[go: nahoru, domu]

blob: a1a5501c1210699ede71b8494417dd09de094bbf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/atomic_sequence_num.h"
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "gpu/config/gpu_feature_info.h"
#include "gpu/config/gpu_info.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_export.h"
#include "gpu/ipc/client/image_decode_accelerator_proxy.h"
#include "gpu/ipc/client/shared_image_interface_proxy.h"
#include "gpu/ipc/common/gpu_channel.mojom.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_listener.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/shared_associated_remote.h"
#include "ui/gfx/gpu_memory_buffer.h"
namespace IPC {
class ChannelMojo;
namespace gpu {
class ClientSharedImageInterface;
struct SyncToken;
class GpuChannelHost;
class GpuMemoryBufferManager;
using GpuChannelEstablishedCallback =
class GPU_EXPORT GpuChannelEstablishFactory {
virtual ~GpuChannelEstablishFactory() = default;
virtual void EstablishGpuChannel(GpuChannelEstablishedCallback callback) = 0;
virtual scoped_refptr<GpuChannelHost> EstablishGpuChannelSync() = 0;
virtual GpuMemoryBufferManager* GetGpuMemoryBufferManager() = 0;
// Encapsulates an IPC channel between the client and one GPU process.
// On the GPU process side there's a corresponding GpuChannel.
// Every method can be called on any thread with a message loop, except for the
// IO thread.
class GPU_EXPORT GpuChannelHost
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<GpuChannelHost> {
int channel_id,
const gpu::GPUInfo& gpu_info,
const gpu::GpuFeatureInfo& gpu_feature_info,
const gpu::SharedImageCapabilities& shared_image_capabilities,
mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle handle,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> io_task_runner = nullptr);
GpuChannelHost(const GpuChannelHost&) = delete;
GpuChannelHost& operator=(const GpuChannelHost&) = delete;
bool IsLost() const { return !connection_tracker_->is_connected(); }
int channel_id() const { return channel_id_; }
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner>& io_task_runner() {
return io_thread_;
// Virtual for testing.
virtual mojom::GpuChannel& GetGpuChannel();
// The GPU stats reported by the GPU process.
const gpu::GPUInfo& gpu_info() const { return gpu_info_; }
const gpu::GpuFeatureInfo& gpu_feature_info() const {
return gpu_feature_info_;
// Enqueue a deferred message for the ordering barrier and return an
// identifier that can be used to ensure or verify the deferred message later.
uint32_t OrderingBarrier(int32_t route_id,
int32_t put_offset,
std::vector<SyncToken> sync_token_fences);
// Enqueues an IPC message that is deferred until the next implicit or
// explicit flush. The IPC is also possibly gated on one or more SyncTokens
// being released, but is handled in-order relative to other such IPCs and/or
// OrderingBarriers. Returns a deferred message id just like OrderingBarrier.
uint32_t EnqueueDeferredMessage(
mojom::DeferredRequestParamsPtr params,
std::vector<SyncToken> sync_token_fences = {});
// Ensure that the all deferred messages prior upto |deferred_message_id| have
// been flushed. Pass UINT32_MAX to force all pending deferred messages to be
// flushed.
virtual void EnsureFlush(uint32_t deferred_message_id);
// Verify that the all deferred messages prior upto |deferred_message_id| have
// reached the service. Pass UINT32_MAX to force all pending deferred messages
// to be verified.
void VerifyFlush(uint32_t deferred_message_id);
// Destroy this channel. Must be called on the main thread, before
// destruction.
void DestroyChannel();
// Reserve one unused image ID.
int32_t ReserveImageId();
// Generate a route ID guaranteed to be unique for this channel.
int32_t GenerateRouteID();
// Creates a GpuMemoryBufferHandle in service side on the IO thread. This is a
// blocking call and will block the calling client.
void CreateGpuMemoryBuffer(const gfx::Size& size,
const viz::SharedImageFormat& format,
gfx::BufferUsage buffer_usage,
gfx::GpuMemoryBufferHandle* handle);
void GetGpuMemoryBufferHandleInfo(const Mailbox& mailbox,
gfx::GpuMemoryBufferHandle* handle,
viz::SharedImageFormat* format,
gfx::Size* size,
gfx::BufferUsage* buffer_usage);
// Crashes the GPU process. This functionality is added here because
// of instability when creating a new tab just to navigate to
// chrome://gpucrash . This only works when running tests and is
// otherwise ignored.
void CrashGpuProcessForTesting();
// Terminates the GPU process with an exit code of 0. This only works when
// running tests and is otherwise ignored.
void TerminateGpuProcessForTesting();
// Virtual for testing.
virtual std::unique_ptr<ClientSharedImageInterface>
ImageDecodeAcceleratorProxy* image_decode_accelerator_proxy() {
return &image_decode_accelerator_proxy_;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<GpuChannelHost>;
virtual ~GpuChannelHost();
// Tracks whether we still have a working connection to the GPU process. This
// is updated eaglerly from the IO thread if the connection is broken, but it
// may be queried from any thread via GpuChannel::IsLost(). This is why it's a
// RefCountedThreadSafe object.
struct ConnectionTracker
: public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ConnectionTracker> {
bool is_connected() const { return is_connected_.load(); }
void OnDisconnectedFromGpuProcess();
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ConnectionTracker>;
std::atomic_bool is_connected_{true};
// A filter used internally to route incoming messages from the IO thread
// to the correct message loop. It also maintains some shared state between
// all the contexts.
class GPU_EXPORT Listener : public IPC::Listener {
~Listener() override;
// Called on the GpuChannelHost's thread.
void Initialize(mojo::ScopedMessagePipeHandle handle,
mojo::PendingAssociatedReceiver<mojom::GpuChannel> receiver,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> io_task_runner);
// Called on the IO thread.
void Close();
// IPC::Listener implementation
// (called on the IO thread):
bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& msg) override;
void OnChannelError() override;
mutable base::Lock lock_;
std::unique_ptr<IPC::ChannelMojo> channel_ GUARDED_BY(lock_);
struct OrderingBarrierInfo {
OrderingBarrierInfo& operator=(OrderingBarrierInfo&&);
// Route ID of the command buffer for this command buffer flush.
int32_t route_id;
// Client put offset. Service get offset is updated in shared memory.
int32_t put_offset;
// Increasing counter for the deferred message.
uint32_t deferred_message_id;
// Sync token dependencies of the message. These are sync tokens for which
// waits are in the commands that are part of this command buffer flush.
std::vector<SyncToken> sync_token_fences;
void EnqueuePendingOrderingBarrier();
void InternalFlush(uint32_t deferred_message_id);
// Threading notes: all fields are constant during the lifetime of |this|
// except:
// - |next_image_id_|, atomic type
// - |next_route_id_|, atomic type
// - |deferred_messages_| and |*_deferred_message_id_| protected by
// |context_lock_|
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> io_thread_;
const int channel_id_;
const gpu::GPUInfo gpu_info_;
const gpu::GpuFeatureInfo gpu_feature_info_;
// Lifetime/threading notes: Listener only operates on the IO thread, and
// outlives |this|. It is therefore safe to PostTask calls to the IO thread
// with base::Unretained(listener_).
std::unique_ptr<Listener, base::OnTaskRunnerDeleter> listener_;
// Atomically tracks whether the GPU connection has been lost. This can be
// queried from any thread by IsLost() but is always set on the IO thread as
// soon as disconnection is detected.
const scoped_refptr<ConnectionTracker> connection_tracker_;
mojo::SharedAssociatedRemote<mojom::GpuChannel> gpu_channel_;
SharedImageInterfaceProxy shared_image_interface_;
// A client-side helper to send image decode requests to the GPU process.
ImageDecodeAcceleratorProxy image_decode_accelerator_proxy_;
// Image IDs are allocated in sequence.
base::AtomicSequenceNumber next_image_id_;
// Route IDs are allocated in sequence.
base::AtomicSequenceNumber next_route_id_;
// Protects |deferred_messages_|, |pending_ordering_barrier_| and
// |*_deferred_message_id_|.
mutable base::Lock context_lock_;
std::vector<mojom::DeferredRequestPtr> deferred_messages_
absl::optional<OrderingBarrierInfo> pending_ordering_barrier_
uint32_t next_deferred_message_id_ GUARDED_BY(context_lock_) = 1;
// Highest deferred message id in |deferred_messages_|.
uint32_t enqueued_deferred_message_id_ GUARDED_BY(context_lock_) = 0;
// Highest deferred message id sent to the channel.
uint32_t flushed_deferred_message_id_ GUARDED_BY(context_lock_) = 0;
// Highest deferred message id known to have been received by the service.
uint32_t verified_deferred_message_id_ GUARDED_BY(context_lock_) = 0;
} // namespace gpu