignOut">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_SMS_Detailed">
Not recorded as of 10/2022. It's unclear when the recording code was
Counts the number of times the user has opened the &quot;SMS messages &quot;
detailed view in the system menu.
<action name="StatusArea_SMS_Detailed_DismissMsg">
Not recorded as of 10/2022. It's unclear when the recording code was
Counts the number of times the user has dismissed an SMS message from the
SMS message detailed view in the system menu.
<action name="StatusArea_SMS_Notification_DismissMsg">
Not recorded as of 10/2022. It's unclear when the recording code was
Counts the number of times the user has dismissed an SMS message
notification. Note these notifications are managed by the system menu and
not the general notification center.
<action name="StatusArea_SpokenFeedbackDisabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_SpokenFeedbackEnabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_StickyKeysDisabled">
<description>Ash system menu: Accessibility: Disable sticky keys</description>
<action name="StatusArea_StickyKeysEnabled">
<description>Ash system menu: Accessibility: Enable sticky keys</description>
<action name="StatusArea_SwitchAccessDisabled">
Ash system menu: Accessibility: Disable Switch Access
<action name="StatusArea_SwitchAccessEnabled">
Ash system menu: Accessibility: Enable Switch Access
<action name="StatusArea_TapDraggingDisabled">
<obsolete>Tap dragging removed from status area menu 03/2018.</obsolete>
Ash system menu: Accessibility: Disable tap dragging
<action name="StatusArea_TapDraggingEnabled">
<obsolete>Tap dragging removed from status area menu 03/2018.</obsolete>
<description>Ash system menu: Accessibility: Enable tap dragging</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Tracing_Default_Selected">
<obsolete>Deprecated 10/2022. No longer needed.</obsolete>
Counts the number of times the user selects the tracing row in the system
<action name="StatusArea_VirtualKeyboardDisabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_VirtualKeyboardEnabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Volume_ChangedMenu">
Replaced with &quot;Ash.QuickSettings.Slider.{SliderBehavior}&quot; in ash,
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_Volume_ChangedPopup">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_VPN_AddBuiltIn">
Indicates that the user requested that the built-in dialog for adding an
OpenVPN or L2TP VPN be shown via the ash UI.
<action name="StatusArea_VPN_AddThirdParty">
Indicates that the user requested that the &quot;add network&quot; dialog
for a third-party VPN be shown via the ash UI.
<action name="StatusArea_VPN_ConnectionDetails">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_VPN_ConnectToNetwork">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_VPN_Detailed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_VPN_Disconnect">
Indicates that the user disconnected from a VPN via the ash UI.
<action name="StatusArea_VPN_JoinOther">
<obsolete>Replaced by StatusArea_VPN_AddBuiltIn.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="StatusArea_VPN_Settings">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Stop">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Strikethrough">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="styleWithCSS">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Suggestions.AllDismissed.Shown">
User dismissed all cards and was not able to get any more suggestions
resulting in the All Dismissed State. Only records for users with Chrome
Home enabled.
<action name="Suggestions.Card.ActionTapped">
<obsolete>Removed with removal of Zine code in April 2020.</obsolete>
User tapped on a card's button in the content suggestions UI.
<action name="Suggestions.Card.SwipedAway">
User swiped a card away in the content suggestions UI.
<action name="Suggestions.Card.Tapped">
User tapped on a card in the content suggestions UI.
<action name="Suggestions.Category.Dismissed">
<description>User dismissed a content suggestions category.</description>
<action name="Suggestions.Category.Fetch">
<description>User requested fetching more content suggestions.</description>
<action name="Suggestions.Category.ViewAll">
Removed with deprecation of Download suggestions category.
User navigated to the complete view of a content suggestions section.
<action name="Suggestions.Content.Dismissed">
<description>User dismissed a content suggestion.</description>
<action name="Suggestions.Content.Opened">
User opened a content suggestion.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="Suggestions.ContextMenu">
Android: User used the context menu to download a suggested item on the new
tab page.
<action name="Suggestions.Contextual.Carousel.Scrolled">
Deprecated with new contextual suggestions implementation.
Android: The contextual suggestions carousel in Chrome Home was scrolled by
the user.
<action name="Suggestions.Contextual.Carousel.Shown">
Deprecated with new contextual suggestions implementation.
Android: The contextual suggestions carousel in Chrome Home was shown to the
<action name="Suggestions.ContextualSuggestion.Open">
Deprecated with new contextual suggestions implementation.
Android: A contextual suggestion in the carousel in Chrome Home was opened
by the user.
<action name="Suggestions.ExpandableHeader.Collapsed">
The suggestions section is collapsed through the section header.
<action name="Suggestions.ExpandableHeader.Expanded">
The suggestions section is expanded through the section header.
<action name="Suggestions.FirstTimeSurfaceVisible">
Recorded right before Suggestions.SurfaceVisible when this is the first time
a suggestions surface is made visible to the user on that device.
<action name="Suggestions.ScrolledAfterOpen">
Android: Recorded the first time the user scrolls after opening the
suggestions UI.
<action name="Suggestions.Site.RemovalUndone">
<description>User reverted the removal of a suggested site.</description>
<action name="Suggestions.Site.Removed">
<description>User removed a suggested site.</description>
<action name="Suggestions.SurfaceFullyVisible">
<obsolete>Deprecated with Chrome Home ramp down.</obsolete>
ChromeHome: The Suggestion surface is loaded or brought in the foreground in
its fully visible state. In regular Chrome, MobileNTPShown is the
<action name="Suggestions.SurfaceHalfVisible">
<obsolete>Deprecated with Chrome Home ramp down.</obsolete>
ChromeHome: The Suggestion surface is loaded or brought in the foreground in
its half visible state. In regular Chrome, MobileNTPShown is the equivalent.
<action name="Suggestions.SurfaceHidden">
<description>User closed the content suggestions UI.</description>
<action name="Suggestions.SurfaceVisible">
<description>User opened the content suggestions UI.</description>
<action name="Suggestions.Tile.RemovalUndone">
Deprecated as of 05/2017. Now recorded as
Android: User tapped the undo button in the snackbar after removing a
suggested item.
<action name="Suggestions.Tile.Tapped">
User tapped on a tile in the content suggestions UI.
<action name="Suggestions.Tile.Tapped.GridTabSwitcher">
From 04/2021 use Suggestions.Tile.Tapped.StartSurface instead.
User tapped on a suggestions tile while viewing the tab switcher.
<action name="Suggestions.Tile.Tapped.NewTabPage">
User tapped on a suggestions tile while viewing the new tab page. This is
recorded when 1) user clicks on most visited tiles; 2) long press on most
visited tiles to open in a new incognito tab. This is consistent with
Suggestions.Tile.Tapped.StartSurface on Start Surface. Android-only.
<action name="Suggestions.Tile.Tapped.StartSurface">
User tapped on a suggestions tile while viewing the start surface. This is
recorded when 1) user clicks on most visited tiles; 2) long press on most
visited tiles to open in a new incognito tab. This is consistent with
Suggestions.Tile.Tapped.NewTabPage on NTP. Android-only.
<action name="SupervisedUsers_Extensions_ApprovalGranted">
Emitted when the custodian locally approves the supervised user's request to
install an extension by entering the custodian's password.
<action name="SupervisedUsers_Extensions_ApprovalRemoved">
Emitted when the supervised user removes an extension.
<action name="SupervisedUsers_Extensions_Disabled">
Emitted when a supervised user successfully disables an extension.
<action name="SupervisedUsers_Extensions_Enabled">
Emitted when a supervised user successfully enables an extension.
<action name="SupervisedUsers_Extensions_ExtensionInstallDialog_AskedParent">
Emitted when a supervised user clicks &quot;Ask a parent&quot; on the
Extension Install Dialog.
<action name="SupervisedUsers_Extensions_ExtensionInstallDialog_ChildCanceled">
Emitted when a supervised user clicks &quot;Cancel&quot; on the Extension
Install Dialog.
<action name="SupervisedUsers_Extensions_ExtensionInstallDialog_Opened">
Emitted when a supervised user tries to install an extension from the Chrome
Web Store and opens the Extension Install Dialog.
<action name="SupervisedUsers_Extensions_FailedToEnable">
Emmitted when a supervised user tries to enable a force-disabled extension
and fails.
<action name="SupervisedUsers_Extensions_NewExtensionApprovalGranted">
<obsolete>Renamed to SupervisedUsers_Extensions_ApprovalGranted.</obsolete>
Emitted when the custodian locally approves the supervised user's request to
install an extension by entering the custodian's password.
<action name="SupervisedUsers_Extensions_NewVersionApprovalGranted">
Renamed to SupervisedUsers_Extensions_PermissionsIncreaseGranted.
Emitted when the supervised user approves a new version of an existing
<action name="SupervisedUsers_Extensions_ParentPermissionDialog_Opened">
Emitted when a supervised user tries to enable an extension that requires
parent approval, and opens the Parent Permission Dialog.
<action name="SupervisedUsers_Extensions_ParentPermissionDialog_ParentApproved">
Emitted when a parent successfully types their password and approves the
extension on the Parent Permission Dialog.
<action name="SupervisedUsers_Extensions_ParentPermissionDialog_ParentCanceled">
Emitted when a parent cancels the Parent Permission Dialog, denying the
supervised user's attempt to enable an extension.
<action name="SupervisedUsers_Extensions_PermissionsIncreaseGranted">
Emitted when the supervised user approves a new version of an existing
extension with increased permissions.
<action name="SupervisedUsers_Extensions_Removed">
<obsolete>Renamed to SupervisedUsers_Extensions_ApprovalRemoved.</obsolete>
Emitted when the supervised user removes an extension.
<action name="SupervisedUsers_RemoteWebApproval_NotificationClicked">
Recorded when the supervised user clicks on a remote web approval
<action name="SupervisedUsers_RemoteWebApproval_NotificationShown">
Recorded when a remote web approval notification is shown to a supervised
<action name="SuspiciousExtensionBubbleDismissed">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SwitchTab_Click">
Recorded when the user switches tabs with a mouse click. This user action is
only recorded on platforms which use the Views toolkit.
<action name="Sync_CustomizeSync">
The user selected to customize sync from
<action name="Sync_NavigateToSyncAdvancedPage">
Deprecated as of 03/2020. Navigation to settings routes are recorded in
WebUI.Settings.PathVisited histogram.
The user has navigated to the sync advanced settings page
<action name="Sync_OpenActivityControlsPage">
The user has clicked on the history usage row in chrome://settings/syncSetup
to open Activity controls page.
<action name="Sync_SaveNewPassphraseClicked">
The user has clicked on save in the encryption option section from
chrome://settings/syncSetup to encrypt the data with a custom passphrase.
<action name="Sync_SyncEverything">
The user selected sync everything from chrome://settings/syncSetup/advanced.
<action name="SyncedNotifications.SendingServiceDisabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SyncedNotifications.SendingServiceEnabled">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="SyncPreferences_ManageGoogleAccountClicked">
Used clicked 'Manage your Google Account' in sync and google services menu
in android.
<action name="SystemBack">
The user triggered system back **after** Native is initialized. This action
is mutually exclusive with SystemBackBeforeNativeInitialized. Android only.
<action name="SystemBackBeforeFirstVisibleContent">
Records that a back press occurs before the first visible content is drawn
(i.e. at the moment Startup.Android.Cold.TimeToFirstVisibleContent2 is
recorded). Android only.
<action name="SystemBackBeforeNativeInitialized">
The user triggered system back **before** Native is initialized. This action
is mutually exclusive with SystemBack. Android only.
<action name="SystemBackBeforeUINativeInitialized">
The user triggered system back **before UI** with Native is initialized.
Recorded on Android only.
<action name="SystemBackForNavigation">
Deprecated as of 02/2016. Now recorded in the histogram
The user navigated backward in the tab's history using the system back
<action name="SystemBackOnActivityFinishingOrDestroyed">
The user triggered system back when activity is finishing or has been
destroyed. Android only.
<action name="Tab.Screenshot">
Recorded when the user takes a screenshot of a chrome tab.
<action name="Tab.Screenshot.WithoutStoragePermission">
Recorded when the user takes a screenshot of a chrome tab when chrome
doesn't have storage permissions.
<action name="Tab_DropURLBetweenTabs">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Tab_DropURLOnTab">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TabAlertIndicator_Clicked">
User clicked the tab alert indicator; this will have no effect.
<action name="TabContextMenu_AddToExistingGroup">
User selected an entry in the Add to existing group submenu from the tab
context menu.
<action name="TabContextMenu_AddToExistingWindow">
User selected an entry in the Move Tab to Existing Window submenu from the
tab context menu.
<action name="TabContextMenu_AddToNewGroup">
User selected Add to new group from the tab context menu.
<action name="TabContextMenu_Back">
<description>User selected Back from tab context menu.</description>
<action name="TabContextMenu_BookmarkAllTabs">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to removal.</obsolete>
User selected Bookmark All Tabs from the tab context menu.
<action name="TabContextMenu_CloseAllTabs">
<description>User selected Close All Tabs from tab context menu.</description>
<action name="TabContextMenu_CloseOtherTabs">
User selected Close Other Tabs from the tab context menu. Temporarily
removed in M78.
<action name="TabContextMenu_CloseTab">
<description>User selected Close Tabs from tab context menu.</description>
<action name="TabContextMenu_CloseTabsOpenedBy">
<obsolete>Could not find traces of this used in code.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TabContextMenu_CloseTabsToRight">
User selected Close Tabs to the Right from tab context menu.
<action name="TabContextMenu_CompactNavigationBar">
<obsolete>Could not find traces of this used in code.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TabContextMenu_CopyURL">
<description>User selected Copy URL from tab context menu.</description>
<action name="TabContextMenu_Duplicate">
<description>User selected Duplicate from tab context menu.</description>
<action name="TabContextMenu_FocusMode">
User selected Focus This Tab from the tab context menu.
<action name="TabContextMenu_MoveTabToNewWindow">
User selected Move Tab to New Window from the tab context menu.
<action name="TabContextMenu_MuteTabs">
User muted one or more tabs via the tab context menu.
<action name="TabContextMenu_NewTab">
User selected New Tab to the Right from the tabstrip context menu.
<action name="TabContextMenu_NewTabInGroup">
User added a tab to an existing group by choosing 'Add to existing group'
from the tabstrip context menu.
<action name="TabContextMenu_OpenTabsLeftToRight">
<obsolete>Could not find traces of this used in code.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TabContextMenu_OpenTabsRightToLeft">
<obsolete>Could not find traces of this used in code.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TabContextMenu_OrganizeTabs">
<description>User selected Organize Tabs from tab context menu.</description>
<action name="TabContextMenu_Reload">
<description>User selected Reload from tab context menu.</description>
<action name="TabContextMenu_RemoveFromGroup">
User selected Remove from group from the tab context menu.
<action name="TabContextMenu_RestoreTab">
<obsolete>Deprecated due to removal.</obsolete>
Emitted when the user uses the tab strip context menu and selects
&quot;Reopen Closed Tab&quot;. This interaction also causes the user action
RestoreTab to be emitted.
Note: if the last user action was to close an entire window with multiple
tabs, this &quot;Reopen Closed Tab&quot; action will cause the entire window
to be restored, containing multiple tabs. This user action is only emitted
once however, regardless of the number of tabs.
<action name="TabContextMenu_SendTabToSelf_Clicked">
<obsolete>Deprecated because of using histogram.</obsolete>
User send current tab to other synced devices by clicking on the option in
the tab strip menu.
<action name="TabContextMenu_SendTabToSelf_Shown">
<obsolete>Deprecated because of using histogram.</obsolete>
<description>Self share option shows in the tab context menu.</description>
<action name="TabContextMenu_SendToMyDevices">
Deprecated since SendTabToSelf is collecting two kinds of metrics (shown and
User send current tab to other synced devices by clicking on the option in
the tab strip menu.
<action name="TabContextMenu_TogglePinned">
<description>User selected Pin/Unpin from tab context menu.</description>
<action name="TabContextMenu_UnmuteTabs">
User unmuted one or more tabs via the tab context menu.
<action name="TabContextMenu_UseDestinationsTab_Off">
<obsolete>Could not find traces of this used in code.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TabContextMenu_UseDestinationsTab_On">
<obsolete>Could not find traces of this used in code.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TabContextMenu_UseVerticalTabs">
<obsolete>Could not find traces of this used in code.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TabGrid.AccessibilityDelegate.Reordered">
User reordered tabs in grid layout in accessibility mode.
<action name="TabGrid.Drag">
<description>User drags a tab to reorder it.</description>
<action name="TabGrid.DragToReorder">
Deprecated as of 6/2019. Replaced with TabGrid.Drag.Reordered.
<description>User drags a tab to reorder it.</description>
<action name="TabGrid.TabSearchChipTapped">
User tapped on the search term chip on a tab card in the TabGrid.
<action name="TabGridDialog">
<description>User took an action on the TabGridDialog.</description>
<action name="TabGridDialog.Drag.RemoveFromGroup">
Deprecated as of 8/2019. Replaced with TabGrid.Drag.RemoveFromGroup.
User drags a tab in tab grid dialog and drops it on the ungroup bar to move
the tab out of the group.
<action name="TabGridSheet.UndoCloseTab">
<obsolete>Deprecated as of 11/2019. Sheet UI is no longer used.</obsolete>
User undoes the closed tab that was closed from tab grid sheet.
<action name="TabGroup.Created">
<description>Users created a new tab group.</description>
<action name="TabGroup.ExpandedFromStrip">
Users tapped &quot;^&quot; button on the tab strip, causing tab group
component to be shown.
<action name="TabGroup.MinimizedFromGrid">
Users tapped &quot;v&quot; button on tab group bottom sheet toolbar, causing
tab group bottom sheet to be hidden.
<action name="TabGroups_CannotCollapse">
This action no longer occurs as of 11/2022. Tab groups can always collapse.
User clicked on the tab group header of the last expanded tab group. This
user action means there are no more available tabs so the user saw a no-op.
<action name="TabGroups_SavedTabGroups_Closed">
User right-clicked the tab group header on a SavedTabGroup, and pressed the
close group button.
<action name="TabGroups_SavedTabGroups_Deleted">
User performed an action that would delete a SavedTabGroup (Ex: Right-click
a button in the bookmarks bar and press delete group, close the last tab in
a group, unsave a group). This user action is not emitted when a change
originated from the sync service that would cause a group to be deleted.
<action name="TabGroups_SavedTabGroups_Focused">
User attempted to open a SavedTabGroup that was already open by clicking a
SavedTabGroup button in the bookmarks bar, but focused the group instead.
<action name="TabGroups_SavedTabGroups_Opened">
User opened a SavedTabGroup by clicking a SavedTabGroup button in the
bookmarks bar.
<action name="TabGroups_SavedTabGroups_TabAdded">
User added a tab into a SavedTabGroup, for example by clicking on a link
that opens a new tab or by manually adding a new tab into the group.
<action name="TabGroups_SavedTabGroups_TabNavigated">
User navigated within a tab to a new url in a SavedTabGroup, for example by
clicking on a link, by using the omnibox.
<action name="TabGroups_SavedTabGroups_TabRemoved">
User removed a tab from a SavedTabGroup. This is emitted whenever a user
performs an action that would remove a tab from the group (for example,
click the x on a tab, ctrl + w, drag a tab out of the group).
<action name="TabGroups_SwitchGroupedTab">
<description>User switched to a tab that belongs in a group.</description>
<action name="TabGroups_TabGroupBubble_CloseGroup">
User closed a group by choosing 'Close group' from the tab group editor
<action name="TabGroups_TabGroupBubble_ColorChanged">
User changed the color of a group through the color picker in the tab group
editor bubble.
<action name="TabGroups_TabGroupBubble_GroupSaved">
User saved an existing tab group by switching the toggle to the right next
to 'Save group' from the tab group editor bubble.
<action name="TabGroups_TabGroupBubble_GroupUnsaved">
User unsaved an existing tab group by switching the toggle to the left next
to 'Save group' from the tab group editor bubble.
<action name="TabGroups_TabGroupBubble_NameChanged">
User changed the name of a group through the editor bubble.
<action name="TabGroups_TabGroupBubble_NewTabInGroup">
User added a new tab to an existing group by choosing 'New tab in group'
from the tab group editor bubble.
<action name="TabGroups_TabGroupBubble_SendFeedback">
User opened the feedback app by choosing 'Send feedback' from the tab group
editor bubble.
<action name="TabGroups_TabGroupBubble_Ungroup">
User removed all tabs in a group from that group by choosing 'Ungroup' from
the tab group editor bubble.
<action name="TabGroups_TabGroupHeader_Collapsed">
User clicked on the tab group header of an expanded tab group to collapse
the group.
<action name="TabGroups_TabGroupHeader_Expanded">
User clicked on the tab group header of a collapsed tab group to expand the
<action name="Tablet.WindowDrag.OpenedOverview">
User dragged a window from top in tablet mode and opened overview behind.
<action name="Tablet_BackButton">
User tapped the shelf back button in tablet mode on Chrome OS.
<action name="Tablet_LongPressOverviewButtonEnterSplitView">
Recorded when the user long pressed the overview button to enter split view
in tablet mode on Chrome OS.
<action name="Tablet_LongPressOverviewButtonExitSplitView">
Recorded when the user long pressed the overview button to exit split view
in tablet mode on Chrome OS.
<action name="Tablet_QuickSwitch">
User double tapped the overview button in tablet mode on Chrome OS, which
quick switches the current application.
<action name="Tablet_WindowCloseFromCaptionButton">
User closed the window through the close button in the caption area in
tablet mode on Chrome OS.
<action name="Tablet_WindowCloseFromContextMenu">
User closed the window through the shelf context menu in tablet mode on
Chrome OS.
<action name="Tablet_WindowCloseFromOverviewButton">
User closed the window through the close button in overview mode in tablet
mode on Chrome OS.
<action name="TabletTabStrip.UndoCloseTab">
User clicked on the undo close tab snackbar to undo a tab closure on tablet
done from the tab strip. This does not include undo tab closures from the
grid tab switcher.
<action name="TabMediaIndicator_Clicked">
<obsolete>Replaced with &quot;TabAlertIndicator_Clicked&quot;.</obsolete>
User clicked the tab media indicator; this will have no effect.
<action name="TabMultiSelect">
<description>User took an action on the TabSelectionEditor.</description>
<action name="TabMultiSelectV2">
<description>User took an action on the TabSelectionEditorV2.</description>
<action name="TabOverview_DetachCell">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TabOverview_DragCell">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TabOverview_DragOverMiniWindow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TabOverview_DropOnMiniWindow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TabOverview_ExitMouse">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TabOverview_Keystroke">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TabOverview_PressedCreateNewBrowserButton">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TabsSearch.SuggestedActions.OpenTabs">
The user tapped the suggested search action to search open tabs for the
entered search term.
<action name="TabsSearch.SuggestedActions.RecentTabs">
The user tapped the suggested search action to search recent tabs for the
entered search term.
<action name="TabsSearch.SuggestedActions.SearchHistory">
The user tapped the suggested search action to search the user's history for
the entered search term.
<action name="TabsSearch.SuggestedActions.SearchOnWeb">
The user tapped the suggested search action to search on the web for the
entered search term.
<action name="TabsSuggestions.Close.Accepted">
This is renamed to TabSuggestions.Considered.Accepted.Closing on 07/2020.
The tab close suggestions were considered and accepted by the user (with
some possible editing).
<action name="TabsSuggestions.Close.Dismissed">
This is renamed to TabSuggestions.Considered.Dismissed.Closing on 07/2020.
The tab close suggestions were considered and dismissed by the user (with
some possible editing).
<action name="TabsSuggestions.Close.SuggestionsReview.Accepted">
<obsolete>This is removed as 07/2020.</obsolete>
The tab close suggestions were considered by the user by following through
the tab suggestions offered in the snackbar.
<action name="TabsSuggestions.Close.SuggestionsReview.Dismissed">
This is renamed to TabsSuggestions.NotConsidered.Closing on 07/2020.
The tab close suggestions were not considered at all by the user by
dismissing the snackbar indicating tab suggestions are available.
<action name="TabsSuggestions.Considered.Accepted">
The tab suggestions were considered and accepted by the user (with some
possible editing).
<action name="TabsSuggestions.Considered.Dismissed">
The tab suggestions were considered and dismissed by the user (with some
possible editing).
<action name="TabsSuggestions.NotConsidered">
The tab suggestions were not considered at all by the user by dismissing the
tab suggestion card indicating tab suggestions are available.
<action name="TabStrip">
<obsolete>The feature was deprecated and code deleted.</obsolete>
<description>User actions about conditional tab strip.</description>
<action name="TabStrip.SessionVisibility">
<obsolete>The feature was deprecated and code deleted.</obsolete>
Records the visibility of conditional tab strip when Chrome on Android shows
in the foreground.
<action name="TabStrip.UndoCloseTab">
User undoes the closed tab that was closed from tab strip.
<action name="TaskManagement.OpenInChromeActionButtonClicked">
<obsolete>The button option was removed and code deleted.</obsolete>
User hit the &quot;Open in Chrome&quot; action button.
<action name="TaskManagement.ReturnButtonClicked">
<obsolete>The button option was removed and code deleted.</obsolete>
User hit the &quot;X&quot; button to close the tab. The return button is an
explicit &quot;close this tab and return to the previous app&quot; button
that may appear to the left of the Omnibox. This is different from regular
tab closing buttons because those doesn't send the user back to the previous
<action name="TaskManager">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TasksSurface.FakeBox.Lens">
Recorded when the user taps the Lens button in the fake box on the tasks
surface on Android.
<action name="TasksSurface.FakeBox.LensShown" not_user_triggered="true">
Recorded when the Lens button is shown in the fake box on the tasks surface
on Android.
<action name="TasksSurface.FakeBox.LongPressed">
Recorded when the user long pressed the fake box on the tasks surface.
<action name="TasksSurface.FakeBox.Tapped">
Recorded when the user taps the fake box on the tasks surface.
<action name="TasksSurface.FakeBox.VoiceSearch">
Recorded when the user taps the voice search button in the fake box on the
tasks surface.
<action name="TerminalSystemAppMenuButtonButton_Clicked">
User clicked on the terminal system app menu button. Chrome OS only.
<action name="Terminate_ProcessMismatch_CreateNewWidget">
Replaced in 1/2018 with bad_message::WCI_NEW_WIDGET_PROCESS_MISMATCH.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Terminate_ProcessMismatch_CreateNewWindow">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Test_Action">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="TestAction">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="TextFragments.Menu.LearnMoreOpened">
The user selected the &quot;Learn more&quot; option in the Text Fragments
popup menu.
<action name="TextFragments.Menu.Opened">
The user tapped on a highlighted text fragment, opening the popup menu with
additional options.
<action name="TextFragments.Menu.Removed">
The user removed a highlighted text fragment from the page using the popup
<action name="TextFragments.Menu.Reshared">
The user selected the &quot;Share Highlight&quot; option in the Text
Fragments popup menu.
<action name="TextSelectionChanged">
<description>The text selection changed.</description>
<action name="TextToSpeech.Pause">
<description>Synthesized speech is paused.</description>
<action name="TextToSpeech.Resume">
<description>Synthesized speech is resumed after being paused.</description>
<action name="TextToSpeech.Speak">
A single utterance is spoken using synthesized text-to-speech.
<action name="TextToSpeech.Stop" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>Synthesized speech is stopped.</description>
<action name="Themes.Gone">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Themes.Loaded">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Themes.Migrated">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Themes_Installed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Themes_Reset">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ThirdPartyCookieBlockingDisabled" not_user_triggered="true">
Deprecated. Replaced by the Privacy.ThirdPartyCookieBlockingSetting
Recorded on Profile startup if the third party cookie blocking is disabled.
<action name="ThirdPartyCookieBlockingEnabled" not_user_triggered="true">
Deprecated. Replaced by the Privacy.ThirdPartyCookieBlockingSetting
Recorded on Profile startup if the third party cookie blocking is disabled.
<action name="ThirdPartyCookies.SettingsSiteException.Added">
Recorded when a third-party cookie site exception is added via the settings
<action name="ThirdPartyCookies.SettingsSiteException.Removed">
Recorded when a third-party cookie site exception is removed via the
settings page.
<action name="TodayExtension.ExtensionDismissed">
Deprecated. Replaced by IOS.SearchExtension.Action histogram.
<description>Dismissed the Chrome Today extension.</description>
<action name="TodayExtension.ExtensionDisplayed">
Deprecated. Replaced by IOS.SearchExtension.Action histogram.
Displayed the notification center and display the Chrome Today extension.
<action name="TodayExtension.ExtensionInitialized">
Deprecated. Replaced by IOS.SearchExtension.Action histogram.
Displayed the notification center and initialize the Chrome Today extension.
<action name="TodayExtension.NewTabPressed">
Deprecated. Replaced by IOS.SearchExtension.Action histogram.
Tapped on the &quot;New Tab&quot; button in the Chrome Today extension.
<action name="TodayExtension.OpenClipboardPressed">
Deprecated. Replaced by IOS.SearchExtension.Action histogram.
Tapped on the &quot;Open Copied Link&quot; button in the Chrome Today
<action name="TodayExtension.PhysicalWebPressed">
Obsolete 4/2018, Physical Web is disabled (crbug.com/826540).
Tapped on physical web URL in the Chrome Today extension.
<action name="TodayExtension.VoiceSearchPressed">
Deprecated. Replaced by IOS.SearchExtension.Action histogram.
Tapped on the &quot;Voice Search&quot; button in the Chrome Today extension.
<action name="ToggleBold">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ToggleCompactNavigationBar">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ToggleDevTools">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ToggleDevToolsConsole">
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ToggleExtensionShelf">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ToggleFullscreen">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ToggleItalic">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ToggleUnderline">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Toolbar_DragStar">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TopMenu_Bookmarks_LaunchURL">
The user opened a bookmark from the application menu at the top of the
screen on, for example, MacOS. Distinguished from launching from the
wrench/app menu or the bookmarks bar.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="TopMenu_History_RecentlyClosed">
The user opened a link from the Recently Closed section in the application
menu at the top of the screen on macOS. Distinguished from launching from
the wrench/app menu.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="TopMenu_History_RecentlyVisited">
The user opened a link from the Recently Visited section in the application
menu at the top of the screen on macOS. Distinguished from launching from
the wrench/app menu.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="TouchMode.EnteredNonTouchMode">
The user switched away from primarily using touch input or the browser
started in non-touch mode.
<action name="TouchMode.EnteredTouchMode">
The user switched to primarily using touch input or the browser started in
touch mode.
<action name="Touchpad_Gesture_Overview">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Touchscreen_Down" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="TouchscreenScroll">
Not needed as of 05/2018 since performance metrics for ScrollBegin show the
frequency of GSBs.
Logged at the beginning of touchscreen based scrolling. In M56 and earlier,
was logged at begin, update, and end events for touchscreen scrolling.
<action name="TouchscreenScrollFling">
<description>Logged on an ET_SCROLL_FLING_START gesture event.</description>
<action name="Touchview_Disabled">
<description>Recorded when a user exits TouchView mode.</description>
<action name="Touchview_Enabled">
<description>Recorded when a user enters TouchView mode.</description>
<action name="Touchview_Initially_Disabled">
Recorded when the Touchview controller is initialized such that TouchView
mode is disabled initially.
<action name="TrackingProtection.Notice.Closed">
User Closed the Tracking Protection onboarding notice.
<action name="TrackingProtection.Notice.DismissedOther">
User dismissed the Tracking Protection onboarding notice some other way.
<action name="TrackingProtection.Notice.GotItClicked">
User clicked 'Got it' on the Tracking Protection onboarding notice.
<action name="TrackingProtection.Notice.LearnMoreClicked">
User clicked 'Learn More' on the Tracking Protection onboarding notice.
<action name="TrackingProtection.Notice.SettingsClicked">
User clicked 'Settings' on the Tracking Protection onboarding notice.
<action name="TrackingProtection.Notice.Shown" not_user_triggered="true">
User is shown the Tracking Protection onboarding notice.
<action name="TrackpadScroll">
Not needed as of 05/2018 since performance metrics for ScrollBegin show the
frequency of GSBs.
Logged on trackpad scroll events. Logging was removed in M57, because it
caused too many events.
<action name="TrackpadScrollFling" not_user_triggered="true">
<description>Logged on an ET_SCROLL_FLING_START scroll event.</description>
<action name="Transpose">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Tray_Help">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Tray_ImeMenu_Opened">
Counts the number of times the ime menu in shelf was opened.
<action name="Tray_LockScreen">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Tray_NightLight">
Records when the user toggles the Night Light feature on/off.
<action name="Tray_Overview">
Records when the user presses the overview mode button in the Ash system
tray. Overview mode is a feature of Ash that shows thumbnails of all
currently-open windows.
<action name="Tray_Settings">
Records when the Settings button on the Ash system menu is clicked.
<action name="Tray_ShowChannelInfo">
Records when the channel indicator icon is displayed in the system tray.
This is ChromeOS-specific.
<action name="Tray_ShowChannelInfoAdditionalDetails">
Records when the user presses the OS version button from the quick settings
channel indicator UI. This is ChromeOS-specific.
<action name="Tray_ShowPowerOptions">
Settings opened to the Power overlay from the system tray.
<action name="Tray_ShutDown">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Tray_StopRecording">
Records when the user presses the stop recording button in the Ash system
tray to stop the current screen recording session.
<action name="Tray_SwipeToClose_Successful">
No longer needed since swipe on the tray bubble to close it has been
disabled and unified system tray has been launched.
Records when the user swipes on the tray bubble (ImeTrayBubble,
SystemTrayBubble, WebNotificationTrayBubble, PaletteTrayBubble) in an
attempt to close it and succeeded ultimately.
<action name="Tray_SwipeToClose_Unsuccessful">
No longer needed since swipe on the tray bubble to close has been disabled
and unified system tray has been launched.
Records when the user swipes on the status area tray bubble (ImeTrayBubble,
SystemTrayBubble, WebNotificationBubble, PaletteTrayBubble) in an attempt to
close it but failed ultimately.
<action name="Tray_SwipeToOpen_Successful">
No longer needed since swipe on the status area tray to open it has been
disabled and unified system tray has been launched.
Records when the user swipes on the status area tray (ImeTray, SystemTray,
WebNotificationTray, PaletteTray) in an attempt to open the associated
bubble and succeeded ultimately.
<action name="Tray_SwipeToOpen_Unsuccessful">
No longer needed since swipe on the status area tray to open it has been
disabled and unified system tray has been launched.
Records when the user swipes on the status area tray (ImeTray, SystemTray,
WebNotificationTray, PaletteTray) in an attempt to open the associated
bubble but failed ultimately.
<action name="TrustedWebActivity.DisclosureAccepted">
Recorded when a user accepts the &quot;Running in Chrome&quot; disclosure
seen in a Trusted Web Activity.
<action name="TrustedWebActivity.DisclosureShown">
Recorded when a user sees the &quot;Running in Chrome&quot; disclosure in a
Trusted Web Activity.
<action name="TrustedWebActivity.OpenedSettingsViaManageSpace">
Recorded when site settings are opened via &quot;Manage Space&quot; button
in TWA client app's settings.
<action name="UI_DevTools_Connect">
Records when a user connects to a UI DevTools HTTP server, i.e., by clicking
on the 'inspect' link on chrome://inspect/#other.
<action name="Underline">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Undo">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="UniversalInstallFromMenu">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="Unlink">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Unselect">
<obsolete>Deprecated 03/2017 in issue 697756.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="UpdateChrome">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="UpdateNotificaion.NotificationShown">
<obsolete>Not present in the codebase. Removed in M123.</obsolete>
A default priority update notification was displayed.
<action name="Updater.ServerCertificateChanged">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Updater.ServerCertificateFailed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="Upgrade_Started">
<obsolete>Removed from codebase; see GoogleUpdate.UpgradeResult.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="UpgradeCheck_AlreadyUpgraded">
<obsolete>Removed from codebase; see GoogleUpdate.UpgradeResult.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="UpgradeCheck_AlreadyUpToDate">
<obsolete>Removed from codebase; see GoogleUpdate.UpgradeResult.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="UpgradeCheck_Done">
<obsolete>Not present in codebase.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="UpgradeCheck_Error">
Removed from codebase; see GoogleUpdate.UpgradeResult,
GoogleUpdate.UpdateErrorCode, and GoogleUpdate.ErrorHresult.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="UpgradeCheck_Started">
<obsolete>Removed from codebase; see GoogleUpdate.UpgradeResult.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="UpgradeCheck_TimedOut">
<obsolete>Not present in codebase.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="UpgradeCheck_Upgraded">
<obsolete>Removed from codebase; see GoogleUpdate.UpgradeResult.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="UpgradeCheck_UpgradeIsAvailable">
<obsolete>Removed from codebase; see GoogleUpdate.UpgradeResult.</obsolete>
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.Abort.IPH">
The In-Product Help Bubble was aborted due to leaving the flow of the
feature promotion. This is specific to the IPH implementation and could mean
navigation or hiding a surface.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.Action.IPH">
The In-Product Help Bubble was closed after the user selected the action in
the IPH. For a Custom Action IPH, this means the custom action was
activated. For a Tutorial IPH, this means the tutorial was started.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.Cancel.IPH">
The In-Product Help Bubble was closed after the user pressed Escape or
clicked &quot;X&quot; in the IPH.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.Dismiss.IPH">
<description>The user dismissed the In-Product Help Bubble.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.FeatureEngaged.IPH">
The user engaged with the promoted feature outside the In-Product Help
Bubble in a way that obviated the need for this IPH.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.OverrideForPrecedence.IPH"
The In-Product Help Bubble was closed to allow showing a message with higher
<action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.OverrideForUIRegionConflict.IPH">
The In-Product Help Bubble was closed to avoid overlap with an important UI
<action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.Snooze.IPH">
<description>The user snoozed the In-Product Help Bubble.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.Timeout.IPH">
The In-Product Help Bubble spontaneously timed out after some time interval.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown">
An IPH was not shown to the user due to a starving condition.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.BlockedByConfig">
An IPH was not shown to the user due to being blocked by configuration.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.BlockedByContext">
An IPH was not shown to the user due to being blocked by context.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.BlockedByCooldown">
An IPH was not shown to the user due to being blocked by the cooldown
<action name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.BlockedByGracePeriod">
An IPH was not shown to the user due to being blocked by the grace period.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.BlockedByPromo">
An IPH was not shown to the user due to being block by another promo.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.BlockedByUi">
An IPH was not shown to the user due to being blocked by UI.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.Canceled">
An IPH was not shown to the user due to being canceled.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.Error">
<description>An IPH was not shown to the user due to an error.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.FeatureDisabled">
An IPH was not shown to the user due to the feature being disabled .
<action name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.IPH">
This IPH was not shown to the user due to a starving condition.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.PermanentlyDismissed">
An IPH was not shown to the user due to being permanently dismissed.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.RecentlyAborted">
An IPH was not shown because it was aborted by a UI change and is not yet
allowed to be shown again.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.Snoozed">
An IPH was not shown to the user due to being snoozed.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown">
<description>An IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.ActionableAlert.CustomAction">
<description>An Actionable Alert IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.CustomAction">
<description>A Custom Action IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.IPH">
<description>The IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.Legacy">
<description>A Legacy IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.LegalNotice.CustomAction">
A Legal Notice Custom Action IPH was shown to the user.
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.LegalNotice.Legacy">
<description>A Legal Notice Legacy IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.LegalNotice.Snooze">
<description>A Legal Notice Snooze IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.LegalNotice.Toast">
<description>A Legal Notice Toast IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.LegalNotice.Tutorial">
<description>A Legal Notice Tutorial IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.PerApp.CustomAction">
<description>A Per App Custom Action IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.PerApp.Legacy">
<description>A Per App Legacy IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.PerApp.Snooze">
<description>A Per App Snooze IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.PerApp.Toast">
<description>A Per App Toast IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.PerApp.Tutorial">
<description>A Per App Tutorial IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.Snooze">
<description>A Snooze IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.Toast">
<description>A Toast IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.Tutorial">
<description>A Tutorial IPH was shown to the user.</description>
<action name="UserEducation.Session.ActivePeriodStart">
Records the starting point of an Active Period in a User Education Session.
<action name="UserManager_Cleared_Legacy_User_Prefs">
Recorded when prefs::kBrowserGuestModeEnabled and
prefs::kBrowserAddPersonEnabled are cleared because they no longer exist in
the Material Design settings page.
<action name="VideoPlayer.CastVideoError">
Chrome OS Video Player: an error occurred upon casting.
<action name="VideoPlayer.OpenVideoPlayer">
Chrome OS Video Player: the user opened the Chrome OS Video Player.
<action name="ViewAboutConflicts">
Deprecated since the conflicts page is changing. TODO(pmonette): Update this
to refer to the action for the new conflicts page.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ViewAboutFlash">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ViewAboutNaCl">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ViewContextMenu_SendTabToSelf_Clicked">
<obsolete>Deprecated because of using histogram.</obsolete>
User send current tab to other synced devices by clicking on the option in
the view context menu.
<action name="ViewContextMenu_SendTabToSelf_Shown">
<obsolete>Deprecated because of using histogram.</obsolete>
<description>Self share option shows in the view context menu.</description>
<action name="ViewContextMenu_SendToMyDevices">
Deprecated since SendTabToSelf is collecting two kinds of metrics (shown and
User send current tab to other synced devices by clicking on the option in
the view context menu.
<action name="ViewSource">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="VirtualKeyboard.OpenLanguageSettings">
Emitted when user click the link to open Language setting page in ChromeOS
from the virtual keyboard.
<action name="VirtualKeyboard.OpenSuggestionSettings">
Emitted when user click the link to open Suggestion setting page in ChromeOS
from the virtual keyboard.
<action name="VirtualKeyboardLoaded">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="VoiceInteraction.MetalayerStarted.Search_Shift_A">
<description>User launched metalayer through Search + Shift + A.</description>
<action name="VoiceInteraction.Started.AppListButtonLongPress">
User launched voice interaction session through long pressing app list
<action name="VoiceInteraction.Started.Assistant">
User launched voice interaction session through Assistant key.
<action name="VoiceInteraction.Started.HomeButtonLongPress">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of the metric.</description>
<action name="VoiceInteraction.Started.Search_A">
User launched voice interaction session through Search + A.
<action name="VoiceInteraction.Started.Search_Space">
User launched voice interaction session through Search + Space.
<action name="VR.DOFF">
The user has successfully completed the VR DOFF flow.
<action name="VR.DON">
The user has successfully completed the VR DON flow.
<action name="VR.WebVR.requestPresent">
<description>The user has initiated WebVR presentation.</description>
<action name="VR.WebVR.StopPresenting">
<description>The user (or site) has stopped WebVR presentation.</description>
<action name="Webapp.NotificationFocused">
The user tapped on the main area of a Webapp actions notification.
<action name="Webapp.NotificationOpenInChrome">
The user tapped on Open in Chrome action in a Webapp actions notification.
<action name="Webapp.NotificationShare">
The user tapped on Share action in a Webapp actions notification.
<action name="WebApp.Preinstalled.UninstallByUser">
The user uninstalled a preinstalled app which was previously not in
UserUninstalledPreinstalledWebAppPrefs, and has now been added to the prefs.
<action name="WebApp.SetWindowMode.Tab">
<description>The user set a web app to open in a browser tab.</description>
<action name="WebApp.SetWindowMode.Tabbed">
The user set a web app to open in a tabbed app window.
<action name="WebApp.SetWindowMode.Window">
<description>The user set a web app to open in an app window.</description>
<action name="WebAppDetailedInstallAccepted">
The user accepted an installation of a web app in the detailed installation
dialog (with screenshots, etc).
<action name="WebAppDetailedInstallCancelled">
The user cancelled an installation of a web app in the detailed installation
dialog (with screenshots, etc).
<action name="WebAppDetailedInstallShown">
The user was shown the detailed installation dialog for a web app (with
screenshots, etc).
<action name="WebAppInstallAccepted">
The user accepted an installation of a web app in the installation dialog.
<action name="WebAppInstallCancelled">
The user cancelled an installation of a web app in the installation dialog.
<action name="WebAppInstallShown">
The user was shown the installation dialog for a web app.
<action name="WebappMenuOpenInChrome">
Tracks when Open in Chrome menu option is clicked in WebApps.
<action name="webapps.AddShortcut.AppShortcut">
Shortcut added to the homescreen for a page containing the
mobile-webapp-capable meta tag.
<action name="webapps.AddShortcut.AppShortcutApple">
Shortcut added to the homescreen for a page containing only the
apple-mobile-webapp-capable meta tag.
<action name="webapps.AddShortcut.Bookmark">
Shortcut added to the homescreen for a page containing neither
mobile-webapp-capable nor apple-mobile-webapp-capable meta tags.
<action name="webapps.AddShortcut.Manifest">
Shortcut added to the homescreen with a valid Manifest. This action will be
recorded in addition to AppShortcut, AppShortcutApple and Bookmark actions
to keep a trend of whether the webapp also add meta tags.
<action name="WebsiteSettings_CookiesDialogOpened">
Superseded by the WebsiteSettings.Action histogram on 2014-10-30.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebsiteSettings_Opened">
Superseded by the WebsiteSettings.Action histogram on 2014-10-30.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebstoreWidgetApp.ShowDialog">
Tracks Chrome Webstore Gallery Widget app being launched.
<action name="WebView.CaptureVisibleRegion">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebView.ClearData">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebView.ExecuteScript">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebView.Go">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebView.Guest.ClearData">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebView.Guest.OverrideUA">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebView.Guest.PermissionAllow.PluginLoad">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebView.Guest.PermissionDeny.PluginLoad">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebView.Guest.PluginLoadAllowed">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebView.Guest.PluginLoadDenied">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebView.Guest.PluginLoadRequest">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebView.Guest.Terminate">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebView.PermissionAllow.Download">
Tracks when the download permission is explicitly allowed on a webview.
<action name="WebView.PermissionAllow.FileSystem" not_user_triggered="true">
Tracks when the filesystem permission is explicitly allowed on a webview.
<action name="WebView.PermissionAllow.Fullscreen">
Tracks when the fullscreen permission is explicitly allowed on a webview.
<action name="WebView.PermissionAllow.Geolocation">
Tracks when the geolocation permission is explicitly allowed on a webview.
<action name="WebView.PermissionAllow.HID">
Tracks when showing the HID selection dialog is explicitly allowed on a
<action name="WebView.PermissionAllow.JSDialog">
Tracks when the dialog permission is explicitly allowed on a webview.
<action name="WebView.PermissionAllow.Media">
Tracks when the media permission is explicitly allowed on a webview.
<action name="WebView.PermissionAllow.PointerLock">
Tracks when the pointerLock permission is explicitly allowed on a webview.
<action name="WebView.PermissionDeny.Download">
Tracks when the download permission is explicitly denied on a webview.
<action name="WebView.PermissionDeny.FileSystem">
Tracks when the filesystem permission is explicitly denied on a webview.
<action name="WebView.PermissionDeny.Fullscreen">
Tracks when the fullscreen permission is explicitly denied on a webview.
<action name="WebView.PermissionDeny.Geolocation">
Tracks when the geolocation permission is explicitly denied on a webview.
<action name="WebView.PermissionDeny.HID">
Tracks when showing the HID selection dialog is explicitly denied on a
<action name="WebView.PermissionDeny.JSDialog">
Tracks when the dialog permission is explicitly denied on a webview.
<action name="WebView.PermissionDeny.Media">
Tracks when the media permission is explicitly denied on a webview.
<action name="WebView.PermissionDeny.PointerLock">
Tracks when the pointerLock permission is explicitly denied on a webview.
<action name="WebView.Reload">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebView.Stop">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebView.Terminate">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WebView.WebRequest.AddListener" not_user_triggered="true">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WelcomePage_SignInClicked">
The user clicked the Sign In button on the Welcome page, starting the
authentication flow.
<action name="WhatsNew.AddPasswordManually">
The user opened Add Password Manually in What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.AddPasswordManually.LearnMoreTapped">
The user tapped on learn more to know more about Add Password Manually in
What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.AddPasswordManually.PrimaryActionTapped">
The user tapped on the primary action of Add Password Manually in What's
<action name="WhatsNew.Autofill">
<description>The user opened Autofill in What's New.</description>
<action name="WhatsNew.Autofill.LearnMoreTapped">
The user tapped on learn more to know more about Autofill in What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.CalendarEvent">
<description>The user opened Calendar Event in What's New.</description>
<action name="WhatsNew.CalendarEvent.InstructionsTapped">
The user tapped on the instruction button of Calendar Event in What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.CalendarEvent.LearnMoreTapped">
The user tapped on learn more to know more about Calendar Event in What's
<action name="WhatsNew.ChromeActions">
<description>The user opened Chrome Actions in What's New.</description>
<action name="WhatsNew.ChromeActions.InstructionsTapped">
The user tapped on the instruction button of Chrome Actions in What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.ChromeActions.LearnMoreTapped">
The user tapped on learn more to know more about Chrome Actions in What's
<action name="WhatsNew.ChromeActions.PrimaryActionTapped">
The user tapped on the primary action of Chrome Actions in What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.Dismissed">
<description>The user dismissed What's New.</description>
<action name="WhatsNew.IncognitoLock">
<description>The user opened Incognito Lock in What's New.</description>
<action name="WhatsNew.IncognitoLock.InstructionsTapped">
The user tapped on the instruction button of Incognito Lock in What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.IncognitoLock.LearnMoreTapped">
The user tapped on learn more to know more about Incognito Lock in What's
<action name="WhatsNew.IncognitoLock.PrimaryActionTapped">
The user tapped on the primary action of Incognito Lock in What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.IncognitoTabsFromOtherApps">
The user opened Incognito Tabs From Other Apps in What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.IncognitoTabsFromOtherApps.InstructionsTapped">
The user tapped on the instruction button of Incognito Tabs From Other Apps
in What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.IncognitoTabsFromOtherApps.LearnMoreTapped">
The user tapped on learn more to know more about Incognito Tabs From Other
Apps in What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.IncognitoTabsFromOtherApps.PrimaryActionTapped">
The user tapped on the primary action of Incognito Tabs From Other Apps in
What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.MiniMaps">
<description>The user opened Mini Maps in What's New.</description>
<action name="WhatsNew.MiniMaps.InstructionsTapped">
The user tapped on the instruction button of Mini Maps in What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.MiniMaps.LearnMoreTapped">
The user tapped on learn more to know more about Mini Maps in What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.NewOverflowMenu">
<description>The user opened New Overflow Menu in What's New.</description>
<action name="WhatsNew.PasswordsInOtherApps">
The user opened Passwords In Other Apps in What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.PasswordsInOtherApps.LearnMoreTapped">
The user tapped on learn more to know more about Passwords In Other Apps in
What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.PasswordsInOtherApps.PrimaryActionTapped">
The user tapped on the primary action of Passwords In Other Apps in What's
<action name="WhatsNew.Promo.Displayed">
<description>The What's New promo was displayed to the user.</description>
<action name="WhatsNew.SearchTabs">
<description>The user opened Search Tabs in What's New.</description>
<action name="WhatsNew.SearchTabs.LearnMoreTapped">
The user tapped on learn more to know more about Search Tabs in What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.SharedHighlighting">
<description>The user opened Shared Highlighting in What's New.</description>
<action name="WhatsNew.SharedHighlighting.LearnMoreTapped">
The user tapped on learn more to know more about Shared Highlighting in
What's New.
<action name="WhatsNew.Started">
<description>The user started What's New.</description>
<action name="WhatsNew.UseChromeByDefault">
<description>The user opened Chrome By Default in What's New.</description>
<action name="WhatsNew.UseChromeByDefault.LearnMoreTapped">
The user tapped on learn more to know more about Chrome By Default in What's
<action name="WhatsNew.UseChromeByDefault.PrimaryActionTappedTapped">
The user tapped on the primary action of Chrome By Default in What's New.
<action name="Win10WelcomePage_SetAsDefaultBrowser">
The user clicked &quot;Open Windows Settings&quot; in the Win10 version of
the Welcome page.
<action name="Win7ASHRestart">
<description>Tracks when Chrome was restarted on Win7 in Ash.</description>
<action name="Win7DesktopRestart">
Tracks when Chrome was restarted on Win7 in desktop.
<action name="Win8DesktopRestart">
Tracks when Chrome was restarted on Win8 in desktop.
<action name="Win8MetroRestart">
<description>Tracks when Chrome was restarted on Win8 in metro.</description>
<action name="WindowBorder_ClickTogglesSingleAxisMaximize">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WindowCycleController_Cycle">
Starting a window selection cycle by pressing alt-tab. Only counts the
initial alt-tab, not each step in the cycle.
<action name="WindowDrag_Maximize">
Tracks if a window has been snapped to maximized state by dragging the
window to the top of the screen.
<action name="WindowDrag_MaximizeLeft">
Tracks if a window has been snapped to to the left by dragging the window to
the left side of the screen.
<action name="WindowDrag_MaximizeRight">
Tracks if a window has been snapped to to the right by dragging the window
to the right side of the screen.
<action name="WindowDrag_Unmaximize">
Tracks if a window has been unmaximized by dragging down on the title bar of
a maximized window.
<action name="WindowDrag_Unsnap">
Tracks if a window has been unsnapped by dragging down on the title bar of a
snapped window.
<action name="WindowNaming_Cleared">
Logged when the user accepts the &quot;Name Window...&quot; prompt to clear
a custom name for a browser window.
<action name="WindowNaming_DialogShown">
Logged when the user opens the &quot;Name Window...&quot; prompt.
<action name="WindowNaming_Set">
Logged when the user accepts the &quot;Name Window...&quot; prompt to set a
custom name for a browser window.
<action name="WindowSelector_ActiveWindowChanged">
Recorded when the user selects a window from Ash overview mode which is
different from the window that was active prior to entering overview mode.
<action name="WindowSelector_Overview">
<description>Starting the window overview mode.</description>
<action name="WindowSelector_OverviewCloseButton">
Using the 'X' button to close a window in the overview.
<action name="WindowSelector_OverviewCloseKey">
Using Ctrl+W shortcut to close a window in the overview.
<action name="WindowSelector_OverviewEnterKey">
Using the enter key to select a window in the overview.
<action name="WindowSelector_Selection">
Deprecated as of 06/2014. No longer relevant since alt tab window switching
was separated from overview mode.
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WindowSelector_SwipeToClose">
Vertically swiping or flinging a window in overview to close the window.
<action name="WorkerProcess_BadProcessToKill">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WP_EditImage">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WP_Gallery">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="WrenchMenu_Bookmarks_ContextMenu_OpenAll">
The user opened one or more bookmarks in the Bookmarks Bar using the context
menu. Distinguished from launching from e.g. the application menu or the
bookmark manager. This is for opening bookmarks normally (in the same
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="WrenchMenu_Bookmarks_ContextMenu_OpenAllIncognito">
The user opened one or more bookmarks in the Bookmarks Bar using the context
menu. Distinguished from launching from e.g. the application menu or the
bookmark manager. This is for opening bookmarks in an incognito window.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="WrenchMenu_Bookmarks_ContextMenu_OpenAllInNewWindow">
The user opened one or more bookmarks in the Bookmarks Bar using the context
menu. Distinguished from launching from e.g. the application menu or the
bookmark manager. This is for opening bookmarks in a new window.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="WrenchMenu_Bookmarks_LaunchURL">
The user opened a bookmark from the wrench/application/three-dot menu.
Distinguished from launching from e.g. the bookmarks bar or bookmark
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="WrenchMenu_OpenRecentGroup">
<description>App Menu: Recently Closed: Open a recent group.</description>
<action name="WrenchMenu_OpenRecentTabFromDevice">
Hot Dog Menu: Recent Tabs: Open a recent tab from a device.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="WrenchMenu_OpenRecentTabFromLocal">
Hot Dog Menu: Recent Tabs: Open a recent tab link from local.
This user action is of special interest to the chrome-analysis-team@. Do not
change its semantics or retire it without talking to them first.
<action name="WrenchMenu_OpenRecentWindow">
Hot Dog Menu: Recent Tabs: Open a recent tab in a new window.
<action name="XR.ARCoreDeviceProviderFactory.NotInstalled"
The code that caused the issue this action was meant to track is no longer
Raised when XR service was unable to obtain necessary component. The action
is not directly raised by the user's behavior as it should only be logged
when the user navigates to a website that uses WebXR Device API, only in
case the necessary provider was not installed during browser start-up.
Created to assess the impact of the issue causing https://crbug.com/1050470.
<action name="ZoomMinus">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ZoomMinus_AtMinimum">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ZoomNormal">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ZoomPlus">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action name="ZoomPlus_AtMaximum">
<owner>Please list the metric's owners. Add more owner tags as needed.</owner>
<description>Please enter the description of this user action.</description>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="AccountStorage" label="Bookmark added in account storage."/>
<suffix name="LocalStorage"
label="Bookmark added in local storage which is not being synced."/>
<suffix name="LocalStorageSyncing"
label="Bookmark added in local storage which is being synced."/>
<affected-action name="Bookmarks.Added"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="AccountStorage" label="Folder added in account storage."/>
<suffix name="LocalStorage"
label="Folder added in local storage which is not being synced."/>
<suffix name="LocalStorageSyncing"
label="Folder added in local storage which is being synced."/>
<affected-action name="Bookmarks.FolderAdded"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="AccountStorage" label="Bookmark opened from account storage."/>
<suffix name="LocalStorage"
label="Bookmark opened from local storage which is not being synced."/>
<suffix name="LocalStorageSyncing"
label="Bookmark opened from local storage which is being synced."/>
<affected-action name="Bookmarks.Opened"/>
<action-suffix separator="_" ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="3pcdUserBypass"
label="For third party cookie deprecation user bypass feature."/>
<suffix name="AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization_AddToBookmarks"
label="For AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization add to bookmarks
<suffix name="AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization_NewTab"
label="For AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization new tab feature."/>
<suffix name="AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization_Share"
label="For AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization share feature."/>
<suffix name="AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization_Translate"
label="For AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization translate feature."/>
<suffix name="AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization_VoiceSearch"
label="For AdaptiveButtonInTopToolbarCustomization voice search
<suffix name="AddToHomescreenMessage"
label="For AddToHomescreen IPH feature."/>
<suffix name="AddToHomescreenTextBubble"
label="For AddToHomescreen IPH feature using text bubble (obsolete)."/>
<suffix name="AutoDarkOptOut" label="For AutoDarkOptOut dialog feature."/>
<suffix name="AutoDarkUserEducationMessage"
label="For AutoDarkUserEducationMessage feature."/>
<suffix name="AutoDarkUserEducationMessageOptIn"
label="For AutoDarkUserEducationMessageOptIn feature."/>
<suffix name="AutofillExternalAccountProfileSuggestion"
label="For AutofillExternalAccountProfileSuggestion feature."/>
<suffix name="AutofillVirtualCardSuggestion"
label="For AutofillVirtualCardSuggestion feature."/>
<suffix name="BackNavigationMenu" label="For BackNavigationMenu feature."/>
<suffix name="BadgedReadingList" label="For BadgedReadingList feature."/>
<suffix name="BadgedTranslateManualTrigger"
label="For BadgedTranslateManualTrigger feature."/>
<suffix name="BatterySaverMode" label="For BatterySaverMode feature."/>
<suffix name="Bookmark" label="For Bookmark feature."/>
<suffix name="BottomToolbarTip" label="For BottomToolbarTip feature."/>
<suffix name="CCTMinimized" label="For Minimized CCT feature."/>
<suffix name="ChromeDuet" label="For ChromeDuet feature."/>
<suffix name="ChromeDuetHomeButton"
label="For ChromeDuetHomeButton feature."/>
<suffix name="ChromeDuetTabSwitcherButton"
label="For ChromeDuetTabSwitcherButton feature."/>
<suffix name="ChromeHomeExpand" label="For ChromeHomeExpand feature."/>
<suffix name="ChromeHomeMenuHeader"
label="For ChromeHomeMenuHeader feature."/>
<suffix name="ChromeHomePullToRefresh"
label="For ChromeHomePullToRefresh feature."/>
<suffix name="ChromeReengagementNotification1"
label="For ChromeReengagementNotification1 feature."/>
<suffix name="ChromeReengagementNotification2"
label="For ChromeReengagementNotification2 feature."/>
<suffix name="ChromeReengagementNotification3"
label="For ChromeReengagementNotification3 feature."/>
<suffix name="CompanionSidePanel" label="For companion side panel feature."/>
<suffix name="CompanionSidePanelRegionSearch"
label="For companion side panel region search feature."/>
<suffix name="ComposeMenuNewBadgeFeature"
label="For Compose new badge in context menu feature"/>
<suffix name="ComposeMSBBSettingsFeature"
label="For Compose MSBB Settings badge feature"/>
<suffix name="ComposeNewBadgeFeature" label="For Compose new badge feature"/>
<suffix name="ContextualPageActions_PriceTracking"
label="For Contextual page actions price tracking feature."/>
<suffix name="ContextualPageActions_PriceTrackingActionChip"
label="For action chip variant of Contextual page actions price
tracking feature."/>
<suffix name="ContextualSearch" label="For ContextualSearch feature."/>
<suffix name="ContextualSearchInPanelHelp"
label="For ContextualSearchInPanelHelp feature."/>
<suffix name="ContextualSearchOptIn"
label="For ContextualSearchOptIn feature."/>
<suffix name="ContextualSearchPanel"
label="For ContextualSearchPanel feature."/>
<suffix name="ContextualSearchPromotePanelOpen"
label="For ContextualSearchPromotePanelOpen feature."/>
<suffix name="ContextualSearchPromoteTap"
label="For ContextualSearchPromoteTap feature."/>
<suffix name="ContextualSearchTap" label="For ContextualSearchTap feature."/>
<suffix name="ContextualSearchTappedButShouldLongpress"
label="For ContextualSearchTappedButShouldLongpress feature."/>
<suffix name="ContextualSearchWebSearch"
label="For ContextualSearchWebSearch feature."/>
<suffix name="ContextualSuggestions"
label="For ContextualSuggestions feature."/>
<suffix name="CookieControls" label="For CookieControls feature."/>
<suffix name="Crow" label="For Crow feature."/>
<suffix name="DataSaverDetail" label="For DataSaverDetail feature."/>
<suffix name="DataSaverMilestonePromo"
label="For DataSaverMilestonePromo feature."/>
<suffix name="DataSaverPreview" label="For DataSaverPreview feature."/>
<suffix name="DefaultSiteView" label="For DefaultSiteView feature."/>
<suffix name="DesktopCustomizeChrome" label="For Customize Chrome feature."/>
<suffix name="DesktopCustomizeChromeRefresh"
label="For Customize Chrome refresh feature."/>
<suffix name="DesktopNewTabPageModulesCustomize"
label="For Desktop NTP modules customize feature."/>
<suffix name="DesktopPwaInstall" label="For desktop PWA install icon."/>
<suffix name="DesktopPWAsLinkCapturingLaunch"
label="For desktop PWAs launched via Link Capturing."/>
<suffix name="DesktopSharedHighlighting"
label="For DesktopSharedHighlighting feature."/>
<suffix name="DesktopSnoozeFeature"
label="For DesktopSnoozeFeature feature."/>
<suffix name="DesktopTabGroupsNewGroup" label="For desktop Tab Groups."/>
<suffix name="DiscoverFeedHeaderMenu"
label="For DiscoverFeedHeaderMenu feature."/>
<suffix name="DownloadEsbPromo" label="For Download Esb Iph feature promo."/>
<suffix name="DownloadHome" label="For DownloadHome feature."/>
<suffix name="DownloadIndicator" label="For DownloadIndicator feature."/>
<suffix name="DownloadInfoBarDownloadContinuing"
label="For DownloadInfoBarDownloadContinuing feature."/>
<suffix name="DownloadInfoBarDownloadsAreFaster"
label="For DownloadInfoBarDownloadsAreFaster feature."/>
<suffix name="DownloadPage" label="For DownloadPage feature."/>
<suffix name="DownloadPageScreenshot"
label="For DownloadPageScreenshot feature."/>
<suffix name="DownloadSettings" label="For DownloadSettings feature."/>
<suffix name="DownloadToolbarButton"
label="For Download toolbar button feature."/>
<suffix name="EphemeralTab" label="For Ephemeral Tab."/>
<suffix name="ExperimentalAIPromo" label="For Experimental AI feature."/>
<suffix name="ExploreSitesTile" label="For Explore Sites feature."/>
<suffix name="ExtensionsMenu" label="For Extensions menu opening."/>
<suffix name="ExtensionsRequestAccessButton"
label="For Extensions request access button feature."/>
<suffix name="FeatureNotificationGuideDefaultBrowserNotificationShown"
label="For feature notification guide default browser notification
<suffix name="FeatureNotificationGuideDefaultBrowserPromo"
label="For feature notification guide default browser promo."/>
<suffix name="FeatureNotificationGuideIncognitoTabHelpBubble"
label="For feature notification guide incognito tab help bubble."/>
<suffix name="FeatureNotificationGuideIncognitoTabNotificationShown"
label="For feature notification guide incognito tab notification
<suffix name="FeatureNotificationGuideIncognitoTabUsed"
label="For FeatureNotificationGuideIncognitoTabUsed feature."/>
<suffix name="FeatureNotificationGuideNTPSuggestionCardHelpBubble"
label="For feature notification guide NTP suggestion card help bubble."/>
<suffix name="FeatureNotificationGuideNTPSuggestionCardNotificationShown"
label="For feature notification guide NTP suggestion card notification
<suffix name="FeatureNotificationGuideSignInHelpBubble"
label="For feature notification guide sign in help bubble."/>
<suffix name="FeatureNotificationGuideSignInNotificationShown"
label="For feature notification guide sign in notification feature."/>
<suffix name="FeatureNotificationGuideVoiceSearchHelpBubble"
label="For feature notification guide voice search help bubble."/>
<suffix name="FeatureNotificationGuideVoiceSearchNotificationShown"
label="For feature notification guide voice search notification
<suffix name="FeatureNotificationGuideVoiceSearchUsed"
label="For FeatureNotificationGuideVoiceSearchUsed feature."/>
<suffix name="FeedCardMenu" label="For FeedCardMenu feature."/>
<suffix name="FeedHeaderMenu" label="For FeedHeaderMenu feature."/>
<suffix name="FeedSwipeRefresh" label="For FeedSwipeRefresh feature."/>
<suffix name="FocusHelpBubbleScreenReaderPromo"
label="For FocusHelpBubbleScreenReaderPromo feature."/>
<suffix name="FollowWhileBrowsing"
label="For Follow While-Browsing IPH feature."/>
<suffix name="GenericAlwaysTriggerHelpUiFeature"
label="For generic always show help UI feature."/>
<suffix name="GlobalMediaControls" label="For GlobalMediaControls feature."/>
<suffix name="GMCCastStartStop" label="For GMCCastStartStop feature."/>
<suffix name="GMCCastStartStopFeature"
label="For Global Media Controls Cast start and stop feature."/>
<suffix name="GMCLocalMediaCastingFeature"
label="For GMC local media cast start feature."/>
<suffix name="GoogleOneOfferNotification"
label="For google one offer notification feature."/>
<suffix name="HighEfficiencyInfoMode"
label="For HighEfficiencyInfoMode feature."/>
<suffix name="HighEfficiencyModeFeature"
label="For suggesting High Efficiency Mode feature"/>
<suffix name="HomePageButton" label="For HomePageButton feature."/>
<suffix name="HomepageTile" label="For HomepageTile feature."/>
<suffix name="IdentityDisc" label="For IdentityDisc feature."/>
<suffix name="IncognitoWindow" label="For IncognitoWindow feature."/>
<suffix name="InstanceSwitcher" label="For Instance switcher feature."/>
<suffix name="IntentChip"
label="In product help for opening a webpage in an app using the intent
<suffix name="iOSChoiceScreen" label="For iOSChoiceScreen feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSDefaultBrowserBadgeEligibility"
label="For iOSDefaultBrowserBadgeEligibility feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSDefaultBrowserOverflowMenuBadge"
label="For iOSDefaultBrowserOverflowMenuBadge feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSDefaultBrowserSettingsBadge"
label="For iOSDefaultBrowserSettingsBadge feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSDefaultBrowserVideoPromoTrigger"
label="For iOSDefaultBrowserVideoPromoTrigger feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSDockingPromoFeature" label="For iOSDockingPromo feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSDockingPromoRemindMeLaterFeature"
label="For iOSDockingPromoRemindMeLater feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSHistoryOnOverflowMenuFeature"
label="For iOSHistoryOnOverflowMenuFeature feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSNewTabToolbarItemFeature"
label="For iOSNewTabToolbarItemFeature feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSOmniboxPositionFeature"
label="For the iOSOmniboxPositionFeature feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSParcelTrackingFeature"
label="For the iOSParcelTrackingFeature feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSPasswordPromoDesktop"
label="For iOSPasswordPromoDesktop feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSPostDefaultAbandonmentPromo"
label="For iOSPostDefaultAbandonmentPromo feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSPromoAppStore" label="For iOSPromoAppStore feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSPromoCredentialProviderExtension"
label="For iOSPromoCredentialProviderExtension feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSPromoDefaultBrowser"
label="For iOSPromoDefaultBrowser feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSPromoDefaultBrowserReminder"
label="For iOSPromoDefaultBrowserReminder feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSPromoPasswordManagerWidget"
label="For iOSPromoPasswordManagerWidget feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSPromoPostRestore" label="For iOSPromoPostRestore feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSPromoPostRestoreDefaultBrowser"
label="For iOSPromoPostRestoreDefaultBrowser feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSPromoWhatsNew" label="For iOSPromoWhatsNew feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSPullToRefreshFeature"
label="For iOSPullToRefreshFeature feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSReplaceSyncPromosWithSignInPromos"
label="For iOSReplaceSyncPromosWithSignInPromos feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSShareToolbarItemFeature"
label="For iOSShareToolbarItemFeature feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSSwipeBackForwardFeature"
label="For iOSSwipeBackForwardFeature feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSSwipeToolbarToChangeTabFeature"
label="For iOSSwipeToolbarToChangeTabFeature feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSTabGridSwipeRightForIncognito"
label="For iOSTabGridSwipeRightForIncognito feature"/>
<suffix name="iOSTabGridToolbarItemFeature"
label="For iOSTabGridToolbarItemFeature feature"/>
<suffix name="KeyboardAccessoryAddressFilling"
label="For KeyboardAccessoryAddressFilling feature."/>
<suffix name="KeyboardAccessoryBarSwiping"
label="For KeyboardAccessoryBarSwiping feature."/>
<suffix name="KeyboardAccessoryPasswordFilling"
label="For KeyboardAccessoryPasswordFilling feature."/>
<suffix name="KeyboardAccessoryPaymentFilling"
label="For KeyboardAccessoryPaymentFilling feature."/>
<suffix name="KeyboardAccessoryPaymentOffer"
label="For KeyboardAccessoryPaymentOffer feature."/>
<suffix name="LauncherSearchHelpUi" label="For launcher search IPH feature."/>
<suffix name="LiveCaption" label="For LiveCaption feature."/>
<suffix name="LongPressToolbarTip" label="For LongPressToolbar feature."/>
<suffix name="LowUserEngagementDetector"
label="For LowUserEngagementDetector feature."/>
<suffix name="MediaDownload" label="For MediaDownload feature."/>
<suffix name="MicToolbar" label="In product help for toolbar mic."/>
<suffix name="NewIncognitoTabTip" label="For NewIncognitoTabTip feature."/>
<suffix name="NewTab" label="For NewTab feature."/>
<suffix name="NewTabPageButton" label="Deprecated in M79-."/>
<suffix name="NewTabPageHomeButton"
label="For NewTabPageHomeButton feature. (obsolete)"/>
<suffix name="NewTabTip" label="For NewTabTip feature."/>
<suffix name="PageInfo" label="In product help for opening PageInfo."/>
<suffix name="PageInfoStoreInfo" label="For PageInfoStoreInfo feature."/>
<suffix name="PageZoom" label="For Page Zoom feature."/>
<suffix name="PasswordManagerShortcut"
label="For password manager shortcut feature."/>
<suffix name="PasswordsAccountStorage"
label="For PasswordsAccountStorage feature."/>
<suffix name="PasswordSharingFeature" label="For password sharing feature."/>
<suffix name="PasswordsManagementBubbleAfterSave"
label="For password management bubble after save feature."/>
<suffix name="PasswordsManagementBubbleDuringSignin"
label="For password management bubble during signin feature."/>
<suffix name="PasswordSuggestions" label="For PasswordSuggestions feature."/>
<suffix name="PasswordsWebAppProfileSwitch"
label="For PasswordsWebAppProfileSwitch feature."/>
<suffix name="PerformanceNewBadge"
label="For new badge next to Performance feature."/>
<suffix name="PowerBookmarksSidePanel"
label="For power bookmarks side panel feature."/>
<suffix name="PreviewsOmniboxUI"
label="For the Previews UI in the Android Omnibox feature."/>
<suffix name="PriceDropNTP" label="For PriceDropNTP feature."/>
<suffix name="PriceInsightsPageActionIconLabel"
label="For price insights page action icon label triggering."/>
<suffix name="PriceTrackingChipFeature"
label="For PriceTrackingChipFeature feature."/>
<suffix name="PriceTrackingEmailConsentFeature"
label="For price tracking email consent dialog."/>
<suffix name="PriceTrackingInSidePanel"
label="For PriceTrackingInSidePanelFeature feature."/>
<suffix name="PriceTrackingPageActionIconLabel"
label="For price tracking page action icon label triggering."/>
<suffix name="ProfileSwitch"
label="In product help for switching profiles using the profile menu."/>
<suffix name="PwaInstallAvailableFeature"
label="For Android PWA install menu."/>
<suffix name="QuietNotificationPrompts"
label="For the quiet notification prompts feature."/>
<suffix name="ReadingListDiscovery"
label="For ReadingListDiscoveryFeature feature."/>
<suffix name="ReadingListEntryPoint"
label="For ReadingListEntryPoint feature."/>
<suffix name="ReadingListInSidePanel"
label="For ReadingListInSidePanel feature."/>
<suffix name="ReadingListMessages" label="For ReadingListMessages feature."/>
<suffix name="ReadingModeSidePanel"
label="For reading mode side panel feature."/>
<suffix name="ReadLaterAppMenuBookmarks"
label="For ReadLaterAppMenuBookmarks feature."/>
<suffix name="ReadLaterAppMenuBookmarkThisPage"
label="For ReadLaterAppMenuBookmarkThisPage feature."/>
<suffix name="ReadLaterBottomSheet"
label="For ReadLaterBottomSheet feature."/>
<suffix name="ReadLaterContextMenu"
label="For ReadLaterContextMenu feature."/>
<suffix name="ReopenTab" label="For ReopenTab feature."/>
<suffix name="RequestDesktopSiteAppMenu"
label="For the RequestDesktopSiteAppMenu feature."/>
<suffix name="RequestDesktopSiteDefaultOn"
label="For the RequestDesktopSiteDefaultOn feature."/>
<suffix name="RequestDesktopSiteExceptionsGeneric"
label="For the RequestDesktopSiteExceptionsGeneric feature."/>
<suffix name="RequestDesktopSiteOptIn"
label="For the RequestDesktopSiteOptIn feature. (obsolete)"/>
<suffix name="RequestDesktopSiteWindowSetting"
label="For the RequestDesktopSiteWindowSetting feature."/>
<suffix name="RestoreTabsOnFRE" label="For the RestoreTabsOnFRE feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphGaming"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphHelpAppBasedEight"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphHelpAppBasedFive"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphHelpAppBasedFour"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphHelpAppBasedNine"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphHelpAppBasedNudge"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphHelpAppBasedOne"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphHelpAppBasedSeven"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphHelpAppBasedSix"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphHelpAppBasedTen"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphHelpAppBasedThree"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphHelpAppBasedTwo"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphTimerBasedEight"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphTimerBasedFive"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphTimerBasedFour"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphTimerBasedNine"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphTimerBasedOne"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphTimerBasedSeven"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphTimerBasedSix"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphTimerBasedTen"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphTimerBasedThree"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphTimerBasedTwo"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphUnlockedBasedEight"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphUnlockedBasedFive"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphUnlockedBasedFour"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphUnlockedBasedNine"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphUnlockedBasedOne"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphUnlockedBasedSeven"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphUnlockedBasedSix"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphUnlockedBasedTen"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphUnlockedBasedThree"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="ScalableIphUnlockedBasedTwo"
label="For a variant of Scalable Iph feature."/>
<suffix name="SharedHighlightingBuilder"
label="For SharedHighlightingBuilder feature."/>
<suffix name="SharedHighlightingReceiver"
label="For SharedHighlightingReceiver feature."/>
<suffix name="ShareScreenshot" label="For ShareScreenshot feature."/>
<suffix name="SharingHubLinkToggle"
label="For Sharing Hub link toggle feature."/>
<suffix name="SharingHubWebnotesStylize"
label="For SharingHubWebnotesStylize feature."/>
<suffix name="ShoppingCollectionFeature"
label="For the explanation of what the shopping collection is."/>
<suffix name="ShoppingListMenuItem"
label="For ShoppingListMenuItem feature."/>
<suffix name="ShoppingListSaveFlow"
label="For ShoppingListSaveFlow feature."/>
<suffix name="SidePanelGenericMenuFeature"
label="For Side Panel Pinning menu entries."/>
<suffix name="SidePanelGenericPinnableFeature"
label="For Side Panel Pinning pin feature."/>
<suffix name="SideSearch" label="For the side search feature."/>
<suffix name="SideSearchAutoTriggering"
label="For side search feature automatic triggering."/>
<suffix name="SideSearchPageActionLabel"
label="For side search feature page action label triggering."/>
<suffix name="TabAudioMuting" label="For TabAudioMuting feature."/>
<suffix name="TabGroupsDragAndDrop" label="For drop-to-merge in tab group."/>
<suffix name="TabGroupsQuicklyComparePages"
label="For long press links to create tab groups."/>
<suffix name="TabGroupsTapToSeeAnotherTab" label="For tab strip."/>
<suffix name="TabGroupsYourTabsTogether"
label="For tab switcher with tab groups."/>
<suffix name="TabOrganizationSuccess"
label="For the tab organization feature."/>
<suffix name="TabPinnedFeature" label="For tab pinned overflow hint."/>
<suffix name="TabSearch" label="For the tab search feature."/>
<suffix name="TabSwitcherButton" label="For tab switcher button."/>
<suffix name="TrackingProtectionOffboarding"
label="for tracking protection offboarding notice"/>
<suffix name="TrackingProtectionOnboarding"
label="for tracking protection onboarding notice"/>
<suffix name="TranslateMenuButton" label="For translate menu button."/>
<suffix name="UpdatedConnectionSecurityIndicators"
label="For updated omnibox connection security indicators."/>
<suffix name="VideoTutorial_NTP_ChromeIntro"
label="For Chrome intro video tutorial."/>
<suffix name="VideoTutorial_NTP_Download"
label="For download video tutorial."/>
<suffix name="VideoTutorial_NTP_Search" label="For search video tutorial."/>
<suffix name="VideoTutorial_NTP_Summary"
label="For video tutorial summary card."/>
<suffix name="VideoTutorial_NTP_VoiceSearch"
label="For voice search video tutorial."/>
<suffix name="VideoTutorial_TryNow"
label="For video tutorial Try Now feature."/>
<suffix name="WebFeedAwareness" label="For WebFeedAwareness feature."/>
<suffix name="WebFeedFollow" label="For Web Feed follow recommendations."/>
<suffix name="WebFeedPostFollowDialog"
label="For Web Feed successful follow operations."/>
<suffix name="WebFeedPostFollowDialogWithUIUpdate"
label="For Web Feed successful follow operations after the UI update."/>
<suffix name="WebUiHelpBubbleTest" label="For WebUiHelpBubbleTest feature."/>
<suffix name="WebUITabStrip" label="For the WebUI tab strip."/>
<suffix name="WhatsNewUpdated" label="For what's new updated content."/>
<affected-action name="InProductHelp.NotifyEvent.IPH"/>
<affected-action name="InProductHelp.NotifyUsedEvent.IPH"/>
<affected-action name="InProductHelp.ShouldTriggerHelpUI.IPH"/>
<affected-action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.Abort.IPH"/>
<affected-action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.Action.IPH"/>
<affected-action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.Cancel.IPH"/>
<affected-action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.Dismiss.IPH"/>
<affected-action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.FeatureEngaged.IPH"/>
<affected-action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.Snooze.IPH"/>
<affected-action name="UserEducation.MessageAction.Timeout.IPH"/>
<affected-action name="UserEducation.MessageNotShown.IPH"/>
<affected-action name="UserEducation.MessageShown.IPH"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="DownloadItem" label="Download a suggested item."/>
<suffix name="LearnMore" label="Open the learn more link for product help."/>
<suffix name="OpenItemInIncognitoTab"
label="Open a suggested item in an incognito tab."/>
<suffix name="OpenItemInNewTab" label="Open a suggested item in a new tab."/>
<suffix name="OpenItemInNewTabInGroup"
label="Open a suggested item in a new tab in group."/>
<suffix name="OpenItemInNewWindow"
label="Open a suggested item in a new window."/>
<suffix name="RemoveItem" label="Remove a suggested item."/>
<suffix name="Shown" label="Context menu is opened."/>
<affected-action name="ContextualSuggestions.ContextMenu"/>
<affected-action name="ExploreSites.ContextMenu"/>
<affected-action name="Suggestions.ContextMenu"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="DeleteAll" label="Delete all items in a section."/>
<suffix name="ShareAll" label="Share all items in a section."/>
<suffix name="StartSelecting"
label="Enter multi-select mode from the section menu."/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="Cancel" label="User canceled downloading an offline item."/>
<suffix name="MenuChange" label="User changed a specific offline item."/>
<suffix name="MenuDelete" label="User deleted a specific offline item."/>
<suffix name="MenuRename" label="User renamed a specific offline item."/>
<suffix name="MenuShare" label="User shared a specific offline item."/>
<suffix name="Open" label="User opened an offline item."/>
<suffix name="Pause" label="User paused downloading an offline item."/>
<suffix name="Resume" label="User resumed downloading an offline item."/>
<suffix name="Retry" label="User retried downloading an offline item."/>
<affected-action name="Android.DownloadManager.List.View.Action"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="Close"
label="User closed the download manager from the top menu."/>
<suffix name="MultiDelete"
label="User deleted multiple files from the top menu."/>
<suffix name="MultiShare"
label="User shared multiple files from the top menu."/>
<suffix name="Search" label="User started searching from the top menu."/>
<suffix name="Settings" label="User entered settings from the top menu."/>
<affected-action name="Android.DownloadManager.Menu.Action"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="FromTab" label="The back navigation is initiated from a Tab."/>
<suffix name="FromTabSwitcher"
label="The back navigation is initiated from the Tab switcher."/>
<affected-action name="StartSurface.ShownFromBackNavigation"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="SuggestionClicked"
label="The suggestion was clicked directly."/>
<suffix name="ToolbarButtonClicked" label="The toolbar button was shown."/>
<affected-action name="ContextualSuggestions"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="DoubleClick" label="Double click action."/>
<suffix name="DragAndDrop" label="Click and drag action."/>
<suffix name="LeftClick" label="Left click action."/>
<suffix name="RightClick" label="Right click action."/>
<suffix name="ScrollDown" label="Scroll down action."/>
<suffix name="ScrollLeft" label="Scroll left action."/>
<suffix name="ScrollRight" label="Scroll right action."/>
<suffix name="ScrollUp" label="Scroll up action."/>
<affected-action name="Accessibility.Autoclick"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="DeveloperRequestedNewTab"
label="Users tapped on a link with a target=_blank"/>
<suffix name="DropToMerge"
label="Users dragged a single tab and dropped it on another single tab
to create a group."/>
<suffix name="OpenInNewTab"
label="Users long pressed a link and opened in new tab."/>
<suffix name="TabMultiSelect"
label="Users tapped the 'Group' button in the TabSelectionEditor."/>
<suffix name="TabSwitcher"
label="Users tapped the 'Create group' button in TabSwitcher."/>
<affected-action name="TabGroup.Created"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="GridTabSwitcher"
label="Users switched tabs from the grid layout TabSwitcher."/>
<suffix name="TabGridDialogFromStrip"
label="Users switched tabs within the tab grid dialog."/>
<suffix name="TabGridDialogInSwitcher"
label="Users switched tabs between groups using tab grid dialog."/>
<suffix name="TabGridSheet"
label="Users switched tabs from the tab group in the bottom sheet
<suffix name="TabStrip" label="Users switched tabs from the tab strip."/>
<affected-action name="MobileTabSwitched"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="Hidden"
label="The conditional tab strip is hidden when Chrome is brought to
<suffix name="Visible"
label="The conditional tab strip is visible when Chrome is brought to
<affected-action name="TabStrip.SessionVisibility"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="NewTabTile"
label="[DEPRECATED] Users tapped the new tab tile in GridTabSwitcher,
causing a new tab to be created."/>
<suffix name="TabGridDialogFromStrip"
label="Users tapped '+' button on the tab group dialog toolbar, causing
a new tab to be created in the group. The dialog is expanded
from tab strip"/>
<suffix name="TabGridDialogInSwitcher"
label="Users tapped '+' button on the tab group dialog toolbar, causing
a new tab to be created in the group. The dialog is in tab
<suffix name="TabGridSheet"
label="Users tapped '+' button on the tab group bottom sheet toolbar
causes a new tab to be created in the group."/>
<suffix name="TabStrip"
label="Users tapped '+' button on the tab strip, causing a new tab to
be created in the group."/>
<affected-action name="MobileNewTabOpened"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="GridTabSwitcher"
label="Users tapped 'x' button on the tab in grid layout TabSwitcher,
causing a tab to be closed."/>
<suffix name="TabGridSheet"
label="Users tapped 'x' button on the tab in tab group bottom sheet,
causing a tab to be closed in the group."/>
<suffix name="TabStrip"
label="Users tapped the currently selected tab's favicon on the tab
strip, causing a tab to be closed in the group."/>
<affected-action name="MobileTabClosed"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="GridTabSwitcher"
label="Users tapped the currently selected tab in grid layout
<suffix name="TabGridSheet"
label="Users tapped the currently selected tab in tab group bottom
<affected-action name="MobileTabReturnedToCurrentTab"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="GridTabSwitcher"
label="Users swipe to close a tab in grid layout TabSwitcher."/>
<suffix name="TabGridDialogFromStrip"
label="Users swipe to close a tab in tab grid dialog from tab strip."/>
<suffix name="TabGridDialogInSwitcher"
label="Users swipe to close a tab in tab grid dialog from grid tab
<suffix name="TabGridSheet"
label="Users swipe to close a tab in tab group bottom sheet."/>
<affected-action name="MobileStackViewSwipeCloseTab"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="DropToMerge"
label="Users use drop-to-merge to combine a single tab and a group or
two groups."/>
<suffix name="RemoveFromGroup.TabGridDialogFromStrip"
label="Users ungroup a tab by dropping it on the ungroup bar in tab
grid dialog from tab strip."/>
<suffix name="RemoveFromGroup.TabGridDialogInSwitcher"
label="Users ungroup a tab by dropping it on the ungroup bar in tab
grid dialog from grid tab switcher."/>
<suffix name="Reordered.GridTabSwitcher"
label="Users drag to reorder tabs in grid layout TabSwitcher. Recorded
at each mini reordering during the gesture."/>
<suffix name="Reordered.TabGridDialogFromStrip"
label="Users drag to reorder tabs in tab grid dialog from tab strip.
Recorded at each mini reordering during the gesture."/>
<suffix name="Reordered.TabGridDialogInSwitcher"
label="Users drag to reorder tabs in tab grid dialog from grid tab
switcher. Recorded at each mini reordering during the gesture."/>
<suffix name="Reordered.TabGridSheet"
label="Users drag to reorder tabs in tab group bottom sheet. Recorded
at each mini reordering during the gesture."/>
<suffix name="Start.GridTabSwitcher"
label="Users long tap on a tab to trigger dragging in grid layout
<suffix name="Start.TabGridDialogFromStrip"
label="Users long tap on a tab to trigger dragging in tab grid dialog
from tab strip."/>
<suffix name="Start.TabGridDialogInSwitcher"
label="Users long tap on a tab to trigger dragging in tab grid dialog
from grid tab switcher."/>
<suffix name="Start.TabGridSheet"
label="Users long tap on a tab to trigger dragging in tab group bottom
<affected-action name="TabGrid.Drag"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="ShownOnTabUse"
label="The conditional tab strip shows when user did some intentional
tab-related interaction."/>
<suffix name="UndoDismiss"
label="After the tab strip is dismissed, users clicked on the undo
button in the snackbar to undo the dismissal."/>
<suffix name="UserDismissed"
label="Users clicked on the left button in conditional tab strip to
dismiss the strip in current session"/>
<affected-action name="TabStrip"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="Cancelled"
label="Users exited the TabSelectionEditor to the tab switcher via the
back arrow or through the system back."/>
<suffix name="Done"
label="Users tapped the action button on the top right corner."/>
<suffix name="OpenFromDialog"
label="Users tapped the ungroup button in the tab grid dialog."/>
<suffix name="TabSelected"
label="Users selected a tab in TabSelectionEditor."/>
<suffix name="TabUnselected"
label="Users un-selected a tab in TabSelectionEditor."/>
<affected-action name="TabMultiSelect"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="BookmarkTabs"
label="Users tapped on the bookmark tabs button in
<suffix name="BookmarkTabsSnackbarEditClicked"
label="Users tapped on the edit button on the bookmarks snackbar in
<suffix name="BookmarkTabsSnackbarEditNotClicked"
label="Users did not tap on the edit button on the bookmarks snackbar
in TabSelectionEditorV2."/>
<suffix name="Closed"
label="Catch all for closures of the TabSelectionEditorV2."/>
<suffix name="ClosedAutomatically"
label="Users closed the TabSelectionEditorV2 via an action."/>
<suffix name="ClosedByUser"
label="Users closed the TabSelectionEditorV2 explictly."/>
<suffix name="CloseTabs"
label="Users tapped on the close tabs button in TabSelectionEditorV2."/>
<suffix name="DeselectAll"
label="Users tapped on the deselect all button in TabSelectionEditorV2."/>
<suffix name="GroupTabs"
label="Users tapped on the group tabs button in TabSelectionEditorV2."/>
<suffix name="OpenFromDialog"
label="Users opened TabSelectionEditorV2 from the Tab Dialog."/>
<suffix name="OpenFromGrid"
label="Users opened TabSelectionEditorV2 from the Tab Switcher."/>
<suffix name="OpenLongPressInDialog"
label="Users enacted a longpress action from the Tab Dialog to enter
<suffix name="OpenLongPressInGrid"
label="Users enacted a longpress action from the Tab Switcher to enter
<suffix name="SelectAll"
label="Users tapped on the select all button in TabSelectionEditorV2."/>
<suffix name="SharedTabAsTextList"
label="Users tapped on the share button for a single tab in
<suffix name="SharedTabsListAsTextList"
label="Users tapped on the share button for multiple tabs in
<suffix name="UngroupTabs"
label="Users tapped on the ungroup tabs button in TabSelectionEditorV2."/>
<affected-action name="TabMultiSelectV2"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="BackPressTypeBackButton"
label="Users backpressed the promo by using the back button."/>
<suffix name="BackPressTypeSystemBackPress"
label="Users backpressed the promo using the system backpress handler."/>
<suffix name="DeviceSelectionScreen"
label="Users entered the device selection screen."/>
<suffix name="PromoResultAccepted"
label="Users accepted the promo by touching a restore tabs button."/>
<suffix name="PromoResultDismissedByBackpress"
label="Users dismissed the promo by backpressing."/>
<suffix name="PromoResultDismissedByScrim"
label="Users dismissed the promo by touching the scrim."/>
<suffix name="PromoResultDismissedBySwipe"
label="Users dismissed the promo by swiping down."/>
<suffix name="RestoredViaPromoScreen"
label="Users restored tabs via the promo home screen button."/>
<suffix name="RestoredViaReviewTabsScreen"
label="Users restored tabs via the review tabs screen button."/>
<suffix name="ReviewTabsScreen"
label="Users entered the review tabs screen."/>
<suffix name="SelectedNonDefaultDevice"
label="Users selected the non default device to restore tabs from."/>
<affected-action name="RestoreTabsOnFRE"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="LongTapMenu" label="Users closed a tab by long tap menu"/>
<affected-action name="MobileMenuCloseTab"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="AppMenu" label="Users opened a new tab by app menu"/>
<suffix name="LongTapMenu" label="Users opened a new tab by long tap menu"/>
<affected-action name="MobileMenuNewTab"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="AppMenu" label="Users opened a new incognito tab by app menu"/>
<suffix name="LongTapMenu"
label="Users opened a new incognito tab by long tap menu"/>
<affected-action name="MobileMenuNewIncognitoTab"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="TabGridDialog"
label="Users tapped expand button on the tab strip, causing tab grid
dialog to be shown."/>
<suffix name="TabGridSheet"
label="Users tapped expand button on the tab strip, causing tab grid
sheet to be shown."/>
<affected-action name="TabGroup.ExpandedFromStrip"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="Exit"
label="Users clicked the back button or the scrim to exit the tab group
<suffix name="ExpandedFromSwitcher"
label="Users clicked a card in TabSwitcher to open a dialog. See also
<suffix name="RemoveFromGroup.TabMultiSelect"
label="Users ungrouped tabs by clicking the ungroup option in the top
toolbar menu in tab grid dialog and selecting tabs they want to
<suffix name="SharedGroupAsTextList"
label="Users shared a tab group as a text list of links by clicking the
share option in the top toolbar menu in tab grid dialog."/>
<suffix name="TabGroupNamedInDialog"
label="Users named a tab group by clicking the title text field in tab
grid dialog and modifying."/>
<affected-action name="TabGridDialog"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="Closing"
label="Users took action on the closing tabs suggestion."/>
<suffix name="Grouping"
label="Users took action on the grouping tabs suggestion."/>
<affected-action name="TabsSuggestions.Considered.Accepted"/>
<affected-action name="TabsSuggestions.Considered.Dismissed"/>
<affected-action name="TabsSuggestions.NotConsidered"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="AddInputMethod" label="Users tapped 'Add input method'"/>
<suffix name="AddLanguages" label="Users tapped 'Add languages'"/>
<suffix name="ManageInputMethods"
label="Users tapped 'Manage Input Methods'"/>
<affected-action name="ChromeOS.Settings.Languages"/>
<affected-action name="ChromeOS.Settings.Languages.Browser"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="AppMenu" label="via App Menu entry point"/>
<suffix name="Feed" label="via Feed entry point"/>
<affected-action name="Crow.EntryPointShown"/>
<affected-action name="Crow.LaunchCustomTab"/>
<action-suffix separator="_" ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="DisplayButton" label="Display pillar page button"/>
<suffix name="EasyButton" label="Easy pillar page button"/>
<suffix name="FastButton" label="Fast pillar page button"/>
<suffix name="GameButton" label="Game pillar page button"/>
<suffix name="GraphicsButton" label="Graphics pillar page button"/>
<suffix name="KeyboardButton" label="Keyboard pillar page button"/>
<suffix name="PeripheralsButton" label="Peripherals pillar page button"/>
<suffix name="PowerfulButton" label="Powerful pillar page button"/>
<suffix name="SecureButton" label="Secure pillar page button"/>
<affected-action name="DemoMode_Highlights_HomePage_Click"/>
<affected-action name="DemoMode_Highlights_Navbar_Click"/>
<action-suffix separator="_" ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="AppsButton" label="Apps pillar page button"/>
<suffix name="ChromeOSButton" label="ChromeOS pillar page button"/>
<suffix name="PerformanceButton" label="Performance pillar page button"/>
<affected-action name="DemoMode_Highlights_HomePage_Click"/>
<action-suffix separator="_" ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="NextButton" label="next button in pillar pages"/>
<suffix name="PreviousButton" label="previous button in pillar pages"/>
<affected-action name="DemoMode_Highlights_PillarPage_Click"/>
<action-suffix separator="_" ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="AdobeButton" label="Adobe details page button"/>
<suffix name="BatteryButton" label="Battery details page button"/>
<suffix name="ComparisonButton" label="Comparison details page button"/>
<suffix name="DisplayEntertainmentButton"
label="Display (Entertainment) details page button"/>
<suffix name="DisplayPerformanceButton"
label="Display (Performance) details page button"/>
<suffix name="EntertainmentAppsButton"
label="Entertainment Apps details page button"/>
<suffix name="GoogleAppsButton" label="Google Apps details page button"/>
<suffix name="LumaFusionButton" label="LumaFusion details page button"/>
<suffix name="MessagingButton" label="Messaging details page button"/>
<suffix name="MobileGamingButton" label="Mobile Gaming details page button"/>
<suffix name="MS365AppsButton" label="MS365 Apps details page button"/>
<suffix name="MSOfficeButton" label="MSOffice details page button"/>
<suffix name="MSOneDrive" label="MSOneDrive details page button (obsolete)"/>
<suffix name="NearbyShareButton" label="Nearby Share details page button"/>
<suffix name="OfflineModeButton" label="Offline Mode details page button"/>
<suffix name="PCConsoleGamingButton"
label="PC/Console Gaming details page button"/>
<suffix name="PhotosButton" label="Photos details page button"/>
<suffix name="ProcessorButton" label="Processor details page button"/>
<suffix name="StorageButton" label="Storage details page button"/>
<suffix name="SwitchingButton" label="Switching details page button"/>
<suffix name="VideoCallButton" label="Video Call details page button"/>
<affected-action name="DemoMode_Highlights_DetailsPage_Clicked"/>
<action-suffix separator="_" ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="Aborted"
label="The user or other events (identity disappeared, Chrome shutdown)
dismissed the History Sync Opt-In screen"/>
<suffix name="AlreadyOptedIn"
label="The History Sync Opt-In screen is skipped since the user has
already opted-in for history sync previously"/>
<suffix name="Completed" label="The user tapped on the accept button"/>
<suffix name="Declined" label="The user tapped on the decline button"/>
<suffix name="Skipped"
label="The History Sync Opt-In screen is skipped (Since sync is
disabled by policies or the user is signed-out)"/>
<suffix name="Started" label="The History Sync Opt-In screen is shown"/>
<suffix name="SwipedDown"
label="The user dismissed the History Sync Opt-In screen by swiping
<affected-action name="Signin_HistorySync"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="AvatarButton" label="Avatar(profile) button"/>
<suffix name="ChromeLabsButton" label="Chrome Labs button"/>
<suffix name="DownloadButton" label="Download button"/>
<suffix name="ExtensionsMenuButton" label="Extensions button"/>
<suffix name="ForwardButton" label="Forward button"/>
<suffix name="HomeButton" label="Home button"/>
<suffix name="MediaButton" label="Media button"/>
<suffix name="NewTabButton" label="New tab button for thumbnail tab strip"/>
<suffix name="PinnedClearBrowsingDataButton"
label="Pinned clear browsing data button"/>
<suffix name="PinnedNewIncognitoWindowButton"
label="Pinned new incognito window button"/>
<suffix name="PinnedPrintButton" label="Pinned print button"/>
<suffix name="PinnedShowBookmarkSidePanelButton"
label="Pinned show bookmark side panel button"/>
<suffix name="PinnedShowHistorySidePanelButton"
label="Pinned show history side panel button"/>
<suffix name="PinnedShowReadAnythingSidePanelButton"
label="Pinned show read anything side panel button"/>
<suffix name="PinnedShowReadingListSidePanelButton"
label="Pinned show reading list side panel button"/>
<suffix name="PinnedShowSearchCompanionSidePanelButton"
label="Pinned show search companion side panel button"/>
<suffix name="PinnedTaskManagerButton" label="Pinned task manager button"/>
<suffix name="ShowPerformanceSidePanelButton"
label="Show performance side panel button"/>
<suffix name="SidePanelButton" label="Side Panel button"/>
<affected-action name="ResponsiveToolbar.OverflowMenuItemActivated"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="kActionSidePanelShowBookmarks"
label="Show bookmarks side panel action"/>
<suffix name="kActionSidePanelShowFeed" label="Show feed side panel action"/>
<suffix name="kActionSidePanelShowHistoryCluster"
label="Show history clusster side panel action"/>
<suffix name="kActionSidePanelShowPerformance"
label="Show performance side panel action"/>
<suffix name="kActionSidePanelShowReadAnything"
label="Show read anything side panel action"/>
<suffix name="kActionSidePanelShowReadingList"
label="Show reading list side panel action"/>
<suffix name="kActionSidePanelShowSearchCompanion"
label="Show search companion side panel action"/>
<suffix name="kActionSidePanelShowUserNote"
label="Show user note side panel action"/>
<affected-action name="Actions.PinnedToolbarButton.Pinned.ByContextMenu"/>
<affected-action name="Actions.PinnedToolbarButton.Unpinned.ByContextMenu"/>
<action-suffix separator="." ordering="suffix">
<suffix name="FRE" label="During FRE"/>
<suffix name="Startup" label="During startup promo"/>
<affected-action name="IOS.Omnibox.Promo.PositionDiscarded"/>
<affected-action name="IOS.Omnibox.Promo.PositionValidated"/>
<affected-action name="IOS.Omnibox.Promo.Presented"/>
<affected-action name="IOS.Omnibox.Promo.Skipped"/>