[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 5b129640b6f6cf4c8337d8d8e243996d1a616e28 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
namespace media {
// This struct specifies software audio processing effects to be applied by
// Chrome to mic capture audio. If system / hardware effects replace effects in
// this struct, then the corresponding parameters in the struct should be
// disabled.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT AudioProcessingSettings {
bool echo_cancellation = true;
bool noise_suppression = true;
// Keytap removal, sometimes called "experimental noise suppression".
bool transient_noise_suppression = true;
bool automatic_gain_control = true;
bool high_pass_filter = true;
// Multi-channel is not an individual audio effect, but determines whether the
// processing algorithms should preserve multi-channel input audio.
bool multi_channel_capture_processing = true;
bool stereo_mirroring = false;
// TODO(https://crbug.com/1269723): Deprecate this setting.
// This flag preserves the behavior of the to-be-deprecated flag / constraint
// |AudioProcessingProperties::goog_experimental_echo_cancellation|: It has no
// effect on what effects are enabled, but for legacy reasons, it forces APM
// to be created and used.
bool force_apm_creation =
bool operator==(const AudioProcessingSettings& b) const {
return echo_cancellation == b.echo_cancellation &&
noise_suppression == b.noise_suppression &&
transient_noise_suppression == b.transient_noise_suppression &&
automatic_gain_control == b.automatic_gain_control &&
high_pass_filter == b.high_pass_filter &&
multi_channel_capture_processing ==
b.multi_channel_capture_processing &&
stereo_mirroring == b.stereo_mirroring &&
force_apm_creation == b.force_apm_creation;
bool NeedWebrtcAudioProcessing() const {
// TODO(https://crbug.com/1269364): Legacy iOS-specific behavior;
// reconsider.
if (stereo_mirroring)
return true;
if (echo_cancellation || automatic_gain_control) {
return true;
if (force_apm_creation)
return true;
return noise_suppression || high_pass_filter || transient_noise_suppression;
bool NeedAudioModification() const {
return NeedWebrtcAudioProcessing() || stereo_mirroring;
// Deprecated.
// TODO(crbug.com/1410129): Use `AudioProcessor::NeedsPlayoutReference()`
// instead.
bool NeedPlayoutReference() const {
return echo_cancellation || automatic_gain_control;
// Stringifies the settings for human-readable logging.
std::string ToString() const;
} // namespace media