[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: 04b233356e0f400c2e7bff49882edfa0180359a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromecast/media/cma/backend/proxy/push_buffer_queue.h"
#include <atomic>
#include "base/notreached.h"
#include "base/template_util.h"
#include "chromecast/media/api/decoder_buffer_base.h"
#include "third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/util/delimited_message_util.h"
namespace chromecast {
namespace media {
namespace {
// The number of consecutive failed read attempts before the buffer is
// determined to be in an invalid state.
int kMaximumFailedReadAttempts = 10;
// The maximum size of a read/write window used by the underlying buffer. This
// is the maximum size of the array which will be cached for upcoming use.
// size_t type is used here to simplify comparison logic later on.
size_t kWindowSizeBytes = 32;
} // namespace
// static
constexpr size_t PushBufferQueue::kBufferSizeBytes;
: producer_handler_(this),
consumer_stream_(absl::in_place, &consumer_handler_),
protobuf_consumer_stream_(absl::in_place, &consumer_stream_.value(), 1),
producer_stream_(absl::in_place, &producer_handler_) {
PushBufferQueue::~PushBufferQueue() = default;
CmaBackend::BufferStatus PushBufferQueue::PushBuffer(
const PushBufferRequest& request) {
auto success = PushBufferImpl(request);
if (success) {
return success ? CmaBackend::BufferStatus::kBufferSuccess
: CmaBackend::BufferStatus::kBufferFailed;
bool PushBufferQueue::PushBufferImpl(const PushBufferRequest& request) {
bytes_written_during_current_write_ = 0;
// NOTE: This method is used instead of SerializeDelimitedToZeroCopyStream()
// due to bugs in the method's implementation. See b/173477672.
bool success = google::protobuf::util::SerializeDelimitedToOstream(
request, &producer_stream_.value());
if (success) {
} else {
// Now the stream is in a bad state, so recreate it. This should only occur
// when the entire |buffer_| is full at time of writing.
bytes_written_during_current_write_ = 0;
producer_stream_ = absl::nullopt;
return success;
bool PushBufferQueue::HasBufferedData() const {
return !is_in_invalid_state_ && GetAvailableyByteCount() != size_t{0};
PushBufferQueue::GetBufferedData() {
auto result = GetBufferedDataImpl();
if (result.has_value()) {
return result;
PushBufferQueue::GetBufferedDataImpl() {
bytes_read_during_current_read_ = 0;
PushBufferRequest request;
bool succeeded = google::protobuf::util::ParseDelimitedFromZeroCopyStream(
&request, &protobuf_consumer_stream_.value(), nullptr /* clean_eof */);
// This case will only occur in one of the following cases:
// - Reading a PushBuffer at the same time it is being written.
// - An error occurs while reading from the stream (specifically, a PushBuffer
// was serialized incorrectly).
// The former case is not expected to occur, but is handled to be safe.
// The latter case is only expected if the buffer is written to when not
// enough space is available to handle the new write.
if (!succeeded) {
if (+consecuitive_read_failures_ > kMaximumFailedReadAttempts) {
// This means that data was probably serialized incorrectly.
is_in_invalid_state_ = true;
// Reset the read pointers so that future reads re-read the old data.
bytes_read_during_current_read_ = 0;
// If |!succeeded|, the streams have ended up in an unexpected state and
// need to be recreated.
protobuf_consumer_stream_ = absl::nullopt;
consumer_stream_ = absl::nullopt;
protobuf_consumer_stream_.emplace(&consumer_stream_.value(), 1);
return absl::nullopt;
consecuitive_read_failures_ = 0;
return request;
int PushBufferQueue::GetAvailableyByteCount() const {
const int total_bytes_read =
bytes_read_so_far_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) +
const int total_bytes_written =
return total_bytes_written - total_bytes_read;
PushBufferQueue::ProducerHandler::ProducerHandler(PushBufferQueue* queue)
: queue_(queue) {
PushBufferQueue::ProducerHandler::~ProducerHandler() = default;
int PushBufferQueue::ProducerHandler::overflow(int ch) {
// Get the number of bytes read and written so far.
const size_t current_read_bytes =
const int currently_written_bytes = UpdateBytesWritten();
DCHECK_GE(static_cast<size_t>(currently_written_bytes), current_read_bytes);
// Calculates the current size of the buffer.
const size_t bytes_currently_used =
currently_written_bytes - current_read_bytes;
DCHECK_LE(bytes_currently_used, kBufferSizeBytes);
// Calculates the number of bytes that should be included in the next write
// window, which is the least of:
// - |kWindowSizeBytes|
// - The number that can be written before wrapping around to the beginning of
// the underlying array,
// - The number of bytes available before the current read pointer.
const size_t current_write_index = currently_written_bytes % kBufferSizeBytes;
const size_t available_writable_bytes =
std::min(kBufferSizeBytes - current_write_index,
current_read_bytes + kBufferSizeBytes - currently_written_bytes);
const size_t new_window_size =
std::min(kWindowSizeBytes, available_writable_bytes);
// If there is no writable area, then return a special value per method
// contact.
if (new_window_size == 0) {
setp(epptr(), epptr());
return std::char_traits<char>::eof();
// Update the pointers that determine the writable area and write the given
// value |ch| if one was given.
&queue_->buffer_[current_write_index + new_window_size]);
const bool should_write_ch = (ch != std::char_traits<char>::eof());
if (should_write_ch) {
return 1; // This can be any value except std::char_traits<char>::eof().
void PushBufferQueue::ProducerHandler::ApplyNewBytesWritten() {
queue_->bytes_written_during_current_write_, std::memory_order_relaxed);
queue_->bytes_written_during_current_write_ = 0;
size_t PushBufferQueue::ProducerHandler::UpdateBytesWritten() {
const int change_in_write_count = pptr() - pbase();
DCHECK_GE(change_in_write_count, 0);
queue_->bytes_written_during_current_write_ += change_in_write_count;
return queue_->bytes_written_so_far_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) +
PushBufferQueue::ConsumerHandler::ConsumerHandler(PushBufferQueue* queue)
: queue_(queue) {
PushBufferQueue::ConsumerHandler::~ConsumerHandler() = default;
int PushBufferQueue::ConsumerHandler::underflow() {
// Get the written and read bytes.
const size_t currently_written_bytes =
const size_t current_read_bytes = UpdateBytesRead();
DCHECK_GE(currently_written_bytes, current_read_bytes);
// Stop reading at either the end of the array or the current write index,
// whichever is sooner. While there may be more data wrapped around after the
// end of the array, that can be handled as part of the next underflow() call.
const size_t avail = currently_written_bytes - current_read_bytes;
const size_t begin = current_read_bytes % kBufferSizeBytes;
const size_t end = std::min(begin + avail, kBufferSizeBytes);
const size_t new_window_size = std::min(end - begin, kWindowSizeBytes);
// This means that there are no bytes left to read. Return a special value per
// method contract.
if (new_window_size == 0) {
return std::char_traits<char>::eof();
// Otherwise, there is still readable data. Update the readable window and
// return the current character per method contact. Because
// std::char_traits<char>::eof() is a special return code, cast to a uint to
// avoid all negative results (EOF is guaranteed to be negative by the stl).
DCHECK_LE(current_read_bytes + new_window_size, currently_written_bytes);
setg(&queue_->buffer_[begin], &queue_->buffer_[begin],
&queue_->buffer_[begin + new_window_size]);
return static_cast<uint8_t>(queue_->buffer_[begin]);
void PushBufferQueue::ConsumerHandler::ResetReadPointers() {
const size_t begin =
queue_->bytes_read_so_far_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) %
setg(&queue_->buffer_[begin], &queue_->buffer_[begin],
void PushBufferQueue::ConsumerHandler::ApplyNewBytesRead() {
queue_->bytes_read_during_current_read_ = 0;
size_t PushBufferQueue::ConsumerHandler::UpdateBytesRead() {
const int change_in_read_count = GetReadOffset();
DCHECK_GE(change_in_read_count, 0);
queue_->bytes_read_during_current_read_ += change_in_read_count;
return queue_->bytes_read_so_far_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) +
int PushBufferQueue::ConsumerHandler::GetReadOffset() const {
return gptr() - eback();
} // namespace media
} // namespace chromecast