[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: bdc5bb04fd50531ced7dd8f8d11ea7db43803954 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/safe_browsing/core/common/proto/safebrowsingv5.pb.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/fetch_api.mojom.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
class PrefService;
namespace variations {
class VariationsService;
// These are utils for hash-prefix real-time lookups.
namespace safe_browsing::hash_realtime_utils {
constexpr size_t kHashPrefixLength = 4; // bytes
constexpr size_t kFullHashLength = 32; // bytes
// Specifies which hash-prefix real-time lookup should be used.
enum class HashRealTimeSelection {
// There should not be any lookup.
kNone = 0,
// The lookup performed should use the native HashRealTimeService. This is
// relevant to Desktop and iOS.
kHashRealTimeService = 1,
// The lookup performed should use the database manager. This is relevant to
// Android (Chrome and WebView).
kDatabaseManager = 2,
// Used only for tests. This is useful so that more than just
// GOOGLE_CHROME_BRANDING bots are capable of testing code that only runs when
// |IsHashRealTimeLookupEligibleInSession| returns true. To allow pretending
// that there is Google Chrome branding on unbranded builds, create an object
// of this type and keep it in scope for as long as the override should exist.
// The constructor will set the override, and the destructor will clear it. If
// necessary, the override can be cleared by calling |StopApplyingBranding|.
class GoogleChromeBrandingPretenderForTesting {
const GoogleChromeBrandingPretenderForTesting&) = delete;
GoogleChromeBrandingPretenderForTesting& operator=(
const GoogleChromeBrandingPretenderForTesting&) = delete;
// The normal way to stop applying branding is for this object to go out of
// scope. However, if necessary it can also be done manually by calling this
// method.
void StopApplyingBranding();
// Returns whether the |url| is eligible for hash-prefix real-time checks.
// It's never eligible if the |request_destination| is not mainframe.
bool CanCheckUrl(const GURL& url,
network::mojom::RequestDestination request_destination);
// Returns whether the full hash detail is relevant for hash-prefix real-time
// lookups.
bool IsHashDetailRelevant(const V5::FullHash::FullHashDetail& detail);
// Returns the 4-byte prefix of the requested 32-byte full hash.
std::string GetHashPrefix(const std::string& full_hash);
// Specifies whether hash-prefix real-time lookups are possible for the browser
// session. For cases when the user's location should not influence the logic,
// This should be used over |IsHashRealTimeLookupEligibleInSessionAndLocation|,
// for example for determining the settings UI description of Standard Safe
// Browsing.
bool IsHashRealTimeLookupEligibleInSession();
// Based on the user's browser session and location, specifies whether
// hash-prefix real-time lookups are eligible. Outside of tests,
// |stored_permanent_country| should be determined with the helper function
// |hash_realtime_utils::GetCountryCode|. If it's passed in as absl::nullopt,
// the location is considered eligible.
bool IsHashRealTimeLookupEligibleInSessionAndLocation(
absl::optional<std::string> stored_permanent_country);
// Returns the stored permanent country. If |variations_service| is null,
// returns absl::nullopt. This should be used only as a helper to determine the
// country code to pass into |IsHashRealTimeLookupEligibleInSessionAndLocation|
// and |DetermineHashRealTimeSelection|. This is separated out into a function
// to simplify tests.
absl::optional<std::string> GetCountryCode(
variations::VariationsService* variations_service);
// Based on the user's settings and session, determines which hash-prefix
// real-time lookup should be used, if any. If |log_usage_histograms| is true,
// this will log metrics related to whether hash real-time lookups were
// available or why not. Outside of tests, |stored_permanent_country| should be
// determined with the helper function |hash_realtime_utils::GetCountryCode|.
// If it's passed in as absl::nullopt, the location is considered eligible.
HashRealTimeSelection DetermineHashRealTimeSelection(
bool is_off_the_record,
PrefService* prefs,
absl::optional<std::string> stored_permanent_country,
bool log_usage_histograms = false);
// A helper for consumers that want to recompute
// |DetermineHashRealTimeSelection| when there are pref changes. This returns
// all prefs that modify the outcome of that method.
std::vector<const char*> GetHashRealTimeSelectionConfiguringPrefs();
} // namespace safe_browsing::hash_realtime_utils